Bearing Habit
Bearing Habit
Bearing Habit
Depending on the position of fruit bud and the kind of flower bearing shoots it produces, fruit trees
can be classified into following eight groups. Basically there are two types of flowering: terminal and
lateral and within each category there is variation depending on flower shoot: pure or mix, terminal
or lateral
Group-1: Fruit buds borne terminally and unfold to produce inflorescence without leaves.
E.g. mango.
Group-2: Fruit buds borne terminally unfolding to produce leafy shoots hat terminate into flower
clusters e.g. apple and unfolding to produce leafy shoot with flower cluster in the leaf axils.
E.g. Fig and Avocado.
Group—3: Fruit buds borne terminally unfolding to produce leafy shoots with flowers or flower
cluster in the axil of leaf. E.g. Guava
Group-4: Fruit buds borne laterally unfolding to produce flowers without leafy parts.
E.g. Citrus, Coconut, Papaya and Coffee.
Group-5: Fruit buds borne laterally unfolding to produce leafy shoot terminating in flower clusters.
E.g. Grapes.
Group-7: Fruit buds borne both terminally and laterally but unfolding to produce inflorescence
terminally. E.g. Walnut.