Key Advantages
Be secure.
Complete visibility of your AWS, Azure,
and Google Cloud infrastructure with
a single, multi-cloud dashboard.
View your risk status and violations
with clear remediation steps and
immediate resolution.
Be compliant.
Industry standards and compliance
requirements are constantly changing.
Benefit from continuous scans against
compliance and industry standards,
including the SOC2, NIST, CIS, PCI DSS,
GDPR, HIPAA, and more.
Be assured.
Fully API-enabled automation removes
the manual, repetitive tasks that are
prone to human error. Embrace DevOps
without the fear of misconfiguration
introducing security gaps to your cloud
Proactive prevention and automation
In addition to providing real-time threat monitoring and auto-remediation for your cloud
environments, you’ll quickly realize the value of shifting security and compliance to the
earliest phase of your CI/CD pipeline. With our Infrastructure as code (IaC) template
scanning, templates can instantly be run through the Conformity API during the coding
process. This will enable automated, proactive prevention of misconfigurations and give
you peace of mind that the code moving into your cloud infrastructure is fully compliant
and aligned to industry best practices.
1 2
IDE Plugin scans GitHub Actions integration to
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) scan the IaC
as developers code it Developer commits the
IaC code changes
6 4
CI tool
The CI tool returns the The CI tool pushes IaC to the Trend
success/failure results to the Cloud One™ – Conformity
user and release branch owner API, using Bash or Python
via UI or email
Conformity returns
5 the results to the Conformity
CI: Continuous Integration CI tool
IDE Plugin: Integrated Development Environment Plugin
Whether your cloud exploration is just taking shape, TRY IT IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT TODAY!
you’re midway through a migration, or you’re already
Sign up for a free trial of Conformity
running complex workloads in the cloud, Conformity
can help. This solution offers full visibility of your cloud
infrastructure and provides continuous cloud security Resources to learn more:
and compliance posture management based on the Conformity web page
AWS Well-Architected Framework. Let us do the heavy
Knowledge Base of best practice’s
lifting so you can focus on innovating.
Integration with:
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trademarks or registered trademarks of Trend Micro Incorporated. All other
company and/or product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks
of their owners. Information contained in this document is subject to change
without notice. [DS10_Cloud_One_Conformity_221221_US]
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