Cloud Security Gouvernance & Assurance
Cloud Security Gouvernance & Assurance
Cloud Security Gouvernance & Assurance
March 2022 | 1
Context of the POV 3
Objectives of the POV 5
Cloud Security Governance Overview 7
Key Drivers for Security Governance 9
Security Governance in Cloud Environment 11
Resources & References for Cloud Security Governance 15
Cloud Security Assurance and Governance Framework 18
Recommendations 24
Frequently Asked Questions 26
March 2022 | 3
Cloud as a Digitization Enabler Enterprises should strive towards systematically
dealing with the potential security & privacy threats
In the current context of rapid digitization, cloud has to their cloud environments. There should be a
emerged as a key enabler for organizations across continual attempt at adhering to sound security best
the board for adopting technology at a faster pace practices and principles as this would pave the way
and reaping the benefits associated with the same. for inculcating trust in the customers and consumers.
Be it enhanced productivity, or the ability to attain However, security environment tends to be complex.
scalability of operations or drive innovative delivery On cloud, enterprises would be able to orchestrate
of products and services, cloud has become an and manage security better by using existing pool
integral part of the overall digitization journey. From of tools, technologies, and services on the cloud.
a sectoral standpoint, banking financial services and Organizations may not have all the expertise in-
insurance, manufacturing, healthcare, e-commerce, house to cater to all the aspects of security on
government, and others, have been adopting cloud cloud and may partner with other stakeholders like
and pushing the digitization agenda forward. managed service providers, capability providers to
effectively manage security on cloud.
Securing Cloud for Enhanced Trust in
Digital Economy Governing Security Affairs on Cloud
While the cloud adoption agenda pushes ahead, it The fundamental intent and object of this POV
is of utmost importance to examine the cyber risk document is to establish best practices in the
landscape of cloud critically and holistically. Cloud area of cloud security governance and assurance.
environment has been the recipient of several Governing security affairs of your cloud environment
targeted and persistent attacks and intrusions. is indeed a pristine task and warrants disciplined
Organizations which are already leveraging cloud implementation. This POV would serve as a guidance
and the ones which are contemplating migration to document for enterprises that are looking to
cloud often grapple with questions around security streamline their cloud security governance program
and privacy of data being accessed, availability, and are endeavoring to make it effective and
integrity, and legitimate use. impactful.
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Against the backdrop of rapid digitization and burgeoning adoption of cloud to enable the same, this POV
intends to accomplish the below mentioned key objectives pertaining to security governance & assurance in a
cloud environment:
Dissect cyber security governance on the cloud Examine the standards and frameworks that are
and examine various elements associated with getting built for ensuring secured migration to
it cloud
Comprehend the underlying guiding principles Look at ways and means of providing assurance
of governance and deliberate on ways of with respect to data ownership and availability
leveraging those for achieving trust in cloud of data for building higher levels of resiliency
Unveil the key drivers for having a robust cloud Bring out the key aspects of shared
security governance program responsibility model to shed light on
collaborative relationship between service
Comprehensively capture the capabilities,
provider and user organization
references, resources, and areas that hold
importance from standpoint of governance Evaluate the managed security services in the
paradigm of cloud
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The proposed framework endeavors to bring together the key elements and components of cloud security
governance & assurance to provide better comprehension of the theme
Focus Ownership Policies & Procedure Processes Technologies Con guration Monitoring Assurance
Principles Visibility Transparency Continuity Discipline Orchestration Business Aligned Policy Driven
Resources/ References
In-house Services Managed Services
Service Disruptions Management
(Project/ FTE)
Frameworks & Standards
The encapsulate of cloud security governance in the being talked about in the right of the diagram. At
form of a framework can be referred by enterprises the center of these different layers and sections is
looking to implement a comprehensive security the cloud infrastructure and its various models and
governance program for their cloud environments. elements that need to be secured in accordance with
The top layer lists the various cloud security solutions the cloud security governance principles and best
that are implemented to secure workloads. The practices.
second layer enumerates the broad areas that form
The framework hinges upon four key pillars, first
part of the cloud security governance while the third
being the key drivers underscoring the importance
layer talks about the focus areas of the same. This is
of cloud security; second being the nature of
followed by the guiding principles which form the
cloud infrastructure; third talks about the existing
essence of the overall governance program and need
references and resources which are being referred
to be operationalized at an enterprise level.
while managing security and finally the fourth pillar
This encapsulate also captures the key drivers provides the template to structure and plan the
which shall be elaborated in the next section and security governance & assurance.
finally the resources, capabilities and references are
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There is rising expectation from enterprises to proactively manage the security affairs of their cloud setups. This
is driven by several intrinsic and extrinsic factors which can have significant implications for businesses and
their stakeholders. The key drivers for security governance are outlined below:
Physical Layer
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Security assurance and governance view
Cloud - Native
Security Assurance and Governance
March 2022 | 15
The role played by frameworks and standards in the overall security governance architecture and in providing
assurance highlights its importance to achieve certain level of security. Cloud security solutions facilitate
securing workloads, applications, and data in the cloud. The solutions can be used in public or private clouds
and often have features for hybrid or multi cloud deployments.
Cloud Security Standards and with the ISO-27001 standard. Compliance with ISO-
Frameworks 27001 demonstrates to your customers that your
organization takes information security seriously
Any organization with workloads processing and has implemented the best-practice information
sensitive data should strongly consider compliance security methods.
with at least ISO-27001, SOC 2 and the CIS AWS
Foundations benchmark as a starting point. ISO-27017
Implementing processes and controls for these An extension of ISO-27001 incorporating clauses
standards will go a long way to ensuring data specific to information security in the context of
security. Taking it to the next level; certification with the cloud. Compliance with ISO-27017 should be
ISO and attestation with SOC 2 will increase trust in considered alongside ISO-27001.
your organization and can gain your organization
Although the number of standard and control
competitive advantage amongst security-conscious
frameworks may seem overwhelming at first,
customers. There are other clear business benefits to
common themes appear across many of the
implementing these frameworks such as avoiding
standards. Striving for compliance with one will often
financial loss resulting from a security breach,
get you a long way to achieving compliance with
ensuring data privacy and integrity, regulatory
compliance, and defining information-handling roles
and responsibilities. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Controls
ISO-27001 / ISO-27002
The CSA has published a cloud controls matrix
Any organization that has sensitive information can that provides insight into the key security control
benefit from ISO 27001 implementation. ISO-27001 considerations when assessing cloud provider
contains a specification for an Information Security services. This document is helpful in establishing
Management System (ISMS). ISO-27002 describes effective cloud security governance.
controls that can be put in place for compliance
4 Multi/hybrid cloud makes assurance and 8 Lack of third party or vendor risk
governance complex management strategy/ plan
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Cloud Security
Assurance and
Cloud Security Governance & Assurance
18 |
A DSCI-Infosys Point of View
1. Principle
Cloud security governance principle may differ from organization to organization but there are seven cloud
assurance and governance principles used to monitor cloud environments. By taking these principles into
account, organizations will be able to better manage compliance, governance, business goals, cost and data
According to the Oracle and KPMG Cloud Threat Today, organizations are almost ready than
Report, 82% of cloud users have experienced ever to embrace the cloud, whereas many
security events due to not having enough remain concerned about having transparency
visibility on shared security responsibility model over data security readiness of cloud service
and the lack of clarity on this foundational providers. Organizations are also remained
cloud security construct. worried about their ability to enforce security
requirements at the cloud services.
When it comes to creating visibility on cloud,
many user organizations are not fully aware Transparency over cloud service providers
about cloud infra, running assets, applications, capabilities, own security controls, traffic, data
and necessary security controls. Enterprises are and processes shall ensure better governance
also skeptical and have certain questions such on cloud. This includes:
Mitigating security concerns, through
What happens to data if organization leave several practices, such as allowing onsite
a service provider? audits, adopting industry standards,
conducting background checks on
What if organization do a Proof of Concept
employees, or maintaining interoperability
(POC) with a cloud service provider and I
with existing enterprise security controls.
put up data up there?
Transparency over dense data transactions,
What if we decide not to renew after two
network traffic, and processes through
years, then what is the disposition of that
continuous monitoring and automation.
data in the cloud and who will erase it?
Organizations seeing security as critical to cloud
Does it get erased? This can become a big
adoption, greater transparency is one of the
problem, especially around compliance
key components and become a competitive
and an issue around some of the visibility.
Creating good visibility over data, assets,
III. Continuity
applications, processes, and procedures on
cloud is one of the key principles of cloud Continuity remains a strategic imperative,
security assurance and governance. growing in importance as business sees
March 2022 | 19
challenges from uncertain events, and highly the organizations – People, Process and
targeted cyber-attacks. However, there is need Technologies that aligns with the business
of the hour to examine gaps in existing security objective.
programs and cyber resiliency plans which shall
Business understands the value of security
stay sustained in years to come.
assurance and governance on cloud and
Moving to cloud systems can make business sees it as a component of managing business
more efficient, more adaptive, and ultimately risk, whether it be operational, regulatory,
more profitable but it requires careful planning, or reputational. In cloud environment cyber
especially when it comes to thinking about risks are discussed in line with the enterprise
business continuity in the cloud. Sometimes risk management function and the discussion
businesses/ user organizations are forgetting of those risks is shifting from a qualitative to
about critical aspects of their business quantitative view of potential impacts to the
continuity planning and assuming their cloud business.
provider will be handling them. In the context
VI. Policy Driven
of different cloud adoption patterns and service
models, understanding continuity/recovery A cloud security policies and governance are
principles and ownerships are key elements of pivotal to the success of a business’s operations
cloud governance. in the cloud. Policy driven cloud security
can be combination of people, processes,
IV. Orchestration
technology, working together—the people
Orchestration enables the creation and being stakeholders and the executive level,
execution of predictable, repeatable processes the processes being the procedures for
of security compliance, monitoring and amending policies when necessary, and the
governance which can be automated. Not technology being the mechanisms that monitor
only does this help in terms of establishing a compliance with the policies.
consistent, reliable IT environment, but it also
eliminates costly human error, security gaps
and non-compliance which ultimately improves
the organization’s business efficiency on cloud.
V. Business Aligned
Ownership is listed as one of the important focus developing policies to facilitate security practices
areas as part of the proposed governance framework can’t be a siloed exercise. The business objectives
in order to address the critical concern of users have to necessarily be considered and this in turn
around control of the data residing on the cloud. necessitates involvement of various business areas
The real ownership may be incumbent upon the and the senior management.
nature of data stored as well as the fact as to where
Monitoring compliance with the cloud security
it was created. Thus, it is important to appreciate the
governance policies can be effectively accomplished
specific meaning of data ownership in context of
by leveraging technological tools.
Cloud configurations can be intricate in nature and
Putting in place policies and enforcing them in a
even a single misconfiguration in any of the services
meaningful way would be vital part of cloud security
may have serious security ramifications by leaving
governance strategy. Making complete sense
applications vulnerable to intrusions. Proactively
of data and classifying it so that the appropriate
identifying and remediating misconfigurations
security measures can be implemented according
to reduce risk and ensure compliance is critical to
to the varying levels of data sensitivity. Also,
maintaining a robust cloud security posture.
Identity & Data DevOps & Infra Sec Vulnerability Threat Resiliency
Areas Access Container Management Management
March 2022 | 21
painless manner for users. One component of a Resiliency
strong security posture takes on a particularly critical
The right decisions on cloud are critical for
role in the cloud – identity. Public cloud providers
organizations to reduce the overall spending and
offer a rich portfolio of services, and the only way to
increase the ability to respond to cloud related risks,
govern and secure many of them is through identity
threats, and opportunities. Yet however necessary,
and access management. IAM is a cloud service that
identifying requirements, risks, prioritizing them
controls the permissions and access for users and
and allocating funds to address them is not always
cloud resources. IAM policies are sets of permission
easy. In order to do this, organizations need to
policies that can be attached to either users or cloud
gather and analyze the right information to make
resources to authorize what they access and what
value-driven decisions regarding the cost-effective
they can do with it. IAM is a crucial, aspect of cloud
management of risks related to resiliency. Whether
security. Businesses must look at IAM as a part of
migrating workloads to cloud-based platforms or
their overall security posture and add an integrated
pursuing a Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)
layer of security across their application lifecycle.
model, cloud requires a fundamental shift in thinking
Beyond identity, how to enterprises are governing
about integrated enterprise risk management. While
& reconciling the identities, roles and access
there is a pervasive lack of resiliency planning in
management policies is key aspect of cloud IAM.
most cloud implementations today, better up- front
DevOps & Container assessment and planning can help organizations
realize the enormous potential cloud offers for
Container users need to ensure they have purpose-
improved, more agile resiliency and strike the
built, full stack security to address vulnerability
right balance between business service availability
management, compliance, runtime protection, and
requirements and tolerance for risk.
network security requirements of their containerized
applications. the container security solutions that Intelligent Compliance
organizations can rely on have grown in terms of
The expectations and obligations arising from the
both capabilities and sophistication. Regardless of
increasingly complex compliance and regulatory
what level of DevSecOps maturity has been attained,
landscape merit meticulous attention from
container security tools are now more accessible
governance standpoint. Vis-à-vis cloud environment,
than ever. The shift left approach of security where,
complying with various legislations pertaining to
security solutions are embedded as part of the
protection of sensitive personal information and data
infrastructure and application provisioning through
becomes critical for enterprises. When moving to
codification ensures that cloud security governance
the cloud it is important to know in which countries
and assurance is built in from day zero.
your data will be processed, what laws will apply,
what impact they will have, and then follow a risk-
based approach to comply with them. Financial
Vulnerability Management
institutions must confront the reality of dramatically
Vulnerability management plays an essential role in increasing costs while also keeping pace with the
cybersecurity. Traditional vulnerability management legislative and regulatory changes arising from
of on-premises hosts (physical or virtual machines) numerous regulatory bodies. Global organizations
cannot scale to cloud environments. To cope with have the added burden of even more international
rapidly-changing cloud environments, vulnerability and nation-specific regulations. Noncompliance
management needs a new approach. Vulnerabilities has costs. Regulatory violations involving data
of workloads are not only the key challenges but protection, privacy and disaster recovery can have
also the cloud control plane which includes security severe and unintended consequences
misconfigurations needs to be addressed well to
ensure cyber resilient cloud environment.
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Leveraging Frameworks, Standards, Best they need to be carefully looked at and should find
Practices, and other References a place in the overall cloud security governance
and assurance framework. It is imperative to
Developing a contextualized and comprehensive establish a common understanding on the services
cloud security governance framework should to be provided and enforce guarantees around
certainly be the first step in this endeavor. Standards performance, transparency, conformance, and data
and frameworks could play a vital role in guiding protection.
the organizations in planning and executing their
governance & assurance journey. The POV has also Managing Change Management Processes on the
tried to come up with a holistic approach towards Cloud
governance of Security on the cloud.
Leveraging proper tools for configuration and
Coming Up with Ownership and Accountability change management process on the cloud is an
for Critical Cloud Assets and Services important element of the recommendations for
better security governance. These tools help them
Effective governance on cloud can be accomplished capture information like cloud resources currently
by working towards a shared responsibility matrix being used, what has changed, how the relationships
that clearly delineates the responsibilities of between cloud resources have changed and so on.
the organization and the CSP when it comes to
implementing cloud security controls. The cloud, Building a Robust Cloud Security Architecture
assets, services business objectives and processes
and policies must be documented along with their In accordance with its business needs, obligations
operational relationships. and risks, an organization should embark on the
task of building a robust cloud security architevcture
Use of Cloud Security & Governance Policies which suitably incorporates the shared responsibility
model along with the cloud security best practices
Cloud services providers have developed security and the technologies including but not limited to
frameworks which establishes security and container security, infrastructure as a code, CI/CD
governance policies through cloud guardrails tools and frameworks, CASB et. al.
therefore ensures the efficacy and efficiency of cloud
security controls are from day zero. These security Continuous Discovery of Assets and improvement
and governance policies designs the boundaries of Asset Security Posture
of enterprises cloud security policies, processes,
controls and compliance adherence. For a dynamic environment such as cloud, inventory
management is a dynamic discipline. Organizations
Conducting a Comprehensive Evaluation and must put in place provisions for continuous discovery
Assessment of the Cloud Threat & Risk Landscape of assets that will allow the governance team to keep
up with the pace of change.
A thorough evaluation of the cloud threat landscape
and associated risks for the organization should be Regular Review of the Cloud Security Governance
undertaken with the object of having meaningful Strategy
security governance and effective assurance. This
assessment would pave the way for safeguarding the While its essential to build a comprehensive
stakeholders involved from any potential exposure. strategy for governing the security affairs on the
cloud, periodically reviewing the same would be
Governance of SLAs and Performance critical from relevance standpoint. This will ensure
effectiveness as the review would provide the
Given the fact that SLAs play an exceedingly scope for revisiting the threat landscape for cloud
important role in overall cloud service delivery, environment which would indeed be dynamic
March 2022 | 25
Frequently Asked
Cloud infrastructure is very dynamic and agile Yes, comprehensive cloud strategy in multi/
because of the speed & nature of cloud assets hybrid cloud environment can help to mitigate
provisioning and de provisioning & availability larger risk. Standardized/uniform security
of huge number of services and lack of skilled across hybrid or multi cloud can ensure “single
administrators. Due to this very fluid nature of identity”, extension of on-premises controls
the cloud platform, it is essential to have real to the cloud & ensure single view security
time visibility of cloud assets & any security mis management, administration, and governance.
configurations present. The cost effectiveness,
Q4. How to ensure security assurance and
cloud security policies or guardrails, access
governance with dynamic nature cloud?
reviews and security baselining for every cloud
environment (prod., non-prod, test etc.) are Automated cloud governance that includes API
some of the other tenet’s enterprise should look based integration with cloud platforms which
at. Regulatory, compliance & risk management provides visibility of security misconfigure, asset
are some of the regulatory compulsions inventory, compliance score & auto remediation
enterprises will have to adhere while embarking helps to keep pace with dynamic nature of
on their cloud journey. Infosys cloud security cloud. Cloud Security Posture Management
posture and compliance management service (CSPM) capabilities can be beneficial to ensure
offering ensures to provide effective cloud good cloud governance.
governances & compliance management
services covering all facet of it. Q5. What can be the good strategy to implement
security controls on the cloud?
Q2: What are different solutions and tooling
required for enterprises to strengthen their Native security controls + 3rd Party next gen
cloud governance approach. controls. Maximum use of native security
controls which are tightly integrated with cloud
Most of the Cloud Services Providers (CSPs) infrastructure & has better understanding of
have multiple built-in solutions which cloud platforms. Complementing native and
can ensure the basic hygiene for cloud 3rd party controls ensures fool proof security on
governance. Setting up the cloud security cloud.
policies & guardrails from day zero through
azure, AWS and GCP service control policies Q6. In shared cloud security responsibility
are the foundational steps to secure and model, who is responsible for ‘in cloud
adhere to compliance requirements. In multi- assurance and governance’?
cloud environments implementing Cloud
Security and compliance in the cloud is a
Security Posture Management (CSPM), Cloud
shared responsibility between the Cloud
Workload Protection Platform (CWPP), micro-
Service Providers (CSP) and their customers.
segmentation, entitlement management,
Under the Shared Responsibility Model, the
access reviews, and network rule analyzers
CSP is responsible for “security of the cloud”
are some of the advanced security controls
which includes the hardware, software,
which can provide effective cloud security
March 2022 | 27
networking, and facilities that run the cloud Governance over configurations,
services. Organizations, on the other hand, vulnerability management, identities and
are responsible for “security in the cloud” access management and visibility across
which includes how they configure and use the data/ application, cloud infrastructure and
resources provided by the CSP. compliance remain key responsibility of
March 2022 | 29
Infosys Data Security Council of India
Infosys Cobalt is a set of services, solutions and platforms for enterprises to accelerate their
cloud journey. It offers 35,000 cloud assets and over 300 industry cloud solution blueprints.
Cobalt acts as a force multiplier for cloud-powered enterprise transformation. Infosys Cobalt
helps businesses redesign the enterprise, from the core, and also build new cloud-first
capabilities to create seamless experiences in public, private and hybrid cloud, across PaaS,
SaaS, and IaaS landscapes. With Infosys Cobalt’s community leverage, enterprises can rapidly
launch solutions and create business models to meet changing market needs while complying
with the most stringent global, regional and industry regulatory and security standards.
Data Security Council of India (DSCI) is a premier industry body on data protection in India,
setup by NASSCOM®, committed to making the cyberspace safe, secure and trusted by
establishing best practices, standards and initiatives in cyber security and privacy. DSCI brings
together governments and their agencies, industry sectors including IT-BPM, BFSI, Telecom,
industry associations, data protection authorities and think-tanks for policy advocacy, thought
leadership, capacity building and outreach initiatives. For more info, please visit
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