Apdx 17 CCOT 2005 Annotated Rubric

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2005 Annotated CCOT Rubric: Atlantic World 1492-1750

Note to teachers: This Annotated Rubric is specifically designed for the College Boards AP World History course, but could also be helpful in any world history survey course. The best source of information about how to teach essay skills is the AP World History Course Description, (aka the Acorn Book), published every 2 years by the College Board. It can be downloaded for no cost at

May 2, 2009

ments and good writing mechanics. My job is made far easier in that all I have to do is to show the students how to apply what theyve already learned in their English classes to AP World History. Ive tried to show 3 levels of answers to each Rubric category: 1) an unacceptable response that fails to meet the criteria; 2) an acceptable response; and 3) an excellent response that demonstrates mastery of the required skill. Only you know your students writing strengths and weaknesses. The danger here is that some students may see the excellent examples and give up, thinking, I cant possibly do that. Encourage them to take it one step at a time, to improve incrementally towards mastery, and eventually they WILL master the subject. Keep in mind that there are five different categories on the Generic CCOT Rubric, with seven possible points. The national median score, at the end of the academic year, was 3.40.1 A student who scores only two points on their first CCOT attempt should be heartily encouraged, and should not despair that theyll never achieve all seven points on the generic rubric. Even though this question was from the 2005 test, Ive used the Generic Rubric from the current Acorn book to illustrate the grading criteria. Given that this is the direction the World History Test Development Committee is moving, I think its only appropriate to use the current standards, even though the actual rubric at the time was slightly different. I hope this teaching tool helps your students to write and think better, and helps you enjoy grading their writing more.

Another great source of learning how to teach good writing skills is by being an Essay Reader. Youll have direct, first-hand experience reading essays, and get an unforgettable amount of insight into the most common writing techniques, both effective and otherwise. Youll also enjoy meeting other dedicated, talented, and resourceful World History teachers from around the world who will encourage and challenge you in a myriad of ways. You can apply to be an AP Reader at http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/homepage/4137.html The discussions on the AP World History Electronic Discussion Group (EDG) heavily influenced the comments & insights in this Annotated Rubric. The EDG is a great way to ask questions of 1,800+ world history professionals. You can register for the EDG at

This Annotated Rubric is by no means intended as a turn-key solution to improving your students writing. If you want the real training as to how to teach a good AP World History course, go to an 1-day AP Workshop or a 5-day Summer Institute. See
http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/Pageflows/InstitutesAndWorkshops/InstitutesAn dWorkshopsController.jpf

Bill Strickland
East Grand Rapids HS East Grand Rapids, MI [email protected]

How to use this Annotated Rubric

The overall goals for this document are to help students improve their writing and to reinforce the Habits of Mind discussed in the Acorn book. In my high school, I am fortunate to have an excellent English department that teaches students the importance of clear thesis state-


2005 Annotated CCOT Rubric: Atlantic World 1492-1750

Question: Analyze the social and economic transformations that occurred in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas from 1492 to 1750.

Point #

Official Description Commentary

Has acceptable thesis. The thesis must be located at the beginning or the end of the essay. No split thesis ( in opening paragraph, in closing paragraph)

Examples and Commentary

Unacceptable There were many transformations in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas from 1492 to 1750. This is merely a rephrasing of the question. Many is a virtually meaningless qualifier. Be more specific!2

1 Thesis

Columbus discovery of the New World had a huge impact on the future of the Atlantic world. or Europe dominated the Americas through military technology and political absolutism. Off topic. The question asks the reader to focus on the social and economic transformations, NOT the degree of Columbus impact, or military & political developments. This illustrates why it is so important to read the question carefully and spend time organizing the essay BEFORE actually writing. Not only would this not earn the Thesis point, it might also distract the writer from earning point #3 (Evidence). Make sure to answer precisely what the Must be more than a question asks. simple restatement of the Europe was going through a social and economic transformation from 1492-1750 as it moved beyond question. feudalism and into the modern era. Off topic. This thesis reflects a European history point of view. Europes The thesis must address relationship to Africa and the Americas is a key part of this question, but a thesis devoted solely to only one continent is irrelevant. Too often students devote considerable effort to the Renaissance, Scientific social AND economic Revolution, Reformation, Absolute Monarchy, English Civil War, etc. without relating it back to the rest of transformations AND the Atlantic world. the Atlantic world. Minimally Acceptable Between 1492-1750 Europe grew both socially and economically, while Africa and Thesis cannot simultan- the Americas suffered. Bare minimum of acceptability. It does address both social and economic eously count for transconsiderations, but only vaguely. formation, evidence, or Acceptable As Europe came to economically dominate trans-Atlantic trade, their influence over social global context. customs also expanded. This thesis sentence answers exactly what the question asks. Excellent Although Europe quickly dominated the economic aspects of the Columbian Exchange, their social influence in Africa and the Americas developed more slowly. This thesis analyzes and differentiates specific categories of the two types of transformations, and would be eligible for the Expanded Core (Extra Credit) as a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis.

I have a rule in my classroom, Any thesis that contains the words very, many, things, lots, stuff, or ways is automatically vetoed. Possibly the hardest skill to learn is the ability to form a sophisticated, complex thesis. One strategy Ive learned (from Geri McCarthy of Barrington, RI) is to require students to begin their thesis withW hile, Although, or Despite/In spite of. These words strongly encourage students to formulate a mature thesis that helps structure the rest of their essay. Once students can consistently write a competent thesis sentence, then I concentrate on having them develop an essay preview/outline of later paragraphs. The result should be a thesis paragraph that is several sentences long (the paragraph should NOT just be a single sentence).

Point #

Official Description Commentary

Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. 2 pts For 2 Points: Essay must accurately describe FOUR social and economic transformations that occurred as a result of new contacts in the Atlantic world from 14921750. At least ONE must be social, and at least ONE must be economic.3

Examples and Commentary

Note: The nature of this question makes it difficult to distinguish between a transformation and evidence. General long-term trends (Columbian Exchange, spread of diseases) usually counted as a transformation, while specific examples (potatos, smallpox) counted as evidence. Readers paid close attention to the verb to identify transformations. Statements that indicated a conclusion, connection, or cause & effect were the most obvious transformational verbs, and often indicated analysis (point #5) as well. Likewise, the distinction between social and economic transformations was subtle. Often the context of the statement framed readers interpretation. Unacceptable Students often rephrased a single transformation, repeating it in a later paragraph. Each transformation could only count ONCE. Readers had to pay close attention to the substance of the statement. Acceptable As the slave trade increased, it changed the native population. = social trans. As the slave trade increased, it changed the native standard of living. = economic trans.

2 Parts of the Question

(Address most parts of the Common Social Transformations (w/ Evidence) Common Economic Trans. (Evidence) question) 1 pt Columbian Exchange Columbian Exchange slave trade slave trade For 1 Point: describe ONE Spanish rule (encomienda, repartimento) Spanish rule (encomienda, repartimento) social and ONE economic spread of diseases (smallpox, measles, syphilis) triangle trade transformation. social stratification (peninsulars, creoles, mercantilism mestizos, mulattos, zambos, etc.) prerequisites for industrial revolution4 Note: 3 economic transformations would earn 0 points Excellent An essay that addresses all parts of the question thoroughly or evenly. (there must be at least 1 social transformation)

W hen this question was administered in 2005, for 2 points, the rubric required the writer to not only describe 4 transformations, but also analyze one of those transformations. The Generic CCOT Rubric has since made Analysis a distinct category, so I separated out the analysis requirement for this annotated rubric. This is the only difference between how the question was actually graded and how it would be graded now, given the newer rubric.

Some students legitimately discussed the precursors for the LATER Industrial Revolution. However, an essay that incorrectly placed a fully developed Industrial Revolution before 1750 C.E. did not earn any credit.

Point #

Official Description Commentary

Examples and Commentary

Substantiates thesis with approNote: The nature of this question makes it difficult to distinguish between a transformapriate historical evidence. 2 pts tion and evidence. Include FOUR pieces of historical evidence related to social and economic transformations. The student must cite at least ONE piece of evidence for a social transformation and ONE piece of evidence for an economic transformation. Unacceptable The exchange of ideas caused both the American and French Revolutions. This evidence is outside the time frame (post-1750). Numerous weak essays seemed to be borrowed from students US history class experiences, (John Smith, Pocahontas, Jamestown, Pilgrims, Plymouth Rock, or Thanksgiving). Acceptable The spread of diseases among the native Americans motivated Europeans to find an alternative labor source, which they satisfied with the introduction of the African slave trade. (disease = transformation, slave trade = supporting evidence)

Partially substantiates thesis The interactions of the Atlantic world caused a population decline in the Americas while 3 (1 pt) Africa's population increased. The Aztecs and the Incas, for example, were not immune Evidence Include TWO pieces of historical to new diseases such as smallpox which wiped out much of their society. In this case, the transformation is the American population decline of which disease is a point of evidence related to social and evidence. economic transformations. The student must cite at least ONE As a result of interactions in the Atlantic World, new cultural traditions appeared in the piece of evidence for a social Americas. The slave trade brought Africans to the Americas where Africans mixed with transformation and ONE piece of native Americans and Europeans to form new languages and religions. In this case, evidence for an economic new cultural traditions constitutes the transformation while the slave trade becomes transformation. evidence of that transformation. The minimum requirement for how many transformations is determined by the reader/ teacher, NOT the student.5

Note how the evidence should relate back to the thesis (from p. 1). It shouldnt just hang out there unrelated to anything else in the essay. Excellent An essay that provides abundant historical evidence substantiating the thesis.

This illustrates an important teaching point. The Generic Rubrics published in the Acorn book are designed to give teachers a range of what grading standard will be enforced at the official Reading. The precise minimum acceptability for each Generic Rubric category is determined by the Chief Reader at the Reading based on a sampling of student responses to that specific question. The minimum will fluctuate each year on each question within the range allowed in the Generic Rubric. (e.g. one year the minimum may be supports thesis with two pieces of evidence related to social and economic transformations while the next year the minimum may be three pieces of evidence .) In the classroom, teachers should aim higher. Ideally, students should do every part of this rubric to every question or document they ever read. That is part of the teachers responsibility in training students in the historians craft. So how many Changes, Continuities etc. should students aim for? College Board Consultant Bard Keelers advice is the Rule of 3. No matter what the category, give three examples. 3 Changes & 3 Continuities, 3 pieces of evidence, 3 similarities & 3 differences (for Compare & Contrast essays) 3 POVs, 3 Groupings, (for DBQs) etc.

Point #

Official Description Commentary

Uses global historical context effectively to show continuity OR change.6 The student uses global historical context effectively to show change OR continuity in the Atlantic world from 1492 to 1750 by:

Examples and Commentary

This part of the rubric is based on the Habit of Mind, Seeing global patterns over time and space while also acquiring the ability to connect local developments to global ones.7 In other words, students should know how Specific Example A compares with Global Trend #1. (e.g. Does the example reflect or contradict the overall global trend? What are the major milestones/turning points in the development of the global trend?) This requires students to know what the global trends ARE, and then be able to cite specific examples that support their topic sentences. Unacceptable The slave trade was an example of an Atlantic world transformation from 1492-1750. The essay must explicitly describe the interaction between two specific regions. Simply rephrasing this statement to The slave trade from Africa to the Americas was an example would have earned the point. Acceptable Note: Virtually any accurate, relevant statement that described a relationship linking Europe, Africa, and the Americas between 1492-1750 would satisfy this requirement. Readers anticipated that this would be the easiest point to earn. Unfortunately, approx. 10% of essays (in this readers experience) did not meet even this minimal requirement. Excellent Analyzes all issues of the question (as relevant): global context, chronology, causation, change, continuity, effects, content. An essay that provides innovative links with relevant ideas, events, and trends. The social status of women remained constant from 1492-1750 as European social customs were transplanted to the Americas. While a few students wrote about continuities, the vast majority did not. Thus, no continuities were required for the Core scoring. Continuities were included in the Expanded Core (Extra Credit).

4 Global Context

Placing the Atlantic world in the context of world history, OR Connecting the Atlantic world to global processes, OR Describing the interactions between at least two regions

For good advice and perspective on teaching the Habits of Mind inherent in COT essays, see Peter Stearns Strategies for the Change Over Time Question, at http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/courses/teachers_corner/40896.html, and Sharon Cohens The Change-over-Time Question: Teaching Techniques, at http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/courses/teachers_corner/44828.html.

2008, 2009 AP W orld History Course Description Acorn Book, p. 9.

Prerequisite CCOT Skills:

1) Periodization (When?) What IS periodization? Most students have difficulty understanding periodization. Time may flow, but change (and the significance to historians that change brings with it) is anything BUT constant & predictable. Periodization explains the differences [between] the period just covered [and] the period to come. For all periods, major interpretative issues, alternative historical frameworks, and historical debates are included. [Periodization] forms an organizing principle for dealing with change and continuity throughout the course.8 Once students can place events into the proper Era (e.g. Foundations, 1750-1914, etc.) they can then proceed to describe and analyze the changes WITHIN that era. 2) Orders of Magnitude, or Ripple Effects (Where?) My students like to use vague adjectives. (many, big, large, huge etc.) I try to discourage this habit, particularly in the thesis. Instead, I ask students to numerically conceive of how big of an impact any historical event had on a hypothetical scale of 1-10,000. Level
1. Local

Number 1-10 or 101 10-100 or 102 100-1,000 or 103 1,000-10,000 or 104

Historical and Hypothetical Examples Political - Your town elects a new mayor. Economic - A local grocery store goes out of business, laying off 50 employees. Social - A cool new nightclub opens in your city, featuring a local band you really like. Political - Your state elects a new governor. Economic - Favorable tax policies convince 1,000s of people to relocate to your state. Social - The bands music is played across a regional network of radio stations. Political - A revolution overthrows the government Economic - NAFTA, creating a free trade zone between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Social - The band is featured on national TV, attracting millions of fans. Political - The nation-state becomes the most common structure around the world. Economic - The Great Depression reduces international trade by 50% between 1929-1933. Social - The bands music spreads to another continent, growing even bigger there than back home.

2. Regional / Provincial

3. National / Continental

4. Global

3) Merge the When and Where Next, students must merge the when (based on periodization) and the where (from the ripple effect). Only then can they accurately place a change in history, and in what degree or context it occurred. 4) Principle Learning In my classroom experience, my students often fail to understand history because they dont know that X is a subcategory of Y. (e.g. Thats not a dog, its a golden retriever.) If students can understand the hierarchical/categorical nature of historical knowledge, they have a great advantage. AP World History concentrates on the Global processes that affect millions of people. Students should try to cite evidence that is as specific as possible. Thus, dont lump all of a nationality together, as if they are all alike in every respect.

2008-09 AP W orld History Course Description Acorn Book, p. 3.

2005 Annotated CCOT Rubric: Atlantic World 1492-1750 Official Description Commentary
Analyzes the process of change over time and/or continuity.

Point #

Examples and Commentary

Unacceptable Most essays didnt include ANY analysis, only simple narrative that listed events in seeming isolation from each other. Analysis is a complex Habits of Mind skill that teachers need to stress more in daily lessons.

5 Analyze Change or Analyze at least one social Acceptable See Sample Paragraph A on page 8. Continuity or economic transformation.

Excellent An essay that consistently analyzes social and economic transformations. See Sample Paragraph B on page 8.

Power Words for Analytical Writing9

Verbs assert compliment demonstrate embrace exemplify illustrate indicate portray reflect reveal signify strengthen symbolize undermine change continue transform evolved emerge revolutionize connect Adverbs/Time Qualifiers now later immediately at this point afterward then gradually eventually at once next soon ironically impressive despicable contemplative authoritative humble creative Adjectives subtle ironic rude haughty dutiful traditional proud very lots many big small

This list inspired by Jenny Schinleber of Cypress Creek HS, Orlando, FL

What IS Analysis?
The pursuit of Analysis is a perennial quest of AP students (and teachers). Students who consistently analyze earn high marks on the AP World History Exam. Monica Bond-Lamberty, a teacher at James Madison Memorial High School in Madison, WI, and a member of the AP World History Test Development Committee puts it this way:10 Analyze: determine their component parts; examine their nature and relationship.11 Blooms Taxonomy refers to the ability to break down material into its component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood. This may include the identification of parts or components, examination of the relationship between parts, recognition of hidden meanings and detection of the organizational principles or patterns involved. So when doing historical analysis what is being done is breaking down the item being analyzed into its parts which generally include (depending on what is being analyzed): historical actors: events, processes, institutions, ideas, etc. (examination of multiple causation which looks at cause and effect relationships) evidence (determining the significance and reliability of various perspectives like when point of view is analyzed) interpretations of what happened (comparing and contrasting changing versions of developments or theories) underlying structures (determining how all the processes, institutions, ideas, events, actors, motives, evidence, interpretations are connected and related and affect each other) overall process of change and continuity (connecting different regions and eras) This is different from just explaining because of the need to look at multiple causation. For example: if with the [2005 CCOT question] we had asked students to explain a transformation that took place, [it] would have been okay with a single description - (the population of the Americas declined). Instead we required students to go further with looking at why the population declined, ideally several steps forward and backward. If we asked students to explain the causes of the demographic change in the Americas from 1450-1750, simply describing the Atlantic slave trade and European colonization would cut it; whereas if we asked students to analyze demographic change in the Americas we would want students to also look at why they needed the slave trade, why there was colonization and the differences in which genders were involved? We need to work with students to help students distinguish between analysis and just a simple explanation of causation or a really good description.

10 11

Monica Bond-Lambertys AP W orld History EDG message, 7/1/2005.

2006-07 AP W orld History Course Description, p. 32. http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/repository/05821apcoursdescworld_4332.pdf

Analysis Examples Sample Paragraph A12

The mercantalistic economies established in Europe redefined the economies of not only of European nations, but of American and African ones as well. Under mercantilism, European colonies in the new world were limited to trade only with their mother countries to ensure profit. The European monarchs would finance gold and silver expeditions in the Americas so that their national treasure would grow. In order to ensure productivity not only in American mines, but on plantations as well, Europe began to enslave Africans and send them to the Americas via the Middle Passage. The Middle Passage was part of a great trading triangle linking Europe, Africa, and America. African slaves were sent to America to work in captivity. America sent raw good to Europe and Europe sent money and good to allied African tribes to pay for slaves. The goods and money exchanged on the Great Circuit profited many European nations and African tribes. Plantation owners in America also became very wealthy. However, the exchange of goods, and not to mention people on the Great Circuit, also reshaped societies socially.

Analysis in this paragraph is limited, but is present in the connection between the requirements of mercantilism and the productivity of plantations in the Americas. European motives (and trade restrictions) for trade are explored. The context of the Middle Passage within the larger trade patterns is described, but there is no evaluation or assessment of the slave trade.

This paragraph weaves together multiple good writing characteristics.

It places each continent into global context at the beginning of the time period. By 1492, Europe was on the verge of an economic explosion and Africa and America The institution of slavery over time is nicely were relatively quiet in the global economy. Long before European contact in Africa, described within the larger framework of global slaves and trans-Saharan slave trade were in existence. Portugese explorers came upon trade patterns. Africa to find this institution. An institution once belonging to Africa would become The slave trades effect on Africas place in global globalized. Europeans soon began to export slaves to their countries and eventually to community is directly noted, as well as the the American economies. The slave trade put Africa on the map as a contending economic effect the slave trade had on the economic power. The slave workers fueled the American economies soon thereafter. Americas, reinforcing the changing relationship The Europeans had difficulty in finding and maintaining native-American labor - slaves among the three continents. filtered into the Caribbean, Brazil, and the southern U.S. to serve on plantations. The Europeans motives are explored, and the sugar industry was growing in Europe and the slaves satisfied the Portugese sweetparagraph finishes with a succinct summarization tooth on the engenhos and in other lands. By creating the triangular slave trade, the of the slave trades overall effect on both Europe Americans entered the global economy and Europe morphed into a more powerful one. and the Americas.
Teachers, after students read these paragraphs, have them underline all the verbs, adverbs, & adjectives in each sentence. This will highlight Sample Bs analytical voice and sense of change over time.

Sample Paragraph B13

12 13

http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/exam/exam_questions/2090.html Sample Essay 2A http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/exam/exam_questions/2090.html Sample Essay 2B

Possible/Common CCOT Essay Structures

Below are some common essay structures students use for the CCOT. Note: There is no universal best essay structure. The specific wording of the question requires students to be flexible in organizing their response. Geographic Chronological Flexible / Generic15 Region #1 Beginning 1. Beginning Situation (start date) Changes Global Context 2. Cause of Change Continuities Region/Category #1, including RGC analysis a. There might be a specific date of the cause, Analysis of Region #1's relationship to global Region/Category #2, including RGC analysis or turning point, context (RGC) b. a specific date when the change is Middle (with emphasis on how changes develop observable, or tipping point, but the Region #2 from beginning through to end) cause of the change was gradual with no Changes Global Context specific date of onset Continuities Region/Category #1, including RGC analysis or Analysis of Region #2's RGC Region/Category #2, including RGC analysis c. a series of factors leading to change, each with different onset dates or no clear onset End Categorical date of all, which caused gradual change Global Context Category #1 (Social) in an un-dramatic fashion. Region/Category #1, including RGC analysis Global Context Region/Category #2, including RGC analysis 3. Date by which Change is Observable (end Changes, Continuities, analysis vis vis RGC date) a. What were the changes in contrast with the Category #2 (Economic) Changes, then Continuities Beginning Situation Global Context Changes b. What were the continuities from the Changes, Continuities, analysis vis vis RGC Region/Category #1 Beginning Situation Region/Category #2 Category #3 (Political) Analysis of changes RGC These three items can be graphically organized Global Context in essay pre-writing using a three-bar parallel Changes, Continuities, analysis vis vis RGC Continuities chart: Region/Category #1 Region/Category #2 Beginning | Cause | Change Analysis of continuities RGC Note: Make sure to relate all change(s) to the Global Context


Charles Ryders AP W orld History EDG message, 9/25/2005.

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