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Vegetable dishes
Essential Factors of food

1. Good Preparation and Cooking Techniques

- proper cutting and cooking of vegetables

2. Professional Skills
- Ability to perform according to required standards
3. Visual sense
Effective food presentation depends on
the understanding of techniques involving

-select foods and garnish that offer variety and
-it should be applied to colors shapes texture
and flavors
3. Visual sense
Effective food presentation depends on
the understanding of techniques involving

• Portion Size
-match portion sizes and plate
-balance the portion size of the items
on the plate.
3. Visual sense
Effective food presentation depends on
the understanding of techniques involving

• Arrangement on the plate

-many chefs display their creativity in
plating presentation. one important
thing to keep in mind is the convenience
and comfort of the diner when plating.
• Main item in front, vegetables, starch
items and garnish at the rear.

• Main item in center with

vegetable distributed around it

• Main item in the center with neat

piles of vegetables carefully
arranged around.
A Starch or vegetable item heaped in the
center the main sliced and leaning up
against it.
Guidelines in Plating
1. Keep food off the rim of the plate
- Select a plate large enough to hold food without hanging
off the edge.
2. Arrange the items for the convenience of the customer.
-Always arrange the best side of food on plate to avoid
letting the diner rearrange them before eating.
3. Keep space between items, unless, they are stacked on
one another.
-Arrange vegetable on plate, that every item should be
4. Maintain unity.
-Create a center of attention and relate everything to it.
Guidelines in Plating
5. Make every component count.
- Garnishes are not added just for color, but
sometimes they are needed to balance a plate by
providing an additional element.
6. Add sauce or gravy attractively on plate.
- Pour sauce around or under the dish or covering only
a part of the dish. Always think of the sauce as part of
the overall design of the plate.
7. Keep it simple.
-Avoid making food too elaborate.
presentation 1. Cook vegetable until
techniques soft, then drain well.
2. In food processor,
Vegetable purees
Vegetable purees process vegetable
smooth puree.
- are smooth, creamy 3. Add melted butter or
mixtures made from margarine.
4. Season with salt and
cooked and blended
pepper and process
vegetables. They are
often used as a base
5. Add whipping cream.
for soups, sauces, or
as a side dish. 6. Using ice-cream scoop
or spoon, shape puree on
heatproof plate and
place in oven or
microwave until hot.
presentation 1. With vegetable
peeler, shred carrot,
corvette and radish
Ribbon Vegetables
into long ribbons,
- are vegetables that about 2.5 cm wide,
have been peeled or pressing lightly with
shredded into long, peeler so ribbons will
thin strips, resembling
be very thin.
ribbons. Common
vegetables used for 2. Toss vegetables
this technique with melted butter or
include carrots, margarine.
radishes, and 3. Cook until tender
zucchini. crisp.
presentation 1. With vegetable
peeler, shred carrot,
corvette and radish
Vegetable Rings
into long ribbons,
- are slices of about 2.5 cm wide,
vegetables, typically pressing lightly with
peppers and peeler so ribbons will
onions, that have
be very thin.
been cut into rings
to create a visually 2. Toss vegetables
appealing and with melted butter or
uniform shape. margarine.
They're often used 3. Cook until tender
as a garnish or as crisp.
part of a larger dish.
Store vegetable dishes
Fresh Vegetables

1. Potatoes and onions: Store at a cool

temperature (50-65°F) in a dry, dark place.
2. Other vegetables: Must be refrigerated.
To prevent drying, keep them covered or
3. Peeled and cut vegetables: Should be
covered or wrapped and used quickly to
prevent spoilage.
4. Potatoes, eggplants, and other
vegetables that brown when cut: Should be
treated with an acid or blanched to
inactivate the enzyme that causes
browning. Raw, cut potatoes should be
held in cold water for a short time.
5. All fresh vegetables: Store for a short time.
Store vegetable dishes

Frozen Vegetables

1. Store at 0°F (-18°C) or colder in

the original container until ready for
2. Do not refreeze thawed
Store vegetable dishes

Dried Vegetables

1. Store in a cool (less than 75°F),

dry, well-ventilated place.
2. Keep well sealed and off the
Store vegetable dishes

Canned Vegetables

1. Keep in a cool, dry place, away

from sunlight and off the floor.
2. Discard cans that show signs of
damage (swollen, badly dented,
or rusted cans).
Store vegetable dishes


1. Don't mix batches.

2. Store leftover creamed
vegetables for one day only.
Before storing, cool rapidly by
placing the container on ice.
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