Unit 3,4,5 Short Notes
Unit 3,4,5 Short Notes
Unit 3,4,5 Short Notes
1. Define biodiversity.
Biodiversity is defined as, “the variety and variability mong all groups of living organisms
and the ecosystem in which they occur.”
1. In Sambalpur, Orissa, 195 humans were killed in the last 5 years by elephants. In
retaliation, the villagers have killed 98 elephants and badly injured 30 elephants.
2. A total of 14 persons were killed during 19 attacks by the leopards in Sanjay Gandhi
National Park, Mumbai.
Causes or Sources:
1.Natural sources
• forest fires
• volcanic eruptions
• radioactive material in earth
2. Man made sources
• burning of fossil fuels
• emission from thermal power plants
• automobiles
20. What is particulate matter?
It includes variety of particles and droplets (aerosols). They can be suspended in atmosphere
for short periods to long periods.
21. Differentiate between primary and secondary air pollutants with examples.
Primary Pollutants
These are emitted directly in the atmosphere in harmful form Example: CO, NO, SO2
Secondary pollutants
Some of the primary pollutants react with one another or with basic components of
air to form new pollutants. NO/NO2 → HNO3/NO3
22. What are the causes and effects of ozone layer depletion? Causes:
a. Chloro Fluoro carbon (CFC)
b. Hydro Chloro Fluoro Carbon (HCFC),
c. Bromo Fluoro Carbon (BFC)
i) Affects the aquatic forms.
ii) Increases the average temperature of the earth.
iii) Degrades paints, plastics and other polymeric materials.
iv) UV rays destroy the melamine pigment in human body.
23. What is acid rain? What is acid precipitation?
❖ The presence of excessive acids in rain water is known as acid rain.
❖ It includes acid rain, acid fog, acid snow and other form of precipitation that is
more acidic than normal.
❖ The presence of SO2 and NO2 gases in the atmosphere decreases the pH of the
water during the rainfall. This type of precipitation of water is called acid
deposition or acid precipitation.
Mist is made up of liquid droplets generally smaller than 10um which are formed
by condensation in the atmosphere or are released from industrial operations. Fog is
similar to mist but the droplet size bigger (>10u) and water is the liquid. Fog is
sufficiently dense to incomprehensible vision.
a. Cooling towers
b. Cooling ponds
c. Spray ponds
d. Artificial lakes
37. Define the term sustainable development (or) What is meant by sustainable
Sustainable development is defined as, “meeting the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
38. Define the term environmental ethics.
“Environmental ethics refers to the issues, principles and guidelines relating to human
interactions with their environment”.
39. What are the advantages of the rain water harvesting?
Rain water harvesting is a technique of capturing and storing of water for future
1) Increasing the availability of water from well
2) Rise in ground water level
3) Minimizing the soil erosion and flood hazards
4) Future generation is assured of water
40. What are landslides?
The movement of earthy materials like coherent rock, mud, soil and debris from higher
region to lower region due to gravitational pull is called landslides.
It is concerned with who owns resources and how they are distributed. People living
in the economically-advanced nations use greater amounts of resources and energy
per individual and also waste more resources. This is at the cost poor people who are
resource-dependent and live in developing nations.