Arts Building
The non-prof�t assoc�at�on w�th the name “Hellen�c Amer�can Educat�onal Foundat�on” (here�nafter the “Athens College”), hav�ng �ts
reg�stered off�ce at 15 Stefanou Delta St., Mun�c�pal�ty of Psych�ko – F�lothe�, 15452, Att�ca, Tax Reg. No. 090027021 / Psych�ko Tax Off�ce, �n
cooperat�on w�th the c�v�l non-prof�t assoc�at�on w�th the name “SYNNEON C�v�l Non-Prof�t Assoc�at�on”, trad�ng as “SYNNEON”, hav�ng �ts
reg�stered off�ce at 89 Amarous�ou-Halandr�ou St., Halandr�, Tax Reg. No. 996697402 (here�nafter the “Donor”) hereby announce an Open
Compet�t�on for Arch�tectural Ideas (here�nafter the “Competition”) for the construct�on of a bu�ld�ng to be named the “D. Daskalopoulos Arts
Bu�ld�ng”, and the landscap�ng of �ts surround�ng area (here�nafter the “Project”) at the fac�l�t�es of the Psych�ko Campus owned by Athens
College (hereinafter the “Campus”).
1.1 The Compet�t�on Organ�s�ng Author�ty �s made up of Athens College �n partnersh�p w�th the Donor (here�nafter the “Organising Authority”).
Athens College �s a non-prof�t assoc�at�on w�th pr�nc�pal object�ve, as stated �n �ts art�cles of assoc�at�on, the harmon�ous development of the
�ntellectual, moral and phys�cal prowess and the character of Greek ch�ldren and the promot�on of all k�nds of cultural events and educat�onal
act�v�t�es w�th�n th�s context, �nclud�ng the prov�s�on of educat�on, tra�n�ng and learn�ng serv�ces for adults, and the establ�shment and
operat�on of a L�beral Arts Centre. To that end, Athens College seeks to promote Greek educat�onal values and supplement them w�th modern
Br�t�sh and Amer�can educat�onal pract�ces, ta�lored to f�t to Greece’s h�stor�cal trad�t�ons, needs, and nat�onal �d�osyncras�es. Athens College
ach�eves �ts object�ves through �ts non-prof�t pr�vate schools at all educat�onal levels, �nclud�ng h�gher educat�on schools or departments, so
as to boost the nat�onal apt�tudes, sk�lls and potent�al �n Greece; the grant�ng of full or part�al scholarsh�ps and meals to needy students from
all over the country; and Greeks l�v�ng abroad who are study�ng at these schools; the publ�sh�ng of pr�nted mater�als and the product�on of
aud�o-v�sual mater�al w�th educat�onal and cultural content; use and development of theatres, sports and other fac�l�t�es w�th the a�m of
develop�ng cultural and sport�ng act�v�t�es of any k�nd; and the operat�on of summer programmes. Lastly, Athens College’s resources
expressly �nclude, �nter al�a, donat�ons.
The Donor �s a c�v�l non-prof�t assoc�at�on, founded by the collector and entrepreneur D�m�tr�s Daskalopoulos, to f�nance the new Arts Bu�ld�ng
at the Psych�ko Campus of Athens College.
2.1 The Compet�t�on �s a One Category – One Stage, Open Architectural Ideas Competition (here�nafter the “Competition”). Arch�tects who
meet the requ�rements set out �n Art�cle 4 below may part�c�pate �n the Compet�t�on.
The purpose of the Compet�t�on �s to �dent�fy the opt�mal arch�tectural des�gn for �mplement�ng the Project from an arch�tectural, aesthet�c,
env�ronmental, econom�c, funct�onal and construct�on v�ewpo�nt, as well as to �dent�fy the arch�tectural des�gn team wh�ch may be ass�gned
the preparat�on of the next stages for the complet�on of the f�nal des�gn and the superv�s�on of the Project construct�on.
The purpose of construct�ng the “D. Daskalopoulos Arts Bu�ld�ng” (here�nafter the “Building” or the “Arts Building”) �s the creat�on of an
educat�onal centre ded�cated to the Arts w�th the pr�nc�pal a�m of encourag�ng student creat�v�ty, cult�vat�ng and h�ghl�ght�ng the�r sk�lls and,
overall, �mprov�ng the Sc�ence, Technology, Eng�neer�ng, Arts & Mathemat�cs educat�on that a modern school should prov�de, w�th the
asp�rat�on of becom�ng a beacon for the Arts �n general.
The v�s�on of the Organ�s�ng Author�ty’s �s for the Arts Bu�ld�ng to be a v�brant and creat�ve space where �nsp�rat�onal teach�ng w�ll meet the
d�g�tal world, and freedom of express�on w�ll be encouraged; a bu�ld�ng where educat�onal fac�l�t�es and exh�b�t�on space w�ll encourage the
further pursu�t of knowledge and the extens�on of exper�ence where teach�ng and learn�ng w�ll be spread and promoted both �n classrooms
and workshops, as well as �n the corr�dors and the surround�ng natural space.
The operat�on of the Arts Bu�ld�ng w�ll prov�de world-class, �nclus�ve and �nterd�sc�pl�nary access to art�st�c educat�on. It w�ll be a space for
learn�ng, creat�on and d�scuss�on, for gett�ng to know and exper�mentat�on w�th the v�sual arts. The Arts Bu�ld�ng w�ll be a hub of creat�on and
�nteract�on for the students and the�r fam�l�es, the teachers, alumn�, the art�st�c world and the v�s�tors.
2.2 The Donor undertakes to fully cover the cost of th�s Compet�t�on, the payment of the fee for prepar�ng all des�gns and superv�s�ng the
construct�on work for the Project as spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 2.3 below, as well as the construct�on of the Project.
2.3 The total fee for the full arch�tectural des�gn and for the superv�s�on of the Project construct�on work shall be mutually agreed by the
Organ�s�ng Author�ty and the arch�tectural des�gn team selected to w�n f�rst pr�ze �n th�s Compet�t�on and �s selected as the Project
Prospect�ve Arch�tect �n accordance w�th Art�cle 7.1 below.
It �s noted that:
A. The total fee of the Work�ng Group, as determ�ned �n accordance w�th the procedures of Art�cle 7.2 below, for the preparat�on of all
necessary des�gn stud�es for the full complet�on of the Project (arch�tectural, structural, electromechan�cal �nstallat�ons, landscape des�gns
etc.) as well as for the superv�s�on of the Project construct�on works, �s est�mated not to exceed the total sum of f�ve hundred thousand euros
(€ 500,000) exclud�ng VAT (here�nafter the “Fee”).
B. The cost for the construct�on of the Project �s est�mated at four and a half m�ll�on euros (€ 4,500,000) exclud�ng VAT, a cost wh�ch the
compet�t�on part�c�pants must take �nto account �n the�r proposed des�gns.
C. In any event, the total cost relat�ng to the Fee of the Work�ng Group and the cost for the construct�on of the Project (�n accordance w�th
Art�cles 2.3.A and 2.3.B above) may not exceed a total sum of f�ve m�ll�on euros (€ 5,000,000) exclud�ng VAT, namely a total sum of s�x m�ll�on,
two hundred thousand euros (€ 6,200,000) �nclud�ng VAT.
3.1 The scope of the Compet�t�on �s the evaluat�on of arch�tectural proposals at the level of �deas for the construct�on of an Arts Bu�ld�ng and
landscap�ng of �ts surround�ng area �n a predeterm�ned locat�on wh�ch �s ava�lable for that purpose at the fac�l�t�es of the Campus, w�th these
proposals subm�tted based on the follow�ng terms of the Compet�t�on by the part�c�pants (here�nafter “Proposals”).
3.2 The Arts Bu�ld�ng w�ll �nclude an Educat�onal Centre, an Exh�b�t�on Space, underground aux�l�ary spaces, underground park�ng space as
well as outdoor landscap�ng.
A. Educational Centre
The Educat�onal Centre should �nclude all fac�l�t�es and �nfrastructure that are requ�red to fac�l�tate the full range of subjects �ncluded �n the
Internat�onal Baccalaureate’s ‘Group 6: The Arts’, accord�ng to the strateg�c goals and the comm�tment set by Athens College, and more
spec�f�cally the courses of V�sual Arts, Dance, Mus�c, Theatre and F�lm. The des�gn of the bu�ld�ng should take �nto account that the Arts
Bu�ld�ng w�ll not be addressed exclus�vely to the IB students but to all students �n the Jun�or H�gh and H�gh School of Athens College and
Psych�ko College. In any case, the bu�ld�ng must meet all “El�g�b�l�ty cr�ter�a for �nst�tut�ons for the host�ng schools of Pr�vate General and
Vocat�onal Educat�on" (related f�le �ncluded �n the Compet�t�on Folder, as def�ned �n Art�cle 8.2 below, «Κριτήρια καταλληλότητας διδακτηρί-
ων για την στέγαση σχολείων Ιδιωτικής Γενικής και Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης»), so that �t can be l�censed as a school bu�ld�ng.
The IB Educat�onal Centre w�th�n the Arts Inst�tut�on w�ll �nclude (but w�ll not be l�m�ted to):
. 2 spac�ous lecture halls and study rooms for 25 students each (2 x 75m² = total 150 m²);
. 6 stud�o spaces for v�sual arts (6 x 75 m² = 450 m²). At least 2 of them should have �ndependent access, �n order to be able to be used by
external students outs�de school hours;
. An aud�tor�um (150 m²);
. A dance room (100 m²);
. A mus�c room for solo and group performances and rehearsals wh�ch also serves as a record�ng stud�o (100 m²);
. A l�brary ded�cated to the arts, w�th read�ng / computer rooms that could be connected to the lecture rooms, and wh�ch are access�ble
to the publ�c (150 m²);
. A s�ngle off�ce space (w�th f�ve work�ng stat�ons) for teach�ng staff (70 m²);
. An off�ce for adm�n�strat�ve staff, w�th a wa�t�ng area (30 m²);
. A v�deo ed�t�ng and post-product�on room, that w�ll also �nclude equ�pment to explore w�th art�f�c�al �ntell�gence (50 m²);
. Storage space (150 m²);
. Restrooms, lockers, shower rooms and chang�ng rooms (150 m²);
B. The Exhibition Space
The Exh�b�t�on Space, of total area 300-400 m², w�ll �nclude of a recept�on area, cloakroom, �nformat�on centre as well as a small café (for
students and v�s�tors).
The Exh�b�t�on Space should follow an open plan scheme (w�th modular panels that allow �ts separat�on �nto smaller spaces), have a h�gh
ce�l�ng (of at least 6-7m he�ght, �n places or throughout) be s�tuated �n d�rect relat�on to the surround�ng outdoor space of the bu�ld�ng and
must have a separate entrance, �ndependent of that of the Educat�onal Centre.
It should be taken �nto account that the Exh�b�t�on Space should have versat�le l�ght�ng systems, durable and res�stant floor�ng as well as
controlled hum�d�ty levels.
The Exh�b�t�on Space should also �nclude storage space (80 m²) and to�lets (30 m²).
The bu�ld�ng w�ll �nclude an underground park�ng space for 40 cars, as well as the necessary underground space to house the bu�ld�ng’s ut�l�ty
D. Outdoor Landscaping
The surround�ng area of the Bu�ld�ng, whether natural or landscaped, should be an organ�c part of the act�v�t�es of the Arts Bu�ld�ng
(educat�onal and exh�b�t�on), and be d�rectly connected to �t both funct�onally and conceptually. The conf�gurat�on of the outdoor space of the
Bu�ld�ng w�ll �nclude proposals of landscape arch�tecture and plant�ng wh�ch should ensure the harmon�ous �ntegrat�on of the bu�ld�ng �n the
surround�ng natural env�ronment, �n the w�der network of student movements (connect�on w�th the green areas, the church area, school
bu�ld�ngs), as well as �n the adjacent outdoor sports fac�l�t�es (currently under construct�on).
The conf�gurat�on of the outdoor space �ncludes the creat�on of an area of assembly or a small outdoor theatre �n order to g�ve the poss�b�l�ty
of expand�ng the educat�onal and exh�b�t�on act�v�t�es of the Educat�onal Centre and the Exh�b�t�on Space outdoors.
3.3 The construct�on of the Bu�ld�ng �s subject to compl�ance w�th the New Bu�ld�ng Regulat�on, the Bu�ld�ng Construct�on Regulat�on and
other regulat�ons as �n force today, the Construct�on Terms appl�cable �n the area (see Government Gazette 161/D/16.8.1928, Government
Gazette 353/D 10.5.1988, Sector I, Arsake�o-College, where the max�mum perm�ss�ble bu�ld�ng he�ght �s H = 11.00 m) and the Spec�al Terms,
Restr�ct�ons on Construct�on and Land Uses �n bu�ld�ng block 7.
Spec�al emphas�s �s placed on comply�ng w�th the regulat�ons on access�b�l�ty for the d�sabled and on creat�ng a bu�ld�ng w�th almost zero energy
consumpt�on wh�ch could be placed �n the h�ghest energy performance category under the Energy Performance of Bu�ld�ngs Regulat�on, the
env�ronmental performance of wh�ch w�ll be documented us�ng an �nternat�onally recogn�sed env�ronmental assessment protocol (e.g. LEED).
4.1 El�g�ble for part�c�pat�on �n the Compet�t�on are the follow�ng (here�nafter the “Participant” or jo�ntly the “Participants”):
a) Natural persons based �n Greece. As at the last date for subm�tt�ng Proposals, as def�ned �n Art�cle 9.1 below, the Part�c�pants that are
natural persons shall be requ�red to have at least twelve years’ exper�ence as arch�tects, and to be �n possess�on of the profess�onal act�v�ty
perm�t requ�red by law for an arch�tect �n Greece (Techn�cal Chamber of Greece); or
b) Legal persons based �n Greece. The�r Proposals must be subm�tted by a legal representat�ve of the legal person, who must be a Greek
c�t�zen. As at the last date for subm�tt�ng Proposals, as def�ned �n Art�cle 9.1 below, the legal person’s representat�ve shall be requ�red to have
at least twelve years’ exper�ence as an arch�tect, and to be �n possess�on of the profess�onal act�v�ty perm�t requ�red by law for an arch�tect �n
Greece (Techn�cal Chamber of Greece); or
c) Teams of assoc�ated arch�tects based �n Greece. These teams may cons�st of natural persons e�ther based �n Greece or Greek c�t�zens
based abroad; and/or legal persons based �n Greece. It �s noted that, �n case of a team of natural persons based abroad, those natural persons
must be Greek c�t�zens, partner�ng w�th a natural or legal person based �n Greece. As at the last date for subm�tt�ng Proposals, as def�ned �n
Art�cle 9.1 below, all team members shall be requ�red to be �n possess�on of the profess�onal act�v�ty perm�t requ�red by law for an Arch�tect �n
Greece (Techn�cal Chamber of Greece), except�on be�ng made for teams w�th a Greek arch�tect based abroad, who shall qual�fy w�th
possess�on of a correspond�ng profess�onal perm�t of the�r country of establ�shment. If the Part�c�pant �s a team of assoc�ated arch�tects,
such team must �nclude at least one member who �s a Greek c�t�zen w�th at least twelve years’ exper�ence as arch�tect and �n possess�on of
the profess�onal act�v�ty perm�t requ�red by law for an Arch�tect �n Greece (Techn�cal Chamber of Greece). Each such team Part�c�pant must
state �n the�r appl�cat�on the share of each person �nvolved as a percentage (%) so that the sum of the�r comb�ned act�v�t�es equals one
hundred percent (100%).
4.2 The Part�c�pants may opt�onally establ�sh a support team wh�ch may �nclude other arch�tects and/or consultant eng�neers �n other areas
of spec�al�sat�on (for example c�v�l eng�neers, electr�cal/mechan�cal eng�neers, landscape arch�tects etc.) who w�ll not have a part�c�pat�on
share �n the Compet�t�on, and any fee for whom shall be pa�d exclus�vely by the Part�c�pants themselves, w�thout any obl�gat�on of the
Organ�s�ng Author�ty to pay any fee or ass�gn the Project to persons (other than the Part�c�pants) who form the support team of each
Part�c�pant. The deta�ls of the other arch�tects and/or consultant eng�neers (name, surname, spec�al�sat�on), w�th whom the Part�c�pants have
collaborated for th�s Compet�t�on, may be subm�tted opt�onally dur�ng the appl�cat�on process �n the “Part�c�pants’ Deta�ls” («Στοιχεία Συμμε-
τέχοντα»), �n the “Collaborators’ Deta�ls” («Στοιχεία συνεργατών») f�eld. These collaborators are not cons�dered owners of the Proposal and
may not benef�t from a part�c�pat�on share �n the Compet�t�on.
4.3 Each Part�c�pant may only part�c�pate w�th one entry and subm�t one Proposal.
4.4 V�a an e-Account, wh�ch the Part�c�pant must create on the onl�ne platform �n accordance w�th the prov�s�ons of Art�cle 8.1 below, each
Part�c�pant �s requ�red to subm�t the support�ng documents requ�red for �ts lawful part�c�pat�on �n the Compet�t�on �n accordance w�th the
procedure prov�ded for �n Art�cle 9 below. The support�ng documents subm�tted to enable Part�c�pants to enter th�s Compet�t�on w�ll not be
made known to the Select�on Comm�ttee (as def�ned �n Art�cle 5 below) unt�l the complet�on of the evaluat�on procedure, �n order to ensure
the anonym�ty of the Part�c�pants and the �ntegr�ty of the Compet�t�on. The support�ng documents requ�red to be subm�tted by each
Part�c�pant, accord�ng to each Part�c�pant’s category are as follows:
a. In case of Part�c�pants who are natural persons based �n Greece, �t �s obl�gatory to subm�t the follow�ng documents and cert�f�cates:
��. Solemn declarat�on that there are no grounds, as set out �n Art�cle 4.5 below, for exclud�ng the Part�c�pant from the Compet�t�on;
���. Cert�f�cate of commencement of the relevant profess�onal act�v�t�es �ssued by the competent Tax Off�ce; and
�v. Cert�f�cate of reg�strat�on of the natural person at the relevant profess�onal body of Greece (Techn�cal Chamber of Greece),
demonstrat�ng the�r profess�onal act�v�ty perm�t requ�red by law for an Arch�tect �n Greece and the requ�red 12 years’ exper�ence.
b. In case of Part�c�pants who are legal persons based �n Greece, �t �s obl�gatory to subm�t the follow�ng documents and cert�f�cates:
�. Photocopy of Greek ID or Greek passport of the legal representat�ve of the legal person who subm�ts the Proposal;
��. Solemn declarat�on that there are no grounds, as set out �n Art�cle 4.5 below, for exclud�ng the Part�c�pant from the Compet�t�on;
���. Recent general cert�f�cate by G.E.MI. (GENERAL COMMERCIAL REGISTRY);
�v. Recent current representat�on cert�f�cate from the G.E.MI. (GENERAL COMMERCIAL REGISTRY);
v. Cert�f�cate of commencement of the relevant profess�onal act�v�t�es �ssued by the competent Tax Off�ce; and
v�. Cert�f�cate of reg�strat�on of the legal representat�ve of the legal person at the relevant profess�onal body of Greece (Techn�cal Chamber
of Greece), show�ng the�r profess�onal act�v�ty perm�t requ�red by law for an Arch�tect �n Greece and the requ�red 12 years’ exper�ence.
�. A table where all arch�tects (natural or/and legal persons), the�r deta�ls (name, surname, bus�ness address, TIN) and the�r part�c�pat�on
share �n the Proposal are ment�oned (subm�tted onl�ne v�a the Compet�t�on platform �n the “Team’s �nformat�on” («Στοιχεία ομάδας») f�eld,
accord�ng to Art�cle 9.3, Stage 3 below;
The documents and cert�f�cates ment�oned below for each team member, natural or legal person:
��. Photocopy of ID or passport of each natural and/or legal representat�ve of the legal person who collaborates to subm�t the Proposal;
���. Solemn declarat�on by each team member (natural or legal) that there are no grounds, as set out �n Art�cle 4.5 below, for exclud�ng the
Part�c�pant from the Compet�t�on;
�v. A recent general cert�f�cate from G.E.MI. (GENERAL COMMERCIAL REGISTRY) �n case a legal person part�c�pates �n the team of
assoc�ated arch�tects;
v. A recent current representat�on cert�f�cate from G.E.MI. (GENERAL COMMERCIAL REGISTRY) �n case a legal person part�c�pates �n the team;
v�. Cert�f�cate of commencement of the relevant profess�onal act�v�t�es �ssued by the competent Tax Off�ce for each team member. If the
reg�stered off�ce �s establ�shed abroad, the assoc�ated natural person who, �n order to be qual�f�ed, must be assoc�ated w�th at least one
natural or legal person based �n Greece, must subm�t a cert�f�cate of commencement of profess�onal act�v�t�es �ssued by the competent
fore�gn tax author�ty;
v��. Cert�f�cate of reg�strat�on of the arch�tects (team members) w�th the relevant profess�onal body �n Greece or abroad, prov�ng the�r
profess�onal capac�ty as arch�tects.
It �s noted that support�ng documents requ�red for part�c�pat�on �ssued by fore�gn publ�c author�t�es �n languages other than Greek or Engl�sh,
must be duly authent�cated by means of a Hague Convent�on Apost�lle or by means of a legal�sat�on by the competent fore�gn consular off�ce
�n Greece, and must be subm�tted together w�th an off�c�al translat�on thereof �n Greek.
The above support�ng documents are requ�red so that the Part�c�pant may lawfully subm�t the Proposal and can rece�ve any of the cash pr�zes
spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 6 below. Where there are any support�ng documents m�ss�ng, the Part�c�pant may be excluded from th�s Compet�t�on even
�f �ts Proposal has been nom�nated by the Select�on Comm�ttee for a cash pr�ze, w�thout that person be�ng ent�tled to ra�se any object�on /
compla�nt about the�r exclus�on to the Organ�s�ng Author�ty. In all cases where a Part�c�pant �s excluded due to fa�lure to subm�t the necessary
support�ng documents spec�f�ed �n th�s Art�cle 4.4, the Select�on Comm�ttee may propose that the cash pr�ze wh�ch the excluded Part�c�pant
would have rece�ved �f the Part�c�pant had subm�tted all the necessary support�ng documents be awarded to the next Proposal �n the
evaluat�on rank�ngs.
4.5 The follow�ng persons are not ent�tled to part�c�pate or to subm�t a Proposal and �n any case the follow�ng persons are excluded from the
a) persons who have part�c�pated �n any manner �n the preparat�on and draft�ng of th�s Announcement or the Compet�t�on �n general, and the�r
relat�ves to the second degree of k�nsh�p by blood or marr�age.
b) members of the Select�on Comm�ttee referred to �n Art�cle 5 below, and the�r relat�ves to the second degree of k�nsh�p by blood or marr�age.
c) persons who have an employment relat�onsh�p w�th the persons referred to �n po�nts (a) and (b) above or who share a reg�stered address
w�th the persons referred to �n po�nts (a) and (b) above.
d) the staff of the Organ�s�ng Author�ty, namely staff assoc�ated w�th Athens College or the Donor on an employment contract from the t�me
of publ�cat�on of th�s Announcement unt�l the end of the Compet�t�on or employed by Athens College or the Donor up to 3 months before
publ�cat�on of th�s Announcement, and the�r relat�ves to the second degree of k�nsh�p by blood or marr�age.
e) persons who have comm�tted ser�ous profess�onal m�sconduct related to the scope of the Compet�t�on or �n relat�on to the�r profess�onal
f) persons conv�cted of one or more of the follow�ng offences: part�c�pat�on �n a cr�m�nal organ�sat�on, br�bery, fraud, terror�st offences or cr�mes
assoc�ated w�th terror�st act�v�t�es, money launder�ng, false cert�f�cat�on, m�sappropr�at�on, extort�on, forgery, perjury and fraudulent bankruptcy.
g) persons who are bankrupt, �n reorgan�zat�on, conc�l�at�on, sequestrat�on, jud�c�al adm�n�strat�on, bankruptcy settlement, cessat�on of
payments or act�v�t�es, w�nd�ng up or l�qu�dat�on or any s�m�lar s�tuat�on ar�s�ng from a s�m�lar procedure under the laws of the country �n wh�ch
they are establ�shed, and aga�nst whom or on the �n�t�at�ve of the above-ment�oned persons proceed�ngs have been opened to declare them
bankrupt, �n reorgan�sat�on, conc�l�at�on, sequestrat�on, jud�c�al adm�n�strat�on, bankruptcy settlement, cessat�on of payments or act�v�t�es,
w�nd�ng up or l�qu�dat�on or any other s�m�lar procedure under the laws of the country �n wh�ch they are establ�shed.
5.1 The Compet�t�on Select�on Comm�ttee (here�nafter the “Selection Committee”) shall cons�st of 11 appo�nted members as follows (the
names are l�sted �n alphabet�cal order):
. Four members from Athens College, namely: 1) Dam�anos Abakoumk�n, member of the Board of D�rectors, 2) Alexandros Kamar�nos,
member of the Board of D�rectors, 3) Dr. Alexandros Nehamas, member of the Board of Trustees and 4) Professor Costas
Synolak�s, Athens College Pres�dent.
. Two members from the Donor, namely: 1) D�m�tr�s Daskalopoulos and 2) El�na Kountour�.
. F�ve d�st�ngu�shed profess�onals �n the f�elds of arch�tecture, des�gn, landscape arch�tecture, h�story of arch�tecture and the arts, namely:
1) Dean Amale Andraos, 2) Andre�a Costa, 3) Marcus Fa�rs, 4) Professor Georg�os Panetsos and 5) Dean Mon�ca Ponce de Leon.
Br�ef CVs of the members of the Select�on Comm�ttee are ava�lable on the Compet�t�on webs�te at the onl�ne hyperl�nk
(here�nafter also the “Competition Website”).
5.2 The Organ�s�ng Author�ty reserves the r�ght to replace any appo�nted member of the Select�on Comm�ttee w�th another person of �ts
choos�ng at any stage of the Compet�t�on at �ts d�scret�on where an appo�nted member �nforms the Organ�s�ng Author�ty that they are unable
to take part �n the dec�s�on-mak�ng process for any reason.
5.3 The Select�on Comm�ttee shall be ass�sted �n perform�ng �ts dut�es by representat�ves of the Organ�s�ng Author�ty who shall ass�st the
Select�on Comm�ttee �n organ�sat�onal terms. The Organ�s�ng Author�ty shall appo�nt two natural persons as �ts representat�ves (here�nafter
the “Organising Authority Representatives”). One Organ�s�ng Author�ty Representat�ve shall come from Athens College and the second
representat�ve from the Donor.
5.4 The members of the Select�on Comm�ttee may not part�c�pate �n any manner �n the Compet�t�on or to the group of arch�tects and other
eng�neers to whom the Project w�ll be ass�gned.
6.1 The follow�ng cash pr�zes (here�nafter the “Cash Pr�zes”) may be awarded by the Organ�s�ng Author�ty to Part�c�pants �n the Compet�t�on
whose Proposal �s nom�nated for the relevant pr�ze by the Select�on Comm�ttee. Spec�f�cally, the follow�ng may be awarded:
a) the 1st Cash Pr�ze of € 20,000;
b) the 2nd Cash Pr�ze of € 15,000;
c) the 3rd Cash Pr�ze of € 10,000; and
a) the 4th Cash Pr�ze of € 5,000.
These sums are exclus�ve of VAT.
6.2 In add�t�on to the above, the Organ�s�ng Author�ty, at �ts d�scret�on, may, on a recommendat�on from the Select�on Comm�ttee and w�thout
that recommendat�on be�ng b�nd�ng, award up to three add�t�onal Proposals the sum of € 4,000 each.
6.3 Moreover, the Select�on Comm�ttee reserves the r�ght, after relevant just�f�cat�on, to award two or more equal pr�zes, calculated by d�v�d�ng
the sum total of the Cash Pr�zes to be equalled, by the number of Pr�zes deemed equ�valent.
6.4 In case the Select�on Comm�ttee establ�shes that the level of Proposals subm�tted does not meet the requ�rements of the Compet�t�on
and subm�ts a declarat�on to th�s effect to the Organ�s�ng Author�ty, the Organ�s�ng Author�ty reserves the r�ght and may, at �ts unfettered
d�scret�on, �ssue a dec�s�on declar�ng th�s Compet�t�on a fa�lure and not award any Cash Pr�ze at all.
6.5 Moreover, the Select�on Comm�ttee may subm�t a just�f�ed proposal recommend�ng that the Organ�s�ng Author�ty should not award some
of the Cash Pr�zes referred to �n Art�cle 6.1 above,
6.6 Payment of any Cash Pr�ze to the Part�c�pant to wh�ch �t w�ll be awarded w�ll requ�re that the w�nn�ng Part�c�pant del�vers all des�gn draw�ngs
and f�les to the Organ�s�ng Author�ty �n both hard copy and ed�table d�g�tal format (.dwg).
7.1 The Organ�s�ng Author�ty �s launch�ng th�s Compet�t�on �n order to ensure that the aforement�oned project w�ll be �mplemented �n a
comparat�vely opt�mal manner from an arch�tectural, aesthet�c, cultural, env�ronmental, econom�c, funct�onal and construct�on v�ewpo�nt. The
Part�c�pant subm�tt�ng the Proposal wh�ch w�ll rece�ve the 1st Cash Pr�ze (here�nafter the “Prospective Architect”) may be awarded the
Project by the Organ�s�ng Author�ty �n accordance w�th the terms of th�s Art�cle 7.
7.2 The Prospect�ve Arch�tect may propose to the Organ�s�ng Author�ty a Work�ng Group for the preparat�on of the f�nal des�gns (here�nafter
the “Working Group”). Collaborat�ng des�gn consultants from the Work�ng Group nom�nated by the Prospect�ve Arch�tect may not be
expressly approved by the Organ�s�ng Author�ty.
7.3 Where there �s agreement between the Organ�s�ng Author�ty and the Prospect�ve Arch�tect on the fee, a contract relat�ng to the award of
the Project shall be concluded between Athens College and the Prospect�ve Arch�tect, to wh�ch contract the Donor shall also be a th�rd party,
or wh�ch must �n any case be expressly approved by the Donor. In th�s case, before conclud�ng the contract to award the Project, the
Organ�s�ng Author�ty may request that the Prospect�ve Arch�tect prov�de documents, such as a recent general G.E.MI. (GENERAL
COMMERCIAL REGISTRY) cert�f�cate, a cert�f�cate of current representat�on �ssued by the G.E.MI. (GENERAL COMMERCIAL REGISTRY), a
recent s�ngle jud�c�al solvency cert�f�cate, a tax and soc�al secur�ty clearance form or s�m�lar cert�f�cates �n the case where the Prospect�ve
Arch�tect �s res�dent or based abroad.
7.4 When s�gn�ng the contract to award the Project or after s�gn�ng �t, the Organ�s�ng Author�ty shall be ent�tled to subm�t add�t�onal gu�del�nes
and comments to the Prospect�ve Arch�tect for the Project prov�ded that they do not lead to any fundamental changes �n the central �dea
beh�nd the Prospect�ve Arch�tect’s Proposal.
7.5 In case the Organ�s�ng Author�ty cons�ders, after hav�ng taken �nto account the relevant calculat�ons, that the construct�on of the Proposal
wh�ch has rece�ved the 1st Cash Pr�ze, would exceed the total est�mated cost of construct�ng the Bu�ld�ng, namely a total of € 4,500,000
exclud�ng VAT, �t shall be ent�tled to not ass�gn the Project to the Prospect�ve Arch�tect and may reconvene, �n order to ass�gn the Project to
the Part�c�pant who rece�ved the next Cash Pr�ze, prov�ded that the terms of th�s Art�cle are compl�ed w�th. If �t �s subsequently deemed that
the construct�on of the Proposal wh�ch rece�ved the next Cash Pr�ze would exceed the total est�mated cost of construct�ng the Bu�ld�ng, then
the Organ�s�ng Author�ty �s ent�tled to ass�gn the Project to the Part�c�pant who rece�ved the next Cash Pr�ze, and so on.
8.1 Each Part�c�pant must create a personal e-Account on the Compet�t�on’s onl�ne platform on the Compet�t�on Webs�te
(www.artsbu�ld� In order to create the Part�c�pant’s personal e-Account, an ema�l address must be prov�ded and the Part�c�pant must
spec�fy a password so that they can log �n to the�r personal e-Account. That �nformat�on shall not be d�sclosed �n any manner to the Organ�s�ng
Author�ty or the Select�on Comm�ttee. Reg�strat�on on the onl�ne platform must be completed by 22 November 2021 at 14:00.
After the personal e-Account �s created, the Part�c�pant may obta�n from the Compet�t�on’s onl�ne platform the templates of the f�les to be
subm�tted �n accordance w�th the procedure spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 9 hereof.
8.2 Th�s Announcement shall be prov�ded �n d�g�tal format (exclus�vely) on the Compet�t�on Webs�te. The append�ces to the Announcement
and all �nformat�on �ncluded �n the Compet�t�on Folder shall be made ava�lable on the Compet�t�on Webs�te exclus�vely to reg�stered users –
Part�c�pants who have created an �nd�v�dual e-Account on the Compet�t�on’s onl�ne platform �n accordance w�th the prov�s�ons of Art�cle 8.1
above and who shall be bound by all conf�dent�al�ty requ�rements as ar�s�ng under Art�cle 19 below.
8.3 The append�ces to the Announcement are as follows, as conta�ned �n the Compet�t�on Folder:
a. del�neat�ng the construct�on area of the Bu�ld�ng (Area A) and the overall area el�g�ble for Outdoor Landscap�ng Proposals, and for
proposals for the conf�gurat�on of entrances/ex�ts to/from the underground park�ng areas proposed by Part�c�pants (Area B); and
b. the planned (future) spat�al reconf�gurat�on of the outdoor sports fac�l�t�es of the school (�.e. basketball and volley-ball courts, see Area
C) wh�ch, due to the�r prox�m�ty to Area A, must be taken �nto account by Part�c�pants when plann�ng the�r Proposal.
II. El�g�b�l�ty cr�ter�a of �nst�tut�ons for the host�ng of schools of Pr�vate General and Vocat�onal Educat�on («Κριτήρια καταλληλότητας
διδακτηρίων για την στέγαση σχολείων Ιδιωτικής Γενικής και Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης»).
ΙΙΙ. Solemn Declarat�on �n PDF format and a solemn declarat�on �n M�crosoft Word format to fac�l�tate anyone w�sh�ng to subm�t a solemn
declarat�on �ssued electron�cally v�a the platform.
8.4 Any �nformat�on about th�s Compet�t�on w�ll be prov�ded v�a the Compet�t�on Webs�te.
8.5 To v�s�t the s�te where the Bu�ld�ng w�ll be bu�lt, the reg�stered Part�c�pant must schedule the date and t�me of h�s v�s�t v�a the Compet�t�on
Webs�te. To conf�rm the v�s�t the Part�c�pant must subm�t the name and surname of all persons w�sh�ng to v�s�t the s�te. Each Part�c�pant can
schedule up to two v�s�ts. On the day of the v�s�t, all v�s�tors must show val�d �dent�f�cat�on to enter the s�te and should follow Athens College’s
health and safety protocols related to Cov�d-19 as deta�led on the Compet�t�on Webs�te. It �s str�ctly proh�b�ted to take photographs of the
area when school pup�ls or other m�nors are present.
9.1 The deadl�ne for subm�tt�ng Proposals �s Tuesday, 1 February 2022 at 14:00 (EET).
9.2 Proposals shall be subm�tted by reg�stered users onl�ne �n a manner that ensures the anonym�ty of each Part�c�pant as outl�ned �n Art�cle
9.3 below.
Stage 1: Creat�on of a personal e-Account by each prospect�ve Part�c�pant on the Compet�t�on onl�ne platform, as found on the Compet�t�on
Webs�te �n accordance w�th the prov�s�ons of Art�cle 8.1 hereof, namely by means declar�ng the Part�c�pant’s ema�l address and by the
Part�c�pant sett�ng a password. Th�s stage must be completed by 22 November 2021 at 14:00 (EET).
Stage 2: Complet�on of personal deta�ls of the Part�c�pant. In case of a Part�c�pant who �s a legal person, the deta�ls of both the legal person
(�.e. legal name, reg�stered off�ce and TIN) and of the legal representat�ve subm�tt�ng the Proposal must be entered. In case of a Part�c�pant who
�s a member of a team of assoc�ated arch�tects, the �nformat�on of the team’s representat�ve �s entered, together w�th the part�c�pat�on share
(percentage) of sa�d representat�ve �n the Proposal. Spec�f�cally, each Part�c�pant, hav�ng logged �nto the Part�c�pant’s own personal
e-Account, �s obl�ged to f�ll out the follow�ng �nformat�on on the Compet�t�on onl�ne platform:
At th�s stage the Part�c�pant can opt�onally f�ll �n the deta�ls of h�s support team (name, surname, spec�al�sat�on) as ment�oned �n Art�cle 4.2
Stage 3: Appl�cable only to Part�c�pants who are teams of assoc�ated arch�tects (as per Art�cle 4.1(c) above): personal �nformat�on and
Proposal part�c�pat�on shares (percentage) of all members of the team of assoc�ated arch�tects (whether natural persons or legal
representat�ves of legal persons) are entered, as requested on the onl�ne platform �n the “Team’s Deta�ls” («Στοιχεία Ομάδας») f�eld.
Stage 4: Upload�ng accompany�ng f�les. Accompany�ng f�les that each Part�c�pant needs to upload to the�r own e-Account pr�or to subm�tt�ng
a Proposal, are the support�ng documents referred to �n Art�cle 4.4 above.
So as to preserve the anonym�ty of the Compet�t�on Proposals, the �nformat�on prov�ded dur�ng the above Stages 1-4 w�ll not be passed on
to the Organ�s�ng Author�ty or the Compet�t�on Select�on Comm�ttee.
Stage 5: Del�verables. Hav�ng establ�shed a personal e-Account, each Part�c�pant �s obl�ged to subm�t the del�verables relat�ng to the�r
Proposal on the Compet�t�on onl�ne platform as spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 12 below. Subm�tted f�les must be anonymous and cannot, �n any way, be
l�nked to a spec�f�c Part�c�pant. These are the only f�les passed on to the Select�on Comm�ttee for the purpose of the dec�s�on-mak�ng
If any of the Part�c�pant’s del�verables refers to a natural person or legal person or team of assoc�ated arch�tects, the relevant appl�cat�on w�ll
be deemed �nval�d, and the Part�c�pant w�ll �mmed�ately be excluded from the Compet�t�on.
Stage 6: Once these stages are completed, each Part�c�pant must subm�t the�r Proposal by select�ng the “F�nal Subm�ss�on” («Τελική υποβο-
λή») opt�on on the Compet�t�on’s onl�ne platform. Once the Proposal �s subm�tted, �t may not be mod�f�ed. After the subm�ss�on of the
Proposal, the onl�ne platform w�ll automat�cally send a conf�rmat�on of subm�ss�on w�th a spec�f�c Proposal acceptance code (here�nafter the
“Acceptance Code”) to the Part�c�pant’s ema�l address declared upon sett�ng up the�r personal e-Account. The Acceptance Code for each
Part�c�pant w�ll not be passed on to the Organ�s�ng Author�ty, the Select�on Comm�ttee nor the Organ�s�ng Author�ty’s Representat�ves.
Match�ng Part�c�pants to the�r anonymous Proposals w�ll be done �n accordance w�th the procedure spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 14.5 below.
9.4 A Proposal shall be deemed �nval�d and the Organ�s�ng Author�ty shall exclude the Part�c�pant from the Compet�t�on where any of the
below are the case:
a. It has not been subm�tted by select�ng the “F�nal Subm�ss�on” («Τελική υποβολή») opt�on by the date and t�me spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 9.1
above. After that t�me, no Proposal w�ll be accepted. Del�verable f�les uploaded by a Part�c�pant who has not opted for f�nal subm�ss�on of
�ts appl�cat�on by the end of the deadl�ne spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 9.1 above shall not be cons�dered by the Select�on Comm�ttee and shall be
deleted �n accordance w�th the prov�s�ons of Art�cle 20.4 below.
b. One or more of the del�verables as def�ned �n Art�cle 12 below have not been subm�tted.
c. There �s a reference to the name of a natural or legal person or member of a team of assoc�ated arch�tects or the name of an off�ce of
the same or any person �n general at any po�nt �n the del�verables spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 12 below.
d. There �s a reference �n a del�verable f�le to any data �n general, other than the name as descr�bed above �n Art�cle 9.4(c), wh�ch can
�dent�fy any Part�c�pant – whether a natural or legal person or member of a team of assoc�ated arch�tects or the name of an off�ce of the
same or any person �n general, at any po�nt �n the del�verable f�les spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 12 below.
e. Hav�ng been selected or proposed for a Cash Pr�ze by the Select�on Comm�ttee, �t �s proven, based on rev�ew of the �nformat�on wh�ch
each Part�c�pant �s obl�ged to subm�t �n accordance w�th Stages 2-4 of the Procedure referred to �n Art�cle 9.3 above by the
representat�ves of the Organ�s�ng Author�ty, that the Part�c�pant has not del�vered the support�ng documents spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 4.4
hereof or the accompany�ng f�les spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 9.3 hereof or �s deemed not to comply w�th the Compet�t�on part�c�pat�on
requ�rements set out �n Art�cle 4 above.
10.1 Any requests for clar�f�cat�ons about the terms of the Compet�t�on must be sent v�a the Compet�t�on Webs�te by 14:00 (EET) on 29
November 2021. Only persons who have created e-Accounts on the Compet�t�on onl�ne platform spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 8.1 above shall be
ent�tled to send requests for clar�f�cat�ons.
10.2 Responses to any requests for clar�f�cat�ons shall be prov�ded by the Organ�s�ng Author�ty by 7 December 2021. All quest�ons subm�tted
and the answers to them w�ll be posted by the Organ�sat�on Author�ty �n Q&A format on the Compet�t�on Webs�te, �n add�t�on to the �n�t�al Q&A
for the Compet�t�on, wh�ch the Organ�s�ng Author�ty w�ll have posted on the Compet�t�on Webs�te.
10.3 Where the deadl�ne referred to �n Art�cle 10.2 hereof elapses w�thout the Part�c�pants’ requests / quer�es hav�ng been answered, the
Organ�s�ng Author�ty shall postpone the deadl�ne for subm�tt�ng Proposals as spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 9.1 above for a per�od as long as the delay
�n post�ng the responses to part�c�pants’ quest�ons, by �mmed�ately �nform�ng the part�c�pants about th�s exclus�vely v�a the Compet�t�on
No extens�on of the deadl�ne for subm�tt�ng Proposals as spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 9.1 above shall be granted, apart from the case expressly
spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 10.3 above or for reasons of force majeure wh�ch relate solely and exclus�vely to the Organ�s�ng Author�ty. In th�s case, an
announcement w�ll be posted on the Compet�t�on Webs�te, stat�ng the new deadl�ne for subm�tt�ng Proposals.
The del�verables that each Part�c�pant must subm�t and wh�ch must, upon penalty of exclus�on, be anonymous, are as follows:
a) Poster 1 w�ll �nclude a topograph�c d�agram/s�te plan to a scale of 1:500 or 1:1000 and all necessary data and d�agrams to
analyse/document the ma�n �dea of the Proposal and the �ntegrat�on of the proposed �ntervent�on �nto the �mmed�ate and broader
b) Posters 2 and 3 shall �nclude floor plans (for all levels and flat roofs), façades (4), cross sect�ons (at least 3) to a scale of 1:200 and 3D
photoreal�st�c draw�ngs (exter�or and �nter�or render�ngs) to enable others to better understand the Proposal.
c) Poster 4 shall be the cho�ce of the Part�c�pant (supplement�ng the other three) w�th everyth�ng the Part�c�pant cons�ders necessary to help
others better understand �ts Proposal (draw�ngs, sketches, explanatory sketches, d�agrams, 3D �mages of the bu�ld�ng w�th add�t�onal exter�or
or �nter�or render�ngs, construct�on deta�ls, samples of mater�als and f�n�shes, etc.).
The Document shall not exceed 25 pages �n total (�n each language, Greek and Engl�sh). It must be subm�tted �n two pdf f�les, one �n Engl�sh
and one �n Greek.
In th�s document, the Part�c�pants shall present, at the�r d�scret�on, �n a comprehens�ve and clear manner, the�r Proposal, wh�ch as a m�n�mum
should �nclude:
I. A techn�cal report w�th:
1. the�r v�s�on, �n summary form, relat�ng to the creat�on and operat�on of an Arts Bu�ld�ng, as descr�bed �n the purpose and scope of the
Compet�t�on (Art�cles 2 and 3);
a) w�th �nformat�on about the proposed method for s�tuat�ng the bu�ld�ng �nto �ts �mmed�ate and broader env�ronment and the funct�onal
connect�on between the bu�ld�ng and school fac�l�t�es (whether bu�ld�ng fac�l�t�es or not) and student traff�c flows;
b) an analys�s of the compos�t�onal pr�nc�ples and the way �n wh�ch the s�te �s organ�sed;
c) a deta�led presentat�on of the net surfaces of the proposed areas, compared to those descr�bed as a m�n�mum �n the scope of the
Compet�t�on produced by the Organ�s�ng Author�ty;
d) w�th data, relat�ng to the bu�ld�ng construct�on elements proposed for �mplementat�on, such as the bu�lt-up area, the coverage area, the
volume and he�ght of the bu�ld�ng.
e) by record�ng the operat�onal, aesthet�c, env�ronmental, econom�c and construct�on cr�ter�a etc. on the bas�s of wh�ch �t was prepared
(�nclud�ng �nformat�on about the construct�on method, the cho�ce of construct�on mater�als and methods wh�ch demonstrate that care
has been taken about the economy of the construct�on so that �t does not exceed the est�mated project budget to the extent poss�ble,
and the b�ocl�mat�c and energy parameters of the des�gn of the bu�ld�ng shell).
ΙΙΙ. In add�t�on to the above, draw�ngs, 3D �mages, sketches, explanatory sketches, d�agrams and anyth�ng else the Part�c�pant cons�ders
necessary for others to fully understand �ts Proposal.
2. The off�c�al language of the Compet�t�on �s Engl�sh for the posters, and Greek and Engl�sh for the Presentat�on Document.
In mak�ng �ts dec�s�on the Select�on Comm�ttee shall have regard to the follow�ng:
2. The extent to wh�ch the proposed Arts Bu�ld�ng fulf�ls the Organ�s�ng Author�ty’s v�s�on as outl�ned �n Art�cle 2 above;
3. The degree to wh�ch the scope of the Compet�t�on, as outl�ned �n Art�cle 3 above, �s met;
4. The organ�sat�on and funct�on of both the Bu�ld�ng and �ts grounds;
5. The deta�led descr�pt�on and presentat�on of the bas�c arch�tectural �dea and the clar�ty of the Proposal, as documented �n the
Compet�t�on del�verables, �.e. �n the four posters (see Art�cle 12.1) and �n the presentat�on document (see Art�cle 12.2);
6. Harmon�ous �ntegrat�on of the Bu�ld�ng �nto the d�rect and broader grounds of the Campus and �ts funct�onal connect�on to school
fac�l�t�es (bu�ld�ngs and other fac�l�t�es), pup�l traff�c flows and entrance gates to the Campus;
7. The scale of the proposed Bu�ld�ng volume and the Bu�ld�ng’s env�ronmental footpr�nt;
8. Compl�ance w�th all manner of regulat�ons and comm�tments so that a perm�t can be obta�ned for the proposed Bu�ld�ng and �t can be
bu�lt as presented �n the Compet�t�on;
9. The ab�l�ty to �mplement the project w�th�n the budget spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 2.3 above, namely w�th�n a total of € 6,200,000 (�nclud�ng VAT).
14.1 The Select�on Comm�ttee may only val�dly evaluate Proposals when there �s a full quorum of all 11 members. Proposals may be evaluated
over the course of several meet�ngs of the Select�on Comm�ttee wh�ch may take place �n person or remotely, at wh�ch t�me m�nutes shall be
prepared for each meet�ng. The f�nal dec�s�on of the Select�on Comm�ttee w�ll be recorded �n a f�nal consol�dated and summary report. If
tak�ng place onl�ne, each meet�ng shall be recorded us�ng the Zoom onl�ne platform and the relevant f�le shall be kept by the Organ�s�ng
Author�ty �nstead of wr�tten m�nutes.
14.2 The Select�on Comm�ttee shall meet follow�ng an �nv�tat�on from the Organ�s�ng Author�ty to evaluate Proposals wh�ch have been
subm�tted by Part�c�pants no later than 30 days from the end of the deadl�ne for subm�tt�ng Proposals as spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 9.1 above.
14.3 In Stage 1 of the evaluat�on procedure, the Organ�s�ng Author�ty’s Representat�ves shall exam�ne whether the Part�c�pants have formally
compl�ed w�th the terms of the Announcement �n relat�on to the anonymous del�verables wh�ch are expressly spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 12 above. In
part�cular, they shall exam�ne: a) t�mely electron�c subm�ss�on of Proposals, b) del�very of four A0 posters and two A3 documents and c) that
the anonym�ty of all del�verables of each part�c�pant has been ensured. Follow�ng that, the Organ�s�ng Author�ty’s Representat�ves shall
forward the lawfully subm�tted Proposals to the Select�on Comm�ttee wh�ch the latter shall be requ�red to evaluate. Upon subm�ss�on, all
subm�tted Proposals w�ll automat�cally be ass�gned a Des�gn Code, wh�ch d�ffers from the Acceptance Code wh�ch each Part�c�pant has �n
the�r possess�on, �n order to ensure the �ntegr�ty of the procedure and to ma�nta�n the anonym�ty of the Part�c�pants v�s-à-v�s the Select�on
14.4 In Stage 2 of the evaluat�on procedure, the Select�on Comm�ttee shall evaluate all Proposals wh�ch meet the requ�rements of the
Announcement and shall prov�de a reasoned rank�ng �n order of success, record�ng the comparat�ve advantages and d�sadvantages of each
14.5 In Stage 3 of the evaluat�on procedure, only for the pr�ze-w�nn�ng Proposals, the representat�ves of the Organ�s�ng Author�ty w�ll match
the Part�c�pants to the�r anonymous Proposals subm�tted. The Organ�s�ng Author�ty’s Representat�ves shall check to what extent the
pr�ze-w�nn�ng Part�c�pants meet the Compet�t�on part�c�pat�on requ�rements as set out �n Art�cle 4 above. Where �t �s ascerta�ned by the
Organ�s�ng Author�ty’s Representat�ves that a Part�c�pant whose Proposal subm�tted was deemed by the Select�on Comm�ttee to be
deserv�ng of a Cash Pr�ze was not ent�tled to part�c�pate �n the Compet�t�on s�nce �t does not meet the cond�t�ons �n Art�cle 4 above, the
Part�c�pant shall be d�squal�f�ed from the Compet�t�on and the rank�ng of the Part�c�pant may be awarded to the next proposal �n rank order
where �t �s cons�dered adequate by the Select�on Comm�ttee.
14.6 The Select�on Comm�ttee must �ssue �ts dec�s�on w�th�n 45 calendar days from the deadl�ne for subm�tt�ng Proposals, as spec�f�ed �n
Art�cle 9.1 above. It �s poss�ble to extend th�s evaluat�on deadl�ne by dec�s�on of the Organ�s�ng Author�ty follow�ng a reasoned request from
the Select�on Comm�ttee. In th�s case, a not�ce w�ll be posted on the Compet�t�on Webs�te, stat�ng the new deadl�ne.
Th�s Announcement w�ll be posted on the Compet�t�on Webs�te, on the Athens College webs�te, �ts summary w�ll be publ�shed �n the Greek
press and w�ll be sent for post�ng on the webs�te of the Techn�cal Chamber of Greece, the Assoc�at�on of Greek Arch�tects – Pan-Hellen�c
Un�on of Arch�tects and wherever else the Organ�s�ng Author�ty deems appropr�ate.
16.1 The result of the Compet�t�on, once val�dated by the Organ�s�ng Author�ty, w�ll be posted on the Compet�t�on Webs�te, on the Athens
College webs�te, w�ll be publ�shed �n the Greek press and w�ll be sent for post�ng on the webs�te of the Techn�cal Chamber of Greece, the
Assoc�at�on of Greek Arch�tects – Pan-Hellen�c Un�on of Arch�tects and wherever else the Organ�s�ng Author�ty deems appropr�ate. Moreover,
the representat�ves of the w�nn�ng part�c�pants w�ll be not�f�ed of the results v�a ema�l.
16.2 In add�t�on to post�ng the Proposals wh�ch w�ll rece�ve a Cash Pr�ze on the Compet�t�on Webs�te, the Organ�s�ng Author�ty may, at �ts
d�scret�on, post the other Proposals to the Compet�t�on Webs�te and organ�se an exh�b�t�on w�th all Proposals from the Part�c�pants. If the
exh�b�t�on takes place, �t w�ll be held �n a spec�al room to be def�ned on the Compet�t�on Webs�te for wh�ch entrance to the publ�c w�ll be free.
The Part�c�pants shall have subm�tted when complet�ng the�r appl�cat�on (see Art�cle 9.3, Stage 2, above) the�r preference about publ�cat�on
of the�r des�gn and whether they can be named or not, and conf�rmed �t by subm�tt�ng the Sworn Declarat�on �n Stage 4 of the procedure for
subm�tt�ng the�r Proposal, as spec�f�cally set out �n Art�cle 9.3 above.
16.3 The names of the Part�c�pants w�ll be noted on the Proposals wh�ch w�ll rece�ve a Cash Pr�ze. Moreover, Proposals wh�ch w�ll not rece�ve
a Cash Pr�ze may �nd�cate the names of the Part�c�pants who declare that they w�sh to remove the�r anonym�ty and make the�r Proposals publ�c
�n accordance w�th the prov�s�ons of Art�cle 16.2 above.
17.1 The �ntellectual property �n the Proposals, arch�tectural draw�ngs and other documents and other �nformat�on subm�tted by the
Part�c�pants �n the Compet�t�on shall belong to the Part�c�pants and shall be governed by Law 2121/1993. Dur�ng the Compet�t�on, the
Organ�s�ng Author�ty, the Select�on Comm�ttee and any agents thereof shall not cla�m, for any reason, any �ntellectual property r�ghts �n the
Proposals wh�le the Part�c�pants reta�n �ntellectual property r�ghts �n the works descr�bed above.
17.2 In all cases where pr�ze-w�nn�ng entr�es �n the Compet�t�on are publ�shed, �t �s mandatory to c�te the part�culars of the Part�c�pant who
prepared the Proposal and the Organ�s�ng Author�ty.
18.2 Th�s Announcement w�ll be ava�lable to �nterested part�es on the Compet�t�on Webs�te �mmed�ately upon �ts publ�cat�on. The
attachments to the Announcement and the Compet�t�on Folder may be obta�ned by �nterested Part�c�pants from the Compet�t�on’s onl�ne
platform upon the creat�on of a personal e-Account �n accordance w�th the prov�s�ons of Art�cle 8.1 above.
18.3 Reg�strat�on to the Compet�t�on’s onl�ne platform, �n accordance w�th the prov�s�ons of Art�cle 8.1 above, may be completed by �nterested
part�es up to 22 November 2021 at 14:00 (EET).
18.4 Part�c�pants may subm�t wr�tten quest�ons to the Organ�s�ng Author�ty for supplementary �nformat�on up to 29 November 2021 at 14:00
(EET) as spec�f�ed �n Art�cle 10 above.
18.5 The Organ�s�ng Author�ty shall be obl�ged to upload all quest�ons subm�tted and answers to them v�a the Compet�t�on Webs�te by 7
December 2021.
18.6 The deadl�ne for subm�tt�ng Proposals �s on 1 February 2022 at 14:00 (EET).
18.8 The object�ve �s for the Organ�s�ng Author�ty to ass�gn the Project to be completed by 15 Apr�l 2022.
18.9 The object�ve �s for the relevant bu�ld�ng perm�t to be �ssued, the �mplementat�on des�gn and the compet�t�on documents to be del�vered
to the Organ�s�ng Author�ty by the end of 2022.
19.1 The part�c�pat�on of the Part�c�pants �n the Compet�t�on shall automat�cally enta�l full and unreserved acceptance of the terms of th�s
19.2 The Part�c�pants �n the Compet�t�on and the prospect�ve part�c�pants that have created an e-Account but have not f�nal�sed the�r
appl�cat�on, undertake to keep �n str�ct conf�dence and to not d�sclose, publ�sh, d�vulge, or otherw�se make known to any th�rd party not related
to the Compet�t�on, d�rectly or �nd�rectly, �n whole or �n part, and for any reason and at any t�me, any conf�dent�al �nformat�on that comes to the�r
knowledge on the occas�on of the Compet�t�on and th�s Announcement. Conf�dent�al �nformat�on shall also �nclude the Campus Survey
D�agram and any other �nformat�on and mater�al, document, element and data, of a techn�cal or other nature, not�f�ed to each Part�c�pant or
prospect�ve part�c�pant �n any format, or result�ng from the creat�on of an account on the Compet�t�on’s onl�ne platform on the Compet�t�on
Wesb�te. Th�s restr�ct�on shall not extend to persons appo�nted as members of the work�ng team of each Part�c�pant or prospect�ve
part�c�pant. The Part�c�pants and prospect�ve part�c�pants also undertake to take any measures necessary to prevent any breach of
conf�dent�al�ty by the�r representat�ves or partners, agents or servants. The obl�gat�ons under th�s paragraph shall rema�n �n full force and
effect after the deadl�ne for subm�tt�ng Proposals by the Part�c�pants, accord�ng to the prov�s�ons �n Art�cle 9.1 above.
19.3 The breach of the obl�gat�ons of secrecy and conf�dent�al�ty �s a mater�al breach of the part�c�pat�on obl�gat�ons and may const�tute, at
the D�scret�on of the Organ�s�ng Author�ty, a cause for the �mmed�ate term�nat�on of the respect�ve part�c�pat�on and for the �mmed�ate
exclus�on from the Compet�t�on, and at the same t�me creates a l�ab�l�ty for the Part�c�pant or prospect�ve part�c�pant for any �nc�dental or
consequent�al damage susta�ned by the Organ�s�ng Author�ty ar�s�ng from such breach.
20.1 In the context of the Compet�t�on, Athens College and the Donor shall collect and process the necessary personal data of the
Part�c�pants (�nclud�ng those of legal representat�ves �n the case of legal persons and des�gn teams) for the�r part�c�pat�on �n the Compet�t�on,
act�ng as jo�nt controllers of the Part�c�pants’ data.
More spec�f�cally, Athens College and the Donor w�ll collect from Part�c�pants and process the personal data set out �n deta�l �n th�s
Announcement wh�ch �s requ�red:
(a) of the Part�c�pants to create an e-Account on the onl�ne platform on the Compet�t�on Webs�te;
(b) to f�ll out on the platform the personal deta�ls of each Part�c�pant assoc�ated w�th �ts e-Account;
20.2 The sole purpose of process�ng sa�d personal data �s to ass�gn the Project to the preferred Proposal and to award the Cash Pr�zes to the
w�nn�ng part�c�pants. The legal bas�s for process�ng such personal data �s the appl�cat�on to part�c�pate �n the Compet�t�on (�n other words,
measures taken at the request of the part�c�pants before the contract �s concluded).
20.3 In order to ensure max�mum transparency and object�v�ty �n the context of exam�n�ng Proposals, unt�l complet�on of the procedure for
select�ng the Prospect�ve Arch�tect and the Proposals to wh�ch a Cash Pr�ze w�ll be awarded, Athens College, the Donor and the Select�on
Comm�ttee shall not be techn�cally capable of access�ng the personal data of the Part�c�pants, �nclud�ng the names of the�r des�gn team,
except for access to anonymous documents and anonymous arch�tectural des�gns. Access to the part�culars of the w�nners of the
Compet�t�on shall be acqu�red by Athens College and the Donor after complet�on of the select�on/award procedure for the w�nners of the
Cash Pr�ze and the Prospect�ve Arch�tect. From the outset, the Donor shall make the personal data of Part�c�pants �n the Compet�t�on,
�nclud�ng personal data relat�ng to the�r des�gn team, access�ble to the company wh�ch prov�des the Donor w�th operat�ng, ma�ntenance,
support and host�ng serv�ces for the webs�te and platform of the Compet�t�on v�a wh�ch appl�cat�ons for part�c�pat�on are subm�tted onl�ne,
and exclus�vely to the extent that that �s necessary to prov�de sa�d serv�ces. In add�t�on, the names and des�gns of the Project’s Prospect�ve
Arch�tect and the w�nn�ng entr�es, �nclud�ng the names of the respect�ve des�gn teams, w�ll be posted on the Compet�t�on Webs�te and the
Athens College webs�te and w�ll be publ�shed �n the press. F�nally, the Proposals of the other part�es, apart from the w�nners, w�ll be publ�shed
and d�splayed on the Compet�t�on Webs�te, prov�ded they have already expressly stated �n advance that they w�sh the�r work to be publ�cly
named and exh�b�ted.
20.4 The personal data of the w�nners shall be reta�ned �n the arch�ves of Athens College and the Donor for a max�mum per�od of 5 years from
the date on wh�ch the pr�zes are awarded to them, w�th the except�on of data wh�ch must be reta�ned for 10 years for tax purposes. The
personal data of other part�c�pants �n the Compet�t�on, �nclud�ng the personal data of part�c�pants whose appl�cat�ons were cancelled by the
representat�ves of the Organ�s�ng Author�ty after the last date for subm�tt�ng appl�cat�ons, shall also be reta�ned for a max�mum per�od of 5
years. In the case where an e-Account has been created by a user/prospect�ve part�c�pant, but the procedure for f�nal subm�ss�on of the
Proposal has not been completed, the personal data of the part�c�pants/prospect�ve part�c�pants w�ll be reta�ned unt�l complet�on of the
Compet�t�on and w�ll then be promptly deleted. Lastly, the personal data of the Project’s Prospect�ve Arch�tect shall be reta�ned �n the arch�ves
of Athens College and the Donor for a max�mum per�od of 20 years from del�very of the Project.
20.5 Part�c�pants �n the Compet�t�on, �nclud�ng the�r legal representat�ves and des�gn consultancy teams, are ent�tled to request access to,
correct or delete the�r personal data and have the r�ght to restr�ct or object to the process�ng of the�r personal data. They are also ent�tled to
rece�ve the�r personal data �n a structured, commonly used and mach�ne-readable format and are ent�tled to request that such data be sent
to a th�rd party. Those r�ghts and any quest�on relat�ng to the process�ng of the personal data of part�c�pants �n the Compet�t�on may be
exerc�sed �n relat�on to Athens College by send�ng an ema�l to [email protected] or by call�ng 210 6798186 or by send�ng a letter to
Athens College, 15 Stephanou Delta Street, Psych�co 15452, attn. Data Protect�on Off�cer, and �n relat�on to the Donor by send�ng an ema�l to
[email protected]. Lastly, where the Part�c�pants cons�der that the�r personal data �s processed �n the context of the Compet�t�on �n a
manner wh�ch �nfr�nges the data protect�on leg�slat�on, they are ent�tled to subm�t a compla�nt to the Hellen�c Data Protect�on Author�ty
Th�s Announcement shall be governed by the Laws of Greece. Should any d�spute ar�se �n the context of th�s Announcement, the Greek courts
of Athens shall have jur�sd�ct�on.