al-Hurūf al-Mushabbahah bil-Fi’l Discussion

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‭Zubair Ismail Patel‬


‭al-Hurūf‬‭al-Mushabbahah‬‭bil-Fi’l‬‭:‬ ‫‮‬َا ْلُح ُر ْو ُف ‬‮اْلُم َش َّبَه ُة ‮‬ِباْلِف ْع ِل‬

.‫‬‮ِإَّن‬‮؛‬‮َأَّن‬‮؛‬‮َك َأَّن‬‮؛‮‬ٰلِك َّن‬‮؛‮‬َلْي َت ‬‮؛‮‬َلَع َّل‬‮‬

‭This is a group of six words that govern‬‭mu’rab‬‭isms‬‭.‬‭They enter upon a‬‭mubtada’‬‭, which‬
‭is then termed as the‬‭ism‬‭, which is‬‭mansūb‬‭and a‬‭khabar‬‭that is‬‭marfū’‬‭.‬
‭They are called‬‭hurūf al-mushabbahah bil-fi’l‬‭because‬‭they resemble‬‭af’āl‬‭in terms of‬
‭two concepts, wording (‬‭lafzī‬‭) and meaning (‬‭ma’nawī‬‭).‬
‭The resemblance in terms of wording, relates to the number of letters that compose the‬
‭word and being‬‭mabnī ‘ala al-fath‬‭. All of these six‬‭hurūf‬‭are‬‭mabnī‬‭‘ala al-fath‬‭just like how a‬
‭fi’l‬‭mādhī‬‭is‬‭mabnī‬‭‘ala al-fath‬‭.‬
‭Three-Lettered‬:‫‮‬َلْي َت ‬‮‬‭and‬‫‬‮ِإَّن‬‮؛‬‮َأَّن‬‮؛‬

‭Four-Lettered‬:‫‮‬َلَع َّل‬‮‬‭and‬ ‫‬‮َك َأَّن‬

‭Five-Lettered‬:‫‬‮ٰلِك َّن‬‮‬

‭ he resemblance in terms of meaning, relates to what meaning each‬‭harf‬‭gives and the‬

‭fi’l‬‭that is resembled due to the meaning. The discussion‬‭is as follows:‬
.‫‬‮َأَّن‬‮‬‭and‬ ‫‬‮ِإَّن‬ )‫‬‮‬‭1-2‬
‭ hese two are used for‬‭tahqīq‬‭(to establish something as a fact); and due to indicating‬
‭verification,‬‭they‬‭resemble‬‭the‬‭fi’l‬‭:‬ ‫‬‮َح َّقْقُت‬‭,‬‭e.g.‬
‭.‬‫‬‮َح َّقْق ُت ‮‬ِقَي اَم ‬‮َز ْي ٍد‬: ‫‬‮َأْي‬، ‫‬‮ِإَّن ‮‬َز ْيًد ا‬‮َقاِئٌم‬
‭Indeed Zayd is standing,‬‭i.e.‬‭I verified the standing‬‭of Zayd.‬
.‫‬‮َك َأَّن‬‮‬ )‫‬‮‬‭3‬
‭This is used for‬‭tashbīh‬‭(to associate one thing to another in terms of a description which‬
‭they‬‭both‬‭share);‬‭and‬‭due‬‭to‬‭indicating‬‭similitude,‬‭it‬‭resemble‬‭the‬‭fi’l‬‭:‬ ‫‬‮َشَّبْح ُت‬‭,‬‭e.g.‬
‭.‫‬‮َش َّبْح ُت ‬‮َز ْيًد ا‬‮َأَس ًد ‬ا‬: ‫‮‬َأْي‬، ‫‬‮َك َأَّن ‬‮َز ْيًد ا‮‬َأَس ٌد‬
‭ ayd is like a lion,‬‭i.e.‬‭I compared Zayd to a lion.‬
.‫‮‬ٰلِك َّن‬‮‬ )‫‬‮‬‭4‬
‭ his is used for‬‭istidrāk‬‭(to rectify/emend‬‭i.e.‬‭to remove a doubt/confusion [‬‭wahm‬‭]‬
‭generated‬‭by‬‭some‬‭prior‬‭speech);‬‭and‬‭due‬‭to‬‭indicating‬‭rectification,‬‭it‬‭resembles‬‭the‬‭fi’l‬‭:‬ ‫‬‮ِاْس َتْد َر ْكُت‬‭,‬
‭.‬‫‬‮َغ اَب ‬‮َز ْيٌد ‮‬ِاْس َتْد َر ْك ُت ‬‮ُح ُض ْو َر ‬‮َبْك ٍر‬: ‫‮‬َأْي‬، ‫‬‮َغ اَب ‬‮َز ْيٌد ‮‬ٰلِك َّن ‬‮َبْك ًر ا‬‮َح اِض ٌر‬
‭Zayd was absent, however Bakr was present,‬‭i.e.‬‭Zayd was absent, I rectified the presence of‬

.‫‬‮َل ْي َت ‬‮‬ )‫‬‮‬‭5‬
‭ his is used for‬‭tamannī‬‭(to express a wish by desiring the attainment of something‬
‭loved, regardless of their being a possibility to attain it or not); and due to indicating the‬
‭expression‬‭of‬‭a‬‭wish,‬‭it‬‭resembles‬‭the‬‭fi’l‬‭:‬ ‫‬‮َتَم َّنْيُت‬‭,‬‭e.g.‬
‭.‬‫‬‮َتَم َّنْي ُت ‮‬ِقَي اَم ‬‮َز ْي ٍد‬: ‫‬‮َأْي‬، ‫‮‬َلْي َت ‮‬َز ْيًد ا‬‮َقاِئٌم‬
‭If only Zayd was standing,‬‭i.e.‬‭I wished for the standing of Zayd.‬
.‫‮‬َل َع َّل‬‮‬ )‫‬‮‬‭6‬
‭ his is used for‬‭tarajjī‬‭(to express hope by desiring the possible attainment of something‬
‭loved, or disliked, with no surety [‬‭wuthūq‬‭] of attaining it); and due to indicating the expression‬
‭of‬‭a‬‭hope,‬‭it‬‭resembles‬‭the‬‭fi’l‬‭:‬ ‫‬‮َتَر َّجْيُت‬‭,‬‭e.g.‬
‭.‬‫‬‮َتَرَّج ْي ُت ‮‬َتْك ِر ْي ِم ْي ‮‬ِللُّس ْل َط اِن‬: ‫‬‮َأْي‬، ‫‮‬َلَع َّل ‬‮الُّس ْل َط اَن ‬‮ُيْك ِرُم ِنْي‬
‭Perhaps the‬‭sultān‬‭will honor me,‬‭i.e.‬‭I hoped for my honoring by the‬‭sultān‬‭.‬
‭Additional Information:‬
‫َم ا“‬‮اْلَك اَفُة‬‭”‬‫ ‮‬:‬‭Mā‬‭al-Kāfah‬‭can‬‭enter‬‭upon‬‭all‬‭of‬‭al-hurūf‬‭al-mushabbahah‬‭bil-fi’l‬‭,‬‭thus‬
‭blocking the‬‭‘amal‬‭of the‬‭hurūf‬‭,‬‭i.e.‬‭the‬‭ism‬‭and‬‭khabar‬‭will both remain‬‭marfū’‬‭, and the‬‭ism‬‭will‬
‭be referred to as the‬‭mubtada’‬‭,‬‭e.g.‬
.﴾ ‫‬‮﴿َأَّنَم ا ِإَلُه ُك ْم ِإَلٌه َو اِح ٌد‬

‭“Indeed, your only God is one god.”‬

‭Previously‬‭al-hurūf al-mushabbahah bil-fi’l‬‭could not enter upon‬‭af’āl‬‭, however with the‬
‭addition of‬‭mā al-kāfah‬‭, they can come right before‬‭af’āl‬‭,‬‭e.g.‬
‭.‬‫‮‬ِإَّنَم ا‮‬َج اَء‮‬َخ اِلٌد‬
‭Indeed, only Khālid came.‬
‭According to the majority of the grammarians,‬‭mā al-kāfah‬‭is a‬‭harf‬‭although a minority,‬
‭specifically some of the‬‭Kufan‬‭grammarians and others, state that it is a‬‭mubham nakirah‬‭at the‬
‭place of a‬‭dhamīr sha’an‬‭, thus being the‬‭ism‬‭and the‬‭jumlah‬‭after it being the‬‭khabar‬‭, according‬
‭to this minority view.‬
‫‮اَل ُم ‬‮اْلُم َزْح ِلَقة‬‭:‬‬‭Lām‬‭al-Muzahliqah‬‭,‭2‬ ‬ ‭i.e‬‭.‬‭the‬‫‬‮الم‬‭that‬‭has‬‭‘rolled/slided‬‭away’‬‭-‬‭it‬‭is‬‭called‬‭this‬
b‭ ecause it has ‘rolled/slided away’ from the natural place for an emphasizer, which is at the‬
‭beginning‬‭of‬‭the‬‭sentence,‬‭because‬‭there’s‬‭already‬‭another‬‭emphasizer‬‭there,‬‭namely‬‭the‬ ‫‬ِإَّن‬‭.‫‬‮‬‭This‬
‭is‬‭a‬ ‫‮‬َل‬‭that‬‭is‬‭added‬‭for‬‭emphasis‬‭to‬‭whichever‬‭of‬‭the‬‭ism‬‭and‬‭khabar‬‭comes‬‭later,‬‭e.g.‬
‭.‬‫‬‮ِإَّن ‬‮اِإْل ْنَس اَن ‬‮َلِف ْي ‬‮ُخ ْس ٍر‬
‭Indeed, man is surely in loss.‬

‭ urān Sūrah al-Kahf‬‭18:110‬
‭Essentials of Nahw‬‭93‬


● ‭ ssentials of Nahw‬‭Mubin Raza‬
‭●‬ ‭The Summary of Nahv Part 1‬
‭●‬ ‭Nahw Mīr‬
‭●‬ ‭al-Bashīr bi-Sharh Nahw Mīr‬
‭●‬ ‭La-Ālī al-Tanwīr Fī Sharh Nahw Mīr‬
‭●‬ ‭al-Farh al-Kāmil Sharh Miata ‘Āmil‬


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