DR8 4.1

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Skills Worksheet

Directed Reading B
Section: Four States of Matter
1. What is a state of matter?

States of matter are the physical forms of substances.

2. What are the three most familiar states of matter?

Gas, solid, and liquid.

3. Matter is made up of particles called atoms and

Molecules .

Match the correct description with the correct state of matter. Write the letter in
the space provided.

a 4. Particles do not move fast enough to a. solid
overcome the strong attraction between them. b. liquid
C 5. Particles move independently of one another. c. gas

b 6. Particles are close together but can slide past
one another.


______ 7. The particles of matter that make up a solid

a. have a weaker attraction than those of a liquid.
b. do not move at all.
c. do not move fast enough to overcome the force of attraction.
d. move from place to place.
8. What is the definition of a solid in terms of shape and volume?

Solids occupy a fixed volume and have a fixed shape; they cannot
expand or change shape.

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Holt California Physical Science 7 States of Matter
Name Class Date

Directed Reading B continued

9. How do the particles of a liquid make it possible to pour juice into a glass?

Liquid’s particles can move past each other. They are close, but can move
and take new shapes and can be poured.
10. The juice in a beaker is poured into a graduated cylinder. The volume of
juice in either container is 350 mL. What does this show you about the
properties of a liquid?

liquid has a fixed volume, but can take new shapes.

11. What is the definition of a gas in terms of shape and volume?

Gas has neither a fixed shape nor volume.

12. How is it possible for one small tank of helium to fill hundreds of balloons?

Gas can expand. Gas in a tank is condensed, pushed together, but as soon
as it’s released, it expands to take up more volume.

13. What state of matter makes up more than 99% of the matter in the universe?

14. How do plasmas behave differently than gases?

Plasmas react to electrical and magnetic currents, and are ionized.

15. Give one example of a natural plasma and one example of an artificial

Light in a neon light is artificial, but lightning is natural.

Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

Holt California Physical Science 8 States of Matter

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