DR8 4.1
DR8 4.1
DR8 4.1
Skills Worksheet
Directed Reading B
Section: Four States of Matter
1. What is a state of matter?
Molecules .
Match the correct description with the correct state of matter. Write the letter in
the space provided.
a 4. Particles do not move fast enough to a. solid
overcome the strong attraction between them. b. liquid
C 5. Particles move independently of one another. c. gas
b 6. Particles are close together but can slide past
one another.
Solids occupy a fixed volume and have a fixed shape; they cannot
expand or change shape.
9. How do the particles of a liquid make it possible to pour juice into a glass?
Liquid’s particles can move past each other. They are close, but can move
and take new shapes and can be poured.
10. The juice in a beaker is poured into a graduated cylinder. The volume of
juice in either container is 350 mL. What does this show you about the
properties of a liquid?
11. What is the definition of a gas in terms of shape and volume?
12. How is it possible for one small tank of helium to fill hundreds of balloons?
Gas can expand. Gas in a tank is condensed, pushed together, but as soon
as it’s released, it expands to take up more volume.
13. What state of matter makes up more than 99% of the matter in the universe?
14. How do plasmas behave differently than gases?
15. Give one example of a natural plasma and one example of an artificial