Important Questions - Family Law 2 - Sem 3 - MU
Important Questions - Family Law 2 - Sem 3 - MU
Important Questions - Family Law 2 - Sem 3 - MU
b. Short Notes
1. Sapinda Rela3onship and Prohibited Rela3onships. R23-24 [Browser]
2. DisqualificaSons to Succession under the Hindu Succession Act. R23-24 [Page 9 Notes]
3. Void marriage under Special Marriage Act, 1954. R23-24
4. Prohibi3on on Benami transac3ons. R23-24
5. Appointment of testamentary guardian. ATKT23-24
6. Par33on and Reunion. ATKT23-24
7. Object of Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Ci3zens Act, 2007. ATKT23-24
8. State the object of Domes3c Violence Act, 2005. ATKT23-24
9. Divorce by mutual consent.
10. Uniform Civil Code [Page 4 SN Notes]
11. Child Marriage [Page 7 SN Notes]
12. Natural Guardian [PAGE 5 SN Notes]
13. Maintenance of widowed daughter-in-law under Hindu AdopSon and Maintenance Act. [Page 85 MU
14. Sapinda RelaSonship. [Page 15 SN Notes]
15. Karta [Page 4 Long Ans Notes]
2. Kalki married Vishwa in 2013. They were living together 3ll 2020. Due to constant fights Kalki filed a
divorce in Family Bandra court.
a. What is the objec3ve of the family court? what approach the family court should take in this case.
b. What are the provisions for the associa3on of the social welfare agencies and counsellors? R23-
3. Suraj and Mohan are two friends who died in a car accident. Suraj died intestate leaving behind his wife,
son and old parents. Mohan also dies but leaving behind a will.
a. How will property devolve in case of Suraj?
b. What is the difference between Intestate and testamentary Succession? R23-24
4. Ana and Benjamin are married under the Chris3an marriage Act, 1872. They sought for divorce by
mutual consent under the Special marriage Act, 1954.
a. Can they be granted divorce under the Special marriage Act, 1954?
b. What are the provisions given in Special marriage Act, 1954 regarding mutual consent? R23-24
5. Rani and Rajesh married to each other under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Rajesh beat her on many
occasions. Rani's 's mother-in-law and father-in-law demanded cash and other valuable from Rani.
a. What are the provisions of law available to Rani against her husband and in-laws?
b. What are the grounds available to take divorce?
c. Can Rani file a criminal complaint against her husband and in laws? if yes, under which law.
Men3on the relevant case law. ATKT23-24
7. How will the Property of Mr. A, a Hindu male devolved in case he died intestate?
a. If Mr. A is survived by his son S, widow of Predeceased son SW, children of predeceased daughter
DS and DD.
b. If A is survived by his father F, mother M. son S, widow of predeceased son SW, children of
predeceased daughter DS and DD. ATKT23-24
8. Rohit a Hindu male married Sarika a Hindu female as per Hindu rites. A son Dheer is born to them. Later
on, Rohit abandons Sarika and marries Jaya.
a. What is the status of second marriage of Rohit?
b. What are the rights available to Sarika and her son under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955?
c. What are the rights available to Jaya under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955? ATKT23-24
d. Long Answers
01. Need for Uniform Civil Code in India. Discuss its advantages and challenges to implement it. R23-24
02. Discuss the Ancient and Modern sources of Hindu Law. R23-24
03. Discuss the reliefs under the Domes3c Violence Act, 2005. R23-24
04. Discuss the laws rela3ng to the succession of Hindu Male dying Intestate under the Hindu Succession
Act, 1956. R23-24
05. Discuss the types of guardians under the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 with relevant case
laws. R23-24
06. Enumerate the grounds of divorce available to a Hindu wife under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and briefly
explain deser3on and cruelty as grounds for divorce. ATKT23-24
07. Discuss law rela3ng to succession of a Hindu female dying intestate under Hindu Succession act 1956.
08. Define guardian and discuss different types of guardians under Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act.
09. Explain the concept of Mitakshara joint family. Discuss separate property and coparcenary property
under Mitakshara Law. ATKT23-24
10. Discuss Uniforms Civil Code with relevant case laws. ATKT23-24 [PAGE 13 Notes]
11. Explain the evoluSon of the insStuSon of marriage and enumerate in detail the condiSons of valid
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. [Page 2 MU Notes, PAGE 1 NOTES]
12. Enumerate different bars to matrimonial relief, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
13. Discuss law relaSng to succession of a Hindu male dying intestate under the Hindu Succession Act,
1956. [Page 11 Notes]
14. Define ParSSon. Discuss ParSSon and modes of effecSng a ParSSon. [Page 2 Notes]
15. Define guardian. Explain different kinds of guardians and their Powers and case laws. [Page 9 Notes]
16. Explain the posi3on of Karta in a Hindy joint family and enumerate in detail the Powers of a Karta. [Page
4 Notes]
17. What are the grounds of voidable marriage under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955? Dis3nguish between void
and Voidable Marriages.
18. Discuss condiSons of valid adopSon under Hindu AdopSon and Maintenance Act 1956? [Page 6
19. Discuss various grounds of divorce under Hindu Marriage Act. (DeserSon / Cruelty) [Page 8 Notes]
20. Discuss the law relaSng to succession of a Hindu Female dying intestate under Hindu Succession Act,
1956. [Page 43 MU Notes]
21. What are the chief characterisScs of Mitakshara coparcenary? State any four rights of coparceners.
[PAGE 15 MU Notes]
22. Discuss the ancient and modern sources of Hindu Law.
23. Discuss the rights and the liabili3es of female coparcenary under Hindu Undivided Family?
Family Law II
1. Evolu)on of the ins)tu)on of marriage and family. [Page 21 Notes]
2. Role of religious rituals
3. Types of marriages (approved and disapproved forms)
4. Types of families
5. Hindu marriage act, (sec)on 5). Void and Voidable marriages (sec)on 10 and 11)
6. Domes)c Violence Act 2005, (situa)onal ques)on)
7. Mitakshara coparcenary and its features
8. Dayabhaga coparcenary and its features
9. Karta – it's posi)on, power rules, and responsibili)es
10. Succession to property of Hindu male/female.
11. Dying INESTATE under Hindu succession act 1956.
12. Evolu)on of interest in Mitakshara coparcenary with reference to Hindu succession Act,
13. General rules of succession.
14. Procedure of adop)on, Who is the natural guardian? Male or female. who can adopt.