CHAPTER 3 sample 1

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3.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the research methodology that the study followed. It explains the research

design; population; sample size, sampling techniques and procedure; data collection instruments;

methods of testing the validity and reliability of instruments; the research procedure that is

followed; and the data analysis techniques that will be used in conducting the study.

3.2 Research Design

Survey design will be employed in carrying out this study; this design is choosing because the

researchers feels that it will identify and make selection of variables which is considered relevant

to this investigation. Amuche (2015) defined it as a blueprint which specifies how data relating

to a given problem should be collected and analyzed. It involves structuring the investigation to

enable the researchers identify the relationship between independent and dependent variables.

3.3 Population for the Study

Research population is a collection of individual or objects known to have similar characteristics.

All individuals or objects within a certain population usually have a common, binding

characteristics or traits. The population was all third year students but the research is based on

General Art 3 students of Akwamuman Senior High School which is 100.

3.4 Sample Size

Sample size refers to the number of participants or observations included in a study. This is

usually numbers

Table 3.1 indicates sample Size

Department Number of Students

General Art 30

General Science 10

Home Economics 20

General Art 2 20

Visual Art 20

Total 100

3.5 Sampling Techniques

The study used purposive sampling technique in choosing study respondents. Snowball sampling

was applied in getting target respondents. Snowball sampling consists of two steps:

(i) Identify potential subjects in the. Often, only one or two subjects can be found

(ii) Ask those subjects to recruit other people (and then ask those people to recruit)

Participants should be made aware that they do not have to provide any other names.

These steps are repeated until the needed sample size found.

3.6 Instrument for Data Collection

The instrument which was used to gather information for the study was questionnaire. The

questionnaire was divided into two sections. Section A elicit information on the personal data of

the respondents while section B sought to elicit information on dropout of the students on a four-

point- like scale. Strongly Agree (SA) =4; Agree =; Disagree =2; Strongly Disagree = 1.

Questionnaire is commonly used to obtain important information about populations. Each item

of the questionnaire is developed to address a specific objective, or research questions. The

questionnaire must not confuse or discourage respondents. This study will use both opened-

ended and structured questionnaire in collecting data from the sample population for the study.

The structured questionnaire (closed-ended) type of questionnaire will be used to enable the

respondents objectively selects one fixed items in the questionnaire that describes his/her

situation. The closed-ended questionnaire is easy to administer, economical to use and easier to

analyze. The opened-ended (structured) questionnaire gives the respondents complete freedom of

response to express his/her opinion on the perceived influence of social media on academic

performance among second year students in Akwamuman Senior High School. These free

responses will permit an individual to respond in his/her own words. They permit a greater depth

of response, are simpler to formulate, stimulate a person to think and give an insight into his

feelings, background, hidden motivation, interest and decision.

3.7 Validity of Instruments

Validity is the accuracy and meaningful of inferences, which are based on the researchers’

results. It is the degree to which results obtained from the analysis of data actually represent the

phenomena under study. To ascertain validity of this study, the questionnaire will be related to

specific variable to access the respondents level inquiry competencies. Contents validity will be

use to validate the instrument and accurate randomization will be done to ensure that there is no

characteristics difference among the third year students of Akwamuman Senior High School.

The instruments will be accurately validated by our supervisor and other expert in measurement

and evaluation from Akwamuman senior High School and the data collection procedures

standardized in order to obtain valid results.

3.8 Ethical Consideration

The researchers made some ethical considerations. This will be very necessary because the study

was involved student of Akwamuman Senior High School. The researchers were concerned

about seeking the consent of the participants. Participants’ consents were soughed before the

questionnaires administered. Additionally, the researchers will assure them of their

confidentiality and also respected their privacies

3.9. Chapter Summary

This chapter described the research philosophy, research design, study area, targeted population,

sampling techniques, data collection methods, reliability and validity, and ethical consideration.

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