2nd Quarter
Family’s Role in Managing Adolescent’s Concerns The learners…
● Different Forms of Support Provision 1. discuss the important role of the
● Guidance in Making Informed Decisions family in managing adolescents’
health concerns;
Assertive Family Behavior in Preventing and Managing Conflicts 2. apply effective strategies in
● With Emphasis on Clear Family Rules and Boundaries, Open Communication, preventing and managing conflicts
Encouragement, Active Listening, and Finding Solutions Together in the family;
Physical Activities to Strengthen Relationship with Family Members 3. analyze how physical activities
● Walking, Running, Hiking, Swimming, Playing Together, Sharing Interests or can strengthen relationships with
Hobbies family members;
Physical Activity Participation: Invasion Games 4. perform physical activities by
● Focus Game Skills: applying principles and concepts
1. Game Concept of invasion games to solve tactical
- Positioning, Relationship with People, Relationship with Objects problems; and
2. Games Principles
- Scoring, Prevent Scoring, Restart, Play, and Transition 5. execute appropriate skills of
3. Skills sports and the required fitness
concepts of chosen invasion
- Sport-specific Skills and Their Fitness Requirements games in responding to tactical
Suggested Activities: Sports: Basketball, Football, Floorball, Futsal, Ultimate problems
Handball, Tchoukball, and/or Water Polo (Swimming)
➢ For teenagers not to get in trouble with parents or siblings, they should make their boundaries
known to the family.
➢ They should openly communicate when they are no longer comfortable, that the parents or other
family members are now intrusive or going beyond what they can respectfully tolerate.
The following are some ways to foster encouragement at home and in the family:
1. Helping teenagers in hobbies and performance tasks they are involved in
2. Discovering talents and motivating family members to develop their abilities
3. Sharing each other's positive traits that make one another special in the family
4. Saying encouraging words to lift a family member's spirit and morale in trying time
5. Structuring the home environment so family members can pursue individual activities