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Janiuay National Comprehensive High School

2nd Quarter


Family’s Role in Managing Adolescent’s Concerns The learners…
● Different Forms of Support Provision 1. discuss the important role of the
● Guidance in Making Informed Decisions family in managing adolescents’
health concerns;
Assertive Family Behavior in Preventing and Managing Conflicts 2. apply effective strategies in
● With Emphasis on Clear Family Rules and Boundaries, Open Communication, preventing and managing conflicts
Encouragement, Active Listening, and Finding Solutions Together in the family;
Physical Activities to Strengthen Relationship with Family Members 3. analyze how physical activities
● Walking, Running, Hiking, Swimming, Playing Together, Sharing Interests or can strengthen relationships with
Hobbies family members;
Physical Activity Participation: Invasion Games 4. perform physical activities by
● Focus Game Skills: applying principles and concepts
1. Game Concept of invasion games to solve tactical
- Positioning, Relationship with People, Relationship with Objects problems; and
2. Games Principles
- Scoring, Prevent Scoring, Restart, Play, and Transition 5. execute appropriate skills of
3. Skills sports and the required fitness
concepts of chosen invasion
- Sport-specific Skills and Their Fitness Requirements games in responding to tactical
Suggested Activities: Sports: Basketball, Football, Floorball, Futsal, Ultimate problems
Handball, Tchoukball, and/or Water Polo (Swimming)

Family’s Role in Managing Adolescent’s Concerns

● Different Forms of Support Provision
Healthy Bodies for Active Teenagers
1. Parents urge adolescents to get around 8 hours of sleep recommended for teenagers
2. The family ensures that they get at least an hour of moderate physical activity
3. When the family provides healthy food options, eating balanced meals according to the adolescent’s
palate is guaranteed
4. Physical changes, such as appearance of secondary sex characteristics, happen at puberty
5. Personal hygiene is imposed on adolescents

Safety First during Risky Behaviors

1. Some teen boys drive motorcycles when allowed legally, so parents educate children on road safety
and dangers of driving. Reminded to wear helmet when driving motorcycle or bike.
2. Parents or guardians talk with their children about the dangers of drinking, smoking, taking drugs,
and premarital sex.
3. Negative peer pressure can be an issue during adolescent years, so the family discusses the need for
choosing friends that will not bring them harm.
4. Cyberbullying may happen when teenagers interact through internet media such as chat rooms and
instant messaging. The family can limit the time spent on social media and encourage teens to “think
before they click”
5. When adolescents are out with friends, their parents know where they will go and their accompanying
adult. The family agrees when children have to call, and what time they are expected to be home.
6. The parents or guardians talk about suicide and pay attention to warning signs. They are well aware
of the emotional state of their teen children.
Moral Support When Feeling Confused
The hormonal changes that happen during adolescence also affect emotions. Because of the pressure
of expectations, problems make teens sad and feel isolated. The following are vital family support to a
confused teenager.
1. The family spends time together doing things the members enjoy
2. Teenagers seek their identity as they experience life. Parents or guardians motivate them to pursue
interests and activities to help them with their identity, self-worth and place in this world
3. The family strengthens self-esteem and the teen’s belief in themselves. Efforts is praised rather than
results. Parents or guardians help teenagers understand that self-worth comes from the inside, not
from things or opinion of others.
4. Parents do not underestimate their teenagers’ opinions. They are respected and listened to.
5. Family members encourage adolescents to make day-to-day decisions and to think of the
consequences as they get older.


Informed decision is a choice made by adolescents after a thorough study of an issue or topic that is to
be decided on. It includes studying all the options, weighing their risks and benefits, then making the best

6 steps in making Informed Decision

1. Defining the issue – determine the issue, it is easier to decide when you know the issue very well.
2. Gathering data – gather information
3. Studying the options – do research to understand the outcome of each option.
4. Comparing the outcomes – make a list of the pros and cons
5. Making the decision – analyze critically the benefits and risks of each option
6. Reviewing the result – determine the positive and negative results and how all these affect you.

Assertive Family Behavior in Preventing and Managing Conflicts

1. Emphasizing on Clear Family Rules and Boundaries

The following are simple and reasonable family rules to obey and to avoid disagreement:
1. Respect everyone, even if you are not in the mood.
2. Accomplish your assigned chores and perform superbly.
3. Be honest all the time. Lying is not a choice and is unacceptable.
4. Do all the assigned schoolwork. Accomplish all performance tasks.
5. Be accountable for your actions. Face the consequences accordingly.
6. Follow the curfew and be home on time. Inform the family of your whereabouts.
7. Limit your screen time, use of technology, and socializing via internet media.
8. Do not date someone yet until your parents get acquainted with your special friend.
9. Communicate your problems with your parents. Do not wait until they get out of control.

➢ For teenagers not to get in trouble with parents or siblings, they should make their boundaries
known to the family.
➢ They should openly communicate when they are no longer comfortable, that the parents or other
family members are now intrusive or going beyond what they can respectfully tolerate.

Adolescent boundaries may include their desire for:

✓ Privacy
✓ Time to themselves
✓ Respect of their feelings and emotions
✓ Filling their physical and emotional needs
✓ Freedom to change their mind
✓ Freedom from control and harmful feelings
✓ Their ability and right to say no
✓ Their ability and right to stand up for themselves
✓ Their identity, worth, and place
2. Open Communication and Active Listening
Successful family relationships involve two-way processes, such as giving and taking, asserting and
conceding, and talking and listening.
Communication must be real, living and emotional.
Ways to improve quality and quantity of communication between family members:
1. Scheduling family tome together – they can be together to talk and listen
2. Establishing family routines – movie time or board games every weekend
3. Eating meals together – sharing and talking what transpired the day
4. Allowing one-on-one time – allow teenagers to open up and share their private thoughts
5. Showing kindness and appreciation – fosters positive emotions
6. Staying connected through technology – communicating even afar

3. Encouragement and Finding Solutions Together

Encouragement is giving someone confidence, support and hope.

Acceptance is the basis of all relationships, including that in the family.

The following are some ways to foster encouragement at home and in the family:
1. Helping teenagers in hobbies and performance tasks they are involved in
2. Discovering talents and motivating family members to develop their abilities
3. Sharing each other's positive traits that make one another special in the family
4. Saying encouraging words to lift a family member's spirit and morale in trying time
5. Structuring the home environment so family members can pursue individual activities

The following are important considerations in finding solutions together:

1. Family members should be open and accepting to different points of view.
2. It is wise to break down the problem or burden into smaller, manageable portions.
3. Potential solutions may likely be missed when suggested ideas are dismissed right away.
4. Encouragement and support are much needed when the family seems to be getting nowhere.
5. It helps when different personalities among family members and their varied viewpoints are

Physical Activities to Strengthen Relationship with Family Members

1. Walking – it allows space and time to communicate

2. Running – it increases happiness within the relationship
3. Hiking – it fosters emotional connection
4. Swimming – it affords opportunity to socialize
5. Playing together – it gives guaranteed quality time
6. Sharing interests and hobbies – it forms deep bonds and creates a team

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