Neighborhood Investigation - one of the most crucial steps in kidnap for ransom
cases which is often overlooked. The objective is to identify and interview in person
all individuals in the area where the victim was kidnapped or last known sighting
area during the window of opportunity.(last time seen until the time discovered
Crime scene - a venue or place where the alleged crime/incident/event has been
Corpus delicti - (latin for the body of the crime) - used to describe the physical or
material evidence that a crime has been committed. ex. corpse of a murder victim.
Physical evidence - evidenced addressed to the senses of the court that are
capable of being exhibited, examined or viewed by the court. This includes but not
limited to fingerprints, body fluid, explosives, hazardous chemicals, soil/burned
debris, bombs, electronic parts used in the commission of the crime.
Miranda vs. Arizona - Ernesto Miranda had confessed to rape and kidnapping,
after two hour interrogation. Because the interrogators failed to inform Miranda of
his right to counsel and remain silent, his conviction was overturned.
Serial Killer - is someone who murders 3 or more people with "cooling off" periods
in between.
Police Blotter - is an 18" x 12" logbook with hard bound cover that contains the
daily register of all crime incident reports, official summary of arrests and other
significant events reported in a police station. A separate police blotter shall be
maintained for offenses requiring confidentiality like violence against women and
children and those cases involving a child in conflict with the law to protect their
privacy pursuant to RA 9262 (anti violence against women and children act of 2004)
and RA 9344 ( juvenile justice and welfare act of 2006).
Types of Sketches
1. Floor plan (Birds Eye View)
2. Elevation Drawing
3. Exploded View
4. Respective Drawings
1. Team leader
2. Investigator/recorder
3. Photographer
4. Evidence Custodian
5. Composite illustrator/Artist
Equipment of an Investigator
1. Police line
2. Video camera
3. Voice recorder
4. Camera
5. Measuring device
6. Gloves
7. Flashlight
8. Fingerprint kit
9. Evidence bag
10. Evidence tag
11. Evidence bottles/vials
12. Investigators tickler
Investigators Tickler
1. Investigators checklist
2. Anatomical diagram form
3. Evidence Checklist
4. Turn-over receipt
1. Photographs
2. Sketching crime scenes
3. Written notes (what you have seen/observed)
4. Developing and lifting fingerprints found at the crime scene.
5. Gathering physical evidence
6. Plaster cast
7. Tape recording of sounds
8. Video tape recording of objects
9. Written statement of objects and witnesses.
2 Kinds of Information
1. Regular sources - ex. citizen, company records
2. Cultivated sources - ex. paid informant
Types of Interview
1. Informal (on the scene interview) - conducted by
police/investigator at the crime scene to get
description of criminal if seen.
2. Formal - interview conducted by the investigator
assigned to the case.
Qualifications of Interviewer
1. Salesman
2. Actor
3. Psychologist
Requisites of an Interview
1. Establish rapport
2. Forcefulness of personality
3. Breadth of interest
Setting of Interview
1. Background Interview - time and place of
interview are not a consideration except for busy
2. Routine Criminal Cases - interview should be
carefully planned. Busy person can be interviewed
at night, privacy is important.
3. Important Criminal Cases - should be conducted in
places other than the subjects home/office to
prevent him/her feeling confident. Investigator
should get interviewees respect.
4. Appropriate Time - General rule - (ASAP) as soon
possible while facts are fresh in the memory of