customs invoice template

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From Shipment details

Tax ID/EORI number (EU): Tracking number:

Shipper's contact name: Invoice number:
Shipper's address: Purchase order:
Postal code: Terms of sales (incoterms):
Town: Reason for export:
Phone number:

Recipient Informations regarding the importer

Tax ID: Tax ID:

Recipient's name: Importer's contact name:
Recipient's address: Importer's address:
Postal code: Postal code:
Town: Town:
Country: Country:
Phone number:
Phone number:le colis
Informations regarding the package content

Units Unit of measurement Description Harmonized code Country of origin Unit value Total value Currency
(number (Product packaging) of goods (SH code or TARIC) (country of
of units) production)


Additional comments: Information regarding the final cost/final value:

Invoice line total:
Discount granted by the shipper:
Declaration statement: Other:

Total invoice amount:

Shipper: Date:

I certify that all statements made and all information contained herein are true and correct.

Shipper signature/Title Date: Total number of packages:

Total weight:

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