CPAR.review2.0 (1)
CPAR.review2.0 (1)
CPAR.review2.0 (1)
b. He/she must have engaged in a folk art He is instrumental in establishing the practice of
tradition that has been in existence and children wearing traditional Kalinga clothing for
documented for at least fifty (50) years. important school events as well as the teaching
of Kalinga folk songs in schools. He also lobbied
c. He/she must have consistently performed or for the broadcast of traditional Kalinga music
produced over a significant period, works of along with contemporary music in their local
superior and distinctive quality. radio station
d. He/she must possess a mastery of tools and Masino Intaray - chanter and musician
materials needed by the art, and must have an
established reputation in the art as master and A member of the Pala’wan tribe, musician and
maker of works of extraordinary technical quality. epic chanter Masino Intaray was a master of the
basal, a gong music ensemble played during an
e. He/she must have passed on and/or will pass offering rituals to the God of rice (tambilaw)
on to other members of the community their skills
in the folk art for which the community is Samaon Sulaiman
traditionally known.
A Maguindanaon musician from Mama sa Pano, expanding his experience and becoming one of
Maguindanao. He is a master in playing the the most respected creators of religious and
kutyapi. secular art today. He uses wood, silver, and
bronze to create exquisitely detailed and lifelike
Uwang Ahadas - musician pieces of varying sizes: altars, mirrors, retablos,
Yakan musical instruments are not the easiest or and even carosas. Mutuc is based in Apalit,
most affordable to maintain, but Uwang Ahadas Pampanga. He was awarded in 2004.
of Lamitan, Basilan made it his life’s work to Teofilo Garcia - gourd casque “tabungaw”
master them. maker
Eduardo Mutuc - metalsmith and artist • Panecillos de san Nicolas (Pan de San
Nicolas) Buttery short bread like cookie
He had no prior knowledge of the work he was made with arrowroot flour, coconut milk,
getting into, but this did not stop him from and egg yolks.
• The cookies have intricate embroidered- ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLE OF ARTS FOR
like design that was shape in a hand CONTEMPORARY ARTFORMS IN THE
carved wooden mold creates a beautiful PHILIPPINES
unique panecillos de san Nicolas.
The elements and principles of art are
PABALAT / PABALOT OR PASTILLAS fundamental concepts that guide the creation
WRAPPER CUTTING ART and understanding of visual art.
• The word pabalat has two levels of These principles and elements are applicable
meaning. On a literal note, it pertains to across various art forms, including contemporary
the pabalat as a PRODUCT (Paper cut- art in the Philippines.
outs). On a metaphorical level, it cannotes
the state of the art practice. THE ELEMENTS OF ART:
- A tagalog term from from the province of The colour wheel or colour circle - is a basic but
Bulacan which means to beautify or completely essential tool for combining colours
decorate with the use of coconut leaf. and is designed in such a way that virtually any
Coconut leaves are fashioned by folding, colours you pick from it will look beautiful
plaiting, braiding and simple weaving, together.
which may have functional as well as Warm colours - red, orange, yellow and variations
aesthetic uses. of these three colours - are vibrant and full of
- PUNI designs can be categorized energy.
according to their uses. The most common Cool colours - green, blue and violet - offer calm
designs are birds, fish, grasshoppers, etc. and Tranquillity, and they're often more subdued
than warm colours.