Chemistry Most Important
Chemistry Most Important
Chemistry Most Important
a) Define Protein’s.
b) Write a note on Denaturation of Protein’s.
c) Define Carbohydrate’s.
d) Classify classification of Carbohydrate’s.
e) What are Nucleotides and Nucleosides?
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➢ Write the difference between SN1 and SN2 mechanism.
➢ Explain Seytzeff rule with an example.
➢ Reaction of Methyl with;
a) KCN
b) AgCN(alc)
c) AgNO2
d) KO-N=2
➢ Draw the structure of DDT with advantages & uses.
➢ Write the IUPAC name of DDT.
➢ Gabriel pthalimide synthesis
➢ Mendius reaction
➢ Hoff-man elimination “or” Hoff-man rearrangement reaction
➢ Hinsberg reaction
➢ Carbyl amine test “or” Iso-cyanide test
➢ Convert aniline into para-bromo aniline
➢ All four preparation of alcohol
➢ Explain following test
a) Schiff’s test
b) Tolen’s test (Silver mirror test)
c) Fehling’s test
➢ Draw of Hawarth projection of structure of α-D- Glucopyranose
➢ Draw of Hawarth projection of structure of β-D- Glucopyranose
➢ Draw of Hawarth projection of structure of α-D- Fructofuranose
➢ Draw of Hawarth projection of structure of β-D- Fructofuranose
➢ Why sucrose is called Invert sugar?
➢ Draw the structure of Adenine, Guanine, Cutosine, Thymine, Uracil
➢ How peptide bonds is formed? "or” What is peptide bond?
➢ What are Essential amino acids?
➢ Why are Amino acids are also called as zwitter ion?
➢Coemmenson reduction
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