Chemistry Most Important

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Mukesh Sir's Group Tuitions



Define the following term’s
a) Optical activity.
b) Racemic mixture.
c) Asymmetric carbon.
d) Enantiomer.
e) Green-chemistry.
f) Sustainable development.
g) Atom economy.
h) Nano-chemistry.
i) Nano-technology.
j) Nano-science.
k) Nano-material.
l) Name of different instrument used in Nano-technology.
m) Advantage and Disadvantage of Nano-technology.

Introduction to Polymer Industry

a) What is Vulcanization of rubber?
b) What are Elastomer?
c) What are Thermosetting polymer?
d) What are Thermoplastic polymer?
e) Give synthesis and write the uses of;
PAN, LDP, HDP, Teflon, Dacron, Buna-S, Buna-N, Novolac.
f) What is natural rubber

a) Define Protein’s.
b) Write a note on Denaturation of Protein’s.
c) Define Carbohydrate’s.
d) Classify classification of Carbohydrate’s.
e) What are Nucleotides and Nucleosides?

Halogen derivative of Alkanes & Arenes

➢ Methods of preparation of Alkyl Halide (R-X)

a) From Alcohol using HCl {Groove’s Process}
b) From Alcohol using HBr
c) From Alcohol using HI
d) From Alcohol using PCl3
e) From Alcohol using PCl5
f) From Alcohol using SOCl2
➢ Wurt’z – Fitting Reaction
➢ Explain SN1 and SN2mechanism

➢ Explain mechanism involved in base hydrolysis of;

a) Tert-butyl bromide (2-bromo-2-methylpropane)
b) Methyl bromide (Bromomethane)

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➢ Write the difference between SN1 and SN2 mechanism.
➢ Explain Seytzeff rule with an example.
➢ Reaction of Methyl with;
a) KCN
b) AgCN(alc)
c) AgNO2
d) KO-N=2
➢ Draw the structure of DDT with advantages & uses.
➢ Write the IUPAC name of DDT.

Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers

➢ What’s the action of dilute & concentration NO2 on Phenol?

➢ What is the action of Bromine liquid & Bromine water on Phenol?
➢ Convert Phenol into Benzene
➢ Action of PCC on;
a) Methyl alcohol
b) Ethyl alcohol
c) Benzyl alcohol

➢ Action of CrO3 on;

a) Iso-propyl alcohol
➢ Dehydration of 1o, 2o & 3o alcohol

➢ Action of Copper on;

a) Methyl alcohol
b) Ethyl alcohol
c) Benzyl alcohol

➢ Action of Methyl Magnesium Bromide on;

a) Formaldehyde
b) Acetaldehyde
c) Benzaldehyde
d) Acetone
e) Dry ice (CO2)
f) Acetonitrile
g) Benzonitrile

➢ Action of LiAlH4 on;

a) Formaldehyde
b) Benzaldehyde
c) Acetaldehyde
d) Acetone
➢ Williamson – Synthesis
➢ Write a test to distinguish between Alcohol and Phenol.
➢ How will you distinguish between 1o, 2o & 3o alcohol using Lucas test

Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic acids

➢ Cannizaro’s reaction
➢ Aldol condensation
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➢ Gatterman-koch Formylation
➢ Rosenmund Reduction
➢ Etard oxidation
➢ Stephen’s reaction
➢ Iodo-form reaction

➢ Gabriel pthalimide synthesis
➢ Mendius reaction
➢ Hoff-man elimination “or” Hoff-man rearrangement reaction
➢ Hinsberg reaction
➢ Carbyl amine test “or” Iso-cyanide test
➢ Convert aniline into para-bromo aniline
➢ All four preparation of alcohol
➢ Explain following test
a) Schiff’s test
b) Tolen’s test (Silver mirror test)
c) Fehling’s test

➢ Draw of Hawarth projection of structure of α-D- Glucopyranose
➢ Draw of Hawarth projection of structure of β-D- Glucopyranose
➢ Draw of Hawarth projection of structure of α-D- Fructofuranose
➢ Draw of Hawarth projection of structure of β-D- Fructofuranose
➢ Why sucrose is called Invert sugar?
➢ Draw the structure of Adenine, Guanine, Cutosine, Thymine, Uracil
➢ How peptide bonds is formed? "or” What is peptide bond?
➢ What are Essential amino acids?
➢ Why are Amino acids are also called as zwitter ion?

Transition and Inner-transition

Calculate magnetic moment (μ) of Fe+2, Fe+3, Co+2

Co-ordination Compounds
➢ Define EAN (Effective Atomic Number)
➢ Calculate EAN (Effective Atomic Number) of following complexes. “or” Calculate EAN
(Effective Atomic Number) of central metal ion in the following complexes.
a) K4[Fe(CN6)]
b) K3[Fe(CN)6]
c) [Cu(NH3)4]Cl2
d) [Ni(CO)4]
➢ State EAN Rule with its limitation.
➢ Write IUPAC names of following complexes.
a) K4[Fe(CN6)]
b) K3[Fe(CN)6]
c) [Cu(NH3)4]Cl2
d) [Ni(CO)4]
➢ Explain the following complexes on the basis of VBT
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a) [Ni(CO)4]
b) [NiCl4]-2
c) [Ni(CN)4]-2
d) [Cu(NH)3]+2
e) [CO(NH)3]+3
f) [COF6]-3
➢ Write the limitations of VBT
➢ Explain Werner theory postulates
➢ Write a note on Structural isomerism;
a) Linkage
b) Ionisation
c) Solvate
d) Co-ordination

➢ Explain H-bonding in;

a) Carboxylic acid
b) Alcohols
c) Amines
d) Phenol

➢Explain kolbe rxn

➢Explain riemer tiemann rxn

➢Coemmenson reduction

➢Wolf kishner reduction

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