20.11.23 BB Exam Practice Questions

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1. What is substitution reaction? Explain any two substitution reactions of benzene.

2. Give two examples each for position and functional isomerism.. (Mar 02, 05,13)
3. What do you understand about Geometrical isomerlsm. Explain the Geometircal
isomers of 2-butene.(Mar 2007, May 2007)
4. Explain (i) Inductive effect (ii) Mesomeric effect (iii) Resonance effect with examples
5. Explain the method of writing E – Z configurationsforGeometrica1isomerstaking
CHCl = CFBr as your example( Mar 2006)
6. What is solubi1ityproduct? Explain the common ion effect on solubility of ionic salts.
7. Describe any two methods of preparation of benzene ? Explain the halogenation,
alkylation, acylation, nitration and sulphonation of benzene. (Mar- 01,12, 2014,15,
May 09)
8. Explain the following equations
a) Wurtz reaction (TS-15) b) decarboxylation c) kolbe’s electrolytic method
9. Define isomerism. What are the types of isomerism and explain structural isomerism
with examples.
10. Write the reagents required for conversion of benzene to methyl benzene
11. How is nitrobenzene prepared?
12. Write the conformations of ethane
13. Wrtte the structures of Trichloroethanoic acid, Neopentane, P-nitrobenzaldehyde
14. What is the product formed when sodium propinoate is heated with soda lime.
15. Write the IUPAC names
a) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH  CH 2 b) H3C C CH3


c) H3C C CH2 C CH3 d) H3C CH CH2 CH2 CH3


16. Write the structural formula of the given compounds -

(a) 3,4,4,5 - Tetramethyl heptane (b) 2-Methyl-l-butene c) 2,2,2-trichloro
ethanoic acid
17. Write the structures of following compounds
(a) 2,4 dimethyl pentane b) 3-Ethyl-4,4-dimethylheptane
18. Write a short notes a) Wurtz reaction b) Friedel craft alkylation

Read all very short answer questions from textbook backside (Akademi book)

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