MAS 5 Activity

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MAS 5 Activity: Balanced Score Card & Sustainability Reporting

Multiple Choice:
1. If your objective is to increase the revenue by producing new products, you can measure
it by?
a.) Percentage of revenue from new product/s
b.) Percentage of revenue from total product/s
c.) Percentage of revenue from new products less revenue from old product/s
d.) Percentage of revenue from old product/s less revenue from from new product/s

2. What measure is used to evaluate customer satisfaction in the Customer Perspective?

a) Market share percentage
b) Ratings from customer surveys
c) Unit product cost
d) On-time delivery percentage
3. Which statement best describes the Balanced Scorecard?
a) It is a financial reporting tool used for annual audits.
b) It is a strategic management tool that integrates financial and non-financial measures.
c) It is a customer satisfaction survey method.
d) It is a training framework for improving employee skills.
4. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the principles of Completeness
and Materiality in the context of GRI reporting?
a.) Completeness ensures stakeholder expectations are fully addressed, while Materiality
focuses solely on environmental impacts.
b.) Completeness ensures adequate scope and boundary, while Materiality ensures the
relevance of topics based on their significance.
c.) Completeness requires unbiased reporting, while Materiality focuses on the timeliness
of reporting.
d.) Completeness emphasizes comparability, while Materiality highlights the clarity of
reported information.
5. Objectives and measures concerning how well our people perform, their skills, training,
company culture, leadership and knowledge base.
a.) Financial Perspective
b.) Customer Perspective
c.) Business Process Perspective
d.) Learning and Growth Perspective
6. Objectives and measures that determine how well the business is running and whether the
products or services conform to what is required by the customers.
a.) Financial Perspective
b.) Customer Perspective
c.) Business Process Perspective
d.) Learning and Growth Perspective
7. These disclosures show how an organization meaningfully engages the community
around their sites and how it aims to create a net positive impact to its host or neighbors.
a.) Relationship with Community
b.) Customer Management
c.) Employee Management
d.) Resource Management
8. This matrix ranks the importance of sustainability issues based on the impact on the
company and its stakeholders.
a.) Materiality Matrix for Social Issues
b.) Sustainability Matrix for Material Issues
c.) Materiality Matrix for Sustainability Issues
d.) Sustainability Matrix for Social Issues
9. To promote sustainability reporting and make it relevant for Philippine public-listed
companies (PLC’s), the Commission, in its en banc meeting on February 2019, resolved to
issue the sustainability reporting guidelines for publicly listed companies attached to this
memorandum order.
a.) SEC Memorandum Circular No. 4 Series of 2018
b.) SEC Memorandum Circular No. 4 Series of 2019
c.) SEC Memorandum Circular No. 4 Series of 2020
d.) SEC Memorandum Circular No. 4 Series of 2021
10. It has a comprehensive reporting requirement covering governance, economic,
environment, and social topics.
a.) Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) Standards
b.) International Financial Reporting Standards
c.) Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
d.) Generally accepted accounting principles
11. It means that the Stakeholder reporting organization should identify its stakeholders and
explain in its report how it has responded to their reasonable expectations and interests
a.) Stakeholder inclusiveness
b.) Materiality
c.) Sustainability Context
d.) Completeness

12. It is meant that the coverage of the material topics and Indicators and definition of the
report boundary should be sufficient to reflect significant economic, environmental, and
social impacts and enable stakeholders to assess the reporting organization’s performance in
Completeness the primarily reporting period. encompasses the dimensions of scope,
boundary, and time.
a.) Stakeholder inclusiveness
b.) Materiality
c.) Sustainability Context
d.) Completeness
13. It means that the report should present the organization’s performance in the wider context
of sustainability.
a.) Stakeholder inclusiveness
b.) Materiality
c.) Sustainability Context
d.) Completeness
14. It means that the report should reflect positive and negative aspects of the organization’s
performance to enable a reasoned assessment of overall performance; unbiased picture of the
reporting organization’s performance.
a.) Stakeholder inclusiveness
b.) Balance
c.) Comparability
d.) Completeness
15. It is meant that the reported information should be sufficiently accurate and detailed for
stakeholders to assess the reporting organization’s performance.
a.) Clarity
b.) Balance
c.) Reliability
d.) Timeliness
True or False
1. For each of the four perspectives used in the balance scorecard philosophy, key
performance indicators are to be established to monitor and measure operating and
financial success
2. The Financial Perspective primarily focuses on objectives like cost reduction, revenue
growth, and asset utilization.
3. The Balanced Scorecard is used only for financial reporting in an organization.
4. The principle of Timeliness in GRI reporting ensures that stakeholders receive
information only at the end of a reporting period.
5. The principle of Clarity requires that information in a GRI report be both understandable
and accessible to stakeholders.
6. The Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework emphasizes the tracking of financial capital
exclusively, ignoring non-financial capitals such as human, social, or environmental
factors, while outlining the company’s strategies for managing risks and future outlook.
7. The Main focus of Business Process Perspective is related to the Efficiency and
Effectivity of a Business.
8. In procurement practices under the economic disclosures, measuring the direct economic
value generated, measured as revenue and distributed (costs) shows that an organization
does not just create economic value for itself but also ensures that this value flows back
to its various stakeholders such as stockholders, suppliers, employees, government, and
the community
9. A balanced scorecard tool should provide reports like Red Metrics Report, Grey Metrics
Report, and Metric Comparison Report.
10. A good Balanced Scorecard tool should come with a built-in report writer for creating
predefined and ad hoc reports.
11. Exporting graphs and reports from the scorecard tool to desktop applications should not
be supported.
12. Disclosures should also be accompanied by a balance scorecard which describes the
management of material sustainability issues.
13. The General Sustainability Guidelines for GRI include economic, environmental, social
and governance.
14. An integrated report should be concise.
15. An integrated report should include all material matters, both positive and negative, in a
balanced way and without material error.
16. The Sustainable Development Goals consist of 10 goals established by the United
17. The assessment of materiality associated with sustainability issues shouldn’t take into
account their influence on the stakeholders’ assessments and decisions and the
significance of the company's economic, social and environmental impacts.
18. Non-attachment of the Sustainability Report to the Annual Report shall be subject to the
penalty for Incomplete Annual Report provided under SEC Memorandum Circular No. 6,
Series of 2005.
19. The Publicly-Listed Companies are needed to comply with the “Comply or Explain
Approach” mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
20. The SEC Memorandum Circular No. 4 Series of 2019 is signed by Emilio Aquino last
February 15, 2019.

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