PSA 240
PSA 240
PSA 240
The risk of not detecting a material The auditor shall maintain an attitude of
misstatement resulting from fraud is higher professional skepticism throughout the audit,
than the risk of not detecting one resulting recognizing the possibility that a material
from error. misstatement due to fraud could exist.
The auditor’s ability to detect a fraud Unless the auditor has reason to believe the
depends on factors such as: contrary, the auditor may accept records and
documents as genuine and if the auditor
The skillfulness of the perpetrator cause to believe that a document may not be
The frequency and extent of authentic or that terms in a document have
manipulation been modified but not disclosed to the
The degree of collusion involved auditor, the auditor shall investigate further.
The relative size of individual amounts
manipulated Where responses to inquiries of management
The seniority of those individuals or those charged with governance are
involved inconsistent, the auditor shall investigate the
Discussion Among the Engagement The auditor shall make inquiries of
Team management, those charged with
governance, others within the entity, and
PSA 315 requires a discussion among the internal audit to know if they have
engagement team members and a knowledge of any actual, suspected, or
determination by the engagement partner of alleged fraud affecting the entity, and to
which matters are to be communicated to obtain internal audit’s view about the risks of
those team members not involved in the fraud.
Those Charged with Governance
This discussion shall place particular
emphasis on how and where the The auditor shall obtain an understanding of
entity’s financial statements may be how those charged with governance exercise
susceptible to material misstatement oversight of management’s processes for
due to fraud, including how fraud identifying and responding to the risks of
might occur. fraud in the entity and the internal control
that management has established to
Risk Assessment Procedures and mitigate these risks.
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