ISA 240 Summary: The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating To Fraud in An Audit of Financial Statements

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ISA 240 Summary : The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an

Audit of Financial Statements

ISA 240 – Fraud definition

An intentional act by one or more individuals among management, those charged with
governance, employees, or third parties, involving the use of deception to obtain an unjust or
illegal advantage.

ISA 240 – Fraud risk factors definition

Events or conditions that indicate an incentive or pressure to commit fraud or provide an

opportunity to commit fraud.

ISA 240 Scope

 ISA 240 deals with auditor’s responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of financial
 Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement due to fraud.

Effective Date on or after 15 December 2009

ISA 240 Objective

ISA 240 objectives are;

 To identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements due to
 To obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the assessed risks of material
misstatement due to fraud, through designing and implementing appropriate responses.
 To respond appropriately to fraud or suspected fraud identified during the audit.

ISA 240 Requirements

ISA 240 requirements are;

 The auditor shall maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit.

 Where responses to inquiries of management or those charged with governance are
inconsistent, the auditor shall investigate the inconsistencies.
 Discuss among team members;
 How and where the entity’s financial statements may be susceptible to material
misstatement due to fraud including how fraud might occur.
 Make inquiries of management about;
 Management assessment of risk of that the financial statements may be materially
misstated due to fraud, including the nature, extent and frequency of such assessments.
 Management’s process for identifying and responding to the risks of fraud in the entity,
including any specific risks of fraud that management has identified or that have been
brought to its attention, or classes of transactions, account balances, or disclosures for which
a risk of fraud is likely to exist.
 Management’s communication, if any, to those charged with governance regarding its
processes for identifying and responding to the risks of fraud in the entity.
 Management’s communication, if any, to employees regarding its views on business
practices and ethical behavior.
 Management, internal audit and others within the entity as appropriate, to determine
whether they have knowledge of any actual, suspected or alleged fraud affecting the
 Unless all of those charged with governance are involved in managing the entity, the
auditor shall make inquiries of those charged with governance to determine whether they
have knowledge of any actual, suspected or alleged fraud affecting the entity. These
inquiries are made in part to corroborate the responses to the inquiries of management.
 The auditor shall obtain an understanding of how those charged with governance
exercise oversight of management’s processes for identifying and responding to the risks of
fraud in the entity and the internal control that management has established to mitigate these
 Auditor shall evaluate whether unusual or unexpected relationships that have been identified in
performing analytical procedures, including those related to revenue accounts, may indicate
risks of material misstatement due to fraud.
 The auditor shall evaluate whether the information obtained from the other risk assessment
procedures and related activities performed indicates that one or more fraud risk factors are
 When identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement due to fraud, the auditor
shall, based on a presumption that there are risks of fraud in revenue recognition, evaluate
which types of revenue, revenue transactions or assertions give rise to such risks.
 In determining overall responses to address the assessed risks of material misstatement due to
fraud at the financial statement level, the auditor shall;
 Assign and supervise personnel
 Evaluate whether the selection and application of accounting policies by the entity,
particularly those related to subjective measurements and complex transactions, may be
indicative of fraudulent financial reporting resulting from management’s effort to manage
 Incorporate an element of unpredictability in the selection of the nature, timing and extent
of audit procedures.
 Auditor shall design and perform procedure that are responsive to assessed risk.
 Auditor shall perform following procedure due to risk of Management override of control;
 Test the appropriateness of journal entries, for end of period and throughout period and
inquire about any unusual transaction.
 Review accounting estimates for biases by evaluation and retrospective review.
 For significant transaction outside the normal course of business, evaluate the business

Evaluation of Audit Evidence

 Evaluate the result of analytical procedure that are performed at the end of audit for
consistency with assessed risk
 Evaluate identified misstatement weather material or not, if its indicative of fraud or not.
 If the auditor confirms that, or is unable to conclude whether, the financial statements are
materially misstated as a result of fraud the auditor shall evaluate the implications for the

Auditor Unable to Continue the Engagement

 Determine the professional and legal responsibilities

 Determine its appropriate to withdraw or not
 If withdraw
 Discuss with the appropriate level of management and those charged with governance the
auditor’s withdrawal from the engagement and the reasons for the withdrawal.
 Determine whether there is a professional or legal requirement to report to the person or
persons who made the audit appointment or, in some cases, to regulatory authorities, the
auditor’s withdrawal from the engagement and the reasons for the withdrawal.

Written Representations

The auditor shall obtain written representations from management and, where appropriate,
those charged with governance that:

 They acknowledge their responsibility for the design, implementation and maintenance of
internal control to prevent and detect fraud;
 They have disclosed to the auditor the results of management’s assessment of the risk that the
financial statements may be materially misstated as a result of fraud
 They have disclosed to the auditor their knowledge of fraud, or suspected fraud, affecting the
entity involving
 Management
 Employees who have significant roles in internal control
 Others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements
 They have disclosed to the auditor their knowledge of any allegations of fraud, or suspected
fraud, affecting the entity’s financial statements communicated by employees, former
employees, analysts, regulators or others.

Communications to Management and with Those Charged with Governance

 If the auditor has identified a fraud or has obtained information that indicates that a fraud
may exist, the auditor shall communicate these matters on a timely basis to the appropriate
level of management in order to inform those with primary responsibility for the prevention
and detection of fraud of matters relevant to their responsibilities


 Discussion among team and its significant decision

 The identified and assessed risks of material misstatement due to fraud at the financial
statement level and at the assertion level
 Overall response to assessed risk
 Result of procedures for
 Communications with client
 Presumption that there is a risk of material misstatement due to fraud related to revenue
recognition is not applicable in the circumstances of the engagement, the auditor shall include
in the audit documentation the reasons for that conclusion.

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