The goal of lie detection is the discovery of the truth that energy converted with human emotions. He asserted that
is known to one person and concealed from others. human body has the ability to generate store, discharged
high voltage of static electricity.
Control Question Test uses relevant, control and 4. D’Arsonval, declared that electricity is generated by
irrelevant questions. Larger response to relevant the body and named External Friction as a source of
questions is considered as evidence of deception. generation. He assorted those sweat glands which the
body at times store the electricity and other times
Guilty Knowledge Test uses concealed information discharged them.
questions and irrelevant questions.
5. Paul Wilhelm and Donald Burns 1951, invented an
Critics have questioned the theory and practice of Electronic Psychometric using Electrodermal Response
polygraphy, primarily on the grounds that the emotion as a basis for lie detection.
based responses measure may not always correspond to
1. Vittorio Benussi 1914, he noted changes in
CARDIOSPHYMOGRAPH respiration ratio during deception. He recorded
1. Angel Mosso 1895, he studied fear influence in the respiratory course with pneumograph component.
heart and his observation subsequently forms the basis
for detecting technique. He developed a type of 2. Harold E. Burtt 1918, he determines the respiratory
sphygmomanometer and scientific cardio for the study of changes was indication of deception. He found that
fear. changes in systolic blood pressure were of greater value
2. Cesare Lombroso 1895, he was accorded the in determining deception than in changes in respiration.
distinction being first person to utilize an instrument for
the purpose of detecting lies. He employed the first 3. Leonarde Keeler 1926, he devised metal recording
scientific instrument to detect deception. The machine bellows, rolled chart paper, incorporated galvanograph
called Hydrosphymograph it measures changes in pulse with the measurement of blood pressure and respiration,
and blood pressure when suspect were questioned about method of question and kymograph.
their involvement in a particular offense.
4. Darrow 1930, Devised a research photo polygraph
3. Dr. William Moulton Marston 1915, he conducted which records several responses simultaneously.
numerous test for detecting deception utilizing the
changes in systolic blood pressure. He favored 5. John E. Reid 1945, devised an instrument for
discontinuous method of reading systolic blood pressure. recording muscular activity. The recording made
He also experimented with galvanograph which register simultaneously with blood pressure pulse respiration
changes in skin resistance. tracings, renders much more accurate any diagnosis
based upon these later phenomena.
4. John A. Larson 1921, He devisedan instrument
capable of continuously recording blood pressure 6. Sir James Mackenzie, polygraph was in existence
changes, pulse rate and respiration. First Inventor of since 1906 its invention however as not for lie detection
American Polygraph Machine. He also developed broad purposes, rather for the use in medical examination.
board lie detector which was polugraphic, apparatus in Nevertheless, it did contain the essential features of
portable form. present day instrument and first construction was based
upon the same principle. Its inventor was Sir James
5. Munsterburg 1908, proposed that lie test based on lie Mackenzie, the famous English Heart Specialist which
detector should be admissible as evidence in court. The an article entitled “The ink polygraph” which appeared
detection is based on using blood pressure variations for in1908 number of the English Journal.
deception detection. He advocates the used of lie
detection in court. 7. Cleve Backster 1947, develop the control question,
which introduces a lie in the polygraph chart to establish
GALVANOGRAPH the yardsticks so that one would know what the reaction
1. Sticker 1897, he made the first suggestion for using really means. If this person responds to this control lie to
galvanograph for detecting deception base on the works a greater extent than does to the actual questions under
of several predecessors. He theorized that galvani skin investigation we assume and establish the subject is
reflex is influence by existing mental imoression and telling the truth at that point.
that will have no effect upon it. First Inventor of
Polygraph Machine. He invented the first lie detector Erasistratus, he successfully noted the frequency of
using Electro dermal response. heartbeat, upon application of some stimuli related to the
question at hand.
2. Verguth 1926, he was the first who used the term Galileo, devised a gadget called “Pulsilogium” an
psycho-galvani reflex. He believed that electrical instrument used to measure the heartbeat frequency.
phenomena are due to the activity of sweat glands.
Zone Comparison Test (ZCT) alternatively known as
3. Fere 1926, discovered that electro dermal response is Zone of Comparison Test (ZOC) is the polygraph
caused by an increase in the action of the heart and vital technique most commonly used for polygraph
interrogations concerning a single issue, and it is used detection of deception. It was a black box with an output
especially in criminal investigations. in the form of a waveform via thermograph readout. The
PSE senses the difference and records the change in the
Modified General Question Test, those planning to use inaudible FM qualities of the voice on a chart. When an
countermeasures to protect themselves against false experienced examiner interprets the chart, it reveals the
positive outcome need to be able to recognize the key stress areas of the person being questioned.
different types of questions.
1. When a person speaks, there are audible voice
Improvement of the Human Races: frequencies and superimposed on these are the inaudible
1. Genetics(hereditary/ inheritance) – branch of frequency modulations which are products of minute
biology which deals with the interaction of genes in oscillation of the muscles of the voice mechanism. Such
producing similarities and differences between oscillations of the muscles tremor occur at the rate of 8
individuals related by descent. to 14 cycles per second and controlled by the central
2. Eugenics – science and art of improving human nervous system.
breeds by so applying the ascertained principles of 2.When the person is under stress as when he is lying,
genetics and inheritance as to secure a desirable the micro tremor in the voice utterance in moderately or
combination of physical characteristics and mental traits completely suppressed.
in the offspring of suitably mated parents. 3. The degree of suppression carries inversely to the
degree of psychological stress in the speaker.
FEAR- is emotional response to specific danger that 4. The psychological stress evaluator detects, measures,
appears to beyond a person’s defensive power. and graphically displays the voice modulation that we
STIMULUS- is a force or motion reaching the organism cannot hear.
and excited the receptors. 5.When a person is relaxed and responding honestly to
REACTION- it is an action in mental attitude evokes by the questions, those inaudible frequencies are registered
external influence clearly on the instrument. But when a person is under
DECEPTION- is an act of deceiving or misleading stress, as when he is lying these frequencies tend to
usually accompanied by lying disappear.
DETECTION- it is an act of discovery of existence,
presence of fact or something hidden or obsecure. Procedure:
LYING- the uttering or conveying of falsehood or 1. The examiner meets the requesting party to determine
creating a false or misleading information with the the specific purpose of the examination and to begin
intention of affecting wrongfully the acts and opinion of formulation of relevant questions.
other. 2. A pre-test is conducted with the subject to help him or
RESPONSE- is any activity or inhibition of the her feel at ease with the examiner, to provide an
previous activity of an organism resulting from opportunity to specify matters, to eliminate outside
stimulation issues, and to review question that will be asked.
SPECIFIC RESPONSE- is any deviation from the 3. An oral-test of about 12-15 yes or no questions is
normal tracing of the subject given which is recorded on a tape recorder. The
NORMAL TRACING- is a tracing on the chart wherein questions are mixture of relevant and irrelevant
the subject answered in the irrelevant question. questions.
4. Immediately following the test or are a late time, the
METHODS OF DETECTING DECEPTION tape is processed through Psychological Stress Evaluator
1. VOICE STRESS ANALYSIS (VSA) for analysis of answer.
5. If stress is indicated, the subject is given authority to
One interest by law enforcement and military provide additional clarification. A retest is given to
organizations are the commercial VSA Systems, which verify correction and clarification.
are advertised to detect deception or to detect when a
person under investigation is lying.
Most lie detectors are instruments that measures
changes in aspects of a person's physiological while
If voice stress can be detected, and effectively analyzed,
answering questions. The theory is that if a person reacts
perhaps it can be used as a viable investigative tool as
more strongly to specific types of questions, the person
well as an adjunct to speech recognition technology in
can be determined to be innocent or guilty. If a person’s
order to improve speech recognition capabilities.
reaction is considered neither innocent or guilty, that is
called Inconclusive Result.
Numerous police officers and agencies have been
Over the years, lab and field studies have shown that
approached in recent years by vendors touting computer
most liars show similar patterns of changes in physical
based systems capable of measuring stress in a person’s
behavior that sensitive equipment can measure. Of
voice as an indicator of deception. These system are
course, there are cases where some liars do not show the
advertised as being cheaper, easier to use, less invasive
same physical signs as most. For that reason, lie
in use, and less constrained in their operation than
detectors have margins of error.
polygraph technology.
This unit was the first VSA unit on the market, released 1. The Ocular-motor Deception Test ( now called
on March of 1971. Designed to be used in the same EyeDetect) was first conceived in 2002 by two scientist
manner as a polygraph, one-on-one testing for the in University of Utah.
2. It is computer based system with high definition eye 5. But in most instances, the subjects cannot recall
tracking camera that measures eye behaviors such as everything that he had mentioned or he may refused to
pupil dilation, eye movements(fixations), and blink rate admit the truth of the statement given.
during 15-30 minutes test during which a person answers 6. The Knowledge of the truth is an essential
True/False questions with computer mouse. requirement for the administration of criminal justice.
3. Eye behaviors and test responses are gathered and The success or failure in making decisions may rest
then analyzed by a computer algorithm to determine a solely on the ability to evaluate the truth or falsity of the
credibility score. statement given by the suspects or witness. The task for
4. EyeDetect has many features similar to polygraph its determination initially lies on the hand of the
because its developers are polygraphs experts. investigator.
5. EyeDetect tests are standardized and automated. They
are scored without intervention from human examiner, HYPNOSIS
other than test preparation. No sensors or other devices 1. It is the alteration of consciousness and concentration
are attached to the person being tested in which the subjects manifests a heightened of
suggestibility, while awareness is maintained.
3 USE OF DRUGS THAT “INHIBIT THE INHIBITOR” 2. Not all persons are susceptible to hypnotic induction.
A. TRUTH SERUM Subjects who are compulsive-depressive type, strong
willed like lawyers, accountants, physicians and other
1. The truth serum is a misnomer. The procedure does
professionals are usually non-hypnotizable
not make someone tell the truth and the thing
administered is not serum but actually drug.
2. In the test HYOSCINE HYDROBROMINE is given
1. That is a comfortable state or complete relaxation in
hypodermically in repeated does until state of delirium is
which the subject will readily and willingly to cooperate
in every way with the hypnotizer
3. When the proper point is reached, the questioning
2. That it is not actually sleep
begins and the subjects fell a compulsion to answer the
3. That the subject will do whatever he is told to do.
questions truthfully.
4. That the hypnotizer will not order him to do anything
4. He forgets his alibi which he may have built to cover
up his guilt. He may give details of his acts or may even
6. After the test, the subject will wake up with feeling of
implicate others.
comfort and refreshment
5. The drug acts as depressant in the nervous system.
Clinical evidence indicates the various segments of the
Reasons why deception obtained through hypnosis is
brain particularly the cortex.
not admissible in court
6. Statements taken from the subjects while under the
1. It lacks the general scientific acceptance of the
influence of truth serum are evolutionary obtained,
reliability of hypnosis per in ascertaining the truth from
hence, they are not admissible as evidence.
2. The fear that the truer fact will give uncritical and
absolute reliability to a scientific device without
1. This method of deception is practically the same as
consideration of its flaws in ascertaining vercity
that of administration of truth serum. The only difference
3. The possibility that the hypnotized subject will
is the drug used. Psychiatric sodium amytal or sodium
deliberately fabricate
penthotal is administered by the subject.
4. The prospect that the state of heightened suggestibility
2. When the effects appear, questioning starts
in which the hypnotized subject is suspended will
3. It is claimed that the drug causes depression of the
produce distortion of the fact rather than the truth
inhibitory mechanism of the brain and the subjects talk
5. The state of the mind and professionalism of the
examiner are too subjective to permit admissibility of the
4. The administration of the drug and subsequent
expert testimony
interrogation must be done by a psychiatrist with long
experience on the line.
5. Like the administration of the truth serum, result of
the test is not admissible. 1. A list of stimulus and non-stimulus words are read ti
the subject who is instructed to answer as quickly as
1. The apparent stimulation effect of alcohol is really the 2. The answer to the questions may be yes or no
result of the control mechanism of the brain, so alcohol, 3. Unlike the lie detector, the time interval between the
like truth serum and narcoanalysis drug “inhibit the words uttered by the examiner and the answer of the
inhibitor” subject is recorded.
2. The ability of alcohol to reveal the real person behind 4. When the subject is asked questions with reference to
the mask which all of us are said to wear(mask of his name, address, civil status, nationality, etc. which has
sanity) is reflected in the age-old maxim, IN VINO no relation to the subject matter of the investigation, the
VERITAS(in wine there is truth) tendency is to answer quickly
3. The person whose statement is to be taken is allowed 5. But when the questions bear some words which have
to take alcoholic beverages to almost intoxication todo with the criminal acts the subject allegedly
4. Confession made by the subjects while under the committed like kinife, gun or hammer which was used in
influence of alcohol may be admissible if he is the killing, the tendency is to delay answer.
physically capable to recollect the facts that he has 6. The test is not concerned with the answer , be it yes or
uttered after the effects of alcohol disappeared. no. The important factor is the time of response in
relation to stimulus or non-stimulus words. instrumentation or the use of mechanical device.
7. Like the use of lie detector , the subject cannot be
compelled to be subjected to the test without his consent.
1. When a mentally normal person tells a lie,
physiological changes occur within his/her body that
a good criminal investigator must be keen observer and
could be recorded by polygraph instrument and
good psychiatrist. Asubject under stress on account of
evaluated by polygraph examiner.
the stimulation of sympathetic nervous system may
2. Telling a lie is usually an emotional experience. A
exhibit changes which may be used as a potential clue
conscious act of lying causes conflict in the mind of the
of deception. And since just one or a combination of the
examinee, which produces an emotion of fear or anxiety,
following signs and symptoms is not conclusive or a
manifested by fluctuations in pulse rate, blood pressure,
reliable proof of guilt of the subject, their presence infers
breathing and respiration.
further investigation to ascertain the facts of the
determine truth or deception based on the presence of
emotional disturbance of the subject as appearing on the
1. VERBAL CLUES – includes the words that are
questions relative to the case under investigation.
spoken, speed of delivery of the words, choice of the
words, tone of voice and the tense of the language
SUBJECT – is any person undergoing the actual
methods of responding to the questions
polygraph test or examination
2. NON-VERBAL CLUES – encompass patterns in the
body movements, gestures, facial expressions, body
posture, positioning and movements used to explain
1. Victims/Complainant
chosen words
2. Witness
3. Suspects
- or psychophysiological detection of deception (PPD) is
based upon a scientific theory that can be tested with the
methods of science
1. The subject must have a goodnight sleep at least 5
- Scientific method of detecting deception with the use
hours prior to the test
of polygraph instrument
2. He must refrain from smoking for at least 2 hours
3. He should undergo prolonged interrogation prior to
POLYGRAPH means an instrument that: the test.
1. Records continuously, visually, permanently and 4. The subject must not have been subjected to physical
simultaneously changes in cardiovascular, respiratory, abuse or body contact.
and electrodermal patterns as minimum instrumentation 5. He must refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages,
standards taking sedatives, or capsule or syrup for at least 12 hours
2. Is used, or the results of which are used, for the prior to test
purpose of rendering a diagnostic opinion regarding the 6. He must not be suffering from temporary illness like
honesty or dishonesty of an individual. headache, stomachache, toothache, fever, menstruation,
severe colds and coughs
Poly- which means “many” 7. He must not be hungry
Graph- means “writing” 8. He must not have sex indulgence prior to the test
Polygraph means “many witings”
that encompasses all activities that take place between a 1. Nervousness or extreme emotional tension
polygraph examiner and individual during a specific 2. Physiological abnormalities
series of interactions, including the pretest interview, the 3. Mental Abnormalities
use of the polygraph instrument to collect physiological 4. Unresponsive in a lying or guilty subject
data from the individual while the polygraph examiner is 5. Attempt to “beat the machine” by controlled breathing
presenting a series of tests, the test data analysis phase or muscular flexing
and the post-test phase. 6. Unobserved application of muscular pressure which
produces ambiguities and misleading indications in the
POLYGRAPH TEST – means that portion of the blood pressure tracing.
polygraph examinations during which the polygraph
instrument collects physiological data based upon the PHASES IN POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION
individual’s responses to test questions from the
examiner. 1. PHASE 1 – Initial interview with the investigator
handling the case
person who conducts the actual polygraph test or a. Acquiring and evaluating the facts
examination. A lay term for the Forensic b. Deermining the areas , the subject needs to be asked
Psychophysiologist. One who is skilled and capable to c. The investigator must furnish the examiner the
detect deception and verify truth of statement through following ;
1. Sworn statement of the suspect, witness and
2. Incident or spot report
3. Background Investigation of suspects, witness and