Circuit B
V TH Vout R
Thus, we should try to keep the ratio RTH =RL small in order to approximate ideal behavior
and avoid \loading the circuit". A maximum ratio of 1=10 is often used as a design rule of
A good power supply will have a very small RTH , typically much less than an ohm. For
a battery this is referred to as its internal resistance. The dimming of one's car headlights
when the starter is engaged is a measure of the internal resistance of the car battery.
1.5.2 Input and Output Impedance
Our simple example can also be used to illustrate the important concepts of input and output
resistance. (Shortly, we will generalize our discussion and substitute the term \impedance"
for resistance. We can get a head start by using the common terms \input impedance" and
\output impedance" at this point.)
The output impedance of circuit A is simply its Thevenin equivalent resistance RTH .
The output impedance is sometimes called \source impedance".
The input impedance of circuit B is its resistance to ground from the circuit input. In
this case it is simply RL.
It is generally possible to reduce two complicated circuits, which are connected to each
other as an input/output pair, to an equivalent circuit like our example. The input and
output impedances can then be measured using the simple voltage divider equations.
Vin I C Vout
Note that in this case Vin can be any function of time. Also note from our solution Eqn. 3
that the limit Vout Vin corresponds roughly to t RC . Within this approximation, we
see clearly from Eqn. 4 why the circuit above is sometimes called an \integrator".
2.0.7 RC Di erentiator
Let's rearrange our RC circuit as shown in Fig. 8.
Vin I R Vout
Applying Kircho 's second Law, we have Vin = VC + VR, where we identify VR = Vout.
By Ohm's Law, VR = IR, where I = C (dVC =dt) by Eqn. 1. Putting this together gives
Vout = RC dtd (Vin , Vout)
In the limit Vin Vout, we have a di erentiator:
Vout = RC dVdtin
By a similar analysis to that of Section 2.0.6, we would see the limit of validity is the opposite
of the integrator, i.e. t RC .