Volume 10, Issue 01, January 2019, pp. 1882-1892, Article ID: IJCIET_10_01_174
Available online at http://iaeme.com/Home/issue/IJCIET?Volume=10&Issue=1
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
Green buildings are also referred to as green construction or sustainable buildings.
This term refers to the environment friendly and resource efficient structures and
processes in a building's life-cycle: including all the steps involved in the planning,
design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and demolition of the
building structures.1The Green Building concept endeavors to address the classical
building design concerns of utility, economy, comfort and durability. This necessitates
close cooperation among all stakeholders including contractors, architects, engineers
and clients at all stages of the project. New technologies are coming up all the time to
strengthen existing approaches to creating greener structures
Green buildings are also referred to as green construction or sustainable buildings. This term
refers to the environment friendly and resource efficient structures and processes in a building's
life-cycle: including all the steps involved in the planning, design, construction, operation,
maintenance, renovation and demolition of the building structures.1The Green Building
concept endeavors to address the classical building design concerns of utility, economy,
comfort and durability. This necessitates close cooperation among all stakeholders including
contractors, architects, engineers and clients at all stages of the project. New technologies are
coming up all the time to strengthen existing approaches to creating greener structures. The
overarching objective of the green building concept are: To decrease the negative impact of
buildings on the natural environment and on the health of humans by ensuring that resources
are used efficiently; to protect the health of the occupants; to improve employee productivity;
and to reduce waste, pollution and environmental degradation.2
The popular LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a group of rating
systems that deals with the designing, construction processes, operations, and the maintenance
of green buildings. It has been developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. BREEAM
(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is a British certificates
system for buildings and large-scale developments. The World Green building council is the
entity that does research on the effects on the productivity and health of occupants of green
buildings. The council also works with the World Bank to promote green Buildings in emerging
Markets through the EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) Market
Transformation Program and certification.
The concept of natural buildings is similar. Natural buildings are generally smaller in scale.
They focus on the use of locally available natural materials.3 Sustainability is defined as
meeting the needs of the current generations without compromising on the ability to meet the
requirements of future generations. The principles of green construction can be applied to new
construction as well as to retrofit work.
superior option to green building since construction activity almost always negatively affects
and degrades the site of construction. The second principle is that every building must be as
small as possible. The third principle is that sprawl must not be encouraged, in fact it must be
actively frowned upon, even if the most environmentally friendly and energy efficient methods
are implemented in the design and construction of the buildings.
by the scientific evaluation of the actual performance of the LCA.A major drawback of the
LCA is that it is perceived as overly complex and time consuming for regular use by design
professionals. In order to overcome this drawback and make LCA more accessible, research
organisations like the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute in North America and BRE in the
United Kingdom are working towards making LCA more accessible.
therefore, as far as possible, depend on water that is collected, purified, used and reused on-
site. This may be partly accomplished by designing dual plumbing that recycles consumed
water. The generation of waste water can be minimized by using water conserving fixtures like
low flow shower heads and ultra-low flush toilets. Bidets help in multiple ways: the use of
toilet paper can be eliminated, sewer traffic can be reduced, and the possibilities of recycling
water on-site can be increased. Water quality and energy efficiency can be improved while
reducing the amount of water in circulation through the use of “Point of use water treatment”.
The demands on the local aquifier can be reduced significantly through the use of non-sewage
and greywater for onsite use such as site-irrigation.12
Department of Public Health (CDPH) in their section 01350 standards18 (3) The Collaborative
for High Performance Schools (CHPS) in their Best Practices Manual and (4) The Business
and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA) in their level® sustainability
In situations where building occupants are known to have allergies to dust or other
particulates, solid wood products, especially flooring, are often specified. Soft finishes like
carpet are prone to the buildup of particles, in contrast to wood, which is considered to be
hypoallergenic and whose smooth surfaces prevent the buildup of particles. Hardwood, slate,
vinyl and linoleum are recommended in place of carpet by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation
of America.20 Air quality can be improved by the use of wood products, which will moderate
humidity by absorbing or releasing moisture in the air. The indoor air quality is determined by
the interactions among the occupants and all the indoor components. Indoor Air, a journal,
documents the extensive investigation of such processes, which is the subject of indoor air
scientific research.21
Factors impacting indoor air quality are dampness that leads to mold growth, and the
presence of viruses, bacteria, dust mites ad other microbiological cincerns. Microbial growth
can be enhanced and sustained by the intrusion of water through the envelope of a building and
by water condensing on cold surfaces on the interior of the building. A tightly sealed and well
insulated envelope can reduce moisture problems Adequate ventilation is important to
eliminate moisture from indoor sources like cooking, bathing, cleaning and human metabolic
processes. A building’s thermal quality can be augmented with a properly designed building
envelope coupled with airflow and personal temperature control over the HVAC system. The
energy performance and lighting quality of a structure can be improved through the creation of
a high performance luminous environment by the careful integration of electricity fuelled light
sources and daylight.22,23
“dontwastewood.com”, to reduce the amount of wood going to landfills. This website provides
a a variety of resources for entities looking for information on wood recycling;this includes
developers, municipalities, regulators, contractors, owners, operators, individuals and
homeowners looking for information on wood recycling.
Buildings are typically demolished and hauled to landfills when they reach the end of their
useful life. The harvesting of what is commonly classified as "waste" and reclaiming it into
useful building material is called Deconstruction.25 Waste can be reduced by extending the
useful life of a structure. Renovations are made easier by building materials like wood that are
light and easy to work with. Several options exist to mitigate the negative impact on wells and
water treatment plants. Waste water from sources such as washing machines and dishwashers,
called “Greywater”, could be utilsed for subsurface irrigation. If this Greywater is treated, it
could be used for non-potable purposes like flushing toilets and washing cars.
Centralized wastewater treatment systems can be expensive and energy intensive. An
alternative by which these costs can be avoided and other benefits can be harnessed is to convert
waste and wastewater into fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer can be produced by collecting human
waste at the source and along with other biological waste, transporting it to a semi centralized
biogas plant. The first demonstration of this concept was in the late 1990s by a settlement in
Lubeck Germany. These practices help in offsetting greenhouse gas emissions by providing
the soil with organic nutrients and creating carbon sinks that remove carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. This process is cheaper than producing artificial fertilizer in energy terms.26
U.S. Green Building Council, in “The Business Case for Green Building”, gives a specific
example of how worker health and productivity can be increased by commercial energy
retrofits: It says that people in the United States spend about 90% of their time indoors. EPA
studies indicate that the indoor levels of pollutants may be up to ten times higher than the
outdoor levels. LEED-certified buildings ensure health benefits for ocupants by ensuring the
design of healthier, cleaner indoor environmental quality. Studies have shown that some green
buildings have yielded returns of $53 to $71 per square foot back on investment over a 20 year
life period.31 Commercial real estate market studies have observed that Energy star and LEED
certified buildings command significantly higher rents, occupancy rates and sale prices,
confirming the superior rentability of green building investments. The capitalization rates of
these buildings are also lower, potentially reflecting lower investment risk.
With increased interest in green building concepts and practices, numerous organisations have
rating systems, standards and codes that allow consumers, government regulators and building
professionals embrace green buildings with confidence. In some instances, codes are written
so that local governments can adopt them as bylaws in order to ameliorate the local
environmental impact of buildings.
Consumers are assisted in determining a structure’s level of environmental performance by
Green building rating systems like BREEAM (United Kingdom), LEED (United States and
Canada), DGNB (Germany), CASBEE (Japan), and VERDEGBCe (Spain). Optional building
features that support green design such as conservation of water, energy, building materials,
occupant health and comfort, and location and maintenance of building site are awarded credits.
The level of achievement can be determined by the number of credits.
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007, the Fourth Assessment Report
(AR4) of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is the fourth
in a series of such reports. The assessment of socio-economic, technical and scientific
information concerning climate change, its potential effects and options for adaptation and
mitigation are the primary concerns of the IPCC which was established by the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
UNEP and Climate change: Supporting climate proofing efforts, facilitating the transition
to low carbon societies, raising awareness and improving understanding of climate change
science are the chief goals of the United Nations Environment Program UNEP.
GHG Indicator: The Greenhouse Gas Indicator: UNEP Guidelines for Calculating
Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Businesses and Non-Commercial Organizations
Agenda 21: Agenda 21 is a programme related to sustainable development run by the
United Nations (UN). It is an exhaustive blueprint of action to be taken in every area in which
humans have an impact on the environment. The action is to be taken locally, nationally and
globally by major groups in every area, governments and organisations of the U.N. The
significance of the number 21 is that it refers to the 21st century.
FIDIC's PSM: With the objective of assisting project engineers and other relevant
stakeholders in setting sustainable development goals for their projects that are recognized and
accepted as being in the interests of society, the The International Federation of Consulting
Engineers (FIDIC) Project Sustainability Management Guidelines were created. This process
is intended to assist those involved in the management of projects to measure and verify their
progress and also to allow the alignment of project goals with local conditions.
Under the Project Sustainability Management Guidelines, the three main sustainability
headings of Economic, Social and Environmental are structured with Themes and Sub-Themes.
A core project indicator is defined along with guidance as to the relevance of that issue in the
context of an individual project for each individual sub-theme. The Sustainability Reporting
Framework provides stakeholders a universally applicable and comparable framework in
which they can understand disclosed information, while providing guidance to organizations
to use as the basis for disclosure about their sustainability performance. The core product of
the sustainability reporting guidelines and the protocols and sector Supplements are contained
in the reporting framework. The Guidelines are utilised as the basis of all reporting, and are the
foundation upon which the guidance for all other reporting is based. The core content for
reporting that is broadly relevant to all organizations regardless of location, size or sector is
outlined in the guidelines. Guidance and principles as well as standard disclosures, including
indicators to outline a disclosure framework that organizations can incrementally, flexibly and
voluntarily adopt, are contained in the Guidelines.
Protocols underpin each indicator in the Guidelines is underpinned by protocols which
include compilation methodologies, the intended scope of the indicator, definitions for key
terms in the indicator and other technical references. The limits of a one-size-fits-all approach
are responded to by sector supplements. The use of the core Guidelines are supplemented by
the Sector Supplements which go on to capture the particular set of sustainability issues faced
by sectors like banking, mining, public agencies, automotive and others.
The estimate by the IPD for the amount of time that it will take to develop a strong set of
baseline data that could be utilised across a typical corporate estate is approximately three
years. The successful worldwide adoption of green building technology, especially in the
developing world giants China and India, will be an important element in the approach to
combatting global warming and building a sustainable world.
[1] Green Building -US EPA.; Available from: www.epa.gov.
[2] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Green Building Basic Information. (2009);
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[3] Hopkins R. (2002)." A Natural Way of Building."
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