Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Green Buildings
Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Green Buildings
Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Green Buildings
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IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES A research was done for evaluation of the extent of
A standardized literature search was conducted for the the literature which speaks about the commercial concerns of
collection of data from presented examination which includes Green buildings. Moreover, a considerable amount of
articles presented in renowned periodicals. The Potential literature emphasises about the economic returns besides
sources were ASCE, Science Direct, and IJETAE. advantage of Green Buildings. A summary of the research
paper is mentioned in Table 1. Each author has studied about
the advantage of Green Building methodology of adoption.
Author(s) Periodical Nation Procedure Conclusions
Dong , Identification of the Green Findings identify 43% of the annual
Andrew and Elsevier Building technology’s effects to decrease in energy usage and energy
1. USA
Jing Ltd. Home energy expenditures for a typical American
(2016) consumption home
Jinkyun, Enumerating the energy depletion
Seungho, features of HVAC&R system is
Elsevier South Matrix analysis for subsystem
2. Jonghurn uncertain, because the energy
Ltd. Korea combinations
and Hiki investments provided by this scheme
(2014) rest on numerous aspects
Yanan , Li,
China has been the sphere’s major
Baojie and Elsevier Calculation of energy consumed
3. China carbon emitter and the world’s largest
Doudou Ltd. by buildings in China
energy user nation since2011.
Luay and Green price payments concluded by
4. Kherun Malaysia Summary of review paper data trial investigations fall inside a series
(2016) from−0.4% to 21%.
Research considered the feasibility of
smearing a double-skin green front, to
Irene and
Elsevier Hong Case study of the climatic high-rise housing structures in Hong
5. Andrew
Ltd. Kong condition of Hong Kong Kong in order to decrease energy
depletion for refrigeration in
scorching and moist summer
Rough set theory was used to
Qian , Yu, examine Green buildings exhaust 26% less
6. Jian and Tao China the combat grade between energy associated to orthodox
(2016) various plan aims from investor's structures.
point of vision
Farrukh , A multigenerational system
Ibrahim integrating renewable energy The energy and exergy efficiencies
7. Dincer and Canada sources for a greenhouse was of the overall system are found to be
Marc developed and assessed using 46.1% and 7.3%, respectively
(2016) energy and exergy analysis.
Ramesh and
50% energy can be saved in the
8. Emran IJETAE India Energy consumption pattern
construction sector
Table 1. Summary of the papers
Ramesh et al. [8] And Dong et al. [1] studied about layers of creeping floras like Virginia creeps fluctuating from
the GB technology’s energy consumption found that 50% and 0.43 to 0.14 and can diminish solar emission by 40-80%.
43% annual reduction in energy usage in Indian building
sector and American home respectively. It was stated that V. CONCLUSION
integrated design approaches can reduce the energy Green Building is also known as sustainable buildings or zero
consumption by 72% but projects can be more expensive than energy buildings which focus on working with a technology
individual solution. Jinkyun et al. [2] studied about the energy which helps us to adapt according to the climate. It can be
consumption characteristics of HVAC system. Luay et al. concluded that:
discussed the empirical investigation drop inside a range from
The necessity of green buildings is because it uses 26%
-0.4 to 21%. On the basis of credit point achievement
less energy, 13% less maintenance, provides 27% higher
buildings are rated as 4 star (For best exercise), 5 star
occupant satisfaction & 33% lesser CO2 emission.
(Australian merit) and 6 star (For world guidance). Irene et
Various types of plants like Virginia creeper can be
al. [5] studied about double skin green front to high rise
planted which can keep the room cool by
structures in Hong Kong for reduction in energy depletion.
evapotranspiration process.
He mentioned about the solar conduction of lone and multiple
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emitter of greenhouse gasses. As per the data of IGBC of [16] K. Ip, M. Lam, A. Miller, (2010) Shading performance
2008, around 315 green structures are in India of which of a vertical deciduous climbing plant canopy, 45 Build.
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