Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Green Buildings

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Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Green Buildings

Conference Paper · January 2018


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5 authors, including:

Aditya Divyadarshi Basab Sharma

KIIT University KIIT University


Kshyana Prava Samal

KIIT University


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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 5, Issue 11, 2018 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Green Buildings

Aditya Divyadarshi1 Pranjal Tiwari2 Basab Sharma3 George Washington4 Dr. Kshyana Prava
1 2,3,4
Dual M.Tech Student B.Tech Student 5Associate Professor
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Abstract— Buildings, as we all can rightly agree to, are the The concept of green building has taken a hype since
measuring blocks for any development. The Development of over half a century now that certainly is one of the reasons for
any country largely depends upon the building of structures. the revolutionary changes the world is witnessing.
From modifying the conventional buildings, the trend has For creating a better environment for emerging
now wholly shifted to a whole new concept of Green Green Building, countries round the biosphere began to
Buildings. Green building, refers to both the structure and the articulate relevant standards. US contemplated the ASHRAE
process involved that are environmentally accountable and and environment management since the first energy-
amenity efficient throughout the lifestyle of the building. For preserving standard to 2011 (Danielski, 2012). GB in China
the past more than half-a-century, many researchers and commenced relatively late. The United Nations started
scholars have done the research for the development and ASHRAE i.e. (American Society of Heating Refrigerating
improvement of green building construction and related and Air Conditioning Engineers) customary “Energy
technologies around the globe. Considering the preserving in Design for Innovative Building” for the first
environmental conditions, India has become the world second time in 1975. In 2009, Britain disclosed Low Carbon
largest emitter of greenhouse gases. The initial economic Transition Plan, essential all new buildings achieving zero-
consumption of a green building may seem to be a matter of emission from 2016, all new public buildings from 2018, all
concern for some, but for a long run loop, say for after 50 official buildings from 2019 and all residential finish Smart
years, it would prove to be most economically efficient Meters inauguration before 2020 (Peters, Fudge, & Sinclair,
building involving all the ecological measures. The study 2010). Recently, European Union broadcasted a more
consummates that as much as 40-50% energy saving is advanced and perfect legal system in energy preserving field,
possible in green buildings. This paper deliberates about the which is designated Building Energy Efficiency Performance
aspect of energy efficient buildings, i.e. Green Buildings in Law. The law requires all public buildings must be adjacent
India’s aspect to diminish energy usage besides climate to nil energy intake by 2020 [4]. The Indian Green Building
changes over greenhouse gases. Finally, the author would Council (IGBC), since 2001, is working on advance India
emphasise on the necessity of Green Buildings. forward along with the developed economies of the world.
Key words: Energy, Green Buildings The IGBC Green New Buildings rating system addresses the
utmost important countrywide penchants which include water
I. INTRODUCTION TO GREEN BUILDING sustentation, managing waste materials, energy efficacy,
In this craving world when people are in a lot of hustle-n reduction of usage of relic fuels, lesser dependence on the
bustle, the words like “conservation” and “efficiencies” habit of virgin materials and health & well-being of dwellers.
hovers them. “Conservation of resources” is what green The assessment system compels the solicitation of National
buildings demands. To be more specific, the green building standards and codes such as the NBC, ECBC, CPCB
should be energy-retaining, land-preserving, water strategies, and numerous others. The overall equitable is to be
preserving, material-preserving, environment-friendly and better than the national ethics so as to create new scales
pollution reducing, summarized as “Four preservings and [IGBC Green Buildings Rating Systems – version 3.0].
one benign” [4]. The so-called “green” is just a symbolic Thus, what the world is witnessing, the ultimate goal
representation that lays emphasis on sustainable growth and of Green Building is lowering down the consumption and
environmental relationship to achieve a bond between folks, emissions - reducing energy utilization, usage of recycled
countryside and buildings. This bond holds the need-of-an materials, as well as localization of resources to lower down
hour of a man keeping the future aspects in mind as well as a the cost and energy emission.
check on an individual’s ecosystem and the rate of
consumption of resources, especially the non-renewable II. CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION
resources. A. Definition of Green Buildings
The green buildings, also called the sustainable The term green buildings can be defined as the buildings
buildings, or ecological building are actually climate adaptive
which reduce the impacts on the background and human
building that focuses on working along with such a
fitness [10]. Likewise, Kilbert [9] suggest that the green
technology, that helps us to adapt to climatic changes,
building’s character as principle and practice of feasible
keeping aside the psychological aspects and accepting the
construction; he delineates the green buildings as: “Healthy
changes without adapting much change in our lifestyle facilities designed and built in resource efficient manner
(technical aspects and personal aspects of human need) [3]. using ecologically based ethic” [4].
Similarly to orthodox building ventures, green building
ventures have an assortment of goals that may not necessary B. Obligation of Green Buildings
be consistent. The following are the key necessity of viable green buildings;
26% less energy usage, 13% lower cumulative maintenance
cost, 27% higher occupant’s contentment and 33% less CO2

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Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Green Buildings
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 11/2018/021)

emissions [12]. Based on the information collected on case

studies by Australian and International agencies, Madew [11]
stated the following profitable paybacks of green buildings;
60% decrement in water and liveliness utilization; yield
escalation up to 25 %, least 14 % higher rate of reoccurrence
along with 10% higher market value of the asset etc. [4]
C. Various Advantage of Green Buildings Usage
1) Shadow Consequence
Plants plays a significant role in regulation of heat. Solar
transmittance of layers of creeping floras such as Virginia
Creeps an inborn plant in UK and North America , extent Fig. 1: The Growing Metropolitan Inhabitants In Emerging
from 0.43 to 0.14 and can cut solar emission by 40% Nations (China, India, Brazil) (WBCSD, 2009). [8]
[13],[16],[17] and the rest amount of heat passes via plants B. India’s Sustainable Development
and distresses the enclosed weather of the buildings. [5]
2) Thermal Isolation Green Buildings are often termed as being a milestone
towards development. The growth in infrastructure holds the
Isolation which is used for the inland is much more operative
key for India’s economic growth. The growing demand is
than inland isolation especially during midsummer months
often being met by road networks, water sanitation and
[13]. Every reduction in interior temperature up to 0.5 degree
Celsius can lessen the power consumption of Air conditioner transportation, etc. efficient use of natural resources makes
about 8 %. [5] all the difference in achieving sustainability. For instance,
3) Evaporative Cooling using isolated reinforced cement concrete (RCC) as
barricading walls are cast-off in scorching environments to
Evapotranspiration can be defined as the means of water loss
check on the emission rate, installation of integrated windows
by plant due to evaporation and transpiration over a period of
that comprise light tables with double panned glassy window
time [18]. The evapotranspiration process consumes 680
kWh for evaporating every m3 of water which acts as a certifies building efficiency up to 20-25%. Usage of low
passive air conditioner system [14]. energy material, glass technology in buildings with insulating
walls and proper ventilation helps to encounter energy marks
and reserve energy depot.
Compelled by the need-of-an-hour and the urgency
Buildings, being a key to India’s future, are also the most to go green, a Green Building Rating System is also adopted.
energy rigorous activities in terms of heating and cooling. Different standards have been adopted worldwide depending
Ventilations, use of solar panels and enhanced insulations are upon the climatic and tropical zones of the country along with
some of the ways to reduce energy usage for heating and its natural features.
C. Green Building Rating Systems
A. Energy Intake Pattern
For being environment conscious, and in order to warrant
The metropolitan inhabitants are going to grow from 47% in green and sustainable certification - many countries have
2000 to 70% in 2050. Figure 1 displays the inhabitants rise in opted for Green Building Ratings. The Indian Green Building
developing countries like China, India and Brazil. By 2050, Council (IGBC), since 2001, is viable to march India forward
73% of the Chinese inhabitants are expected to be urban as along with the blooming economies of the world. The IGBC
compared to 40% in 2005. The radical change in Indian Green New Building Rating system in script the prime
urbanization is essentially due to social as well as political concerns which include water preservation, managing waste,
motivation. Due to the diverse temperature and climate in energy efficiency, decrement in the use of petroleum, not
India, which lies in the subtropical zone, the effective way of being over-reliance on the usage of virgin materials.
reducing emission is through good insulation, efficient boiler, The IGBC provides LEED ratings to the erections in
window glaze and window ventilation system to recover heat. India. The Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
Energy expenditure in India is mostly through cooking. Rural (GRIHA), is the Nation-wide rating organization in India that
India and parts of urban India use biogas as its main energy is being The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and
initiator for cooking as compared to the countries like China intensify together with Ministry of New and Renewable
and South Africa where most Energy usage in through Energy, India. It is a design estimation scheme for ecological
electrical appliance. India’s overall energy obligation is structures and is preconceived for all kinds of structures
expected to raise at 6.5% per year in the middle of years 2016- through each of the climatic zones in India. In 2008, reports
17 to enhance India’s projected growth rate. India find its way suggest that Mumbai secured the first position by citing 30
in becoming the world’s second prime emitter of greenhouse Green Building projects which was the highest among the
gases. Indian cities. In IGBC data of 2008 suggest 315 green
buildings in India, of which 250 are profitmaking properties.
The requisition of codes like ASHARE/ECBC as a
benchmark can assist in designing high performance

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Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Green Buildings
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 11/2018/021)

IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES A research was done for evaluation of the extent of
A standardized literature search was conducted for the the literature which speaks about the commercial concerns of
collection of data from presented examination which includes Green buildings. Moreover, a considerable amount of
articles presented in renowned periodicals. The Potential literature emphasises about the economic returns besides
sources were ASCE, Science Direct, and IJETAE. advantage of Green Buildings. A summary of the research
paper is mentioned in Table 1. Each author has studied about
the advantage of Green Building methodology of adoption.
Author(s) Periodical Nation Procedure Conclusions
Dong , Identification of the Green Findings identify 43% of the annual
Andrew and Elsevier Building technology’s effects to decrease in energy usage and energy
1. USA
Jing Ltd. Home energy expenditures for a typical American
(2016) consumption home
Jinkyun, Enumerating the energy depletion
Seungho, features of HVAC&R system is
Elsevier South Matrix analysis for subsystem
2. Jonghurn uncertain, because the energy
Ltd. Korea combinations
and Hiki investments provided by this scheme
(2014) rest on numerous aspects
Yanan , Li,
China has been the sphere’s major
Baojie and Elsevier Calculation of energy consumed
3. China carbon emitter and the world’s largest
Doudou Ltd. by buildings in China
energy user nation since2011.
Luay and Green price payments concluded by
4. Kherun Malaysia Summary of review paper data trial investigations fall inside a series
(2016) from−0.4% to 21%.
Research considered the feasibility of
smearing a double-skin green front, to
Irene and
Elsevier Hong Case study of the climatic high-rise housing structures in Hong
5. Andrew
Ltd. Kong condition of Hong Kong Kong in order to decrease energy
depletion for refrigeration in
scorching and moist summer
Rough set theory was used to
Qian , Yu, examine Green buildings exhaust 26% less
6. Jian and Tao China the combat grade between energy associated to orthodox
(2016) various plan aims from investor's structures.
point of vision
Farrukh , A multigenerational system
Ibrahim integrating renewable energy The energy and exergy efficiencies
7. Dincer and Canada sources for a greenhouse was of the overall system are found to be
Marc developed and assessed using 46.1% and 7.3%, respectively
(2016) energy and exergy analysis.
Ramesh and
50% energy can be saved in the
8. Emran IJETAE India Energy consumption pattern
construction sector
Table 1. Summary of the papers
Ramesh et al. [8] And Dong et al. [1] studied about layers of creeping floras like Virginia creeps fluctuating from
the GB technology’s energy consumption found that 50% and 0.43 to 0.14 and can diminish solar emission by 40-80%.
43% annual reduction in energy usage in Indian building
sector and American home respectively. It was stated that V. CONCLUSION
integrated design approaches can reduce the energy Green Building is also known as sustainable buildings or zero
consumption by 72% but projects can be more expensive than energy buildings which focus on working with a technology
individual solution. Jinkyun et al. [2] studied about the energy which helps us to adapt according to the climate. It can be
consumption characteristics of HVAC system. Luay et al. concluded that:
discussed the empirical investigation drop inside a range from
 The necessity of green buildings is because it uses 26%
-0.4 to 21%. On the basis of credit point achievement
less energy, 13% less maintenance, provides 27% higher
buildings are rated as 4 star (For best exercise), 5 star
occupant satisfaction & 33% lesser CO2 emission.
(Australian merit) and 6 star (For world guidance). Irene et
 Various types of plants like Virginia creeper can be
al. [5] studied about double skin green front to high rise
planted which can keep the room cool by
structures in Hong Kong for reduction in energy depletion.
evapotranspiration process.
He mentioned about the solar conduction of lone and multiple

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Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Green Buildings
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 11/2018/021)

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2008, around 315 green structures are in India of which of a vertical deciduous climbing plant canopy, 45 Build.
are 250 are profitable projects. Environ. 81-88.
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consumption by 72%. Building Facades: “Bioshader”, Case Study Report.
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