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Just so that you know that I

have somewhat of an
understanding about women,
here are some things you should
probably know about me. I won’t
bore you with too much personal
information, but you can call me
Mr. MVP. That’s because if we’re
talking about plays, assists, field
goals, from distance, tap ins –
I’ve done them all. I’ve been
Most Valuable Player for multiple
seasons, and I have probably
broken many records. If you
don’t know what I’m talking
about then maybe this is the
wrong book for you, but you can
probably guess. For those I need
to spell it out to, I’m alluding to
the number of women I’ve been
with, spoken to, dated and flirted
with and my success rate with
them. I don’t say this to brag,
but why else would I write a
whole book on this if I didn’t
know something at least? On top
of that, I’ve consumed
knowledge from The Art of
Seduction to 48 Laws of Power
(which I recommend), which has
given me insight into the mind of
a woman and the field of dating.

Nowadays I don’t chase women,

they come to me. I focus on
making money, working on my
mind, body and soul; most times,
I only approach women when it’s
convenient but then when I
make my mind up, I go in 100%.
And yes, I have been in a
relationship before – multiple in
fact – but they have all ended
the same way as you can tell. I
won’t say that the relationships
have turned me cold or whatnot,
but it has definitely flicked a
switch in me that has opened my
eyes to the tricks and tactics of
the game. I’ve been
manipulated, rejected, cheated
on and lied to but the games the
game. That is why I have made
it a goal to understand the game
so I can not only play better but
not come out at the bottom like I
had before. Hopefully I can give
you an insight as well and help
you do the same. So whether
you’ve been heartbroken,
manipulated or just want to
learn how to gain control, this
book is for you.
Understanding The Feminine

Women are complex but simple

beings. Many men lack
understanding of the feminine
energy and that’s why they fall
prey to its deceptions or fail to
attract women in the first place.
It’s only when a man can
integrate their feminine side can
he truly attract a partner
because true masculinity is
being able to accept and control
the feminine (and vice versa).
However men, especially modern
men, lack a proper
representation of this
masculinity and so they don’t
know how to integrate their
feminine side and suffer by
either showing too much
emotion (and letting women
control him) or
overcompensating by not
respecting women at all.
But what is feminine energy and
why is it important? Most people
think they understand feminine
energy, but they fall into the
common misconception that is
just about having feelings and
showing emotion. Although this
is true, this only scratches the
surface of the feminine figure,
and the true nature transcends
the average societal
understanding and is constant in
every species on earth. So,
there’s a lot to uncover but I
won’t give you anything
irrelevant but only the
information you can apply and
use to improve your game.

Feminine energy is often

associated with qualities such as
nurturing, empathy, intuition,
sensitivity, creativity, and
collaboration. These qualities are
generally considered to be more
receptive, compassionate, and
focused on building connections
and relationships. Feminine
energy is often described as
flowing, intuitive, and in tune
with emotions and the natural
world. This is what Google
helped me find, but like I said it’s
much more complex than
attributes. In fact, it’s mistaken
that the attributes define
feminine energy when in fact it’s
the other way round. In Jungian
psychology (an exploration of
the psyche developed by Carl
Jung), the feminine view is
developed by the mother in
every man as the Anima. It is the
irrational part of the psyche,
different from the rational mind
(basically the origin of emotions
and the force that sets the
rhythm of nature). The masculine
energy is that force that
navigates this nature, creating
meaning and purpose out of it.
Think of the feminine as the soil
which lays the foundation for life
but the masculine as the water
and sunlight which enlightens
and nourishes a man on his
journey to purpose, meaning and

This is important to grasp

because in nature, this concept
is very constant. The females in
the ecosystems set the market
for the males to compete in and
the top percentage of males are
selected. For example, there is a
certain way male lobsters
behave when they overpower
the competing males (either for
space or food) and the female
lobsters recognise this and all
flock to the victor, who will then
be successful in mating. In
essence, this is survival of the
fittest but the point I’m making
is the females set the rules for
what counts as a male worthy of
reproduction and continuation of
his genes. The important part to
gain from here is that the
females usually make
themselves known to the male
when competency is shown. In
our society the general show of
competency is confidence,
money, muscles, intelligence etc.
Initially, it is the show of
confidence in a guy that draws
most women to him or anything
else they deem as a marker for
competency – confidence just
happens to be the most common
one and rightly so. As promised,
I will give you an insight into
how you can appear competent
in these areas but much later
into this book.

Before that, I will quickly need to

warn you about some things. If a
woman is also aware of her
feminine nature and has an
understanding of what men do in
their strive to competency
(especially on an individual
level), they can use it greatly to
their advantage. For example,
one form of manipulation is if
she praises you then makes a
request. This will make you more
inclined to listen to her as she
has shown that she thinks highly
of you, which makes you want to
maintain that. And don’t get me
wrong, this isn’t always
manipulation but if used
intentionally or selfishly, it
definitely can be. Another
example? Ok. If a woman wants
a favour, they can appear
helpless and, if done correctly,
appease the protective nature of
a man to fulfil their desire.
Overall, since women set the
rules of the game, their job is to
test a man and then pick from
the top scorers. If you want to
have control, all you need to
know how to do is appear as one
of the top scorers - which is
easier than you think.
The Types of Women

Before I reveal my secret plays

and tactics, I need to talk about
the different types of women,
the reasons for their behaviours
and how to approach them.
Please be aware that no woman
is entirely one category but a
mixture. However, one will
usually identify as their persona.
Since this is a guide for when
initially approaching a woman,
you will be communicating with
this persona so use this as a
guide to be prepared before you
approach them.
The Boujee Type

This is usually the type of girls

that love the material things in
life, love to be spoiled and more
importantly, love to make that
known. They believe that they
deserve the finer things in life
and won’t settle for less. This
isn’t innately wrong however it
can pose some problems when
finding a partner for these types
of women, as it may drive them
into being gold diggers and
prevent them from forming a
deep connection with their
partners. These types of girls
were usually spoiled in their
childhood by their fathers or are
usually very attractive and
naturally get a lot of attention
from wealthy men. This means
that they usually have princess
syndrome and usually require to
see evident signs of wealth or
power to entertain you. This is
because due to their entitlement,
they will naturally gravitate to
things and people that benefit
them. Also due to the high-class
nature of these women, they’re
usually found in nicer places
taking pictures of everything
and themselves.

So, if you’re looking to talk to

these types of women, make
sure you smell good, look clean
and most importantly confident
(this will be very important). Be
confident when walking up to
them with your back straight
and head high and maintain eye
contact with a friendly but
serious smile. Introduce yourself
and open with an open-ended
question that fits the context of
where you are. If you’re in a bar,
offer her a drink or if you see her
out, ask her where her favourite
place to eat is. The aim is to
keep a conversation flowing and
to avoid intrusive questions like
“where are you going?” or
“where do you live?”. The trick is
to pose the question as more of
advice; you will appease her
friendly side, so a question like
“do you know any good
restaurants around here” or
“what’s your favourite drink to
get” is a perfect way to ease into
a conversation. If you’re more
confident, then you can ask
more direct questions about her
and get to know her a little bit. If
you’re looking for her number or
social media then make sure to
keep it short and sweet, never
overstay your welcome. It is
better to leave after making her
laugh or shortly after getting her
contacts so you can leave your
mark while you can. When
talking, these girls like to
observe for signs of money or
status, so maintaining eye
contact and investing in good
cologne makes a huge
difference. On top of that,
making implicit boasts about
your best features, will signal
competency and the high-class
man she desires.

When approached with this type

of woman, I personally like to
offer a drink if we're out or make
a confident joke such as asking
her what a lady like her is doing
in an area like the one you’re in
(or asking why she’s alone).
These types of women like to be
treated like a lady and therefore
you would need to approach her
as a gentleman. Make them
understand that you can treat
them well through your friendly
body language and confident
speech and then walk away to
create mystery – and watch her
come back.

The Focused Hustler Type

These types of women’s

characteristics are in the name;
they are hardworking and
conscientious. They usually have
a project or vocation that takes
up most of their time and are
passionate about. This means
that they work a lot and work
very hard at what they do so
they usually make a fair bit of
money and are self-reliant. This
nature can arise from a lack of a
father figure and/or a very
hardworking mother figure, this
causes her to compensate and
mirror the masculine traits from
her mother. She takes honour in
her self-sufficiency and pays
little to no attention to men who
don’t align with her goals. You
can identify her by her presence
and appearance – she’s mostly
found in work clothes or the girl
you see in the library or the gym.
This means approaching a
woman like this can be harder
due to lack of need for a man,
therefore the best way to
approach her would definitely be
through a more natural method.
You would need to find a way to
almost “bump into” her, not
literally, but just make sure to
cross paths with her. Try and
make the conversation short and
sweet by asking questions that
you can find common ground on.
Ask her what she does or if you
have a mutual friend, bring them
up (not too much though). When
you do, stay on the topic for a
while before asking for her
details, but make sure you can
share some knowledge about the
topic. If you can’t, jokingly ask
questions about it and seem
dumber than you are – this will
trigger her to explain which will
give you multiple entries for
jokes or to change the subject to
something you’re more familiar
with. Lastly, make it short and
sweet as always, never overstay
your welcome – leave your mark
and leave.

How I personally like to leave my

mark with these types of women
is to pick a topic that you’re both
interested in or that she’s
pursuing and offer to help or do
the activity with her. If she’s
passionate about philosophy,
offer to send her some things
you’ve found (find random ones
that night or something). If she’s
pursuing a career in sport or
acting etc, tell her about one of
your friends who’s doing the
same thing and that you can
help her. Find common ground.

The Introverted-Confident Type

This category is more a

subcategory than anything, but
it is probably the most common
and identifiable type of women.
These are the women that don’t
say much but when spoken to,
are confident and sometimes
intimidating (whether
intentionally or not). These are
the type of women when in a
social situation, don’t give
anything away so they can’t be
assigned to any other category.
The introvert trait can arise from
several causes and coupled with
the confident nature, signals a
very secure woman.
Approaching these women is
relatively simple; as usual, ease
into a conversation with an
open-ended, but not too
personal question, try to find
common ground and work from
there. The best way to speak to
this type of person is to maintain
eye contact (not too intensely),
smile and make jokes to loosen
them up and make them feel
comfortable with you. Since
they’re confident, the
conversation should naturally
flow but only if you match their
confidence (ideally more in this
case). These are the most chill
women you’ll find and honestly
my favourite to flirt with, you
shouldn’t have trouble once you
get past her brick wall.

The play I use on the

introverted-confident types is by
initially trying to be their friend
and joke around with them. Then
once they’ve warmed up and
comfortable, I compliment them
more so that they loosen up even
more. For example, after they’ve
laughed, I’ll compliment their
laugh or smile.
The Centre-Of-Attention Type

As you can guess, these women

are the extroverted types who
usually are not necessarily the
loudest but stand out the most
out of their friendship group.
These are very confident women
so their eye contact will be very
strong and can usually notice
when people are looking at
them. They can seem like the
boujee type, but they’ll usually
be less reserved and have a
bigger presence. She most likely
had not much attention in
childhood or early adolescent
years and overcompensates by
how she presents herself. Or she
is the one in her friendship group
who usually adopts the most
responsibility for everyone due
to a need to be noticed and/or
appreciated. If you approach
her on the street or away from
her friends, she’ll be more likely
to entertain a conversation and
sometimes even lead it.
Approaching her, you will need
to be confident and very friendly.
Give her the illusion like you
have spoken to her before by
greeting her the way you greet
your friends. With her, you can
afford to be more direct and ask
open-ended questions that are
more personal (but not too
personal). A perfect example is
asking what she’s up to or what
she’s been doing today and
carrying on the conversation
from there. However, it is
probably safer to go with the
indirect approach unless you can
see from her body language that
she’s more than willing to stay
and talk.

The play I use with these types

of women is occasionally
showing disinterest by looking
away followed by periods of
intense eye contact and full
engagement. This will make her
work to keep your attention and
create an air of mystery for

The Free-Spirit Type

As rare as they come, they

happen to be increasing in our
modern society. These women
usually have distinct
appearances in their outfit
choices or facial features. They
also most likely have opinions or
beliefs which are significant to
them and will make that known.
Not conforming to the ideologies
of society is a statement they
swear by, and they preach love
and acceptance. These traits
usually come from overbearing
father/mother figures or trauma
from childhood or early
adolescence, causing them to
take up a responsibility to
counter and defend their
autonomy by taking every
opportunity to express
themselves. Sometimes they can
overcompensate and take up
every ideology that opposes the
oppressive forces they have
identified (even if they don’t
believe in it) and lose themselves
in the process. Their
eye-catching features make it
easy to bring up as a
conversation starter as a
light-hearted joke or an
open-ended question. Make sure
you don’t spend too much time
talking about her features but
find common ground, resonate
with her, and switch the
conversation topic in the
direction of your favour.

The play I use with these types

of women is to bring up
something that you’re
passionate or knowledgeable
about. She’ll then open up to you
as this will mirror her attitude to
life allowing her to resonate
more with you.

The Rude/Uninterested Type

woman shows disinterest after
you have tried to ease a
conversation, wish her well and
LEAVE. That’s it. You can try
again later, but only if she comes
to you. Don’t hurt your ego by
playing a losing game, there’s
plenty other girls bro.
The Perfect Player



I have probably spoken about

confidence several times, but it
is the most important
characteristic when talking to a
woman. It not only shows to her
that you have a positive
self-image but, like I mentioned
before, it signals competence
and shows you’re secure in
yourself. However, if you feel like
you lack confidence, one thing I
like to do is remind myself of my
favourite and best features. If
you can’t think of much, then it
still shows you need to work on
yourself a little more before you
think about women. That being
said, you also could just fake it
‘till you make it. Think about the
ideal outcome and just do it; the
more you think, the less you act.
Approach them like you know
them already, use the initiation
tactics I spoke about and talk to
them like you would a friend.
Allow them to see why your
friends love you and after you’ve
deduced what type of woman
they are, use my seduction
tactics. Lead the conversation,
look away occasionally but
maintain eye contact when
you’re facing her, make jokes
and she’ll be all yours.



You can’t get them all. Seduction

takes practice, so if you get
rejected, learn from it and move
on. It might hurt but as a man, it
is an inevitable reality to get
rejected. However, there is a
trick to not actually getting
rejected and that happens in the
initial interaction. Previously
when I told you to ask her a
question, but make it
open-ended and make it more
like advice such as: “what
restaurants would you
recommend around here?”, or
“what’s your favourite drink to
get from the bar?”. These
questions are open-ended so if
they give short or one word
replies then you know she’s not
interested. Same applies if a girl
doesn’t ask for your name when
you ask for hers or doesn’t ask
how your day was when you ask
her. Same goes for body
language, for example if she
doesn't face you when you talk
or keeps looking away. It is
better to take your losses before
it actually happens.

Making a girl laugh is one of the

best ways to secure her contacts.
Knowing what to say and when
to say it is the secret to making
a girl laugh. You would usually
have to be speaking to her for
some time to get this reaction,
as it takes you first finding
common ground and making sly
remarks that catch her off
guard. The best way to do this is
to talk to her like you’re talking
to a friend, to loosen her up, then
add sly flirtatious comments
here and there.

Not every girl is the same and

therefore not every tactic is
going to work on every girl.
Refer to the types of women
we’ve spoken about. Some girls
may fall into more than one
category. The Perfect Player
knows how to adapt and still find
a way to find common ground
and relate with her.

Body language, especially for
women, speaks more than verbal
communication. This is because
women are more emotional, and
emotions always find a way to
show through facial expressions
and body movements. As you
encounter more women, you’ll
notice that as they start to get
more comfortable with you in
the conversation, their body
language will show. They will
smile more, their body will angle
towards you, they will get closer
and even touch your elbow or
shoulder if they’re really into you.
The Perfect Player will realise
this and capitalise.
A seduction tactic I like to use is
called mirroring: that is when
you copy their body movements
and facial expressions. This
subconsciously makes them feel
more connected and understood
by you thus making them more
comfortable. Women are easily
fooled by this as they want to
feel understood and accepted.
For example, if they express
excitement about something,
you can respond with
enthusiasm, or if they seem
calmer and more relaxed, you
can adjust your own energy
accordingly. Or if the person
leans forward, you may also lean
forward slightly. If they cross
their legs, you might do the
same. The idea is to mirror their
body language in a way that
appears natural and not overly
obvious or exaggerated.


Finally, and definitely most

importantly, the Perfect Player
attracts. How? By having a stack
of evidence to prove his
competency so not only does his
confidence flow, but it’s an
exponential effect so when one
girl is drawn to him, others tend
to follow. To do this you need to
genuinely sit down and be
honest with the things you need
to work on. Get your life together
and girls will flock naturally. Then
you pick from the ones that
make themselves available.
Women gravitate to high-value
men and even though I have told
you how to appear competent,
there’s nothing that beats the
real deal. If you are the real
deal, then you’ll have no problem
as long as you’re respectful and
secure in yourself. Don’t chase
women bro, let them come to
you and you’ll simply stroll. To
find the perfect partner you
must become the perfect
Control & Seduction

Now I am going to reveal some

plays you can use while dating –
but I do not advise you to use
this selfishly. The general outline
of control in a relationship is to
make her attached to you and
dependent on you. You will need
to understand her wants and
needs, so pay attention to her
likes and dislikes. When she does
something you like, give her
more attention and praise. Make
her notice that it was a result of
her doing what you wanted.
However, when she does
something you disagree with, tell
her then turn colder. This is the
general outline of control in a
relationship, however if she
understands this concept as well,
you will have a mutually
beneficial relationship where you
both make each other happy. If
she doesn’t then you can use this
to your advantage. Especially if
you start using this only to get
what you want. That is similar to
love bombing. Love bombing is a
manipulative tactic where
excessive attention and
affection can make her feel
special and desired, creating a
sense of obligation or
indebtedness to you. This can
make it easier for you to
manipulate and control her
emotions, thoughts, and
behaviours. Love bombers may
alternate between periods of
intense affection and charm and
periods of withdrawal or
emotional manipulation. This
inconsistency can create
confusion, anxiety, and a strong
desire to regain the intense
affection and attention
experienced during the love
bombing phase. I want to make
you aware that the power of this
tactic comes from a woman's
need for security in her
relationship, so I do not advise it
if you want a healthy
relationship. Anything that
threatens the security of the
relationship will cause her to
panic and make her vulnerable.
Being aware of these
manipulation tactics allows you
to identify it in your partner and
helps you to avoid it yourself.
Your job, as a man, is to protect
and lead her so as long as you
continue to prove your
competency, she’ll continue to
put her trust in you and submit
to your authority.
Final Advice

Being toxic is seen as cool on

social media but in actuality, it is
very very cool. No, I’m joking. I
will admit it preaches relatable
stuff, but in the long term, it
doesn’t constitute a for a lasting
relationship. We all know that!
Although, I do agree you should
date around, I also believe you
should do it with respect and
never put women above yourself.
Women should be adored, yes,
but you cannot see the true
beauty in women if you cannot
first see the beauty in yourself.
Everything else will follow from
there: the confidence, the
charisma, the conversation
starters, the respect, the money
and the women. And if you have
just broken up with your
girlfriend or are still heartbroken,
take it as your responsibility to
build from that and prove not
only to her but to yourself.
Because she was right for
leaving then but she will regret
not staying to see you now.
Heartbreak can provide valuable
life lessons. Identify the red
flags, unhealthy patterns, or
areas for personal growth that
arose from the relationship. Use
these insights to make better
choices and cultivate healthier
relationships in the future. Allow
yourself to feel the pain,
sadness, and anger that come
with heartbreak. Give yourself
permission to grieve and process
your emotions. It's important to
acknowledge and validate your
feelings rather than suppressing
them. This ties into the feminine
nature we spoke about at the
start of this book, incorporating
it will be crucial in your
character development.
Prioritise self-care during this
healing process. Engage in
activities that bring you joy,
whether it's spending time in
nature, pursuing hobbies,
exercising, or practising
mindfulness and self-reflection.
Nurturing yourself physically,
emotionally, and mentally is
essential for healing. When I
broke up with my girlfriend, I got
into boxing which was not only
great physically but mentally. I
started businesses which, while I
had more free time, started
going well. Sooner than you
know it, I was transforming into
a whole new person and
naturally grabbed the attention
of other girls. But since I was
fine by myself, this made me
extra picky on the women I
spoke to and the company I
entertained, even though they
were all beautiful women. All of
this happened because I
manned up and didn’t shy away
from the journey that the pain
called me to. It is a journey that
all great and successful men
take because of heartbreak; love
is the greatest force in the world.
The question now is where will
you channel your love, pain and
attention to?

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