Scheme Brochure Eng 11-2010
Scheme Brochure Eng 11-2010
Scheme Brochure Eng 11-2010
November 2010
Definitions Part 1 Introduction 1. Background 2. The Scheme 2.1 Am 2.2 Condtons of Partcpaton 2.3 Condtons for Suspenson or Cessaton 2.4 Revews 2.5 Desgnated Areas
1 3 3 3 4 5 5
Part 2 Participation Procedures and Guidance 3. Statutory Requrements 4. Codes of Practce 5. Mnmum Requrements for Regstraton under the Scheme 6. Informaton requred for Applcaton 7. Records Keepng durng Operaton 8. General Preamble 9. Waterworks 10. Buldng Works 11. Sewage Servces Charge 12. Water Polluton Control 13. Ar Polluton Control 14. Nose Control 15. Nusance Control 16. Occupatonal Safety and Health 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 16 17 19 19 19 20 20
Part 3 Information for Enquiry and Application 17. Forms 18. Process Chart 19. Enqures
21 21 22
In ths Scheme Brochure, unless the context otherwse specfies,
coolng tower means any devce for lowerng the temperature of water by evaporatve coolng n whch ambent ar s n contact wth fallng water, thereby exchangng heat; drft means water lost from the coolng tower as lqud droplets or aerosols entraned n the exhaust ar, excludng condensaton.
Part 1: Introduction
1 Background
The Prelmnary Phase Consultancy Study on Wder Use of Water-cooled Ar Condtonng Systems (WACS) n Hong Kong was completed n md 1999. The study has establshed that WACS has greater envronmental, economc and fnancal benefts than Ar-cooled Ar Condtonng Systems (AACS). Subsequently, a terrtory-wde mplementaton study was completed n md 2003 for facltatng a full-scale mplementaton of WACS. The mplementaton study examned and dentfed areas sutable for wder use of WACS and also examned n detal the financal, regulatory, land admnstraton, nfrastructural, envronmental and health ssues, ncludng the preventon of Legonnares dsease.
An nter-departmental workng group was set up to launch a plot scheme on 1 June 2000 for wder use of fresh water n evaporatve coolng towers n energy efficent ar condtonng systems (the Plot Scheme) n desgnated areas where exstng water supples and sewerage network would be adequate to meet the addtonal demand. Although both sea water and fresh water can be used as the condensng coolng meda, the Plot Scheme s only applcable to fresh water evaporatve coolng after consderng the source and capacty of exstng water supply networks. The workng group comprses members from two polcy bureaux and seven government departments:
Development Bureau (DEVB) Envronment Bureau (ENB) Buldngs Department (BD) Dranage Servces Department (DSD) Electrcal and Mechancal Servces Department (EMSD) Department of Health (DH) Lands Department (LandsD) Plannng Department (PlanD) Water Supples Department (WSD)
The nterm revews n 2005 and 2007 of the Plot Scheme have revealed the Scheme has been a promsng way to ascertan the energy effcency n ar condtonng systems for new and exstng non-domestc buldngs wthout posng adverse mpacts on the exstng water supply and sewerage nfrastructures. As a result, wth support of the polcy bureaux concerned, the Plot Scheme has operated as a standng scheme from 1 June 2008, and renamed as Scheme for Wder Use of Fresh Water n Evaporatve Coolng Towers for Energy-efficent Ar Condtonng Systems (or Fresh Water Coolng Towers Scheme n smple term). The regulatory and nsttutonal framework of the Scheme bascally remaned unchanged except some updates n the operatonal and valdaton requrements.
A further revew was also conducted n 2010 to streamlne the applcaton procedures and requrements for jonng the Scheme. The Scheme Brochure s updated accordngly.
The Scheme
2.1 Aim The Scheme ams to : (a) promote energy-efficent water-cooled ar condtonng systems; (b) montor the addtonal water demand; (c) montor the quantty and qualty of bleed-off effluent dscharge from the systems; (d) montor the health and envronmental effects arsng from the systems; and (e) comple data for formulatng and updatng plans to promote watercooled ar condtonng systems n Hong Kong.
Conditions of Participation Ths scheme apples to all non-domestc types of new and exstng buldngs wthn the desgnated areas (see para. 2.5 below). All Property Developers, Landlords, Property Management Agents, Desgners and System Operators are welcome to apply for the use of fresh water for ar-condtonng nstallatons n ther buldngs wthn the desgnated areas. Applcatons for buldngs not wthn the desgnated areas are also welcomed and wll be consdered on a case-by-case bass n consultaton wth WSD on adequacy of fresh water supply. Applcaton shall be submtted together wth the requred nformaton as stpulated n Paragraph 6 to the authortes concerned.
Partcpants shall comply wth all relevant statutory regulatons as well as mnmum requrements as lad down n Part 2 for jonng the Scheme. Besdes, the partcpants are recommended to adopt the best practces related to the desgn, operaton and mantenance of coolng towers as per the gudelnes and recommendatons gven n relevant codes of practces.
All these requrements are set to acheve better energy effcency, to protect the envronment and to safeguard the publc health and safety whle usng fresh water for evaporatve coolng.
Conditions for Suspension or Cessation Though the Scheme s amed to be a standng scheme, t can stll be suspended or ceased upon obtanng the endorsement from the Workng Group (heren referred to Workng Group mentoned n Paragraph 1) under the followng condtons: (a) Water ratonng s mplemented n the terrtory, or (b) An outbreak of Legonnares dsease n the terrtory, or (c) Water resources are antcpated to be nadequate or water supply nfrastructure cannot cope wth the demand by water-cooled ar condtonng systems.
If the Scheme s suspended or ceased under the above condtons, all new applcatons wll not be processed. The water supply to the regstered coolng tower nstallatons wll be subject to regulaton by the Water Authorty. The trade wll normally be notfed not less than 6 months n advance, unless the suspenson or cessaton should be executed mmedately due to some severe stuatons.
Reviews The condtons and requrements n the brochure for regstraton of coolng towers under the Scheme wll be subject to revew by the Interdepartmental Workng Group of the Scheme so as to facltate the promoton of the use of water-cooled ar condtonng systems n Hong Kong.
Designated Areas The desgnated areas for applcaton for jonng the Scheme are delneated n the latest locaton plans whch can be downloaded at EMSD webpage: (
Statutory Requirements
In general, the applcants shall ensure that ther coolng towers comply wth, but not lmted to, the followng Ordnances, Objectves, and Techncal Memorandum:
Waterworks Ordnance (WWO)(Cap. 102) Buldngs Ordnance (BO)(Cap. 123) Sewage Servces Ordnance (SSO)(Cap. 463) Water Polluton Control Ordnance (WPCO) (Cap. 358) Ar Polluton Control Ordnance (APCO) (Cap. 311) Nose Control Ordnance (NCO) (Cap. 400) Occupatonal Safety and Health Ordnance (OSHO) (Cap. 509) Publc Health and Muncpal Servces Ordnance (PHMSO) (Cap. 132) Techncal Memorandum on Standards for Effluent Dscharged nto Dranage and Sewerage System, Inland and Coastal Waters
Techncal Memorandum for the Assessment of Nose from Places other than Domestc Premses, Publc Places or Constructon Stes
WSDs Water Qualty Objectves of Sea Water for Flushng Supply (at Dstrbuton)
Applcants are advsed to check other relevant statutory requrements and seek the professonal advce from a Lcensed Plumber (LP), an Authorzed Person (AP) and a Regstered Professonal Engneer (RPE) of buldng servces or mechancal engneerng dscplne when they have queres n the procedures and the standard of works requred.
Codes of Practice
Besdes the above statutory requrements, the partcpants of the Scheme are requred to adopt the best practces related to the desgn, operaton and mantenance of coolng towers as per gudelnes and recommendatons gven n the followng codes of practce:
Code of Practce for Preventon of Legonnares Dsease 2007 (CoP(PLD)) Code of Practce for Water-cooled Ar Condtonng Systems (CoP(WACS)): Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
Coolng towers shall be provded wth effectve drft elmnators (wth drft emsson not more than 0.005% of maxmum desgn water crculaton rate) that mnmze the formaton and release of drft 2.
Coolng towers shall be provded wth effectve water treatment equpment and bleed-off devce to control bacteral growth. Bleed-off water from coolng towers shall be dscharged to a flushng tank (va a break tank f applcable) and reused for flushng purpose 3 as far as practcable.
Dead legs shall be mnmzed to avod stagnant water as far as practcable n the coolng water crculaton ppeworks for the coolng tower, and, where unavodable, purge valves should be provded to the dead legs for regular dranng.
1 Ref. CoP (WACS) Pt. 1 s.4.1.3 and 4.1.4 2 Ref. CoP (WACS) Pt. 1 s. 3.6 3 Ths arrangement s to mnmze the burden of addtonal effluent to the sewerage systems.
Coolng towers shall be provded wth adequate and safe access to allow for the mantenance, nspecton and water samplng requred under the Scheme.
Coolng towers shall be thoroughly cleaned, desludged and dsnfected at least once every 6 months 4.
Coolng towers shall be mantaned to ensure that the coolng towers have () a Legonella Bactera Count (LBC) that s below 10 cfu/ml, and () a Heterotrophc Colony Count (HCC) that s below 100,000 cfu/ml 5. The owners shall arrange for water samplng tests for the coolng towers () at least once every 3 months for LBC; and () at least once a month for HCC.
Rsk management plan 6 (or water safety plan 7) shall be provded for coolng towers systems to be nstalled at such facltes as stpulated n secton 7 of the CoP(WACS): Part 1.
4 Ref. CoP (WACS) Pt. 2 s. 3.4.1 5 Ref. CoP (WACS) Pt. 2 s. 2.5.3 6 Ref. s 7 of CoP(WACS): Pt 1 7 Ref. s 4.1 of CoP(PLD), 2007
Colour (H.U.), Turbdty (N.T.U.), Threshold Odour No.(T.O.N.), Ammonacal N, Suspended Solds (SS), Dssolved Oxygen (DO),
8 The parameters, other than resdual bocdes / nhbtors, are montored for meetng WSDs Water Qualty Objectves of Sea Water for Flushng Supply (at Dstrbuton)
5-Day Bochemcal Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Synthetc Detergents, Resdual bocdes / nhbtors, and E. Col / 100 mL(ECL).
(g) Monthly samplng and testng of the coolng water of the coolng tower nstallaton n respect of the followng parameters:
Total dssolved solds (TDS), Conductvty, Calcum hardness, Total alkalnty, pH, Temperature, Resdual bocde(s), and Resdual corroson/scale nhbtng chemcal(s).
(h) Monthly samplng and testng of the coolng water of the coolng tower nstallaton for Heterotrophc Colony Count (HCC); () Quarterly samplng and testng (or whenever requred by the approvng authorty such as after commssonng or major alteraton) of coolng water of the coolng tower nstallaton for Legonella Bactera Count (comprsng categores of Legonella pneumophla serogroup 1, Legonella pneumophla serogroup 2 to 14, and other speces of Legonella) for valdaton of the effectveness of the preventve measures aganst the growth of Legonella ; and
Mantenance records of each coolng tower as stpulated n Secton 7 of the Code of Practce for Preventon of Legonnares Dsease 2007 and Appendx 2E of Part 2 of the Code of Practce for Water-cooled Ar Condtonng Systems.
7.2 The owners shall make avalable such records for nspecton by the EMSDs officers when requested.
Annual Audit Report The owners shall commsson an ndependent and competent audtor to conduct an annual audt for ther coolng tower systems n accordance wth Secton 4.3 of Part 2 of the Code of Practce for Water-cooled Ar Condtonng Systems. They shall submt the audt report on an annual bass before each year end to EMSD durng the servce lfe of the coolng tower systems.
Notification required during operation 7.4.1 Changes of Installaton Detals The owners should notfy EMSD, as soon as any key changes of nstallaton detals effected, wth Form EMSD EE CT4. 7.4.2 Change of Ownershp of Coolng Towers When transfer of nstallaton ownershp occurs, the exstng owners and new owners of approved coolng tower(s) nstallaton shall complete the notficaton Form EMSD EE CT5 and submt to EMSD for update of records.
General Preamble
8.1 It s recommended that the applcants should appont a Regstered Professonal Engneer of buldng servces or mechancal engneerng dscplnes well n advance for advce n the proper desgn, nstallaton, operaton and mantenance of coolng towers.
8.2 Pror approval and consent shall be obtaned from the Buldng Authorty to construct the supportng framework for the coolng towers.
8.3 Any coolng tower should not be placed to protrude beyond the boundary of the lot.
8.4 In case coolng towers or ther dscharge outlets are proposed to be nstalled at podum floor and surrounded by exstng proxmate resdental buldng blocks on the podum, the applcant should nform and/or consult the relevant resdents assocaton or alke, f any, about the proposed nstallaton n the ntal project desgn stage.
8.5 The bleed-off water from the coolng tower shall be dscharged to the flushng tank, (va a break tank f applcable), and reused for flushng purpose. Ths arrangement s to mnmze the burden of addtonal effluent to the sewerage systems.
8.6 Upon completon of the coolng tower nstallaton, the owners should notfy EMSD of the completon va Form EMSD EE CT2B (for completon of the nstallaton n whole) or Form EMSD EE CT2A (for phased completon) as the case may be. The forms should be sgned by a Regstered Professonal Engneer of buldng servces or mechancal engneerng dscplne to certfy that the coolng tower nstallaton has been nstalled n accordance wth the requrements stpulated n ths Scheme brochure.
8.7 The owner should allow EMSDs authorzed officers or representatves to enter the premses to nspect the coolng tower systems, and take water samples for testng f necessary for valdaton of operatonal condtons.
9.1 Pror to any submsson of proposal for new plumbng nstallatons or alteraton to exstng plumbng nstallatons for mans water supples of coolng towers, the applcant shall obtan from the Water Authorty (WA) such nformaton whch s relevant as to the desgn of the plumbng works. The applcant shall submt to WA the plumbng proposal and consumershp undertakng by the Form WWO 542.
9.2 Upon recept of the plumbng proposal to use mans water for coolng towers, the Water Authorty wll reply to the applcant n wrtng wthn 20 workng days nformng hm whether such proposal s acceptable or not. Under normal crcumstance, separate meterng, thus separate water account, for ths knd of supply s requred. The applcant s remnded that a break tank for retanng bleed-off water from the coolng towers for reuse n nternal flushng s normally requred. The break tank shall be desgned and constructed smlar to that as stated n Clause 8.14 of the HK Waterworks Standard Requrements for Plumbng Installaton n Buldngs. Any subsequent alteraton, revson and modfcaton of the approved proposal should be submtted to the Water Authorty for approval.
9.3 Pror to commencement of the plumbng works for mans water supples of coolng towers shown on any approved plumbng proposal, the applcant shall submt to WA by Lcensed Plumber the Form WWO 46 (Parts I and II). WA wll return the Form WWO 46 (Part III) to the applcant for whether the permsson to commence plumbng works s granted. The approval of provdng metered water supply wll not confer any legal mplcaton on structural status of the coolng tower(s) nor carry any effect of precludng acton beng taken n respect of the structure by another authorty. As the buldng works for the coolng tower(s) s under the jursdcton of the Buldng Authorty, t s premses owners responsblty to obtan relevant consent from the Buldng Authorty for these works. Falure to do so may result n removal of these coolng towers by the Buldng Authorty.
9.4 Upon completon of the coolng tower nstallaton, the owner should submt Form EMSD EE CT2B together wth a ste nspecton report completed by an RPE to EMSD. EMSD wll notfy the applcant for whether the coolng tower nstallaton s accepted under ths Scheme. The applcant and the lcensed plumber should apply to WA for nspecton of plumbng work by the Form WWO 46 (Part IV). WA wll notfy the applcant by the Form WWO 46 (Part V) for whether the plumbng works up to make-up tank are completed satsfactorly. The applcant should ensure that all works other than waterworks are completed satsfactorly and acceptable to EMSD and the Buldng Authorty. In case phased completon for coolng tower(s) nstallaton s requred, the applcant shall submt Form EMSD EE CT2A together wth a ste nspecton report completed by an RPE to EMSD. EMSD wll notfy the applcant whether the phased completon of the coolng tower nstallaton s accepted under ths Scheme. The applcant should request the WA for water supply for phased completon. WA wll arrange concessonary water supply to the coolng tower nstallaton under phased completon provded that the plumbng works concerned are completed satsfactorly. The applcant should nform EMSD when the whole nstallaton s completed.
Building Works
10.1 Any person ntendng to carry out buldng works such as supportng frameworks for coolng towers s requred under the Buldngs Ordnance to appont an Authorsed Person to prepare plans for the approval and consent of the Buldng Authorty before the commencement of any works. Upon completon of the buldng works, the Authorsed Person s requred to certfy that the buldng works have been carred out n accordance wth the approved buldng plans.
10.2 It s strongly recommended that the advce of an Authorsed Person should be sought well n advance. A drectory of Authorsed Person regstered under the Buldngs Ordnance s avalable n the Buldngs Department for vewng.
10.3 Buldng works carred out wthout pror approval and consent from the Buldng Authorty are unauthorzed. The Buldng Authorty may take enforcement actons under Sectons 24 and 40 of the Buldngs Ordnance to requre the demolton of such buldng works; and/or to prosecute the offender n the court. [Note: Alternatve procedures for approval of mnor works may be adopted under the Mnor Works Control System (MWCS) whch takes effect from 31.12.2010. Enqures on MWCS can be made to the Buldngs Department.]
11.2 If the consumer or agent, as case may be, consders that the volume of wastewater beng dscharged to the publc sewerage or dranage systems (ncludng the volume of bleed-off water from coolng towers dscharged to flushng tank) s not more than 85% of the total water consumpton volume, the consumer can apply to the Dranage Authorty for a reducton of SC based on a revson on the dscharge factor. He wll be requred to provde nformaton on the volumes of water consumed and wastewater dscharged n hs applcaton. For the provson of such nformaton, t wll be preferable for the consumer or agent to nstall sub-meters to measure the volume of wastewater dscharged at the termnal dranage outlet of the premses. If the consumer or agent has techncal dfficultes n nstallng these sub-meters, he should explan n hs applcaton on the stuaton and provde alternatve nformaton suffcent for the Dranage Authorty to assess hs applcaton.
11.3 For the purpose of verfyng the nformaton that s needed n determnng the factor to be charged for the SC, the Dranage Authorty may, f deemed necessary, enter the premses of a consumer at all reasonable tmes for ste nspecton.
11.4 The nformaton collected durng handlng of the applcaton may be dsclosed to other Government departments and ther authorzed agences, f applcable, for law enforcement purposes should t be deemed necessary. Also, such nformaton may be dsclosed to the Electrcal & Mechancal Servces Department solely to facltate ther revew of the requrements for the Scheme.
Noise Control
Nose from any evaporatve coolng towers s controlled under secton 13 of the Nose Control Ordnance (NCO). Should the nose emanated therefrom exceed the relevant crtera stpulated n the Techncal Memorandum for the Assessment of Nose from Places other than Domestc Premses, Publc Places
or Constructon Stes, the Envronmental Protecton Department would ssue a Nose Abatement Notce requrng the Nose Producer to rectfy the problem and to comply wth the statutory nose standard.
Nuisance Control
The emsson of ar or the dscharge of water from coolng towers n any premses would be actonable under PHMSO f the emsson causes a nusance. The Authorty would ssue a Nusance Notce to the nusance producer to requre hm to abate the nusance wthn the perod specfed n the notce, and the notce may, f the Authorty thnks fit, specfy any works to be executed for that purpose.
Usage Applcaton for Partcpaton (Prelmnary Assessment) Notce of Commencement of Coolng Tower Installaton Work Notficaton of Phased Completon of Coolng Tower Installaton Notficaton of Completon of Coolng Tower Installaton(s) Records of Operatonal Informaton Coolng Tower Installaton Detals Notficaton of Change of Ownershp for Evaporatve Coolng Tower Installaton(s)
Process Charts
The latest process chart of applcaton can be downloaded at EMSD webpage: (
For more nformaton about the Scheme, please contact the followng departments durng office hour for relevant nformaton:
Electrical & Mechanical Services Department (energy efficency and coolng towers) Energy Efficency Office 7/F Electrcal & Mechancal Servces Department, 3 Ka Shng Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Water Supplies Department (water supply, conservaton and charge) Headquarters Office 43/F, Immgraton Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Cha, Hong Kong. Buildings Department (buldng works and supportng frameworks for coolng towers) 12/F, Poneer Buldng, 750 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon. Environmental Protection Department (ar polluton control, nose polluton control, and water polluton control as well as sewage treatment and dsposal of bleed-off water from coolng towers) 33/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Cha, Hong Kong. Drainage Services Department (sewage servces charge) Customer Servces Secton G/F, Western Magstracy, 2A Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong
Webste: Emal: [email protected] Tel: 3757 6156 Tel: 1823 Fax: 2890 6081
Webste: Emal: wsd[email protected] Tel: 2824 5000 Fax: 2802 7333
Webste: Emal: enqu[email protected] T el: 2626 1616 Fax: 2537 4992
Webste: Emal: enqu[email protected] Tel/Fax: 2838 3111 (Customer Servce Centre)
Webste: Emal: enqu[email protected] Tel: 2834 9432 Fax: 2574 5645
3 Energy Efficiency Office Electrical and Mechanical Services Department 3 Ka Shng Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong T F el: (852) 3757 6156 ax: (852) 2890 6081 W ebste: E mal: [email protected]