Technical Requirements For Plumbing Works in Buildings e

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Technical Requirements for Plumbing Works in Buildings

(October 2019 version)

Water Supplies Department

October 2019 version

Table of Contents ................................................................................................. List of Figures

.................................................................................................................................................... v
Preface........................................................................................................................................ 1
Part A: Plumbing Installation Requirements ............................................................................. 2
1. General ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Definitions........................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Commonly Used Waterworks Fittings............................................................................. 5
2. General Principles ................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 General Principles for Installing Plumbing Works .......................................................... 7
3. Metering ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Meter Position .................................................................................................................. 9
3.2.1 General Requirements for Meter Positions 9
3.2.2 Architectural and Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) Requirements for Meter Room
3.2.3 Permanent Display Board showing Water Meter Details 16
3.2.4 Mounting Height of Water Meters in Meter Rooms/Boxes/Cabinets 16
3.2.5 Location of Water Meter at Construction Sites/ Sites for Short-Term Tenancy 16
3.2.6 Location of Water Meter at Landscape Areas 17
3.3 Master Meter and Check Meter ..................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Purpose of Introducing Master Meter and Check Meter 17
3.3.2 Principles of Master Meters Provision 17
3.3.3 Principles of Sub-meters Provision for Buried Fresh Water Inside Service and Fire
Service 17
3.3.4 Arrangements of Master Meter 18
3.3.5 Check Meter Requirements 20
3.4 Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System .................................................................... 21
3.5 Separate Metering in Existing Premises ........................................................................ 21
4. Inside Service ....................................................................................................................... 23
4.1 Pipe & Fitting Materials................................................................................................. 23
4.1.1 General 23
4.1.2 Requirements of Minimum Pipe Sizes 23
4.1.3 Modifications to Pipes 23
4.2 Fresh Water Supply........................................................................................................ 23
4.2.1 General Requirements 23
4.2.2 Supply Modes 24
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4.2.3 Backflow/ Cross-connection Prevention 24

4.2.4 General Pipework Arrangement 27
4.2.6 Metered Supply for Other Purposes 32
4.2.7 Hot Water Systems 34
4.3 Flushing Water Supply .................................................................................................. 37
4.3.1 Sources of Flushing Water Supply 37
4.3.2 Pipe & Fitting Materials 37
4.3.3 Metering Requirements 38
4.3.4 Supply Modes 38
4.3.5 General Pipework Arrangement 39
4.4 Pipework for Inside Service in New Reclamation Area ................................................ 40
4.5 Inside Service of Large Diameters along Roads/Slopes ................................................ 40
5. Fire Service .......................................................................................................................... 41
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 41
5.2 Metering Requirement ................................................................................................... 41
5.3 Pipe & Fitting Materials................................................................................................. 41
5.4 Supply Types and Arrangements ................................................................................... 41
5.4.1 General 41
5.4.2 Sprinkler/ Drencher System 42
5.4.3 Fire Hydrant/ Hose Reel System 43
5.4.4 Street Fire Hydrant System 44
5.4.5 Fire Service Ring Mains 44
5.4.6 Fire Service Installations for the New Territories Exempted Houses (NTEH) 44
5.4.7 Installation of Sprinkler System for Specified Commercial Buildings (SCB)/
Prescribed Commercial Premises (PCP) under the Fire Safety (Commercial
Premises) Ordinance (Chapter 502) and Composite Buildings under the Fire Safety
(Buildings) Ordinance (Chapter 572) 45
5.4.8 Pipework for Fire Service in New Reclamation Area 45
5.4.9 Fire Services of Large Diameters along Roads/ Slopes 45
6. Water Cisterns, Water Pumps and Other Miscellaneous ..................................................... 46
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 46
6.2 Cold Water Cisterns (or Cold Water Tanks).................................................................. 46
6.2.1 Location 46
6.2.2 Material Requirements 46
6.2.3 Cover for Water Tanks 47
6.2.4 Installation Requirements for Inlet and Outlet Pipes 48
6.2.5 Size of Storage Cisterns for Flushing, Domestic and Trade/Commercial Water Uses
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6.2.6 Other Recommendations/ Requirements 52

6.3 Water Pumps .................................................................................................................. 53
6.4 Water Hammer Arrestor ................................................................................................ 53
6.5 Pressure Reducing Valves.............................................................................................. 53
6.6 Stop Valves for Draw-off Points.................................................................................... 54
6.7 Water Taps ..................................................................................................................... 54
6.7.2 Installation Requirements for Sanitary Fixtures Supplied by Water Taps 54
6.8 Domestic Appliances ..................................................................................................... 55
6.8.1 Water Purifiers/ Filters 55
6.8.2 Washing Machines/ Dishwashing Machines 56
6.9 Wall-Mounted Water Dispensers ................................................................................... 57
6.10 Flushing Apparatus ...................................................................................................... 57
6.10.1 General Requirements 57
6.10.2 Flushing Cisterns 58
6.10.3 Flushing Valves (Flushometers) 59
6.11 Earthing ........................................................................................................................ 60
7. Water Conservation ............................................................................................................. 61
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 61
7.2 Minimum Flow Requirements for Fittings in Inside Service ........................................ 61
7.3 Water Efficiency Requirements for Fittings in Inside Service ...................................... 61
7.4 Alternatives to Application of WELS Products ............................................................. 62
7.5 Exemption from the Water Efficiency Requirements .................................................... 62
7.6 Other Plumbing Fixtures and Water-Consuming Apparatuses ...................................... 63
7.6.1 Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Showers for Bathing 63
7.6.2 Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Water Taps 65
7.6.3 Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Urinal Equipment 65
7.6.4 Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Flow Controllers 67
Part B: Plumbing Material Standards and Requirements ........................................................ 70
B1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 70
B2. Pipes and Fittings to be Used in Inside Service or Fire Service ....................................... 70
B2.1. Products subject to Approval by the WA ................................................................... 70
B2.2 ‘General Acceptance*’ (‘GA*’) Scheme (Voluntary) ................................................ 74
B3. Review of Standards and Requirements............................................................................ 76
B4. General Conditions for All Pipes, Fittings and Components for Use in Inside Service ... 76
B5. Pipes and Pipe Fittings ...................................................................................................... 78
B6. Valves ................................................................................................................................ 90
B7. Taps and Mixers .............................................................................................................. 100
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B8. Products covered by Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) ............................... 105
B9. Other Materials ................................................................................................................ 107
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List of Figures

Fig. No. Figure Title

- List of Symbols (1 of 2)

- List of Symbols (2 of 2)

Fig. 1 Not Used

Fig. 2 Not Used

Fig. 3 Typical Installation of a 15mm diameter Water Meter

Fig. 4 Meter Dimensions

Fig. 5 Direct/ Indirect Supply System

Fig. 6 Indirect Supply System

Fig. 6A Schematic Diagram for Cleansing (Type I)

Fig. 6B Not used

Fig. 6C Schematic layout of Hydro-vent Re-circulation System (Sheet 1 of 2)

Fig. 6D Schematic layout of Hydro-vent Re-circulation System (Sheet 2 of 2)

Fig. 6E Not used

Fig. 7 Non-pressure Type Heater/Dispenser (Sheet 1 of 2)

Fig. 7A Non-pressure Type Heater/Dispenser (Sheet 2 of 2)

Fig. 8 Cistern Type Water Heater

Fig. 9 Instantaneous Gas Water Heater

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Fig. No. Figure Title

Fig. 10 Layout of Unvented Electric Thermal Storage Type Water Heater

Fig. 11 Pressure Type Thermal Storage Water Heater

Fig. 12 Direct Centralized Hot Water System

Fig. 13 Indirect Centralized Hot Water System

Fig. 14 Salt Water Flushing Supply System

Fig. 15 Flushing Supply Storage Cistern - Mixed Supply

Fig. 16 Layout Drawing for Sprinkler System

Fig. 17 Layout Drawing for Improvised Sprinkler System

Fig. 18 Layout Drawing for Fire Hydrant/Hose Reel System

Fig. 19 Layout Plan of the Typical Installation of DN150 Street Fire Hydrant

Fig. 20 Section of the Typical Installation of DN150 Street Fire Hydrant

Fig. 21 Layout Drawing for Street Fire Hydrant System

Fig. 22 Schematic Layout of Pressure Reducing Valves

Fig. 23 Water Flower Beds Plumbing System

Fig. 24 Typical Configuration of Master Meter and Sub-meter Chambers in Multiple-

block development

Fig. 25 Details of Sub-meter Chamber

Fig. 26 Revised Arrangement of Master Meter Room (Sheet 1 of 5)

Fig. 27 Revised Arrangement of Master Meter Room (Sheet 2 of 5)

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Fig. No. Figure Title

Fig. 28 Revised Arrangement of Master Meter Room (Sheet 3 of 5)

Fig. 29 Revised Arrangement of Master Meter Room (Sheet 4 of 5)

Fig. 30 Revised Arrangement of Master Meter Room (Sheet 5 of 5)

Fig. 31 Details of Master Meter Box and Cabinet

Fig. 32 Details of Sub-meter Box and Cabinet

Fig. 33 Working Clearances for Check Meter Position

Fig. 34 Typical Schematic Plumbing Diagram (Food Business (Restaurant) / Kitchen)

Fig. 35 Suspension Notice of Fresh Water Supply/ Temporary Mains Water for Flushing

Fig. 36 Minimum Clearance of Trade Supply Meters

Fig. 37 Water Dispenser/Drinking Fountain Supplied by A Water Tank without Other

Draw-off Point
Fig. 38 Water Dispenser/Drinking Fountain Supplied by A Water Tank with Other
Draw-off Point
Fig. 39 Water Dispenser/Drinking Fountain Connected to Existing Inside Service (Use
of Double Check Valve)
Fig. 40 Water Dispenser/Drinking Fountain Connected to Existing Inside Service (Use
of Backflow Preventer)
October 2019 version

Water Supplies Department (WSD) published two booklets in the past, viz. the Handbook on
Plumbing Installation for Buildings and the Hong Kong Waterworks Standard Requirements
for Plumbing Installation in Buildings. Together with the Waterworks Ordinance (Chapter 102)
(WWO), the Waterworks Regulation (Chapter 102A) (WWR), and the WSD Circular Letters
to Licensed Plumbers and Authorized Persons, they depict the technical requirements and
practical guidelines to be adopted in the design and construction of inside service and fire
service in local buildings. Over the years, practitioners need to cross reference among these
documents when designing and constructing plumbing installations. These documents are
now consolidated into this single document entitled ‘Technical Requirements for Plumbing
Works in Buildings’ for easy reference.

Where a clause in this guidebook belongs to one of the followings:

1. Statutory requirements stipulated in the WWO/WWR
(clauses marked with an asterisk [*])
2. Requirements of the Water Authority
(clauses marked with a hashtag [#])
Compliance with these clauses are mandatory for relevant plumbing works to be approved by
the Water Authority.

WSD would like to thank the stakeholders, industry practitioners and government departments
who have given valuable comments to this document.

October 2019 version

Part A: Plumbing Installation Requirements

1. General
1.1 Definitions
1.1.1 The definitions used in this Technical Requirements, which bear the same
meanings as in WWO and WWR, are as follows:-

Agent A person who is approved under Section 7 of Waterworks Ordinance

as an agent of a communal service.
Authorized Person An Authorized Person registered under the Buildings Ordinance.
Communal Service That part of a fire service or inside service which is used in common
by more than one consumer in the same premises.
Connection to the Main The pipe between the main and the control valve which is nearest to
the main and which regulates the flow of a supply from the main into
a fire service or inside service, such control valve and all fittings
between such control valve and the main.
Consumer A person who is approved under Section 7 of Waterworks Ordinance
as a consumer of a fire service or inside service.
Designated Person A person who is a licensed plumber; a registered plumbing worker; a
registered plumbing worker (provisional); a person who carries out
specified plumbing works under the instruction and supervision of a
licensed plumber or registered plumbing worker; or a public officer
authorized by the Water Authority.
Direct Supply System A plumbing system which conveys water directly from the
government water mains to the point of usage without any transit
water storage tanks.
‘End-of-line’ Fittings Products or part of a product, installed within 250 mL draw-off of a
drinking water delivery point as stated in AS/NZS 4020
Expansion Joint A joint that absorbs axial displacement of pipework caused by
changes in temperature, lateral displacement and angular
Fire Service The pipes and fittings in premises, and any pipes and fittings between
the premises and a connection to the main, which are used or are
intended to be used for a supply solely for the purposes of fire
Fitting Any apparatus, cistern, cock, equipment, machinery, material, tank,
tap and valve; and any appliance or device other than a meter, which
is installed or used in a fire service or inside service.
Indirect Supply System A plumbing system which conveys water from the government water
mains to the point of usage through a transit water storage tank.
‘In-line’ Fittings Products installed in locations other than ‘End-of-line’ Fittings, such
as pipes, pipe fittings and valves etc.
Inside Service The pipes and fittings in premises, and any pipes and fittings between
the premises and a connection to the main (other than the pipes and
fittings forming part of a fire service) which are used or are intended
to be used for the purposes of a supply.

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Licensed Plumber A person licensed under the Waterworks Ordinance to construct,

install, maintain, alter, repair or remove fire services or inside
Main Main includes a connection to the main and any pipe owned by the
Government and maintained by the Water Authority for the purposes
of a supply.
Meter An appliance or device owned by the Government and maintained by
the Water Authority for the purpose of measuring water consumption.
Minimum Flow Rate Q1 Lowest flow rate at which the meter is to operate within the maximum
permissible errors.
Overload Flow Rate Q4 Highest flow rate at which the meter is to operate for a short period
of time within the maximum permissible errors, while maintaining its
metrological performance when it is subsequently operating within
the rated operating conditions.
Permanent Flow Rate Q3 Highest flow rate within the rated operating conditions at which the
meter is to operate within the maximum permissible errors.
Premises Any building or structure or any part thereof and any place in which
there is a fire service, inside service or any part of the waterworks; or
in which a fire service or inside service is intended to be constructed
or installed.
Registered plumbing A person whose name is entered in the Register as a registered
worker plumbing worker for the trade division under the provision of Cap.
583 Construction Workers Registration Ordinance.
Strainer A device that separates and removes solids suspended in fluids,
protecting equipment from their harmful effects.

Transitional Flow Rate Flow rate between the permanent flow rate and the minimum flow
Q2 rate that divides the flow rate range into two zones, the upper flow
rate zone and the lower flow rate zone, each characterized by its own
maximum permissible errors.
Water Authority The Director of Water Supplies
Waterworks Any property occupied, used or maintained by the Water Authority
for the purpose of water supply, including all water gathering

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1.2 Abbreviations
1.2.1 Abbreviations used in this booklet are as follows:-

AMR Automatic Meter Reading

BS British Standards
BSI British Standards Institution
CL Circular Letter
DWS Director of Water Supplies
EM Electromagnetic
FSD Fire Services Department
GI Galvanized Steel
LP Licensed Plumber
M&E Mechanical and Electrical
PB Polybutylene
PE Polyethylene
PE-X Crosslinked Polyethylene
PRV Pressure Reducing Valve
PVC-C Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
PVC-U Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride
TMF Temporary Mains Fresh Water for Flushing
TR Technical Requirements
VPLD Vertical Plumbing Line Diagram(s)
WSD Water Supplies Department
WA Water Authority
WRAS Water Regulations Advisory Scheme of the United Kingdom
WELS Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme
WW Waterworks
WWO Waterworks Ordinance Cap. 102
WWR Waterworks Regulations Cap. 102A

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1.3 Commonly Used Waterworks Fittings

1.3.1 The functions of some commonly used waterworks fittings are described in Table
1.3.1 below:-

Table 1.3.1 Functions of commonly used waterworks fittings

Fitting Function
Anti-vacuum Valve a valve in a water service that opens to admit air if the pressure within
the water service falls below atmospheric pressure.
Ball Valve a valve that provides a straight-through passage for the flow of fluid
and in which the passage can be closed by a ball. It is used where the
water pressure is low and on distribution pipework from a storage
cistern. It may substitute the function of gate valve in plastic
pipework (e.g. PVC-U) of nominal size below and include 50mm.
Boiler an enclosed vessel in which water is heated by the direct application
of heat. For requirements regarding the use and operation of boilers,
Chapter 56 Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordinance shall be referred.
Butterfly Valve a valve in which a disc is rotated about a diametric axis of a cylinder
to vary the aperture. It is used where space is limited or more
sophisticated control is required.
Calorifier a storage vessel, not open to the atmosphere, in which a supply of
water is heated. The vessel contains an element, such as a coil of
pipe, through which is passed a supply of hot water or steam, in such
a way that the two supplies do not mix, heat being transferred through
the walls of the element.
Expansion Vessel a closed vessel for accommodating the thermal expansion of water in
a pressurized hot water heating system
Float Switch a device incorporating a float that operates a switch in response to
changes in the level of a liquid.
Float Operated Valve a valve that controls the entry of water into a storage cistern or
flushing cistern, closing off the supply when the water level in the
cistern has reached a predetermined level. It is sometimes called a
ball cock, ball float valve or float-operated valve.
Gate Valve a valve that provides a straight-through passage for the flow of fluid
and in which the passage can be closed by a gate. It is used on
distribution pipework from a storage cistern. This valve is sometimes
referred to as a fullway gate valve because when it is fully open, there
is no restriction of flow through the valve.

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Fitting Function
Loose Jumper Type a screwdown pattern valve with horizontal inlet and outlet
Stopcock connections. It incorporates a loose jumper valve permitting flow in
one direction only. In case the supply main is shut off and drained
down for any reason, the ‘non-return’ action of the loose valve plate
will stop any backflow from the service pipe.
Non-return Valve a valve that prevents reversal of flow in the pipe of a water supply by
means of the check mechanism, the valve being opened by the flow
of water and closed by the action of the check mechanism when the
flow ceases, or by back pressure. It is also known as check valve.
Pressure Reducing Valve a valve that reduces the pressure of a fluid immediately downstream
of its position in a pipeline to a preselected value or by a
predetermined ratio.
Pressure Relief Valve a self-acting valve that automatically opens to prevent a
predetermined safe pressure being exceeded.
Temperature Relief a self-acting valve that automatically opens to prevent a
Valve predetermined safe temperature being exceeded.

October 2019 version

2. General Principles
2.1 General Principles for Installing Plumbing Works
2.1.1 The general principles for installing plumbing works are as follows:-
(a) all pipes and fittings shall comply with the requirements of WWO and WWR;
(b) all plumbing works, except those works of a minor nature, shall be carried out
by a designated person;
#(c) communal service shall not run through individual premises; and
(d) plumbing installations shall be arranged to avoid water contamination, water
quality deterioration, water leakage and to ensure proper metering for water

2.1.2 In accordance with WWO and WWR, fresh water is generally supplied for the six
main purposes, namely domestic purpose; trade purpose; shipping purpose;
construction purpose; flushing purpose; and firefighting purpose. The purpose for
water supply shall generally be related to its usage by the occupants of the premises.

2.1.3 It is the responsibility of a person who designs, constructs, installs, alters or

removes any part of a plumbing installation to adhere to the above general

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3. Metering
3.1 General
3.1.1 The purposes of metering are:-
(a) for billing purposes;
(b) for statistical purposes; and
(c) for wastage assessment and leakage identifications.

*3.1.2 The size, number and siting of water meters will be determined by the WA and
water meters will be provided by the WA. Water meters may be installed either by
the WA, a LP, a registered plumbing worker or a registered plumbing worker

#3.1.3 Meter position shall be provided by the Licensed Plumber (LP) (employed by the
applicant) for meter installation. The type of the water meter will be determined
by the WA. Recommended meter types are given in Table All domestic
units shall be separately metered.

Table Details for water meters

Meter Size (mm) Recommended Remarks
Meter Type
15 to 40 Rotary Piston --
50 Single-jet  Good low flow performance
 Must be installed horizontally
Ultrasonic  Good low flow performance
 Better high flow performance than
single-jet meter
50, 80 and 100 Turbine  Good high flow performance
50 and above Electromagnetic  Good high flow performance
 Better low flow performance than
turbine meter

#3.1.4 Meters shall be sited at a meter room/box/cabinet at convenient locations in

accessible communal area for direct supply system. For indirect supply system,
the meters shall be sited at a meter room/box/cabinet in accessible communal area
at roof level or at other convenient locations.

#3.1.5 In case the meters are sited at roof level, and system pressure is lower than 15m,
fullway gate valves shall be fitted before meter positions.

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#3.1.6 For connections up to and including 40 mm diameter, a loose jumper type stopcock
shall be provided and placed with spindle in the vertical position at each meter
position on the inlet side of the meter where the meter is not sited at roof level and
where the pressure is considered adequate.

#3.1.7 For connections larger than 40 mm diameter, a gate valve shall be provided before
the meter position and a non-return or check valve fitted on the delivery side as
close as possible to the meter.

3.1.8 For single jet meter and turbine meter installed in direct supply system, a strainer
shall be installed upstream of the meter.

#3.1.9 Salt water supply will not be metered, but a meter position shall be provided for
the purpose of periodic checking of consumption. It should be close to the lot
boundary and connection to the Government mains or close to the point of
connection from internal distribution mains whichever is applicable.

#3.1.10 For salt water flushing supply, a stop valve shall be fitted at the inlet side of the
meter position and a non-return or check valve shall be fitted on the delivery side
as close as possible to the meter.

3.2 Meter Position

3.2.1 General Requirements for Meter Positions
# The following practice should be adopted in plumbing work design for meter
(a) fittings at meter position shall facilitate easy installation and removal of the
water meter without the need to work on other pipes; and
(b) when sump and pump system is adopted and the meters are sited on convenient
locations at roof level, the sump and pump system (including a sump tank and
a roof storage tank) shall be fitted before meter positions.

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# The meter position for a 15mm diameter meter shall be constructed to include
20mm x 15mm bushes at both sides of the meter position with a clear effective
length of 200mm distance piece of 15mm tube placed in between as shown in Fig
3. The tube shall be hollow with conspicuous holes drilled through the body. A
long screw connector shall be provided immediately after the bush at the delivery
side. The meter position for meter of all sizes shall also be similarly provided with
corresponding fittings of appropriate sizes. Fig. 4 shall be referred for the length
of the distance piece.

# If a section of copper pipe is used either before or after a water meter position, the
section of copper pipe between the water meter position and the first pipe clamp
should be jointed by screwed or flanged joints.

# PVC-U fittings shall be used at the meter position if PVC-U materials are used as
inside service. Brass longscrew (connector) shall be used at TMF position. Brass
fittings shall be used at the meter position if copper, lined galvanized steel or
thermo-plastic materials are used as inside service. Operational range and specifications for different type water meters currently
adopted by WSD are given in Tables to

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Table Operational range and specification of rotary piston type water meters
25 40
25 40
(2017 (2017
Nominal size mm 15 (Before (Before
Onwards Onwards
2017**) 2017**)
***) ***)
Type - Rotary Piston
Straight pipe distance
For Trade Supply: 120mm downstream
for meter (upstream/ -
For other supply: Not required
Overload flowrate,
m3/hr 3.125 7 7.875 20 20
Permanent flowrate,
m3/hr 2.5 3.5 6.3 10 16
Transitional flowrate,
m3/hr 0.025 0.28 0.063 0.8 0.16
Minimum flowrate,
m3/hr 0.0156 0.08 0.039 0.2 0.1
Overall Non-
length of mm 200±3 311±3 311±3 346±3 346±3
with tail AMR mm 200±3 -- 370±3 -- 421±3
Overall Non-
length of mm 115 199 199 225 225
without AMR mm 115 -- 260 -- 300
tail pieces
Maximum allowable
bar 0.63
head loss at Q3
* The flow rates are the maximum flow rate that a meter of the corresponding size can operate for a
short period of time without problem. However, a meter operates continuously at this flow rate would
lead to meter malfunction.
** Specification for supply tender issued before 2017.
*** Revised specification for supply tender issued in 2017
(Explanatory note: Supply tender = meter procurement by WSD)

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Table Operational range and specification of single jet, turbine/Woltmann and
ultrasonic type water meters
Nominal size mm 50 80 100 50 80 100 50
Turbine/ Woltmann Ultrasonic
Type - Single Jet
(Higher Q4)
Straight pipe 5xD/ 4xD 5xD/ 4xD 3xD/ 4xD
distance for
meter -
where D is the nominal bore of the water meter
Overload m3/hr
30 60 100 90 200 250 50
flowrate, Q4*
Permanent m3/hr
15 30 50 50 120 180 40
flowrate, Q3
Transitional m3/hr
0.225 0.45 0.75 1 2 2 0.128
flowrate, Q2
Minimum m3/hr
0.09 0.18 0.3 0.35 0.5 1.2 0.08
flowrate, Q1
allowable head bar 0.63 0.63 0.63
loss at Q3
Overall length
mm 300 350 350 310 413 483 200
of meter
* The flow rates are the maximum flow rate that a meter of the corresponding size can operate for a
short period of time without problem. However, a meter operates continuously at this flow rate would
lead to meter malfunction.

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Table Operational range and specification of turbine/Woltmann type water meters
Nominal size mm 150 200 250 300
Type - Turbine/ Woltmann (Higher Q4)
Straight pipe
5xD/ 3xD, 5xD/2xD
distance for meter
where D is the nominal bore of the water meter
Overload flowrate,
m3/hr 600 1000 1500 2000
m3/hr 450 700 1000 1400
flowrate, Q3
m3/hr 4 6 11 15
flowrate, Q2
Minimum flowrate,
m3/hr 1.8 4 6 12
allowable head loss bar 0.63
at Q3
Overall meter
mm 500 520 450 500
* The flow rates are the maximum flow rate that a meter of the corresponding size can operate for a
short period of time without problem. However, a meter operates continuously at this flow rate would
lead to meter malfunction.

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Table Operational range and specification of electromagnetic type water meters
Nominal size mm 50 80 100 150 200 250 300
Type - Electromagnetic
Straight pipe 3xD/ 4xD, 3xD/3xD 3xD/2xD
distance for
meter -
(upstream/ where D is the nominal bore of the water meter
m3/hr 78.75 200 312.5 500 787.5 1,250 2,000
flowrate, Q4*
m3/hr 63 160 250 400 630 1,000 1,600
flowrate, Q3
m3/hr 0.252 0.64 1.64 4 6.3 10 16
flowrate, Q2
m3/hr 0.16 0.4 1.0 2.5 3.94 6.3 10
flowrate, Q1
allowable head bar 0.63
loss at Q3
Overall length
mm 200 200 250 300 350 450 500
of meter
* The flow rates are the maximum flow rate that a meter of the corresponding size can operate for a
short period of time without problem. However, a meter operates continuously at this flow rate would
lead to meter malfunction.

3.2.2 Architectural and Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) Requirements for Meter Room
# All water meters, including vacant meter positions and check meter positions, shall
be arranged in groups of more than one meter positions and housed in meter rooms
/ boxes / cabinet / chamber.

# The meter rooms/boxes/cabinets/chambers shall be designed solely for housing

water meters to protect them against exposure to weather, falling objects and other
undue external interferences and to facilitate reading and maintenance of water
meters. When preparing VPLD submission, the applicant shall submit the layout
and elevation plans of the meter rooms/boxes with dimensions, including the width
and height of the entrances (door openings in case of meter boxes) for the WA’s

# No other building services such as drainage systems, fire hoses, M&E installations
(equipment, cables and ducting, etc.) shall pass through or be placed inside the
meter rooms/meter boxes/master meter rooms except lighting, ventilation, drainage,
and smart metering if required by the WA etc., solely to facilitate meter reading

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and maintenance of water meters.

# The following architectural requirements, shall be met:-
(a) for meter rooms, the minimum distance between the outward face of the meter
group and the wall/door opening directly opposite the meter group shall be
1000mm and there shall be no obstacles in between. Besides, if the door to
the meter room is to be opened at an inward position and it is at the opposite
side of the meter group, the minimum perpendicular distance between the
outward face of the meter group and the door (the point on the door that is
nearest to the meter group) when it is fully opened shall be 600mm;
(b) the clear width and height of the door entrance to the meter room shall not be
less than 800 mm and 2000 mm respectively. The arrangement of the meter
position(s) and the door opening of the meter box shall be arranged in such a
manner that staff of the WA would not be required to lean inwards to take
meter readings or carry out maintenance works. For meter boxes, the clear
depth measured from the outside face shall not be more than 800mm;
(c) an entrance located at communal area for safe, free, and uninterrupted access
to the meter room/box/cabinet/chamber shall be provided;
(d) the door(s) to the meter room/box/cabinet shall not be equipped with any self-
closing device. The lock of the door to the meter room shall be located at a
level between 0.9m and 1.1m above the finished floor level. The door to the
meter room shall be equipped with handle to facilitate door opening. The door
handle shall be either in the form of long cylindrical or spherical shape to
facilitate handling. Covered or flat sectioned handles shall not be used;
(e) the outside of the door(s) to the meter room/box/cabinet shall be clearly
marked「水錶」,"Water Meters" in both Chinese and English of font size not
less than 30mm for easy identification;
(f) if there are more than one water meter room/box/cabinet inside a building
block, master-key locks shall be used at all meter rooms/boxes/cabinets;
(g) for village type buildings and similar, water meters shall be installed in meter
room(s)/box(es)/cabinet(s) located at the boundary and shall be accessible
from the public area; and
(h) meter rooms/boxes/cabinets inside market/commercial complex shall be
positioned in areas with clear access and with no obstruction.

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October 2019 version

# The following M&E requirements shall be met:-

(a) when the meter room is occupied for taking meter readings and/or maintenance
of water meters, the illumination shall not be less than 120 lux at meter
positions and the mechanical ventilation shall not be less than 6 air-changes
per hour; and
(b) provision of adequate drainage inside the meter room and the meter box
positioned at floor level shall be made.

3.2.3 Permanent Display Board showing Water Meter Details

# Upon completion of the water meter installation inside a meter room/box/cabinet,
the LP shall install a permanent display board at the wall/door inside the meter
room/box showing the location and elevation of the meter positions. The top of
the board shall not be higher than 1800 mm above the floor level and the bottom
of the board shall not be lower than 500 mm for an individual meter above the floor
level. This display board shall be constructed of durable plastic or corrosion-
resistant plate engraved with words in block letters and diagrams in black on light
colour background. The font size shall be of standardized font type and be not less
than 18 points (i.e. 7 mm in height). Details of this display board shall be submitted
by the applicant as part of the VPLD for the WA’s approval. This requirement can
be waived for small meter boxes accommodating 3 meters or less.

3.2.4 Mounting Height of Water Meters in Meter Rooms/Boxes/Cabinets

# For meters arranged in groups, no meter position shall be lower than 300 mm nor
higher than 1500 mm above the floor level. This requirement is also applicable for
water meters installed inside meter boxes and cabinets. For projects where corridor
meter arrangement is chosen and accepted, individual meter positions shall be at a
suitable height not less than 750 mm but not more than 1500 mm above the floor
level. Minimum clearance should be provided for meters of trade supply according
to Fig. 36.

3.2.5 Location of Water Meter at Construction Sites/ Sites for Short-Term Tenancy
# The meter position of a supply to a construction site shall be provided within a
meter room or meter box located at the hoarding recess area so that reading and
maintenance of the meter can be carried out outside the construction site.

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# Safe, free and uninterrupted access to the meter room/box should be provided and
maintained at all time to ensure the safety of personnel undertaking meter reading
or maintenance adjacent to construction activities. The door of the meter room or
meter box shall be made of 20mm x 20mm wire mesh or provided with see-through
glass panel. Details of the meter room or meter box are subject to the approval of
the WA.

3.2.6 Location of Water Meter at Landscape Areas

# For a meter installed in a landscape area, it should be installed above ground level.
In case the meter is installed in a meter box/cabinet, there shall be a proper working
space in front of the meter box/cabinet with a clear working headroom not less than
2 meters.

# A safe pedestrian access to the meter position should be provided.

3.3 Master Meter and Check Meter

3.3.1 Purpose of Introducing Master Meter and Check Meter The purpose of introducing master metering and check metering is to detect water
leakage and unlawful taking of water before meters.

3.3.2 Principles of Master Meters Provision

# Master meter(s) shall be provided to fresh water and TMF inside service and fire
service of all new developments with more than 1 building block, regardless of the
total length of underground buried and concealed pipes.

# For single detached village type buildings and single block buildings, master
meters will not be required but all pipework between the connection to the main
and meter positions shall be exposed or laid in a proper service trench/duct, except
that branch mains of less than one straight pipe length of 6 metres from tee-
connection to a building block may be buried.

3.3.3 Principles of Sub-meters Provision for Buried Fresh Water Inside Service and Fire
Service The aim of providing sub-meter(s) is to ensure prompt detection of water loss in
underground buried and concealed pipes.

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# Sub-meter chambers with check meter positions shall be provided at underground
branch mains on a building-cluster basis except for developments with 5 or less
building blocks of the same type only. Each building-cluster shall not include more
than 5 building blocks of the same type in general. For typical configuration of
master meter and sub-meter chambers in a multiple-block development, Fig. 24
shall be referred. For details of sub-meter chambers, Fig. 25 shall be referred.

# The installation of sub-meter chambers for TMF inside service are not required.

# Construction of a separate sub-meter chamber at a branch main is not required if:-
(i) the check meter room inside a building block is located less than one straight
pipe length of 6m from the tee-connection; or
(ii) all the pipework between the tee-connection and the building block is exposed.

3.3.4 Arrangements of Master Meter

# One master meter shall be installed for each FW/TMF/FS inlet pipe supplying a
development site at the lot boundary irrespective of the number of connection
points to the government mains. The master meter room/cabinet shall be preferably located at-grade where feasible. Standard master meter room/chamber configuration for all new developments are
shown in Figs. 26 to 31.

# In general, a minimum straight pipe lengths immediately upstream and downstream
of a master meter or check meter shall be provided to ensure accuracy of master
meters and check meters.

# Electromagnetic type master meters would be used for pipe diameter larger than or
equal to 80mm. The straight pipe length upstream and downstream shall not be less
than 3 and 2 times the nominal diameter of the master meter respectively.

# For master meters with pipe diameter less than 80mm, the length upstream shall be
increased to not less than 5 times the nominal diameter of the master meter.

- 18 -
October 2019 version By-pass pipe arrangement of master meters and check meters is not required for all
inside service and fire service, considering the rare usage of the pipe over the
lifespan of master meters or check meters. If maintenance of master meters or
check meters for fresh water supply is necessary, supply suspension arrangement
for meter replacement work would be similar to regular water tank cleansing work
or other maintenance work carried out by building management offices. If maintenance/replacement of master meters/check meters for fire service supply

is necessary, workflow stipulated in Table shall be followed.

Table Workflow for replacing master meter for fire service by WSD
Step Description Party Time Required
1 Arrange a replacement schedule when WSD N/A
a master meter for fire service is
identified defective and needs to be
dismantled for replacement.
2 Liaise with the concerned WSD At least 4 working days in
management advance
owners on the planned suspension
with a copy of Suspension Notice
(see Fig. 35) to FSD.
3 Arrives at the site for arranging WSD or N/A
supply suspension on fire service WSD’s
with management office staff. contractor

4 Operate valves for isolation, WSD’s Size of Estimated

dismantle pipe fitting and the master contractor meter time for
meter, drain water out, re-install new (mm) supply
meter and fittings, and resume suspension
supply. (hours)
50 or 2
80 – 100 3
150 or 4
5 Verify the meter without interrupting WSD or 1 hour
the water supply. supplier
6 Hand over the site to management WSD or N/A
office WSD’s

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October 2019 version

# Due to omission of by-pass pipe arrangement for inside service and fire service,
master meters of diameter less than or equal to 100mm could be housed in a box
or cabinet as shown in Fig. 31. A master meter room will be required for master
meters larger than 100mm in diameter.

# If the water main is to be laid underneath private roads which is scheduled to be
handed over to government within 5 years after completion, master meters shall be
installed for each FW/TMF/FS inlet pipe supplying each group of buildings/podia
at their respective boundaries. On top of this, master meters are also required at the
estate’s boundary as illustrated in Fig. 24.

# If the handover is scheduled beyond 5 years after completion, the said master meter
positions mentioned in Clause are still required, except the positions are
temporarily bridged over by short pieces.

# Fire service supply needs to be unaffected by potable supply interruption as far as
practicable. Fire service needs to be separated from the potable supply right at the
lot boundary.

# Architectural and M&E requirements for the master meter room shall comply with
the requirements in Sections and However, applicant may request
for relaxation of the requirement with justifications and flexibility may be allowed
at the discretion of the WA.

# A strainer shall be installed upstream of all master meter.

3.3.5 Check Meter Requirements

# A check meter position shall be provided close to the end of the communal service
supplying a building block for all fresh water and flushing water inside service and
fire service.

# The check meter position shall be located at accessible communal areas for ease of
meter reading and maintenance at all times.

# For check meter position to be mounted in a cabinet, horizontally perpendicular

and longitudinal working clearances at each check meter position shall be provided.
Table below stipulated the minimum horizontally perpendicular working
clearance, meaning the shortest distance between the longitudinal centre line of the

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October 2019 version

check meter position and a wall or any edge of a door when opened.

Table Minimum working clearance for check meters

Meter Size (mm)
40 50 80 100 or
Minimum horizontally perpendicular working 310 310 380 400
clearance from the wall or any edge of a door when
opened where the check meter position is clamped
(Distance A (mm) as shown in Fig.33)

# The minimum longitudinal working clearance between both ends of meter flanges
of the check meter position and a wall or any obstruction should be 200 mm.

3.4 Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System

#3.4.1 If AMR is adopted in a development, the ‘Standard Requirements for the Supply
and Installation of Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) Outstation’ posted in WSD
website1 shall be followed.

3.5 Separate Metering in Existing Premises

#3.5.1 The inside service shall be constructed from each flat to the existing common meter

#3.5.2 In an occupied building, a temporary by-pass arrangement as close to the delivery

side of the meter as possible shall be provided to maintain water supply to various
units of accommodation when plumbing work is being carried out on separate
meter conversion. The temporary arrangement shall be such that the consumption
is still measured by the bulk meter. This by-pass arrangement must be removed
immediately after the new separate meters are fixed. The bulk meter shall also be
removed if no longer required.

#3.5.3 If part of an inside service is required to be retained as communal service, it is

necessary to obtain an undertaking from the Developer/Owner, Management
Committee, Landlords Association, Residents Association, Incorporated Owners,


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Mutual Aid Committee or an individual resident flat owner to accept responsibility

for the common inside service from the connection to the main. If there is no
consent for using the existing common inside service, a new connection is required
for the conversion of some existing premises from a communal meter to separate
meters and the new separate inside services become the responsibility of individual

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4. Inside Service
4.1 Pipe & Fitting Materials
4.1.1 General
# Pipes and fittings shall conform to the relevant standards as listed in Part B of this
Technical Requirements and the WWR.

# All plumbing works using soldering for connecting copper pipes shall require prior
permission of the WA.

4.1.2 Requirements of Minimum Pipe Sizes

* A pipe must not be less than 20mm in diameter, except that a branch pipe may be
of 15mm or more in diameter if its length is not longer than 3m and it supplies only
1 draw-off point.

4.1.3 Modifications to Pipes

* A bend or curve must not be made in any pipe so as to diminish the waterway or
alter the internal diameter of the pipe.

4.2 Fresh Water Supply

4.2.1 General Requirements
* All fresh water supplies to inside service, including TMF, shall be metered.

# All domestic supplies and concessionary supplies shall be separately metered. For
different applications of concessionary supplies, Section 4.2.5 shall be referred. Not Used. Not Used.

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4.2.2 Supply Modes Fresh water supply to buildings with an overall height2 of less than or equal to 12m
can be effected in one of the two following ways:-
(a) direct supply system as illustrated in Fig. 5; or
(b) indirect supply system, with a storage tank, a sump-and-pump system or a
hydro-pneumatic pump system as illustrated in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.

# Fresh water supply to buildings with an overall height of more than 12m shall be
supplied by indirect supply systems as illustrated in Fig. 6 (i.e. a sump and pump
system or a hydro-pneumatic pump system) or any equivalent system as approved
by the WA for all floors. [This clause is applicable to new applications with Form
WWO 542 submitted on or after 1 January 2019 except for those applications
which have Form WWO 132 submitted before 1 September 2018.]

# The minimum residual pressure for fresh water would be 15 to 20 meter head
measured at the connection to the main. The fresh supply inside service should be
designed to the minimum available residual pressure as advised by the WA.

4.2.3 Backflow/ Cross-connection Prevention Protection of Water Supplies
# All water supply systems shall be designed, installed, and maintained in order to
prevent contaminants from being introduced into the fresh water supply systems.

# No device or system that may cause contamination of a water supply shall be
connected directly or indirectly to any part of an inside service without appropriate
cross-connection prevention or backflow prevention control suitable for the level
of hazard. When backflow prevention devices are provided as an integral part of a fixture,
appliance or apparatus and are appropriate to the cross-connection hazard
generated by that fixture, appliance or apparatus, no additional backflow
prevention is required upstream of the point of connection to the water supply

The meaning of the height of building is similar to that defined under the Buildings Ordinance (Application to
the New Territories) Ordinance, Chapter 121. For more detailed illustration, Appendix I to III of the ‘Building
New Territories Exempted Houses’ published by the Lands Department (available in NT Exempted Houses_e.pdf) could be referred.

- 24 -
October 2019 version Cross-Connection/Backflow Hazard Rating Cross-connections are rated using three degrees of hazard, namely:-
(a) High Hazard
Any condition, device or practice that, in connection with the water supply
system, has the potential to cause death or serious health impact;
(b) Medium Hazard
Any condition, device or practice that, in connection with the water supply
system, has the potential to cause significant health impact; and
(c) Low Hazard
Any condition, device or practice that, in connection with the water supply
system, constitutes a nuisance but does not cause significant health impact. Provision of Backflow Prevention Devices

# The fresh water supply shall be protected from the hazard(s) by installing
appropriate device listed in Table Hazard ratings for some typical
installations are listed in Table for reference.

# Backflow prevention devices shall comply with the latest BS EN 1717 and all
relevant standard(s) for the devices. Water Downstream of Backflow Prevention Device

# Piping conveying water downstream of backflow prevention device, installed for
high or medium hazard protection, shall be clearly and permanently labelled
‘WARNING! NOT FOR DRINKING’ at every outlet. Commissioning and Maintenance

# Backflow prevention devices shall be commissioned and tested after installation
and prior to service. The devices shall be maintained in working order and tested
for operational function at intervals not exceeding 12 months.

# If backflow prevention devices applicable to high hazard cases, e.g. backflow
preventer/reduced pressure zone valve etc., they shall only be used with a
maintenance program. If such program is unavailable, the backflow prevention
devices shall not be fitted and break tank shall be provided.

- 25 -
October 2019 version Backflow Prevention Devices in Hot Water Systems

# The requirements of this section for backflow prevention devices shall apply
equally to hot water systems and cold water inside services. The backflow
prevention device used in hot water systems shall be suitable for the specific hot
water installation. Backflow Prevention Devices and Hazard Levels for Applications

# Tables and shall be referred commonly used backflow
prevention devices and hazard levels for different applications. For concessionary
water supplies, Clause shall be referred.

Table Properties of common backflow prevention devices

Cross- Corresponding
Protection Protection
Backflow connection Fluid category
against back- against back-
prevention device hazard rating as as in BS EN
pressure syphonage
in AS/NZS 1717:2000
High/ medium/
Break tank 4-5 Yes Yes
High/ medium/
Reduced Pressure 4 Yes Yes
Zone (RPZ)
Check valve/
Low 2 Yes Yes
Non-return valve
Double check
Low 2 Yes Yes
valve (in series)*
Low 2 No Yes
* For flushing meters stipulated in WSD Circular Letter No. 6/2017, Annex II, Village Houses.

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Table Hazard level for different applications*

Cross-connection Corresponding
hazard rating as in fluid category as Recommended
AS/NZS in BS EN level of protection
3500.1:2015 1717:2000
Irrigation systems, no
injection, with outlets >
Low 4 Low
150mm above soil level (no
fertilizers or insecticides)**
Irrigation systems, no
injection, with outlets <
150mm above soil level (no High 4 High
fertilizers or
Kitchen equipment with
submerged inlet, e.g. dish
N/A Not defined High
washer, steamer etc.;
Fixtures for general ablution
Low 3 Low
(e.g. basin, showers)
Commercial laundries High 5 High

Industrial processes High Not defined High

Cooling towers High Not defined High

Fire services Low Not defined Low****

Fire services (improvised N/A N/A Medium
hose reel system)
Drinking Fountains (not N/A 2 low
located at street side)^
Drinking Fountains (located N/A 2 Medium
at street side)^^
* The applications listed in the table is not exhaustive. They serve for reference purposes only.
** Examples include systems with manual irrigation points.
*** Example include systems with drip-feed pipes.
****A fire services water tank is always required for conventional fire service supply system and a physical break
is therefore provided.# Schematic layout of the hydro-vent re-circulation system can be referred to FIG 6C and
^Schematic layout can be referred to FIG 37 to 39. Double check valve should be used in direct supply system.
^^Schematic layout can be referred to FIG 40.

4.2.4 General Pipework Arrangement

# All plumbing works between the lot boundary and any master meter or check meter
positions shall be exposed or laid in a proper service trench/duct to facilitate
inspection and repairs. Adequate drainage shall be provided to remove water inside
the trench/duct.

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October 2019 version

# If the connection is not laid in an exposed manner at the lot boundary, then it shall
be laid inside underground service trench/duct with adequate cover. The
underground/buried water mains should be laid with cover according to the latest
required minimum depth of services and associated installations stipulated by
Highways Department. The current minimum cover requirements stated in the
Conditions of Excavation Permit are 450mm and 900mm on non-carriageway and
carriageway respectively.

# No water pipe shall be embedded within load bearing structural elements in
longitudinal direction. Such structural elements include, but not limited to, columns,
beams and slabs. Screeding above slabs should not be considered as structural
elements. Hence, water pipe embedded in screeding is acceptable. The water pipe
in screeding shall be considered as embedded pipes. Vertical water pipes piercing through structural slabs and transfer plates; and
horizontal water pipes piercing through beams, columns and structural walls may
be permitted when such water pipes shall be protected by sleeving or other suitable

# A tee-branch valve, i.e. an isolation valve at a branch pipe, shall be provided for all
underground water pipes, and for all communal inside service, and shall be located
close to the main pipe. This requirement is applicable to both cold and hot water

# Sufficient cleansing taps shall be provided at each floor of car parks of a building
for car/floor washing. The cleansing supply at the car park shall be given from a
fresh water cistern with a separate meter unless it is a part of the cleansing supply
system of the building. Schematic layouts are shown in Fig 6A for reference.

# No draw-off point in inside services shall be subject to a pressure of 6 bar or above.

# The inside service shall be constructed from each flat to the existing common meter
connection or in such other locations as determined by the WA.

# For new sump and pump systems, a standby pumpset shall be provided.

# For existing sump and pump systems, a standby pumpset shall be provided unless
this proves to be impracticable. 4.2.5 Concessionary Usage of Mains Water

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# Approval to use government water supply for the purposes listed in Clause
can normally be given on concessionary basis when the territory is on full supply,
subject to adequacy of the local water supply and distribution system. Such
approval will be withdrawn if in the opinion of the WA the supply situation requires

# The concessionary usages and requirements on mode of supply are summarized in
Table Permissions for such supplies shall be given by WSD.

Table Minimum requirements on mode of supply for concessionary usage of

mains water
Concessionary Mains
Tank Notes
Usage Supply 1,2
A. Amenities
1. Swimming - Initial and annual filling

pools - Make-up supply
2. Model boat - Initial filling
pools ✔ - Refilling (once per 2 months in summer; once per
3 months in winter)
3. Water - Initial filling
features ✔ - Make-up supply
- Full re-circulation of water
4. Artificial - Initial filling

lakes - Make-up supply
B. Irrigation
1. Gardens
- served by - For watering plants in public and private
point supply developments
- Aggregate planting areas not less than 30m2 for
both point and drip feed supply
- Each water point to be served by a 20 metre-long
- Number of water points shall be minimized
✔ - Water points to be numbered or adequately
- Sectional valves shall be provided for extensive
- See Fig. 23 as reference

- served by ✔ - For watering plants in public and private

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Table Minimum requirements on mode of supply for concessionary usage of

mains water
Concessionary Mains
Tank Notes
Usage Supply 1,2
‘drip feed’ developments
supply - Aggregate planting areas not less than 30m2 for
both point and drip feed supply
- Only one connection point would be given,
 Extension of drip-feed not feasible due to
physical barriers; and
 Distance between two successive connection
points exceeds 40 metres
2. Nurseries ✔ - For watering plants
3. Large - For landscape areas in new towns
landscape ✔
4. Sports fields - For tennis courts, bowling greens, cricket
pitches and football pitches

- Supply may be granted only if no practical
5. Planter at - For watering plants
footbridges, - Requirements for Gardens shall be fulfilled

flyovers and
C. Cleansing
1. Buildings - Internal cleansing in buildings and open areas
within lot boundary
- For washing down floors and staircases, refuse
✔ chutes and lifts in large blocks of flats and
offices; or
- For essential floor cleansing in factories, hawker
bazaars, markets, abattoirs and public latrines
2. Garages and - For car-washing only

3. Transports - For washing down buses, railway rolling stocks,
✔ aircrafts and cargo containers
- At depots and/or relevant facilities
4. Government - At refuse collections points and/or relevant
refuse facilities etc.
vehicles, ✔
bins and
5. Washing ✔ - For vehicles such as mechanical street-cleaners

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October 2019 version

Table Minimum requirements on mode of supply for concessionary usage of

mains water
Concessionary Mains
Tank Notes
Usage Supply 1,2
vehicles owned by the Government
6. Air - Concerning smoke or gas emitted from plants or
pollution equipment

control - Water loss due to evaporation only
- Example includes hydro-vent system for kitchen
7. Dust - Essential to industrial process or air pollution
suppression control

- Re-circulation of water is required unless it is
proved to be impracticable
D. Others
1. Water - Initial filling
damping - Subsequent refilling
facilities for ✔ - Make-up supply
high rise
An anti-vacuum valve and a non-return valve shall be installed at each draw-off point.
The draw-off point takes the form of supply standpipe. A hose will only be connected to the draw-off
point when water is drawn.
If there is practical alternative but the private source is not adequate and requires mains water supply
for augmentation to meet the demand, application should be referred to the DWS for approval.

# An anti-vacuum valve and a non-return valve may be installed at the draw-off point
in lieu of a water storage tank for preventing back syphonage when the potential
hazard of water contamination is relatively low. ‘Section B Irrigation’ of Table shall be referred for relevant usages.

# Draw-off tap that is freely accessible by the general public should be kept under
lock and key.

# If an automatic irrigation system is used, off-tank supply is required.

# Installation of water points for internal cleansing of open yards and for other
miscellaneous domestic purposes in private houses of bungalow type or the like
can be permitted as part of the domestic supply. This will not be taken as a
concessionary supply. It is not necessary to install any receptacle for this type of
water points.

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October 2019 version

4.2.6 Metered Supply for Other Purposes Supply for Construction Site For individual construction sites, metered water supply may either be tapped
directly from the mains or from a fire hydrant. In cases of boring works for site
investigation, if the location of sites are not confined to one particular area or the
extent of the works area makes the installation of water meters technically
impracticable, the applicant may apply for a meter adaptor to draw water supply
from any fire hydrant near to the works area. Wheel-washing for lorries in construction and reclamation sites is categorised as

construction supply. This use is permitted provided the water is fully re-circulated. Supply for Temporary Structures and Modified/ Converted Structures

# Metered supply will be given to temporary structures and modified/converted
structures, provided that:-
(a) The water supply is adequate and available in the proximity;
(b) The inside services are designed and constructed properly, such that the
requirements under WWO are satisfied; and
(c) The consumer/agent gives an undertaking to pay and accept the responsibility
for the custody and maintenance of the inside service.

# The premises shall have separate access, proper drainage system and bear a proper
postal address. Water Supply for Cooling / Air-conditioning / Humidification Purposes

* Water supply shall not be used for any heating, cooling or humidification purposes
except with the approval of the WA.

# Either fresh or salt mains water supply may be given for cooling / air-conditioning
/ humidification purposes if the system designed belongs to one of the following
(a) Closed circuit cooling systems designed for any purpose where operational
losses are negligible and no water is rejected to waste;
(b) Cooling systems designed to have no evaporative losses, while all the water is
re-used after cooling for an industrial process; (The water consumption
required for normal trade must not be less than that required for air-
conditioning/ cooling purposes at peak cooling load);

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October 2019 version

(c) Evaporative cooling systems designed for an essential industrial process for
cooling or air-conditioning purposes, provided that system losses arise from
evaporation, drift and bleed-off only;
(d) Evaporative cooling/ air-conditioning/ humidification systems designed for
essential purposes other than industrial processes, provided that system water
losses arise from evaporation, drift and bleed-off only; or
(e) Humidification system designed for essential industrial processes, e.g. the
spraying of a fine mist in textile weaving plants.

# The application of mains water in evaporative type plants for purposes other than
industrial process is limited to those cases where the cooling / air-conditioning /
humidification system(s) is/ are critical for normal operation. The type of
evaporative plant used should be of an enclosed design, so that wastage of water
due to splashing is prevented. Examples are as follows:-
(a) Air-conditioning system serving hospital areas where air-conditioning is
essential for operation requirement, such as operating theatres, intensive care
units and mortuaries etc.;
(b) Cooling system for cold storage purpose or laboratory testing; or
(c) Air-conditioning/ humidification system for major computer facilities, art
galleries or testing laboratories.
(d) Air-conditioning/ humidification system designed to achieve higher energy
efficiency performance.

# Prior to the installation of the fresh water cooling towers (FWCT), applicants
should apply for participation in the ‘Fresh Water Cooling Towers Scheme’
(FWCT Scheme) for air-conditioning systems administered by the Electrical and
Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). The participation in the FWCT Scheme
should comply with the requirements stipulated in the ‘Code of Practice for Fresh
Water Cooling Towers’ promulgated by EMSD and the requirements of WSD. For
details of the FWCT Scheme and all relevant requirements, EMSD’s website3 and
WSD’s website4 shall be referred.


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4.2.7 Hot Water Systems Non-Centralized Hot Water System
* When the factory test pressure of the heater is at least 1.5 times the maximum static
pressure at the mains water supply point, non-pressure type heaters, cistern type
water heaters, unvented electric thermal storage water heaters satisfying the
requirements stipulated in Clauses and instantaneous water heaters are
permitted to be connected direct to the supply pipe without the necessity of
providing storage.

* When the factory test pressure of the heater is less than 1.5 times the maximum
static water pressure at the mains water supply point then, for premises on direct
supply, a water heater must be supplied with water from a cold water cistern.

# A separate mains water storage cistern of 45 litres capacity shall be provided for
each flat to supply such hot water apparatus in Clause

* Pressure type thermal storage heaters other than unvented electric thermal storage
water heaters satisfying the requirements stipulated in Clauses shall be
supplied from storage cisterns no matter what the pressure at inlet point should be,
except these are installed in flats supplied through the indirect or sump and pump

# For premises on direct supply, a separate mains water storage cistern of 45 litres
capacity shall be provided for each flat to supply such hot water apparatus in Clause

# For flats supplied from the roof storage cistern of an indirect or sump and pump
system, no separate storage for hot water apparatus will be required but the supply
to the apparatus shall be by a separate down feed supplying the apparatus only
unless the arrangement in Clause is applied.

# If the flats on the indirect system are supplied through an oversized down feed pipe,
the pipe supplying the hot water apparatus shall be branched from the down feed
at a point above the top of the apparatus.

# When gas geysers are to be installed on the top floor of a building supplied through
storage cisterns, gas geysers with low pressure governors should be installed when
the head available is less than 5 metres to the highest hot water draw-off point.

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* If mixing valves, water blenders or combination fittings are to be used, the cold
water supply to these fixtures shall be drawn from the same source as is supplying
the hot water apparatus in order to provide a balanced pressure and to obviate the
risk of scalding should the supply at the source fail or be restricted for any reason.

* Except for unvented electric thermal storage water heaters satisfying the
requirements stipulated in Clauses and, all pressure type
thermal storage heaters shall be provided with a vent or expansion pipe taken from
its highest point and discharge in the atmosphere above the storage cistern at
sufficient height to prevent a constant outflow of hot water therefrom.

* A loose jumper type valve shall be fitted on the inlet of the water heater if a non-
return valve is not incorporated in such water heater, but this requirement does not
apply to an electric water heater of the thermal storage type satisfying the
requirements stipulated in Clauses and

* All unvented electric thermal storage water heaters shall comply with the safety
requirements under the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulation (Chapter 406 sub.

* Every system incorporating an unvented electric water heater of the thermal storage
type shall be provided with:-
(a) a supply pipe that branches off from the feed pipe at a point above the top of
the water heater, or some other device to prevent the water from draining down
from the water heater if there is a failure at the source of water supply;
(b) an anti-vacuum valve or some other device to prevent heated water from being
syphoned back to the supply pipe; and
(c) a vessel to accommodate the expansion of heated water where that expansion
is constrained by a non-return valve or some other device, incorporated at the
inlet of the water heater. It is advisable that lagged pipes and fittings are used for hot water system where
re-circulation system is designed. Centralized Hot Water System

# The cold water feed pipe from the roof storage cistern shall supply to the hot water
system only.

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# The cold water feed pipe from sump tank with booster pump shall also be the same
source for the hot water system.

# If mixing valves, water blenders or combination fittings are to be used, the cold
water supply to these fixtures shall be drawn by a separate down feed from the hot
water storage cistern. This outlet from storage tank shall be slightly lower than the
feed to the hot water system in order to provide a balanced pressure and obviate
the risk of scalding should the mains supply fail or be restricted.

# All centralised hot water systems utilising a boiler and cylinder, or calorifier, shall
be provided with an expansion pipe taken from the highest point of the cylinder or
calorifier, or if a secondary circulation system, from the highest point of such
system. In either case the expansion pipe shall discharge to the atmosphere above
the storage cistern at sufficient height to prevent a constant outflow of hot water

# Under no circumstances shall safety valves, air valves or relief valves be used as a
substitute or replacement for an expansion pipe.

* Under no circumstances shall any control valve be installed on the expansion pipes
between the highest point of the cylinder or calorifier, and the free end of such

# When a centralised hot water system of the boiler /cylinder or calorifier type is
installed, in addition to the expansion pipe as required in Clause, a safety
valve or pressure relief valve shall be provided to the boiler or to the primary flow
pipe as close to the boiler as possible. Such valve shall be set to discharge when
the pressure in the boiler exceeds 35kPa above that of the static pressure of the

* No tap or other fittings of drawing off water, (other than a screwed plug with a
removable key for emptying the system for cleansing and repair), shall be
connected to any part of the hot water system below the top of the hot water
cylinder in such a way that the level of the water in cylinder can be lowered.

# In a hot water system comprising more than one storage cylinders at different levels,
Clause should read as applying to the lowest cylinder.

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# To avoid wastage of water when repairs are being effected, a stop valve shall be
fitted on the cold feed pipe at the outlet from the storage cistern.

# If the storage cylinder is installed in a lower floor, an additional stop valve shall be
fitted near the inlet to the cylinder.

# Such stop valve as provided under Clauses and shall have
loose keys or hand-wheels which shall be kept in a safe place to prevent
unauthorised interference.

# A screwed plug with a removable key shall be provided at the lower part of the
system for the purpose of draining down or emptying the system.

# No stop valve shall be installed in the primary flow or return pipes except when a
vent pipe is connected to the boiler and such installation shall only be made under
skilled supervision. It is advisable that lagged copper pipes are used for hot water system where re-
circulation system is designed.

* Installation of boilers/ steam boilers shall comply with the relevant Boilers and
Pressure Vessels Regulations (Chapter 56).

# Temperature and pressure relief valve, air vent and vacuum breaker shall be
provided to hot water storage tanks and calorifiers.

4.3 Flushing Water Supply

4.3.1 Sources of Flushing Water Supply
* For inside service using government water supply for flushing, it shall comply with
the requirements of the WWO/WWR and that of the WA.

# For sea-front lots where the private salt water supply is available, mains supply for
flushing may be withheld or withdrawn depending on the Lease Conditions.

4.3.2 Pipe & Fitting Materials

# All water tanks, pipes and fittings of flushing water systems must be of salt water
resistant materials to the approval of the WA. Pipes and fittings shall conform to

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the relevant standards as listed in Part B of this Technical Requirements and the

4.3.3 Metering Requirements

# All flushing water supply systems shall be separate water supply systems. TMF supply may be given for flushing only in cases where the WA is satisfied that
there is no suitable alternative. Such flushing supply should be given on a
temporary basis and shall revert to salt water supply when this becomes available.

# Water meters shall be installed in each flushing system receiving a TMF supply.
TMF flushing water supply would normally be given to the entire building.
Requirements stipulated in Section 3 of this TR is applicable.

4.3.4 Supply Modes Flushing water supply to buildings with an overall less than or equal to 12m can
be effected in one of the two following ways:-
(a) indirect supply system (with direct supply to roof storage tank) as illustrated
in Fig. 14; or
(b) indirect supply system, with a sump and pump system or a hydro-pneumatic
pump system as illustrated in Fig. 14.

# Flushing water supply to buildings with an overall height of more than 12m shall
be supplied solely by indirect supply systems with a sump and pump system as
illustrated in Fig. 14 or any equivalent system as approved by the WA for all floors.
[This clause is applicable to new applications with Form WWO 542 submitted on
or after 1 January 2019 except those applications which have Form WWO 132
submitted before 1 September 2018.]

# The minimum residual pressure of salt water supply is 15 meter head measured at
the connection to the main. The flushing supply inside service should be designed
to the minimum residual pressure as advised by the WA.

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4.3.5 General Pipework Arrangement

* Under the provision of Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123), all new buildings shall
be provided with a plumbing system to supply water for flushing purposes and
every part of such plumbing system, including the storage tank, shall be constructed
of such materials that are suitable for use with salt water.

* A separate water storage tank shall be provided for flushing purposes.

# The inlet pipe to the separate storage tank should not be less than 40 mm diameter;
its portion before meter position shall be exposed or laid in a proper service duct
and extended to the lot boundary.

# To facilitate meter installation, a meter position shall be provided in the communal
area of the building as close to the fresh supply meters as possible. Regarding
general requirements for meter positions, Section 3.2 shall be referred.

# In case a temporary mains fresh water supply is proposed to be provided as the
alternative source to augment an existing independent (not Government) supply,
the storage tank for the flushing cistern shall be constructed in accordance with Fig.

# No draw-off point in the inside services shall be subject to a pressure of 6 bar or

# A tee-branch valve shall be provided for all underground flushing water pipes, and
for all pipes serving more than one domestic or commercial unit.

# Concerning requirement for flushing water storage capacity, Clause 6.2.5 shall be

# All PVC-U pipes must be properly supported and shielded from direct sunray and
must be painted with protective paint when exposed. The paint should not adversely
affect the physical property of the PVC-U pipes.

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4.4 Pipework for Inside Service in New Reclamation Area

#4.4.1 In choosing the material for pipes and fittings, the type of the water to be conveyed
and the nature of the ground which the pipes are to be laid shall be taken into

4.4.2 The material of pipes and fittings shall be corrosion-resistant at internal and
external surfaces. The pipes and fittings shall be adequately protected against

4.4.3 When laying pipes in reclaimed areas or at locations that are susceptible to
differential settlement, special attention shall be given to provide appropriate and
sufficient flexible joints to prevent pipe break due to uneven settlement.

4.4.4 The materials of pipes to be laid underground in newly reclaimed area shall be
carefully chosen to withstand the corrosive effect of the soil.

4.4.5 Surrounding the pipes in reclaimed areas with concrete must only be provided with
extreme care, especially for steel pipe with welded joints. In the event that ground
settlement induces sufficient stress to open up the welded joints, the surrounding
concrete will become an obstacle to the repair operation.

4.5 Inside Service of Large Diameters along Roads/Slopes

4.5.1 For large scale development projects, laying of water pipes of large diameter along
roads and/or slopes may be necessary. In such case, the pipes shall be designed
according to the requirements stipulated in the ‘Manual of Mainlaying Practice’
posted in WSD website5, particularly the following aspects:-
(a) Pipe size and pipe route requirements;
(b) Pipe material requirements;
(c) Installation requirements, e.g. trench excavation requirements, safety of road
works, pipe laying, thrust blocks and cathodic protection of water mains etc.;
(d) Repair, rehabilitation, operation and maintenance requirements, e.g.
emergency repairs, leak detection, draining of water mains and methods of
water mains rehabilitation etc.


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5. Fire Service
5.1 General
5.1.1 The Director of Fire Services is responsible for approving proposals for
installations of or alterations to fire services.

5.1.2 The fire service in a building such as the choice of the fire-fighting system and its
capacity must satisfy the requirements of the Fire Services Department (FSD).

#5.1.3 Plumbing systems using government water supply for fire services shall comply
with the requirements of the WA.

*5.1.4 The use of water from fire service for purposes other than firefighting is prohibited.

5.2 Metering Requirement

#5.2.1 Details of master meter and check meter positions shall be referred to Section 3.3.

5.3 Pipe & Fitting Materials

#5.3.1 Pipe and fittings shall conform to the relevant standards as listed in Part B of this
Technical Requirements and the WWR.

#5.3.2 Consideration can be given for the use of wrought iron pipe and black steel pipe
without being galvanized, upon application, for a fresh water fire service after a
positive air break, i.e. fire service tank or sump tank.

#5.3.3 The materials for pipes and pipe fittings on a salt water fire service shall be capable
of withstanding the corrosive effect of salt water.

5.4 Supply Types and Arrangements

5.4.1 General
# Fire service supply may be from fresh water or salt water source. The supply must
be from an independent connection, i.e. entirely independent of other water supply
arrangements within the building or development concerned.

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# For existing buildings, fire service installations obtaining water supply from
existing fresh water tanks may be considered case-by-case by the WA and the
Director of Fire Services. A fresh or salt water fire-fighting supply may be approved. A salt water installation
may be ‘primed’ with fresh water to inhibit corrosion etc. Such priming
arrangements must be approved by the WA prior to installation.

# All plumbing works between the lot boundary and master/check meter positions
shall be exposed or laid in a proper service trench/duct to facilitate inspection and
repairs. Adequate drainage shall be provided to remove water inside the

# If the connection is not laid in an exposed manner at the lot boundary, then it shall
be laid inside underground service trench/duct with adequate cover. The
underground/buried water mains should be laid with cover according to the latest
required minimum depth of services and associated installations stipulated by
Highways Department. The current minimum cover requirements stated in the
Conditions of Excavation Permit are 450mm and 900mm on non-carriageway and
carriageway respectively.

# A fullway gate valve and a non-return valve have to be installed on the fire service
as close to the Government water supply connection as possible.

5.4.2 Sprinkler/ Drencher System Fig. 16 gives an illustration of a sprinkler system. The design of a sprinkler system
shall be vetted by Fire Services Department.

# A dual connection from the Government unrestricted supply ring main shall be
provided for a fire service sprinkler / drencher system situated in the recognised
Waterworks unrestricted industrial supply zone. Twin connections, one from an
unrestricted supply main and one from a distribution main, will be provided for a
fire service sprinkler / drencher system situated outside the recognised unrestricted
industrial supply zone, where practicable.

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# Where it is not practical to connect the fire service sprinkler / drencher system to
an unrestricted supply main, FSD may require the provision of fire service tank to
serve as secondary source for the fire service installation. Depending on FSD’s
requirements, a single or dual connection can be given to serve the fire service tank
of secondary source.

# No part of any fire service sprinkler / drencher system supplied from the
Government mains shall be used for supplying any other services including other
fire service installations, e.g. hose reels, except that a common suction tank can be
used for both sprinkler and hose reel systems. Any exemption from this
requirement should have the endorsement of the Director of Fire Services.

# Where direct connections to a sprinkler/ drencher system are to be from the
government mains, an additional butterfly valve, without stop screw and lock nut
on handle and strapped in open position, shall be installed at a point on the supply
pipe before the fire service inlet and as close as possible to the control valves of the

# FSD’s endorsement shall be sought for the application for improvised sprinkler
systems as illustrated in Fig. 17. The design of the improvised system shall be
vetted by Fire Services Department.

5.4.3 Fire Hydrant/ Hose Reel System

# The water supply must not be fed directly from the government mains and the fire
hose reel outlet should be housed in a glass-fronted cabinet secured under lock and
key. The glass panel shall be of a frangible type and shall not exceed 1.5 mm in
thickness, and that it shall be of such size and design so as not to cause any undue
obstruction to the free use of the hose reel. A metal or plastic striker shall be
provided in the vicinity of the cabinet for the purpose of breaking the glass panel
in case of emergency.

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# Common tank arrangements for fire-fighting and flushing or other purposes are not
acceptable when a government supply is involved. Where a building is to be
provided with a non-government flushing supply and where it is proposed to feed
the fire service from that supply, the applicant is advised to install an independent
fire service system if it is envisaged that the fire service system may require to be
connected to the government main at a later stage.

# Warning message shall be securely fixed on or near every hose reel outlet and the
message shall be easily visible by the occupier.




水務監督辦事處 Office of the Water Authority

5.4.4 Street Fire Hydrant System A street fire hydrant system serves as the secondary water supply for firemen
during firefighting operation. The system consists of standard pedestal type street
fire hydrants installed along emergency vehicular access to a building. Fig 19 and
20 shall be referred for illustration of street fire hydrant system. The design of the
street fire hydrant system shall be vetted by Fire Services Department.

5.4.5 Fire Service Ring Mains

# Where in large industrial complexes a fire service ring main is required, this should
be connected to an unrestricted supply main, if practical. In cases where this is not
practical, a ‘dual’ connection from the government ring main should be provided.

# Fire service ring mains shall not be connected to or used for supplying any other
service, except with the approval of the WA.

5.4.6 Fire Service Installations for the New Territories Exempted Houses (NTEH) FSD Circular letter No. 4/2006 shall be referred for guidelines on specifications,
installation and maintenance of fire service installations and equipment for the new
fire safety requirements for NTEH applications.

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5.4.7 Installation of Sprinkler System for Specified Commercial Buildings (SCB)/ Prescribed
Commercial Premises (PCP) under the Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance
(Chapter 502) and Composite Buildings under the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance
(Chapter 572) In line with the FSD's requirement to improve the fire service system of SCB, PCP
and non-domestic portion of composite building with total floor areas exceeding
230m2, the following three options are acceptable to the FSD:-
(a) addition of a new sprinkler system with water supplies in accordance with the
requirements stipulated in paragraph 5.24 and paragraph 5.30 of the FSD’s
Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment
(revision 2012);
(b) addition of an improvised sprinkler system with its supply drawing from an
existing water tank for Fire Hydrant/ Hose Reel system;
(c) addition of an improvised sprinkler system with direct connection to
government mains.

# For applications to install the improvised sprinkler systems stated in (b) and (c) in
Clause, endorsement and referral from the FSD must be provided when
applying for water supply from WSD. For SCB, PCP and non-domestic portion of composite building with total floor
areas exceeding 230m2, the provision of an automatic sprinkler system has been
included as one of the requirements under the Fire Safety (Commercial Premises)
Ordinance and Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance. For existing buildings/ premises without such a provision, the three options in
Clause are acceptable for the provision of a sprinkler system.

5.4.8 Pipework for Fire Service in New Reclamation Area Requirements in Section 4.4 are applicable.

5.4.9 Fire Services of Large Diameters along Roads/ Slopes Requirements in Section 4.5 are applicable.

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6. Water Cisterns, Water Pumps and Other Miscellaneous

6.1 General
*6.1.1 No cistern for the storage of cold water shall be installed or used except with the
permission in writing of the WA who shall specify the maximum permitted

*6.1.2 No cistern for the storage of fresh water supplied from the waterworks shall,
without the written permission of the WA, be so connected that it can be used for
the storage of any water other than that supplied from the waterworks.

6.2 Cold Water Cisterns (or Cold Water Tanks)

6.2.1 Location Access for Maintenance and Inspection
* Water Storage Tanks shall be installed so that they are easily accessible for cleaning
or repairs.

* Safe access shall be provided to all cisterns by means of a secure permanent ladder
or readily available portable ladder.

* Where a cistern is installed inside a building and, due to limited headroom available,
it is fixed with limited clearance from the ceiling or underside of the roof, a quickly
detachable fitting must be used to enable it to be easily removed for cleansing and

# For water cisterns with top access, the access on top of the cisterns should have a
minimum headroom of 800mm. Protection against Pollution of Potable Water by Non-Potable Water

* If a cistern for non-potable water is placed adjoining to a cistern for potable water,
a physical break must be provided between the cisterns, such that the walls and
slabs of the cisterns are separated, however, tie beams linking the cisterns for
structural requirements may be fitted and, if fitted, must be constructed in a way
that cross contamination of the cisterns via the tie beams is not possible.

6.2.2 Material Requirements

* A cistern must be watertight, of adequate strength, properly supported and be made
of concrete, stainless steel or fibre glass.

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# For concrete fresh water cisterns/storage tank, all internal surface of floors, walls
(to full height) and soffits (except the cistern openings) of potable water cisterns
shall be lined with a white non-toxic smooth finish such as ceramic tiles for
cleaning purpose. It is advisable to provide the same finish as Clause for the internal surfaces
of floors and walls of flushing and fire service water cisterns.

# When fibreglass storage tank is to be used, prior approval by the WA must be
sought. Fibreglass storage cistern for potable water shall be of an approved type
or certified to contain no toxic materials and suitable for storage of potable water. Material testing standards and requirements of fresh water tanks in inside service
is given in Part B of this TR.

6.2.3 Cover for Water Tanks

* A cistern must be so located as to minimize the risk of contamination of stored
water and be fitted with a suitable close fittings lockable cover that is not airtight.
The cover must be so positioned as to facilitate inspection and cleaning. The covers
must be so positioned as to facilitate inspection and cleaning.

# Every storage cistern shall have a lockable close fitting rigid cover secured by
mechanical means which excludes light and the ingress of particles and / or insects
from the cistern. The cover shall be made of a material or materials which do not
shatter or fragment when broken and which will not contaminate any condensate
which may form on its underside or the stored water. For the potable water storage
cistern, the cover and its base frame shall possess double upstand edges
interlocking one another to provide additional protection.

# Double sealed covers with locking devices shall be provided for all storage cisterns
other than cisterns that provide supply solely for irrigation, cleansing, air-
conditioning system make-up water, flushing and fire-fighting. The double-sealed
covers prevent the ingress of surface water.

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6.2.4 Installation Requirements for Inlet and Outlet Pipes Minimization of Water Stagnation All outlet pipes from the storage cistern should, whenever possible, be positioned
at the opposite side to the inlet supply pipe to prevent stagnation of water. Controlling Incoming Water Supply

* The inlet of a single cistern fed by a gravity supply must be fitted with a ball float
valve and stop valve.

* For ball float valves of a nominal diameter not exceeding 50mm, their valve bodies
must be made of copper alloy or stainless steel. For ball float valves of a nominal
diameter exceeding 50mm, their valve bodies must be made of copper alloy,
stainless steel, epoxy coated cast iron or epoxy coated ductile iron.

* Floats for use with fresh water must be made of copper alloy or stainless steel.
Floats for use with salt water must be made of plastic or stainless steel.

* Ball float valves fitted to a cistern must have the size of the orifice, the size of the
float and the length of the lever so proportioned to one another that, when the float
is immersed to an extent not exceeding half its volume, the valve is watertight
against the highest pressure at which the valve may be required to work.

* A ball float valve or float-operated valve fitted to a cistern must be securely fixed
to the cistern above the waterline of the float of the valve, and must be supported
independently of the inlet pipe (unless the inlet pipe is itself rigid and securely fixed
to the cistern), in a position that no part of the body of the valve is submerged when
the cistern is charged to the overflowing level.

* If a ball float valve or float-operated valve is provided with a pipe so arranged as
to discharge water into a cistern below its overflowing level, an air hole must be
provided in the outlet chamber of the valve above the overflowing level. The air
hole must be of a size sufficient to prevent syphonage of water back through the

* Ball float valves must not be fitted to a cistern that is used to contain heated water.

* The inlet of a single cistern fed by a pumped supply must be fitted with an
automatic control switch and without any stop valve.

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* A ball float valve or automatic control switch installed at the inlet of a cistern must
shut off the supply when the water level is 25mm below the invert of the overflow
pipe or warning pipe. The invert of the inlet pipe or the outlet of the ball float valve
must not be less than 25mm above the top of the overflow pipe.

# In case of a mixed flushing water supplies, the water tank shall be fitted with a ball
float valve with submerged float control and a fullway gate valve for controlling
and isolating the inflow of mains supply respectively. For other source of flushing
water supply, a ball float valve and a fullway gate valve shall be provided. Typical
detail for flushing water tank with mixed supply is illustrated in Fig. 15.
Performance of the ball float valve shall meet the requirements specified in case of
gravity supply. Outlet Water Pipes

# The invert of an outlet pipe from a water storage cistern with capacity less than
5,000 litres shall be at least 30 mm above the bottom of the cistern; this distance
shall be increased to 100 mm if the capacity is 5,000 litres or more.

* A stop valve must be provided at the outlet of a cistern. Provisions must be made
for a drain-off pipe to enable the cistern to be emptied.

# Fullway gate valves shall be used with as the stop valves in Clause at the
outlet pipe of every water storage cistern. The drain-off pipe in Clause
shall be properly plugged or adequate means shall be provided to prevent any
unauthorized operation of the control valve at drain-off pipe. If the outlet of a
flushing water cistern is of nominal size 50mm or below, a ball valve can be used
to substitute the above gate valve. Overflow Pipes and Warning Pipes

* All overflow pipes and warning pipes of a potable water cistern must be made of a
corrosion-resisting material.

* An overflow pipe of one commercial size larger than the inlet pipe, and in no case
less than 25mm in nominal diameter, must be fitted to a cistern and be extended to
terminate in a conspicuous position. The overflow pipe must not be connected to a
drain or sewer or to the overflow pipe from another cistern.

# The position of discharge should be in a communal area easily visible and

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accessible by the occupants.

# If the overflow pipe is not extended to terminate in a conspicuous position, the
overflow pipe shall be installed with an overflow alarm with signal transferred to
a 24-hourly manned management office for timely notification. Full justifications
for such arrangement shall be provided to the WA for consideration and approval.

# In case of mixed flushing water supply as shown in Fig. 15, the overflow shall be
twice the diameter of largest inlet or of nominal diameter 40mm, whichever is

# No part of the overflow pipe shall be submerged inside the storage tank.

# A grating and a self-closing non-return flap shall be provided at the overflow pipe
outside the storage tank. A warning pipe may be installed in addition to an overflow pipe, except that a
warning pipe can be of any size not less than 25 mm in diameter, it shall comply
with all other requirements of an overflow pipe.

# The warning pipes shall be installed at a level below the overflow pipe and shall be
either extended to conspicuous location, i.e. outside of the building periphery for
roof tank or outside the pump room for sump tank, or installed with signal
transferred to a 24-hourly manned management office.

6.2.5 Size of Storage Cisterns for Flushing, Domestic and Trade/Commercial Water Uses
# The proportion of capacity of sump cistern to roof cistern is recommended to be in
the order of 1:3. Otherwise, the designer shall demonstrate that the proposed ratio
of sump cistern to roof cistern is capable of fulfilling the designed demand.

# The capacity of the flushing water storage shall be designed according to the
criteria in Table with a minimum capacity of 250 litres. [This clause is
applicable to new applications with Form WWO 542 submitted on or after 1
January 2019 only.]

Table Design criteria for flushing water storage

Building types Litres per flushing apparatus
1. Residential
- Water closet 30

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2. Commercial
- Urinal 30
- Water closet 40
# Storage criteria for fresh water supply for domestic flats are given in Table

Table Storage criteria for domestic application (sump and pump system)
135 litres/flat
In case of a sump and pump system, the
Up to 10 flats
minimum total storage including sump tank is
allowed to be 500 litre,
> 10 flats 90 litres for each additional flat

# For industrial buildings, the entire inside service shall be supplied from storage
cisterns with separated outlets/downpipes feeding independent systems to serve
separately the industrial and processing purposes and the other general and ablution
appliances. These independent systems shall not be interconnected. The recommended capacity of storage tanks for industrial use is one-day demand. For trade/commercial premises, the recommended storage criteria for fresh water
supply is listed in Table The suggested criteria may serve as a reference
for building types not listed below, yet having similar functions.

Table Storage criteria for trade/commercial fresh water supply

Food Shop (Small) 900 litres Not including provision
of stores, fruiters, etc.
(Large) 1800 litres
Restaurants 25 litres/seat
(0.929m2/person on net area)
(1.394m2/person on gross area)
Barber’s Shop and Beauty Parlour 135 litres/chair
Funeral Parlour 45 litres/92.903m2 on gross area
School Drinking 4.5 litres/head
Laboratory 45 litres/sink
Industry 100% of daily demand
Clinic 250 litres (surgery only)
Dentist 250 litres/dental unit
Clubs Kitchen 2.5 litres/member
Changing Rooms 90 litres/shower
(hot and cold combined)
Office Blocks 45 litres/point
Cinemas/Theatres 45 litres/point

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Hotels Bedrooms 45 litres/single room

(hot and cold combined)
70 litres/double room
(hot and cold combined)
Pantries, Bars and Individual consideration
Boarding Houses and Staff 25 litres/bed
Quarters (hot and cold combined)
Fire Stations, Police Quarters, 45 litres/person x 50% of establishment
Army Barracks (ablution rooms only – hot and cold combined) For laundry, the storage criterion is provided in Table

Table Storage criterion for laundry

Laundry Allowable Storage = x 120 min. x N

where L = Litres/complete operational cycle

T = Time/complete operational cycle
N = No. of machines For hospital, one day’s consumption as given by the hospital authorities shall be
referred. For boilers, consideration shall be made by the WA on a case-by-case basis. The
following formula serves as a reference only:-

Allowable Storage = (Boiler capacity (kW) x 15 – percentage of

(litres) water return (%)) x working hours.

6.2.6 Other Recommendations/ Requirements Structural design of the cistern and its supports shall comply with the requirements
of the Building Authority.

# When the capacity of water cistern exceeds 5,000 litres, adoption of twin-tank
system is required. The applicability shall also be subject to factors such as
availability of plant room space.

# A set of inlet, outlet and associated overflow and drain pipes shall be provided to
each cistern compartment.

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October 2019 version

* Each inlet of a twin-cistern fed by a pumped supply must be fitted with an
automatic control switch and a stop valve for temporary isolation purpose.

# For water supplies other than pumped supply, this inlet shall comply with
requirements stated in Clause

6.3 Water Pumps

#6.3.1 Where a sump-and-pump system is used, it shall be provided with a duplicate
pumpset. The pumping capacity of the pumps shall not be less than the designed
out-flow rate of the storage tank being supplied.

6.3.2 All pipework connections to and from pumps should be adequately supported and
anchored against thrust to avoid stress on pump casings and to ensure proper
alignment. Consideration should be given to minimise noise nuisance to adjacent
consumers when choosing a pump system.

6.4 Water Hammer Arrestor

6.4.1 Water hammer arrestors are recommended to be provided at appropriate locations
in the system to relieve sudden pressure surges.

6.5 Pressure Reducing Valves

#6.5.1 No part in the internal pipework and/or draw-off point shall be subject to excessive
high pressure. In case of excessive high pressure, provision of break pressure tanks
at a suitable level of the internal supply system would be a positive and viable
means to reduce the water pressure. Alternatively, pressure reducing valves may
be provided in lieu of break pressure tank.

#6.5.2 Whenever a pressure reducing valve is installed, a bypass arrangement shall be

incorporated with the provision of a second pressure reducing valve, except for fire
service installations, to enable isolation of any defective pressure reducing valve
for repair and replacement when necessary. A pressure indicator shall be provided
for pressure monitoring and the associated pipes and fittings shall be able to
withstand the maximum pressure that may arise upon the failure of the pressure
reducing valve as far as practicable. Fault alarm shall be installed with signal
transferred to a 24-hourly manned management office for timely notification,
except for fire service installations..

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October 2019 version

6.6 Stop Valves for Draw-off Points

#6.6.1 Individual stop valves shall be provided at all draw-off points or at a series of draw-
off points if situated close together.

6.6.2 Not Used

6.7 Water Taps

6.7.1 Application of Water Taps
# When infra-red sensor operated automatic taps are used as inside services, a stop
cock or gate valve must be installed at the upstream of each fitting for manual
isolation of water supply.

# Self-closing taps, of non-concussive type and of approved pattern, or infra-red

operated automatic taps, shall be used for the public or communal lavatory basins.

* Except with the written permission of the WA, fitting with a threaded outlet, or any
device facilitating the connecting of rubber hose or another type of flexible hose,
must not be used.

6.7.2 Installation Requirements for Sanitary Fixtures Supplied by Water Taps

* All taps supplying baths, lavatory basins, sinks or similar apparatus shall have a
stop valve fixed in a readily accessible position to control the supply to each fitting
or branch pipe supplying a range of fittings.

* Every inlet to a bath, lavatory basin or sink shall be distinct from, and unconnected
with, any outlet therefrom and every outlet for emptying such bath, lavatory basin
or sink shall be provided with a well-fitting and easily accessible watertight plug
or some other equally suitable apparatus.

* The level of the point of discharge of hot or cold water to a bath, lavatory basin or
sink shall be above the level of the overflow, or if there be no overflow, of the top
edge of the bath, basin or sink.

* The water supply to any bidets, sitz bath, slop or sluicing sink or similar
apparatus, shall, if the inlet is liable to be submerged, be provided by:-
(a) a cistern supplying water to such apparatus only;
(b) a cistern for flushing purposes only; or
(c) a hot water distribution system supplying such apparatus only.
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6.8 Domestic Appliances

6.8.1 Water Purifiers/ Filters The WA does not normally approve nor recommend in-line installation of water
purifiers/ filters in domestic premises.

# Domestic water purifiers/ filters must not be connected directly to the mains supply
because of the possibility of contamination. When there is installation of any domestic filter or water filter incorporated in water
using apparatuses (such as drinking fountain etc.), precautionary measures shall be
taken to ensure proper backflow prevention device incorporated or installed where
appropriate. The WA does not require any test results of the filters before
installation, i.e. ‘General Acceptance’ is not required and will not be granted.

# In case further water treatment is needed for special needs, requirements for
backflow prevention and written permission from the WA for typical types of water
filters are summarized in Table

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October 2019 version

Table Installation requirements for water filters

Type of water filters Availability of an Written Permission from Installation of Backflow
Off-tank Water the WA Prevention Device
Faucet filters or Yes Not required; Not required
Countertop filters The customer can install
No. Not required; Required
The customer has to engage A non-return valve either
a licensed plumber to install. within the filter or upstream
of the filter without any
branch pipe in between the
valve and the filter
In-line filter of Point- Yes or No. Required; Required
of-Use (POU) type1 Plumbing proposal is A single check valve or no
required. less effective backflow
prevention device is
provided upstream of the
filter and there is no branch
pipe in between the device
and the filter
In-line filter of Point- Yes or No. Required; Yes. Water supply from
of-entry (POE) type Plumbing proposal is storage tank is mandatory.
Point-of-Use (POU) type in-line filter may serve a single water point e.g. drinking fountain etc. under
direct or indirect water supply.
Point-of-Entry (POE) type in-line filter may treat water from the mains serving a premise. Sterilizers without attached filtering devices may be connected directly to the
mains supply provided that they do not adversely affect the quality of the water
passing through them and the design of the sterilizer is such that there is no
possibility of contaminating the mains supply.

6.8.2 Washing Machines/ Dishwashing Machines The possibility of back-syphonage resulting in contamination of the water supply
by washing machine/dishwashing machines with non-submerged inlet is
considered to be unlikely. No extra backflow prevention measure is required.

# Washing machines/ dishwashing machines with submerged inlets are considered
to have high level of contamination hazard and must be installed with appropriate
backflow prevention devices according to Table

- 56 -
October 2019 version Not used.

6.9 Wall-Mounted Water Dispensers

6.9.1 Wall-mounted water dispensers6 with international certification on product safety
should be installed. Examples of certification bodies include WaterMark
(Australia), NSF/ANSI (United States of America) and the Water Regulations
Advisory Scheme (WRAS) of the United Kingdom.

6.9.2 As an alternative to Clause 6.9.1, products with type test reports issued by
HOKLAS-accredited laboratories are acceptable. It is recommended that the test
reports should verify the aspects below:-
(a) the boiled water sample complies with the guideline values published by
World Health Organization (WHO);
(b) the product is manufactured from lead-free soldering material; and
(c) the product’s components have low lead content, i.e. less than 1% by mass.

6.9.3 To ensure proper installation, a licensed plumber should be engaged to install the
dispenser and conduct a lead check on the soldering material at the inlet inside the
dispenser to confirm that it is lead-free before installing and using the dispenser.
Lead check is a simple method to test the presence of lead on metal, wood or paint
by using lead test swabs or papers.

6.10 Flushing Apparatus

6.10.1 General Requirements Flushing devices can be classified broadly into 2 main types, viz.:-
- Flushing cistern; or
- Pressure flushing valve (flushometer valve).

* A flushing cistern must in all cases be supplied from a cistern. Except with the
written permission of the WA, the cistern must not be used to supply any other
apparatus, appliance or fitting. The cistern must be fitted with a suitable close
fitting cover and provided with appropriate access to enable the cistern to be
entered and cleaned.


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* A trough water-closet or urinal must be fitted with a flushing cistern.

* A water-closet fitment or slop sink must be fitted with a flushing cistern. However,
a pressure flushing valve may be installed for flushing without the provision of a
flushing cistern if there is a suitable head of water.

* The internal diameter of flushing pipes shall:-

(a) in the case of water-closet fitments, trough water closets and slop sinks, be not
less than 30mm;
(b) in the case of urinals (other than trough urinals), be not less than 15mm for
each basin and stall; and
(c) in the case of trough urinals, be not less than 15mm for every metre thereof.

* A flushing apparatus must be operated by mechanical means or a sensor. In the

case of an automatic flushing apparatus, the method of control and the volume and
frequency of the flushes must be designed to ensure adequate cleaning.

6.10.2 Flushing Cisterns

* A flushing cistern must be fitted with a flushing device of the valveless syphonic
or valve type. A stop valve must be fixed in a readily accessible position so as to
control the water supply to the cistern.

* A flushing cistern for a water-closet fitment or slop sink must be capable of giving
a flush of not more than 15 litres of water on each occasion the fitment is used.

* The capacity of the flushing cistern in the case of trough water closets and urinals
shall be approved by the WA subject to the discharge in the case of trough water
closets being not less than 9 litres of water for every metre of the channel and the
discharge in the case of urinal being not less than 4.5 litres of water for every basin
or stall, or in the case of a trough urinal, every metre thereof.

# The WA would have no objection to accepting the use of flushing cisterns with
discharge less than that required by the current regulations provided that the design
flushing volume is compatible with the toilet bowl to ensure effective clearance of
waste by a single flush and the flushing apparatus meets the requirements of the

* A flushing cistern operated by mechanical means or a sensor must be fitted with a

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ball float valve that is arranged to refill the cistern within 2 minutes.

* Every flushing cistern shall have an overflow which shall discharge in a
conspicuous location. The discharge volume of the flushing devices shall be preset at the smallest
compatible with the toilet bowl to ensure that effective clearance can be achieved
by a single flush of water.

# The requirements on the use of valve type flushing cisterns are as follows:-
(a) The valve seal of the flushing devices shall be easily replaceable;
(b) A dual flush valve which is designed to give two different volumes of flush
shall have a readily discernible method of actuating the flush at different
volumes. Such method should be illustrated clearly and permanently displayed
at the cistern or nearby;
(c) For dual flush devices, the reduced flushing volume shall not be more than
two-thirds of the larger flushing volume; and
(d) The flushing devices must pass the 200,000-cycle endurance test.

* The components of all valve type flushing devices shall be of material that is
suitable for the use of salt water.

* For an existing building with permission to use government water supply for
flushing purposes, any existing flushing apparatus found unsuitable shall be
replaced with a proper apparatus as specified under Section 6.10.

# A filter which is readily accessible for inspection and cleaning shall be installed
before a flushing valve. This filter can be replaced by a built-in strainer, which can
be readily inspected and cleaned, in the flushing device.

6.10.3 Flushing Valves (Flushometers)

# The installation of flushing valves (flushometers) shall be permitted when the
following requirements are fulfilled:-
(a) A filter/strainer shall be installed before a flushing valve or a group of flushing
(b) The cartridge and other valve components shall be easily replaceable;
(c) Flushing valves shall be used within the range of working pressures specified
by the manufacturer;

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October 2019 version

(d) The flushing valves must pass the 200,000-cycle endurance test;
(e) An effective maintenance management system shall be provided for frequent
inspection and cleaning of filters, i.e. normally only public toilets
(administered by government, quasi-government bodies, hotel operators,
commercial complex management offices etc.) will be considered;
(f) A plate etched with the name of the responsible party and the telephone
number in both Chinese and English shall be provided to facilitate users to
report defective flushing valves. Other effective arrangements may also be
considered; and
(g) Flushing valves shall be of water efficiency Grade 1 or Grade 2 under Water
Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS). Sections 7.3 and 7.6.3 shall be referred
for details.

* The valve components shall be of material that is suitable for the use of salt water.

* For an existing building with permission to use mains water (fresh or salt) for
flushing purposes, any existing flushing apparatus found unsuitable shall be
replaced with a proper apparatus as specified under Section 6.10.

6.11 Earthing
#6.11.1 The metal work of an inside service shall not be used as an earth electrode. The use
of non-metallic pipes or fittings should not have had any effect on the earthing
arrangement of the building.

6.11.2 However, for some old buildings metallic water pipes might have been used to
form part of the earthing arrangement. Under such circumstances, whenever an
electrical insulation is to be introduced in the inside service, the applicant or his/her
licensed plumber is advised to consult the registered electrician to confirm that the
earthing arrangement in the premises/building is acceptable.

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7. Water Conservation
7.1 General
#7.1.1 To uplift the standard of water efficiency of plumbing fixtures and appliances, a
mandatory Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) has been implemented.
For all proposed plumbing works submitted using the Form WWO 46 for
designated part of premises as listed below, the proposed products to be used for
shower heads for bathing, water taps and urinal flushing valves should comply with
prescribed water efficiency grades registered under WELS.

7.2 Minimum Flow Requirements for Fittings in Inside Service

#7.2.1 The minimum flow requirements for draw-off taps, single and combination taps
shall conform to the specification in the relevant international standards. Relevant
standards for respective tapware has been summarized in Part B of this TR.

7.3 Water Efficiency Requirements for Fittings in Inside Service

#7.3.1 Subject to exemption stipulated in Section 7.5, designated products (showers for
bathing, water taps and urinal flushing valves) of prescribed water efficiency
requirements registered under WELS shall be used in the following designated part
of premises:-
i. Kitchens of the domestic premises; and
ii. Bathrooms and toilets of all premises.

#7.3.2 the products shall comply with the prescribed water efficiency requirements in
Table below:-

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Table Prescribed water efficiency requirements for designated products

Designated products Prescribed water efficiency requirements
Showers for bathing1 Grade 1 or Grade 2
Water taps (for use in kitchen sinks) Grade 1 or Grade 2 or Grade 3
Water taps (for use in washing basins of Grade 1 or Grade 2
bathrooms and toilets)2
Urinal flushing valves Grade 1 or Grade 2
’Showers for bathing’ cover showerheads installed to fixed arms/concealed pipes in the wall or ceiling,
showerheads installed to pivotal arms and hand-held showers.
’Water taps’ cover mixing or non-mixing type water taps installed at bathroom/toilet washing basins
and pantry/kitchen sinks. Water taps equipped with automatic sensing open/close device or automatic
closing mechanism are also included. However, water taps installed at bath tub/shower, any system,
machinery and devices such as irrigation system, washing machines, water dispensers etc. which
serve for bathing/operational use, are excluded. Water taps for construction purposes are exempted.

7.3.3 Required flow rate performances for Water Efficiency Grades of showers for
bathing, water taps, urinal equipment and flow controllers can be found in Section

7.4 Alternatives to Application of WELS Products

#7.4.1 For water taps or showers for bathing not complying with the above water
efficiency requirements in Table, the WA will accept the alternative of
installing a flow controller inside the water tap or shower for bathing. The flow
controller shall be a registered product under WELS and shall be of appropriate
water efficiency grade to form a ‘combined’ water saving device that meets the
prescribed water efficiency requirements. Performance requirements of flow
controllers are described in Section 7.6.4.

7.4.2 When submitting the Form WWO 46, test report(s) of flow rate test on the
‘combined’ water-saving appliance(s) shall be enclosed to demonstrate compliance
with the prescriptions in Table The test shall be conducted within 5 years
before the date of submission.

7.5 Exemption from the Water Efficiency Requirements

#7.5.1 Applicants may apply for exemption from the requirements within the scope of
designated part of premises under the scenarios described in Clauses 7.5.1a to

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October 2019 version

7.5.1a Scenario A
All premises with tenders/quotations concerning the installation of showers for
bathing, water taps or urinal flushing valves therein invited before 1 February 2017
may be eligible for exemption from the mandatory use of designated products
registered under WELS. To apply for exemption, in the submission of the Form
WWO 46, the applicant shall: (a) submit documentary proof of such
tender/quotation or the existence of such tender/quotation; and (b) demonstrate that
the specifications stipulated under the said tender/quotation for the use of those
designated products could not fulfil the prescribed water efficiency requirements
to the WA for verification and approval.

7.5.1b Scenario B
For all premises, applications for exemption based on technical issues like
inadequate water pressure for the operation of water heater after the installation of
designated products will also be considered on a case-by-case basis. To apply for
exemption, the applicant shall provide information to fully justify why the
mandatory use of designated WELS products cannot be complied with in the
submission of the Form WWO 46.

7.5.1c Scenario C
For all premises, applications for relaxation of requirements based on reasons other
than those under scenarios (A) or (B) will also be considered on a case-by-case
basis. The relaxation may be in the form of relaxing the flow rate requirements of
certain designated products or exempting certain designated part of premises from
the mandatory requirements. To apply for the relaxation, the applicant shall
provide detailed information in the submission of the Form WWO 46 to fully
justify why the mandatory use of designated WELS products cannot be fully
complied with.

7.6 Other Plumbing Fixtures and Water-Consuming Apparatuses

7.6.1 Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Showers for Bathing A shower applying for registration under the scheme will be tested to confirm its
compliance with the performance requirements specified in the scheme. These
include mean spray spread angle, temperature drop and flow controller endurance.
In addition, the shower will be designed and manufactured according to a
recognised international quality system (such as ISO 9001).

- 63 -
October 2019 version If the criteria can be met, the shower will be rated to a water efficiency grade based
on its nominal flow rate determined from the flow rate test in accordance with the
Table Water Efficiency Grade 1 is the most efficient whereas Water
Efficiency Grade 4 is the least efficient.

Table Flow rate requirement for different grades of showers for bathing
Nominal flow rate f Symbolic presentation on
Water Efficiency Grade
(litres/minute) the Water Efficiency Label
f ≤ 9.0 Grade 1 1 water droplet
9.0 < f ≤ 12.0 Grade 2 2 water droplets
12.0 < f ≤ 16.0 Grade 3 3 water droplets
f > 16.0 Grade 4 4 water droplets Compatibility of showers for bathing with different types of water heaters are
summarized in Table The information provided is for reference only.
Operational results for individual water heater/ shower products may vary.

Table Compatibility of showers for bathing with water heaters

Water Efficiency Grade
Water heater type
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
1. Storage type water heater A A A A
2a. Flow-controlled type
water heater (gas) B A A A
2b. Flow-controlled type
water heater (electricity) B A A A
3a. Pressure-controlled type
water heater (gas) B B A A
3b. Pressure-controlled type
water heater (electricity) C C C B
A – Can operate normally in general circumstances
B – Basically compatible, may not apply to some individual products in certain circumstances
C – Not compatible to water-saving showers of Grades 1 to 3

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7.6.2 Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Water Taps A water tap applying for registration under the scheme will be tested to confirm its
compliance with the performance requirements specified in the scheme which also
include the flow controller endurance test. In addition, the water tap will be
produced/manufactured according to a recognised international quality system
(such as ISO 9001). The water efficiencies of the water taps are rated to different grades according to
their types and nominal flow rates as shown in Tables and
Grade 1 is the most water efficient whereas Grade 4 is the least water efficient.

Table Flow rate requirement for different grades of non-mixing type water taps
Nominal flow rate f Symbolic presentation on
Water Efficiency Grade
(litres/minute) the Water Efficiency Label
f ≤ 2.0 Grade 1 1 water droplet t
2.0 < f ≤ 4.0 Grade 2 2 water droplets
4.0 < f ≤ 6.0 Grade 3 3 water droplets
f > 6.0 Grade 4 4 water droplets

Table Flow rate requirement for different grades of mixing type water taps
Nominal flow rate f Symbolic presentation on
Water Efficiency Grade
(litres/minute) the Water Efficiency Label
f ≤ 5.0 Grade 1 1 water droplet
5.0 < f ≤ 7.0 Grade 2 2 water droplets
7.0 < f ≤ 9.0 Grade 3 3 water droplets
f > 9.0 Grade 4 4 water droplets Reference guidelines on selecting mixing type water taps are summarized in Table
Table Recommendations on selecting mixing type water taps
Water efficiency grade General Guidelines
of flow controllers
Water-saving and compatible with the storage type water heaters,
Grade 1
but not for flow-controlled or pressure-controlled type
Water-saving and compatible with the storage or flow-controlled
Grade 2
type water heaters, but not for pressure-controlled type
Minimal water-saving and compatible with most types of water
Grade 3
heaters (except electric pressure-controlled type)
Grade 4 Compatible with all types of water heaters but not water-efficient
7.6.3 Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Urinal Equipment

- 65 -
October 2019 version Urinal equipment applying for registration under the scheme will be tested to
confirm its compliance with the performance requirements specified in the scheme
which also include the trap seal depth determination, surface wash test, dye test and
splash test for urinals with traps, as well as physical endurance and leakage test for
urinal flushing valves. In addition, the urinal equipment will be
produced/manufactured according to a recognised international quality system
(such as ISO 9001). Under this Scheme, participating urinal equipment are classified into 2 categories
in accordance with Table

Table Classification of Urinal Equipment

Category1 Description
1 Urinal equipment in normal pressure application
2 Urinal equipment in low pressure application
In each category, urinal equipment operating with similar working principle are included. The water efficiencies of the urinals with traps are rated to different grades
according to their minimum water flush volumes per cycle required to fulfil
performance while the water efficiencies of the urinal flushing valves are rated to
different grades according to their total water flush volumes per cycle as shown in
Table Grade 1 is the most water efficient whereas Grade 4 is the least
water efficient.

Table Conversion of water flush volume per cycle to water efficiency grades for
urinal equipment under normal or low pressure application
Water flush volume per Symbolic Presentation on
Water Efficiency Grade
cycle f (litres/cycle) the Water Efficiency Label
f ≤ 1.5 Grade 1 1 water droplet
1.5 < f ≤ 2.5 Grade 2 2 water droplets
2.5 < f ≤ 4.5 Grade 3 3 water droplets
4.5 < f Grade 4 4 water droplets

- 66 -
October 2019 version In order to sustain the performance requirements, a urinal and a urinal flushing
valve registered under WELS on urinal equipment can be connected to form a
combination, provided that:-
(a) The water efficiency grading of the urinal and the urinal flushing valve must
be the same; and
(b) The total water flush volume per cycle of the urinal flushing valve should not
be less than the minimum water flush volume per cycle of the urinal. Additional merit will be given to the urinal equipment operated with a smart
demand operation to achieve additional water saving. The merit will be shown on
the Label and the registration certificate for public information.

7.6.4 Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme for Flow Controllers The flow controllers applying for registration under the scheme will be tested to
confirm its compliance with the performance requirements specified in the scheme.
These include endurance, water-tightness and safe for potable water use. In
addition, the flow controller will be produced/manufactured according to a
recognised international quality system (such as ISO 9001). The water consumption benchmarks tabulated in this section are laboratory test
results for grading purpose. The actual water consumption level after installing
flow controller would also depend on factors such as available water pressure in
the premises.

Table Selection of different grades of flow controllers for water taps
Water Efficiency Grade of Flow Controller for Water Taps
Consumption of
Existing Water
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
Taps f (l/min)
f ≤ 5.0 - - - -
5.0 < f ≤ 7.0 - - -
7.0 < f ≤ 9.0 - -
f > 9.0 -

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October 2019 version

Table Selection of different grades of flow controllers for showers for bathing
Water Water Efficiency Grade of Flow Controller for Showers for
Consumption of Bathing
Existing Water
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
Taps f (l/min)
f ≤ 9.0 - - - -
9.0 < f ≤ 12.0 - - -
12.0 < f ≤ 16.0 - -
f > 16.0 - The flow controllers shall be tested to confirm their compliances with performance
requirements, namely endurance, water-tightness and quality. Categories of flow
controllers are summarized in Table below.

Table Classification of flow controllers

Category Description
1 Flow controllers for water taps
2 Flow controllers for showers for bathing Water efficiencies of the flow controllers of different categories are graded
according to their nominal flow rates as described in Tables and
Water Efficiency Grade 1 is the most efficient whereas Water Efficiency Grade 4
is the least efficient.

Table Flow rate requirement for different grades of flow controllers for water taps
(category 1)
Nominal flow rate of
category 1 flow Symbolic Presentation on
Water Efficiency Grade
controllers: f the Water Efficiency Label
f ≤ 5.0 Grade 1 1 water droplet
5.0 < f ≤ 7.0 Grade 2 2 water droplets
7.0 < f ≤ 9.0 Grade 3 3 water droplets
f > 9.0 Grade 4 4 water droplets

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Table Flow rate requirement for different grades of flow controllers for showers
for bathing (category 2)
Nominal flow rate of
category 2 flow Symbolic presentation on
Water Efficiency Grade
controllers: f the Water Efficiency Label
f ≤ 9.0 Grade 1 1 water droplet
9.0 < f ≤ 12.0 Grade 2 2 water droplets
12.0 < f ≤ 16.0 Grade 3 3 water droplets
f > 16.0 Grade 4 4 water droplets

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Part B: Plumbing Material Standards and Requirements

B1. Introduction
B1.1 This document standardizes the applicable standards and test requirements for
plumbing material components including:-
- Pipes and fittings;
- Valves;
- Taps and mixers;
- Products covered by Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS); and
- Other materials

B2. Pipes and Fittings to be Used in Inside Service or Fire Service

B2.1. Products subject to Approval by the WA
B2.1.1 Pipes or fittings for use in Inside Service or Fire Service shall comply with a
prescribed specification in accordance with the Waterworks Regulations.

In general, suitable pipe materials for inside service and fire service are as follows:-
(a) Pipes for a fresh water inside service must be made of ductile iron,
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U), polybutylene (PB), steel, stainless
steel, copper, polyethylene (PE), crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) or
chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C). However, pipes made of
polyethylene or unplasticized polyvinyl chloride must not be used for hot fresh
water inside service;
(b) Pipes for a salt water inside service must be made of ductile iron, polyethylene
or unplasticized polyvinyl chloride;
(c) Pipes for a fresh water fire service must be made of ductile iron, steel, stainless
steel or copper; and
(d) Pipes for a salt water fire service must be made of steel and internally lined
with chlorinated polyvinyl chloride or of ductile iron.

B2.1.2 WSD has a General Acceptance (GA) system in place to pre-approve plumbing
products used in plumbing projects. To obtain approval for the installation and use
of pipes or fittings in inside service or fire service covered by the Waterworks
Ordinance/Waterworks Regulations from this Authority, the GA applicant is
required to produce one set of certification or test reports confirming their
compliance with the relevant prescribed specification as listed on WSD webpage
from either (a) the British Standards Institution, (b) the U.K. Water Regulations
Advisory Scheme or (c) accredited laboratories acceptable to this Authority. For (a)
and (b), please ensure that the pipes and fittings are tested against the relevant

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October 2019 version

British Standard as listed on WSD webpage. For (c), please note that this Authority
will accept laboratories accredited by the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation
Scheme (HOKLAS) under the following sub-categories:-

Category Sub-category
Construction (i) Metallic materials
Materials (ii) Pipes
(iii) Showers
(iv) Tapwares and valves

If the submission is accepted, the WSD will include the product in its pre-approved
list. Builders can use the product in plumbing projects before the GA expiry date
of that product (the validity is a maximum period of five years).

The above requirements are tabulated below:

Table B2.1.1.1 Applicable materials for fresh water and salt water inside service at different
Fresh Water Inside Service Salt Water
Pipe/ Pipe fitting material Inside
Cold Water Hot Water Service(1)
Copper ✔ ✔ ✖
Ductile iron (with internal coating) ✔ ✔ ✔
Polybutylene (PB) ✔ ✔ ✖
Polyethylene (PE) ✔ ✔(2)
Polyethylene-cross-linked (PE-X) ✔ ✔ ✖
Plastic lined steel (PVC-C lining) ✔ ✖ ✖
Plastic lined steel (PVC-U/
✔ ✖ ✖
PE lining)
Polyvinyl chloride - chlorinated
(PVC-C) ✔ ✔ ✖
Polyvinyl chloride - unplasticized (PVC-U) ✔ ✔
Stainless steel ✔ ✔ ✖
✔ : Suitable for use when the relevant standards are complied with in general
✖ : Not suitable for use in general
(1) : Suitable location(s) for installation may refer to fresh water inside service
(2) : When installed in exposed condition, black pipe and pipe fittings shall be used.

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Table B2.1.1.2 Applicable materials for fire service at different locations

Fire service
Pipe fitting material
Fresh water Salt water

Copper ✔ ✖
Ductile iron ✔ ✔
Galvanized steel ✔ ✖
Stainless steel ✔ ✖
Polyvinyl chloride - chlorinated
(PVC-C) ✖ ✔
✔ : Suitable for use when the relevant standards are complied with in general
✖ : Not suitable for use in general

Table B2.1.1.3 Fitting materials for inside service and fire service

Fresh water
Fire service
Valve/Strainer inside service Salt water
component materials inside service
Cold Hot Fresh Salt
water water water water
A. Body and bonnet
Cast iron (with internal coating)* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Copper alloy – brass** ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Copper alloy – dezincification
resistant (DZR) brass ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
(e.g. CW602N/CZ132)
Copper alloy – bronze (gunmetal) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Ductile iron (with internal coating)* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Polyethylene (PE) ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖ ✖
Polyvinyl chloride - unplasticized
(PVC-U) ✖ ✖ ✔ ✖ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 304) ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 316) ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖

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Table B2.1.1.3 Fitting materials for inside service and fire service

Fresh water
Fire service
Valve/Strainer inside service Salt water
component materials inside service
Cold Hot Fresh Salt
water water water water
B. Stem/ shaft
Copper alloy – brass** ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Copper alloy – dezincification
resistant (DZR) brass ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Copper alloy – bronze (gunmetal) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Stainless steel (Grade 304) ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 316) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Stainless steel (Grade 431) ✔ N/A ✖ ✔ ✔
Polyvinyl chloride - unplasticized
(PVC-U) ✖ ✖ ✔ ✖ ✖
C. Wedge (in gate valves etc.)
Ductile iron (with coating)* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Resilient material to BS EN 681-1,
Type WA (elastomeric seals)* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Stainless steel (Grade 304) ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 316) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
D. Seat and disc
Copper alloy – brass** ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Copper alloy – dezincification
resistant (DZR) brass ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Copper alloy – bronze (gunmetal) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Polyvinyl chloride - unplasticized
(PVC-U) ✖ ✖ ✔ ✖ ✖
Resilient material to BS EN 681-1,
Type WA (elastomeric seals)* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Stainless steel (Grade 304) ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 316) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
E. Bolt, Nut & Washer
Steel ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 304) ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 316) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
F. Cap (disc)/ spring (non-return valve)
Copper alloy ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Ductile iron (with coating)* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Stainless steel (Grade 304) ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 316) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
G. Screen (strainers)

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Table B2.1.1.3 Fitting materials for inside service and fire service

Fresh water
Fire service
Valve/Strainer inside service Salt water
component materials inside service
Cold Hot Fresh Salt
water water water water
Stainless steel (Grade 304) ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 316) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
H. Drain plug (strainers)
Copper alloy – brass** ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Copper alloy – dezincification
resistant (DZR) brass ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Copper alloy – bronze (gunmetal) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Malleable iron (with coating)* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
I. Lever (ball float valve)
Stainless steel (Grade 304) ✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Stainless steel (Grade 316) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
* Coating material e.g. epoxy shall comply with BS 6920:2014 for respective cold water and/or hot water
** Brass containing zinc more than 15% by mass are susceptible to dezincification.

B2.2 ‘General Acceptance*’ (‘GA*’) Scheme (Voluntary)

B2.2.1 The GA* Scheme promotes adoption of low metal leaching rate metallic plumbing
products in fresh water inside service application. For scheme details, please refer

B2.2.2 The GA* Scheme covers but not limited to the following plumbing products:-
- Pipes and pipe fittings (stainless steel, copper or copper alloy);
- Valves;
- Strainers;
- Expansion/settlement/flexible joints; and
- Taps and mixers.

B2.2.3 Only metallic plumbing products with valid GA are eligible to apply for the GA*

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B2.2.4 Low metal leaching rate metallic plumbing products under the GA* Scheme shall
possess supporting document/test report to prove compliance with an
Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4020.

B2.2.5 For a particular model of plumbing product designed with different connection
size/diameter, compliant metal leaching test conducted on the smallest
size/diameter fitting is sufficed for the whole range of size/diameter of that model
of plumbing product as stated in the GA letter.

B2.2.6 Any product, or part of a product, installed within 250mL draw-off of a drinking
water delivery point shall be classified as ‘end-of-line’ fitting. ‘End-of-line’ fitting
shall comply with the extraction of metals procedure for testing in Appendix I of
AS/NZS 4020.

B2.2.7 Procedures for testing ‘in-line’ fittings shall comply with the stipulations in
Appendix H of AS/NZS 4020.

B2.2.8 The results of heavy metal concentrations from tests for ‘in-line’ fittings shall be
multiplied by appropriate Scaling Factors.

B2.2.9 Scaling Factor is not applicable for ‘end-of-line’ fittings.

B2.2.10 Scaling Factors for ‘in-line’ fittings are tabulated in Table B2.2.10.1:-

Table B2.2.10.1 Scaling Factors for various plumbing products

In-line Metallic Plumbing Product Scaling Factor
Pipes 1 (Nil)
Pipe fittings 0.05
Gate valves, globe valves and ball 0.01
Butterfly valves 0.05
Non-return/check valves and pressure 0.01 for DN≥100mm
reducing valves 0.05 for DN<100mm
Strainer 0.10
Expansion/settlement/flexible joint 0.01

B2.2.11 For test reports issued by laboratories under the MRA with HOKLAS, adjustment
on the final metal concentration by using the Scaling Factors above may be
necessary before acceptance of the products by the WSD.

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B3. Review of Standards and Requirements

B3.1 The WA regularly reviews the standards and requirements stipulated for water
pipes, fittings and components to allow for innovation and changes in technology
and to ensure relevance.

B3.2 If standards for a plumbing material component are not stipulated in this TR, WA
shall be approached to confirm the necessary standards and requirements for

B4. General Conditions for All Pipes, Fittings and Components for Use in Inside Service
B4.1 All pipes, fittings and components installed as Inside Service and/or Fire Service
shall comply with the conditions in this TR where applicable.

B4.2 The details below shall be clearly shown in all pipes, fittings and components
where applicable:-
(a) Body marking showing manufacturer's logo and/or brand name on product
(b) Marking showing the Industrial Standard(s), e.g. BS EN 1057 for copper pipes;
(c) Marking showing nominal size and direction of flow.

B4.3 All non-metallic materials and products, that, when used, may come into contact
with water intended for human consumption must comply with all relevant
requirements in BS 6920-1:2014, BS 6920-2.1:2014, BS 6920-
2.2.1:2000+A3:2014, BS 6920-2.2.2:2000+A1:2014, BS 6920-
2.2.3:2000+A2:2014, BS 6920-2.3:2000+A1:2014, BS 6920-2.4:2000+A1:2014,
BS 6920-2.5:2000+A2:2014, BS 6920-2.6:2000+A2:2014 and BS 6920-3:2000.

B4.4 Non-metallic materials, intended for use in cold water supply systems, shall be
suitable for use up to the maximum water temperature of 35 oC and tested to this
concerned temperature under the BS 6920 series. For non-metallic materials
intended for use in hot water supply systems, the test temperature for High
Temperature Tests shall conform to stipulations in BS 6920:2014.

B4.5 The non-metallic materials shall only be installed in a potable water supply system
with a water temperature not exceeding the test temperature of the High

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Temperature Tests.

B4.6 All pipes, fittings and components shall comply with all relevant statutory
requirement and the Standards stipulated by the WA.

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B5. Pipes and Pipe Fittings

Category Copper Pipes and Fittings

Type Copper Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1057:2006+A1:2010 Copper and

copper alloys – Seamless, round copper
tubes for water and gas in sanitary and
heating applications

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 7.3)

 Hydrostatic test - (Clause 10.9 and
Annex C2)
 Tensile test - (Clause 10.2)
 Hardness test - (Clause 10.3)
 Bending test - (Clause 10.6)
 Drift expanding test - (Clause 10.7)
 Carbon Content test - (Clause 10.4)
 Carbon film test - (Clause 10.5)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 7.1)

Category Copper Pipes and Fittings

Type Copper Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 12449:2016 Copper and copper

alloys. Seamless, round tubes for general

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 6.3)

 Hydrostatic test - (Clause 8.5)
 Tensile test - (Clause 8.2)
 Hardness test - (Clause 8.3)
 Drift expanding test - (Clause 8.4.1)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 6.1)

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Category Copper Pipes and Fittings

Type Copper Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1254-1:1998 Fittings with ends for

capillary soldering or capillary brazing to
copper tubes

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 4.3)

 Leaktightness under internal hydrostatic
pressure - (Clause 4.6.1)
 Resistance to stress corrosion - (Clause
 Carbon content test - (Clause 4.5.2)
 Carbon film test - (Clause 4.5.2)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.2)

Category Copper Pipes and Fittings

Type Copper Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1254-2:1998 Fittings with

compression ends for uses with copper

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 4.3)

 Leaktightness under internal hydrostatic
pressure - (Clause 4.6.1)
 Resistance to stress corrosion - (Clause
 Resistance to pull-out - (Clause 4.6.2)
 Leaktightness under internal hydrostatic
pressure whilst subjected to bending -
(Clause 4.6.3)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.2)

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Category Copper Pipes and Fittings

Type Copper Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1254-5:1998 Fittings with short ends

for capillary brazing to copper tubes

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 4.3)

 Leaktightness under internal hydrostatic
pressure - (Clause 4.6.1)
 Resistance to stress corrosion - (Clause
 Carbon content test - (Clause 4.5.2)
 Carbon film test - (Clause 4.5.2)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.2)

Category Copper Pipes and Fittings

Type Copper Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1254-6:2012 Copper and copper

alloys. Plumbing fittings. Fittings with
push-fit ends

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 4.3)

 Leaktightness under internal hydrostatic
pressure - (Clause 5.1.4)
 Resistance to stress corrosion - (Clause
 Resistance to pull-out - (Clause 5.1.5)
 Leaktightness under internal hydrostatic
pressure whilst subjected to bending -
(Clause 5.1.10)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.2)

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Category Copper Pipes and Fittings

Type Copper Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 8537:2010 Copper and copper alloys

Plumbing fittings - Specification for press
ends of plumbing fittings for use with
metallic tubes

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 6.2)

 Leaktightness under internal hydrostatic
pressure - (Clause 8.4.1)
 Resistance to pull-out - (Clause 8.4.2)
 Resistance of joints with tubes to
pressure cycling - (Clause 8.4.5)
 Resistance of joints and tube to
vibration - (Clause 8.4.7)
 Resistance of joints to static flexural
force - (Clause 8.4.8)
 Resistance to stress corrosion - (Clause
 Chemical composition - (Clause 6.1)

Category Stainless Steel Pipes and Fittings

Type Stainless Steel Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 10312:2002 Welded stainless steel

tubes for the conveyance of water and other
aqueous liquids – Technical delivery

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 8.8)

 Hydrostatic test - (Clause 11.4.3)
 Tensile test - (Clause 11.1)
 Drift expanding test - (Clause 11.2)
 Flattening test - (Clause 11.3)
 Intergranular corrosion test (if
applicable) - (Clause 11.8/ BS EN ISO
 Chemical composition - (Clause 7)

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Category Stainless Steel Pipes and Fittings

Type Stainless Steel Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 10217-7:2014 Welded steel tubes

for pressure purposes. Technical delivery
conditions Stainless steel tubes

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 8.8)

 Hydrostatic test - (Clause 11.8.1)
 Tensile test - (Clause 11.2.1)
 Drift expanding test - (Clause 11.4.4)
 Flattening test - (Clause 11.4.2)
 Intergranular corrosion test (if
applicable) - (Clause 11.7)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 8.2)

Category Stainless Steel Pipes and Fittings

Type Stainless Steel Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 6362:1990 Specification for stainless

steel tubes suitable for screwing in
accordance with BS21 “Pipe threads for
tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints
are made on the threads”

Test item(s)  Dimension-Including Straightness &

Preparation end - (Clause 7)
 Leak tightness - (Clause 9.4)
 Tensile test - (Clause 9.3)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 5)

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Category Stainless Steel Pipes and Fittings

Type Stainless Steel Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR AS 3688:2016 Water supply and gas

systems - Metallic fittings and end

Concerned Sections
Stainless Steel Compression Fittings
(AS 3688:2016 - Section 6)
Test item(s)  Dimensions (Manufacture requirement)
- (Clause 3)
 Leaktightness under internal pressure
test - (Clause 4.2 and Appendix D)
 Strength of joint assembly (pressure
cycling test) - (Clause 4.4 and Appendix
 Resistance to pull-out of assembled
joints - (Clause 4.5 and Appendix G)
 Chemical composition - (BS EN 10088-
 Intergranular corrosion test (if
applicable) - (BS EN ISO 3651-2:1998)

Stainless Steel Roll-Grooved Jointing End Connectors And Coupling Body

(AS 3688:2006 - Section 9)
Test item(s)  Dimensions (Manufacture requirement)
- (Clause 3)
 Leaktightness under internal pressure
test - (Clause 4.2 and Appendix D)
 Strength of joint assembly (pressure
cycling test) - (Clause 4.4 and Appendix
 Resistance to pull-out of assembled
joints - (Clause 4.5 and Appendix G)
 Leaktightness under internal hydrostatic
pressure whilst subjected to bending -
(Clause 4.7 and Appendix I)
 Roll-grooved assembly (Joint pressure
resistance) - (Clause 4.9 and Appendix
 Chemical composition - (BS EN 10088-
 Intergranular corrosion test (if
applicable) - (BS EN ISO 3651-2:1998)

Stainless Steel Mechanical Jointing Press - Fit End Connectors

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October 2019 version

Category Stainless Steel Pipes and Fittings

Type Stainless Steel Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR AS 3688:2016 Water supply and gas

systems - Metallic fittings and end

(AS 3688: 2016 - Section 10)

Test item(s)  Dimensions (Manufacture requirement)
- (Clause 3)
 Leaktightness under internal pressure
test - (Clause 4.2 and Appendix D)
 Strength of joint assembly (pressure
cycling test) - (Clause 4.4 and Appendix
 Resistance to pull-out of assembled
joints - (Clause 4.5 and Appendix G)
 Leaktightness under internal hydrostatic
pressure whilst subjected to bending -
(Clause 4.7 and Appendix I)
 Compatibility of water fittings with pipe
- (Clause 4.8 and Appendix J)
 Resistance of press fitting joints and
tubes to vibration - (Clause 4.13 and
Appendix P)
 Chemical composition - (BS EN 10088-
 Intergranular corrosion test (if
applicable) - (BS EN ISO 3651-2:1998)

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October 2019 version

Category Ductile Iron Pipes and Fittings

Type Ductile Iron Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 545:2010 Ductile iron pipes, fittings,

accessories and their joints for water
pipelines. Requirements and test methods

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.3)

 Straightness of pipe - (Clause 4.3.4)
 Leak tightness test - (Clause 6.5)
 Tensile test - (Clause 6.3)
 Brinell harness - (Clause 6.4)
 Coating thickness - (Clause 4.5)

Category Ductile Iron Pipes and Fittings

Type Ductile Iron Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 545:2010 Ductile iron pipes, fittings,

accessories and their joints for water
pipelines. Requirements and test methods

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.3)

 Leak tightness test - (Clause 6.5)
 Tensile test - (Clause 6.3)
 Coating thickness - (Clause 4.6)

Category Galvanised Steel Pipes and Fittings

Type Galvanised Steel Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 10255:2004+A1:2007 Non-alloy

steel tubes suitable for welding and
threading. Technical delivery conditions

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 8.4)

 Tensile test - (Clause 9.3)
 Bend test - (Clause 9.4)
 Flattening test - (Clause 9.5)
 Leak tightness test - (Clause 9.6)
 Chemical composition test - (Clause
 Coating thickness test (BS EN
10240:1998/ BS EN ISO 1461)

- 85 -
October 2019 version

Category Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-U)

Pipes and Fittings
Type PVC-U Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN ISO 1452-2:2009 Plastics piping

systems for water supply and for buried and
above-ground drainage and sewerage under
pressure. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
(PVC-U) – Pipe

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 6)

 Impact resistance - (Clause 8.1)
 Resistance to internal pressure - (Clause

Category Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-U)

Pipes and Fittings
Type PVC-U Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN ISO 1452-3:2010 Plastics piping

systems for water supply and for buried and
above-ground drainage and sewerage under
pressure. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
(PVC-U) - Fittings

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 6)

 Resistance to internal pressure of fittings
or parts of fittings - (Clause 8.2)

Category Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-U)

Pipes and Fittings
Type PVC-U Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 3505:1986 Specification for

unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U)
pressure pipes for cold potable water

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 4)

 Short-term hydrostatic pressure
resistance - (Clause 6.4)
 Impact resistance - (Clause 6.5)

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Category Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-C)

Pipes and Fittings
Type PVC-C Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN ISO 15877-2:2009 +A1:2010

Plastics piping systems for hot and cold
water installations. Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C) – Pipes

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 6)

 Resistance to internal pressure - (Clause

Category Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-C)

Pipes and Fittings
Type PVC-C Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN ISO 15877-3:2009 +A1:2010

Plastics piping systems for hot and cold
water installations. Chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C) – Fittings

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 6)

 Resistance to internal pressure - (Clause

Category Polybutylene (PB) Pipes and Fittings

Type PB Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 7291-2:2010 Thermoplastic pipes and

associated fittings for hot and cold water for
domestic purposes and heating installations
in buildings - Specification for polybutylene
(PB) pipes and associated fittings

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1)

 Short-term hydrostatic pressure
resistance - (Clause 4.2.2)

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Category Polybutylene (PB) Pipes and Fittings

Type PB Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 7291-2:2010 Thermoplastic pipes and

associated fittings for hot and cold water for
domestic purposes and heating installations
in buildings - Specification for polybutylene
(PB) pipes and associated fittings

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1)

 Short-term hydrostatic pressure
resistance - (Clause 5.4.2)

Category Crosslinked Polyethylene (PE-X) Pipes and

Type PE-X Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 7291-3:2010 Thermoplastics pipe and

fitting systems for hot and cold water for
domestic purposes and heating installations
in buildings. Specification for crosslinked
polyethylene (PE-X) pipes and associated

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1)

 Short-term hydrostatic pressure
resistance - (Clause 4.2.2)

Category Crosslinked Polyethylene (PE-X) Pipes and

Type PE-X Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 7291-3:2010 Thermoplastics pipe and

fitting systems for hot and cold water for
domestic purposes and heating installations
in buildings. Specification for crosslinked
polyethylene (PE-X) pipes and associated

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1)

 Short-term hydrostatic pressure
resistance - (Clause 5.4.2)

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October 2019 version

Category Polyethylene (PE) Pipes and Fittings

Type PE Pipes

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 12201-2:2011 + A1:2013 Plastics

piping systems for water supply, and for
drainage and sewerage under pressure.
Polyethylene (PE). Pipes

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 6)

 Hydrostatic strength - (Clause 7.2)

Category Polyethylene (PE) Pipes and Fittings

Type PE Fittings

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 12201-3:2011 + A1:2013 Plastics

piping systems for water supply, and for
drainage and sewerage under pressure.
Polyethylene (PE). Fittings

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 6)

 Hydrostatic strength - (Clause 7.3)

1) For non-metallic material in contact with fresh water intended for human consumption,
the materials shall comply with the relevant requirements in BS 6920:2014.

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B6. Valves

Category Valve
Type Flushing Valve

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 997:2012+A1:2015 WC pans and

WC suites with integral trap

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Based on Manufacturer

 Flush volume - (Clause 6.5)
 Flush rate - (Clause 6.6)
 Physical endurance and leakage of
flushing device - (Clause 6.7)

Category Valve
Type Gate Valve (Copper Alloy Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 12288:2010 Industrial valves.

Copper alloy gate valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.2.4)

 Pressure test - (Clause 5.1)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.2.2)
(for components: body, bonnet, seat,
stem where applicable)

Category Valve
Type Gate Valve (Cast Iron Body/Ductile Iron

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1171:2015 Industrial valves. Cast

iron gate valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1.3)

 Pressure test - (Clause 5.1)
 Strength torque - (Clause 4.3)
 Coating thickness - (WIS 4-52 -01
Appendix B)
 Tensile test - (BS EN 1563:2011 for
Spheroidal graphite cast irons / BS EN
1561:2011 for Grey cast irons)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.1.1)
(for components: stem, stem nut, seat,
seat ring where applicable)

- 90 -
October 2019 version

Category Valve
Type Gate Valve (Cast Iron Body/Ductile Iron

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1074-1:2000 Valves for water

supply. Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests. General
requirements; and

BS EN 1074-2:2000 Valves for water

supply. Fitness for purpose requirements
and appropriate verification tests. Isolating

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.6 of BS EN

1074-1:2000 & Clause 4.2 of BS 5163-
 Leak-tightness to internal pressure -
 Seat tightness at high differential
pressure - (Clause
 Resistance of valves to operating loads
(MST) - (Clause 5.1.4)
 Coating thickness - (WIS 4-52 -01
Appendix B)
 Tensile test - (BS EN 1563:2011 for
Spheroidal graphite cast irons / BS EN
1561:2011 for Grey cast irons)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.1.1)
(for components: stem, stem nut, seat,
seat ring where applicable)

Category Valve
Type Gate Valve (Steel Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1984:2010 Industrial valves. Steel

gate valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1.3)

 Pressure test - (Clause 5.1)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.1.1)
(for components: body, bonnet, stem,
stem nut, seat, seat ring where

- 91 -
October 2019 version

Category Valve
Type Check Valve (Copper Alloy Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 5154:1991 Specification for copper

alloy globe, globe stop and check, check
and gate valves (Specification for gate
valves replaced by BS EN 12288)

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 8)

 Pressure test requirement - (Clause 11)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 10) (for
components: body, bonnet, seat where

Category Valve
Type Check Valve (Cast Iron/Ductile Iron/
Steel Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 16767:2016 Industrial valves. Steel

and cast iron check valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.2.3)

 Pressure test - (Clause 5.1)
 Coating thickness - (WIS 4-52 -01
Appendix B)
 Tensile test - (BS EN 1563:2011 for
Spheroidal graphite cast irons / BS EN
1561:2011 for Grey cast irons)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.2.1)
(for components: disc, seat ring, stem
where applicable)

- 92 -
October 2019 version

Category Valve
Type Check Valve (Cast Iron/Ductile Iron Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 12334:2001 Industrial valves. Cast

iron check valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1.3)

 Pressure test - (Clause 5.1)
 Coating thickness - (WIS 4-52 -01
Appendix B)
 Tensile test - (BS EN 1563:2011 for
Spheroidal graphite cast irons / BS EN
1561:2011 for Grey cast irons)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.1.1)
(for components: disc, seat ring, stem
where applicable)

Category Valve
Type Ball Valve (Copper Alloy Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 13547:2013 Industrial valves.

Copper alloy ball valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.2.4)

 Production pressure testing & seat
leakage rate - (Clause 5.1 & 5.2)
 Chemical composition - (Annex A) (for
components: body, ball where

- 93 -
October 2019 version

Category Valve
Type Ball Valve (Copper Alloy Body/Stainless
Steel Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 13828:2003 Building valves.

Manually operated copper alloy and
stainless steel ball valves for potable water
supply in buildings. Tests and requirements

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 5.2)

 Hydraulic strength - (Clause 7.4.1 &
 Chemical composition - (Clause 5.1)
(for components: body, ball where

Category Valve
Type Globe Valve (Copper Alloy Body)/
Check Valve (Copper Alloy Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 5154:1991 Specification for copper

alloy globe, globe stop and check, check
and gate valves (Specification for gate
valves replaced by BS EN 12288)

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 8)

 Pressure test requirement - (Clause 11)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 10) (for
components: body, bonnet, stem, seat
where applicable)

Category Valve
Type Globe Valve (Steel Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 13709:2010 Industrial valves. Steel

globe and globe stop and check valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1.3)

 Pressure test - (Clause 5.1)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.1.1)
(for components: body, bonnet, stem,
seat where applicable)

- 94 -
October 2019 version

Category Valve
Type Globe Valve
(Cast Iron Body/Ductile Iron Body)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 13789:2010 Industrial valves. Cast

iron globe valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1.3)

 Pressure test - (Clause 5.1)
 Coating thickness - (WIS 4-52 -01
Appendix B)
 Tensile test - (BS EN 1563:2011 for
Spheroidal graphite cast irons / BS EN
1561:2011 for Grey cast irons)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.1.1)
(for components: seat, seat ring, stem
where applicable)

Category Valve
Type Butterfly Valve

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 593:2009+A1:2011 Industrial

valves. Metallic butterfly valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4.1.4)

 Leak tightness - (Clause 4.2.4)
 Coating thickness - (WIS 4-52 -01
Appendix B)
 Tensile test - (BS EN 1563:2011 for
Spheroidal graphite cast irons / BS EN
1561:2011 for Grey cast irons)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 4.1.2)
(for components: body, stem, seat where

- 95 -
October 2019 version

Category Valve
Type Ball Float Valve

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 1212-1:1990 Specification for piston

type float operated valves (copper alloy
body) (excluding floats)

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Section 3)

 Hydraulic pressure test - (Clause 24)
 Shut-off test - (Clause 24)
 Chemical composition - (for
components: body, piston, lever where

Category Valve
Type Ball Float Valve

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 1212-2:1990 Float operated valves.

Specification for diaphragm type float
operated valves (copper alloy body)
(excluding floats)

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Section 3)

 Hydraulic pressure test - (Clause 26)
 Shut-off test - (Clause 26)
 Chemical composition - (for
components: body, piston, lever where

Category Valve
Type Ball Float Valve

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 1212-3:1990 Specification for

diaphragm type float operated valves
(plastics bodied) for cold water services
only (excluding floats)

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Section 3)

 Hydraulic pressure test - (Clause 14.1)
 Shut-off test - (Clause 14.2)
 Backflow prevention test - (Clause 15)
 Endurance test - (Clause 17)

- 96 -
October 2019 version

Category Valve
Type Ball Float Valve

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 1212-4:2016 Specification for compact

type float operated valves for WC flushing
cisterns (including floats)

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 5.1)

 Static pressure test - (Clause 6.1.1)
 Shut-off pressure test - (Clause 6.1.2)
 Backflow prevention test - (Clause 6.2)
 Endurance test - (Clause 6.4)

Category Valve
Type Pressure Reducing Valve

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1567:1999 Building valves. Water

pressure reducing valves and combination
water reducing valves. Requirements and

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 4)

 Pressure strength and tightness of the
body - (Clause 8.2.2)
 Flow rate and outlet pressure - (Clause
 Coating thickness - (WIS 4-52 -01
Appendix B)
 Tensile test - (BS EN 1563:2011 for
Spheroidal graphite cast irons / BS EN
1561:2011 for Grey cast irons)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 6) (for
components: body, seat where

- 97 -
October 2019 version

Category Valve
Type Hydrant Valve (Fire Hydrant Systems)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 5041-1:1987 Specification for landing

valves for wet risers

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 9 Figure 5a of BS

 Hydraulic pressure test - (Clause 19)
 Water flow rate and outlet pressure -
(Clause 22)
 Chemical composition - (Clause 8) (for
components: body, bonnet, disc where

Category Valve
Type Valves (PVC-U)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN ISO 1452-4:2009 Plastics piping

systems for water supply and for buried and
above-ground drainage and sewerage under
pressure. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
(PVC-U). Valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 6)

 Mechanical characteristics - (Clause 8.1)

- 98 -
October 2019 version

Category Valve
Type Valves (PE)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 12201-4:2012 Plastics piping

systems for water supply, and for drainage
and sewerage under pressure. Polyethylene
(PE). Valves

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 6)

 Mechanical characteristics - (Clause 7)

1) For chemical composition test, the grade of material shall comply with BS EN
1982:2008, BS EN 12420:2014, BS EN 12163:2016, BS EN 12164:2016, BS EN
12165:2016, BS EN 12167:2016, BS EN 10088-1:2014, BS EN 10088-2:2014, BS EN
10088-3: 2014, BS EN 10283:2010 except those material grades specified by the
prescribed specification in WWR.

2) For non-metallic material in contact with fresh water intended for human consumption,
the materials shall comply with the relevant requirements in BS 6920:2014.

3) Apart from the prescribed components in the summary above, chemical composition
test shall be applied to metallic material in contact with water for a particular product
where applicable.

- 99 -
October 2019 version

B7. Taps and Mixers

Category Mixer
Type Basin Mixing Valve/
Sink Mixing Valve/
Shower Mixing Valve/
Bath Mixing Valve/
Single Draw-off Tap/
Combination Draw-off Tap

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 200:2008 Sanitary tapware. Single

taps and combination taps for water supply
systems of type 1 and type 2. General
technical specification

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 6)

 Leaktightness characteristics - (Clause
8.3 & 8.4)
 Pressure resistance characteristics -
(Clause 9.4 & 9.5)
 Determination of flow Rate - (Clause
 Chemical composition (for components:
body, spout where applicable)
 Extraction of Metals from the Valve
Cartridge (Non-metallic)
 Visual Inspection of Electroplating

- 100 -
October 2019 version

Category Mixer
Type Basin Mixing Valve/
Sink Mixing Valve/
Shower Mixing Valve/
Bath Mixing Valve/
Combination Draw-off Tap

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1286:1999 Sanitary tapware. Low

pressure mechanical mixing valves. General
technical specifications

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 8)

 Leaktightness of the mixing valve -
(Clause 9.3, 9.4 & 9.5)
 Determination of flow rate - (Clause
 Chemical composition (for components:
body, spout where applicable)
 Extraction of Metals from the Valve
Cartridge (Non-metallic)
 Visual Inspection of Electroplating

- 101 -
October 2019 version

Category Mixer
Type Shower Mixing Valve/
Bath Mixing Valve/
Combination Draw-off Tap

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 1287:1999 Sanitary tapware. Low

pressure thermostatic mixing valves.
General technical specifications

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 8)

 Leaktightness of the mixing valve -
(Clause 9.3, 9.4 & 9.5)
 Determination of flow rate - (Clause
 Sensitivity – (Clause 10.6)
 Safety with cold water failure - (Clause
 Temperature stability with changing
inlet pressure - (Clause 10.8)
 Temperature stability with changing
inlet temperature - (Clause 10.9)
 Mechanical performance of the
thermostatic mixing valve upstream of
the obturator - Obturator in the closed
position - (Clause 11.3)
 Chemical composition (for components:
body, spout where applicable)
 Extraction of Metals from the Valve
Cartridge (Non-metallic)
 Visual Inspection of Electroplating

- 102 -
October 2019 version

Category Mixer
Type Sensor Mixing Valve/
Sensor Draw-off Tap/
Sensor Flushing Valve

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 15091:2013 Sanitary tapware.

Electronic opening and closing sanitary

Test item(s)  Dimension - (Clause 5.2 / 6.5 / 7.4)

 Leaktightness of the mixing valve -
(Clause 4.6.4 & 4.6.5)
 Pressure resistance characteristics -
(Clause 4.7)
 Hydraulic characteristics - (Clause 5.3 /
6.6 / 7.5)
 Endurance test - (Clause 5.5 / 6.8 / 7.7)
 Chemical composition (for components:
body, spout where applicable)
 Extraction of Metals from the Valve
Cartridge (Non-metallic)
 Visual Inspection of Electroplating

- 103 -
October 2019 version

Category Tap
Type Self-Closing Draw-off Tap

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 816:1997 Sanitary tapware.

Automatic shut-off valves PN 10

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Clause 8)

 Leaktightness of the mixing valve -
(Clause 9.2.2 & 9.2.3)
 Flow rate (Clause 11.4.1)
 Hydraulic characteristics - (Clause
11.4.1, 11.4.2 & 11.4.3)
 Pressure resistance characteristics -
(Clause 10.2.2 & 10.2.3)
 Mechanical endurance or wear
resistance characteristics - (Clause 13)
 Chemical composition (for components:
body, spout where applicable)
 Extraction of Metals from the Valve
Cartridge (Non-metallic)
 Visual Inspection of Electroplating

1) For chemical composition test, the grade of material shall comply with BS EN
1982:2008, BS EN 12420:2014, BS EN 12163:2016, BS EN 12164:2016, BS EN
12165:2016, BS EN 12167:2016, BS EN 10088-1:2014, BS EN 10088-2:2014, BS EN
10088-3: 2014, BS EN 10283:2010 except those material grades specified by the
prescribed specification in WWR.

2) For non-metallic material in contact with fresh water intended for human consumption,
the materials shall comply with the relevant requirements in BS 6920:2014.

3) Apart from the prescribed components in the summary above, chemical composition
test shall be applied to metallic material in contact with water for a particular product
where applicable.

4) The minimum flow rate requirements specified in the relevant prescribed specification
for the draw-off taps, single and combination taps in table above are waived.

- 104 -
October 2019 version

B8. Products covered by Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS)

B8.1 Showers for Bathing

Applicable Standard(s) Test(s)
The latest version of the Scheme Document  Full compliance, in particular:-
‘The Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling - Annex 1
Scheme on Showers for Bathing’, published
by WSD

AS/NZS 3662  Full compliance

(Performance of showers for bathing)

Remarks: Products shall comply with Waterworks Ordinance (Chapter 102), Waterworks
Regulations (Chapter 102A) and this Technical Requirements, including but not limited to
relevant clauses of the General Conditions stated in Part B of this Technical Requirements.

B8.2 Water Taps

Applicable Standard(s) Test(s)
The latest version of the Scheme Document  Full compliance, in particular:-
‘The Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling - Annex 1
Scheme on Water Taps’, published by WSD

AS/NZS 3718  Full compliance

(Water Supply – Tap Ware)

Remarks: Products shall comply with Waterworks Ordinance (Chapter 102), Waterworks
Regulations (Chapter 102A) and this Technical Requirements, including but not limited to
relevant clauses of the General Conditions stated in Part B of this Technical Requirements.

B8.3 Washing Machines

Applicable Standard(s) Test(s)
The latest version of the Scheme Document  Full compliance
‘The Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling
Scheme on Washing Machines’, published
by WSD
Remarks: Products shall comply with this Technical Requirements, including but not
limited to relevant clauses of the General Conditions stated in Part B of this Technical

B8.4 Urinal Equipment

Applicable Standard(s) Test(s)
The latest version of the Scheme Document  Full compliance, in particular:-

- 105 -
October 2019 version

B8.3 Washing Machines

Applicable Standard(s) Test(s)
‘The Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling - Annex 1
Scheme on Urinal Equipment’, published by

ASME A112.19.2  Full compliance

(Ceramic plumbing fixtures)
AS/NZS 3982  Appendix D
Testing requirements in conformity with  Full compliance
Waterworks Ordinance and Waterworks
(Urinal Flushing Valves)
Remarks: Products shall comply with Waterworks Ordinance (Chapter 102), Waterworks
Regulations (Chapter 102A) and this Technical Requirements, including but not limited to
relevant clauses of the General Conditions stated in Part B of this Technical Requirements.

B8.5 Flow Controllers

Applicable Standard(s) Test(s)
The latest version of the Scheme Document  Full compliance, in particular:-
‘The Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling - Annex 1
Scheme on Flow Controllers’, published by
AS 5200.037.2  Full compliance
(Flow controllers for use with heated or cold
water systems)
Remarks: Products shall comply with this Technical Requirements, including but not
limited to relevant clauses of the General Conditions stated in Part B of this Technical

- 106 -
October 2019 version

B9. Other Materials

Category Others
Type Expansion Joint /
Settlement Joint /
Flexible Joint /
Rubber Joint

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 12266-1:2012 Industrial valves.

Testing of metallic valves Pressure tests,
test procedures and acceptance criteria.
Mandatory requirements

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Based on Manufacturer

 Shell tightness to internal pressure - (BS
EN 12266-1:2012)
 Coating thickness - (WIS 4-52 -01
Appendix B)
 Tensile test - (BS EN 1563:2011 for
Spheroidal graphite cast irons / BS EN
1561:2011 for Grey cast irons)
 Chemical composition - (for
components: body, inner sleeve where

- 107 -
October 2019 version

Category Others
Type Strainer

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN 12266-1:2012 Industrial valves.

Testing of metallic valves Pressure tests,
test procedures and acceptance criteria.
Mandatory requirements

Test item(s)  Dimensions - (Based on Manufacturer

 Shell tightness to internal pressure - (BS
EN 12266-1:2012)
 Coating thickness - (WIS 4-52 -01
Appendix B)
 Tensile test - (BS EN 1563:2011 for
Spheroidal graphite cast irons / BS EN
1561:2011 for Grey cast irons)
 Chemical composition - (for
components: body, inner sleeve where

Category Electric Water Heater

Type Instantaneous electric water heater

Prescribed Specification in WWR Waterworks Regulations (Cap.102A) –

Schedule 2 Part 4 2(a)

Test item(s)  it has been tested satisfactorily at factory

to a pressure at least 1.5 times the
maximum static working pressure of the
water heater

Category Gas Water Heater

Type Instantaneous gas water heater

Prescribed Specification in WWR Waterworks Regulations (Cap.102A) –

Schedule 2 Part 4 2(a)

Test item(s)  it has been tested satisfactorily at factory

to a pressure at least 1.5 times the
maximum static working pressure of the
water heater

- 108 -
October 2019 version

Category Non-metallic material

Type Non-metallic material (e.g. GRP panel, resin
coating, epoxy coating)

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS 6920:2014 Suitability of non-metallic

products for use in contact with water
intended for human consumption with regard
to their effect on the quality of the water

Test item(s)  Odour and flavour of water -

(BS 6920:Section 2.2:2014)
 Appearance of water -
(BS 6920:Section 2.3:2014)
 Growth of aquatic microorganisms -
(BS 6920:Section 2.4:2014)
 The extraction of substances that may be
of concern to public health -
(BS 6920:Section 2.5:2014)
 The extraction of metals -
(BS 6920:Section 2.6:2014)
 High Temperature Test -
(BS 6920:Part 3:2000)

Category Soldering material

Type Brazing

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN ISO 17672:2010 Brazing. Filler


Test item(s)  Chemical composition

Category Soldering material

Type Soft solder alloy

Prescribed Specification in WWR BS EN ISO 9453:2014 Soft solder alloys –

Chemical compositions and forms

Test item(s)  Chemical composition

1) For chemical composition test, the grade of material shall comply with BS EN
1982:2008, BS EN 12420:2014, BS EN 12163:2016, BS EN 12164:2016, BS EN
12165:2016, BS EN 12167:2016, BS EN 10088-1:2014, BS EN 10088-2:2014, BS EN
10088-3: 2014, BS EN 10283:2010 except those material grades specified by the
prescribed specification in WWR.

- 109 -
October 2019 version

2) For non-metallic material in contact with fresh water intended for human consumption,
the materials shall comply with the relevant requirements in BS 6920:2014.

3) Apart from the prescribed components in the summary above, chemical composition
test shall be applied to metallic material in contact with water for a particular product
where applicable.

- 110 -

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