External Notes!!!
External Notes!!!
External Notes!!!
One of the major groups into which all organisms are classified.
The animal Kingdom:
- Their cells have a nucleus but no cell walls or chloroplasts.
- They feed on organic substances (substances whose molecules contain
carbon) made by other living organisms.
The plant kingdom:
- Their cells have a nucleus and cell walls made of cellulose (a carbohydrate
that forms long fibres) and they often contain chloroplasts (Common green
- They feed by photosynthesis.
- May have roots, stems, and leaves.
The fungus kingdom:
- Usually, unicellular.
- No nucleus.
- They have cell walls, not made of cellulose.
- No mitochondria.
- They have a circular loop of DNA, free in the cytoplasm.
- Often have plasmids.
Viruses are not considered to be living organisms because they cannot do
anything other than just exist until they get inside a living cell. They then take
over the cell’s machinery to make multiple copies of themselves. New viruses
burst out of the cell and invade others, where the process is repeated, and the
host cell is usually killed in this process.
On their own, viruses cannot move, feed, excrete, show sensitivity, grow, or
Chapter 2 – cells:
Cells: the smallest unit from which all organisms are made of.
Cell membrane: A thin layer of protein and fat and is partially permeable. It
controls what enters and leaves the cell.
Cell wall: a tough layer outside the cell membrane made mainly of Cellulose. It is
found in the cells of plants, bacteria, and fungi. Cellulose belongs to a group of
substances called polysaccharides. Cellulose forms fibres which criss-cross over
one another to form a very strong covering to the cell. If the cell absorbs a lot of
water and swells, the cell wall stops it bursting. It is fully permeable.
Cytoplasm: Clear jelly, nearly all water. Contains dissolved substances and is the
site for metabolic reactions.
Vacuole: Plants have very large, permanent vacuoles, which contain a solution of
sugars and other substances called cell sap. When the vacuole is full, it presses
outwards on the rest of the cell, and helps it keep its shape. Plants have much
smaller vacuoles called vesicles.
Nucleus: Controls cell activity and contains genetic material.
Chloroplasts: They contain the green colouring or pigment called chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight. Chloroplasts often contain starch
grains made by photosynthesis.
Mitochondria: Can only be seen using an electron microscope. Where aerobic
respiration takes place to produce energy for the cell.
Ribosomes: Can only be seen using an electron microscope. Where the cell
makes protein.
Bacterial cells:
- Unicellular organisms.
- Have call wall (not made of cellulose), cell membrane, cytoplasm, and
- Do not have mitochondria or chloroplasts.
- Known as prokaryotic cells, due to appearing on earth before nucleic cells
- Instead of chromosomes, they have a circle of DNA. They often also have
one or more smaller circles of DNA, called plasmids.
Size of specimen:
Size of image = magnification x size of actual object
- Made of one glycerol and three fatty acids.
- Contain Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Shake the substance with ethanol, to dissolve any fats. Pour the solution into
some water. If an emulsion forms, lipids are present.
- Protein molecules contain four elements – carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and
nitrogen. Some contain a small amount of sulphur.
- Made of a long chain of acids.
- Examples: Enzymes, antibodies, haemoglobin, and keratin.
Biuret reagent ---- blue to purple.
Chapter 5 – Enzymes:
Alimentary canal: the part of the digestive system through which food passes as
it moved from the mouth to the anus.
Types of enzymes:
Amylase = starch to maltose.
Protease = Protein to amino acids.
Catalase = hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.
Carbohydrase = breaks down carbohydrates.
Lipase = breaks down Lipids.
Maltose = maltose to glucose.
Sucrase = breaks down sucrose.
Structure of a leaf:
- Inside the leaf stalk are collections of parallel tubes called vascular
bundles, which also form the veins in the leaf. Vascular bundles carry
substances to and from the leaf.
- Chlorophyll is spread out on membranes, so that a lot of sunlight can
reach it.
- Most – but not all – leaves have a very large surface area to allow large
amounts of sunlight to fall onto the leaf, and to increase the rate at which
carbon dioxide can diffuse into the leaf from the air.
- Being thin means that sunlight can pass through the leaf, allowing many
cells inside it to photosynthesise, also helping carbon dioxide to reach all
the cells quickly by diffusion.
- Water is brought to the leaf from the soil in xylem vessels, that run in the
vascular bundles.
Tissues in a leaf:
On the top of the leaf is the upper epidermis. Cells are packed tightly together, to
reduce the quantity of water vapour escaping from the leaf. They do not contain
chloroplasts, and secrete a waxy substance which forms a thin, transparent,
waterproof covering called the cuticle.
The next layer is the palisade mesophyll. Made up of tall, narrow cells, containing
large numbers of chloroplasts. Their main function is photosynthesis. They are
close to the top of the leaf, so they get plenty sunlight. The transparent
epidermis cells above them let light through easily.
Beneath the palisade mesophyll is the spongy mesophyll. The cells in this tissue
also contain chloroplasts, but not as many. There are air spaces between them to
allow carbon dioxide and oxygen to diffuse between the air and the cells in the
leaf. The spaces also allow vapour to move from the surface of the cells to the
outside of the leaf.
The bottom of the leaf is covered by a tissue like the upper epidermis, called the
lower epidermis, called the lower epidermis. On some leaves, this tissue makes a
cuticle, but usually it does not. This is because the underside of the leaf does not
often have sunlight falling onto it, so it does not get as hot and therefore does
not as much water vapour. Openings in the lower epidermis called stomata. Each
stoma is surrounded by a pair of guard cells. The guard cells contain chloroplasts
and can change their shape to open and close the stoma, allowing diffusion.
Organic substances needed in small amounts:
C – needed to make the stretchy protein collagen – deficiency causes scurvy.
D – helps calcium get absorbed – deficiency causes rickets.
Blood capillaries from villi link up to join the hepatic portal vein, leading to the
Loss of water vapour from plant leaves by evaporation of water at the surfaces of
the mesophyll cells followed by diffusion of water vapour through the stomata.
Movement in xylem only takes place in one direction – from roots to leaves –
unlike phloem where movement takes place in different directions.
Functions of transpiration:
1 – transporting mineral ions.
2 – Providing water to keep the cells turgid, for photosynthesis, and to keep the
leaves cool.
Transpiration stream:
- Water molecules are attracted to each other by cohesion, creating a
continuous column of water up the plant.
- Water moves through the xylem vessels in a continuous transpiration
stream from roots to leaves via the stem.
- Transpiration produces a tension on the water in the xylem vessels by the
- If the rate of transpiration from the leaves increases, water is pulled up the
xylem vessels faster.
If more water leaves the leaves of a plant, then is available in the soil to move
into the root by osmosis, then wilting will occur. Cells are not full of water, so the
strength of the cell walls cannot support the plant and it collapses.
Phloem tubes are made of living cells, joined end to end and contain holes in the
end cell walls (called sieve plates) to allow easy flow of substances from one cell
to the next.
The transport of sucrose and amino acids in the phloem, from regions of
production to regions of storage or use, is called translocation.
Transport in phloem foes in many different directions, but always from the source
(where it is made) to the sink (where it is stored or used).
During winter, Phloem tubes transport dissolved sucrose and amino acids from
the storage organs to other parts of the plant so respiration can continue.
During growth periods, storage organs would be the source and the growing
areas would be the sinks.
After the plant is grown, the leaves are photosynthesizing and producing large
quantities of sugars, they become the source and the roots become the sink.
Chapter 9 – Transport in animals:
Circulatory systems:
Double: system in which the blood passes through the heart twice on one
complete circuit of the body.
Single: system in which blood passes through the heart once on one complete
circuit of the body.
Double circulatory system has some advantages over the single like low pressure
blood being delivered back to the heart to raise its pressure again before sending
it to the rest of the body.
Pulse rate is the number of times an artery expands and recoils in one minute.
ECG is a graph showing the electrical activity of the heart plotted against time.
1 – Cholera bacteria are ingested and multiply
2 – The bacteria attach to the wall of the alimentary canal.
3 – The bacteria release toxin.
4 – The toxin causes Cl ions to be released.
5 – The release of ions causes water to move into the lumen by osmosis.
6 – There is now a lot of water in the canal. The blood contains too little Cl and
1 – A lymphocyte encounters antigens that fit the shape of the antibodies it can
2 – Lymphocyte divides to form many identical cells.
3 – Lymphocytes secrete antibodies.
4 – Antibodies bind to the antigens.
Memory cells:
Memory cells are cloned lymphocytes that stay in the blood and other parts of
the body for a long time after the disease.
Immune response is the reaction of the body to the presence of an antigen,
involving the production of antibodies.
Chapter 11 – Respiration and gas exchange:
Diaphragm: muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity in
mammals and helps with breathing.
Reflex arc:
If your hand touches a hot plate, a sensory receptor in your finger
detects this. The receptor starts off an electrical impulse, which travels
to the spinal cord along the axon from the receptor cell. This cell is
called a sensory neurone because it is carrying an impulse from a
sensory receptor.
In the spinal cord, the neurone is passed onto relay neurones because
they relay the impulse onto other neurones. The relay neurones pass
the impulse on to the brain. They also pass is on to a motor neurone to
pass to an effector.
The electrical impulse travels to the muscle along the axon of a motor
neurone. The muscle then contracts so that your hand is pulled away.
There is a small gap between each pair of neurones, called the synaptic
The ends of the two neurones on either side of the gap, and the gap are
called the synapse.
Synapses ensure impulses only move in one direction.
When an electrical impulse arrives along the axon of the sensory
neurone, it causes the vesicles to move to the cell membrane of the
sensory neurone. They fuse with the membrane and empty their
connects, the neurotransmitter molecules, into the synaptic gap.
The neurotransmitters quickly diffuse across the tiny gap and attach to
receptor proteins in the cell membrane of the relay neurone. They have
a shape complementary to the molecules.
The binding with the receptors triggers an electrical impulse in the
relay neurone. This impulse sweeps along the relay neurone, until it
reaches the next synapse. Here, a similar process occurs to transmit
the impulse to the motor neurone.
Sense organs:
Sense organs contain groups of receptors that respond to specific
stimuli. Receptors are a group of specialised cells that detect a change
in the environment and stimulate electrical impulses in response.
The eye:
The eye is a sense organ containing receptor cells that are sensitive to
light (rod cells) and colour (cone cells).
The cornea is a transparent lens that refracts (bends) light as it enters
the eye.
The iris controls how much light enters the pupil.
The lend is a transparent disc that can change shape to focus light onto
the retina.
The retina contains light receptor cells – Rods (detect light intensity)
and cones (detect colour)
The optic nerve is a sensory neurone that carries impulses between the
eye and the brain.
The pupil is the hole that allows light to enter the eye.
Blind spot:
The point where the optic nerve joins the retina, there are no rod or
cone cells on that part of the retina.
The brain fills in from surrounding light, so we don’t see a black hole
where no light has fallen.
The function of the eye in focusing on near and distant objects.
When an object is close:
1 – Ciliary muscles contract
2 – Suspensory ligaments slacken
3 – Lens becomes fatter
4 – Light refracts more
Nervous Endocrine
Made up of Made up of
nerves, brain, glands.
and spinal cord.
Sends electrical Sends chemical
impulses hormones
Very fast Slower
Short – Until Longer – until
nerve impulses hormones are
stop broken down
- Increasing blood glucose concentration for increased respiration
in muscle cells.
- Increasing pulse and breathing rate so glucose and Oxygen can be
delivered to muscle cells, and carbon dioxide taken away faster.
- Diverting blood flow towards muscles and away from non-
essential parts of the body.
- Dilating pupils so more information can be sent to the brain.
Chapter 13 – Reproduction:
Asexual reproduction:
Does not involve sex cells or fertilisation.
The process resulting in genetically identical offspring from one parent.
Sexual reproduction:
Involving the fusion of the nuclei of two gametes to form a zygote and the
production of genetically variant offspring.
Flowers are the reproductive organs of the plant. They usually contain both male
and female reproductive parts. Plants produce pollen which contains a nucleus
that has the male gamete. Pollen is not able of locomotion, meaning there must
be other ways to move the pollen from the anther to the stigma. Two
mechanisms: Transferred by insects, or wind.
Structure: Description:
Sepal Protects unopened flower
Petals Brightly coloured in insect
pollinated flowers to attract
Anther Produces and releases the male
sex cells
Stigma Top of the female part of the
flower, which collects the pollen
Ovary Produces the female sex cell
Ovule Contains the female sex cell
(found in the ovary)
Features of insect pollinated flowers:
1 – Large and bright coloured petals to attract insects.
2 – Scented and has nectar to entice insects to visit the flower and push past
stamen to get to nectar.
3 – Moderate number of pollen grains, because insect transfer has a high chance
of successful pollination.
4 – Pollen grains are large, sticky and/or spiky to attach to insects.
5 – Anthers are inside the flower, and they are stiff and firmly attached to brush
against insects.
6 – Stigma is inside the flower, and it is sticky, so pollen grains stick to it when an
insect brushes past.
Cross pollination:
When the pollen from one plant is transferred to the stigma of another plant of
the same species. (Relies entirely on pollinators)
The pollen from a flower land on its own stigma or on the stigma of another
flower on the same plant. (Reduces genetic variation)
Pollen grains being transferred from an anther to a stigma.
Pollen nucleus fusing with an ovum nucleus to form a zygote.
The nucleus inside the pollen grain slips down the tube towards the ovary. The
ovary contains one or more ovules, which each contain an ovum with a female
nucleus that fuses with the pollen nucleus. Once the nuclei have joined, the
ovule is fertilised, and a zygote has been formed.
The zygote will start to divide and eventually a seed will form. Different plants
have different numbers of ovules, explaining why different fruit have different
numbers of seeds.
Factors affecting germination of seeds:
1 – Water (activated enzymes)
2 – Oxygen (for energy)
3 – Warmth (improves as temperature rises)
Sexual reproduction in humans:
Structure: Function:
Prostate gland Produces fluid called semen that
proves sperm cells with nutrients
Sperm duct Sperm passes through the sperm duct
to be mixed with fluids produced by
the glands before being passed into
the urethra for ejaculation
Urethra Tube running down the centre of the
penis that can carry out urine or
semen, a rind of muscles in the
urethra prevents the urine and semen
from mixing
Testis Contained in a bag of skin (scrotum)
and produces sperm (male gamete)
and testosterone (hormone)
Scrotum Sac supporting the testes outside the
body to ensure sperm are kept at
temperature slightly lower than body
Penis Passes urine out of the body from the
bladder and allows semen to pass into
the vagina of a women during sexual
Structure: Functions:
Oviduct Connects the ovary to the uterus and
is lined with ciliated cells to push the
released ovum down it. Fertilisation
occurs here.
Ovary Contains ova (female gametes) which
will mature and develop when
hormones are released.
Uterus Muscular bag with a soft lining where
the fertilised egg (zygote) will be
implanted to develop into a foetus.
Cervix Ring of muscle at the lower end of the
uterus to keep the developing foetus
in place during pregnancy.
Vagina Muscular tube that leads to the inside
of the woman’s body, where the
male’s penis will enter during sexual
intercourse and sperm are deposited.
Adaptive features of sperm and egg cells:
Cytoplasm containing a store of energy, to provide energy for the dividing zygote
after fertilisation.
Jelly-like coating that changes after fertilisation, forming an impenetrable barrier
after fertilisation to prevent other sperm nuclei entering the egg cell.
Large, round, and not capable of locomotion.
There are thousands of immature eggs in each ovary but only one is released
each month.
After fertilisation in the oviduct, the zygote travels towards the uterus. This takes
about 3 days, during which time the zygote will divide several times to form a
ball of cells known as an embryo. In the uterus, the embryo embeds itself in the
thick lining (implantation) and continues to grow and develop. The gestation for
humans is 9 months.
Major development of organs takes place withing the first 12 weeks, during
which time the embryo gets nutrients from the mother by diffusion through the
uterus lining.
After this point the organs are all in place, the placenta has formed, and the
embryo is now a fetus.
The foetus’s blood connects to and from the placenta by the umbilical cord. The
mother’s blood also absorbs the waste from the foetus’s blood in the placenta, so
that they do not build up to dangerous levels. Movement of all molecules across
the placenta occurs by diffusion.
The placenta is adapted by having a large surface area and a thin wall for
efficient diffusion. The placenta acts as a barrier to prevent toxins and pathogens
from getting into the foetus’s blood (this usually depends on the size of the
Sexual hormones:
- Breasts develop.
- Body hair grows.
- Menstrual cycle begins.
- Hips get wider.
- Growth of penis and testes, testes start producing sperm.
- Growth of facial and body hair
- Muscles develop.
- Voice breaks.
The menstrual cycle:
Ovulation (release of an egg) occurs halfway through the cycle (day 14), and
travels down the oviduct to the uterus.
Failure to fertilise the egg causes menstruation, caused by the breakdown of the
thickened lining of the uterus. (Lasts around 5-7 days, and signals the beginning
of the next cycle)
After menstruation, the lining of the uterus starts to thicken again.
FSH: Causes an egg to start maturing in the ovary. Stimulated the ovaries to start
releasing oestrogen.
When Oestrogen levels have reached their peak, the pituitary gland is stimulated
to release LH.
LH: causes ovulation to occur and stimulates the ovary to produce progesterone.
The pituitary gland produces FSH which stimulated the development of a follicle
in the ovary. An egg develops inside the follicle and the follicle produces
oestrogen. Oestrogen causes growth and repair of the lining of the uterus wall
and inhibits production of FSH. When oestrogen rises to a high enough level it
stimulates the release of LH from the pituitary gland, which causes ovulation.
The follicle becomes the corpus luteum and starts producing progesterone.
Progesterone maintains the uterus lining.
If the ovum is not fertilised, the corpus luteum breaks down progesterone levels
drop. This causes menstruation, where the uterus lining breaks down and is
removed through the vagina.
If pregnancy does occur, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone,
preventing the uterus lining from breaking down and aborting the pregnancy. It
does this until the placenta has developed, at which point it starts secreting
progesterone and continues to do so throughout the pregnancy.