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Enzyme 111

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Rose ( Hoi Anh)

October 27, 2016

Biology Fall 2016
Mr. Bill Pham
Lab report 2
Honor Code:On my honor, I have neither received nor given my unauthorized aid on this

Effect of temperature in enzyme activity

What are enzymes? According to NCBI Enzymes are what we find inside of cells that give a
little help needed for chemical reactions to occur. Chemical reaction two molecules mix that
together and the enzymes provide the help so that can happen quickly. Cells are chemical
factories and there are thousands of chemical reactions that occur inside the cells all the time
thats the job that they do everything important that happens inside the cells. Every chemical
reaction needs help so we need enzymes that take places in the cells. If we dont have an enzyme
that chemical reaction will happen slowly and it takes long time so we need an enzyme to speed
up the reaction by million times (The Central Role of Enzyme as Biological Catalysts).
According to Nutritious Food and Cosmetics Natural there are two type of enzymes one is
metabolic enzyme is produce in cell. The enzyme helps the body metabolize energy synthesis
and use of energy. Other enzyme is digestive enzyme secreted by the salivary, stomach, pancreas
and small intestine. This type of enzyme help the body digests food (What are Enzymes?).
According to Astonishing Science Spectacular Museum Enzymes play an important role in
everyday life. Many inherited disorder occur because there is totally none of an enzymes.
Enzymes are considered as the proteins that help speech up the chemical reactions in your body,
which purposely help to keep you alive. Some enzymes in the gut help your body to break down
large molecules. Some enzymes make DNA as it uses some small molecules to create complex
molecules. In addition, enzymes allow many cells in your body to communicate with one
another, they them to growth bigger, and control their life whether it is alive or not (Who am I).
Nguyen 1

Quoting to A Level Notes the activity of an enzyme is affected by its environmental conditions.
The transform of the rate of reaction cause by the enzyme. In nature, organism controls the
conditions of their enzymes to produce an Optimum rate of reaction, and they may have enzymes
which are adapted to function well in extreme conditions where they live (Factors affecting
Enzyme Activity). According and Quoting to Biology Discussion there are six factors that
affect the enzyme activity (Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity: 6 factors).
Concentration of enzyme- when the concentration of the enzyme is increase the velocity of the
reaction also increase, in real, enzyme is made use in determining the activities of serum
enzymes for diagnosis of diseases.
Concentration of Substrate- it is an increase in the substrate concentration slowly increase the
velocity of enzyme reaction but in the limited range of substrate levels.
Effect of Temperature- Velocity of an enzyme reaction increases with increase in temperature
up to a maximum and then declines. Most of the enzyme doesnt work at the higher temperature
(above 70C). The enzyme work at an optimum temperature. The rate increases as temperature
increases as the enzyme and substrate molecules increase in kinetic energy so more collision
occur. When the optimum temperature the rate decreases, because the temperature is too high
for the enzymes to work successfully and it cant control the shape of it, so the enzyme cant
work properly.
Effect of Activators- Some of the enzymes require certain inorganic metallic cautions like Mg2+,
Mn2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Na+, K+ etc. for their optimum activity. Rarely, anions are also
needed for enzyme activity e.g. chloride ion (CI) for amylase.
Nguyen 2

Based on this lab experiment, we want to know how temperature affects enzyme activities. As a
result, a rise in temperature will increase the activities of many enzymes. And when the
temperature is low the rate of the reaction will be lower.

Liver pure
Petri dish
Dropper pipette
Hydrogen proxide
25ml graduated cylinder
Five 50ml beakers
Filter-paper dish
Glass-marking pencil
3 thermometer
Warm water bath
Paper towel

Room Temperature
1. Put on the safe goggles, gloves and apron.
2. Place s liver pure in a bowl into the bowl
3. Put a bowl into a room temperature bath and use s thermometer to measure. And
observed a data.
4. Use the paper-filter disk cover a liver to stick enzyme on it.
5. Pour 25ml hydrogen dioxide in another beaker.
6. Use a forcep to place the filter- paper disk at the bottom of the beaker of hydrogen
7. Use a watch to measure the time when the filter-paper began to rise to the surface.
8. Repeat it three times.
Hot Temperature
1. Put on the safe goggles, gloves and apron.
2. Place s liver pure in a bowl into the bowl
3. Put a bowl into a hot temperature bath and use s thermometer to measure. And observed a
4. Use the paper-filter disk cover a liver to stick enzyme on it.
5. Pour 25ml hydrogen dioxide in another beaker.

Nguyen 3

6. Use a forcep to place the filter- paper disk at the bottom of the beaker of hydrogen
7. Use a watch to measure the time when the filter-paper began to rise to the surface.
8. Repeat it three times.
Cold Temperature
1. Put on the safe goggles, gloves and apron.
2. Place s liver pure in a bowl into the bowl.
3. Put a bowl into a room temperature bath and use s thermometer to measure. And
observed a data.
4. Use the paper-filter disk cover a liver to stick enzyme on it.
5. Pour 25ml hydrogen dioxide in another beaker.
6. Use a forcep to place the filter- paper disk at the bottom of the beaker of hydrogen
7. Use a watch to measure the time when the filter-paper began to rise to the surface.
8. Repeat it three times.




RT 1
RT 2
RT 3



Cold 1
Cold 2
Cold 3



Hot 1
Hot 2
Hot 3



Cold (Ave)
RT (Ave)
Hot (Ave)


Nguyen 4

Effect of Temperature on
Enezyme activity

Time (seconds)







Temperature (0C)
After we did 3 experiments with testing different temperatures, we finally came up with the
graph of the temperature and the velocity of the enzyme. As the temperature decrease, the trend
of the enzyme moves slowly, and vice versa, it moves faster with high temperature.
By having the graph, we easily see how the trend is moving with the data collected. However,
there might be some error occur because we could carelessly measure the temperature wrong.
Research questions:
1. According to Quizlet Enzymes fit together like a lock and key. Because enzymes help speed up
the chemical reaction, they are considered as catalyst. When substrates are in the enzyme,
enzyme-substrate complex is being created (Biology 2-4).

2. According to Quizlet A change in PH changes the shape of hexokinase. This slow

down or even cancel the ability of glucose and ATP to wrap enzymes active site
(Biology Chapter 7.1 and Chapter 2).

Nguyen 5

1. After this experiment, I learned that how to analyze different temperature affect the
enzyme. I know how to measure the temperature by using the thermometer, and use the
paper to stick enzyme into it. After putting the paper with enzyme into the beaker, I could
see there is a reaction changing inside the beaker.
2. For this experiment, I dont really like the process of measuring the temperature, because
it takes so long and is difficult to measure. For me, its not really that challenging,
because I all did is just stand there and watch the temperature.
3. Yes, definitely. My group was very organized. We assigned each person a work to do. I
had the responsibility to measure the temperature and took the enzyme for the group.
Other people went to get hydrogen dioxide and look at the reaction of the enzyme
4. Whenever our group members concluded a fact, a member in our team didnt trust it and
so that person always turned around and asked for other group to see whether it was
correct or not. As a team, I suggest that we should cooperate with one another, and trust
our team in order to work effectively.

Nguyen 6

Work Cited
Cooper, Geoffrey M. "The Central Role of Enzymes as Biological Catalysts - The Cell - NCBI
Bookshelf." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine,
01 Jan. 1970. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.
? N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2016.
1553?, By. "Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity." A Level Notes. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2016.
By Taking the Reciprocals of the Equation (1), a Straight Line Graphic Representation Is
Obtained. "Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity: 6 Factors." Biology Discussion. N.p., 16 Oct.
2015. Web. 29 Oct. 2016.
Museum, Science. "Why Are Enzymes Important?" Why Are Enzymes Important? NMSI /
Science Museum, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.
"Introduction to Enzymes." Temperature Effects (). N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.
"Biology 2-4." Flashcards. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.
"Biology Chapter 7.1 and Chapter 2." Flashcards. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.

Nguyen 7

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