ing A (15)
ing A (15)
ing A (15)
Text 1
01) Select the proposition(s) in which both statements are true for each paragraph, according to the text.
01. Paragraph 1
• Christmas is a time when people enjoy being together with their relatives.
• This festival marks the birth of Christ in the Christian religion.
02. Paragraph 2
• The singing of hymns is part of the Christmas celebrations.
• The money collected for charity is used to buy Christmas trees and decorations.
04. Paragraph 3
• Exchanging gifts has become the only important tradition connected with Christmas.
• Parents shouldn’t lie to their children about Santa Claus.
08. Paragraph 4
• Christmas celebrations may last the whole day, with families doing things together.
• In Britain, the day after Christmas is a time to have fun and relax.
02) Select the proposition which contains correct answers for the following questions, according to the text.
03) Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) correct translations for the underlined words.
a) If you try to catch a train (...) you may have difficulty in finding a seat.
... para reservar um horário.
b) Sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity.
... uma vez que eles colecionam dinheiro ...
c) (...) they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with colored lights and
... brilhando com luzes coloridas...
d) Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on
Christmas morning.
... para serem devolvidos para as lojas na manhã de Natal.
e) If they have room for even more food, they may enjoy a piece of Christmas cake.
Se eles tiverem um quarto ...
Children ______ a long sock at the end of their bed on Christmas Eve, December 24th, ______
that Santa Claus will come down the chimney ______ night and bring them small presents,
fruit and nuts. Their expectations are usually not ______!
Text 2
06) Select the correct proposition to complete the following sentence, according to the text.
a) children dressed in frightening costumes visit different houses asking for something good.
b) people make lanterns using different types of paper.
c) nowadays “trick or treat” is discouraged by many parents because they consider it extremely dangerous.
d) a Strawberry Party is annually held on Halloween in the United States and Britain.
e) most children love playing word games during this festival, when they don’t receive any sweets from their
07) Select the proposition in which the statement in ( I ) contradicts the statement in ( II ).
Text 3
In 1620, one of the first British settlements in America was established
in Massachusetts. These settlers, known as Pilgrims, had come to
America to freely practise their religion. They arrived in November,
when it was too late to plant crops. Although many people died, the
Pilgrim settlement survived the winter because of help from Indians
who lived nearby. The Indians taught the Pilgrims about corn and
showed them where to fish. The next November, after the crops were
harvested, the Pilgrims gave thanks to God at a feast to which they
invited the Indians.
Every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Families and friends
get together for a big feast. The meal usually includes roast turkey with
stuffing and gravy, a sweet sauce made from cranberries, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie. What a meal! It’s not
surprising that a recent Thanksgiving tradition is to sit after dinner in front of the TV watching a professional
football game.
01) 01 + 08 = 09
02) 04+ 08 + 16 = 28
03) c
04) b
05) b
06) a
07) c
08) a
09) d
10) 01 + 02 = 03