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Section 1: About AIESEC 4

Contents Page
Section 2:
The AIESEC Brand Overview 10 21
Section 4: AIESEC Portfolio Brands
The AIESEC Portfolio 26
1. Engagement with AIESEC 27
Heading for The Future 28
Section 3: Youth Speak 31
The AIESEC Brand Assets 15
2. Experiential Leadership Development
Global Talent 35
Contents Page Global Teacher 39
Intro Message 2
2 Global Volunteer 43
3 AIESEC Member 47
Section 4: AIESEC Porfolio Brands 25 Section 1: About AIESEC
3. Life Long Connection 50
Our Why 5
Translating the Logo 51
Our Who 6
Our How 7
Our What 8
Our Values 9 Section 5: Branded Campaigns 40
Section 5: Branded Campaigns 52 Branded Campaigns 53
Co-Branding Principles 54
Section 2: The AIESEC Brand Overview
Our Tagline 11
Our Personality 12 Section 6: Brand Governance 44
Our Brand Tone 13 Legal Notes 57
Section 6: Brand Governance 56 Our Audiences 14 Internal Policies Notes 58

Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets Section 7: Brand Resources 47

Our Brand Name 16 The Brand Assets 60
The AIESEC Logo 17 Press & Media Communications 61
Powered by AIESEC Logo 19 The PR Press/Media Kit 62
Section 7: Brand Resources
The AIESEC Human 20
The AIESEC Colours 23
Section 8: Acknowledgements
The AIESEC Typeface 24 64

Section 8: Acknowledgements 63
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Intro Message
AIESEC is a truly global brand
with over 73 years of history.

At the time of this version of the Blue Book being

published, AIESEC is present in 111 countries and

The challenge is to maintain a consistent brand image while

adapting to the ever-changing audiences and the
divergence in their expectations based on their age,
location, and interests.

This is the reason why the Blue Book exists, and it is

refreshed every few years - it is our complete guide for
every aspect of the AIESEC brand, to ensure we all know
precisely how to represent ourselves as one unified AIESEC

*Notes on earlier versions of the Blue Book.

The latest version of the Blue Book is our only official brand guide.
Please only refer to older versions of the document for historical context.

AIESEC Blue Book 2020

AIESEC Blue Book 2018 AIESEC


Brand Toolkit

AIESEC Brand Toolkit 2014

Section 1:

Our aspiration is for every young person to work

Our Why towards their understanding of peace while taking
actions for a better world.
Addtionally, we strive for a world where through
“fulfillment of humankind’s potential”. people can
be the best version of themselves and others
along the way.

Our Who Young adults are responsible for

building a better future and we trust
We engage and develop youth they will drive and shape it with their
to create a better future for passion, dynamism, and innovative
themselves, their communities,
and therefore, the world. 6

Our How We provide different types of experiences,

with some helping engage people with
We believe leadership is the AIESEC and some directly empowering
young people to become value-driven
fundamental solution and it
leaders who positively impact the world
can be developed in anyone, around them.
anywhere. 7

We create direct and positive impact in the

world by offering young people leadership
Our What We impact the world indirectly by designing
each cross-cultural opportunity to strive to
We enable young people to address society's challenges.
develop their leadership
through practical experiences While providing young people with diverse
in challenging environments. opportunities such as work, volunteering,
and other experiences we create the impact
we desire.

We continuously improve We are consistent and We lead by example and

through creativity and transparent in our decisions inspire leadership through
innovation. We strive to and actions. We fulfil our actions and results.

Our Values
deliver the highest quality commitments and conduct We take responsibility for
performance in everything ourselves in a way aligned developing the leadership
we do. We live it by with what we envision. of others. We live it by
encouraging each other to We live it by fulfilling our inspiring others to be
be better and appreciating promises and communicating role models.

Our values guide our everyday

each others' feedback. in an open way, our actions
back up our words.

actions and decisions, and they

are present in every leadership
experience we deliver.

We celebrate and enjoy We seek to learn from We act in a sustainable

the way we are and different ways of life and way for our society.
what we represent in the opinions represented in Our decisions take into
society considering the our multicultural account the needs of future
role of youth in the world. environment. We are generations. We live it by
We live it by putting a inclusive by respecting building on what has been
youthful energy in and actively encourage done in the past.
everything we do. the contribution of
every individual. 9

Section 2:
The AIESEC Brand Overview
Section 2: The AIESEC Brand Overview THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Our Tagline
A tagline is defined as a reiterated phrase identified with
an individual, group, or product.

In the case of AIESEC, our tagline is:

“Activating youth leadership since 1948.”

The tagline captures our essence as an organization that develops youth
leadership while strengthening the brand trust through the reference to the
year the organization has been founded.

Through our opportunities for Through our professional opportunities Through membership opportunities,
volunteering abroad, we develop for working abroad, we develop youth we develop youth leadership by
youth leadership while mobilizing leadership while working towards youth enabling young people to live an
youth and like-minded organizations employability together with other experience that will help shape a
to achieve the SDGs. organizations across the world. better future for themselves and others. 11

Our Personality

“We are non-partisan

, ,

Global Since we are open to engaging in dialogue on issues in our world,

We are present in all parts of the world and our global and bring together various perspectives, we can talk about current
network strives to make the world a better place through world topics, but keeping in mind our communication principles:
leadership development and peace, while standing up for
fundamental human rights. In our engagements with the topics we care about, no matter
whether content format, we strive to be simple in order to be
Independent understood and genuine in order to be trusted, while keeping
We are free to set our own goals and pursue them, leadership at the center.
being independent.
We always focus on a positive contribution, ensure diversity and
Non-partisan reject discrimination in any form.
We choose peace above all and therefore do not follow
any political tendency or party. For deciding if something should be talked about or not as AIESEC,
please keep in mind the principles as well as the FAQ in this guide.
All of the money earned by or donated to AIESEC is used As for Fundamental Human Rights, it is understood by all the rights
in pursuing the organization's objectives and keeping it included in the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights with
running, hence we are a not-for-profit. annotations, which you can find here.

Our Brand Tone

We are a network of young people,

an organization made by youth, for youth.
We are always there to encourage finding new solutions and ideas for current world issues and prepared to support youth,
no matter their background.

. w

Activating Leadership
We strive for excellence

Living diversity crucial 13
Section 2: The AIESEC Brand Overview THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Our Audiences

Our primary audience is Youth.

For us, youth is defined as anyone between the ages of 18-30.
Any young person can participate in one of our programs or
initiatives, regardless of educational status. Hence, we refer to
“youth” or “young people” as our primary beneficiaries.

Please don’t refer to students as AIESEC’s only customers,

our activities are targeted at all youth.

Like-minded organizations and people

help us achieve our vision.
In our efforts to engage and develop youth, we partner with
like-minded organizations that h elp us get closer to our goals
and vision.

While helping us conduct our activities that create value for

youth, we, in turn, create value for the organizations,
compa-nies, schools, and people with which we partner.

Please don’t refer to only companies as our partners. As

mentioned above, there is a lot of diversity in the types of
partners we engage with. 14

Section 3:
The AIESEC Brand Assets
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Our Brand Name

AIESEC (pronounced eye-sek) was originally a French Never use “aiesec” written in lowercase when referring to the
acronym for Association Internationale des Étudiants en organization in written format. The official way of referring to
Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (English: International the organization still is an d wi ll continue to be “AIESEC” in
Association of Students in Economic and Commercial capitalized.
Vocabulary for Entities
The full name of the association is no longer officially used, as AIESEC is a single organization running activities on a global
members can now be graduates and undergraduates or any scale. When referring to AIESEC in a specific country, territo-
young person from any background. ry, city, or university it is mandatory to use the preposition
“in”. This is why the only correct way to position your entity is
Members of AIESEC are known as “AIESECers”. as “AIESEC in XYZ”

The use of AIESEC in lower case PLEASE DON’T:

Over the past year, we have launched some campaigns where
the name “aiesec” was used in lower case. Call entities AIESEC XYZ

As the brand lost the element of communicating the acronym's For more about AIESECs history please refer to the AIESEC History Book
meaning, and as we move towards a more modern way of commu-
nicating our brand, the use of “aiesec” in lowercase is allowed
within campaigns. This means that “aiesec” can be used in
lowercase as a brand idenitifier in your campaigns' content. 16
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

1/7 L Logo 1/7 L Logo


1 W Logo
Our logo represents how AIESEC enables
young people to discover and develop their
potential and head towards their future with a

1 W Logo
clearer and stronger vision for themselves.

It can be used only in horizontal position with

any of its four color variants, depending on what
looks more clear on your background or design. 17
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

It should not be modified in any way and

PLEASE DON’T: should always be used according to the
guidelines in this section.


Do not change the font. Do not change the official colors. Do not squish or skew the logo. Do not place our logo on
a cluttered background.

Do not rotate the logo in anyway. Do not change the opacity of the logo. Do not add any element Do not add shadow.
into the logo space. 18
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Powered by AIESEC Logo PLEASE DON’T:

The brand architecture refers to the structure of program brands within an

organization and how these are related to or differentiated from one another
within the portfolio.

AIESEC uses an Endorsed Brand Architecture , which is made up of Don’t use the Powered by AIESEC logo on local or national brands
individual and specific program brands linked together by an endorsing you might create, which are not officially part of the AIESEC
parent brand - AIESEC. Experience. You may use it with national EwA Brands that have
been approved by the Global Structure.
Endorsed brand architecture allows:
Connecting all our programs to
The success of one AIESEC
the single brand identity of
program can positively
influence the other programs in
the portfolio. Consequently,
the reverse is also possible.
An easy plugging of new and
upcoming programs. New programs
can be introduced without
Always use the Powered by AIESEC logo when using the individual
association with the AIESEC brand if program brands, or when referring to AIESEC initiatives.
needed and can be introduced in Returns on investment on
the brand portfolio depending on one sub-brand reflect over to
their success. the other brands as well.

*Program Brands are brands on their own, however they must always
include the “Powered by AIESEC” logo as an endorsement. If adding a second logo to your publication makes it feel crowded,
you can also use the AIESEC Human watermark (details in the
following page) as a brand endorsement. This is especially fitting
for cases where the endorsement is obvious - such as posts on an
AIESEC channel. 19
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

1/3 L Logo 1/3 L Logo

The AIESEC Human

1/4 W Logo
Since 1948 we have developed over 1,000,000 people
through our programs and membership experiences.

For us, the AIESEC Human is a reminder of our purpose:

looking into the future and moving forward.

It allows us to simplify our brand and be more responsive in

1/4 W Logo
the digital world and to what’s happening around us. That’s
why the background can change to represent specific dates
or events that are aligned to our purpose.

*Blue Line: minimum length and width of surrounding space

We only use the AIESEC Human in white or blue,

maintaining a flat colored background. 20
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

The Usage:
The icon is a representative symbol of a brand.
Always use the AIESEC Human as the icon for
profile picture, favicon, or any medium that
requires small space.

Our watermark allows us to be easily recognized
while maintaining a clean and simple design.
We created templates for you to make it easier.

Go to Section 7: Brand Resources for details. 21
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

It should not be modified in any way and

PLEASE DON’T: should always be used according to the
guidelines in this section.

Do not change the official colors. Do not squish or skew the logo. Do not add shadow. Do not place our logo on
a cluttered background.

Do not rotate the logo in anyway. Do not change the opacity of the logo. Do not add any element
into the logo space. 22
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

The AIESEC Colours

Our favorite color is AIESEC Blue. It’s bright and energetic,
representing our youthful nature.

Besides that, we use nine other colors to complement our

AIESEC Blue, both digitally and in print. If you don’t know HEX #037Ef3
RGB 3/126/243
what color to use, please use AIESEC Blue. CMYK 98.8, 48.1, 0, 4.71

HEX #F3F4F7 HEX #FFC845 HEX #00C16E

RGB 243,244,247 RGB 255, 200, 69 RGB 0/193/110
CMYK 3, 2 , 1, 0 CMYK 0, 24, 84, 0 CMYK 100, 0, 86, 0


RGB 202,204,209 RGB 244,137, 36 RGB 12, 185, 193
CMYK 20, 14, 12, 0 CMYK 0, 44, 85, 4 CMYK 94, 4, 0, 24

HEX #52565E HEX #F85A40 HEX #7552CC

RGB 82,86,94 RGB 248, 90, 64 RGB 117, 82, 204
CMYK 69, 58, 49, 27 CMYK 0, 64, 74, 3 CMYK 43, 60, 0, 20

*HEX is a six-digit combination of numbers and letters by its mix of red, green and Blue (RGB), color that shown on your
screen. CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black) are the colours used for printing. 23
Section 3: The AIESEC Brand Assets THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

The AIESEC Typeface

Primary Secondary
Our brand font is Lato. Extra fonts can be added secondarily to emphasize
Our programs font is Raleway. words, but the main one should remain Lato.
We use it in print and on the web. Feel free to use
it in any of its styles and weights. Use the font that works best with your design, and always
be consistent throughout whatever you’re working on.

Lato Thin Raleway Thin PLEASE DON’T

Lato Thin Italic Raleway Thin Italic
Lato Hairline Raleway ExtraLight
Lato Hairline Italic Raleway Extra Light Italic
Lato Light Raleway Light
Do not do this. It's too similar and it doesn't emphasize
Lato Light Italic
Lato Regular
Raleway Light Italic
Raleway Regular
the words. Do NoT wRiTe L1k3 tH1s EiTher.
Lato Italic Raleway Italic
Lato Medium Raleway Medium
Lato Medium Italic Raleway Medium Italic DO:
Lato Semibold Raleway Semibold
Lato Semibold Italic Raleway Semibold Italic
Lato Bold Raleway Bold
Lato Bold Italic Raleway Bold Italic Use extra fonts to Emphasize words.
Lato Heavy Raleway ExtraBold
Lato Heavy Italic Raleway ExtraBold Italic
Lato Black Raleway Black
Lato Black Italic Raleway Black Italic Use extra fonts to Emphasize words.
*fair prosper; Raleway; Helvetica Neue. 24

Section 4:
The AIESEC Portfolio Brands



1 2 26


Page 27

Page 27 27
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Keyword Philosophy Primary Brand Color

Simulated Working Experience The concept behind the logo aims to represent
the progam in a clear way: Jade Green
4 Weeks.

Companies, Universities, Events, NGOs The map The path and destinations HEX #00C16E
Career Fairs, Governments/Ministries. represents the map of represent the path to their future, RGB 0, 193, 110
the individual’s life. and the different choices they have CMYK 100, 0, 86, 0
to choose from. 28
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021


Different versions are available for you to use depending on what
fits your design better. Feel free to use the full logo or the Heading
For The Future watermark, but don’t use them together in the same

Logo with Title

Vertical Horizontal Long

Do not used and rotate the horizontal Logo

for vertical layout. Used the version wisely. Do not add shadow. Do not used background color beside our recomendation

Logo with Background

Make sure the logo is readable. Therefore, the background should
be contrast with the logo. Here are our recomendations: Do not squish or skew the logo. Do not add any element into the logo space. Do not place our logo on a cluttered background.


Use it as watermark Blur darker background Add shape behind the logo 29
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Value Proposition & Benefits

Heading for the Future for Youth Heading for the Future for Partners

A simulated working experience for young people who seek to discover their career Heading for the Future is a platform for organizations who seek to train & hire
path, and build their local and international network. potential talent in their community, while building their brand among youth.

Value Proposition Value Proposition

Choose & test your chosen field A chance for Employer Branding
Choose among the range of fields available to get a simulated work Build and enhance your organization’s brand in the minds of young people in
experience in your chosen field to help you understand it’s nature. your community.

Enhance your soft and hard skills Potential for Talent Acquisition
Get a chance to build and enhance the soft and hard skills required by Find pipeline for your organisation from the local talent you train through your
your chosen field, in a simulated work environment. participation in the project, to infuse your workplace with the fresh perspec-
tive of young people

Local and Global Networking Access local and international youth network
Find and network with like-minded young people in local and global Through our networking activities, get access to the youth network, both local
enviroments to enhance your network. and international, for future initiatives or even talent acquisition.

Benefits Benefits

Participate in a case study & get a practical glimpse of the

chosen field. Flexible partnership packages for you to choose from.

The chance to get employed at one of our partners following A path to understand Generation Z that is entering the workforce.
participation in the project.
Innovative and fresh Business solutions brought by youth.
Permanent access to the project content and the network
created during participation. Get return on your investment by potentially hiring the youth talents you train. 30
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Keywords Philosophy Primary Brand Color

Survey, Forum & Projects The concept behind the logo aims to represent
the progam in a clear way: Astro Purple
1 year (cyclic)

NGOs, governments, universities, The chat bubble The loudspeaker HEX #7552CC
current partners, amplifiers and represents the opinions represents how AIESEC RGB 117, 82, 204
of young people around amplifies the opinions CMYK 43, 60, 0, 20
influencers connected to causes. the world. we collect as the global
voice of youth. 31
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021


Different versions are available for you to use depending on what
fits your design better. Feel free to use the full logo or the Youth
Speak watermark, but don’t use them together in the same

Logo with Title

Vertical Horizontal Long

Do not used and rotate the horizontal Logo

for vertical layout. Used the version wisely. Do not add shadow. Do not use background color beside our recomendations.

Logo with Background

Make sure the logo is readable. Therefore, the background should
be contrast with the logo. Here are our recomendations: Do not squish or skew the logo. Do not add any element into the logo space. Do not place our logo on a cluttered background.


Use it as watermark Blur darker background Add shape behind the logo 32
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Value Proposition & Benefits

Youth Speak for Youth Youth Speak for Partners

Youth Speak Survey is a medium for young people to learn and speak For partners, Youth Speak Survey is an opportunity to stand by the
up about different issues. youth of their community and understand their voice.

Youth Speak Forum seeks to help young people choose a cause For partners, Youth Speak Forum is the chance to connect with the
they will champion and engage in dialogue with other like-minded young Youth Speak Survey repsondents, and understand the issues
individuals and organisations. they care about, and start conversations about those issues.

For partners, Youth Speak Projects are projects designed for them to
Youth Speak Projects are spaces created for young people where they collaborate with young participants from Youth Speak Forum to find
commit to finding solutions and find ways to take action. solutions and have positive outcomes.

Value Proposition Value Proposition

Learn & speak up about different issues Understand issues youth cares about
Youth Speak Survey offers young people around the world a medium to Youth Speak Survey offers partners around the world a medium to learn
learn about and speak up about different world issues relevant presently. about the issues young people speak up about.

Choose a cause to champion Start conversations about these issues

Youth Speak Forum gives the young people who filled the survey a Youth Speak Forum gives partners to engae with youth who filled the
chance to choose a cause to champion, and engage with different survey a chance to start conversatons and work towards solving these
like-minded organizations that work to solve these issues. issues they care about.

Find solutions & ways to take action Engage youth to find solutions & take action
Youth Speak Projects give young people and organizations a place to come Youth Speak Projects give partners and young people a place to come
together and commit to finding solutions and ways to take action. together and commit to finding solutions and ways to take action. 33

2 | ELD

phase contains the authorized programs of the

meaning that they allow an inner and outer journey

Leadership development model. These programs

are the primary impact of AIESEC and aim to devel-


Exchange Programs


Page 31

Page 3




Page 1 34
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Keyword Philosophy Primary Brand Color

Professional Program for Business and The concept behind the logo aims to represent
Engineering abroad. the progam in a clear way: Strong Cyan

6-8 Weeks: Opportunities can be with either salary or
accommodation covered.
9-78 Weeks: Opportunities should provide at least salary.
The globe Connection HEX #0CB9C1
represents represents the buying persona’s
Organizations the earth we live in, characteristics: flexibility, curiosity,
RGB 12, 185, 193
CMYK 94, 4, 0, 24
MNCs, SMEs, Start-Ups, NGOs, Incubators, Accelerators represents the adaptability, diversity, movement.
and other umbrella organizations. cross-cultural aspect. 35
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021


Different versions are available for you to use depending on what
fits your design better. Feel free to use the full logo or the Global
Volunteer watermark, but don’t use them together in the same

Logo with Title

Vertical Horizontal Long Horizontal Top Right

Do not use and rotate the horizontal Logo

for vertical layout. Use the version wisely. Do not add shadow. Do not use background color beside our recommendation

Logo with Background

Make sure the logo is readable. Therefore, the background should
be in contrast with the logo. Here are our recommendations: Do not squish or skew the logo. Do not add any element into the logo space. Do not place our logo on a cluttered background.


Use it as watermark Blur darker background Add shape behind the logo 36
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Value Proposition & Benefits

Global Talent for Youth Global Talent for Partners

Develop your leadership while boosting your career Our Global Talent program connects companies with young bright minds and help
prospects through an international internship them fulfill their business needs with international students and recent graduates.

Value Proposition Value Proposition

Global Opportunity Talent Acquisition

Expand your horizon by developing your career in a global setting. Work in a Behind every successful organization that innovates is a diverse global workforce.
whole new environment and culture, while adapting to a local life in another With us, sourcing international talent becomes easy as recruiting in your local Market.
country. Infuse your business with the fresh perspective of young people from all over the
Develop Yourself Stay Competitive
Grow and develop develop your leadership competencies and personal skills Add a multicultural perspective to your organization by realizing the project
by going through practical experiences and learning-by-doing. with international volunteers.

Boost your career Boost Your Work Culture

Launch yourself into a challenging role that allows you to gain a professional Adapt your business to new trends and become youth friendly. Our partners
edge with our partners who are dedicated to provide an enriching experience. have always loved the energy that our interns bring to their workplace.

Benefits Benefits
Apply your skills and knowledge in a practical environment.
Gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.
International Exposure - Experience working in new cultures and
Gain global perspective for your company.
Access to a young and diverse international talent pool.
Develop your Leadership (our programs can help you improve the
following leadership qualities: Self-Aware, World Citizen, Empowering
Simple, easy and fast talent attraction and acquisition.
Others, Solution Oriented).
Let AIESEC attract the right talent for your opportunity.
Receive AIESEC Support for Selection (Assistance with your application
to opportunities and selection process).
Receive logistics support (Visa support, help in finding and providing accommodation
for your new recruits, and assisting with welcoming them to their first day at work).
Receive AIESEC Support after Selection (Visa support, help in finding
and providing accommodation, assisting during first day of work).
Get return on investment by potentially retaining your Global Talent as an employee
Depending on the opportunity, you will receive either a salary to cover
your costs or be provided with accommodation for the duration of your
experience abroad. 37
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Impact: Direct & Indirect

Direct Impact Indirect Impact

Leadership Development Employability

Global Talent offers a set of services that allow young people Global Talent is a direct work opportunity which allows young
to experience an inner and outer journey, developing one or people to boost their career. Although our professional oppor-
more qualities present in our leadership development model. tunities have a set time frame we believe that after their
Global Talent experience youth becomes more experienced
This program can help you improve the following leadership and employable.
qualities which are part of our Leadership Development Model:
Self-Aware, World Citizen, Empowering Others, Solution Note: The indirect impact of our professional internships
Oriented. programs is still to be proven and is for now only an assump-
tion. The proper research and validation will be conducted in
the next 5 years under our 2025 mid-term direction.
For more about information, please refer to the Leadership
Development Model Booklet.

Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Keyword Philosophy Primary Brand Color

Professional Teaching Experience Abroad. The concept behind the logo aims to represent
the progam in a clear way: Carrot Orange
9-78 Weeks: Opportunities should provide at least salary.

Educational Institutions.
The globe The Book HEX #F48924
represents Is probably the most widely RGB 244, 137, 36
the earth we live in, associated visual symbol with the CMYK 0, 44, 85, 4
represents the area of teaching and the field of
cross-cultural aspect. education - the central pillar of
Global Teacher. 39
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021


Different versions are available for you to use depending on what
fits your design better. Feel free to use the full logo or the Global
Volunteer watermark, but don’t use them together in the same

Logo with Title

Vertical Horizontal Long Horizontal Top Right

Do not use and rotate the horizontal Logo

for vertical layout. Use the version wisely. Do not add shadow. Do not used background color beside our recomendation

Logo with Background

Make sure the logo is readable. Therefore, the background should
be in contrast with the logo. Here are our recommendations: Do not squish or skew the logo. Do not add any element into the logo space. Do not place our logo on a cluttered background.


Use it as watermark Blur darker background Add shape behind the logo 40
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Value Proposition & Benefits

Global Teacher for Youth Global Teacher for Partners

Develop your leadership while boosting your career opportunities Our Global Teacher program helps educational institutions fulfill their
through an international teaching internship Human Resources needs with skilled young people

Value Proposition Value Proposition

Global Opportunity Talent Acquisition

Expand your horizon by developing your career in a global setting. Work in a Behind every successful organization that innovates is a diverse global workforce.
whole new environment and culture, while adapting to a local life in another With us, sourcing international talent becomes as easy as recruiting in your local
country. Market. Infuse your business with the fresh perspective of young people from all over
the world.
Develop Yourself Stay Competitive
Grow and develop develop your leadership competencies and personal skills Stay dynamic by bringing in profiles aligned to what your students need to succeed. All
by going through practical experiences and learning-by-doing. around the world we reach people with different backgrounds and perspectives to
enrich your curriculum.
Boost your career
Launch yourself into a challenging role that allows you to gain a professional Multicultural learning environment
edge with our partners who are dedicated to provide an enriching experience. Adapt your institution to the globalized world we live in today. By hiring international
teachers you allow your learning environment to become more inclusive and multicul-
Benefits tural
Apply your skills and knowledge in a practical environment.
Gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.
International Exposure - Experience working in new cultures and
industries. Gain global perspective for your institution.

Develop your Leadership (our programs can help you improve the Increase your student’s language skills and enhance their cultural understanding.
following leadership qualities: Self-Aware, World Citizen, Empowering
Others, Solution Oriented). Help your institution be recognized for the global/ international environment it
provides to students.
Receive AIESEC Support for Selection (Assistance with your application
to opportunities and selection process). Access to pool of young international teachers or young people qualified for
Receive AIESEC Support after Selection (Visa support, help in finding
and providing accommodation, assisting during first day of work). Simple, easy and fast talent attraction and acquisition.

All opportunities are provieded with a salary. Let AIESEC attract the right talent for your opportunity.

Receive logistics support(Visa support, help in finding and providing accommodation

for your new recruits, and assisting with welcoming them to their first day at work). Get return on investment by potentially retaining your Global Teacher as an employee. 41
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Impact: Direct & Indirect

Direct Impact Indirect Impact

Leadership Development Employability

Global Teacher offers a set of services that allow young people Global Teacher is a direct work opportunity which allows
to experience an inner and outer journey, developing one or young people to boost their career. Although our professional
more qualities present in our leadership development model. opportunities have a set time frame we believe that after their
Global Teacher experience youth becomes more experienced
This program can help you improve the following leadership and employable.
qualities which are part of our Leadership Development Model:
Self-Aware, World Citizen, Empowering Others, Solution Oriented. Global Teacher also contributes to SDG 4: Quality Education

Note: The indirect impact of our professional internships

programs is still to be proven and is for now only an assump-
tion. The proper research and validation will be conducted in
For more about information, please refer to the Leadership
the next 5 years under our 2025 mid-term direction.
Development Model Booklet. 42
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Keyword Philosophy Primary Brand Color

Volunteer Social Projects Abroad. The concept behind the logo aims to represent
the progam in a clear way: Bright Red
6-8 Weeks.

NGOs and Educational Institutions The globe The balloon and the cloud HEX #F85A40
represents represents the buying persona’s RGB 248, 90, 64
the earth we live in, characteristics: desire for CMYK 0, 64, 74, 3
represents the adventure, youthfulness, purpose,
cross-cultural aspect. movement. 43
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021


Different versions are available for you to use depending on what
fits your design better. Feel free to use the full logo or the Global
Volunteer watermark, but don’t use them together in the same

Logo with Title

Vertical Horizontal Long Horizontal Top Right

Do not use and rotate the horizontal Logo for a

vertical layout. Use the version wisely. Do not add shadow. Do not use background color beside our recommendation

Logo with Background

Make sure the logo is readable. Therefore, the background should
be in contrast with the logo. Here are our recommendations: Do not squish or skew the logo. Do not add any element into the logo space. Do not place our logo on a cluttered background.


Use it as watermark Blur darker background Add shape behind the logo 44
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Value Proposition & Benefits

Global Volunteer for Youth Global Volunteer for Partners

Develop your leadership through a volunteering project Global Volunteer supports NGOs causes by bringing youth volunteers to social
contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. impact projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals

Value Proposition Value Proposition

Cross-Cultural Experience Project designed for impact

Experience a new culture, meet like-minded people, and expand your Run a project with AIESEC focused on directly contributing to the 2030
network across the world while volunteering. Sustainable Development Goals.

Develop Yourself Global Perspective

Step out of your comfort zone and live in a challenging environment which Add a multicultural perspective to your organization by realizing the project
will develop your leadership competencies, personal skills and improve with international volunteers.
your language capabilities.
Receive impact reports
Contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals With the help of AIESEC volunteers, the international participants will be able
Find the project around the world that contributes to a cause you care to analyze and collect the results generated from the project and create
about. All Global Volunteer projects are designed to contribute to the impact reports. Utilize these reports to showcase and prove your contribution
Sustainable Development Goals. towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Benefits Benefits
Learn about the Sustainable Development Goals and participate in a
social project designed for impact. Social Project designed for impact.

International Exposure - Experience new cultures and industries. Gain global perspective for your institution.

Develop your Leadership (our programs can help you improve the Help your institution/NGO be recognized for the global/ international environment it
following leadership qualities: Self-Aware, World Citizen, Empowering provides.
Others, Solution Oriented).
Access to pool of young international volunteers.
Receive AIESEC Support for Selection (Assistance with your
application to opportunities and decision making process). Let AIESEC attract the right volunteers for your project

Receive AIESEC Support after Selection (Visa support, help in finding Receive logistics support (Visa support, help in finding and providing accommodation
and providing accommodation, assisting during first day of work). for your volunteers, and assisting with welcoming them to their first day at the project) 45
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Impact: Direct & Indirect

Direct Impact Indirect Impact

Leadership Development Contribution to the Sustainable

Development Goals.
Global Volunteer offers a set of services that allow young
people to experience an inner and outer journey, developing Our projects are designed for impact which allow all partici-
one or more qualities present in our leadership development pants and all our partners to clearly measure how their AIESEC
model. Project is contributing to the sustainable development goals.

This program can help you improve the following leadership

qualities which are part of our Leadership Development Model:
Self-Aware, World Citizen, Empowering Others, Solution

For more about information, please refer to the Leadership

Development Model Booklet.

Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Keyword Philosophy Primary Brand Color

Membership Experience The concept behind the logo aims to represent
the progam in a clear way: AIESEC Blue
Short-Term: 3 months
Medium-Term: 6 months
Long-Term: 12+ months
The globe The AIESEC Human HEX #037EF3
represents the earth represents the AIESECer RGB 3, 126, 243
we live in, and the and reminds us to look into CMYK 99, 48, 0, 5
cross-cultural aspect. the future and move forward. 47
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021


Different versions are available for you to use depending on what
fits your design better. Feel free to use the full logo or the AIESEC
Member watermark, but don’t use them together in the same

Logo with Title

Vertical Horizontal Long

Do not rotate the horizontal logo

for vertical layout. Used the vertical version. Do not add shadow. Do not use background colors beside our recomendations

Logo with Background

Make sure the logo is readable. Therefore, the background should
be contrast with the logo. Here are our recomendations: Do not squish or skew the logo. Do not add any elements in the logo’s space. Do not place the logo on a cluttered background.


Use it as a watermark Blur and darken background Add shape behind the logo 48
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Value Proposition & Benefits

AIESEC Member for Youth

The AIESEC Member program is an informal education for young people, that focuses on leadership development at the core. Unlike other
training courses, university clubs or youth organizations, our product develops young people by delivering a personalized, relevant and
measurable leadership development experience, connecting them to a global network of youth and partner organizations.

Value Proposition Benefits

Develop yourself Design the job matching individual goals with organizational
In AIESEC, members can develop self-management and interpersonal skills goals; see the influence of your work.
through having practical learning experiences that complement their
university environment to emerge as well-rounded individuals. Get support for your role - access to relevant knowledge & skills
before the work starts.

Get leadership experience Create relationships in the community to enhance individual

An empowered & challenging environment where you can develop your effectiveness, work culture and perspective about the organiza-
competencies and values of leadership. Our Leadership Development tion.
Model offers a clear support system for the learning goals of each of our
members. Engage with the community through the existing channels

Build your network Moderation of environment and personal wellbeing

In AIESEC, members have the chance to connect with people from all over
Develop team practices that shape the connection with
the world during and after their experience, which allows them to build
teammates and leader to faciliitate the member’s leadership
their own local and international network of like-minded youth.

Connect with AIESEC Impact

Our mission, values and inclusivity stand out as a great environment for
people to learn, connect with others and contribute for a better world
through the programs we offer and further leadership opportunities. 49
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

3 | LLC
Life-Long Connection
An alumnus of AIESEC, in general terms, is any person that
has been part of one of the development programs of the
organization and voluntarily joins (formally or informally) the
Entity or Global Alumni Community. (Their national
recognition also depends on the regulations of the Entity
Alumni Associations).

The programs and initiatives of this phase are defined by the Alumni Association
itself. Generally, they are divided in the next 3 categories:

Alumni to AIESEC

wA Alumni to Alumni ELD LLC

Alumni to The World

The 3 main norms in terms of Branding of the LLC phase are:

The alumni organizations are legally independent. Therefore we aim to

1 align the messaging provided by both organizations on their programs,
products, and initiatives. We expect a gradual integration of the Brand
assets of alumni into our Blue Book.

In case the Alumni association or the AIESEC entity aims to use each
2 others brand, it needs to be consulted and approved, on the AIESEC side,
it needs to be aligned with the Blue Book.

The activities, programs, and products of the LCC phase must be strongly
3 and evidently tied to the three focuses of the Alumni associations, Alumni
to AIESEC, Alumni to Alumni, and Alumni to the world. 50
Section 4: The AIESEC Portfolio Brands THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

For entities opting to translate AIESEC Prgram
es Brands (Global Volunteer, Global Talent, and Global
Teacher), it is mandatory to use a literal translation
- which means translating text from one language to
another conveying the sense of the original. These
translations must also be approved by the brand
responsible in the AIESEC International team.

Translating the logo

The need to localize brand and communication channels is
very relevant in many markets. To ensure the most effective
brand localization process, entities should adopt instructions
to help control their brand message as it moves across
For entities based on bilingual countries or territo-
en ries, it is recommended to either keep the brand in
English or choose to translate it into the most
predominant language among your target (youth
and organizations).

! The translated version of the logo need to keep the

original placing and colors. 51

Section 5:
Branded Campaigns
Section 5: Branded Campaigns THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Our Approach to
Branded Campaigns
We are cooperating with other brands to amplify our voice and When discussing brand partnerships, the most important thing
impact. for us is to ensure that we clarify this common purpose and make
sure our values are aligned with those of the brand with which
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” we are about to partner and co-create.
- Helen Keller
We must always choose our partners so as their values align with
It’s true, we are a global brand, with an audience of millions in ours, and our collaboration helps us get closer to the vision of
over 100 geographical locations - our brand voice is already our organization.
powerful. However, imagine how many more people we can
reach when we team up with other organizations and individuals It is of paramount importance the brand partnerships do not
willing to fight along with us for a similar purpose. affect either brand’s standards, integrity, and voice and do not, in
any way, go against The AIESEC Way. The channels we use
For this exact reason, we are so fond of brand partnerships. They should also always be the most relevant ones to our partnerships,
allow us to amplify our reach and achieve our common purpose. to make sure our audience remains engaged. 53
Section 5: Branded Campaigns THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

4. Clarity on the content plan
When setting up a co-branding partnership, there are several
things that need to be defined. Since there is clarity for the goal, the call to action,
and the channels used, the next step is to evaluate
1. Clarity on the common goal the campaign's content plan. This includes deter-
The most important thing to define is the goal of the partner- mining what kind of content will be created, how
ship. The common goal should be something that aligns with the will i t be created, and withing what timeline.
purpose of all the organizations involved in the brand partner- Therefore, in the content plan, the following
ship. In the case of AIESEC, we can partner for youth leadership should be clearly defined:
development, cross-cultural exchanges, and the Sustainable
Development Goals.
The messages being sent
2. Clarity on the measurement of success
The second step after knowing the specific goal of the campaign CTA The call to action
is knowing what the measurement of success will be and what
co-branding type should be used. This can be employer
brand-ing, external product campaigns, or other activities. The content that will be
Still, the measure of success of the brand partnership should created, and by whom
be clearly defined for all organizations involved. Still, the
measure of success of the brand partnership should be clearly The hashtags
defined for all organizations involved.

3. Clarity on the channels

The timeline
Knowing the measurement of success from all
organizations involved in the partnership, there can be clarity
on what chan-nels, content types and messaging can be In general, both parties must be involved in making
used to reach the desired outcome. This includes discussing the campaign a success.
what social media and internal platforms are the most
relevant in order to reach the common goal. 54
Section 5: Branded Campaigns THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Co-Branding Examples

Employer Branding Campaigns Awareness Campaigns Brand Positioning Campaigns Sponsored Program Campaigns
Campaigns focused on presenting our partners as Campaigns focused on raising Campaigns focused on raising awareness about Campaigns focused on promoting an
employers of choice for youth. awareness about a specific issues or topics that a like-minded brand that might interest our AIESEC program or initiative sponsored by a
both AIESEC and our partner care for. audience and complement our brand. partner.

External Product Campaigns Sponsored Campaigns Activation Campaigns Physical Engagement Campaigns
Campaigns focused on promoting a Campaigns focused on presenting an AIESEC- Campaigns focused on presenting an on-ground Distribution or display of partner
partner’s product in AIESEC delivered sponsored specific topic, event or activity, sponsored by activation space run with AIESEC and branded materials in a physical setting.
campaigs. a partner. sponsored by a partner. 55

Section 6:
Brand Governance
Section 6: Brand Governance THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Legal Notes
Legally, AIESEC’s generic brand is the one that needs to be We never only refer to “Countries” or “Nations”, as this will
protected first. It is a trademark registered in the EU27 and a lot indirectly imply AIESEC taking a political stand. Use “countries
of other entities in the network. The Global Plenary allocated a and territories”.
specific fund in order to ensure trademark registration and
protection. As this is a sensitive matter with potentially negative
repercussions for the AIESEC brand, please ensure to follow
If you are not sure if the AIESEC Brand is properly protected in the above-mentioned points in all communications - both
your entity, contact the President of AIESEC in your entity. internally and externally.
Other brands we use, such as ‘YouthSpeak’ or ‘Global Volunteer’
are not yet registered trademarks of AIESEC at the moment of AIESEC XYZ AIESEC in XYZ
this version of the BlueBook being published. (Countries/Nations) (Countries and territories)

Vocabulary about Countries / Entities Trademark number: Trademark number:

Legal forms aside, AIESEC is a single organization running it activi- 004400347 004400339
ties on a global scale. This is why it is strictly forbidden to call enti- Type: Type:
ties “AIESEC XYZ”, and the only correct way to position your figurative word
entity is as “AIESEC in XYZ”. Nice Classification: Nice Classification:
35, 36, 41 35, 36, 41 57
Section 6: Brand Governance THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

The following is an excerpt from the official AIESEC Portfolio

Internal Policies (APIP) document:

4. AIESEC Brand Policies

Internal Policies 4.1 Definition and Purpose

Notes 4.1.1 The AIESEC Brand Policies aim to safeguard the

global AIESEC brand in order to ensure the organiza-
The Blue Book is your one stop destination in means of tion's identity can be consistent across the entities and
understanding the AIESEC brand, and finding all the information aligned to the purpose and mission of the organization.
and resources that can inform your brand communication.
4.1.2. The official brand document for AIESEC is the
More than just a guide, however, the Blue Book acts as the refer- most recent version of the Blue Book.
ence document for our AIESEC Portfolio Internal Policies, hence
why it governs the AIESEC brands and their usage. Failing to 4.1.3. The brand policies applicable to all AIESEC entities
comply with the Blue Book means failing to comply with the Inter- are the elements outlined in the latest official edition of
nal Policies. the Blue Book published by AIESEC International.

4.1.4. The brand descriptions, definitions, principles and

visual assets are non-negotiable and must be followed
by all entities using the AIESEC brand. This applies to
both the AIESEC brand and the products or initiatives
brands belonging to the AIESEC brand house. 58

Section 7:
Brand Resources
Section 7: Brand Resources THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

The Brand Assets

Primary Assets For Internal Use


Logo One pager
Watermark In a nutshell
Templates Toolkit

AIESEC Portfolio
ELD Logos
EwA Logos AIESEC 2025

Fonts Regional Brand
Others 60
Section 7: Brand Resources THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

Our Approach to 1. General News

This is the most common type of press release. The idea behind
Press and Media a general news release is to generate traditional coverage in
online and / or offline media.

Communications 2. Launch Release

A launch press release relates to the announcement of a new
initiative, product, program, website, landing page, etc.
When we are making press statements, we make
3. Event Press Release
sure our tone is more professional and slightly
This type of press release needs to clearly explain the details of
more formal than in all other written pieces, an event. The goal is to have the event specifics in the media so
because they are official communication pieces the general public can learn about them.
coming from AIESEC as an organization. You might want to release communication before the event, with
a call to action as well as after an event, with an impact report
It would be best if you always tailored your tone of and news about future events or initiatives.

voice to the context and overall content of the 4. Product/Project Press Release
media communication you are making. When launching a new product or project that is of interest for
the media and your public, you will want to write a press release
to get communicate it.
Furthermore, you should always assess the
relevance of the media outlet you are communicat- 5. Executive, Staff and Employee Press Release
A press release of this genre often includes information about a
ing to and make sure it is aligned with and appro- new person taking up an important role, or a change of leader-
priate for the purpose of your communication ship team or mandate.
(a news outlet/ a blog/ a social media page, etc).
6. Expert Position Press Release
This is a type of press release used to establish a brand’s credibil-
You can see some examples of press/media ity in a particular field. The idea is to position AIESEC as a source
of information to be contacted by the media at some point in the
communications i n t he column o n t he right
right-hand side.

! Please refer to the latest version of the PR guidelines on writing press statements/ releases and reach out to your MC or AI responsible for
PR/External Communications when in doubt.

If you are looking for examples, please check the “press” section of the blog. 61
Section 7: Brand Resources THE BLUE BOOK| 2021

The PR Press / Media Kit

Press kits, also known as media kits, help explain the core
facts about a brand to journalists/reporters/media in a neat,
digestible package. The idea is that anyone visiting your
website or press kit can figure out the key people, key facts, PR Press/ Media Kit
and key information about your business which can all be One-pager
used in the media - without having to speak to you.

Until a press kit is added to, you can embed this

one-pager into your website (if you are using any) and use
it whenever you need to provide an external body
(media / partners, etc.) with an overview of the
AIESEC brand and a “one-stop destination” for the AIESEC
brand assets.

PR Press / Media Kit

One-pager 62

Section 8:


Natashia Shukla Maria Grau Laurena Alves

Danubia Villar
Aziz Messai

Nie Le
Anne-Sophie Tremblay 64
Copyright © by AIESEC International Inc.
All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form,
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without prior consent
of the publisher.
Published by
AIESEC International Inc.
5605 Avenue de Gaspé Suite 208,
Montréal, QC H2T 2A4
Tel: +31 10 443 4383

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