Annual Report 2022 2023 English - 1

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! Introduction 39
! State Support Mission (SSM) 39
! National Conference of Chief Secretaries 41
! Meeting With Chief Ministers/ Lt. Governors 43
! Holistic Development of Islands 44
! Sustainable Development of Indian Himalayan Region 45
! NITI Forum for North East Region 45
! Project Sath-E 46
! SDG Localization 47
List of Abbreviations vii ! Engagement With States 49


! Constitution 3 ! Introduction 53
! Objectives and Features 6 ! Economists’ Huddle 53
! Appointments 7 ! NITI In-House Lecture Series 54
! Verticals/Cells 7 ! Frontier Technologies 58
! Governing Council of NITI Aayog 8 ! National Mission on Transformative Mobility and Battery Storage 59
! Carbon Capture, Methanol and Hydrogen Economy 60
! International Cooperation 61
! Partnerships 65
! Women Entrepreneurship Platform 66
! National Institute of Labour Economics Research and
Introduction 11
Development (NILERD) 67
! Aspirational Districts Programme 11
! Health and Nutrition 13
! Asset Monetization 16 SECTION-VI
! Mission LiFE – Lifestyle For Environment 18
! Introduction 73
! Atal Tinkering Labs 74
SECTION-III ! Atal Incubation Centre 76
MONITORING AND EVALUATION 23 ! Atal Community Innovation Centre 79
! Atal New India Challenge 84
Introduction 23
Aim Ecosystem Development Programme (AEDP) 85
Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO) 23
Vernacular Innovation Programme 87
Performance Dashboard 27
India at Vivatech 88
! Key Indices To Promote Competitive Federalism 33

Annual Report 2022–23 iii iv Annual Report 2022–23

Contents Contents

SECTION-VII ! Library and Documentation Center 142


! RTI Cell 145
! Introduction 91 ! Vigilance Section 145
! Agriculture 92
! Circular Economy 94
! Data Management Analysis, and Frontier Technology 96
! Economics and Finance Cell 98
! Education 99
! Energy 105
! Governance and Research 107
! Health and Family Welfare 110
! Industry-I 112
! Industry-II 113
! Infrastructure-Connectivity 113
! Managing Urbanization 114
! Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) 115
! Natural Resources and Environment 116
! Project Appraisal and Management Division (PAMD) 117
! Public–Private Partnership 118
! Rural Development 120
! Science and Technology 120
! Skill Development and Employment 122
! Social Justice and Empowerment 124
! State Finances and Coordination 125
! Sustainable Development Goals 128
! Trade and Commerce 129
! Tourism and Culture 131
! Voluntary Action Cell 132
! Water and Land Resources 132
! Women and Child Development 133


! Introduction 137
! Attracting Brightest Talent for Team NITI 137
! Career Management 139
! Communication and Social Media Cell 140
! Governing Council Secretariat 140
! Hindi Section 141

Annual Report 2022–23 v vi Annual Report 2022–23


DPR Detailed Project Report

ECTA Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement
EGoS Empowered Group of Secretaries
EPI Export Preparedness Index

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Global Innovation Index
Global Indices for Reforms and Growth
GIS Geographic Information System
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
GSDP Gross State Domestic Product
GST Goods and Services Tax
ABP Aspirational Blocks Programme GTAP Global Trade Analysis Project
ACC Advance Chemistry Cell GoI Government of India
ADB Asian Development Bank HLPF High-level Political Forum
ADP Aspirational District Programme HMIS Health Management Information System
AI/ML Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning IAFs Indian Administrative Fellows
AIIMS All India Institute for Medical Sciences ICDS Integrated Child Development Services
AIM Atal Innovation Mission ICED India Climate and Energy Dashboard
API Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
APIs Application Programming Interface IDA Islands Development Agency
BMZ Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany) IED India Energy Dashboards
CBC Capacity Building Commission IESS India Energy Security Scenarios
CEPA Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute
CIL Coal India Limited IHBT Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology
CM Chief Minister IHCUC Indian Himalayan Central University Consortium
CPSEs Central Public Sector Enterprises JCERT Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training
CS Central Sector JWG Joint Working Group
CSO Central Statistics Office KPI Key Performance Indicator
CSOs Civil Society Organisations KSMs/DIs/ APIs Application Programming Interface
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
CSS Centrally Sponsored Schemes MDoNER Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region
CWMI Composite Water Management Index MEA Ministry of External Affairs
CoC Champions of Change MIB Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
DEAC Development Evaluation Advisory Committee MITRA Maharashtra Institute for Transformation
DGQI Data Governance Quality Index MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
DMEO Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office MPI Multidimensional Poverty Index
MoMSME Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Annual Report 2022–23 vii viii Annual Report 2022–23


MoH&FW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

MoHUA Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
MoSPI Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
NAS National Achievement Survey
NDC Nationally Determined Contributions
NEP National Education Policy
NER North-Eastern Region
NFHS National Family Health Survey
NILERD National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development
NITI National Institution for Transforming India
NMP National Monetisation Pipeline
NOTP National Organ Transplant Programme
OOMF Output–Outcome Monitoring Framework
OoSC Out-of-School Children
PLI Production Linked Incentive
PMJAY Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
PSHICMI Policy and Strategy for Health Insurance Coverage of India
SATH-E Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital-Education
SC-NEC Sub-Committee of National Executive Committee
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SECI State Energy & Climate Index
SEQI School Education Quality Index
SETU State Institute of Empowering and Transforming Uttarakhand
SIT State Institution for Transformation
SOP Standard operating procedures
STC State Transformation Commission
SoI Statement of Intent
U-DISE Unified District Information System for Education Plus
ULB Urban Local Body
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
WHO World Health Organisation

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Hon’ble Prime Minister

Shri Narendra Modi

Shri Suman Bery
Vice Chairperson

CONSTITUTION Full-Time Members

NITI Aayog was formed via a resolution of the Union Cabinet on 1 January 2015. It is the premier
policy think tank of the Government of India, providing directional and policy inputs. Apart from
designing long-term policies and programmes for the Government of India, NITI Aayog also provides
relevant strategic and technical advice to the Centre, States, and Union Territories. NITI Aayog acts as
the quintessential platform for the Government of India to bring States to act together in national
interest and thereby foster cooperative federalism.

Dr VK Saraswat Prof Ramesh Chand Dr VK Paul Dr Arvind Virmani

Member Member Member Member

Shri Parameswaran Iyer

Chief Executive Officer

Annual Report 2022–23 3 4 Annual Report 2022–23



The NITI Aayog serves as the apex public policy think tank of the Government of India, and the nodal
Ex-Officio Members agency tasked with catalysing economic development, and fostering cooperative federalism through
the involvement of State Governments of India in the economic policy-making process using a bottom-
up approach. The key objectives and features are:
$ To evolve a shared vision of national development priorities, sectors and strategies with the
active involvement of States.
$ To foster cooperative federalism through structured support initiatives and mechanisms
with the States on a continuous basis, recognizing that strong States make a strong nation.
$ To develop mechanisms to formulate plans at the village level and aggregate these
progressively at higher levels of the government.
Shri Rajnath Singh Shri Amit Shah
Hon'ble Minister of Defence Hon'ble Minister of Home Affairs $ To ensure, in areas that are specifically referred to, that the interests of national security
and Minister of Cooperation
are incorporated in economic strategy and policy.
$ To pay special attention to the sections of our society that may be at risk of not benefiting
adequately from economic progress.
$ To design strategic and long-term policy and programme frameworks and initiatives, and
monitor their progress and their efficacy. The lessons learnt through monitoring and
Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Shri Narendra Singh feedback will be used for making innovative improvements, including necessary mid-course
Hon'ble Minister of Finance and Minister Tomar
of Corporate Affairs Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture
and Farmers’ Welfare
$ To provide advice and encourage partnerships between key stakeholders and national and
international like-minded think tanks, as well as educational and policy research institutions.
Special Invitees $ To create a knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurial support system through a collaborative
community of national and international experts, practitioners and other partners.
$ To offer a platform for the resolution of inter-sectoral and inter-departmental issues in
order to accelerate the implementation of the development agenda.
$ To maintain a state-of-the-art resource center, be a repository of research on good
governance and best practices in sustainable and equitable development as well as help
their dissemination to stakeholders.
$ To actively monitor and evaluate the implementation of programmes and initiatives, including
the identification of the needed resources so as to strengthen the probability of success
Shri Nitin Jairam Shri Piyush Goyal Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw
Hon'ble Minister of Commerce and Hon'ble Minister of Railways, and scope of delivery.
Industry, Minister of Consumer Minister of Communications, and
Hon'ble Minister of Road
Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Minister of Electronics and $ To focus on technology upgradation and capacity-building for implementation of programmes
Transport and Highways
and Minister of Textiles Information Technology and initiatives.
$ To undertake other activities as may be necessary in order to further the execution of the
national development agenda, and the objectives mentioned above.
NITI Aayog is developing itself as a state-of-the-art resource centre with the necessary knowledge and
skills that will enable it to act with speed, promote research and innovation, provide strategic policy
advice for the government, and deal with contingent issues. It is supported by an attached office,
Rao Inderjit Singh Dr Virendra Kumar Development Monitoring and Evaluation Organisation (DMEO), a flagship initiative, Atal Innovation
Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent Hon'ble Minister of Social
Charge) of Ministry of Statistics and Justice and Empowerment Mission (AIM), and an autonomous body, National Institute of Labour Economics Research and
Programme Implementation, Minister Development (NILERD).
of State (Independent Charge) of
Ministry of Planning, and Minister of
State in Ministry of Corporate Affairs

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NITI Aayog’s activities can be divided into four main heads:

1. Policy and Programme Framework
The Governing Council of NITI Aayog, comprising of Chief Ministers of all the States and Union Territories
2. Cooperative and competitive Federalism
with legislatures and Lt Governors of other Union Territories, came into effect on 16 February 2015 via
3. Monitoring and Evaluation
a notification by the Cabinet Secretariat. The Governing Council was reconstituted vide a notification
4. Think Tank, and Knowledge and Innovation Hub dated 19 February 2021 by the Cabinet Secretariat.
The Governing Council is the premier body tasked with evolving a shared vision of national priorities

APPOINTMENTS and strategies, with the active involvement of states, in shaping the national development narrative.
The Governing Council, which embodies the objectives of cooperative federalism, presents a platform
During 2022-23, the Government appointed Shri Suman Bery as Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog vice Dr. to discuss inter-sectoral, inter-departmental and federal issues to accelerate the implementation of
Rajiv Kumar upon his resignation. Shri Suman Bery joined as Vice Chairman w.e.f. 01.05.2022. Besides, the national development agenda.
Shri Parameswaran Iyer joined NITI Aayog as Chief Executive Officer on 10.07.2022 vice Shri Amitabh So far, seven meetings of the Governing Council have been held under the Chairmanship of the
Kant upon completion of his tenure. Dr. Arvind Virmani joined NITI Aayog as a full-time Member w.e.f. Hon’ble Prime Minister with Chief Ministers/Lt Governors of the States/UTs and other members of
16.11.2022. the Governing Council.

Seventh Governing Council Meeting

The seventh meeting of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog was held under the Chairmanship of
The different verticals, cells, attached offices, and autonomous bodies of NITI Aayog provide the the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 7 August 2022 in Rashtrapati Bhavan Cultural Centre, New Delhi. The
requisite coordination and support framework needed to carry out the above mandate. The list of meeting was attended by 23 Chief Ministers, 3 Lieutenant Governors, and Administrators of 2 UTs. The
verticals and cells is given below: meeting was also attended by select Union Minister as Ex-officio Members and as Special Invitees; Vice
$ Administration and Support Units Chairman, full-time Members of NITI Aayog; Cabinet Secretary, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister;
$ Agriculture and Allied Sectors CEO, NITI Aayog; and select Secretaries, GoI and other Senior Officials from the Prime Minister’s Office,
$ Aspirational Districts Programme Cell Cabinet Secretariat and NITI Aayog. This was the first physical meeting of the Governing Council since
$ Communication and Social Media Cell the onset of the pandemic, with the 2021 meeting held via video conferencing.

$ Data Management and Analysis, and Frontier Technologies

$ Economics and Finance Cell
$ Education
$ Governance and Research
$ Governing Council Secretariat and Coordination
$ Industry-I
$ Industry-II
$ Infrastructure-Connectivity
$ Infrastructure-Energy
$ Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
$ Natural Resources and Environment, and Island Development
Hon’ble Prime Minister with Chief Ministers/Lt Governors of States/UTs at the 7th Governing Council
$ Project Appraisal and Management Division
Meeting held on 7 August 2022
$ Public–Private Partnership
$ Rural Development Hon’ble PM appreciated the collective efforts of all the states in the spirit of cooperative federalism
$ Science and Technology as the force that helped India emerge from the COVID pandemic and helped the states leading India
$ Social Justice and Empowerment, and Voluntary Action Cell to emerge as an example for developing nations to look up to India as a global leader.
$ Social Sector-I (Skill Development, Labour and Employment, and Urban Development) This year, the Governing Council deliberated upon the agenda set during the first National Conference
$ Social Sector-II (Health and Nutrition, and Women and Child Development) of Chief Secretaries held in Dharamshala between 15th and 17th June 2022, which included crop
$ State Finances and Coordination diversification and achieving self-sufficiency in pulses, oilseeds and other agri-commodities;
$ Sustainable Development Goals implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) in school and higher education. In addition, there
$ Water and Land Resources was a presentation on India’s forthcoming G20 Presidency by the Hon’ble Minister for External Affairs.

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The Hon’ble PM highlighted the importance of all of the above issues, especially the need for India
to focus on modernised agriculture, animal husbandry, and food processing to become self-sufficient
and a global leader in the agriculture sector. He advocated for rapid urbanization that can become
India’s strength by leveraging technology to ensure ease of living, transparent service delivery, and
improvement in the quality of life for every citizen of India. The PM also highlighted that India’s G20
presidency in 2023 is a unique opportunity to showcase the diversity of India across States and Union
Territories and develop a mass movement around G20.
In his closing remarks, the Prime Minister emphasized that each state should focus on promoting
its 3Ts—Trade, Tourism and Technology—with the help of Indian Missions around the world. States
must focus on reducing imports, increasing exports, and identifying opportunities for the same. He
expressed that ‘Vocal for Local’ is not the agenda of an individual political party but a common goal.
The PM reiterated that increased GST collection requires collective action by the Centre and States
which is crucial in strengthening our economic position and becoming a USD 5 trillion economy.
In addition, he emphasized that all stakeholders should be involved in the implementation of the
National Education Policy and develop a clear, time-bound roadmap for the same. He underlined that
the issues discussed in this meeting will define the national priorities for the next 25 years, adding
that the seeds we sow today will define the fruits reaped by India in 2047.

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resources, financial inclusion & skill development, and basic infrastructure. The robust monitoring
strategy has enabled the district administration to engage in cross-departmental reviews and thus

drive convergence. The competition through the monthly release of delta ranks keeps the districts
SECTION constantly motivated to improve the KPIs.
The districts have shown significant progress across themes in the last five years. Under Health and
Nutrition, districts have shown good progress in indicators related to pregnant women’s health and
child nutrition. Indicators such as antenatal care registrations, child immunisation, and provision of
supplementary nutrition have shown major progress. School infrastructure and basic infrastructure
indicators such as sanitation and electrification are also nearing saturation.
The programme continues to deliver results over the years because it has succeeded in synergizing the
efforts of all stakeholders—Central and state governments, district administration, non-governmental
organizations, private partners, civil society, and the masses. The line ministries have developed short-
term and long-term plans to improve their respective indicators in the districts and Central Prabhari
Officers have been appointed to guide and mentor the districts.
NITI Aayog has developed and uses “The Champions of Change” dashboard for real-time data

POLICIES AND collection and monitoring NITI Aayog has captured the success stories through publications ‘Stories
of Change’ and ‘Best Practices’. These interventions—selected based on the usage of behavioural
principles, innovation, replicability and potential for impact—demonstrate how behavioural insights

PROGRAMMES and innovative initiatives can drive outcomes on the ground. NITI Aayog also regularly shares the best
practices with other districts to transform service delivery at the grass-root level. Significant progress
could be achieved by scaling up these best practices that emerged from the districts to other parts
of the country grappling with similar challenges.

Aspirational Blocks Programme

Guided by the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision, NITI Aayog has undertaken various efforts to replicate
INTRODUCTION the ADP Model through flagship initiatives. Hon’ble Prime Minister launched the launched Aspirational
NITI Aayog has been entrusted with the mandate to design strategic and long-term policy and Blocks Programme (ABP) which aim to fast track holistic and sustainable development in 500 backward
programme frameworks and initiatives, and monitor progress and their efficacy, with the active Blocks. Under ABP, 500 backward blocks are being selected from 28 States and 4 UTs in India through
involvement of states, civil society, and other think tanks. extensive consultation with different ministries and state governments. The programme would support
blocks to achieve accelerated and coordinated implementation of various schemes to be to improve
In 2022–23, as India has entered into Amrit Kaal, the 25-year-long leadup to India@100, NITI Aayog their performance and come to par with the state average at par or better than other blocks in
has taken a lead to enhance macro-economic level growth along with its focus on micro-economic the states. Incentives for high performing blocks are being worked out and blocks that achieve
level all-inclusive welfare. noticeable progress on key indicators would be provided incentives. Under Mission Utkarsh, Ministries/
Departments, which have most public interface, have shortlisted the most backward districts on the
basis of their respective KPIs and are working towards bringing these backward districts at par with
ASPIRATIONAL DISTRICTS PROGRAMME state averages in the next one year and the national average within the next two years.

The Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) completed five years in January 2023—with nearly two of
those years in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, the ADP has been part of an unprecedented
period in the lifetime of the Districts, and what has emerged is promising.
The programme has acted as a successful template of good and effective governance, Under this
programme India’s 112 backward districts have shown remarkable progress across key sectors that
matter to the people. The core strength of the programme is its focus on data driven governance that
drives evidence-based policy interventions at the district-level. NITI Aayog monitors the 112 Aspirational
districts on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) on a monthly basis. The KPIs are designed in a way that
the input and process indicators are being evaluated so as to achieve desirable outputs and outcomes
across major socio-economic themes such as health & nutrition, education, agriculture & water

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Reforms in the National Organ Transplant Programme

Organ donation and transplantation is a government-regulated activity in India as per the provisions
of the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, which was first passed by the Parliament in
1994. NITI Aayog has taken the initiative to examine the National Organ Transplant Programme (NOTP),
and is in the process of enabling the setting up of an improved and enhanced NOTP in collaboration
with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW), Directorate General of Health Services
(DGHS), and National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO).
The inter-state transportation of donated organs is considered as a challenge in the NOTP Guidelines
2021. NITI Aayog has prepared draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Organ Transport for
seven line ministries. MoHFW has circulated the draft SOPs to the Ministries concerned, following
which an introductory inter-ministerial meeting was chaired by Member (Health) on 1 November
2022, with participation from the Ministries and the National and Regional Organ & Tissue Transplant
Organisations, wherein inputs from states were also shared. The meeting was a first step to strengthen
organ transport and utilisation within the country. Further work towards an enhanced National Organ
Transplant Programme, in addition to strengthening the organ transport network, is ongoing.

Women receiving stitching training in a training centre in Sahibganj districts of Jharkhand


Integrative Health Policy
An integrative health policy to achieve inclusive, affordable, and evidence-based healthcare is
being conceptualised. A core committee and four working groups were constituted to look at core
areas of education, research, clinical practice, and public health administration, which have given
recommendations for integrative approaches for functional integration. The recommendations have
been presented to the Hon’ble Union Ministers of both administrative Ministries i.e. Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare and Ministry of Ayush. Work on the final document is underway.

National Tele-Mental Health Programme

NITI Aayog, in collaboration with NIMHANS Bengaluru, conceptualized the framework for the national
tele-mental health services, following which a national tele-mental health programme to provide 24x7
free counseling and care to people was announced in the Union Budget 2022-23. The programme is
expected to improve access to quality mental health counseling and care services. Inter-ministerial meeting chaired by Hon. Member (Health), NITI Aayog to strengthen organ
transport within the country

Orphan Drugs and Therapies for Rare Diseases

More than 7000 rare diseases are known today, affecting 300 million people worldwide and about Increasing Accessibility for Assistive Technologies
90 million in India alone. The area of rare diseases is complex and heterogeneous. The number Assistive Technology (AT) may include any items, equipment, software programme, or product system
of disorders with known molecular basis is rapidly rising, but the number of approved therapies that are used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.
lags far behind. Keeping this in view, a committee on ‘Drugs and Dosage Forms for Rare Diseases: Besides this, ATs are also used to overcome the functional-loss related to senile changes such as
Engagement with manufacturers’ was constituted with Member (Health), NITI Aayog as Chair and a decrease in vision or hearing or locomotor disability in the human body and also in overcoming
representation from Department of Pharmaceuticals and clinicians to consider identification of a set disabilities owing to intellectual or learning disabilities. NITI Aayog is working closely with agencies
of priority disorders/indications and their corresponding treatments that can be enabled for domestic like Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and World Health Organisation (WHO) to understand
manufacturing of orphan drugs. As of January 2023, the Committee has convened five meetings to the unmet need and potential of the sector in an effort to improve the access and reach of ATs to
engage with a shortlisted set of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturers. those who require it the most.

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Transforming Emergency and Trauma Care System: Concept for a New ASSET MONETIZATION
Mission under Ayushman Bharat
India witnesses a huge burden of emergency and trauma cases, composed of a high proportion of National Monetization Pipeline (NMP)
the young, who are often the sole bread-earners and inflicts high out-of-pocket-expenditure, adding Core Asset Monetisation was identified as one of the country’s three pillars for enhanced and
urgency to address these health issues. Addressing these issues would also contribute towards sustainable infrastructure financing in the Union Budget 2021–22. The Budget tasked NITI Aayog with
achieving multiple SDG targets, including halving the number of global deaths and injuries from road- creating the National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) for brownfield core infrastructure assets. The NMP,
traffic accidents by 2030 and also cover emergencies arising due to obstetrics, pediatrics, infections, laying down the framework for monetisation policy and listing the pipeline of potential core assets
NCDs and disasters. There is an immediate need to address these issues in a comprehensive manner, of Central ministries/ CPSEs with an indicative value of Rs 6.0 lakh crore over a four-year period
highlighting the need for a strong, holistic ambulance–emergency–trauma care system. (FY22-25), was released in August 2021. It serves as a medium-term roadmap for identifying potential
NITI Aayog has been working on the scheme along with MoHFW, MoRTH and other stakeholders, and monetisation-ready projects across various infrastructure sectors, including roads, railways, aviation,
conducted a 100-facility study (with AIIMS, New Delhi) to assess the current state of emergency care, power, oil and gas, and warehousing.
besides studying models in various States and other countries, embracing WHO recommendations. Since its launch, NITI Aayog has worked closely with the ministries on investment and transaction
Multiple high-level presentations on this scheme have been made, involving the highest offices, structuring, reviewing progress, and deliberating on inter-ministerial and structural issues. The target
wherein it has found traction and is under further refinement for better adaptation. set for FY22 (Rs 88,000 crores) was achieved, while the pipeline of proposals aggregating to ~Rs 1.4
lakh crore is at various stages of processing by the ministries concerned. Further, an aggregate target
Expansion of MD Doctors Through Family Medicine Training Programme of Rs 1,62,422 crores was envisaged for FY23, of which transactions with monetisation value in accruals
and/or investments of ~Rs 26,000 crores have been completed. Furthermore, the proposal pipeline
It is expected that a vibrant MD Family Medicine Programme or course across India’s premier AIIMSs/
aggregating to ~Rs 1.23 lakh crore is currently at various stages of processing.
INIs will spur the starting of such courses in medical colleges across the country. The medium-
term goal is to have optimum access by people of India to family health/ general practice specialty
professional healthcare. In light of the need to augment Family Medicine programs in medical colleges
in the country, NITI Aayog is facilitating pathways for new All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMSs)/ INDUSTRY
Institutes of National Importance (INIs) in the country to introduce Family Medicine programs in their
respective medical institutes. Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme
In order to provide an impetus to manufacturing in India and exports from India, NITI Aayog in
Policy and Strategy for Health Insurance Coverage of India’s Missing Middle consultation with several associated ministries and departments had anchored the introduction of a
Subsequent to the release of the NITI Aayog report ‘Health Insurance for India’s Missing Middle’, the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme in key sectors for a period of five years. The Scheme was
National Health Authority requested NITI Aayog to suggest a strategy to extend the health coverage to approved by the Union Cabinet in its meeting held on 11 November 2020.
the ‘missing middle’ which is a broad category of population which lacks health insurance, positioned
between the deprived poorer sections and the relatively well-off organized sector. Accordingly, a multi-
stakeholder committee, with Special Secretary, NITI Aayog as the Chair, was constituted and included
members from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW), National Health Authority, and other
stakeholders including from the insurance sector.
The Committee is tasked with (i) devising a policy and strategy to extend or expand the health
coverage to the missing middle under the ambit of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) or
independent of it; (ii) devising the criteria for identification of the missing middle as an individual
or group and strategize a mechanism for their plausible enrollment or subscription for these;
(iii) suggesting ways for effective distribution, raising consumer awareness of health insurance; and
(iv) suggesting implementation pathways for extending coverage to missing middle. The Committee
has organized several stakeholder deliberations, and the final report is under preparation.

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The PLI Scheme is designed to incentivize incremental production for a limited number of eligible Committee on Decriminalization
anchor entities in each of the selected sectors who will invest in technology, plant & machinery, as
An inter-ministerial committee on ‘Decriminalizing Non-compliance for Ease of Doing Business in
well as in R&D. The Scheme will also have beneficial spillover effects by the creation of a widespread
India’ was constituted under the chairpersonship of CEO, NITI Aayog in March 2022. NITI Aayog has
supplier base for the anchor units established under the scheme, thus generating massive primary
forwarded the data and learnings collated through the reviews of 36 ministries to DPIIT for further
and secondary employment opportunities. The schemes are expected to lead to increased production
action and standardization across ministries. NITI Aayog continues to support DPIIT in the exercise
of over Rs. 40 Lakh Crore and are expected to generate additional 60 lakhs of employment in next
for decriminalization of non-complaince for ease of doing business.
five years across 14 sectors.
NITI Aayog has worked extensively to prepare the contours of the individual PLI schemes along with
Taskforce on Enforcement of Contract
the concerned Ministries/Departments. All the schemes are presently under implementation. CEO,
NITI Aayog is a part of Empowered Group of Secretaries (EGoS) for monitoring the PLI schemes of all A taskforce was formed under the chairpersonship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog to study the
the 14 sectors. implementation of the Commercial Courts Act, 2015. In this regard, meetings were held with
representatives of the Supreme Court, Delhi High Court and some Commercial Courts to identify gaps
The list of sectors, implementing Ministry/Department, and sector-wise approved outlays are provided
in the procedure, human resource and infrastructure. Further, an online survey of all Commercial
in the table below:
Courts and High Courts was conducted to identify infrastructure and human resource bottlenecks.

Implementing Ministry/
Priority Sectors Financial Outlay
(INR Crore)

1 Critical KSMs/DIs/ APIs Department of Pharmaceuticals 6,940 The Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi gave the vision of LiFE–Lifestyle for Environment during
COP 26 at Glasgow in 2021. LiFE envisages bringing everyone together to adopt an environmentally
2 Medical Devices Department of Pharmaceuticals 3,420
conscious lifestyle for ‘mindful and deliberate utilization, instead of mindless and destructive
Large Scale Electronics Ministry of Electronics and consumption’. Studies indicate that behaviors can help in reducing carbon emission substantially.
3 38,645
Manufacturing Information Technology
India believes that environment friendly behavior of an individual and the community in total can
Advance Chemistry Cell (ACC) have a significant impact on the environment and climate crisis. A healthy and sustainable way of
4 Ministry of Heavy Industries 18,100
Battery living based on traditions and the values of conservation and moderation is a key to mitigating climate
Ministry of Electronics and change. India is the only country that has included LiFE in its Nationally Determined Contributions
5 Electronic/Technology Products 7,350
Information Technology (NDCs). It has been decided that MoEF&CC will look after the Indian aspects of Mission LiFE, and NITI
Aayog will steer the global aspects of this Mission.
Automobiles and Auto
6 Ministry of Heavy Industries 25,938

7 Pharmaceuticals Drugs Department of Pharmaceuticals 15,000

8 Telecom Networking Products Department of Telecom 12,195

Textile Products: MMF segment

9 Ministry of Textiles 10,683
and technical textiles

Ministry of Food Processing

10 Food Products 10,900

Ministry of New and Renewable

11 High Efficiency Solar PV Modules 4,500

Department for Promotion of

12 White Goods (ACs and LED) 6,238
Industry and Internal Trade

13 Specialty Steel Ministry of Steel 6,322

14 Drones & Drone Components Ministry of Civil Aviation 120

Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressing the gathering during the Mission LiFE
launch event on 20 October 2022 at Kevadia, Gujarat

Annual Report 2022–23 17 18 Annual Report 2022–23


Hon’ble Prime Minister launched Mission LiFE globally on 20 October 2022 at Statue of Unity, in In view of Mission LiFE being launched in the 75th year of India’s Independence, a non-exhaustive list
presence of UN Secretary General Mr. Antonio Guterres. Heads of States/ Prime Ministers of ten of 75 individual LiFE actions across seven categories have been identified:
countries including Argentina, Estonia, France, Georgia, Guyana, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal,
and the United Kingdom supported Mission LiFE through video messages.
Energy saving

Water saving

Single use plastic reduction

Sustainable food system adoption

Waste reduction (Swachchhata)

Healthy lifestyle adoption

E-waste reduction

These actions are specific and measurable, easy to practice, and non-disruptive to ongoing economic
NITI Aayog has initiated the LiFE Global Call for Ideas and Papers to invite papers/ ideas from across
Mission LiFE booklet being launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in the presence of
the world aimed at individuals, households, and communities to drive climate-friendly behaviors.
United Nations’ Secretary General Mr. Antonio Guterres, Chief Minister, Govt. of Gujarat Shri Bhupendra Patel,
and External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar Top 75 ideas will be released as a working paper series, and the top 5 ideas will be awarded and
acknowledged at an International LiFE conference scheduled in June 2023.

Mission LiFe Logo being launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in the presence of
United Nations’ Secretary General Mr. Antonio Guterres, Chief Minister, Govt. of Gujarat Shri Bhupendra Patel,
and External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar

Annual Report 2022–23 19 20 Annual Report 2022–23


Annual Report 2022–23 21 22 Annual Report 2022–23


course corrections; and (ii) to actively monitor and evaluate the implementation of programmes and
initiatives to strengthen the probability of success and scope of delivery.

$ Output-Outcome Monitoring Framework (OOMF)
$ Data Governance Quality Index (DGQI)
$ Monitoring of Global Indices for Reforms and Growth (GIRG)
$ Institutionalizing and Promoting Evaluations
$ Engagement with States
$ Capacity Building

MONITORING AND Output–Outcome Monitoring Framework

The Output–Outcome Monitoring Framework (OOMF) is an important component of the union budget

EVALUATION and the same has been published annually since 2017–18. The goal is to institutionalize outcome
monitoring, to shift the focus of line ministries of Government of India from tracking physical and
financial progress, to tracking the results of work done. Salient features of OOMF are as follows:
$ Every year, the Framework has been laid in Parliament along with the Union Budget for 4
consecutive years
$ Rule 54, General Financial Rules 2017 makes OOMF an integral process for ministries/
INTRODUCTION $ Covers 67 ministries/departments
To increase efficiency and improve decision making, evidence-based policy-making is essential. $ 500+ Central Sector (CS) and Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) with a cumulative INR 11+
The Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO), an attached unit of NITI, envisions to lakh crore annual budgetary outlay
institutionalize the application and use of monitoring and evaluation at all levels of government
policy and programmes and help improve the efficiency, effectiveness, equity, sustainability, and $ 5000+ output and outcome indicators tracked on the dashboard through progress and
achievement of results. Evidence based policy making, strengthening data systems and architecture, compliance reports
and strengthening M&E ecosystem are the key pillars of the DMEO. Since 2020, annual review meetings related to OOMF of various ministries/departments have been
In addition, NITI Aayog has also developed several indices and dashboards by focusing on effective conducted under the chairpersonship of Vice Chairman and Members, NITI Aayog along with the
management and better outcomes backed by data analysis. Secretaries of the ministries/departments to review (i) the progress of Central Sector/ Centrally
Sponsored Schemes; (ii) monitor outcomes of schemes especially towards achieving the National
Development Agenda and Sustainable Development goals, (iii) progress on actionable points pertaining

DEVELOPMENT MONITORING AND EVALUATION OFFICE to the previous year’s OOMF review meeting and (iv) other issues and challenges. A total of 37 and 53
such review meetings have been conducted during 2020-21 and 2021-22 respectively. As of 18 January
(DMEO) 2023, around 30 meetings had been completed for the fiscal year 2022-23.
Further, to improve the quality of OOMF a continuous capacity building exercise and systematic review
DMEO is the apex Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) body of the Government of India. Under NITI
of the framework and indicators of all CS/CSS schemes is undertaken throughout the year. It has
Aayog’s mandate of cooperative and competitive federalism, its ambit of work also includes technical
also been DMEO’s constant endeavour to improve the capacity of officials working at different level
advisory to states. To have functional autonomy, a separate budgetary allocation has been provided
of the government. The OOMF framework has immense potential in improving the performance of
exclusively to DMEO.
schemes and enhancing efficiency as well as effectiveness of government interventions. In this context,
DMEO’s role is: (i) to monitor the progress and efficacy of strategic and long-term policy and DMEO has organized several knowledge-sharing and capacity-building sessions with central and state
programme frameworks as well as initiatives to facilitate improvements, including the necessary mid- government officials during the 2022-23.

Annual Report 2022–23 23 24 Annual Report 2022–23


Data Governance Quality Index (DGQI) Evaluations of Schemes Requested by the Department of Expenditure,
After the final DGQI 2.0 report cards for 74 ministries/departments were shared in February 2022 the Ministry of Finance
DGQI dashboard was launched for use by ministries/departments in March 2022. Using this dashboard, DMEO is in the process of finalizing the evaluation studies of select Central Sector schemes in various
the second round of the DGQI 2.0 exercise was conducted during April – June, 2022 to gather the status sectors such as MSME, Commodity Boards, industrialisation of North-East, Science and Technology and
updates on the data systems of ministries/departments for Quarter 4, FY 2021-22. The draft report Biotechnology pertaining to some ministries, as per the request of the Department of Expenditure.
including the findings of the second round of DGQI 2.0, was shared with ministries/departments in For the evaluation of these Central Sector schemes, the consultancy work was awarded to various
October 2022. consultants/institutions through a transparent tendering process.

Evaluations of Major Schemes

As per the mandate of DEAC, DMEO is undertaking evaluation of various schemes related to roads,
transport, connectivity, energy and food and nutritional security. Evaluations of other important Central
Sector (CS) schemes and Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) are also being initiated.

Organization Evaluation Framework

DMEO is undertaking evaluations of key organizations and public sector enterprises. In this context,
DMEO has developed an Organization Evaluation Framework in the spirit of improving the efficacy
of organizations that deliver services to the population at large.The said framework encompasses
evaluation of an organization’s performance in terms of its effectiveness (mission fulfilment),
efficiency, ongoing relevance (the extent to which the organization adapts to changing conditions in
its environment), and financial viability. Projects related to such organisations are also to be evaluated.
The objective of the project level evaluation is to identify the challenges, gaps, best practices and
Enhanced scope of DGQI 2.0 exercise compared to DGQI 1.0 areas for improvement. This evaluation assesses project design and logical framework, relevance,
effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of projects, socio-economic impact and the role of other
With the objective of widely disseminating learnings from the DGQI exercise, a DGQI methodology departments and agencies in a project’s success.
toolkit was published on the DMEO website and shared with States/UTs to enable them to conduct
similar data maturity assessments. Capacity Building
A compendium of good practices in using administrative data for monitoring and evaluation was also One of DMEO’s goals is to institutionalize the application of monitoring and evaluation at all levels of
published on the DMEO website to promote peer learning among ministries/departments and States. government policy and programs by helping improve the efficiency, effectiveness, equity, sustainability,
A webinar on key insights from DGQI for States/UTs was held in April 2022. Similarly, a training session and achievement of results. DMEO has been taking several initiatives to build individual and institutional
was organized for 180 Indian Administrative Service probationers at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National capacities at the central and state levels over the last year. These initiatives are supported through
Academy of Administration (LBSNAA). synergistic partnerships with government stakeholders, global experts, think tanks and academic

Institutionalising and Promoting Evaluations

Capacity Building of State-Level Universities
DMEO conducts evaluation under the overarching guidance of the Development Evaluation Advisory
Committee (DEAC), reconstituted under the chairpersonship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog in June 2021. DMEO, in pursuance of the goal of cooperative federalism, is engaging with Central and State universities
The members of the committee include CEO, NITI Aayog; Secretaries, Finance, Expenditure, and Rural for knowledge-sharing as well as promoting monitoring and evaluation. The initial partnership with this
Development; and 3 independent experts. Studies are taken up as per the rolling evaluation plan network of universities and academic institutions is aimed at conducting quick field-level assessments
approved by the DEAC. Additionally, DMEO also conducts evaluation based on the request received of important beneficiary-oriented schemes.
from Ministries/Departments and also takes up other evaluation/assessments/review as per need.
Statement of Intent (SoI) with Capacity Building Commission (CBC)
In August 2022, DMEO and CBC signed a Statement of Intent (SoI) for enhancing the execution capacity
of the Indian state by radically improving the government’s human resource management practices
and augmenting the capacity of India’s 25 million civil servants. The SoI has been signed with the
intent of creating the optimal learning opportunities for civil servants wherein DMEO and CBC will

Annual Report 2022–23 25 26 Annual Report 2022–23


jointly develop courses in the domain of monitoring and evaluation. Further, this partnership will
work towards developing the M&E competency framework and mapping M&E roles and activities for
officers across India.

Knowledge Dissemination
Interactive brown bag sessions were organized with national and international experts in different
$ How satellite imagery, big data, and artificial intelligence are helping to monitor the world’s
carbon emissions by Gavin, Climate Trace Coalition, April 2022.
$ Design evaluations by Gonzalo Hernández Licona, expert for country-led evaluations working
for UNICEF, April 2022.
$ National data systems for results for children by UNICEF, May 2022.
$ Understanding monitoring and trading of carbon credits by Santosh Singh, partner and
managing director, climate and agri solutions, Intellecap, July 2022.
$ Problem driven iterative adaptation by Michael Woolcock, lead social scientist, World Bank
Development Research Group, September 2022.
$ Webinar on findings of National Sample Survey 77th round survey by Soumendra
Chattopadhya, former additional DG, NSSO, May 2022.
DMEO also hosted six events in the 4th edition of the annual GLOCAL Evaluation Week, a global
monitoring and evaluation knowledge-sharing movement convened by the Global Evaluation Initiative.
To leverage collective learnings for guiding transformation of M&E capacities at the State level,
DMEO organized the 5th Development Partners’ Meet: Roundtable on Transformation of Monitoring
and Evaluation Capacities in States in August 2022. The purpose of the roundtable was to apprise
DMEO’s development partners of the progress on various activities undertaken by DMEO and to share
opportunities for collaboration in strengthening the M&E ecosystem in India.
The Citizen Reports comprise of 3 dashboards based on the analysis of the CoC data:
1. Performance of Aspirational Districts since Inception.
PERFORMANCE DASHBOARD 2. Delta Ranking of Districts that is released every month.
3. Indicator level progress across Themes for all the districts.
Champions of Change, Aspirational Districts Programme
In addition to these reports, the District Administrations have access to a Data Visualization tool to
The Champions of Change dashboard for real-time data collection and monitoring opened for public
perform advanced analytics for analysing their performance using the CoC data.
viewing on 1 April 2018. The dashboard has been named so to emphasize the critical role played by
the district collectors/magistrates and their teams in the progress of districts. Aspirational Districts
Programme hinges on inducing competition among 112 districts through regular ranking, which is
dynamic and reflects the incremental (delta) improvement made every month. Districts are encouraged
to improve their data collection and maintenance mechanisms to enter up-to-date data on the
The Champions of Change portal (CoC 2.0) has been upgraded to further empower the District
Administrations towards data-driven governance and evidence-based policy making. CoC 2.0 hosts
many new features such as Citizen Reports, Citizen Feedback, Advanced Analytics, Project Management,
Geo-Spatial Maps and other AI/ML Solutions.

Annual Report 2022–23 27 28 Annual Report 2022–23


In order to take concrete steps towards realizing the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Vision to improve
farmers’ incomes, NITI Aayog, in collaboration with the National Bureau of Soil Survey (Indian Council
of Agricultural Research), mapped Aspirational Districts in order to support the administration in
sustainable farming and agriculture. The Geospatial Analytics platform provides mapping for the
purpose of (1) Alternate Land Use Planning to improve farmer incomes; for crop diversification and
maintaining ecological balance in the district, and (2) Soil and Water Conservation to reduce soil
erosion and contamination, improve irrigation facilities and provide probable check dam locations.
One of the most important features in this new platform is the automated system generated mailers
on data quality and monthly performance. Automated mailers are sent to the districts highlighting
any discrepancies in data entered by them, based on pre-configured logics in the system. This has
helped enhancing the overall data quality of the programme and subsequently the analysis of the
performance of the districts. System generated monthly performance reports are also sent to the
District Magistrates/District Collectors, Central Prabhari Officers/State Prabhari Officers and the Chief
Secretaries of the State, detailing their performance on various indicators.

SDG India Index and Dashboard

The SDG India Index dashboard allows users to visualize and explore the data in the SDG India Index
reports. The dashboard is updated annually—every time a new edition of the index is launched—and
has cross-sectoral relevance for policy makers, civil society, business and academia. Additionally, two
interactive dashboards have also been developed for the North-Eastern Region District SDG Index and
The Districts can also compare their performance with other districts in the state or the best among the SDG Urban Index which can be accessible at following links respectively https://sdgindiaindex.niti.
all Aspirational Districts, triangulate their analysis with other data sources such as National Family and respectively.
Health Survey (NFHS), Census and 3rd party survey data, and upload block level or gram panchayat
level data as well for analysis.
Sustainable Development Goals North-Eastern Region District Index
COC 2.0 also comes with a fully digitised Project Management workflow. District authorities can use this
NITI Aayog released a first-of-its-kind North-Eastern Region (NER) District SDG Index and dashboard
portal to obtain additional funds under the Externally Aided Programme (EAP-SDG) of NITI Aayog and
in August 2021. The North Eastern Region District SDG Index is another milestone in NITI Aayog’s
through CPSE’s Corporate Social Responsibility. The Advanced Project Management System assists the
efforts in localising the SDGs from ‘global to national to local’. It focuses on the North-Eastern Region,
districts in preparation of relevant projects which can directly or indirectly impact the socio-economic
which is of critical significance to the country’s development trajectory. The index ranks the Districts
indicators in these Aspirational Districts. The Project Management workflow also has a provision to
of the eight States of the NER—Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
monitor the implementation of the projects as well as the fund flow in the districts with minimal
Sikkim, and Tripura—based on their relative performance on Sustainable Development Goals and their
paperwork. The districts have provision to upload the pictures as evidence to support the completion
corresponding targets. An interactive dashboard was also prepared to allow users to explore and
and impact of the project as a part of the monitoring framework.
visualise the data in the NER District SDG Index Report. The dashboard allows for region-level and
district-level insights and can be a helpful tool for extracting critical insights from the NER District
SDG Index data.

Annual Report 2022–23 29 30 Annual Report 2022–23


Sustainable Development Goals Urban Index

The SDG Urban Index, a result of the NITI Aayog–GIZ and
BMZ collaboration, is focused on driving SDG localization
in Indian cities, under the umbrella of Indo-German
Development Cooperation. The index ranks 56 urban areas
on 77 SDG indicators across 46 targets of the SDG framework.
The index and dashboard are meant to strengthen SDG
localization and institute robust SDG monitoring at the
city level. It highlights the strengths and gaps of ULB-level
data, monitoring, and reporting systems. The next edition
of Urban Index is in progress.

Global Indices for Reforms and Growth

The Global Indices for Growth and Reforms (GIRG) initiative
focuses on driving performance and reforms in critical
and important indicators across social, economic, and
The construction of the index and the ensuing methodology embodies the central objectives of development sectors. The 30 global indices (GIs) selected for monitoring under GIRG, which are
measuring the performance of districts on the SDGs and ranking them. It intends to support States in published by 21 unique global agencies (publishing agencies), influence perceptions of the country
identifying critical sectoral gaps which require more attention; strengthening statistical and monitoring and relative performance among other countries in their respective sectors.
systems; and promoting healthy competition among them.
These 30 Indices have been allocated to 19 Nodal Ministries/ Departments (M/Ds), which are to be
While computing the Index, all aspects related to the selection of indicators and computation supported by 46 Line M/Ds. In addition, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
methodology of the NER District SDG Index and Dashboard followed an extensive process of consulting (MoSPI), the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB)
all the eight States of the region. States played a crucial role in shaping the index by enriching the have been included to drive GIRG.
feedback process with localised insights and field experience.
The GIRG initiative was entrusted to DMEO, NITI Aayog as the knowledge partner and coordinator
The next edition—North East SDG Index 2.0—is in progress. to engage with different stakeholders to successfully implement and drive the initiative. The GIRG
initiative is continuously reviewed at the level of Cabinet Secretary/ Cabinet Secretary coordination/
CEO NITI Aayopg to assess the progress made by the nodal M/Ds for 28 Global indices.

India Climate and Energy Dashboard 3.0 (ICED 3.0)

NITI Aayog developed and launched India Energy Dashboards 2.0 (IED 2.0) in April 2021, with the
support of Ministries of Coal, Power, Renewable Energy, and Petroleum & Natural Gas.. The next
iteration of IED is being developed as India Climate and Energy Dashboard 3.0 (ICED 3.0). It is aims
to be one-of-a-kind platform with several features such as interactive NDC Tracking, Non-fossil Fuel
share & Renewable Energy. ICED is expected to be a one-stop destination for the energy data in the
country. The data being made available on ICED 3.0 includes Supply and Demand, Climate, Economy,
and Demography. ICED 3.0 also envision to have an analytical engine to help users to analyse the
rich data available on the portal.

India Energy Security Scenarios 2047 (IESS 2047)

India Energy Security Scenarios (IESS) is an excel based scenario planning tool developed by NITI
Aayog to assist in planning for clean energy transition. The second version of tool launched in 2016
is now being revised in partnership with IIT Bombay to include: i) updation of base year to 2019-20 ii)
inclusion of Green Hydrogen, CCUS and Coal Gasification in the model iii) updated methodology for

Annual Report 2022–23 31 32 Annual Report 2022–23


residential building sector iv) automation of various calculations used in IESS version-2 v) Demand- India Innovation Index
GDP linkages vi) provision for yearly projections up-to 2047 instead of five year projections and vi)
The S&T Vertical in NITI Aayog is responsible for ranking the States/UTs based on their innovative
implementation of Grid balancing algorithm.
capabilities by releasing the India Innovation Index every year, in coordination with the Institute for
Competitiveness as a knowledge partner.

KEY INDICES TO PROMOTE COMPETITIVE FEDERALISM NITI Aayog released the ‘India Innovation Index 2021’ on 21 July 2022. The framework for India Innovation
Index 2021 was revised with the number of indicators increased from 36 (of the India Innovation
Index 2020) to 89, to match—to the extent possible—the 80 indicators of the already released Global
School Education Quality Index (SEQI 2.0) Innovation Index 2021. This enables the index to have an improved evaluation of the innovation
NITI Aayog’s School Education Quality Index (SEQI) aims to assess the performance of all States/ performance of the states and provides the states with insights to design policy solutions and reforms
UTs on school education outcomes (access, equity, learning outcomes) and governance, based on to improve their future performance.
identified indicators. The indicators are largely based on data from the National Achievement Survey NITI Aayog, as a part of the effort to reinvigorate cooperative federalism, is also extensively supporting
(NAS, 2017, 2021) and U-DISE (2016-17, 2020-21), along with a few indicators for which data is provided States and UTs in improving their ranking in the India Innovation Index. The development and
by the concerned States/ UTs. improvement in innovation performance at the state level will subsequently result in the improvement
The first version of SEQI was released by NITI Aayog in September 2019, based on the learning outcomes of India’s ranking in the Global Innovation Index as well.
data of NAS 2017. With the next round of NAS (2021) released this year, NITI is working towards the next
version of SEQI, i.e., SEQI 2.0. In this context, following the regional training workshops, the Vertical has State Health Index: Round V
carried out a data cleaning exercise with respect to the data filled for the indicators by the states/
NITI Aayog, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and with technical
UTs. The data cleaning exercise has been completed with all 36 states and UTs, and the exercise has
assistance from the World Bank, has been spearheading the Health Index initiative since 2017 to
moved to the next phase, data validation and data certification. Institute of Competitiveness is the
measure the annual performance of States and Union Territories on a variety of indicators: health
3rd party carrying out the data validation exercise.
outcomes, governance, and processes. The index aims to nudge States towards transformative action
The vertical is simultaneously looking at the technical developments on the SEQI Portal and website in the health sector. NITI Aayog is committed to establishing the health index as an annual systematic
for SEQI 2.0. with support from Institute for Competitiveness. tool to focus the attention of the States/UTs on achieving better health outcomes. The importance of
this tool is reemphasized by MoH&FW’s decision to link the index to incentives under the National
State Energy and Climate Index: Round 1 Health Mission. This has been instrumental in shifting the focus from budget spending and inputs to
outputs and outcomes. The index report for Round IV was released in December 2021; Round V is in
NITI Aayog has developed a State Energy & Climate Index (SECI) Round-1, which ranks the states’
the final release stage.
performance on six parameters, namely, (1) DISCOM’s Performance (2) Access, Affordability and
Reliability of Energy (3) Clean Energy Initiatives (4) Energy Efficiency (5) Environmental Sustainability;
and (6) New Initiatives. The index consists of 27 indicators. On the overall composite score, the states District Hospital Index: Round II
and UTs are categorized into three groups: Front Runners, Achievers, and Aspirants based on size and NITI Aayog, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and technical
geographical differences as larger states, smaller states, and UTs. support from WHO India and other stakeholders, developed a framework to assess the performance
In the first edition, which is based on 2019–20 data, Gujarat, Kerala, and Punjab have been ranked as of District Hospitals. In the first round, 707 District Hospitals across the country were assessed on
the top three performers in the category of larger states. Goa, emerged as the top-performing state 10 key performance indicators (KPIs) across the domains of ‘Structure’ and ‘Output’ based on Health
in the smaller states category, followed by Tripura, and Manipur. Among UTs, Chandigarh, Delhi, and Management Information System (HMIS) data for the year 2017–18. The top-performing District Hospitals
Daman & Diu/Dadra & Nagar Haveli are the top performers. were identified and their best practices collected and documented in the report titled ‘Best Practices
in the Performance of District Hospitals’.
Detailed state profiles and scorecards have been included in the report which provides a comprehensive
snapshot of each state and union territory on the various parameters. NITI Aayog launched the State NITI Aayog has initiated the second round of the District Hospital Index, wherein the performance of
Energy & Climate Index–Round 1 on 11 April 2022. District Hospitals, excluding medical college hospitals, will be analyzed on a set of 17 KPIs covering
the domains on Structure, Process, Output, and Outcome. The performance assessment will be done
primarily based on HMIS data for FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22. Data validation of HMIS data of the facility
Global Innovation Index vis-à-vis their corresponding physical records is entrusted with an independent validation agency. It
An Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committee constituted by NITI Aayog under the chairpersonship of is being done for a representative sample of about 10% of the total District Hospitals, following which
the CEO, NITI Aayog monitors the progress of updating the data/inputs on the Global Innovation Index the index report will be prepared, covering District Hospitals across the country.
(GII) and suggests reform actions for improving India’s ranking in the GII.

Annual Report 2022–23 33 34 Annual Report 2022–23


Composite Water Management Index 3.0 and 4.0

Composite Water Management Index (CWMI) assesses the performance of Indian States and Union
Territories (UTs) in effective Water Management and Governance. This exercise is being successfully
pursued since 2016-17 and so far, published two editions with enthusiastic participation of States and
Union Territories. The latest edition, in fact, comprises of two sets of indices 3.0 and 4.0 for the years
2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively. The index combines the strengths of co-operative federalism and
competitive wherein the States and UTs are directly involved in data collection, analysis & discussion
and maintain healthy competition among them to improve the performance.

Export Preparedness Index 2022

The Export Preparedness Index (EPI) has been developed by NITI Aayog in partnership with Institute
for Competitiveness in order to rank all States and UTs on the basis of their export readiness and
performance. The EPI is based on four pillars—Export Policy, Business Environment, Export Infrastructure,
and Export Performance. The major objectives of the EPI are:
$ Examining export preparedness and performance of Indian States
$ Identification of challenges and opportunities at State level
$ Providing key insights for enhancing export performance.
$ Encouraging facilitative regulatory framework
EPI can be used by States and UTs to benchmark their performance against their peers and analyze
the potential challenges to develop better policy mechanisms to foster export-led growth at the sub-
national level. The Index will also provide analytical insights and inputs to States and UTs to improve
Further, the identification of priority indicators, and the development of reform action plans to address
upon their understanding of future export opportunities.
the pressing challenges of multidimensional poverty in the States and UTs is undertaken by the inter-
After the success of EPI-2020, the second edition of the Export Preparedness Index-2021 was released ministerial MPI Coordination Committee (MPICC) comprising 12 member ministries, with NITI Aayog as
in March 2022. The third edition of EPI is under preparation. the convener. The next edition of the report based on NFHS-5 is under preparation.

Multidimensional Poverty Index The MPI Coordination Committee

The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is an internationally accepted high-resolution household-
level measure of non-monetary poverty covering over 100 developing countries. It captures the
deprivation faced by households across 3 dimensions i.e. health, education, and standard of living
and across 10 indicators. The national MPI project is aimed at deconstructing the global MPI and
creating a globally aligned but customized Indian MPI for devising reform action plans with the larger
goal of improving India’s position in the global MPI rankings. It captures the deprivation faced by a
household across three dimensions of Health, Education and Standard of Living across 12 indicators,
2 additional indicators capturing the national priorities of maternal health and financial inclusion.
The national MPI baseline report is based on NFHS-4 (2015–16) and serves as a useful source for
measuring the situation at the baseline i.e., before the large-scale rollout of nationally important
schemes on housing, sanitation, electricity, cooking fuel, nutrition, etc. This will help in measuring
the changes over time when compared with NFHS-5 (2019–20). The customised national MPI aims to
provide opportunities to the Central and State governments to understand the multiple factors that
are hindering growth, and assist them in making interventions more effective and durable. Estimates
of national MPI headcount ratio and intensity have been prepared not only for the States and Union
Territories, but also for all the districts, which is a unique feature of the report. This will not only
enable the analysis of comparative and relative performance among States and UTs but also enable
states to undertake a comparative analysis of their districts, thus, highlighting regional disparities.

Annual Report 2022–23 35 36 Annual Report 2022–23


Sustainable Development Goals India Index

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) India Index has been comprehensively documenting and
ranking the progress made by the States and UTs towards the achievement of Sustainable Development

SDG India Index Dashboard 2020-21

The index facilitates in identifying crucial gaps and informs interventions to fast-track progress towards
achieving the SDGs at the national and sub-national levels. It acts as a ready reckoner for gauging
progress on the expansive set of the Global Goals on health, education, gender, economic growth,
institutions, climate change and environment, among others.
The SDG India Index 2020–21 was more robust than the previous editions on account of wider coverage
of targets and indicators. The 115 indicators incorporate 16 of the 17 SDGs, with a qualitative assessment
of Goal 17, and cover 70 SDG targets. This is an improvement over the 2018–19 and 2019–20 editions of
the index, which had utilized 62 indicators across 39 targets and 13 Goals, and 100 indicators across
54 targets and 16 Goals, respectively.
The next edition is under preparation with more comprehensive coverage of targets and indicators.

Journey of SDG India Index

Annual Report 2022–23 37 38 Annual Report 2022–23


institutions, such as planning departments and boards, with the support of NITI Aayog. In addition,
the Mission will provide holistic support to States/UTs, which, inter-alia, includes developing the

State Vision, setting their economic goals, establishing robust monitoring and evaluation systems, and
SECTION promoting the innovation ecosystem, among others. The Mission also seeks to leverage the expertise
of academic institutions, development partners, multilateral agencies, and civil societies to assist the
states in implementing their vision.
NITI Aayog has already reached out to all the States to advocate the merit of having SITs in their
respective States. A few states have announced the establishment of SITs, which include Karnataka
(State Institute for Transormation of Karnataka), Maharashtra (MITRA – Maharashtra Institute for
Transformation), Uttar Pradesh (STC – State Transformation Commission), and Uttarakhand (SETU –
State Institute of Empowering and Transforming Uttarakhand). NITI Aayog has also received requests
from states such as Rajasthan, Puducherry, Chhattisgarh, Chandigarh, and Nagaland seeking knowledge
and technical support from NITI Aayog to prepare State Vision document and development strategies.


Strong States make a strong nation. The State Support Mission is an overarching umbrella initiative of
NITI Aayog to reinvigorate its ongoing engagement with States and Union Territories in a more structured
and institutionalized manner in order to achieve the transformational objectives envisioned for 2047, NITI Aayog’s engagement with the States/UTs under SSM
when India would be celebrating its 100 years of Independence. In the area of school education,
Project SATH-E, ‘Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital-Education’, was launched to build
three ‘role model’ States. Further, with the aim of correcting regional developmental imbalance, NITI
Aayog has taken special steps for areas requiring special attention and support, such as those in the
North-East, Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands, and the Himalayas.


NITI Aayog intends to partner with all States/UTs in realising the aspirations of Vikasit Bharat @ 2047
by energising the spirit of cooperative and competitive federalism. To this end, the State Support
Mission has been conceived as an overarching umbrella initiative of NITI Aayog to reinvigorate its
ongoing engagement with States and Union Territories in a more structured and institutionalized
manner. Under the Mission, NITI Aayog is supporting the States/UTs to develop inclusive growth
strategies to achieve their socio-economic goals and to establish State Institution for Transformation
(SIT). These SITs will steer the development strategies required in the States/UTs to achieve the
stated goals. States/UTs may either choose to establish SITs or reimagine the role of their existing
Uttar Pradesh, 29 December 2022

Annual Report 2022–23 39 40 Annual Report 2022–23


NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHIEF SECRETARIES Second National Conference of Chief Secretaries

The conference chaired by Hon’ble Prime Minister was held during 5-7 January, 2023 at National Agricultural
As desired by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, a National Conference of Chief Secretaries is to be held
Science Complex (NASC), ICAR, Pusa, New Delhi and was attended by 217 participants from the States
on an annual basis. Two such three-day conferences have been held till date. This conference which
& UTs as well as officers from select central ministries and external experts. The overarching theme of
witnesses participation of all States/UTs, is a key step towards further boosting the partnership
the Conference was ‘Vikasit Bharat: Reaching the Last Mile’ with two broad pillars, viz., ‘Growth with Job
between the Centre and the State Governments.
Creation’ and ‘Inclusive Human Development’. Extensive work was done by the Centre and States/UTs
The first National Conference was held at Dharamshala during 15-17 June, 2022 and NITI Aayog played together during October-December to develop a blueprint for the way forward under the six identified
a key role in organizing the same. The conference was chaired by Hon’ble Prime Minister and attended themes, namely, (i) Thrust on MSMEs; (ii) Infrastructure and Investments; (iii) Minimising Compliances;
by 204 participants, with representation from all States and Union Territories as well as select Central (iv) Women’s Empowerment; (v) Health and Nutrition; (vi) Skill Development. More than 150 physical
Ministries/ Departments and domain experts. and virtual consultative meetings were held amongst nodal Ministries, NITI Aayog, States/UTs and
The first National Conference of Chief Secretaries was a culmination of substantial efforts put in
by the lead Central Ministries and Departments, other officials from GoI, domain experts, Chief As per the directions of the Hon’ble PM, three conferences were held with the states and UTs prior
Secretaries’/ field functionaries and many other young officers from the States/UTs with more than to the main conference on the following themes, namely, (i) Districts as Fulcrum of Development
100 rounds of deliberations spread over six months. The key themes and their sub-themes covered (ii) Circular Economy; (iii) Model Union Territories.
in the Conference included (i) National Education Policy – School Education (ii)National Education
During the conference, three special sessions were held, on the identified topics, namely, (i) Vikasit
Policy – Higher Education (iii) Crop Diversification and achieving self-sufficiency in Oilseeds, Pulses
Bharat: Reaching the Last Mile; (ii) Five Years of Goods and Services Tax (GST) – Learnings and
and other Agri Commodities (iv) Urban Governance. There were additional sessions on subjects like
Experiences; (iii) Global Geopolitical Challenges and India’s Response. Focused deliberations during
(i) India’s Growth Story: The Role of States; (ii) Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav: Roadmap to 2047;
the second conference were also held on four topics, viz. (i) Vocal for Local; (ii) International Year of
(iii) Aspirational Districts Programme; (iv) Perspectives on Fiscal Management: Role of States. Focused
Millets; (iii) G20: Role of States; and (iv) Emerging Technologies. Under each of these sessions, various
deliberations over meals were held on four topics, namely, (i) Reducing compliance burden and
best practices were presented by States/ UTs.
Decriminalization of Minor Offences; (ii) Transforming India’s Infrastructure through PMGatiShakti;
(iii) Centre State Coordination for achieving Saturation Coverage of Schemes and Ensuring Last Mile The action points emerging under each of these will be monitored by nodal Ministries and NITI Aayog
Delivery; and (iv) Capacity Building: Implementation of iGOT – Mission Karmayogi. through the portal developed to institutionalize the conference. This portal would be accessed by
States/UTs and select central ministries and will serve as a knowledge repository and monitoring

Hon’ble Prime Minister with the organising team of the First National Conference of Chief Secretaries held in
Dharamshala in June 2022

The actionable points that emerged from the deliberations have been minutized and communicated
to all States/UTs and the concerned Ministries/Departments of GoI. A new division named National Hon’ble Prime Minister with the Chief Secretaries of States / UTs at New Delhi in January 2023
Chief Secretaries Coordination Division has been constituted in NITI Aayog on 20 June 2022. The action
points are being regularly reviewed by the Cabinet Secretary and NITI Aayog and necessary support
is provided on an on-going basis.

Annual Report 2022–23 41 42 Annual Report 2022–23



NITI Aayog has endeavored to foster cooperative federalism and promote competitive federalism as The Islands Development Agency (IDA) has been constituted to oversee the comprehensive
part of its mandate through structured support initiatives and mechanisms of engagements with development of islands. ‘Holistic development of identified islands’ has been accorded high priority
States/UTs on a continuous basis. As part of this initiative, an action plan was conceptualized by the by the Government and NITI Aayog was mandated to steer the process. In consultation with the UT
35M vertical for better engagement with States/UTs on a continuous basis including holding meetings Administrations, the Central Ministries/ Departments concerned and other stakeholders, ten islands—
and interactions with every State/UT at least twice a year. The meetings inter-alia intend to serve as Aves, Long, Little Andaman, Smith, and Ross in Andaman & Nicobar and Bangaram, Cheriyam, Minicoy,
a platform for resolution of inter-sectoral and inter-departmental issues, including issues that may Suheli, and Thinnakara in Lakshadweep—were initially identified for sustainable development.
arise between departments of State Governments and those of the Central Government.
Development Plans have been prepared for four islands of Andaman & Nicobar and all the five
Between April to December 2022, official interactions were held with the States/UTs of Andhra Pradesh, identified islands of Lakshadweep. The Plans contain suitable strategies for sustainable tourism
Assam, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, promotion, export of seafood and coconut products made in the islands, organic farming of high-
Lakshadweep, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh by the Vice value crops, and other important economic sectors. Focus is on creation of satisfactory jobs and
Chairman, Members, and CEO of NITI Aayog. Meetings with the states of Tripura, Karnataka, Maharashtra, generation of additional income for the islanders through effective implantation of planned projects,
and Uttar Pradesh, among others, were conducted for the setting up of a State Support Mission. while maintaining ecological stability in the region.
In order to replicate the success of Phase I projects, eleven more sites/islands of Andaman & Nicobar
Islands and five islands in Lakshadweep identified for holistic development in the second phase.
Preparation of master plans are under progress. Cold storage projects, establishing fish processing
units, improving web connectivity, developing infrastructure connectivity, clean and green energy
policies are some of the major initiatives being taken up.

Meetings with CMs of UP, Himachal Pradesh and Odisha

Annual Report 2022–23 43 44 Annual Report 2022–23


SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF INDIAN HIMALAYAN and Chukmukedima, were surveyed and a report was prepared titled ‘Report of the Inter-ministerial
Central Team on account of damage caused due to severe drought in Nagaland, 2021’. The report
REGION was presented in the meeting of the Sub-Committee of National Executive Committee (SC-NEC) for
The Indian Himalayan Region is spread across 13 Indian States/UTs (namely Jammu and Kashmir,
Ladakh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Reducing Compliance Burden in NE States
Sikkim, Tripura, Assam and West Bengal) and stretching across 2500 km. Nearly 50 million people reside
in this region, which is characterized by a diverse demographic and versatile economic, environmental, The NE Division took the initiative to coordinate with the North-Eastern States and encouraged
social and political systems. reduction in compliance burdens such as bare acts, laws, fillings, etc. to facilitate and attract private
investments, facilitate livelihood creation, and thereby economic growth for making India Atma Nirbhar
Bharat. Through several communications to CMs of NE States, addressed by Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog,
Indian Himalayan Central University Consortium personal attention was requested to reduce and rationalize the compliances in the states. Three
NITI Aayog formed a group of Central Universities, the Indian Himalayan Central University Consortium meetings have also been conducted by the Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog with the Chief Secretaries and
(IHCUC), under the Himalayan State Regional Council, focusing on the region’s development. The IHCUC Secretaries of five line ministries to reduce compliance burden.
and CSIR–IHBT (Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology) were asked to work on the following
five thematic areas:
i. Enumeration and valuation of the economic impact of female labour in hills PROJECT SATH-E
ii. Agro-ecology in Himalayan states, with special emphasis on marketing Project SATH-E, ‘Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital-Education’, was launched in 2017 to
iii. Development of eco-friendly and cost-effective tourism in hills identify and build three ‘role model’ States for the school education sector. After an elaborate selection
process, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Madhya Pradesh were chosen through the Challenge Method. The
iv. Opportunities of livelihood to check migration from hilly areas
first phase of SATH-E was completed in May 2020; the project impacted 2.3 crore students, 4.5 lakh
v. Water conservation and harvesting strategies teachers, and 2.3 lakh Government schools.
Reports on the above five thematic areas are being finalized for release in public domain.


The NITI Forum for North East Region (NER) has been set up under the co-chairpersonship of the
Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog and the Minister of State for M/o Development of North Eastern Region to
address the challenges faced and recommend requisite interventions to achieve sustainable economic
growth of NER.
Five sectors—Bamboo, Dairy, Pisciculture, Tea, and Tourism—have been identified by the NITI Forum.
Further, in order to push forward the implementation of the recommendations of the NITI Forum for
North East, a Joint Working Group (JWG) has been constituted by NITI Aayog in September 2020 under
the Chairpersonship of Secretary, M/o DoNER. So far four meetings of JWG have been held. The fourth
meeting was held on 25 April 2022. JWG has impressed upon the concerned Ministries to put in more
efforts to develop and promote the five areas as recommended by NITI Forum for the NE region. A
separate meeting was also held under the chairpersonship of Secretary, MDoNER on 12 January 2022
regarding issues related to fisheries development in NER.

Field Visits and Physical Verifications of Projects

Physical Verification of projects under Scheme for Special Assistance to the State of Sikkim for Capital
Expenditure for 2021–22 was conducted by NITI Aayog. During 6–10 February 2022, eight projects located Key Interventions of Project SATH
at different places were visited and a stock of progress was undertaken.
NE vertical participated in a comprehensive field visit in Nagaland for assessment of crop loss/
damage caused by drought during 20–24 April 2022. Five districts, viz. Wokha, Dimapur, Peren, Niuland,

Annual Report 2022–23 45 46 Annual Report 2022–23


Key Interventions of Project SATH-E

Under the project, a system-wide diagnostic was carried out in all three states to identify the
roadblocks in achieving grade-level competency for all students. Consequently, a three-year roadmap
was prepared in collaboration with the respective state governments. Targeted teaching at the level
of the students, tech-based monitoring system, data-backed review processes, customized teacher
training and mentoring support, etc., were a few of the interventions under the project, which has
led to considerable improvement in all three States. Project SATH has achieved success in terms of
access, equity, and quality in education, with a specialized focus on Out-of-School Children (OoSC),
dropouts, and learning outcomes.

Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals is crucial to
any strategy aimed at achieving the 2030 Agenda. Essentially,
localizing SDGs involves understanding, adapting, planning,
implementing, and monitoring the SDGs from the national to
the local level, via relevant institutions. It includes setting up
Launch of the Report on ‘Indian Model of Localisation’ at HLPF meeting in July 2022
an institutional mechanism, preparaing the vision document,
SDG mapping with schemes and departments, developing the
state/district and the block indicator framework, developing Indian model of SDG localisation
the SDG dashboard, budget linking with SDGs, capacity
building/training of officials , involving CSOs/ CSR in awareness
generation and capacity building.

Localisation and Sensitisation workshops

The SDG Vertical at NITI Aayog has conducted consultations and workshops with Government/
Administration of 28 States and Union Territories, regarding monitoring of progress, evaluation of
actions and implementation of reforms to accelerate progress in the SDGs.

NITI Aayog as a Nodal for SDGs The state consultations saw great participation from the leadership, signaling ownership of the SDG
agenda at the highest levels. The state workshops have been chaired by the Chief Minister of the
The report on “Indian Model of Localisation” was released by Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog in July 2022 state in most cases. In others, the workshops have been chaired by the Chief Secretary of the state.
at the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). The report documents sub- These workshops saw large-scale participation of senior secretaries of line departments, heads of
national experiences in localising the SDGs and distils the lessons learnt, including its successes and departments, mid-level officers from the departments relevant to SDGs and statistical officers. District-
challenges. level officers also participated in the consultations. In these workshops, NITI Aayog’s flagship SDG
India Index serves as the principal monitoring and evaluation tool for driving the discussion forward.

Annual Report 2022–23 47 48 Annual Report 2022–23


ENGAGEMENT WITH STATES $ A week-long residential training programme on monitoring, evaluation and learning was
conducted at the National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development
with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
DMEO’s Engagement with States
$ Two virtual capacity building sessions for district level officers of Uttarakhand were
The Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO) of NITI Aayog has been engaging with
conducted by DMEO, in collaboration with the Uttarakhand Academy of Administration,
States and UTs through periodic knowledge-sharing webinars, training programmes for capacity-
in July and August 2022 followed by a 3-day in-person training in October 2022.
building along with sharing guidelines and toolkits on evaluation studies with individual States as per
their requirements. In 2022, DMEO organized five webinars with States and UTs on the Data Governance $ DMEO, along with the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, conducted a
Quality Index, Output Outcome Monitoring Framework of Odisha, social registry (Kutumba project) of session on budget management for the Government of Assam.
Karnataka, thematic report on behaviour change and the Chief Minister’s Monitoring Dashboard of $ A four-day training programme was conducted in Uttar Pradesh as part of the ongoing
Gujarat. The webinars provided a platform for states to disseminate their best practices and engage support being extended by NITI Aayog to the state in October 2022. This was followed
with each other. by a week-long capacity building programme for the research officers of Government
In addition, DMEO launched a series of web-based roundtables with States and UTs. To enable learning of Uttar Pradesh at NITI Aayog in October 2022.
among states pertaining to monitoring and evaluation, DMEO, in collaboration with the Ministry of $ A training on output–outcome based monitoring, Data Governance Quality Index,
Development of North Eastern Region and UNICEF, organized a roundtable discussion with senior evaluation and survey methodology was conducted in collaboration with the Planning
representatives from all the north-eastern states of India in Guwahati, Assam. The North East Council and Coordination Department, Government of Tripura for State Government officials in
also participated in the roundtable thereby enabling a discussion on the priorities for the region in October 2022.
the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and Vision 2047.
The DMEO team visited Meghalaya to conduct a workshop on the implementation of the ‘Granular
Performance Monitoring Framework’. A summer school to develop Meghalaya as a learning state was
also conducted in August 2022, in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Engaging with States to take forward sectoral reforms
Government of Meghalaya. This programme opened up possibilities of a more nuanced approach
to monitoring and evaluation capacity building across the layers of governance from the State Urban Planning Capacity
headquarters to the far flung and less developed districts.
NITI Aayog had released a publication on
DMEO has also developed a diagnostic tool to assist State/UT Governments in institutionalizing ‘Reforms in Urban Planning Capacity in India’
measures for strengthening evaluation. The DMEO team has conducted interviews with 31 States/UTs. in September 2021 for creating a cumulative
The draft reports for 22 States/UTs have been shared with for feedback. Preparation of draft reports capacity in the country—human resource,
for other States/UTs and the national report is currently underway. technical, and organizational/governance.
Eventually, the agenda of ‘urban planning’

STRENGTHENING MONITORING AND EVALUATION gained national attention, and some of the
key recommendations made by the committee
CAPACITIES IN STATES/UTs were announced in the Union Budget 2022-
23 by the Hon’ble Finance Minister. This
To strengthen the monitoring and evaluation capacities across the country, DMEO organized included setting up a High Level Committee
several training sessions during 2022-23: in MOHUA which is responsible for assisting
state governments in improving their urban
$ A session was conducted for the Indian Audit and Accounts Services in May 2022. planning capacity, implementing the urban
$ Collaborated with Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis, reforms and bring innovations to transform
Government of Madhya Pradesh to impart training to 52 Research Associates. the urban landscape. NITI Aayog organized
conclaves and interactions with the State
$ A training session was conducted in the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of
governments of Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
Administration for Indian Administrative Service officers in June 2022.
Uttar Pradesh, etc. to encourage states to be Member NITI Aayog Dr V.K. Saraswat presenting NITI Aayog
$ A training session on output-outcome based monitoring was conducted in collaboration at the forefront, and cities to come up with report on ‘Reforms in Urban Planning Capacity in India’ to
with the Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration, Pune for the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 25 February 2022.
bottom-up solutions.
Regional Joint Directors and Joint Directors from Government of Maharashtra in June

Annual Report 2022–23 49 50 Annual Report 2022–23


Promoting Industry
A meeting under the chairpersonship of Dr. V K Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog was convened in
April 2022, with officers of Industries Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh and Ministry of
Electronics and Information Technology, to exchange views on possible ways for development of the
Electronics Industry in the state and outlining the further course of action for the same.

Two-Day Leadership Bootcamp for Government of Karnataka’s Indian Administrative

Fellows (IAF) at NITI Aayog
State Government of Karnataka requested NITI Aayog to organize a two-day leadership bootcamp
to provide training to the IAFs giving the perspective of the entire economy and policy initiatives/
strategies taken by the NITI Aayog. The bootcamp was organized under the chairpersonship of CEO,
NITI Aayog on 27–28 April 2022 in NITI Aayog. The Bootcamp was also addressed by the Chief Secretary
and Additional Chief Secretary of Govt. of Karnataka. The Fellowship intends to stimulate sustained
impact at scale, by bringing together talent from the private sector to collaboratively work with state

Two-Day Leadership Bootcamp for Government of Karnataka’s Indian Administrative Fellows (IAF) at NITI Aayog

Annual Report 2022–23 51 52 Annual Report 2022–23



Hon’ble Prime Minister meets top economists at NITI Aayog

The deliberations were based on the theme ‘India’s Growth & Resilience Amidst Global Headwinds’.
PM applauded the success of the India Digital story, rapid adoption of fintech across the country, and
the potential for inclusive growth and development it promises. He underscored Nari Shakti as a key
driver of India’s growth and urged to continue making efforts to further enable and boost women’s
participation in the workforce. The Prime Minister highlighted the need to promote millets in the
THINK-TANK ongoing International Year of Millets.
Finance Minister, Minister of State for Planning, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog, Principal Secretary to Prime

ACTIVITIES Minister, Members of NITI Aayog, Cabinet Secretary, Chief Economic Adviser and CEO, NITI Aayog were
also present at the meeting.


An in-house lecture series on India’s development strategies has been initiated for NITI Aayog officers

INTRODUCTION and other select officials from Government of India. These lectures aim to sensitize the participants
about the major initiatives of the government, enhance their knowledge, build capacity, create more
In 2022-23, NITI Aayog undertook significant steps towards mainstreaming technology for achieving productive and inclusive environment, provoke innovative thinking and develop shared commitments
the development goals of India. It actively collaborated with the private sector to help the country for meeting developmental objectives of the nation.
address grave challenges in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, apart from continuing to explore the The first lecture of this series was held on 30 September 2022 at Sushma Swaraj Bhawan, New Delhi
many economic and social potential of artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. on the theme – ‘COVID-19 Vaccination – the India Story’. Dr. V K Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog,
During 2022-23, NITI Aayog continued with old partnerships and built new ones with various think- delivered the key note address which was followed by a panel discussion comprising Shri Rajesh
tanks, countries, and educational and policy research institutions to create a knowledge, innovation Bhushan, Secretary (Health); Dr. Krishna Ella, Founder, Bharat Biotech; and Ms Priyam Gandhi-Mody,
and entrepreneurial support system. Author and Communications Strategist, and moderated by CEO, NITI Aayog.

Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a meeting with economists at NITI Aayog on 13 January
2023 to assess the state of the Indian economy and its challenges, ahead of the Union Budget 2023–24.

Annual Report 2022–23 53 54 Annual Report 2022–23


The third edition of the In-house Lecture Series on India’s Development Strategies for NITI Aayog
officers and other select officials from Government of India series was held on 30 November 2022 at
NDMC Convention Centre, New Delhi on ‘Government’s Focus on Women Empowerment: Successes &
Way Forward’. The keynote address was delivered by Smt. Smriti Irani, Hon’ble Union Minister, Women
& Child Development and Minority Affairs followed by a panel discussion comprising Smt. Sangita
Reddy, Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals; Smt. Chetna Gala Sinha, Founder & Chairperson,
Mandeshi Mahila Bank; and Major Divya A., Indian Army.

Dr. V.K. Paul, Member, NITI Aayog delivering keynote address at the 1st NITI In-House lecture on
‘Covid-19 Vaccination - the India Story’.

The second lecture of the series was held on 31 October, 2022 at Sushma Swaraj Bhawan, New Delhi
on the theme – ‘India’s Reforms Story – The Last 8 Years’. Shri Gautam Chikermane (Vice President,
Observer Research Foundation, ORF) delivered the keynote address, which was followed by a panel
discussion comprising Ms. Anita Karwal, Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy and Shri
Subhrakant Panda, Senior Vice President, FICCI, and moderated by CEO, NITI Aayog.

L-R: FICCI Senior Vice President Subhrakant Panda, Observer Research Foundation (ORF) Vice President Gautam Panelists of the 3rd NITI In-House lecture on ‘Government’s Focus on Women Empowerment:
Chikermane, VC Suman Bery, CEO Parameswaran Iyer, Department of School Education & Literacy Secretary Anita Karwal Successes and Way Forward’.

Annual Report 2022–23 55 56 Annual Report 2022–23


The 4th in-house NITI lecture on ‘Leveraging Millets for Food, Nutrition, Health and Economic Security’
was held on 30th December, 2022 at NDMC Convention Centre, New Delhi. The aim of the event was
to kick-start the celebrations of International Year of Millets-2023 and generate awareness amongst
the staff of NITI Aayog about the potential of millets to address welfare of marginal farmers, water
crisis, degrading soil health, poor health indicators, and achievement of United Nations Sustainable
Development Agenda 2030.

Chef Anahita Dhondy conducting a live millet cooking demonstration session during 4th
In-house NITI lecture

Prof. Ramesh Chand, Member (Agriculture) delivered the keynote address and also moderated the
panel discussion, comprising of Dr. Arabinda Kumar Padhee, Principal Secretary, Govt. of Odisha; Dr. Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Hemalatha R, Director, ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition; Chef Manjit Gill, President, Indian Federation
In 2018, NITI Aayog released the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (NSAI). Based on the
of Culinary Association; and Ms. Rujuta Diwekar, Nutrition and Exercise Science Expert. Besides, Chef
recommendations of NSAI, two papers were subsequently released following inter-ministerial and
Anahita Dhondy conducted a live millet cooking demonstration session and six exhibition stalls were
various stakeholder consultations in the domain of Responsible AI — Part 1: Principles of Responsible
set up for millet based start-ups.
AI, and Part 2: Operationalizing Principles for Responsible AI.
The third paper of the series on Responsible AI is being finalized after completing stakeholder
consultation, including public comments. This paper titled ‘Responsible AI for All: Adopting the
Framework – A use case approach on Facial Recognition Technology’—examines the above principles
and mechanisms in a use-case concerning Facial Recognition Technology (FRT). It also makes reference
to a project recently anchored by NITI Aayog for the seamless onboarding of passengers at the airport
under the policy of Digi Yatra, announced by the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) in 2018.

Report on Digital Banks: A Proposal for

Licensing and Regulatory Regime for India
A report on Digital Banks was released on 20 July 2022 by
NITI Aayog Vice Chairman Shri Suman Bery and CEO Shri
Parameswaran Iyer, in the presence of other government
officials. This report makes a case and offers a roadmap for
a licensing and regulatory regime for digital banks. It focuses
on Minimizing regulatory or policy arbitrage and offers a level-
playing field to incumbents as well as competitors.

Panelists of the 4th In-house NITI lecture on ‘Leveraging Millets for Food, Nutrition, Health and
Economic Security’.

Annual Report 2022–23 57 58 Annual Report 2022–23


NATIONAL MISSION ON TRANSFORMATIVE MOBILITY Launch of e-FAST India (Electric Freight Accelerator for Sustainable
Transport – India)
AND BATTERY STORAGE NITI Aayog, in collaboration with World Resources Institute India (WRI India), and supported by the
To drive clean, connected, shared, sustainable and holistic mobility initiatives in India, National Mission World Economic Forum (WEF), CALSTART and RMI India, today launched India’s first national electric
on Transformative Mobility and Battery Storage was set up in NITI Aayog in March 2019. Various policy freight platform—e-FAST India (Electric Freight Accelerator for Sustainable Transport – India).The
decisions and strategies were made and recommended to bolster transformative mobility India. e-FAST platform brings together various stakeholders from across the freight ecosystem, to strengthen
partnerships, on the supply and demand side, along with identifying and supporting innovative freight
Key Highlights for 2022-23 electrification solutions.

$ Re-strategized the FAME-II scheme, thereby the electric 2Ws adoption rate has increased
from 3.5 per cent to 72 per cent of target achieved in the last eleven months.
Developed the world’s largest electric bus tender for 5450 e-buses and during price discovery;
prices of electric buses have dropped by 18–24 per cent.
$ NITI Aayog launched the National E-Bus Programme to aggregate demand for 50,000 e-buses.
Nearly 19,000 e-buses are under various stages of deployment. Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS)
$ State EV Accelerator Programme of EV Mission in NITI Aayog has inspired 33 States/UTs to It is critical for a developing nation like India to address the rising greenhouse gas emissions resulting
come up with their respective EV policies. from a rapidly expanding industrial sector, without compromising its economic growth. Power, steel,
$ Launched Accelerated e-Mobility Revolution for India’s Transportation (E-AMRIT)—-a one- cement, refinery, and other heavy industrial sectors in India rely heavily, at present, on coal and
stop destination for all information related to EVs at COP 26. petroleum products. However, in the long-term, deep decarbonisation scenarios through Carbon
Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS), could play an important role to achieve net-zero emissions in
$ Shoonya–Zero Pollution Delivery Campaign able to bring together 140 industry partners; 70 energy systems. In view of the above, the Science and Technology vertical of the NITI Aayog organised
million deliveries and 40 million rides have been completed. a National Workshop on CCUS on 30 March 2022, in hybrid mode. The workshop brought together
$ A Draft Battery Swapping Policy has been prepared. government officials, industry leaders, and academia to discuss the role of CCUS in enabling a circular
economy for India.
COP 27, Sharm el Shiekh, Egypt
NITI Aayog, along with the UK and the US, launched a ZEV Country Partnership at COP 27 to provide
tailored and impactful support that would help accelerate India’s ZEV adoption. Along with 45 countries,
India also supported the launch of the Priority Actions for Road Transport Breakthrough to boost
clean technologies to fight climate change. NITI Aayog also hosted a panel at COP27, India Pavilion
to highlight India’s EV revolutionary journey. During side events, NITI Aayog, along with the World
Economic Forum, launched the executive brief on Financing India’s Electric Two- and Three-Wheeler

Circular Economy
NITI has drafted a Circular Economy Action Plan for Li-ion Batteries. The action plan has taken into
National Workshop on Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
accord the various lifecycles of battery from manufacturing, usage, collection, dismantling, reuse, and
recycling of the batteries.
Methanol Economy
India is poised to play a significant role in the global energy space with the demand expected to
Eco Logistics Plans
rise at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.5 per cent till 2040. However, the dependence
NITI Aayog in collaboration with ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia initiative is of crude oil and natural gas has continually increased. Methanol and Dimethyl ether (DME) can play
supporting Shimla, Panaji and Kochi cities with the development of EcoLogistics-Low carbon urban an important role in order to curtail the rising imports and improve the energy security of India.
freight plans. It aims to enhance the capacities, strategies and policies to promote low carbon urban Moreover, India is at a nascent stage in methanol production and usage, but it has a large potential
freight through local action and national support. The Phase-II of the project is extended to support given its wide applications. NITI Aayog has been driving national efforts towards widespread adoption
Gangtok, Imphal& Ranchi cities. of a Methanol Economy in India.

Annual Report 2022–23 59 60 Annual Report 2022–23


c. Report of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Just Transition from Coal: The committee was
chaired by Joint Secretary, Ministry of Coal. It has made recommendations for establishing
an institutional framework for dealing with mine closure and issues related to just transition.

India Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ICEMF)

India Climate and Energy Modelling Forum was originally institutionalized as India Energy Modelling
Forum (IEMF) on 2nd July 2020, under the aegis of the Sustainable Growth Pillar (SG Pillar) of India-US
Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP). To meet the “Panchamrit” commitments made by Hon’ble
Prime Minister of India during COP26 at Glasgow, the scope of IEMF was expanded to include climate
and economic modelling leading to a revitalised ICEMF. The forum aims at engaging researchers,
knowledge partners, think tanks and national and international government agencies, and departments
for modelling and long-term energy planning exercises. The forum has been engaged for developing
LTES scenario if we are quoting then we have to give reference.

India–Saudi Arabia Strategic Partnership

Under the India-Saudi Arabia Strategic Partnership, NITI Aayog has been identified as nodal agency
to engage with Saudi Centre for International Strategic Partnerships (SCISP). Concerned Ministries
In order to launch the M15 programme in the country, a review meeting to discuss the status of and Departments from both the sides are in the process of identifying priority areas of investment
durability and drivability test protocol for two-wheelers, and the M-15 project activities in the Automotive in both the countries.
Research Association of India (ARAI), was held under the chairpersonship of Dr V. K. Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog, being the secretariat of Economy & Investment Pillar of Strategic Partnership Council
NITI Aayog on 14 February 2022. Based on the test protocols, the ARAI, the Indian Oil Corporation and (SPC) set up under India –Saudi Arabia Strategic Partnership, organized the 3rd meeting of Senior
the Hero MotoCorp have completed various trials on BSVI/BSIV/BSIII two- and four-wheelers with fuels Officials at CEO level on 15 September, 2022 co-chaired by CEO, NITI Aayog and CEO, Saudi Centre
such as E10, M15, and E10+M15. The results have been very encouraging. for International Strategic Partnerships (SCISP), Saudi Arabia. Four Joint Working Groups pertaining to
Industry, Energy, Agriculture and Food Security, and Technology & Information Technology deliberated
Hydrogen Economy on their respective areas of collaborations. This meeting was followed by the “The 1st Ministerial
Meeting of the Economy and Investment Committee” held on 18-19th September, 2022 in Riyadh.
NITI Aayog has been coordinating the efforts on Hydrogen Economy and has organized brainstorming
The Inter-Ministerial delegation was led by Hon’ble Minister of Commerce & Industry, Shri Piyush
sessions on Hydrogen Economy under the chairpersonship of the Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog inviting all
Goyal, which has identified Energy, Logistics, Food Corridor, Desalination of water plants, trade, etc. as
relevant stakeholders. In addition, a presentation on the Hydrogen Economy was made by the leading
possible avenues for collaboration between both the sides.
industries in the sector, to the Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog, on 22 April 2021. Based on the suggestions,
the S&T Vertical and the Atal Innovation Mission have jointly formulated the framework for enabling
stakeholders and innovators in the ecosystem. Cooperation with Netherlands Embassy
Under SoI signed between NITI Aayog & Embassy of Netherlands, two projects were selected for joint
study. LNG as a Heavy-Duty Mobility Fuel report has been completed and submitted for peer review.
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Advanced biofuel report is being prepared and will be submitted subsequently for peer review.

India–US Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP): The following reports of Inter-Ministerial
Committees formed under the Sustainable Growth Pillar of the India-US SCEP have been finalized Highlights from Key SED engagements
and released: Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) Vertical undertakes the role of driving NITI’s interactions with
a. Report of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Energy Data Management: The committee international organizations, foreign governments/dignitaries, embassies, and high commissions in
was chaired by Adviser (Energy), NITI Aayog. It has examined and made recommendations various sectors. The following engagements took place during 2022–23:
with respect to data definitions, formats/methodologies for data collection and reporting, $ A meeting was held with the Embassy of Denmark and NITI Aayog on 1 April 2022 to discuss
calorific values, economic/statistical units and energy/commodity balances. areas of mutual cooperation such as trade, health, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and bilateral
b. Report of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Low Carbon Technologies: The committee was trade. The meeting aimed at discussing the key aspects on trade to ensure conducive
chaired by Sr Adviser (S & T), NITI Aayog. The report identifies a decarbonization roadmap framework conditions.
with regard to steel and cement. A phase wise plan is laid out in the report with respect to
policy interventions, technological interventions and incentives required.

Annual Report 2022–23 61 62 Annual Report 2022–23


$ Delegation of the EU Parliament Committee on International Trade (INTA) to NITI Aayog was
led by Hon. Mr. Bernd Lange, INTA Chair–S&D (Germany) and Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog on 11
$ On 22 April 2022, interaction was held with the Russian Far East delegation to discuss
April 2022 to discuss India–EU trade and investment potential in context with the upcoming
“Programme of India-Russia cooperation in trade, economic and investment” spheres.
negotiations for an EU–India Free Trade Agreement.
Discussions were on areas relating to Rare Earth, Agriculture, and preparation of a draft
MoU for cooperation.

$ On 21 April 2022, interaction took place with the German delegation led by Mr Jochen $ Under the leadership of Dr. V. K. Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog, an interaction was held with
Flasbarth, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Saskatchewan delegation led by Hon’ble Minister Jeremy Harrison, Minister of Trade
and chaired by CEO, NITI Aayog. Discussions were on areas relating to SDGs, energy, trade, and Export Development (TED) on 26 April 2022. Discussions were on areas relating to Rare
agriculture, and climate. Earth, Agriculture, Trade & Industry, among others. Similar such engagements took place
with University of Queensland, JETRO, the Sustainable Modernization delegation, and the
EU delegation to India.

Annual Report 2022–23 63 64 Annual Report 2022–23


Meeting with National Think Tanks on 18 May 2022

$ On 5 September 2022, the first NITI-BMZ Dialogue on Development Cooperation was organised
virtually. The Indian delegation was led by Hon’ble Shri Suman Bery, Vice Chairman, NITI
Aayog and the German side was led by Hon’ble Federal Minister Ms. Svenja Schulze. The
NITI–BMZ Dialogue focused on five core areas of cooperation: Sustainable Development WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP PLATFORM
Goals (SDGs), climate action, energy transition, emerging technologies and agro-ecology. Both The Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP) is a first-of-its-kind unified-access portal that seeks
sides deliberated ongoing engagements and identified potential cooperation in areas that to promote the women entrepreneurial ecosystem by overcoming information asymmetry. It is an
can produce tangible outputs and learnings for India and Germany. aggregator platform that, using technology, provides a knowledge hub for all relevant information,
showcases initiatives relating to women entrepreneurship, and allows access to the larger
entrepreneurial community. In its most recent phase, WEP has new features powered by advanced
PARTNERSHIPS content, smart-matchmaking, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing for advanced
analytics-driven engagement of women entrepreneurs and partners. The content of WEP is developed
based on extensive research work, inter alia including government schemes, incubators, accelerators,
Discussion with leading think tanks
other initiatives, etc. To create role models, the WEP also gave recognition to 75 exceptional women
NITI Aayog has started a series of interaction rounds with major think tanks of the country. The entrepreneurs for their contribution to ‘Samarth and Sashakt Bharat’ as part of Azadi ka Amrit
objective behind these meetings is to provide a platform to deliberate and exchange ideas amongst Mahotsav–India@75. The ceremony also recognized women achievers who have made their mark
think tanks and NITI Aayog on aspects critical for the Indian Economy. It began with 16 invitees for the across different sectors like science, finance, technology, sports, and the armed forces.
first meeting which was held in February 2021. The sixth meeting, in the series of engagements with
major Think Tanks of the country, was held under the chairpersonship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog
on 18 May 2022. Vice Chairman interacted with Think Tanks on post COVID recovery and vision for
2036–37, net zero emission pathway, and findings from the recent study on effectiveness of PM-KISAN.
How NITI as a National think tank might engage better with think tanks and the issue of database
gaps and data integrity in the Indian economy were also discussed in the meeting.

Women Transforming India Awards 2021

Annual Report 2022–23 65 66 Annual Report 2022–23




The 103rd Executive Council meeting of NILERD was held on 29 June 2022 under the chairpersonship of
Shri Amitabh Kant, then-CEO, NITI Aayog and Chairman, Executive Council, NILERD. The EC deliberated
The National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development (NILERD), an autonomous upon the various activities of the Institute and the strategies for further growth, particularly focusing
Institute under NITI Aayog has evolved as a centre of excellence in the field of labour and development on future collaborations with different Ministries.
and gained worldwide recognition over the years. The primary objectives of this Institution include
research, consultancy, education and training and monitoring and evaluation with a focus on inclusive
growth and welfare.

General Council Meeting

The 53rd meeting of the General Council of NILERD was held under the chairpersonship of Shri Suman
K. Bery, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog and President, General Council, NILERD on 14 November 2022. The
meeting took note of the research projects and training conducted in NILERD during the year and
approved the Annual Report and Audited Accounts that were placed at both Houses of the Parliament
in December 2022.

103rd Executive Council meeting of NILERD

Training Programmes during 2022-23

i. A specially curated one week residential training programme on Women Empowerment:
Issues, Challenges and Policy was conducted during 19–23 December 2022, sponsored by
the Ministry of External Affairs. A 20-member senior delegation led by Her Excellency Mrs
Koung Sorita from the MInistry of Women Affairs, Government of Cambodia attended the

Participants of the residential training programme on women empowerment: Issues, Challenges and Policy

ii. International Training Programme on SDGs: An Integrated Approach, sponsored by the

Ministry of External Affairs commenced on January 04, 2023. Attended by 27 officials from
27 countries including Latin America, Africa and Asia, the course is a month-long residential
one. Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog delivered the keynote address during the special session in
NITI Aayog.

Annual Report 2022–23 67 68 Annual Report 2022–23


vi. Four weeks International Training Programme on Digital Governance in Health has commenced
on 23 November 2022, under ITEC programme. The course focused on providing first-hand
accounts on selected national level e-Governance initiatives in the health sector in India.

Upcoming Training Programmes

International training programmes on 1) Financial Inclusion and Digital Transformation, 2) Public Policy
and Governance under ITEC scheme of MEA for the year 2022–23.
The second national training programme on Monitoring and Evaluation for State Government Officials
has been scheduled in February 2023 in collaboration with DMEO, NITI Aayog and Bill and Melinda
Participants having a dialogue with the VC at the International Training Programme on Gates Foundation.
Sustainable Development Goals

iii. Four Weeks residential International Training Programme on Developing Human Capabilities,
Research Studies
sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, was held during June, 2022. The Programme was The Institute continued its focus on undertaking research and evaluation studies, commissioned by
attended by 28 participants from 17 countries. various Ministries/ Departments. The following studies have been completed or ongoing during 2022-23:

iv. A Residential Training Programme on Monitoring Evaluation and Learning for Senior State i. Assessment of Sick/Closed MSMEs under Scheme of Surveys, Studies and Policy Research,
Government Officers was conducted from July 18-23, 2022 in collaboration with DMEO, NITI commissioned by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Aayog. The Programme was attended by 31 senior officers from 17 states. ii. Evaluation of the Rubber Board, commissioned by DMEO
iii. Evaluation of the Coffee Board, commissioned by DMEO
iv. Evaluation of the Spices Board, commissioned by DMEO
v. Transparency Audit for Ministry of Heavy Industries

International Yoga Day

International Yoga day was celebrated on 21 June 2022 which was attended by Director General, NILERD
Officials of NILERD and the participants of the international training programme.

ITP on Developing Human Capabilities Training on Monitoring Evaluation and Learning

v. An online Awareness Generation & Sensitization training programme on Right of Persons

with Disabilities Act, 2016 was conducted on September 15-16, 2022. Five such training
programmes for different Stakeholders would be held during 2022-23. The programme is
commissioned by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

DG, NILERD attends International Yoga Day Training programme

Participants of the awareness generation and sensitisation training programme on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016

Annual Report 2022–23 69 70 Annual Report 2022–23


Hindi Pakhwada
The Institute successfully completed Hindi Pakhwada (31 August–14 September) with active participation
in different competitions from officers and staff. Hindi Divas was celebrated on 14 September 2022
with prize distribution to the participants.

Celebration of Hindi Divas at NILERD on 14th September, 2022

Annual Report 2022–23 71 72 Annual Report 2022–23



With AIM, innovation and entrepreneurship have become an integral part of our national mission,
SECTION and children as young as 12 years of age are being introduced to the world of technology innovation,
with Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL) in schools. ATL is the flagship initiative of AIM, Government of India, to
nurture an innovative mindset amongst high school students across the length and breadth of India.

ATL Innovators with the President of India

INTRODUCTION Within ATL, students are free to think and explore, try and fail, even come up with something out of
the box. The programme is designed to equip students with the 21st century skills such as design
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is the Government of India’s flagship initiative to promote a culture thinking, critical thinking, computational thinking, digital fabrication, collaboration and others.
of innovation and entrepreneurship in the country. Since its inception in 2016, AIM has established Under the ATL scheme, grant-in-aid of up to twenty lakhs is provided to schools selected for setting
over 10,000 Atal Tinkering Labs, 69 Atal Incubation Centres, 14 Atal Community Innovation Centres up the ATL. The ATL programme can be broadly classified into four major phases:
and has launched 24 Atal New India Challenges across sectors. With over 40 partnerships (domestic
and international) forged, AIM has successfully engaged over 75 lakh students, supported over 2900
startups (including 900+ women startups) and created over 32000 jobs.

AIM’s support across the Innovation Life-cycle

Framework of ATL programme

Annual Report 2022–23 73 74 Annual Report 2022–23


(i) Select
As of October 2022, 10,000 ATLs have been sanctioned, covering 700 districts and 99 Aspirational
Districts of India, established in both government and private schools and majority in co-educational
and girls’ schools.

(ii) Establish
AIM, along with its partners, conducted several teacher training programs such as ATL ‘Unbox Tinkering’
to build capacities of resources attached to the ATLs. Till date, more than 5000 teachers have been
trained. Other teacher trainings conducted include IPR, App Development, ATL Game Development,
Ethics and Leadership in Innovation, Design Thinking Training etc.

Mentor India
An important aspect of successful implementation of ATL is the robust partnerships forged with
different stakeholders including mentors, industry professionals and alumni, in order to leverage
their expertise towards guiding students on various innovation related skills. Sustainable institutional
frameworks that draw upon the capacity, resources, technical know-how of different partners are key to
ensure the success of the programme. Moreover, since tinkering as a concept is still new in our country,
advancing the idea requires sustained handholding support from mentors from the corporate world,
academia, institutes of higher education, government and others. Given that ATL is non-prescriptive by
nature, mentors are expected to be enablers rather than instructors. Technical knowhow, innovation
and design, business and entrepreneurship are some of the areas of contribution from the mentors.
(iii) Enable AIM has engaged with 5800+ Mentors and 90 Regional Mentors of Change (RMoC).
Several online modules on innovation and technology skills launched for students including ATL
The partners also help expand the technical horizons of the students by providing internship
Artificial Intelligence Module, ATL Gaming Module, ATL CollabCAD Module, ATL App Development Module,
opportunities and organizing other programmes, especially tailored for the ATL students.
ATL Python Learning Module, 30+ Challenges organized for students, 31,000+ students participation.
AIM launched its flagship competitions and events such as ATL Marathon, ATL Tinkerpreneur, ATL AIM conducted events such as Mentor Round Table, a flagship recognition and celebration event to
Community Day. recognize the top mentors and published GeM Book to share and celebrate the exceptional work
done by the Mentors of Change.

(iv) Celebrate
AIM recognizes and encourages all students, teachers and mentors for their innovation efforts and
good work, through multiple platforms and initiatives such as Wall of Fame, Exemplary Teachers of
Change, ATLs of the Month, Student Innovator Programme (SIP), Student Entrepreneurship Programme Atal Incubation Centre programme was launched in 2017 with a vision to build an ecosystem of
(SEP). business incubators where entrepreneurs can gain access to a variety of facilities, including physical
infrastructure, training and education, and access to key stakeholders including investors, other
innovators, and mentors. Grant up to Rs 10 crores is given to the AICs/EICs over a 5-year period. AIM
has operationalized 69 AICs in Higher Education Institutions, Research Institutions, and Corporate,
among others. So far, 2900+ operational startups have been supported under the AIC programme,
which have created 15,000+ jobs directly.
Eighteen subsequent tranches, with a total outlay of Rs 33.70 crores, have been processed in 2022–23.

Annual Report 2022–23 75 76 Annual Report 2022–23


Atal Innovation Mission celebrated the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav commemorating India’s 75 years of Independence in
Journey So Far a grand innovation festival at Dr. Ambedkar International Center (DAIC), Delhi

3. AIM launched 2nd cohort of WINcubate Training Programme, a programme focusing on

creation of women centric incubation facilities in collaboration with GIZ and Dhritii foundation.
4. AIM in collaboration with Drugmaker Pfizer and Social Alpha with UN Health Innovation
Exchange (UNHIEX) as the knowledge partner announced the first edition of Pfizer INDovation
incubation initiative for healthcare startups. The focus is on oncology and digital health. The
six winners who will be given a grant of Rs. 65 lakhs each will receive incubation support
from AIM. Pfizer will provide the grant as well as mentorship and technical assistance to the
start-ups and Social Alpha will provide programme acceleration support.
5. Defence Expo 2022 was held in Gandhinagar from 18-22 October 2022. More than 20 AIC
supported startups showcased their products at Defence Expo.
1. Funding / Start-up Recognition
6. Two AIC supported startups showcased their products at ASEAN Startups Festival held in
StringBio Instoried Rasulpur Coffee Bugbase Jakarta, Indonesia from 27-30 October 2022. This summit had representation of Government
Estates and Roasters bodies, Startups and other innovation ecosystem stakeholders from 10 ASEAN countries. The
EIC C-CAMP incubatee Amrita TBI incubatee has AlCMUJ, Jaipur main agenda was to enable market access for Indian startups in ASEAN countries.
has raised USD 20 raised a Funding of USD AIC CCRI incubatee incubatee
million, as part of 200 million as a part of received GI Tag for fetched a 7. 48 Atal Incubation Centres have been supported with Seed Fund Grants-in-Aid under the
Series B funding. multiple rounds of series its products ‘Coorg funding of USD Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS). These AICs will disburse the seed fund to startups
with GEM Global Yield, Arabica Coffee’. 500,000 as a in the form of debt or CCD.
an alternative investment pre-Seed Round, 8. AIM has launched 4 compilations of AIM supported startups on under its series of publications
group led by 2am VC called ‘Innovations for You’. The latest compilation titled ‘75 Womenpreneurs of India’ was
launched in the month of November 2022.
Digantara Sunfox Ippo Pay Buyo fuel
EIC SID, IISc AIC Aartech, incubatee, AIC RAISE incubatee AIC RAISE
Bengaluru incubatee raised USD 20 million raises USD 2.1 million incubatee raises
raised USD 2.5 in multiple rounds of from multiple VC USD 1.5 million
million from Kalaari funding funds from multiple VC
Capital funds

2. Atal Innovation Mission celebrated ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ on 28 April 2022. More than 20
AIM supported startups showcased their products in the event. The 3rd edition of the Coffee
Table book ‘Innovations For You, Sector Focus- Transport and Mobility’ was launched by Dr
Ajay Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.

Annual Report 2022–23 77 78 Annual Report 2022–23


9. AIM organized its 1st Annual AIM Sumvaad event in AIC-PECF, Pondicherry Technological 2. Operational Manual: A toolkit for innovation centres to guide and support the ACICs to
University. An Incubator Review Meeting was held over the span of 2 days (27th – 28th design and develop strategy for developing an innovation centre with a focus on developing
September 2022), during which each of the AIC/EIC was physically/virtually represented by the society and supporting innovations to accelerate the growth of India in meeting the
their respective CEOs, Incubation Managers and members from their host institution. SDGs. OM has been uniquely designed to capture various pillars (namely, infrastructure,
people, knowledge, network, finance, monitoring & evaluation) required to run a successful
10. AIM AIC programme launched the application portal for selection of new AICs. AIM is
innovation ecosystem.
mandated to establish 101 incubation centres by the end of F.Y 2022-23.

Planned Interventions
ATAL COMMUNITY INNOVATION CENTRE 1. Digital Learning Platform: One-stop platform for curated courses, workshops and events
on different themes around entrepreneurship, innovation, SDGs and 21st-century skills. This
Atal Community Innovation Centres (ACICs) are a means to drive innovations towards achieving the
platform is with a vision to democratize knowledge by being a platform for innovators, of
Sustainable Development Goals through novel solutions in the underserved regions of the country.
the innovators.
ACICs seek to promote and propagate the benefits of technology-led innovations to solve SDG problems
by developing a PPP based participatory model in which the grant-in-aid by AIM has to be matched.
The ACICs are expected to provide:
1. Suitable infrastructure for operating facilities of an incubation centre and makerspace;
2. Capacity building of emerging innovators in evolving technologies and designing their
innovations from ideation to impactful solutions.
3. Opportunity for everyone to innovate, ideate and design solutions, irrespective of their
background and age.

Current Interventions
1. Community Innovator Fellowship: This is a one-year-long intensive fellowship programme
wherein aspiring community innovators can apply irrespective of their socio-economic
background. During the course of this fellowship, each fellow would be hosted at an Atal
Community Innovation Centre and would acquire SDG awareness, entrepreneurial skills and
life skills while working on her/his idea. Cohort 1 of CIFs is launched which constitutes 24
Fellows from 14 ACICs, from different regions of the country. The year-long journey of a
fellow has been structured into five phases, each with different objectives and outcomes.
The fellows are constantly supported by the host ACIC team, mentors and the AIM team. 2. Stories of Change: Stories of Change is a movement to bring to the forefront lesser-known
stories of impact created by innovators in their own communities. Stories of innovation in
India (or across the globe) tend to demonstrate a city-centrism, being only from certain
‘developed’ pockets and those are most fervently repeated and reported. In coordination
with ACICs, AIM seeks to identify and document success stories of grassroots innovators in
their own region in the form of videos, articles and podcasts.

Key Highlights:
1. Fourteen ACICs have been operationalized across 9 States, with Fifteen undergoing
compliance checks.
2. First Cohort of Community Innovator Fellows is undergoing a phase-wise journey initiated
on 26th July 2022. The first cohort consists of 24 CIFs from the 14 ACICs.
3. AIM intends to establish over 50 ACICs by March 2023.

Annual Report 2022–23 79 80 Annual Report 2022–23


Current List of Operational ACICs in India:

ACIC Jagriti Entrepreneurship Foundation launch on 10th September, in Deoria Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh

Knowledge and Capacity-Building

A focused approach is taken to design and develop Knowledge and Capacity Building programs for the
ACICs. These programs not only make our CEOs equipped with toolkits shared by the experts during
their sessions but also drives peer learning and collaboration.
The Knowledge and capacity building programme are carried out in the following ways:
$ Sustainable Entrepreneurship Express (SEE)
$ Financial Capacity Building
$ Friday Forums
From the Operationalized ACICs to date: $ Zero to One sessions
1. A total of Rs 8.79 crore has been disbursed to operationalized ACICs across India $ Wincubate

2. Over 100+ startups have been supported, of which 40+ are led by women/economically
weaker sections. Sustainable Entrepreneurship Express (SEE)
3. Over 180+ outreach and fundraising events have been conducted by the ACICs. A 4-day physical boot camp for the core teams of the ACIC CEOs was conducted at AIC-Pondicherry
Engineering College between 27 to 29 September, 2022. The boot camp was focussed to provide
toolkits and frameworks to the ACIC teams and support them in developing the grassroots innovation
ACIC-Specific Events ecosystem. The boot camp days were designed in a unique way so that the teams could be provided
The Inauguration of the following ACICs is completed: an immersive experience of designing their own incubation programs.
$ ACIC Jagriti Entrepreneurship Foundation–Deoria, Uttar Pradesh
$ ACIC IIT (ISM) Foundation–Dhanbad, Jharkhand
$ ACIC Kalasalingam Innovation Foundation, Tamil Nadu
$ ACIC MIET Foundation, Meerut, Uttar pradesh

4-day physical boot camp for an immersive experience of designing incubation programs independently

Annual Report 2022–23 81 82 Annual Report 2022–23


Financial Capacity Building: PFMS and Utilization Certificate Training ATAL NEW INDIA CHALLENGE
Periodical training sessions are conducted by the finance team at AIM to explain the PFMS portal to
Atal New India Challenge (ANIC) is a flagship programme of Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog. The
the CEOs of the ACICs in order to drive a deeper understanding of the GFR norms. Also, a regular
programme aims to seek, select, support and nurture technology-based innovations that solve sectoral
intervention is being done by the finance teams to address issues and queries of the ACICs.
challenges of national importance and societal relevance.

Friday Forums The primary goals of the ANIC programme is to incentivize innovations in areas critical to India’s
development and growth – Education, Health, Water and Sanitation, Agriculture, Food Processing,
AIM conducts ‘Friday Forums’, a series of weekly webinars, with ACICs and AICs with a goal to keep the Housing, Energy, Mobility, Space Application etc.
stakeholders informed and involved in the ever-evolving innovation ecosystem. Experts from various
fields of innovations/incubations share their experiences and toolkits with the teams and indulge ANIC solicits innovations in the prototype stage and supports the selected start-ups through to the
the AICs/ACICs in discussions. The forum is also used to share details of new programs, schemes and commercialization stage over a course of 12 – 18 months by funding up to INR 1 crore and other
other such developments with the AICs/ACICs. associated support from the AIM innovation ecosystem.

Recent topics covered in these sessions have been India Innovation Index, Millet Year 2023, Deeptech
Innovations, Investors meet etc. Safar, 6 Friday Forums have been conducted this year to share and
build competencies and expertise in innovation and entrepreneurship to develop the entire ecosystem.

Zero to One
ACIC Team conducts a fortnightly peer learning session for the CEOs of the ACICs in order to propagate
and encourage the teams to share and disseminate their knowledge and learnings while developing
the innovation ecosystems. Till date, 6 sessions have been conducted for the ACIC CEOs. These sessions
have been helping the CEOs to cross pollinate their ideas, processes, strengths, and challenges.

GIZ’s Project Her&Now, in collaboration with Dhriiti – The Courage Within, is a self-paced training
sessions for the ACICs to better understand the need and scope of women centric incubation programs,
the elements and prerequisites required for setting up a successful woman centric companies. The
first phase of the training was very well received. The foundation training is followed by a self-
assessment process to identify the individual needs of the ACICs, and then a one-on-one session with
In 2022, under ANIC 2.0 – 36 challenges were launched in 2 phases covering 12 sectors
Dhriiti and Her&Now to discuss possible ways to integrate and improve their models.

Monitoring & Feedback

Regular Monitoring and Evaluation of the ACICs is conducted in order to ensure that the ACICs are
encouraged to be milestone driven and course correct if needed based on the visions of the ACIC
programme. Currently monitoring is being done in various ways, there are monthly touch base calls to
support the progress of the ACICs, Quarterly Review Calls to support in course correction and providing
feedback. Also, regular visits are conducted by the team to the physical locations to meet and interact
with the startups and innovators and understand the work on the ground.
An online monitoring and evaluation dashboard has been designed and is undergoing the finalization
phase that will enable automated tracking and evaluation of the progress of ACICs while enabling the
team to provide better feedback.

Annual Report 2022–23 83 84 Annual Report 2022–23


Till Date 3. Home-based Healthcare solutions

$ 82 start-ups / MSMEs have been selected under ANIC 2.0 – phase 1 for Funding and other 4. Fighting Air pollution through Innovation
associated support from AI.
5. Innovations in Audio-Tech
ANIC 2.0 – phase 2, Call for Application is live
6. Innovations in Sports-Tech.
Under ANIC 1.0 and ANIC-ARISE, AIM had launched 39 challenges in association with 9
c. AIM PRIME: The AIM-PRIME Playbook was launched on 10 May 2022 at the Dr. Ambedkar
International Center, New Delhi, in the presence of the Chief Guest Shri Suman Bery, Vice
Chairman, NITI Aayog; Guest of Honor Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar, Hon’ble Union Minister of
State, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW); and Dr. V. K. Paul, Member, NITI
Aayog. The AIM PRIME (Programme for Researchers in Innovation, Market Readiness and
Entrepreneurship) programme is aimed at promoting early-stage science-based, deep
technology ideas to market through training and guidance over a period of 12 months using
a blended learning curriculum.
d. AIM-ICDK: As part of Indo–Danish Bilateral Green Strategic Partnership, AIM in partnership
with Innovation Center Denmark (ICDK)–a unit under Embassy of Denmark and Denmark
Technical University (DTU) designed, planned and implemented the Water Innovation
Challenges in India. The 2nd edition of AIM-ICDK water innovation challenge was conducted
in January and February 2022.
e. AIM-UNCDF: AIM and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) rolled out their
first AgriTech Challenge cohort for its ambitious innovative Agri-tech programme that aims to
$ Presently 51 start-ups / MSMEs are being supported with an approved Grant-in-Aid of
help smallholder farmers across Asia and Africa to address their challenges in the aftermath
$ INR 33+ cr. and incubation support through Atal Incubation Centres (AICs) of the pandemic. The event was held on 21st December, 2021.
$ The first cohort of start-ups showing signs of success with start-ups having generated 400+
jobs and raised external funding of INR 150+ crores 2. New Partnerships
AIM has forged over 50 partnerships with various corporates and foundations and engaged with
industry leaders and faculty that support AIM beneficiaries through infrastructure and technology,
AIM ECOSYSTEM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (AEDP) market and investor access, creation of modules, and adoption of ATLs. AIM has forged 19 new
partnerships in the past 1 year.
AEDP is strengthening the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem by building networks of relevant
stakeholders to provide additional value to AIM beneficiaries beyond the framework of structured A White Paper on ‘Reimagining Healthcare in India through Blended Finance’, was released as part of
programs. the AIM-SAMRIDH Partnership. The white paper offers an overview of blended finance and its role in
promoting healthcare access in India, while providing case studies on how to apply blended finance
approaches, and examining the current challenges to achieving blended financing at scale.
1. Strategic Programs
a. ‘CSR for Innovation’: To promote and leverage CSR financing towards the innovation
3. International Collaborations
ecosystem in India, AIM has partnered with Sattva consulting to bring–corporates, incubators,
accelerators, R&D institutions, and other key stakeholders in the ecosystem together–to a. NGWA & IWA: ‘Next Generation Water Action (NGWA) Global Multi-hub Pre-event’ was
enable the CSR collaborations for nurturing innovation in the country. conducted on May 12, 2022 in NITI Aayog, followed by the virtual NGWA Global Multi-hub finals
2022. NGWA is an international initiative with the ambition to engage young talents from
b. AIM-iLeap: AIM-iLEAP (Innovative Leadership for Entrepreneurial Agility and Profitability) was
leading universities and innovation hubs before, during and after the IWA (International Water
launched with a view to support startups in overcoming two major bottlenecks–market and
Association) World Water Congress & Exhibition 2022. The event happened simultaneously
investor access. AIM-iLEAP, a series of Enterprise and Investor Demo Days is organized by
in 5 countries–Mexico, India, South Korea, Kenya and Denmark. The winning student teams
Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog in partnership with Startup Réseau and VISA to support
and the selected startup teams represented India at the IWA World Water Congress and
its various initiatives, programs, and beneficiaries through a structured programme.
Exhibition 2022 in Copenhagen in September 2022.
AIM-iLEAP has till date successfully completed six cohorts across the following diverse sectors:
White Paper Launch at IWA 2022: A Whitepaper on ‘Urban Wastewater Scenario in India’ at
1. Fin-Tech International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition 2022 in Copenhagen,
2. Cyber-security Denmark on September 12, 2022.

Annual Report 2022–23 85 86 Annual Report 2022–23


Curated by experts from AIM-NITI Aayog, Danish Embassy, NMCG and IIT Bombay, this
whitepaper holistically captures the current status of wastewater treatment in India and
potential pathways for future treatment structures, co-creation, and collaborations.
b. ASEAN-India Startup Festival (AISF): AIM participated in the AISF along with its incubators
and startups which saw participation by the Government body, startup ecosystem and
industry from 10 ASEAN countries. It is a flagship project to celebrate the 30th Anniversary
of the ASEAN–India Partnership.
c. THK Future Knowledge Summit @ G20: AIM delegates participated in the THK Future
Knowledge Summit at Bali around the G20 Leaders Summit in November 2022, THK Future
Knowledge summit is a platform to help achieve a sustainable and happy future for all, with
innovation through awareness-based technology.
d. Dubai/GITEX: GITEX is one of the biggest and one of its kind youth entrepreneurship,
innovation and leadership development events, which is part of North Star Dubai taking
place at Dubai World Trade Center from 10-13 Oct (, UAE.
The Mission Director, AIM visited as a special guest and speaker for GITEX YouthX. INDIA AT VIVATECH
Atal Innovation Mission led the Indian contingent to the Viva Technology (VivaTech)–Europe’s biggest
4. State Innovation Mission annual technology conference dedicated to innovation and start-ups held in Paris, France. As India
Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog has initiated an AIM-State partnership for helping in strengthening celebrated its 75 years of Independence, the conference was extra special for its celebration of India
the existing innovation ecosystem in the states/UTs. AIM is proposing joint efforts with states to create as its first ever official country of the Year.
a strategy for Infrastructure, Processes, Human Resources, and Policies in building a holistic Innovation This year, VivaTech – held during 15–18 June 2022 in Paris, France – attracted more than 140,000 visitors,
and Entrepreneurship ecosystem in the state, and proposes to do so through the transfer of know- including 26,000 in-person, and reached more than 119 million people in 149 countries, generating
how, expertise, mentorship, and interconnections. 1.7 billion views thanks to a rich collection of more than 500 exceptional innovations, 1400 exhibitors,
including 60% in person, and 400 speakers from around the world.
As a highlight of India’s participation at this edition, there was an exclusive showcase of Indian start-up
VERNACULAR INNOVATION PROGRAMME success stories and a dedicated pavilion for the Indian delegation bringing together all the dignitaries/
Vernacular Innovation Programme (VIP) is an initiative of AIM targeted at decoupling creative notable people from the Indian tech sector.
expression from language of transaction in India’s innovation ecosystem by building resources and The Indian delegation was led by Hon. Min. Ashwini Vaishnaw (Minister of Railways, Communications
robust ecosystem in each of India’s scheduled languages. and Electronics & Information Technology in Government of India). The Indian Pavilion was inaugurated
India being a multilingual nation, it is only apt to provide an opportunity to every innovator to innovate by MD AIM Dr. Chintan Vaishnav who also delivered a special address on the VivaTech main stage.
and ideate in one’s own language of expression and VIP is a step towards the same. As an enabler,
VIP aims to empower innovation in the grassroots by lowering the barrier of languages and imparting
the right set of knowledge required for the quantum leap.
Programme Structure: The programme has been designed in phases in such a way that AIM does
not only provide knowledge to the innovator but also take this ahead to build a thriving vernacular
innovation ecosystem. The Programme will be conducted in phases and will take a gradual step to
move the innovators ready for pitching.

Hon’ble Minister. Ashwini Vaishnaw addressing the gathering at the Indian Pavilion

Annual Report 2022–23 87 88 Annual Report 2022–23


India has been the first mover on an open, inclusive, and interoperable Web. The India Stack provides
a unified software platform to usher its entire population into the digital age. With the central theme
as the India Stack, the emphasis was on digital public good.
The 4-day event saw guest speakers from diverse fields and expertise from the public and private
sectors participate in various forms of interactions like fireside chats, panel discussions, CEO talks,
Investor talks etc. The Indian pavilion was graced by eminent personalities from public and private
institutions like Dr Ram Sewak Sharma, CEO–National Health Authority, Dr Krishna Ella–Founder and
Chairman–Bharat Biotech, Mr Sourav Roy, CSR Chief–Tata Steel Foundation, Mr Sharad Sharma–Co-
founder, ISPIRT, Mr Devang Mody, CEO–Bajaj Finserv Health etc. and representatives from ISRO, Tata
Consultancy Services, NASSCOM, CII, IIIT Bangalore, UNDP India etc.
The Indian start-up delegation consisted of 15 start-ups who displayed their products physically and
40 start-ups who displayed their products through an e-Booth. The start-ups also got the opportunity
to pitch in dedicated pitching sessions at the Indian Pavilion.
France and India have been strategic partners since 1998; the two countries share a common digital
culture and are committed to fostering initiatives in the technology sector.
Building on this partnership, India at VivaTech also led to the announcement of three important
bilateral agreements which was presided over by honorable Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw -
a. SoI between NITI Aayog and the Office of the Digital Ambassador of France for exploring
the Digital Public Goods together
b. MoU between Andhra Pradesh Med Tech Zone (AMTZ) with FIEN (Federation Indo European
Du Numerique)–FRANCE for the promotion of Investments in Indian Med Tech start-ups,
increasing market access to Indian Med Tech products in European Markets and joint work
on advancement in augmented reality, synthetic biology, and innovation; and
c. NDA exchanged between NPCI International and Lyra Network of France for ‘Acceptance of
UPI & Rupay Card in France.’

Annual Report 2022–23 89 90 Annual Report 2022–23



The Vertical designs new programmes and policies for agriculture and allied sectors to address
SECTION emerging challenges and harness upcoming opportunities. It also provides inputs on key policy
documents such as Cabinet Notes, CCEA Notes, EFCs, and SFCs, among others. It conducts both in-
house research studies and partners with research institutes and academia. These studies analyze
emerging issues, such as problems faced by farmers, food security, and the impact of various policies
and developmental programmes. The various achievements of the agriculture vertical are presented

National-level Workshop on ‘Innovative Agriculture’

As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Agriculture Vertical in NITI Aayog organized a national-level
workshop on “Innovative Agriculture” in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 25 April 2022. Shri Parushottam
Rupala, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying; Shri Narendra Singh Tomar,
Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare; Shri Acharya Devvrat, Governor of Gujarat; Shri

SECTORAL Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh; Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Chief Minister of Madhya
Pradesh, and Shri Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh participated in the
event. During the workshop, discussions were held on states’ initiatives and innovations in natural

ACHIEVEMENTS farming, soil health restoration, and climate change mitigation through natural farming. More than
1,250 participants from Central Ministries, State Governments, industry, farmers, academic and research
institutions, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), NGOs, and international organizations joined the workshop.
The workshop was also live-streamed on YouTube.

The various vertical, divisions and units are the spokes of the wheels that drive NITI Aayog. Each Vertical
specializes in a particular domain and is mandated to provide technical input and expertise on that
sector, deal with the respective Line Ministry/Department, and lead in evidence-based policymaking.
The verticals provide the requisite support needed to develop NITI Aayog as a state-of-the-art resource
centre with the necessary knowledge and skills, which will enable it to act with speed, promote
research and innovation, provide strategic policy vision for the Government, and deal with contingent

National-level Workshop on ‘Innovative Agriculture’ held on 25 April 2022 in

Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi

Annual Report 2022–23 91 92 Annual Report 2022–23


Compendium of Success Stories of Natural Farming Agroforestry for greening and restoration of waste land
NITI Aayog has been making efforts to promote natural farming through various initiatives since Agroforestry is an agroecological nature-based land-use system that can simultaneously address many
2018, realizing the relevance of this sustainable agricultural practice in the era of climate change and ecological challenges of the current era viz. food, natural resources, soil degradation and environmental
deteriorating soil health. In order to document the practices of natural farming adopted by farmers security. Due to the significance of goods and services provided by agroforestry, the Union Budget
from different states in India and to create awareness among the wider farmer community, the Vertical Announcement of Government of India (FY-2022-23) has underlined the promotion of agroforestry and
released a Compendium of Success Stories of Natural Farming. The bilingual (Hindi and English) private forestry as a priority.
compendium contains 110 success stories from 13 states, covering farming practices of a variety of
NITI Aayog has developed a geo-portal on “Greening and Restoration of Wastelands with Agroforestry
crops like paddy, wheat, millets, fruits, vegetables, sugarcane, and mix cropping.
(GROW)” to delineate and prioritize areas especially wastelands suitable for agroforestry interventions
by using remote sensing datasets and GIS technology.

Working Group on Demand and Supply Projections

A working group on ‘Demand and Supply Projections of Crops, Livestock, Fisheries, and Agriculture
Inputs’ was constituted by NITI Aayog in August 2022. The working group, chaired by Prof. P. S. Birthal,
Director, ICAR–NIAP, will assess and project demand and supply of crops, livestock, fisheries and
agricultural inputs for 2025-26, 2030-31, and 2035-36.

Development of Framework for Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services

in Agriculture
In recent years, intensive farming systems that utilize significant quantities of farm inputs in the
Release of the Compendium of Success Stories of Natural Farming form of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, labour, and capital made it possible to produce sufficient
food to meet the current calorie needs of our population. However, indiscriminate use of inputs
Telemedicine for Livestock Safety in farming has become a major driver of land use change, resulting in environmental damage and
the degradation of several Ecosystem Services. Encouraging farmers to switch to sustainable crops/
In human health-services, telemedicine mode of treatment has proven to provide timely support, farming systems may lead to upfront costs. Estimates of ecosystem services would help policymakers
especially during the Covid pandemic. A similar idea is proposed to be extended to the livestock sector. to make environmentally sustainable decisions while promoting sustainable production systems like
A database is being created, containing the details of veterinary doctors and veterinary institutes in the natural farming.
country. It is also proposed to create a ‘Livestock Wellbeing System’, where farmers and doctors can
register, and preventive and curative health services as well as information services may be availed. It NITI Aayog is developing a framework to evaluate ecosystem services in natural farming. An Expert
is proposed that pilot projects be carried out in select states in the country, and thereby move forward Committee is also constituted, involving experts from the public and private sector to develop toolkits
with the design and hosting of the website. Presently, the system is available in three languages. that help in economic valuation of ecosystem services in agriculture.

Promotion of Millets
In pursuance of the proposal of Government of India, the United Nations has declared the year 2023
as the International Year of Millets. NITI Aayog has signed a SoI with World Food Programme (WFP) To give an impetus to the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan, NITI Aayog, in consultation with the Ministry
on 20 December 2021, focusing on mainstreaming millets through facilitation of knowledge exchange of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), identified eleven areas – municipal solid and
and capacity strengthening within and outside India, while supporting climate-resilient practices for liquid wastes, scrap metal (ferrous and non-ferrous), lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries, tyre and rubber
improved food and nutrition security. The Mapping and Exchange of Good Practices (MEGP) initiative recycling, gypsum, end-of-life vehicles, electronic waste, toxic and hazardous industrial waste, used
was launched on 19 July 2022. During the launch ceremony, a web portal was unveiled, inviting entries oil waste, agriculture waste, and solar panels – to facilitate the transition from a linear to a circular
from various millet stakeholders in three categories — millet value chain, millet mainstreaming, and economy. The Hon’ble PM in his address on Independence Day 2021 had also emphasised the transition
millet recipes. The MEGP programme seeks to collate and bring together the international and national to a Circular Economy.
best practices by regional conferences and the publication of a compendium. Technical workshops Action plans, which include both regulatory and developmental initiatives, in 10 sectors were finalized
have been conducted with State and UT Governments and different agricultural research institutes. by March 2022. Subsequently, the Circular Economy Cell was constituted in NITI Aayog on 16 September
NITI Aayog has also been undertaking in-house millet promotional initiatives such as introduction of 2022 to give focused attention to the Circular Economy Mission. The various engagements of the Cell
millet based items in NITI canteens, conducting a series of training sessions for cooking millets and are elaborated below.
a lecture on ‘Leveraging Millets for Food, Nutrition, Health and Economic Security’, setting up a millet
corner and a vending machine for sale of ready to eat and ready to cook millet products, etc.

Annual Report 2022–23 93 94 Annual Report 2022–23


Circular Economy Action Plans Given India’s Presidency in the G20 Summit 2023 and the relevance of the subject, the Cell will provide
support to MoEF&CC in the preparation of briefs and concept papers for G-20 discussions on resource
Notable progress has been achieved by the respective nodal Ministries on the Circular Economy Action
efficiency and circular economy.
Plans that were developed by NITI Aayog for 10 sectors. Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) rules
for e-waste, tyres, batteries, and plastics have been notified by the MoEFCC; they are in progress for
other important sectors.
Work is ongoing to finalize and release the Strategic Action Plan Report for Circular Economy with
the following two volumes: (i) Consolidated Action Plan and (ii) India’s Strategy for Circular Economy TECHNOLOGY
(Synthesis Report)
The Vertical primarily deals with (a) issues related to data management, leveraging technology for
improved statistical systems, and (b) promoting research and adoption of frontier technologies. The
Long-term Low-Emissions Development Strategies core functions broadly cover:
NITI Aayog prepared a report on ‘Enhancing material efficiency and recycling: Strengthening the circular $ Formulation of policy papers and strategy documents in collaboration with experts from the
economy’, which has been included as one of the elements of ‘Long-term Low-Emissions Development Government, academia and industry, and conducting seminars and workshops.
Strategies’ that was submitted to the Secretariat of the UNFCCC in November 2022 with the vision to
reach net-zero by 2070. $ Managing pilot projects in frontier technologies intended to solve use-cases pertaining to
areas such as health, agriculture, etc., in collaboration with public and private research
institutes and industry bodies. Document learnings from the projects as policy documents.
Support to MoRTH in operationalizing the Vehicle Scrapping Policy
$ Collaborating with national and international think tanks, educational and policy research
A meeting was held with the nodal Ministries under the chairpersonship of CEO, NITI Aayog on 17
institutions, civil societies and industry to create a knowledge and innovation support system.
October 2022 to discuss the Vehicle Scrapping Policy, following which a discussion paper has been
developed consolidating the key issues, challenges, and next steps for operationalization of the Vehicle $ Document issues related to data management and usage, and leverage technology for
Scrapping Policy. A meeting with the States/UTs is to be conducted to onboard them on the action improved statistical systems and processes.
plan for effective and quick implementation of the Vehicle Scrapping Policy at the state level. $ Hold workshops, training programmes, etc., on emerging technologies to build capacity in
the Government.
Creation of a Knowledge Portal (jointly managed with MoEF&CC) The various achievements of the vertical are presented below:
It is envisaged that over the next two years, a Knowledge Portal would be developed to provide policy
guidance and awareness regarding the extent of circularity achieved through real-time visualizations Experience Studio on Drones
sourced by an analytics engine interacting with the individual data portals of line Ministries. The Portal
To promote a collaborative ecosystem aimed at fostering innovation and adoption of drones for public
would host a YouTube channel/ podcast/ blogs for introducing policy announcements and sharing
services, an experience studio on drones was launched by the Union Minister of Civil Aviation Shri
success stories on circular economy implementation, in addition to other relevant material. To this
Jyotiraditya Scindia at NITI Aayog on 10 May 2022 in the presence of NITI Aayog Vice Chairman and the
end, a concept paper is expected to be developed by March 2023.
CEO. The launch was followed by an interaction with key stakeholders from the industry.

International and National Engagements

NITI Aayog participated in a side event – India’s Climate Friendly Sustainable Lifestyles: Transformational
Solutions towards Sustainable Consumption Pathways, Circular Economy, and a Low Carbon Society –
on 14 November 2022 at the India Pavilion at COP27 in Egypt.
Another initiative was with FICCI for developing Unified Circularity Measurement Framework, which has
been currently lacking. A stakeholder consultation workshop was conducted in November 2022 with
primary/secondary producers and recyclers of automotive, FMCG, and steel sectors. Preparation of a
consultation paper on Unified Circularity Measurement Framework is being initiated.
An overview of the Circular Economy Mission was presented by CEO, NITI Aayog in the Virtual Conference
of Chief Secretaries held on 23 December 2022, which included three sessions on Circularity – (i)
Organic and Dry Waste, (ii) Used Water and (iii) Special Category Waste.
NITI Aayog assists nodal Ministries in operationalizing sectoral strategy plans that have been prepared
for red mud, fly ash, steel slag, and e-waste. Launch of the Experience Studio on Drones

Annual Report 2022–23 95 96 Annual Report 2022–23



A Drone Mission for India has been instituted in NITI Aayog to leverage India’s market size and
The Economics and Finance Cell aspires to ensure that India remains on a sustainable path as the
liberalized regulatory regime, promote the drone ecosystem, and enable the role of the government
world’s fastest-growing large economy. The Cell strives to achieve this by driving policy reforms to
as a catalyst. The Mission will focus on regulatory dialogue, Centre–State communications, streamline
increase productivity, accelerate capital formation, enhance global competitiveness in strategic sectors,
Public Procurement and international collaboration activities.
improve access to finance, lower cost of capital for the Indian economy, and improve the quality of
living while expanding opportunities for every citizen.
National Data & Analytics Platform (NDAP)
NITI Aayog launched the National Data & Analytics Platform (NDAP) on 13 May 2022. The platform Macroeconomic Analysis
aims to democratize access to public government data by making data accessible, interoperable,
interactive, and available on a user-friendly platform. It hosts datasets from various government State of the Economy
agencies, presents them coherently, and provides tools for analytics and visualization. This public
A periodic exercise, with real-time performance analysis of India and the global economy, is presented
launch follows a beta release of the platform in August 2021 that had provided access to a limited
to Senior Officers in NITI Aayog. Assessment of the Indian economy is based on an analysis of 40-50
number of users for testing and feedback.
high-frequency indicators across 9 sectors.
NDAP follows a use-case based approach to ensure that the datasets hosted on the platform are
tailored to the needs of data users from government, academia, journalism, civil society, and the The Indian Economy: Resilience and Leadership amidst global uncertainty
private sector. All datasets are standardized to a common schema, which makes it easy to merge
NITI Aayog Vice Chairman and CEO presented Assessment of global situation and its possible impacts
datasets and do cross-sectoral analysis.
on Indian economy to Hon’ble Prime Minister on 4 November 2022. Various evolving scenarios and
The platform was launched Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog, in the presence of CEO, NITI Aayog; Dr. Anantha strategies to manage global headwinds were prepared and Household Sentiment Analysis was
Nageswaran, Chief Economic Advisor to the Government of India; and other senior officials, various conducted by the E&F Cell.
ministries and state governments, academics, and researchers. The website can be accessed at https:// Overall Economic Outlook & Roadmap for $5 trillion economy
Oral evidence was given by CEO, NITI Aayog to the Parliamentary Standing Committee (PSC) on Finance
Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) on 21 November 2022. A background note was provided to the Lok Sabha Secretariat.
NITI Aayog was entrusted with the task of exploring the role of technology in various sectors by the
Hon’ble Prime Minister in May 2020. One of the technology platforms conceptualised by NITI Aayog was India’s Investment and Savings Rate and Current Account Balance
Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) for the logistics sector. It was ideated upon and incubated
A presentation was made by Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog on India’s Savings and Investment Gap at
in NITI Aayog with the objective to provide real time information to all stakeholders and converge
Kautilya Economic Conclave India@75. It analysed the savings rate of households, private sector, public
visibility of multi-modal transport across the existing systems of various Ministries/Departments
sector and highlighted the slowdown in investments of the private sector.
working in silos. The ULIP platform is envisaged to enable industry players to get secure access to
information related to logistics and resources available with various Ministries.
Strategic Disinvestment and Performance Improvement of CPSEs
The project was handed over to National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (NICDC)
The Economics and Finance Cell is mandated to conduct analysis and make recommendations for
for implementation. Presently, 32 systems from seven ministries are integrated through more than 100
the disinvestment of strategic-sector CPSEs. Recommendations are discussed with Secretaries of Line
APIs covering more than 1600 data fields for usage by the stakeholders. ULIP has a dedicated portal
Ministries and subsequently submitted to the Department of Investment and Public Asset Management.
that makes the process of data request simpler, faster, and transparent. The portal can be accessed
at The ULIP was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, as part of the National In the non-strategic sector, CPSEs under specific Ministries are recommended for privatization, merger
Logistics Policy on 17 September 2022. or for closure to the Committee of Group of Officers (CGO) which functions under the chairpersonship
of CEO, NITI Aayog.
Fintech Open Summit
NITI Aayog organized a three-week-long virtual fintech summit titled ‘Fintech Open’, from 7–28 February
G20 and Various Engagements with Multilateral Institutions
2022. A first-of-its-kind initiative, Fintech Open brought together regulators, fintech professionals and
enthusiasts, industry leaders, the start-up community, and developers to collaborate, exchange ideas,
India’s G20 Presidency
and innovate. NITI Aayog’s G20 Cell is engaged in a wide range of activities for India’s upcoming G20 Presidency.
This includes providing technical inputs to the G20 Secretariat (on Draft Issue Notes and other key
The summit was inaugurated by Hon’ble Union Minister for Railways, Communications and Electronics
documents) as well as logistical support (attending meetings of Working Groups, organising workshops,
& IT Ashwini Vaishnaw in the presence of NITI Aayog Vice Chairman.

Annual Report 2022–23 97 98 Annual Report 2022–23


The G20 Cell organised a High-Level Workshop for G20 Working Line Ministries/Departments in School Education
collaboration with the G20 Secretariat, Ministry of External Affairs on July 23, 2022. The workshop was
inaugurated by Pr. Secretary to PM, Dr PK Mishra and attended by senior Government officials across Project SATH Education 2.0
various Ministries and NITI Aayog.
Based on the requests received from all three state governments, the second phase of the project,
SATH-E 2.0, commenced in October 2020, for two years. It concluded in October 2022 and several
International Monetary Fund Article IV Consultations initiatives have been launched to ensure student and teacher learning under SATH 2.0 which are as
A meeting under the chairpersonship of CEO, NITI Aayog, was held with the International Monetary follows:
Fund (IMF) on September 21, 2022 for India Article IV Consultations 2022. Inputs were provided to the
Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) on the draft concluding statement of the IMF Mission. Jharkhand
$ 50,000 new positions were introduced in Sahayak Acharya cadre.
ADB’s India Country Partnership Strategy, 2023-2027 $ 80 Schools of Excellence have been set up with state-of-the-art school upgradation and
A note was prepared on envisioning the strategic directions and roadmap for India–ADB partnership. Head Teacher/Principal & teacher appointments have been carried out.
Policies and ideas were devised in lines of ADB benefitting India from its multilateral expertise in
$ 72% of positions in JCERT have been filled.
financial, technical, advisory and knowledge support.
$ There’s a focus on online and offline student learning (post-Covid).
South Asia’s Path to Sustainable and Inclusive Growth: IMF $ Teachers were trained to conduct learning outcomes-based remediation.
A note was prepared underlining the present context of issues and challenges of the South Asian $ Gyan Setu and level-based remediations have been carried out through phase 1 and phase
region and India’s role and developmental assistance in safeguarding the lives and livelihood of II of Project SATH to ensure remedial learning.
smaller economies of the region during the pandemic period as well as devising the pathways in
$ Teacher handbooks have been developed for grades 4th to grade 8th. Reference books have
sustainable development of the South Asian region.
been developed for grades 3rd through grade 8th.
Foundation literacy and numeracy initiatives have been undertaken to improve student
Meeting of the Consultative Group on Economics
learning outcomes.
NITI Aayog organised a virtual roundtable discussion on 21 October 2022 titled ‘Economist Huddle’
$ Development of content for level-based learning and digital content has been circulated to
under the chairpersonship of the Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog. The discussion saw participation from 17
ensure learning during COVID.
participants that included experts from academia, industry, think tanks and multilateral institutions.

Discussion on Moody’s Annual Review Sovereign Credit Rating

A meeting, along with Department of Economic Affairs, was held with Moody’s Investors Service (MIS)
for annual review of India’s sovereign bond rating. E&F provided critical insights and opinions to
Moody’s on reaffirming the credit rating of India, highlighting its core strengths and resilience factors
in countering the global headwinds.

The Education Vertical seeks to facilitate a conducive learning environment through policy and
programmes so that people can develop to their full potential. The Education Vertical strives to
facilitate school readiness, socio-emotional learning, critical and higher-order thinking, and grade-
Development and improved infrastructure of KGBV’s and Zila Schools
level competency amongst children. It seeks to empower youth with employability skills, research
temperament and subject matter expertise through high quality, accessible, equitable, accountable,
and affordable education system.

Annual Report 2022–23 99 100 Annual Report 2022–23


Community PTM’s and Sports Engagements

Driving Accountability through Departmental Meetings

Capacity building of Teachers Vocational Education

Madhya Pradesh
$ Learning recovery efforts during COVID have been carried out in 4 phases throughout the Virtual Field Support
academic calendar. At–grade curriculum is undertaken in classrooms to ensure learning at
the right level.
$ District report cards are being used as key tools to drive data-based decisions at the
grassroots. District Education Officers (DEO) and District Project Coordinators (DPO) oriented
on key SATH modules. Vacancies have been filled with respect to block, cluster, and DPOs.
$ Virtual Field Support (VFS) system has been foundational to reach the last mile, through
$ CM Rise Schools initiative is being implemented at the ground-level with master plans
for civil infrastructure, CM Rise Launch, and staffing. As many as 360 CM Rise schools will
become operational by 2024.
$ Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalay 2.0 was also launched, post- Covid. CM Rise School

$ State has launched its learning recovery programme for grades 1-9.
$ State has extended the scope of district scorecards by incorporating data across directories.
32 indicators are to be assessed with respect to the same.
$ All teachers in the state have been trained to implement the learning recovery programme
on the ground.

Annual Report 2022–23 101 102 Annual Report 2022–23


$ Teachers are using digital mediums, and applications to record the attendance of students.
$ Multiple initiatives launched to promote learning during Covid such as YoutTube live, Radio
Pathshala, Teacher – Student connect through video calls etc.

Driving Accountability through Departmental Meetings

Learning Recovery Programme

Capacity Building Workshops

NITI Aayog is in the process of releasing the Best Practices for a Large-Scale Transformation in School Education.

Project SATH–Arunachal
A tripartite agreement has been signed between NITI Aayog, the Government of Arunachal Pradesh,
and Reach to Teach in July 2022 for bringing about large-scale school education transformation
covering all government schools under NITI Aayog’s Development Support Services for States (DSSS).

Annual Report 2022–23 103 104 Annual Report 2022–23


In a partnership spanning three years (2022-25), NITI Aayog, along with the knowledge partner Reach to Reform initiatives in the Renewable Energy Sector–Green Hydrogen
Teach, has begun providing design and project management support for learning enhancement from
Grades 1–12 in Arunachal Pradesh, covering over 2 lakh children in the state. Key Interventions include
establishment of State PMU, rolling out School Readiness Programme (SRP) (Class 1-5), Visioning and Technological breakthroughs will be required to move towards the climate change goals and limiting
Post NAS Roadmap Workshop–State & District Roadmap, rolling out Board Exam Pack for Class 10 and global warming. Green Hydrogen is one such option that may prove to be a game changer in
11, baseline survey to understand the learning loss of children. decarbonizing hard to abate sectors – specifically in industrial sectors such as fertilizers, refineries,
steel and heavy duty transport. Hon’ble PM during his Independence Day speech highlighted that
India should become global hub for Green Hydrogen production and exports. NITI Aayog is playing
a key role in promoting Green Hydrogen through the initiatives of National Hydrogen Energy Mission
in consultation with MNRE. NITI Aayog in consultation with RMI has also released the report ‘Strategy
for Harnessing Green Hydrogen’.

Power Sector Reforms

Advisory Group on Hydro Power Sector: An Advisory Group on Hydro Power has been constituted under
Dr. V. K Saraswat, Member (Energy), NITI Aayog for suggesting measures to improve viability of hydro
projects and harnessing the unutilized hydro power potential in the country. The advisory group is
working on development of (a) An action plan for River Basin Development and Hydropower Project in
the North-Eastern and the Himalayan States and (b) Design of funding modalities, so as to keep the
long-term generation tariffs of hydropower projects where DPR/Techno-economic clearance/ financial
Tripartite Signing between NITI Aayog, State Toolkit for Secondary Students & Teachers of
Arunachal Pradesh and Reach to Teach Launch closure is yet to be achieved at par with average national power purchase tariff.
Cause analysis and prevention steps for power crisis: In the first quarter of 2022-23, India faced a power
crisis, due to a lack of availability of sufficient coal to meet the high demand. NITI Aayog conducted
CONVOKE 2021-2022
a detailed study on the possible causes for power shortage and suggested preventive steps to avoid
NITI Aayog along with Bharti Foundation built a unique platform, CONVOKE 2021-2022, where such a situation in the future.
educationists and academicians shared their best practices and research papers.
CONVOKE 2021-22 had four sessions in which a wide array of topics, including challenges faced during Geospatial Energy Map of India
COVID, techniques that can improve teaching-learning processes, challenges faced by teachers, early
NITI Aayog collaborated with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to develop a comprehensive
childhood care and challenges faced by girl children were discussed.
Geospatial Energy Map of India which provides a holistic picture of India’s energy sector. This includes
visualization of spatial and non-spatial data on renewable and non-renewable power plants, oil and
Vision 2047 and Roadmap gas downstream sector, renewable energy potential, fossil fuel resources, and other energy assets in
Having completed 75 years of Independence in the year 2022, India is now on a path towards 100 India. These maps are useful for the planning of resources that may include infrastructure planning
years of independence in 2047, which the Prime Minister has termed as the country’s Amritkaal’. for upcoming solar parks, coal blocks, crude oil and natural gas pipelines.
Education is an important pillar that must be strengthened for India to become an economic and
knowledge superpower, and a developed nation by 2047. The vertical worked with the ‘Sectoral Group Energy System model using TIMES-VEDA
of Secretaries’ constituted by the Government of India, on sectoral analysis and strategies to prepare
NITI Aayog is developing an in-house energy sector cost optimization model using TIMES-VEDA.
India’s Vision 2047 and roadmap for school education and higher education.
The model uses a bottom-up approach and simulates all the five sectors of the economy such as
agriculture, industry, transport, residential and commercial buildings.

ENERGY Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) target planning

The Vertical strives to provide top-quality policy support to all stakeholders to make India energy- NITI Aayog has estimated state-wise Renewable Energy (RE) capacity that can be generated from within
secure. It aims to boost investment to achieve an efficient, sustainable, and clean energy system. The the potential available in the state and can achieve the RPO target set by the Ministry of Power. This
Vertical makes concerted efforts towards reducing energy import, ensuring an alternative supply of detailed exercise undertaken by NITI Aayog on the direction of PMO also provides inputs such as:
energy and enhancing domestic supply. It seeks to strengthen the energy infrastructure and resolve additional RE that needs to be procured from other states to meet RPO target and storage capacity
cross-sectoral issues. The policy framework is geared such that energy is supplied through efficient required.
markets to improve India’s competitiveness and spur economic growth.

Annual Report 2022–23 105 106 Annual Report 2022–23


Research study of cost of transporting coal from one state to another vis-à-vis cost of generation
of electricity from coal and its transportation: NITI Aayog has constituted an expert group to analyse
the optimal modal combination of transportation that can be put in place to ensure availability of
coal to thermal power plants. The report of the group is being finalized.
Coal Gasification: In the perspective of clean energy transition, the alternative clean use of coal needs
to be also pursued. Coal gasification may be regarded as a cleaner choice than coal burning because
it makes use of the chemical features of coal. To accelerate the efforts on coal gasification, a steering
committee under the chairpersonship of Member (VKS) has made several policy recommendations
especially on Coal Gasification. Four coal gasification projects from CIL and one from NLCIL are currently
at various phases of the tendering process.


Issues pertaining to the fertilizer sector
The Governance Division deals with issues concerning the policies and programmes of Central Sector
A meeting, chaired by Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog, was held on 01 April 2022 to discuss proposed “Farmers
and Centrally Sponsored Schemes, their implementation and monitoring with respect to nine Central
Registration for DBT in Fertilizer” with the Secretaries of Department of Fertilizers, Department of
Ministries and Departments—Department of Fertilisers, Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals,
Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture Research & Education, and Department of
Department of Consumer Affairs, Department of Food and Public Distribution System, Department of
Land Resources. Proposed farmers registration would make subsidy-disbursal system more efficient
Personnel and Training, Department of Pensions and Pensioners’ Welfare, Department of Administrative
and transparent.
Reforms and Public Grievances, Department of Legal Affairs and Department of Justice. The Research
Division oversees the Research Scheme of NITI Aayog (or RSNA), which aims at supporting various The objective of the Integrated Plant Nutrition Management (IPNM) Act 2022 is to sustain India’s food
research studies. security through promotion of Integrated Plant Nutrition Management that takes care of environmental
safety/ soil health, optimal yields and economic wellbeing of farmers along with providing conducive
Coverage and Beneficiary under National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 environment for growth of fertiliser industry. Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog chaired a meeting with the
Secretaries of Department of Fertilizers, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, and Department
The National Food Security Act (NFSA) addresses the food security issues by providing subsidized of Agriculture Research & Education to discuss the proposed ‘Integrated Plant Nutrition Management
food grains distribution programme to nearly two-thirds of the population. NFSA legislation conferred Act 2022’.
a legal right on beneficiaries to obtain entitled quantities of food grains at highly subsidized prices.
An Inter-Ministerial Committee has been constituted under the chairpersonship of Secretary,
NITI Aayog has studied the beneficiary inclusion/exclusion criteria under NFSA to ensure harmonization Department of Fertilizers to recommend a per-kg subsidy rate for each nutrient N, P, K & S, wherein
of the beneficiary identification criteria across States/UTs by Department of Food & Public Distribution NITI Aayog is also a key member and participated in the committee meetings held during the year.
(DFPD). Harmonisation of the beneficiary identification criteria across States/UTs would help in reducing The main objective is to ensure availability of sufficient quantity of fertilizer to farmers at affordable
the gap in coverage of rightful beneficiaries and thereby improve targeting under NFSA. price at appropriate time, to promote smooth production of fertilizer in the country and in case of
shortfall, smooth and timely imports of fertilizers and finally to encourage balanced use of fertilizer.
An interactive meeting with High-level Nepal Delegation on Food and
Nutrition Security Engagement with Industry and Academia
World Food Programme (WFP) India hosted a high-level official delegation from the Nepal Government i. In coordination with NITI Aayog, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi
as a “Nepal Study Mission” led by Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Nepal, organised Shaheed Sukhdev Memorial lecture on March 23, 2022 for the students of the college. The
to understand the progress made by India towards achieving food and nutrition security. Accordingly, keynote address for the occasion of ‘Transforming India – Role of NITI Aayog’ was delivered by Sr.
an Interactive Meeting was organised under the chairpersonship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog on 02 Adviser (G&R), NITI Aayog.
June 2022 in NITI Aayog. Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Nepal appreciated
ii. In coordination with National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), NITI Aayog hosted a
India’s efforts and called for further collaboration and cooperation between India and Nepal on
delegation of 27 senior officers of Government of Bangladesh to understand the role, functions and
strengthening regional food security.
strategies of NITI Aayog in nation building. The deliberations were chaired by Prof. Ramesh Chand,
Member, NITI Aayog.
iii. With support of NITI Aayog, Association of Indian Universities (AIU) organised 96th Annual Meet and
National Seminar of Vice Chancellors 2022 at University of Mysore, Mysuru, during 23–25 March 2022.
A special lecture on ‘Realizing SDGs through Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for Ensuring Equality

Annual Report 2022–23 107 108 Annual Report 2022–23


and Sustainable Society’ was delivered by Sr. Adviser (G&R) for the benefits of the participating Vice
Chancellors of Universities.
The Health and Family Welfare Division provides advice and policy guidance to key stakeholders
Revival of Closed Urea Units involved in public health development and management. It engages with the Ministries of Health
and Family Welfare and AYUSH, the Department of Pharmaceuticals, the National Health Authority,
An inter-ministerial committee under the chairpersonship of CEO, NITI Aayog, has been actively
State and local governments. The Division also collaborates with reputed international and national
monitoring the setting up of five new urea plants at Ramagundam, Talcher, Gorakhpur, Sindri and
academic institutions, research organisations, development partners and eminent experts to advance
Barauni, and resolving various issues encountered during the process. These include three closed
the discussion towards making long-term impacts on policy approaches for the public health sector.
urea units of the Fertilizer Corporation India Limited and two closed units of the Hindustan Fertilizer
Corporation Limited, which are being set up by a consortium of public sector undertakings. Several
meetings of the inter-ministerial committee were held during the year. A meeting of Empowered Compendium of Ayush-Based Practices from Indian States and Union
Committee of Secretaries (ECoS), chaired by CEO, NITI Aayog, was conducted for the approval of Territories
Substitution Agreement to be signed amongst FCIL, TFL, and Lenders for Talcher Project.
NITI Aayog released a compendium of Ayush-based practices from States and Union territories in July
2022, detailing information about various Ayush-based initiatives and practices adopted by the States
Guidelines for Framework of Networking and Partnership with various and Union Territories in India for containing and managing the COVID-19 outbreak. The compendium
organisations was released by Shri Suman Bery, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog, and Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai Kalubhai,
Minister of State for Ayush and WCD.
As an apex think tank of the Government, the role of NITI Aayog is extremely wide and covers a range
of activities such as fostering cooperative federalism, designing strategic and long-term policy and
programme frameworks and initiatives, monitoring their progress and efficacy, creating a knowledge,
innovation and entrepreneurial support system through a collaborative community of national and
international experts, practitioners and other partners. In this context, Guidelines for engagement
framework for networking and partnership between NITI Aayog and leading knowledge, research,
philanthropic, corporate, bilateral and multilateral institutions have been developed and issued. The
guidelines are placed in public domain on NITI Aayog’s website.

COVID-19 Management
Empowered Group-7, chaired by CEO, NITI Aayog was constituted for the COVID-19 Management through
strengthening Partnerships with private Sector, Civil Society organizations and International bodies.
39 meetings have been convened with CSOs, Industry and International Organizations and through
robust collaboration with all stakeholders.
Release of the Compendium of Ayush-Based Practices in presence of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog
and Minister of State for Ayush and WCD
New Research Scheme of NITI Aayog (RSNA) Guidelines 2021
In line with NITI’s mandate to position itself as a knowledge and innovation hub, new set of guidelines,
viz. ‘Research Scheme of NITI Aayog 2021’ has been launched. The revamped guidelines aim at broad- Public Health Management Cadre
basing research work including Institutional & individual based research, besides aiding reputed NITI Aayog contributed to the development of guidelines for a Public Health Management Cadre in
institutions for organizing seminars, workshops and conferences as well as providing non-financial States and Union Territories, which was released by the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare
support through the use of the NITI logo for various events. During the year 2022-23 (up to 31st Shri Mansukh L. Mandaviya in April 2022. It is envisaged that the cadre would strengthen management
December, 2022), a total grant of ₹173.81 lakh was released. Proposals for funding 09 new research of both, health and hospital services in the public health sector by demarcating the clinical and public
studies (Table 1.1) and 10 on-going ones were completed during the year (Table 1.2). Besides, logo health functions.
support to 45 institutions for events across a wide spectrum of subjects and sectors (Table 1.3).
The study reports and seminar proceedings are received both in hard and soft copies. Copies of these Marketing Practices by Pharma Companies
reports and proceedings are circulated to concerned verticals within NITI, which then examine these
Marketing practices by pharmaceutical companies have the potential to influence the prescription
reports and send them to concerned Ministries/departments for further action.
writing patterns of doctors/physicians which may be seen as inappropriate on part of the pharma
[Lists of research studies approved, studies completed, and logo support provided are given in industry and may amount to unethical conduct/practice by the medical professionals. The Uniform
Annexure] Code for Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (UCPMP) for pharmaceutical companies has been in
operation since 1 January 2015, to prevent unethical practices by the pharmaceutical companies. A

Annual Report 2022–23 109 110 Annual Report 2022–23


committee has been constituted by the Department of Pharmaceuticals under the chairpersonship of and its overarching impact on overall wellbeing and functioning of people. This was followed by an
Member (Health), NITI Aayog in September 2022 to consider various issues pertaining to UCPMP and interactive session with two eminent psychiatrists, and officials of NITI Aayog also shared their lived
to examine the requirement for a legally enforceable mechanism for regulating marketing practices experiences with mental illness and their perspectives of recovery.
by Pharma Companies. The Committee has convened three meetings on the subject.

Pooling Research Resources for Facilitating Drug R&D

A Committee for Drafting SOP for Pooling Research Resources for Facilitating Drug Research and
Development was constituted based on directions received from the Cabinet Secretariat and the report
of the Committee for Reforming the Drug Regulatory System in India. The committee deliberated upon
the various aspects of leveraging infrastructure for drug R&D and compiled a report based on insights
gained through stakeholder consultations and inputs received from various agencies/departments/

National Ayush Research Consortium (NARC)

Ayush comprises the traditional systems of medicine practiced in India. There has been a renewed
upsurge towards the traditional medicine systems recently. However, to meet the provisions of the
international regulations, the data on Ayush medicine’s pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety,
etc., is essential to capitalize on this upsurge in terms of getting market authorization for Ayush
products as medicines at the global level.

NITI Aayog, in coordination with the Ministry of Ayush, has envisaged the formation of a National Ayush Workshop on Mental Health and Wellbeing for employees of NITI Aayog on occasion of World Mental Health Day
Research Consortium (NARC) and prepared a concept note to prioritize Ayush research through scientific
collaboration within stakeholder Ministries and their departments/institutions in an institutionalized
manner and to address the fundamental problem that is holding back the global uptake of Ayush care.
The Industry-I Vertical focuses on the continuous growth of trade and industry by
Catalysing and Reforming Senior Care in India
developing new policies. The Vertical envisages holistic development of the industrial and
With the accelerating pace of ageing, there is a need to reframe our thinking around ageing and the mineral sector in India, encouraging optimum mineral exploitation, decreasing the import
needs of the elderly. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in its India Ageing Report, projected of various minerals, and strengthening the supply chain by means of value addition.
that the elderly population (age 60 and above) in the country would grow to 158 million by 2025, and The Vertical also plays a crucial role in enabling active engagement of the States and relevant
further projected to rise to 319 million (19.5% of total population) by 2050. stakeholders in achieving milestones for the industrial and economic development of India. It aims
to bring together innovation, technology, and efficient management at the core of policy formulation
Despite government and private sector efforts, the system for senior care faces many challenges,
and implementation.
including a lack of infrastructure and capacities to support the health and welfare of the elderly.
There are several strategies under various welfare schemes and initiatives for senior citizens which
can be better implemented through coordinated efforts by the Government and other stakeholders. Study on ‘Integration of MSMEs on E-Commerce platforms’
The specific interventions are needed in four areas: Health and Medical, Social and Legal, Economic/ Universal e-commerce access can be achieved by creating a digital infrastructure platform which will
Financial, and Digital, in terms of empowerment, service delivery & inclusion. NITI Aayog has prepared connect small sellers and traders to existing nationwide market places. The Industry-I Vertical had
a draft report on Catalyzing and Reforming Senior Care in India. undertaken a study on ‘Integration of MSMEs on E-Commerce platforms’ to facilitate on-boarding of
Indian MSMEs on different E-commerce market places. The study covered evaluation of entire ecosystem
existing in India for preparing a roadmap for integration of MSMEs across India on e-commerce
Talking Mental Health: A Seminar Commemorating World Mental Health platforms. The study report was shared with all the stakeholders concerned in the month of July 2022.
NITI Aayog organised an in-house mental health workshop to commemorate the World Mental Health
Day 2022. The session Talking Mental Health was primarily focused on the theme of awareness and
sensitisation on mental health among the employees of NITI Aayog. The session was chaired by
Member (Health) Dr. V. K. Paul, who highlighted the need to understand and talk about mental health

Annual Report 2022–23 111 112 Annual Report 2022–23


INDUSTRY-II Faster Adoption of Land Value Capturing and Sharing Mechanisms

Jointly documented (NITI, GIZ and ASCI) Indian Scenario for International Compendium by OECD and
The Industry II vertical deals with Steel, Textiles, Handlooms and handicrafts, Food processing ,Marine
Lincoln Institute followed by an experience-sharing workshop held in December 2021 (NITI, GIZ and
products and plantation crops, Capital goods and Engineering. Automotives, Circular economy and ASCI) (participation from nine international experts and 16 states). Presently State preparedness study
Blue economy. being undertaken through ASCI (Administrative Staff College of India).

Blue Economy Faster Adoption of Building Information Modelling

NITI Aayog, in April 2021, constituted the blue economy coordination committee under the A programme has been initiated with Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, UK Government
chairpersonship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog. Six sub-groups were set up, and initiatives in these (FCDO) for faster adoption of digitalization and information sharing in construction sector. The
clusters are being coordinated by their respective Ministries. During the year, NITI Aayog participated programme targets extensive stakeholders’ interaction for infrastructure construction sector and has
in the meetings convened by Multi-Agency Maritime Security Group (MSG) Policy, National Security a huge potential in terms of time and cost savings throughout infrastructure project lifecycles. Three
Council Secretariat, and meetings of the sub-group on National Accounting Framework. workshops have been held so far and a draft road map has been prepared.

Indo–France Roadmap on Blue Economy and Ocean Governance Resilient Infrastructure (De-risking Infrastructure)
A research study has been undertaken with Swiss Re Institute focusing on the sectors of Roads, Ports
The Indo–France Roadmap on blue economy and ocean governance was finalized during the visit of
and Airports. The resilient aspects also focus on Natural Catastrophe Resilience among other things
the External Affairs Minister (EAM) to France in February 2022. In this roadmap, NITI Aayog has been
includes guidelines for developing risk registers and undertaking infrastructure insurance. The draft
tasked with organizing an annual bilateral dialogue on the blue economy and ocean governance.
report has been prepared and will be released soon.
A preparatory meeting for the annual bilateral dialogue under the India–France roadmap was held
on 13 June 2022, with the Ambassador for Poles and Maritime Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC)
in Paris, France. The Indian delegation, led by Special Secretary, NITI Aayog, had the participation of
Secretary, MoES, and five officers. The interaction provided an opportunity for India to gain a better The Vertical is responsible for monitoring the progress of the economically significant Dedicated
understanding of the French Ministries and agencies active in the domain of blue economy and ocean Freight Corridor (DFC) project. The western Corridor (JNPT to Dadri) with 1504 km and Eastern Corridor
governance. with 1856 km (Dankuni to Ludhiana) are under implementation. For effective implementation of the
project NITI Aayog is represented in the DFCCIL Board.

INFRASTRUCTURE-CONNECTIVITY Study on Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) facilities

A study was conducted by BRIEF on ‘MRO in India: Trends, Challenges and Way Forward’, under the
The Infrastructure Connectivity Vertical strives to create a transport system that is common, connected,
chairpersonship of stakeholders concerned. The draft report has been submitted for further action.
convenient, congestion-free, clean, and cutting-edge. The Vertical provides policy inputs and suggests
interventions in the form of discussions and policy papers to the Line Ministries. It also provides
critical inputs to legislative bills. Infrastructure Development of Airports
The Infrastructure Connectivity Vertical monitors the infrastructure development undertaken by the
Improving Logistics Efficiency – Logistics Park Network Airports Authority of India (AAI) and prepares quarterly progress reports. Accordingly, the quarterly
progress report of infrastructure developments in airports was prepared and submitted to the Prime
The study was undertaken in close interaction with Logistics Division (at Ministry of Commerce and Minister’s Office.
Industries), National Highway Logistics Management Limited and other relevant line ministries. Spatial
analysis of 192 ICDs and CFSs in India undertaken and compared with 38 German Freight Villages
and TEN-T. Learnings being incorporated by relevant ministers in their plans, and guiding Gati-Shakti
The Managing Urbanisation (MU) Division provides data-based policy inputs for making India’s
Gati Shakti urbanisation manageable, economically productive, environmentally appropriate, and equitable. It
offers advice and policy guidance to key stakeholders involved in urban planning, development, and
It is a multi-sectoral GIS-based Decision Support System and an extremely potent planning tool being management. The Division engages with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, State Governments
leveraged for strengthening logistics infrastructure. CEO, NITI Aayog has been co-opted as member of as well as local governments in formulating policies, programmes, initiatives and reforms. It also
Empowered Group of Secretaries of which three meetings have been held. The Vertical has been co- collaborates with various national and international academic institutions, research organisations,
opted as special invitee for Network Planning Group under leadership of Special Secretary Logistics. development partners and eminent experts to advance the discussion towards making a long-term
impact on policy approaches for managing urbanisation.

Annual Report 2022–23 113 114 Annual Report 2022–23


Strengthening Governance of Urban Health systems NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT

India is facing an unprecedented scale of urbanization as cities are becoming hubs of growth, innovation
The Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) Vertical of NITI Aayog largely engages with three key
and creativity. To support this rapid urbanization and leverage the anticipated economic growth in the
segments – forests, biodiversity and wildlife, and Indian Himalayan region and Island Development. The
cities, it is essential to ensure health and well-being of the citizens and provide a better quality of
vertical coordinates activities with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC).
life for all. A research project has been initiated by the vertical to understand the existing landscape
of urban health at a systems level using a holistic perspective, through a multidisciplinary approach.
Eight cities have been selected for the comprehensive study of the proposed task. Alternative products and technologies to plastics
A report on Alternative Products and Technologies to Plastics and Their Applications was released in
Cities as engines of growth May 2022. In view of the clarion call made by the Hon’ble PM on phasing out single-use plastics by
2022, an expert committee was formed by NITI Aayog to assess the development of research on plastic
NITI Aayog, with technical assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB), is undertaking a research
alternatives or technologies making plastic biodegradable and regulatory approaches being taken up
project that can pave path to a new approach to city planning with its foundation in urban economics.
globally. The report is a product of the committee’s study on market readiness, infrastructure needs,
Multiple consultations have been conducted wherein the NITI Aayog and ADB teams interacted with
and regulatory framework required for adopting these products.
more than 130 stakeholders from several states. Based on this, key bottlenecks have been identified
and recommendations for unlocking the potential of cities to become engines of economic growth
are being prepared.
Provisions for interim approval/ provisional certification of
biodegradable plastics
Transition from cash-based to accrual-based accounting system in Urban Under the chairpersonship of Dr. V. K. Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog, a meeting was held to discuss
Local Bodies the probable interim standards for provisional certification of biodegradable plastics, given that full
degradation is a time-consuming process. Collecting data from manufacturing/ developing companies
With limited human resource and technical capacities, many Urban Local Bodies face difficulty was also considered in order to set the standards regarding the percentage of degradability, in light
to maintain the necessary level of services. Municipal Performance Index Report (MoHUA, 2020) of the recent amendment in the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2022 by MoEF&CC.
highlights the poor performance of the ULBs in terms of revenue & expenditure management, fiscal
decentralization, and fiscal responsibility. The XV Finance Commission has recommended publishing
Framing the Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) Strategy
of audited annual accounts as an entry-level condition for accessing grants for urban local bodies
has introduced a sense of urgency to this important reform. A handbook has been prepared with the The Vertical, in collaboration with the Nature Conservancy, plans to identify potential pathways and
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and ARF (Accounting Research Foundation) on best sub-pathways to develop an operational NCS strategy. Further, guidelines would be developed for
practices and lessons learnt in transition from cash based to accrual-based accounting systems. The implementing NCS pathways such as restoring degraded land, reforestation, agroforestry, and avoided
final report will be released shortly. deforestation in five biogeographic zones, viz. Himalayan region, Gangetic plains, plateau region, coastal
regions, and dry regions.
Aspirational City Programme (ACP) in the state of Uttar Pradesh
Carbon capture and its utilization in generating green hydrogen
The Vertical has developed the programme framework along with the indicators for identifying and
monitoring 100 aspirational cities in Uttar Pradesh. After a number of deliberations, a set of 16 In association with Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, the Vertical is building a framework to
indicators for shortlisting cities and 32 indicators for monitoring the performance of aspirational integrate carbon capture with solar energy and green hydrogen. This could help in creating an ecosystem
cities have been finalized. A pilot for 17 cities on these 32 indicators was also conducted to finalize of about 10 MMTPA of green hydrogen production by 2030, reducing investment cost through scaling
the indicators. The preparatory work for rolling out the programme and initiate the baseline data up manufacturing of renewable technologies and electrolysers.
collection from 762 urban local bodies is under progress.
Climate Finance
The Vertical is exploring means to scale up green bonds and blue bonds, carbon pricing for India, etc.
MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSME) through utilization of financial instruments. It is also looking into framing a mechanism for developing
a carbon market as per the Energy Conservation Bill, 2022 in sectors such as high performance
The MSME vertical deals with matters concerning to the policies and programmes of the MSME sector renewables, green hydrogen, bio-fuels/e-fuels, clean mobility, energy storage and green metals, etc.
in India. One of the main objectives of the vertical is to assist in developing and taking forward the
policies/ programmes of the Government of India for the development of the MSME sector.
Developing mitigation and adaptation pathways for transition to carbon
During 2022-23, the Vertical commissioned a research study on ‘MSME clusters to improve productivity neutral economy
and quality, with a focus on the creation of common infrastructure’. The final report has been released.
Besides, the Vertical also commissioned a research study on ‘Impact Assessment of Pradhan Mantri The Vertical is developing a concept note on mitigation and adaptation pathways for Indian conditions
Mudra Yojana (PMMY)’, which is currently underway. to transition to carbon neutral economy across sectors. Policy interventions and developing alternatives

Annual Report 2022–23 115 116 Annual Report 2022–23


to fossil fuels in sectors of infrastructure, manufacturing, transportation, and electricity will enable 2022-23 (from 1 April, 2022 to 10 January, 2023)
achieving a carbon neutral economy. The concept of Green GDP would also be explored, which considers S.No. Sector
Nos. Cost (Rs. Cr.) %
environmental factors such as biodiversity losses and costs attributed to climate change along with
the standard GDP of a country so as to help in ensuring sustainability of the country’s economy. 5 S&T 2 8095.58 0.31

6 Social Services 17 409165.51 15.91

7 Communication 4 26203.25 1.02

(PAMD) Total 135 2572095.26 100.00
One of the core functions undertaken by the Project Appraisal and Management Division (PAMD) of
NITI Aayog is the appraisal of public-sector programmes, schemes and projects. This division has been
accordingly assigned to discharge the following functions: PUBLIC–PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP
i. Prescribe guidelines and develop formats for the submission of proposals for projects and The Vertical is actively working towards deepening the reach of public-private partnerships as the
programmes for techno-economic appraisal; preferred mode for the implementation of infrastructure projects. It seeks to create timebound world-
ii. Undertake research studies to improve the methodology and procedure for appraisal of class infrastructure and attract private sector and institutional capital in infrastructure.
projects and programmes;
iii. Undertake techno-economic appraisal of major projects and programmes in the public PPP in Healthcare
sectors; and NITI Aayog had formulated the Concession Agreement–Guiding Principles for PPP in Healthcare/
iv. Assist Central ministries in establishing proper procedures for preparation of reports of Medical Education, and subsequently worked closely with the Department of Economic Affairs on the
projects and programmes. amendment to the Scheme for ‘Financial Support to Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in Infrastructure’,
which enables grant of viability gap funding (VGF) to central and state PPP projects in various sectors
of social infrastructure including inter alia education and health. With the objective of making PPP
Appraisal of Public Programmes, Schemes and Projects
projects commercially viable, grant from the Government of India can go up to 40% of the total
The Division conducts comprehensive appraisal of projects/schemes costing more than Rs 500 crore project cost.
related to the Public Investment Board and the Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC). Proposals of
In this regard, NITI Aayog conducted a series of discussions and State dialogues for the uptake of VGF
the Ministry of Railways costing Rs 500 crore and above, to be considered by the Expanded Board
Scheme. NITI Aayog also provided handholding to the States in identification of projects, preparation
of Railways (EBR), are also appraised. Revised Cost Estimate (RCE) proposals are also appraised by
of concept proposals, and vetting of proposals by DEA. As a result, at least eight health sector PPP
the division to analyse the factors attributed to cost and time overruns and their impact on viability.
projects are in advance stage of the VGF grant. This year, as part of the project appraisal body under
In delivering this critical function, the PAMD through its techno-economic appraisals has bought the Scheme, NITI Aayog guided two state projects in the health sector, which were subsequently
about a paradigm shift in appraisal mechanisms and procedures for structuring and preparation of accorded in-principle approval under the Scheme.
public projects and schemes. NITI Aayog, through its appraisal memoranda, has been instrumental
in suggesting and bringing about systemic improvements aimed at efficacy of public sector schemes
PPP in Foodgrains Storage
and spending in terms of delivery and outcomes.
NITI Aayog (PPP Vertical) worked closely with the Department of Food and Public Distribution Programme
During 2022-23, appraisal of 135 schemes/projects contained in the EFC/PIB/EBR proposals involving
to leverage private sector investment and efficiencies in the country’s wheat storage infrastructure.
outlay of Rs 2572095 crore have been undertaken. The sectoral distribution of projects appraised from
Spread across 12 states, this PPP programme envisages development of silos at 249 locations with a total
01 April 2022 to 10 January 2023 is given in the table below:
storage capacity of 108.375 LMT at an estimated capital cost of Rs. 9236 crore. Combination of DBFOT
(land for the project to be provided by the Authority) and DBFOO (land to be arranged by the private
2022-23 (from 1 April, 2022 to 10 January, 2023)
S.No. Sector partner/investor) models, bid process for Phase I project (80 locations) was undertaken this year.
Nos. Cost (Rs. Cr.) %
1 Agriculture 18 212635.68 8.27 Dispute Resolution Mechanism – Ease of Doing Business
2 Energy 9 72396.08 2.81 To promote ease of doing business for those who deal with the Government or CPSEs, and to instill
3 Transport 36 1133791.22 44.08 confidence in private investors and contractors, the Hon’ble Minister of Finance, in the Budget speech
of FY 2021-2022 announced setting up of a Conciliation Mechanism. Pursuant to which, a Task Force
4 Industry 16 511366.73 19.88
was constituted under the chairpersonship of CEO, NITI Aayog with participation from key Central
Ministries and Departments in March 2021.

Annual Report 2022–23 117 118 Annual Report 2022–23


The Task Force was inter alia mandated to develop an effective Conciliation Mechanism for time pre-transaction steps for monetisation of about 10,000 telecom towers through a long term brownfield
and cost efficient resolution of disputes arising out of contracts and legal relationships between PPP model. During the year, pre-feasibility and transaction structuring was carried out and the proposal
the Government (Ministries, CPSEs) and private investors/ contractor/concessionaire. The Task Force has been submitted by DoT to PPPAC for approval.
conducted detailed deliberations. PPP Vertical, NITI Aayog, servicing the Task Force, assisted in
formulation of the ‘Guidelines for Resolution of Disputes between Government and Private Entities
via Conciliation’ as part of the Task Force’s report- based on the inputs and suggestions of all the RURAL DEVELOPMENT
members. The report/recommendations of the Task Force were concluded. Approval of the Competent
Authority for the Guidelines is in process. The Rural Development Vertical of NITI Aayog provides overall policy guidance to the Department of
Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD). It monitors the progress of the various
schemes and programmes implemented by the Ministry. The Vertical also analyses the draft documents
Redevelopment of Jawaharlal Nehru (JLN) Stadium on PPP Mode
and reports received from the Department of Rural Development and furnishes comments of NITI
During the year, NITI Aayog worked closely with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports in pre- Aayog on them for finalisation.
transaction activities and finalising the strategy for redevelopment of the JLN stadium in Delhi through
In 2022–23, the Rural Development Vertical participated in various meetings of the Ministry of Rural
PPP to unlock value from optimal utilisation of its iconic sporting asset. The project is to be executed
Development on National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP), Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran
through PPP by leveraging the mixed-use/real-estate development potential available around the
Pariyojana (MKSP), Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP), and Pradhan Mantri Gram
stadium. NITI Aayog, along with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, undertook pre-feasibility
Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) Phase III.
analysis of the project to assess the viability and initial feasibility of the project in PPP mode. NITI
Aayog is working with the Ministry in preparing for the launch of the transaction and undertaking The Vertical was associated with the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) in their 6th Common
requisite pre-launch activities. Review Mission (CRM). The objective of the CRM was to review the implementation of rural development
programmes on ground and to document good practices in public services delivery. All major schemes
State Support Initiatives towards PPPs and Asset Monetisation were reviewed during the Mission.

The National Monetisation Pipeline recognises the crucial role of states in scaling up asset monetisation As regards the Strategy for $1 trillion economy in 5 years (2022-2027) for Uttar Pradesh, suggestions
efforts and raising financing for infrastructure projects in a sustainable manner. There is a significant were given in respect of the rural development sector for Uttar Pradesh for raising the current growth
appetite of investors for well-structured state level assets. However, investors seek visibility of the rate substantially and a significant increase in the investment rate, including through PPP and how
pipeline of proposals. Hence creating state level monetisation pipelines is important. Towards this end, to achieve them.
PPP vertical engaged with the various States and organised workshops with state relevant departments
(transport, power, urban, warehousing, sports, finance, ports) wherein central sector monetisation
structures were discussed and brainstorming on potential assets was carried out. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
The Vertical seeks to strengthen the science, technology and innovation ecosystem in the country
Guiding Principles for Monetisation of Transmission Assets in the Public in association with Central Scientific Departments/Agencies by formulating science- and technology-
Sector through PPP model specific plans/programmes and policies.
In view of significant potential of states for monetisation of their transmission assets, and towards
evolving a common framework and approach for transmission companies, the Vertical worked with Consultation Group on Science and Technology
the Ministry of Power in developing the “Guiding Principles for Monetization of Transmission Assets in The fourth meeting of the Consultation Group on Science and Technology was held on 4 July 2022,
the Public Sector” in consultation with relevant stakeholders. Considering the need to retain a degree chaired by Member (S&T), NITI Aayog. The group meets quarterly and has been constituted for the
of oversight through contractual mechanisms, protection of user interests and maximisation of value purpose of overseeing the management of S&T in the country and discussing the various issues which
to the public authority, this document lays down the contours of monetisation of transmission assets hamper the growth of S&T and how S&T could be used for the socio-economic development of the
through an Acquire, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (AOMT) based Public Private Partnership model. country.
The Guiding principles were issued by the Ministry of Power in October 2022.

Global Innovation Index

Monetisation of tower assets of BSNL through PPP mode
NITI Aayog interacted with World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and also top ranking
BSNL owns and operates about 68,049 towers assets across the country, out of which around 13,567 countries—particularly, Switzerland, Sweden, and the Netherlands—to know their good practices to
towers are presently co-located. As telecom companies expand their 4G networks and plan for the improve India’s ranking in the Global Innovation Index (GII). Based on the good practices of the
impending arrival of 5G, BSNL towers present suitable infrastructure for improving network and service top-ranking countries, NITI Aayog, through its Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committee under the
densification to several service providers. Pursuant to potential assets identified under the National chairpersonship of the CEO, NITI Aayog, is suggesting some specific measures to all the Ministries/
Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) for telecom assets, the vertical is working with BSNL in taking necessary Departments concerned of the Government of India, with the aim of improving India’s position in

Annual Report 2022–23 119 120 Annual Report 2022–23


the GII. Four meetings of the Committee have been conducted, with the most recent meeting on 28 nuclear power plants and to further assess their benefits and challenges. A national committee
February 2022, where the actions needed to improve India’s performance in the ranking were decided under the chairpersonship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog was constituted on 13 May 2021 to examine
and delegated to the respective Ministry/Departments. The consolidated inputs, including data points, the techno-commercial feasibility of small-scale nuclear power plants. The committee has submitted
concerns, and suggestions, are being communicated to WIPO, and the data source agencies like the its report to the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, for the implementation of the
UNIDO and the UNESCO. recommendations.
On the 29 September 2022, WIPO released the Global Innovation Index 2022, wherein India has climbed
six spots and is now ranked 40th globally. India has continuously improved its rank in the Global Robotics and Online Gaming
Innovation Index—from 81 in 2015 to 40 in 2022. Robotics & Automation as an industry has been growing at an exorbitant rate, revolutionising
NITI Aayog and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) jointly organised the India launch of manufacturing and other industries. On 29 June 2022, an Inter-Ministerial Committee was constituted by
the Global Innovation Index 2022 on 30 September 2022. Shri Daren Tang, Director General, World the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India to foster the development
Intellectual Property Organisation and Shri Suman Bery, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog graced the occasion of the robotics industry in India. The CEO, NITI Aayog, is one of the members of this committee. The
as speakers. committee convened its first meeting on 21 September 2022.

Monitoring implementation of the BharatNet programme

The progress in the implementation of the BharatNet project is being regularly monitored by the S&T
Vertical. As on 2 January 2023, the realization of the implementation of the Phase I of the BharatNet The Skill Development and Employment Division plays a key role in (i) building and sharing knowledge
project is 99.52 per cent, with the corresponding figure for the Phase II being 43.58 per cent. for accelerating policy initiatives for making Indian youth and workforce employable, (ii) identifying
as well as offering solutions to critical issues concerning employment, jobs and livelihood creation.
Mission for developing and commercializing of Indigenous Artificial Heart The Division provides advice and policy guidance to key stakeholders involved in skill development,
employment generation and social welfare. The Division engages with the Ministry of Skill Development
With a view to examine the design and techno-commercial feasibility of developing and commercializing
and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) in formulating policy/
of Indigenous Artificial Heart, a mission committee has been constituted under the chairpersonship of
programme initiatives and reforms related to skill development, apprenticeships and employment
Dr. Rajiv Narang, Professor and former Head, Department of Cardiology, All India Institute of Medical
issues. The Division also collaborates with various research organisations, development partners and
Sciences, New Delhi. The first and second meeting of the mission was held on 30 September 2022 and
14 October 2022, respectively. The committee noted the importance of prioritising the development experts to advance research oriented towards making an impact on policy and programme initiatives.
of artificial heart at an economical price as the cases of myocardial infarction (heart attack) are
increasing in India. Launch of Report on ‘India’s Booming Gig and Platform Economy:
Perspectives and Recommendations on the Future of Work’
Seaweed Cultivation NITI Aayog released a first-of-its-kind study—India’s Booming Gig and Platform Economy: Perspectives
Seaweeds have gained importance in recent times due to its multiple usages as food source, medicine, and Recommendations on the Future of Work—on 27 June 2022. The report presents comprehensive
as a source material for edible packing, cattle feed, and fertilizer. The S&T Vertical has been closely perspectives, workforce estimates and recommendations on the gig–platform economy in India. The
monitoring and working with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) to report provides a scientific methodological approach to estimate the current size and job-generation
promote seaweed cultivation in India and resolve outstanding issues and concerns of the MoEF&CC potential of the sector.
about seaweed cultivation in gulf areas of the country.

Perovskite Material Research and Development

Perovskite is a low-cost, industry-scalable technology and has shown remarkable progress in recent
years with higher conversion efficiency. Several research groups in India are actively involved in the
development of perovskite cells. Meetings to discuss the perovskite materials and the ongoing R&D
work was held under the chairpersonship of Dr. V.K. Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog, in NITI Aayog with
participation from Government Ministries and Departments, industries, academia, startups, etc.

Small-scale nuclear reactors to boost India’s nuclear energy

With a rising demand for power from various sectors, the Government of India is planning to increase
the nuclear energy capacity threefold in the next decade to reduce the country’s carbon footprint. Release of the report titled ‘India’s Booming Gig and Platform Economy:
This exercise would require a concerted effort to evaluate the feasibility of small- and medium-scale Perspectives and Recommendations on the Future of Work’

Annual Report 2022–23 121 122 Annual Report 2022–23


As a follow-up to the release of the report, a number of Roundtable Discussions were organized during Deliberations on Transforming the Entrepreneurship Landscape in India
the year. The discussions focused on crafting a roadmap for an inclusive future of work, with thematic
With the objective to explore initiatives for promoting entrepreneurship, the vertical organised
sessions on social security, skill development, social inclusion and data rights. Regional outreach and
brainstorming sessions with experts and stakeholders. The deliberations focused on possible ways of
dissemination workshops and policy roundtables on the gig and platform economy and the future of
maximizing the outreach of existing entrepreneurship schemes, expanding access to credit, facilitating
work have been planned in different cities.
entrepreneurship with infrastructure and expert networks to help entrepreneurs launch and scale
businesses through a National Entrepreneurship Mission. The discussions focused on possibilities for
Study on Understanding Barriers to Women’s Labour force Participation convergence of existing efforts and strong collaboration between the Centre, State governments and
SDE Vertical, NITI Aayog is collaborating with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) for a study District authorities that can help reinvigorate the entrepreneurship landscape in India.
on women’s labour force participation across five sampled states, viz. Delhi, Jharkhand, Karnataka,
Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan. The study aims to unpack the demand and supply side factors
behind female labour force participation in India, while experimenting with novel survey instruments SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT
to measure women’s work.
The vision of the Division is based on the basic premise of paying special attention to those sections
of our society that may be at risk of not benefiting adequately from economic progress. The Division
Policy Brief on Enhancing Employment Opportunities in the Care Sector
holds periodic reviews with different stakeholders—Central Ministries/Departments, State/UTs and
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the care economy has the potential to create international agencies—involved in the inclusive development of the vulnerable sections of the
475 million jobs worldwide by 2030, including 269 million new jobs. SDE Vertical has collaborated with society. It also monitors the progress made in achieving the SDGs, seeks to address development
ILO for developing a compendium of papers and a Policy Brief on Enhancing Employment Opportunities deficits and propose appropriate corrective measures. The Division provides guidance to frame
in the Care Sector. The Compendium and Policy Brief will highlight the potential for employment comprehensive policies and programmes for inclusive empowerment and human capital development
opportunities in the care sector that includes health, education and other care services. of underprivileged sections of the society, such as the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Safai Karmacharis
(SKs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Classes (OBCs), Economically Backward Classes (EBCs),
Report on Transforming ITIs Religious Minorities, Nomadic, Semi-Nomadic and De-Notified Tribes (NT, SNT & DNTs), and social
defence groups such as Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), Senior Citizens/Aged, Transgender, Victims
Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) are the backbone of vocational training in India. With an objective
of Substance Abuse/Drug Addicts, Destitutes and Beggars, etc.
to come up with transformative ideas for revamping the ITI ecosystem in the country, a study was
undertaken by the SDE Vertical. The study involved field visits to 27 ITIs across five states, and
included a mix of high-graded and low graded ITIs. The research process encompassed interactions Committee on Identification of NTs, DNTs and SNTs
and consultations with multiple stakeholders including trainees, faculty, principals, administrative staff The Government has constituted a committee under the chairpersonship of the Vice Chairman, NITI
and DGT officials. The study report came up with forward-looking recommendations for changes in Aayog for identification of De-Notified Tribes (DNTs), Nomadic Tribes (NTs), Semi-Nomadic Tribes (SNTs),
the ITI ecosystem. and tribes not yet formally classified. The Committee has commissioned an ethnographic study through
Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI), Kolkata. AnSI has completed the study of about 250 out of
Final Aspirational Districts ranking indicators (ADR) 268 communities, and submitted the report of thirty-three communities on De-Notified, Nomadic and
Semi-Nomadic Tribes/ communities. As decided in a meeting held under the chairpersonship of Vice
Skill Development and Employment vertical of NITI Aayog engages with the Ministry of Skill
Chairman, NITI Aayog, the study of the remaining communities is being completed, following which
Development and Entrepreneurship for coordinating the skilling data on certain schemes for generating
the final consolidated report is to be submitted to the Government.
final Aspirational Districts ranking indicators (ADR) for 112 Aspirational District. The work includes
compilation, tabulation and analysis of statistical data related to Aspirational Districts Ranking data
on Skill Development to come out with final Aspirational Districts ranking indicators (ADR). The data Impact of Covid-19 on Education of SC/ST Students
is then shared with Aspirational District Programme (ADP) team of NITI Aayog on monthly basis. NITI Aayog commissioned a study on the impact of Covid-19 on the education of SC/ST students,
as decided in a meeting chaired by Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog on 8 July 2021. Three proposals were
Participation in Global Skills Summit 2022 received, of which the Institute for Human Development was awarded with the task. Field work is
complete and the report is in the process of finalisation.
SDE Vertical participated in the Global Skills Summit 2022 held at FICCI Federation House on September
27 and 28, 2022. The theme of the summit was ‘Education to Employability-Making it Happen’. Adviser
SDE delivered the special address at the summit on 27th September on the topic of ‘The Future of Expert Committee to Review Funds Allocation Under SCSP and TSP
Skilling: New World of Work. An Expert Committee was constituted under the chairpersonship of Prof Ramesh Chand, Member,
NITI Aayog to review the performance of Central Ministries/ Departments with regard to allocation
and utilization of funds for the welfare of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. The Committee
has interacted with all Ministries/Departments and its report is under finalisation. The vertical has

Annual Report 2022–23 123 124 Annual Report 2022–23


extensively reviewed the SCSP & TSP Guidelines 2017 in order to frame a new arrangement for allocation State Factsheets
of funds for the welfare of SCs and STs, adopted by 41 obligating Central Ministries / Departments
that have habitat development / beneficiary-oriented schemes. In order to provide ‘at a Glance’ information about various sectors of the state including health, abour
and employment, ducation, griculture, ndustry, inance, rowth and economy, urbanization, water and
sanitation, women and child development and track States’ performance/achievement in flagship
Establishing an Institutional Mechanism for Monitoring and Reviewing schemes of the Government of India a template has been formulated by this vertical and circulated
SCSP and TSP to all State verticals at NITI Aayog. The vertical provided requisite support to the State verticals in
NITI Aayog, in close collaboration with the nodal Ministries, is engaged in developing a monitoring development of the State factsheets for their respective States. These Factsheets are being used by
framework through online portals to monitor the Physical and financial progress on real-time basis. concerned State-verticals of NITI Aayog to provide evidence based inputs to States’ policy making by
Two portals – (Department of Social Justice & Empowerment) and https:// assessing the States’ performance in each sector vis-à-vis the national performance. (Ministry of Tribal Affairs) – have been developed for SCSP and TSP, respectively.
Repository of Database
Experts Meeting on Tribal Development The Vertical maintains a state-wise database on key macro, social and financial indicators, which
There are 75 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) spread across eighteen states and one Union is used by NITI Aayog for providing important policy inputs to the states on various policy matters.
Territory, who have declining or stagnant population, low levels of literacy, pre-agricultural level of Information on central transfers is updated on a monthly basis and uploaded on the Knowledge
technology, are economically backward. To deliberate on the ongoing initiatives and bottlenecks in tribal Management System (KMS) of NITI Aayog.
development about ten Sectoral experts were invited on 28 October 2022, along with representatives
from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. The Experts have suggested several measures and reforms such Action taken on issues raised by the States in the Governing Council
as exclusive sub-scheme for Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), Effective implementation
Meeting of NITI Aayog
of Tribal Sub-Plan, strengthening of Integrated Tribal Development Agencies (ITDAs), Strengthening of
Panchayats in Scheduled Areas etc. The vertical coordinates with different Ministries/Departments and verticals within NITI Aayog for
action taken on issues raised by the States/UTs in the Governing Council Meeting of NITI Aayog. The
Seventh Meeting of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog was held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble
STATE FINANCES AND COORDINATION Prime Minister on 7 August 2022. The minutes of the seventh meeting of the Governing Council of NITI
Aayog were finalized and circulated to the members of the Governing Council and other participants
The State Finances and Coordination Vertical seeks to strengthen coordination with States and serve for further necessary action. Follow up of the same has been initiated by NITI Aayog.
as a single point of contact for all matters pertaining to finances of States and multi-State issues.
Coordination with Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance
State Finance Briefs including analysis of States’ Fiscal Health The Vertical coordinates with the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance on the
Using the information available in State Budgets 2021-22, the Vertical analysed States’ fiscal and status of the ongoing Union Budget announcements pertaining to NITI Aayog over the last seven
financial health by assessing their performance in various key indicators like GSDP growth, per years. The progress of Budget announcements is periodically reviewed by the Union Government at
capita GSDP, receipts including resources generated from own taxes, expenditures including capital various levels.
expenditure, social sector expenditure, fiscal and revenue deficit and its debt position.
Cross States analysis of key macroeconomic indicators of the States was also undertaken which is
being used in regular interactions/meetings with the State Governments/UTs to provide inputs for UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
future growth.
Allocation to States The Government of India–United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (GoI–UNSDF) 2018-
Union Government endeavors to assist the states to meet the ‘spillover liabilities’ of their area specific 2022 India outlines the development cooperation strategy between the GoI and the United Nations
schemes and projects for which budget provision has not been made after the implementation of Country Team in India, in support of the achievement of India’s key national development priorities
Fourteenth Finance Commission recommendations and also to provide for need-based assistance to and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Having entered its final year of implementation,
the states keeping in view socio-economic-geographical factors. The State Finance and Coordination the GoI and the UN Country Team in India are committed to renew the GoI-UN Sustainable
Vertical acts as the nodal for all recommendations made from NITI Aayog to the Department of Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for the next five-year period 2023-27. The key
Expenditure, Ministry of Finance relating to ‘Special Assistance’ to States under the demand ‘Transfers outcomes and outputs that will guide the new Cooperation Framework have been drafted through
to States’. A total amount of Rs. 1996 crore was released in FY21 to various States/UTs including Andhra a highly consultative process with consultations with the Government, CSOs, Think Tanks and
Pradesh, Telangana, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Telangana and Economic Enterprises. The Vertical acts as the nodal vertical for coordinating the work related to
Uttarakhand as a one-time support for various capital projects. the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023–27.

Annual Report 2022–23 125 126 Annual Report 2022–23


Evaluation of the UNSDF 2018-2022 planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of collective UN support to
India for achieving the 2030 Agenda. A meeting to discuss the developments under the GoI-UN
An independent Evaluation Team led by Prof A.K Shiva Kumar was constituted to assess the
Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2023-27 so far and step ahead was convened
key findings from the ongoing UNSDF (2018-2022) and lessons learned that would feed into the
under the chairpersonship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog on 7 July 2022. An Overview of the
formulation of the new Cooperation Framework (2023-27). The evaluation study has followed
Outcome Framework and Process of Development of the UNSDCF 2023–27 was presented by Mr.
an extensive process of data collection from a range of stakeholders, including several Key
Shombi Sharp, UN Resident Coordinator in India followed by discussion on the six outcomes
Informant Interviews with NITI Aayog, Officers from the Government of India, Heads of UN
under the UNSDCF.
Agencies, government and non-government stakeholders; focus group discussions (FGDs) with
Results Groups and select UN Agency Groups and submitted their Report.

Setting up of Working Groups

Working Groups were constituted for Strategic Prioritization Consultations based on the proposed
six outcomes of the Cooperation Framework, viz., (a) Health and Well-being, b) Nutrition and Food;
(c) Quality Education; (d) Economic Growth and Decent Work; (e) Environment, Climate, WASH, and
Resilience (f) Empowering People, Communities and Institutions. These outcome-wise Working
Groups, steered by concerned Members, NITI Aayog were set up under the chairpersonship of
the Secretary of the corresponding outcome Ministry with representation from other relevant
Ministries, UN Agencies and NITI Aayog.

National Validation Workshop

This was later validated at the National Validation Workshop on the Government of India–
UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023–27 held under the co-
chairpersonship of Dr. Rajiv Kumar, former Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog and Mr. Shombi Sharp,
United Nations Resident Coordinator in India on 12 April 2022 at Regency Ballroom, Hyatt Regency,
New Delhi. This high-level hybrid congregation saw in-person participation of officials from 30
Union Ministries, heads of 26 UN agencies, senior officials of NITI Aayog, and over 250 Senior
Government Officials joining virtually from all States and UTs.

Best Practices in the Social Sector

As part of NITI Aayog’s mandate to foster cooperative federalism and as India is celebrating 75 years
of India’s Independence, NITI Aayog and UNDP have compiled 75 Best Practices in the Social sector
in the form of a compendium. These best practices have been sourced from the Central Ministries/
At the next stage, a detailed results framework was spelled out by the UN Country Team and
Departments and the States/UTs. The aim is to highlight models which are innovative, sustainable,
approved by NITI Aayog. The results framework detailed out the outcome indicators for each of
replicable, and impactful and also synthesize lessons for the future to expand quality of life at the
the six outcomes that would form the basis of continued monitoring of the new Cooperation
grassroots level.

New Cooperation Framework

The new cooperation framework for 2023–27 to be signed at the threshold of 75th year of India’s
independence is the most important instrument for planning and implementation of the UN NITI Aayog has the twin mandate to oversee the adoption and monitoring of the SDGs in the country
development activities at country level in support of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and promote competitive and cooperative federalism among States and UTs. The task at hand for NITI
for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda). It guides the entire programme cycle, driving Aayog is not just to periodically collect data on SDGs but to proactively realise the goals and targets.

Annual Report 2022–23 127 128 Annual Report 2022–23


In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the document titled Transforming our World: current institutional framework for export promotion in India can be strengthened. The final report is
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 under preparation to be submitted.
associated targets. The SDGs were adopted as a universal call-to-action for people, worldwide, to
address the five critical areas of importance by 2030: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. Free Trade Agreements
The 17 SDGs and 169 targets are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of
sustainable development i.e. economic, social and the environmental. The determined goals and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are arrangements between two or more countries or trading blocs
targets were expected to stimulate action over the next 15 years in areas of critical importance for that primarily agree to reduce or eliminate customs tariff and non-tariff barriers on substantial
humanity and the planet. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Transforming our world trade between them. Globally, there has been an increasing trend with respect to entering into FTAs.
pledge to focus on leaving no one behind. Countries are primarily responsible for monitoring and Accordingly, the Trade Vertical has been continuously engaging with the Department of Commerce
reviewing the progress made in implementing the goals and targets at the national level, till 2030. in providing inputs on trade agreements. Through the use of economic modeling, the Vertical has
There is a convergence of India’s national development goals and agenda of, ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka provided to the Department of Commerce the estimated potential benefit of trade agreements (both
Vikas’ or ‘Collective Efforts, Inclusive Growth,’ with the SDGs. existing and present). These include inputs on the India–UAE CEPA and India–Australia ECTA, and has
contributed inputs for the potential FTAs with GCC, Canada, EU and UK.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) India Index has been comprehensively documenting and
ranking the progress made by the States and UTs towards the achievement of Sustainable Development
Goals. The SDG Vertical at NITI Aayog has conducted consultations and workshops with Government/
Global Trade Analysis Project–Computable General Equilibrium (GTAP–
Administration of 28 States and UTs, regarding monitoring of progress, evaluation of actions and CGE) Modeling
implementation of reforms to accelerate progress in the SDGs. The Vertical undertook in-house research on Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) for analysing on-
The state consultations saw great participation from the leadership, signaling ownership of the SDG going FTAs of India. Further, it undertook efforts to build capacity in the area of Computable General
agenda at the highest levels. The state workshops have been chaired by the Chief Minister of the state Equilibrium (CGE) modelling within NITI Aayog. The Vertical received permission for NITI to be a part
in most cases, or the Chief Secretary of the state (the administrative head of the state government), with of GTAP consortium to drive research in CGE modelling and get access to cutting edge research in
participation of senior secretaries of line departments, heads of departments, mid-level officers from economic modelling.
the departments relevant to SDGs and statistical officers. In these workshops, NITI Aayog’s flagship SDG
India Index serves as the principal monitoring and evaluation tool for driving the discussion forward. Other Studies
A review of an IIFT study on FTAs was conducted. The study was reviewed in terms of the methodology
and literature on the impact of trade agreements. Besides, a study of state-level exports was undertaken
TRADE AND COMMERCE to examine products that are competitive among states.

Study to quantify the effects of importing coal and minerals on various Capacity Building and Knowledge Creation
aspects of the Indian economy The vertical from time to time organizes series of seminars/presentations on relevant areas. The aim
Given the huge potential of mineral and coal mining in accelerating economic growth and generating of these sessions is to help build capacity in the areas of trade and industrial policy.
huge employment opportunities, NITI Aayog undertook a study to highlight the benefits of indigenous Several public seminars and workshops have been organized with UNESCAP, ITC–Geneva, Oxford
production over imports under the direction of the PMO. GTAP-based CGE modeling was used to Economics, Euromonitor, George Mason University, Purdue University, and European Commission,
understand the impact not only of imports but also of pushing for increased domestic production. among others. The seminars were on diverse areas such as international trade data, Russia–Ukraine
Based on a framework created for the entire economy, simulations on the impact of imports and conflict, physical input–output tables, trade negotiations research, competency for global challenges,
production are being analyzed; work is in progress. Thirteen minerals and coal were identified for etc. Some of the key workshops are detailed below:
the study, viz., iron ore, limestone, manganese, bauxite, lead, zinc, copper, tungsten, gold, silver, rock
phosphate, diamond, and nickel.
ADB Training Programme on Input–Output (IO) Analysis
Keeping in mind the importance of building capacity in learning and using Input–Output tables for
Study on Export Promotion Councils
policy analysis and research, the Trade & Commerce Vertical in collaboration with Asian Development
The study examined the role and achievements of the existing institutional structures of export Bank (ADB) organised a virtual workshop on Input–Output Analysis for NITI Aayog officials.
promotion that exist in India at all levels (Central, state, and district levels), especially the Export
Promotion Councils (EPCs), Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO), and Commodity Boards.
The study examines existing domestic best practices with respect to export promotion, including
Session on Trade and Economic Implications of Electric Vehicles Growth
initiatives taken by Ministries/Departments/State Governments or changes in policies with respect to The Vertical organised a session to highlight the potential implications of electric vehicles (EVs)
export promotion with a view to make recommendations on how Export Promotion Councils and the displacing gasoline and diesel vehicles, especially in the light and medium duty segment, under

Annual Report 2022–23 129 130 Annual Report 2022–23


current levels of subsidies and a sustained reliance on imports of battery cells. The session also Strategy Paper
explored solutions on novel ideas to reduce reliance on battery imports through certain novel
Two strategy papers have been developed, which have been peer-reviewed by the World Travel
suggested policy measures.
Tourism Council (WTTC) in February 2022—(i) Restoring Growth of Tourism in the Wake of Pandemic;
(ii) Promoting Spiritual Tourism in the Land of Buddha.


The Tourism Division provides strategic and directional guidance to the Union and State Governments
for the development of the tourism sector. The Division seeks to develop India into the most preferred The Voluntary Action Cell in NITI Aayog is primarily entrusted with the task to promote partnership
destination for tourists through the development of responsible and sustainable tourism policies, and voluntarism in the country. The cell maintains the database of NGOs and Voluntary Organizations
focusing on niche tourism, eco-tourism and wellness tourism, infrastructure development, capacity (VOs) in the country through the NGO Darpan portal, which was launched in 2017. The portal provides
development, and increasing tourist footfall. The Culture Division seeks to develop, preserve and a system-generated unique ID, which is mandatory to apply for grants under various schemes of
promote India’s arts, culture and heritage. Ministries/Departments, to receive grants through the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act and CSR,
and to apply for 80G exemption. Verification of the NGO through Darpan’s unique ID is done by the
Facilitation for certification of Blue Flag Beaches Ministries/Departments before releasing grants.

NITI Aayog has helped facilitate the certification process of Blue Flag Beaches. The total number of As of date, more than 1.5 lakh NGOs are registered on the NGO Darpan portal. For F.Y. 2021-22, 43
Blue Flag Beaches have increased from ten to twelve. These Blue Flag Beaches are found in the States/ Ministries/ Departments released grants to NGOs/ VOs under various Central Sector Schemes and
UTs of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Diu, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Odisha, Puducherry, Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
and Tamil Nadu. The NGO database has proven to be resourceful for a wide variety of communication and information
needs, especially for information dissemination within the voluntary sector in India, and circulating
Challenges faced in Heritage Management in India and Policy Imperatives details of various seminars, conferences, and award programs organized by the Ministries/ Departments
of the Government of India.
Under Culture, documentation of one lakh heritage structures along with photographs is being
undertaken. A report on ‘Challenges faced in heritage management has been prepared by NITI Aayog in
collaboration with DRONAH. The report is a first of its kind that attempts to understand the quantum,
nature and location of our built heritage across the country in order to arrive at some primary policies WATER AND LAND RESOURCES
and guidelines for its long-term protection, conservation and promotion.
The Vertical works towards ensuring equitable access to water and land resources while focusing on
the sustainable development of the nation. It formulates policy directions and advisories to harness
the potential of advanced and ready-to-use technologies and promotes research and development
to achieve excellence in water and land resources management. The Vertical aims to enhance the
standard of living of all citizens by enabling hassle-free access to these two crucial resources, and to
equip all stakeholder organisations in attaining higher standards of service delivery without hampering
sustainable development.

Compendium of Best Practices in Water Resources

There are numerous best practices adopted and succeeded by various government agencies, NGOs, civil
societies etc. The Vertical has analysed and documented selected best practices covering Agriculture,
Groundwater, Watershed, Water Infrastructure and Climate Risk & Resilience which could be replicated
across the country.

Rejuvenation of water bodies with community participation

NITI Aayog in association with two NGOs executed a pilot project in 10 Aspirational Districts, wherein
Government spent 26 per cent of the project cost. The NGO Partner rendered technical support and
carried out community mobilization, monitoring & evaluation, and technological acquisitions, which
constituted about 9 per cent of the project cost. Beneficiary community, at their own expense, carted
the excavated earth/silt to the farm field and spread it, which accounts for the remaining 65 per cent.

Annual Report 2022–23 131 132 Annual Report 2022–23


About 430 waterbodies in the 10 aspirational have been rejuvenated leading to additional approximately Development of Himachal Pradesh’s Action Plan to Combat Malnutrition
383 crore litres of surface water capacity being created (a multiple of this would have been created
taking ground water recharge into account). This has positively impacted water security in 459 villages
(Mukhya Mantri Bal Suposhit Yojana)
bearing a population of approximately 9.5 lakh people. Discussions are under way to scale-up this A meeting was held with the Chief Minister, Government of Himachal
activity across the country. Pradesh, Chief Secretary and other officials of the state on 7 December
2021 on achieving aspirational nutrition outcomes in Himachal Pradesh
Preparation of methodology for assessment of water neutrality, water and on cooperative federalism. NITI Aayog and Government of Himachal
Pradeshworked together to develop the Mukhya Mantri Bal Suposhit
positivity and water negativity Yojana under the guidance of Dr. V. K. Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog,
Water conservation, efficiency improvement, waste water treatment, reuse and recycle are paramount which was then announced by the Chief Minister in his budget speech
in ensuring water security. As more and more Industries are striving to achieve circular use of water, of 2022.
clear methodology to define and assess water neutrality and water positivity are required. NITI Aayog Focus on the first 1000 days of life, adequate nutrition, immunization,
has constituted a steering committee under the chairpersonship of Prof. Ramesh Chand, Member, high risk pregnancies, anemia, extra care of low-birth-weight babies
NITI Aayog with Secretaries of the departments concerned as members to achieve this objective, and by way of feeding counseling and kangaroo mother care, and better
the work is in progress. Representatives of academia and industry are also an inherent part of this coordination among health workers are the key components of the programme.
Pilot scale-up of WINGS in Himachal Pradesh
Reuse of treated waste water for irrigation
A two-day workshop on the pilot scale-up of the Women and Infants Integrated Interventions for
Use of treated waste water has not gained much momentum in the country, though some of the Growth Study (WINGS) in Himachal Pradesh was organised under the chairpersonship of Dr. V. K.
States are using it for industrial, landscaping and irrigation purposes to a certain extent. Considering Paul, Member (Health) on 8–9 September 2022 at NITI Aayog. The Government of Himachal Pradesh
the pace of urbanisation, quantity of treated wastewater will increase over the years and has to be expressed interest in replicating the interventions of the WINGS model in a pilot mode in four districts
put for beneficial use. Keeping this in view, a strategy paper covering different aspects of utilising of Himachal Pradesh.
treated wastewater for irrigation in peri-urban areas is under preparation.
Improving dietary diversity through introduction of nutri-cereals in diets
International technical papers The Vertical is working towards enhancing the production and consumption of millets through their
The Water & Land Resources vertical has published two international technical papers viz. (i) Whitepaper inclusion in the Public Distribution System and safety net programmes like ICDS & MDM. A compendium
on Indian Urban Wastewater Scenario at World Water Congress held in Copenhagen, Denmark in on state-level best practices on production and consumption of millets is ongoing.
September/2022. (ii) Impact of two Government of India schemes (PMKSY and PM-KUSUM) in Water–
Energy–Food Nexus at International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage held in Adelaide, Australia Development of action plan for combating anemia
in October 2022. Both papers received wide acclaim among international water experts.
A consultation on Anemia Mukt Bharat Programme was held at NITI Aayog in hybrid mode, under
the chairpersonship of Dr. V. K. Paul, Member (Health) on 28 October 2022. In the consultation, Dr.
Early State Experiences on Agricultural Land Leasing Acts Implementation Rajiv Bahl, Director General, ICMR and representatives from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
A draft report has been prepared by NRM, Centre for land governance, FLAME University, IIM Ahmedabad, National Center of Excellence and Advanced Research in Anemia Control, AIIMS, New Delhi, Institute
in collaboration with NITI Aayog, titled, Analysing Early State Experiences on Agricultural Land Leasing of Economic Growth, UNICEF, and IFPRI participated.
Acts Implementation for Improved Land Governance & Inclusive Agricultural Transformation.
Early Childhood Development
To focus on early childhood care and development, especially for the critical ages of 0–3 years, several
WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT meetings have been held under the chairpersonship of Dr. V. K. Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog. All
States and UTs were invited for consultation to share their models on early childcare and development
The Women and Child Development (WCD) Division provides policy inputs for gender empowerment directed towards children in the 0–3 age group. Based on several rounds of internal discussions and
and improve the nutritional outcomes of women and children. The Division designs strategic and consultations, a draft policy paper on early childhood care and development has been prepared and
long-term policy and programme frameworks and initiatives for improving the nutrition of women and is in the final stage of completion.
children, and monitors their progress and their efficacy. It provides advice and encourages partnerships
between key stakeholders and international and national think tanks, educational and policy-research
institutions. The Division also maintains a state-of-the-art resource centre on nutrition. NFHS 5 Collaborative
Following the release of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)–Round 5 (2019–21) factsheets and
report, a NFHS 5 collaborative has been formed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and

Annual Report 2022–23 133 134 Annual Report 2022–23


Family Welfare and IIPS to conduct unit-level analysis of NFHS 5 data for specific priority questions
identified by NITI Aayog.

Release of the Report ‘Take Home Ration: Good Practices across the
State/Union Territories’
NITI Aayog and World Food Programme launched a report titled ‘Take
Home Ration: Good Practices across the State/Union Territories’ on 30
June 2022. The report was released by NITI Aayog Vice Chairman in the
presence of Member (Health) and CEO. The Ministry of Women and Child
Development Secretary, Senior Advisor, NITI Aayog and United Nations
World Food Programme Deputy Country Director were also present at
the launch.
The report presents a set of good and innovative practices adopted in the
implementation of the Take Home Ration value chain by the States and
UTs. Aspects related to production, formulation, distribution, labelling,
packaging, monitoring, quality assurance, social and behavioural change
have been reviewed to generate a catalogue of good practices. This
report will create opportunities for cross-learning between States/UTs.

Development of strategy for elimination of under-nutrition and anemia

in Karnataka
A meeting on Health and Nutrition issues in Karnataka was held at NITI Aayog in hybrid mode, under
the chairpersonship of Dr. V. K. Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog on 9 September 2022. Chief Secretary,
Government of Karnataka and officials of MWCD and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW)
were also present in the meeting. The Government of Karnataka has requested support of NITI Aayog
in development of strategy for elimination of under-nutrition and anemia in Karnataka. Accordingly,
NITI Aayog has planned a workshop on 7th December 2022 in Karnataka.

Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition

About 85–90 per cent children with severe acute malnutrition having no medical complications can
be treated and managed in the community. Community-based interventions leverage multisectoral
resources for prevention, early identification, and treatment. A draft compendium of state-level
practices on Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) has been developed, and
its finalization is underway.

Gender and Nutrition Booklets for Aspirational Districts

The Ministry of Women and Child Development requested NITI Aayog to
prepare an advocacy booklet on Gender and Nutrition for distribution in the
Zonal Meetings in Aspirational Districts on the theme ‘Impact on Women and
Children’. Accordingly, these booklets have been prepared, covering situation
analysis and strategy for improving health and nutrition outcomes of women,
adolescent girls and children, best practices and state-specific salient features
and recommendations for improvement in gender and nutrition.

Annual Report 2022–23 135 136 Annual Report 2022–23


Forest & Climate Change in the Knowledge and Innovation Hub (KIH); Senior Lead/ Lead in the areas
of Economic & Finance, Sustainable Development Goals, Education, and Communications; and Sr.

Specialist/ Specialist in the areas of Legal, PAMD, Economics, and Policy. Additionally, six posts of
SECTION Senior Associate in the areas of Public Private Partnership, Economics, Project Appraisal, Urbanisation,
Health, and Science & Technology in the Flexi Pool, and one post of Under Secretary for work related
to G20 Secretariat were also advertised.
Director General, Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Senior Lead (HR), and Senior Adviser/
Adviser (Industrial Policy & Foreign Investment) have been appointed with the approval of the
Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC), and one post each of Senior Specialist (Legal) and
Specialist has been filled on contract basis. Two Associates and one Technical Officer have also been
appointed in NITI Aayog. The administration also took timely action in filling up various other vacancies
in posts encadred with other departments and under the Central Staffing Scheme.
Keeping in view the mandate of NITI Aayog to function as a think tank, which requires greater flexibility
ADMINISTRATION in hiring of professionals, it felt essential to have Young Professionals (YPs), Consultants, and Senior
Consultants who possess the requisite expertise. These YPs, Consultants, and Senior Consultants are
expected to deliver in areas such as communications, developmental policy, economics, education,
AND engineering, finance, infrastructure, social sciences, urban planning, etc.
In this regard, engagements in the positions of Consultant (Public Policy Specialist), HR Business

SUPPORT UNITS Partner (Sr. Consultant), Sr. Consultant (SDG), Consultant Gr-II/I (Communications & Editorial) in NITI
Aayog and Innovation Leads in AIM were made. Interview for the position of Consultant Grade-II (ADP)
in NITI Aayog and Consultant positions in DMEO were held. More engagement in the positions of YP/
Consultants is under process for NITI (State Support Mission) and DMEO.
To hire these experts under the guidelines for engagement of Consultants/Sr. Consultants/YPs, the
Administration of NITI Aayog invites online applications, conducts the screening and the interview by
the Screening Committee and Consultancy Evaluation Committee respectively to tap best talent in a
INTRODUCTION time-bound manner.

The NITI Administration functions in accordance with the service rules and Government of India
instructions issued by DoPT. The administration is concerned with all aspects of service conditions of Composition of NITI Aayog staff
officers and staff, recruitments, promotions, postings, transfers, retirements, deputations, court cases
related to service matters, and provides information under the RTI Act on these matters as well. It is Other
Lateral Entrant
S.No. Level of Officers Government Professionals Total
also entrusted with the strategic communications of NITI’s policies in the public domain. The Hindi Professionals
section continued its efforts towards the greater use of Hindi in official work during the year.
Additional Secretary and
1 8 2 0 10


Joint Secretary and
9 0 6 15

NITI Aayog’s staff is a mix of Government officials as well as domain experts and specialists. The 3 Director and equivalent 19 17 0 36
latter are engaged through open advertisements on a lateral induction basis. To permit and facilitate Deputy Secretary and
4 30 3 8 41
this necessary induction of specialists, the UPSC waived off its mandatory consultation. Consequently, equivalent
NITI Aayog embarked upon new forms of recruitment for attracting the brightest professionals and Under Secretary and
5 50 6 23 79
specialists from a talent pool available countrywide. equivalent

During the year, the NITI administration completed all the requisite selection formalities and made Research officer and
6 28 15 0 43
appointments to the post of Senior Lead (HR), one Senior Specialist, and one Specialist. Further, two equivalent
Associates and one Technical officer have been appointed in NITI Aayog. Section Officer and
7 45 0 93* 138
NITI Administration has advertised for the posts of Senior Adviser/Adviser in the areas of Water
Resources, Industrial Policy and Foreign Investments, Health, Economics & Finance, and Environment,

Annual Report 2022–23 137 138 Annual Report 2022–23


Other Specialists and YPs / Consultants etc.) of NITI Aayog (including NITI HQ as well as the AIM and DMEO)
Lateral Entrant
S.No. Level of Officers Government Professionals Total was also held by NITI Aayog during 16–17 August 2022 and 1–2 September 2022 to familiarise the newly
Outsourced joined officers/personnel with the structure, role, functioning, programmes, etc. of NITI Aayog, the Atal
Assistant Section Officer innovation Mission (AIM), the Development Monitoring & Evaluation Office (DMEO), and use of e-Office.
8 61 0 0 61
and equivalent
A two-day exposure visit programme for the IA & AS officer trainees from the National Academy
9 Other support staff 122 0 0 122 of Audit and Accounts (NAAA), Shimla to NITI Aayog was organized on 23–24 May 2022. Besides, a
10 Outsourced Personnel 0 0 157 157 one day NITI Exposure visit programme for the IFS trainee officers from Sushma Swaraj Institute of
Foreign Service, MEA to NITI Aayog was also organized on 29 June 2022. Exposure visit progammes
Total 372 43 287 702
with interactive sessions for Indian Diaspora youths visiting India from different countries of the
*Young Professionals world under the 60th, 61st, and 62nd Know India Programme (KIP) of the Ministry of External Affairs were
also organized at NITI Aayog on 12 September, 13 October, and 16 November 2022, respectively. One
The Internship Scheme initiated by NITI Aayog in 2016 is continuing in 2022-23 in accordance with the exposure visit programme with interactive session was also organised at NITI Aayog for the visiting
revised NITI Internship Guidelines dated 22 November 2018. Further, in pursuance of the guidelines a foreign delegates of different countries participating in the 6th Batch of Gen-Next Democracy Network
comprehensive internship portal was made functional, which enabled decentralization and streamlining Programme of ICCR, Ministry of External Affairs on 14 October 2022.
of the NITI internship scheme, thus leading to efficiency and effectiveness. The scheme seeks to
engage students pursuing undergraduate/postgraduate degrees or research scholars enrolled in any
recognized university/institute within India or abroad as interns. Interns are given exposure to various
Verticals/Divisions/Units within NITI Aayog.
The NITI Fellowship Programme launched by NITI Aayog in 2016 is also continuing in 2022-23 in The Communications and Social Media Cell comprises the charts, maps and equipment and photostat
accordance with Fellowship guidelines dated 29 December 2016, which is a flagship initiative of NITI units, and the editorial and social media cell. The charts, maps and equipment unit is a centralized
Aayog and is an effort to tap into the best minds from across the world so as to engage them with designing and technical support unit of NITI Aayog. It provides logistical, technical and equipment
the Government of India’s premier think tank. The NITI Fellowship allows involvement of senior and support to all Verticals and Divisions of NITI Aayog. During FY 2021–22, the unit provided support for
mid-career professionals of high caliber in policy initiatives and to benefit from their expertise of a PM-level meetings as well as for various other virtual meetings and seminars. The Editorial and Social
particular domain. Media Cell is currently being managed by two full-time functionaries, who regularly interact and liaise
with all Verticals, attached bodies, and senior officers of NITI Aayog, the creative and digital media
Other achievements include making NITI Bhawan a fire compliant 5-star energy-efficient building, amplification agencies, and the Press Information Bureau to provide editorial, news, social media and
installation of CCTV cameras on the fifth floor, and signing of an agreement between NITI Aayog and PR-related support.
M/s EECL for hiring five Tata Nexon EVs on wet lease basis.


The Secretariat coordinated with the respective Ministries/Departments for action taken report on
The Career Management (CM) Section in NITI Aayog handles the training and career management
the decisions taken during the 6th meeting of Governing Council (GC) and preparation of Agenda
related matters as well as foreign training and foreign visits related matters of all officers/personnel
Notes for the 7th meeting of Governing Council. Further actions on the decisions taken at the 7th GC
of all levels in NITI Aayog.
meeting are underway.
Between April and December 2022, forty-four officers/personnel in NITI Aayog, including Vice Chairman,
As a coordination focal point, the Secretariat organized weekly Senior Officers Meetings (SOMs)
Members and officers/personnel the attached offices of Development Monitoring & Evaluation Office
under the chairpersonship of the Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog. The Secretariat facilitated organizing
(DMEO), Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and the office of the EAC to PM, were deputed to attend various
meetings of the Senior Management Committee (SMC), which has recently been reconstituted as
international events (Workshops / Seminars / Meetings / Conferences etc.) held in different countries.
Senior Management Council (SMC), also held under the chairpersonship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog. It
Two officers of NITI Aayog were nominated for attending offline foreign training programme, while one
facilitated discussion on key policies and priorities as well as suggestions, cross sectoral strategies for
officer was nominated for attending an online foreign training programme during the said period.
their implementation, besides deliberating on research proposals/ projects/ studies to be outsourced
Forty-two officers/staff of NITI Aayog belonging to the CSS, CSCS, CSSS, and other services/cadres/posts by NITI Aayog.
were nominated for attending various online or offline domestic or domestically held cadre training
In addition, it coordinated and collated information from the Verticals/Divisions concerned for the
or other training programmes conducted by the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management
references received from the PMO and Cabinet Secretariat specifically pertaining to the achievements/
(ISTM) of the DoPT or the training institutes of other cadre departments or by some other training
policy decisions pertaining to NITI Aayog in last seven years, inputs and action points emanating from
the Independence Day Speech, action points from PM’s interaction with the Secretaries of Central
A two-day internal induction-cum-orientation training programme for the newly appointed flexi- Ministries/Departments, etc. It also processed other matters including Parliament Questions, RTIs,
pool officers and consultants pool personnel (viz. Associates/ Senior Associates/ Specialists/ Senior Standing Committee matters, grievances received on CPGRAMS portal and VIP references.

Annual Report 2022–23 139 140 Annual Report 2022–23


HINDI SECTION Hindi Pakhwada Fortnight

During the Hindi Fortnight, organized from 14–30 September 2022, various competitions were organized;
The Hindi Section continued its efforts toward the greater use of Hindi in official work during the
these included Hindi essay writing, translation, noting/drafting, and extempore speech. Hindi typing
year, keeping in view the annual programme issued by the Department of Official Language, Ministry
competition was also organized for the multi-tasking staff of NITI Aayog. Rewards and certificates were
of Home Affairs, and the Official Language Policy of the Union, for implementation of the Official
distributed to 35 officers and employees. A PICTURE MAY BE ADDED
Language Act, 1963, and Official Language Rules, 1976, made thereunder.
Quarterly progress reports were sent to the Department of Official Language, and those received Hindi Workshops
from attached offices were reviewed regularly. The Hindi Section translated various documents, like
the Annual Report, Demands for Grants, material related to the Parliamentary Standing Committees, During the year, three Hindi workshops were organized in the months of February, April, and August
Cabinet Notes, Parliament Questions, Notifications, MoUs, forms and drafts, letters, etc. 2022 in order to encourage officials to undertake more work in Hindi. More than fifty officers and
employees participated in these workshops.

Implementation of Section 3(3) of Official Language Act

Inspections Regarding Progressive Use of Official Language Hindi
In pursuance of the Official Language Policy, all documents covered under Section 3(3) of the Official
Language Act, 1963, are issued both in Hindi and English. The annual programme and other orders/ To oversee the implementation of the Official Language Policy, the attached offices of NITI Aayog –
instructions issued by the Department of Official Language were forwarded to all the Sections of NITI DMEO and NILERD – were inspected by the Hindi Section.
Aayog and its attached offices for information and directives.


The committee has been reconstituted according to the resolution No. E-11011/1/2018-Hindi, dated 5 The NITI Aayog Library is one of the oldest and most extensive libraries in the Ministries of Government
May 2022. The committee headed by the Minister of State (independent charge) for Planning consists of India. The Library has a collection of over 1.85 lakh books, in addition to reports, journal-bound
of 15 non-official members and 13 official members. The first meeting after reconstitution of this volumes, and 1,326 audio-visual items (albums & CDs). It has a collection of documents from the
committee is proposed. A meeting was held recently under hon’ble minister. Details and pictures may Planning Commission era. It subscribes to 123 journals, magazines, and newspapers in both English
be provided. and Hindi. It is also equipped with modern facilities, such as access to online databases and licenses
for analytical tools, to support policy planning and research. The NITI Aayog Library is successfully
categorised as a Category IV Library as per orders of M/o Finance. The Library provides access to
Official Language Implementation Committee
this rich database to all officials of the institution. In-house consultation facility is also extended to
The Official Language Implementation Committee (OLIC) functions under the Chairpersonship of officials of other departments outside NITI Aayog as well as research scholars enrolled with various
Adviser (Admin). This committee periodically reviews the progress made in connection with the use institutions/ universities.
of Hindi and gives appropriate suggestions and recommends measures to be taken for the effective
The Library is fully automated by computerizing its various operations and user services. Online access
implementation of the Official Language Policy. The meetings of this committee are held regularly in
to different databases is made available to users through the intranet of NITI Aayog. Remote Access
every quarter and the offices under the control of NITI Aayog are also instructed for convening OLIC
for the e-resources is also being provided to the members of the NITI Aayog Library through the URL:
meetings regularly. This Library can also be accessed through a mobile app–mLibrary, which is
available on the Google Play Store for Android-based devices and the App Store for Apple devices.
Incentive Scheme for Original Noting and Drafting Work in Hindi
A Library Committee manages activities including purchase of books, subscription of journals /
The incentive scheme for noting and drafting in Hindi introduced by the Department of Official Language periodicals, and databases and development of the Library. The current committee is composed of
was continued in 2022–23. The scheme carries two first prizes of Rs 5000 each, three second prizes Senior Adviser as Chairman, Advisers and Assistant Director (Rajbhasha) as Members, and Director
of Rs 3000 each, and five third prizes of Rs 2000 each. Under this scheme, Rewards and Certificates (Library) as Member-Convenor. One to two committee meetings are held annually to select books for
were distributed to nine prize winners. the Library at regular intervals.
As part of its regular services, the Library curates a daily Bulletin–containing global and national
Cash Prize Scheme for Dictation in Hindi news on Economy, Finance and Policy published in different newspapers and magazines, a Daily
An incentive scheme for officers for dictating in Hindi is in operation. Under this scheme, there is a Digest–containing news articles pertaining to NITI Aayog, and op-eds on different topics published
provision of two cash prizes of Rs 5000 each (one for Hindi-speaking and the other for non-Hindi- in various newspapers, Weekly Bulletins–covering key updates on specific sectors such as Health,
speaking staff). Education, Industry, etc. On a monthly basis, the Library also shares new book arrivals, abstracts of
major periodicals, and the table of contents of journals being subscribed by the Library. The NITI Aayog
Library also provides practical training/internship to the students/ professionals of Library Science
studying in various institutions of Delhi from time to time.

Annual Report 2022–23 141 142 Annual Report 2022–23


Integration of Libraries yoga protocol designed for working professionals, was circulated on the NITI Portal; a Yoga Training
Session was organised in NITI Aayog, including activities like Yoga Workshop, Yoga Demo, and Yoga
As of now, different Ministries/ Departments have their own Libraries, but they work independently,
Lecture by Experts in collaboration with Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY), Ministry of
either in traditional or hybrid mode. Therefore, finding the available resources in a particular library
AYUSH from 13–20 June 2022.
is challenging, even in the current digital environment. Integration of Government libraries in a digital
manner will help in better utilization of resources and provide a single digital platform to access the Yoga Day 2022 Ceremony was organized on 21 June 2022, inaugurated by the Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog,
resources, which may eventually become one Government one library (digitally). NITI Aayog constituted and witnessed participation from all the Officers/staff of NITI Aayog.
a Task Force under the chairpersonship of Prof. Ramesh Chand, Member, NITI Aayog, to implement Activities organized and undertaken by the OM&C Section:
the Integration of Libraries housed in various Ministries under the Government of India. The NITI
Aayog Library is coordinating this project. After several meetings, it was reiterated that this project, $ The OM&C Section handles Public Grievances online through CPGRAMS since January 2018
when implemented, would maximize the utilization of existing resources across participating libraries, and the redressal of Public Grievance Appeals through online channel.
including better access to the existing books in Libraries of the Government of India to the Officers $ The Section organized the ‘Rashtriya Ekta Diwas Pledge’ (National Unity), which was
from one Ministry who may take documents or use e-resources from another. The Task Force submitted administered by Hon’ble Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog on 31 October 2022 for all the Officers/
its final report in September 2022 on implementing the Integration of Libraries. Officials of NITI Aayog/DMEO/AIM.
The Library is an institutional member of the Indian Library Association (ILA), Central Government
Library Association (CGLA), and Delhi Library Association (DLA). Director (Library) and other officers
regularly attended/participated in International and National Conferences / Seminars / Meetings of
ILA, IASLIC, and CGLA, from time to time.

Organization of the International Yoga Day 2022

‘Yoga for Humanity’ organized on account of the 8th International Day of Yoga 2022
Pledge administered by Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog on the occasion of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas on 31 October 2022
The OM&C Section organized the 8th International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2022 on 21 June 2022 around the
themes ‘Yoga for Humanity’. Keeping in view guidelines of COVID-19 and as per directives of Ministry $ Organization of Constitution Day – Reading of Preamble to the Constitution by Vice Chairman,
of Ayush and maintaining social distancing, internal guidelines were issued giving the background of NITI Aayog on 26 November 2022 for all the officers and staff of NITI/DMEO/AIM.
the observation of International Day of Yoga (IDY)-2022 and also Common Yoga Protocol issued by $ Conducted Special Campaign from 2nd-31st October, 2022 to dispose of Public Grievances,
Ministry of Ayush for information on NITI Portal. In addition, the IDY logo was displayed on NITI Aayog References from MPs and State Govts, Inter Ministerial Consultations, Parliamentary
website; Yoga Break (Y-Break Practice) mobile application launched by Ministry of AYUSH, a five-minute Assurances etc.

Annual Report 2022–23 143 144 Annual Report 2022–23


$ CPGRAMS 7.0 excel framework has been finalized under the guidance of QCI Team, DARPG,
all the relevant fields were filled and data freezed on the CPGRAMS Portal. CPGRAMS 7.0
version for NITI Aayog has been made operational by DARPG.

The RTI Cell responds to all RTI queries received online on and physically by
posts. During the years 2021-2022 and 2022-23, the Cell was engaged in the following activities:

Annual Year 2021-22 (from 1 November 2021 to 31 December 2021):

$ 125 RTI applications and nine appeals were received
$ Four CIC hearings were attended

Annual Year 2022-23 (from 1 January 2022 to 30 September 2022):

$ 531 RTI applications and 74 appeals were received.
$ Nine CIC hearings were attended

The Vigilance Section of NITI Aayog is tasked with addressing cases of corruption, malpractices, and
lack of integrity in respect of the officials working in the institution. It is also responsible for issuance
of vigilance status and certificates to the officials. Between January and October 2022, about 550
vigilance clearances were issued to officials of DMEO and NITI Aayog. Several RTI queries have also
been dealt with and disposed of. Disciplinary proceedings against some officials have been undertaken
as per the due procedures/law.

Preventive Vigilance
Vigilance Awareness Week was observed from 31st October to 6th November 2022. The theme of the
Week was “  – ” (Corruption-Free India for a Developed Nation). The
Integrity Pledge was administered by the Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog to all employees in the institution.
This year the campaign focused on spreading awareness regarding Public Interest Disclosure and
Protection of Informers (PIDPI). Informative banners were placed in NITI Bhawan, and the Do’s and
Don’ts, along with the E-Integrity Pledge, were issued to the officials/officers of NITI Aayog through

Prevention of Sexual Harassment

An Internal Complaints Committee has been constituted in NITI Aayog to ensure safe and conducive
working environment for women, in accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

Annual Report 2022–23 145 146 Annual Report 2022–23


Table-1.2: Studies Completed during 2022-23 (till 31st Dec 2022)

Sr No Title of the Study Institution/Researcher

1 Mass Production of Manure/Fertilizer from ICAR- Indian Agriculture Research Institute
Agricultural Bio-Mass
2 Research Study on Highlight Economic impact of CUTS International, Jaipur
select decision of Supreme Court of India and
National Green Tribunal
3 Research study on Barriers towards timely M/s SahaManthran Pvt Ltd, Gurugram
Recruitment and on boarding of faculty in medical
4 Research Study on Evaluation of Kasturba Gandhi DOORS, Noida
Balika Vidyalayas (KGBV) scheme and Medium term
5 Research Study on India Vision 2036-37- A Macro EGROW Foundation for economic Growth,
Econometric approach Noida
6 Research study on development of MRO industries M/s BRIEF, India
for Aviation Sector in India
ANNEXURE 7 Integration of small businesses/ traders on
e-commerce platform
M/s PWC, Gurugram

8 Prohibition of Child Marriage (Karnataka National Law School, Bengaluru

Amendment) Act, 2016
9 Research Study on India Vision 2046-47 A Macro EGROW Foundation for Economic Growth,
Econometric approach Noida
10 CCUS Policy Framework and its deployment M.N. Dastur & Company Pvt. Ltd
Lists of research studies approved, studies completed, seminars approved and logo support provided Mechanism in India

Table-1.1: List of New Research Studies Approved during 2022-23 (till 31st Dec 2022)
Table 1.3: List of Logo Support Approved during 2022-23 (till 31st Dec 2022)
S. No. Title of the Study Name of the Organisation
1. Research Study on Improving Economic Viability of National Institute of Applied Economic S. No Name of the Event Name of the Organiser
Gaushalas for Production and Promotion of Bio- Research (NCEAR), New Delhi World Healthcare Conference & Expo
Fertilizers 1. Energy and Environment Foundation, New Delhi
2. Research Study on Rationalization of Explicit National institute of Public finance and National Conference & Awards on Electric Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles
Subsidies at State level Policy (NIPFP) 2.
Vehicles (SMEV), Gurgaon
3 Research study on India G20 Presidency M/S Oliver Wyman, Mumbai Trescon Global Business Solution pvt. Ltd,
3. 11th Edition Big CIO Show & Awards
4 Setting of an Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and M/s Deloitte, Gurugram Bengaluru
comic promotion task force by Deloitte National Workshop on “Low Carbon Cements: National Council for Cement and Building Materials,
5 Framing Approach Paper for Central Bank Digital M/s Trilegal, New Delhi NCB Initiatives Ballabgarh
Currency 9th International Indian Material Recycling
5. Material Recycling Association of India, Mumbai
6 Enhancing Domestic Coking Coal availability to National Institute of Advanced Studies Conference
reduce the import of the coking coal (NIAS), Bangaluru 13th Edition of International Conference & The Indian Institute of Metals (IIM), Delhi Chapter
7 Research Study on improving the effectiveness of IIT, Kanpur 6. Exhibition dedicated to Minerals, Metals, and HYVE (Formerly International Trade &
Regulatory Framework in the electricity sector Metallurgy & Materials (MMMM) Exhibition India Pvt. Ltd-ITEI), Delhi

8 Research study on Assessment of Atal Tinkering M/s Athena Infonomics, Chennai 7. Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Haryana
Labs India International Logistics & Supply Chain PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, New
9 Review of Pre-independence Laws Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy ExCon Delhi

Annual Report 2022–23 147 148 Annual Report 2022–23

Annexure Annexure

S. No Name of the Event Name of the Organiser S. No Name of the Event Name of the Organiser
National Engagement on COVID-19 Symbiosis International University (Deemed
International Oganisation for Migration (IOM), New 34. SYMRESEARCH 2022
9. Vaccination and Migrants- Leaving No One University), Pune, Maharashtra
The Economic Times Education Leadership
35. ET Government (Times Internet Limited), New Delhi
10. India Infrastructure Forum 2022 India Infrastructure Publishing Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi Summit
11. Mint India Public Policy Summit and Awards HT Media Ltd, New Delhi 36. 6th Rail India Conference and Expo Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
12. World No Tobacco Day Policy Circle, New Delhi 37 22nd India Design Summit Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Gurugram
International Summit on Artificial Intelligence 5th Conference on Empowering Persons with
13. German Agribusiness Alliances (GAA), Germany The Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry
& Digital Application in Agriculture 38 Disabilities through Accessible & Assistive
of India, New Delhi
13th World Renewable Energy Technology
14. Energy and Environment Foundation, New Delhi
Congress” and “6th World Water Summit 39 8th International Conference on IPR The Confederation of Indian Industry, New Delhi
National Campaign on Reading and Digital 6th Edition of Distribution Utility Meet (DUM
15. P.N. Paniker Foundation Thiruvananthapuram 40 India Smart Grid Forum, New Delhi
Reading 2022)
EV India 2022 Expo- An International Electric 41 8th India Health & Wellness Summit 2022 Integrated Health & Well being Council, New Delhi
16. Green Society of India, Noida, UP
Vehicle Show
World Petroleum Technology Congress 2022
17. DX Secure Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Gurugram 42 (WPTC) & World Oil Spill Conference 2022 Energy and Environment Foundation, New Delhi
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
18. “Copper Industry: Vision 2030 & 2047
Industry (FICCI), New Delhi Centre for Ganga River Basin Management and
43 India Water Impact Summit (IWIS)
Studies (cGanga), IIT Kanpur
Institution of Fire Engineers (India) and Services
19. Fire India 2022
International, New Delhi 9th Edition of India Smart Utility Week (ISUW
44 India Smart Grid Forum, New Delhi
Chamber of Commerce, Sustainable Chamber of Commerce, Sustainable Development
Development and Foreign Relations and Foreign Relations, New Delhi 3th World Petrocoal Congress 2023 and 4th
45 Energy and Environment Foundation, New Delhi
World Fuel Summit 2023
21. India Space Congress 2022 Satcom Industry Association (SIA), New Delhi
22. Women in STEM Summit Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Gurugram
23. India EV Market Conclave JMK Research & Analytics, Gurgaon
10th Edition Big BFSI Future Tech Show & Trescon Global Business Solution pvt. Ltd,
Awards Bengaluru
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce &
25. FICCI Metaverse Conference 2022
Industry (FICCI), New Delhi
12th National Summit 2021 on Green Energy
26. in India- Accelerating Towards Global CSR Research Foundation, New Delhi
Role of Science and Technology in
27. Environmental Conservation & Sustainable Himachal Pradesh University, HP
28. ET Government-3rd DigiTech Conclave ET Government (Times Internet Limited), New Delhi
29. Mercom India Solar Summit Mercom Communication India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru
2nd IHW Digital Health Summit & Awards
30. Integrated Health & Well being Council, New Delhi
31. CII 8th Water Innovation Summit Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), New Delhi
18th Global Edition of World Cloud Show & Trescon Global Business Solution pvt. Ltd,
Awards Bengaluru
FICCI 16th Annual Healthcare Conference- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce &
FICCI Heal 2022 Industry (FICCI), New Delhi

Annual Report 2022–23 149 150 Annual Report 2022–23

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