chemistry grade 8- final modified
chemistry grade 8- final modified
chemistry grade 8- final modified
a. Write the modern symbol for each element mentioned above. (1.5pt)
b. Classify the elements in the figure into metals and non-metals. (1.5pt)
c. Write two properties or characteristics that distinguish between metals and non-metals. (1pt)
d. Calculate the densities of the missing elements. Substance Iron Silver Mercury Gold
i. Given that Mercury metal is poured into a
graduated cylinder that holds exactly 22.5 mL. Density(g/cm3) ? 10.5 ? 19.3
The mercury used to fill the cylinder weighs
306.0 g. Calculate the density of Mercury. (1pt)
ii. 28.5 g of iron shot is added to a graduated cylinder containing 45.5 mL of water. The water level rises
to the 49.1 mL mark. Calculate the density of Iron. (1pt)
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e. Classify the following chemicals into elements or compounds:
Potassium Chloride, Carbon, Sugar, Barium Sulfate, Iron, Sulfuric acid, Mercury, Chlorine,
Zinc Sulfate, Ozone. Recopy the table below on the answer sheet. (2 pts)
Compounds Elements
The two beakers shown above contain the same volume of : pure water in beaker A and alcohol- water in
.beaker B
Below is the table studying the variation of the temperature during the boiling of alcohol-
water in beaker B. ( under normal and constant pressure)
Time in min 0 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11
Temperature in °C 25 45 65 84 86 90 95 97 100
c. Plot, on a graph paper, the graph that represents the variation of the temperature as a function of time
(min) during the boiling of the alcohol -water mixture, using the table above. (2 pts)
d. What is the temperature at which alcohol-water starts boiling? (0.5pt)
e. According to your knowledge, what is the boiling point of pure water (under normal pressure)? (0.5pt)
f. How can we distinguish between a curve that represent the heating of a pure liquid and a curve that
represent the heating of a liquid mixture? ( 1.5 pt)
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Exercise 4: Electrolysis of sodium hydroxide aqueous solution (4pts)
The setup below represents the process of Electrolysis of sodium hydroxide aqueous solution. Electrolysis
is a chemical fractionation technique that decomposes water into two gases: gas A and Gas B. The anode
and the cathode of the setup are connected to an electrical source (battery) . A base (NaOH) added to the
pure water. Two elastic balloons were connected on top of the jar to indicate the presence of the gases
Gas A Gas B
Pure water +
sodium hydroxide
Good Luck!
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