Unit 3: Financial Reporting & Interpretation
Learning Outcomes Suggested Teaching Activities Resources Online Resources
Interpretation Students will be able assess Introduce students to the pyramid of ratios and (Randall, 2005, chapter 28) http://www.bized.ac.uk./compf
and and comment on the quality of demonstrate the relationships between them. act/ratios
analysis the performance of companies (Randall, 1996, chapter 24
by comparing trends studying Calculate ratios from the information obtained questions)
inter-firm comparisons. from the published accounts obtained from
companies. The students should discuss the (Wood & Sangster, 1999a,
reliability of the ratios they have calculated. chapter 33 & 44 questions)
What further information do they require?
Where may they find it? (Wood & Sangster, 1999b,
chapters 34 & 35 questions)
Give particular attention to
• the model for each ratio (Wood & Sangster, 1998,
• expressing ratios as percentages, monetary chapter 15 questions)
amounts, true ratios, times etc. trend
analysis and inter-firm comparison the CIE papers 9706/04 June
relationship between the primary ratio and 2003 Q1 (b)(c), 9706/04 Nov
the secondary ratios concise and 2003 Q1, 7110/02 Nov 2002
informative comments on uses of, trends in, QS 2 and 5 & 9366/02 Nov
and comparisons of ratios. 2001 Q2
Company Students will recognise the Describe the various sources of finance and (Randall, 2005, chapter 29)
financing various sources from which their suitability and limitations; the need to
companies’ activities are finance long term investment from long term (Randall, 1996, chapter 25
financed. They will understand sources. Explain “window dressing”. exercises)
the importance of the finance
being obtained from suitable Students should examine companies’ published CIE papers 7110/02 Nov
sources. accounts and note how long term requirements 2001 Q1 & 9706/04 June
have been financed from long term sources. 2003 Q1(d)
What are they? What short term sources are
being utilised?
Does the audit report state that the company is
relying heavily on short term finance? Is there
any indication that the company may become a
non-going concern (often referred to as a ‘gone