D 8006 - 16

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Designation: D8006 − 16

Standard Guide for

Sampling and Analysis of Residential and Commercial
Water Supply Wells in Areas of Exploration and Production
(E&P) Operations1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D8006; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope sampling or sampling distances from the wellhead. In addition,

1.1 This guide presents a methodology for obtaining repre- it does not address reporting limits, sample preservation,
sentative groundwater samples from domestic or commercial holding times, laboratory quality control, regulatory action
water wells that are in proximity to oil and gas exploration and levels, or interpretation of analytical results.
production (E&P) operations. E&P operations include, but are 1.3 These guidelines are not intended to replace or super-
not necessarily limited to, site preparation, drilling, sede regulatory requirements and technical methodology or
completion, and well stimulation (including hydraulic guidance nor are these guidelines intended for inclusion by
fracturing), and production activities. The goal is to obtain reference in regulations. Instances where this guide is in
representative groundwater samples from domestic or commer- conflict with statutory or regulatory requirements, practitioners
cial water wells that can be used to identify the baseline shall defer to the latter. These guidelines are intended to assist
groundwater quality and any subsequent changes that may be in developing sampling programs to meet project goals and
identified. While this guide focuses on baseline sampling in objectives. However, site-specific conditions, regulatory
conjunction with oil and gas E&P activities, the principles and requirements, site-specific health and safety issues, technical
practices recommended are based on well-established methods manuals and directives, and program data quality objectives
that have been in use for many years in other industrial should be evaluated and consulted along with the information
situations. This guide recommends sampling and analytical contained in this guide for each individual site and sampling
testing procedures that can identify various chemical species program.
present including metals, dissolved gases (such as methane), 1.4 This guide offers an organized collection of information
hydrocarbons (and other organic compounds), as well as or a series of options and does not recommend a specific course
overall water quality. of action. This document cannot replace education or experi-
1.2 This guide provides information on typical residential ence and should be used in conjunction with professional
and commercial water supply well systems and guidance on judgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all
developing and implementing a sampling program, including circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to repre-
determining sampling locations, suggested purging techniques, sent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of
selection of potential analyses and laboratory certifications, a given professional service must be judged, nor should this
data management, and integrity. It also includes guidance on document be applied without consideration of a project’s many
personal safety. The information included pertains to baseline unique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of this
sampling before beginning any activities that could present document means only that the document has been approved
potential risks to local aquifers, periodic sampling during and through the ASTM consensus process.
after such work, and ongoing monitoring relating to known or 1.5 Users are responsible for investigating and identifying
potential groundwater constituents in the area. This guide does all the legal and regulatory requirements that are applicable for
not address policy issues related to frequency or timing of the location where the sampling is being performed.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.26 on Hydraulic
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Current edition approved March 1, 2016. Published March 2016. DOI: 10.1520/ priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
D8006–16. bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D8006 − 16
2. Referenced Documents 2.2 EPA Standards:4
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 EPA 160.1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
D511 Test Methods for Calcium and Magnesium In Water EPA 300.0 Determination of Inorganic Anions by Ion Chro-
D512 Test Methods for Chloride Ion In Water matography
D516 Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Water EPA 300.1 Determination of Inorganic Anions in Drinking
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Water by Ion Chromatography
Fluids EPA 310.1 Ortho-Phosphorus, Dissolved Automated, Ascor-
D858 Test Methods for Manganese in Water bic Acid
D888 Test Methods for Dissolved Oxygen in Water EPA 310.2 Alkalinity (Colorimetric, Automated, Methyl Or-
D1067 Test Methods for Acidity or Alkalinity of Water ange)
D1068 Test Methods for Iron in Water EPA 325.1 Chloride (Colorimetric, Automated Ferricyanide
D1125 Test Methods for Electrical Conductivity and Resis- AAI)
tivity of Water EPA 425.1 Methylene Blue Active Substances (MBAS)
D1246 Test Method for Bromide Ion in Water EPA 900.0 Gross Alpha and Beta Activity in Water, Official
D1293 Test Methods for pH of Water Name: Gross Alpha and Gross Beta Radioactivity in
D1687 Test Methods for Chromium in Water Drinking Water
D1976 Test Method for Elements in Water by Inductively- EPA 903.1 Radium-226 in Drinking Water, Official Name:
Coupled Argon Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Radium-226 in Drinking Water (Radon Emanation Tech-
D2330 Test Method for Methylene Blue Active Substances nique)
(Withdrawn 2011)3 EPA 906.0 Tritium in Drinking Water EPA 908.0 Uranium in
D2908 Practice for Measuring Volatile Organic Matter in Drinking Water-Radiochemical Method
Water by Aqueous-Injection Gas Chromatography EPA 9030B Acid-Soluble and Acid-Insoluble Sulfides: Dis-
D2972 Test Methods for Arsenic in Water tillation
D3082 Test Method for Boron in Water EPA 9034 Titrimetric Procedure for Acid-Soluble and Acid-
D3223 Test Method for Total Mercury in Water Insoluble Sulfides
D3557 Test Methods for Cadmium in Water EPA 9056A Determination of Inorganic Anions by Ion
D3559 Test Methods for Lead in Water Chromatography
D3648 Practices for the Measurement of Radioactivity RSKSOP-175 Sample Preparation and Calculations for Dis-
D3859 Test Methods for Selenium in Water solved Gas Analysis in Water Samples Using a GC
D3920 Test Method for Strontium in Water Headspace Equilibration Technique (Advisory)
D4191 Test Method for Sodium in Water by Atomic Absorp- SW846 8015D Nonhalogenated Organics Using GC/FID
tion Spectrophotometry SW846 8260C Volatile Organic Compounds by Gas
D4192 Test Method for Potassium in Water by Atomic Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)
Absorption Spectrophotometry SW846 8270D Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Gas
D4327 Test Method for Anions in Water by Suppressed Ion Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)
Chromatography SW846 6010D Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emis-
D4382 Test Method for Barium in Water, Atomic Absorption sion Spectrometry
Spectrophotometry, Graphite Furnace SW846 6020B Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrom-
D4658 Test Method for Sulfide Ion in Water etry
D5673 Test Method for Elements in Water by Inductively SW846 7470A Mercury in Liquid Waste (Manual Cold-
Coupled Plasma—Mass Spectrometry Vapor Technique)
D5907 Test Methods for Filterable Matter (Total Dissolved 2.3 Federal Standard:5
Solids) and Nonfilterable Matter (Total Suspended Solids) 40 CFR Part 136 Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures
in Water for the Analysis of Pollutants
D5980 Guide for Selection and Documentation of Existing 2.4 Other:
Wells for Use in Environmental Site Characterization and ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence
Monitoring of Testing and Calibration Laboratories6
D7315 Test Method for Determination of Turbidity Above 1 PA DEP 3686 REV 1 Light Hydrocarbons in Aqueous
Turbidity Unit (TU) in Static Mode Samples via Headspace and Gas Chromatography with
D7678 Test Method for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Flame Ionization Detection (GC/FID)
(TPH) in Water and Wastewater with Solvent Extraction
using Mid-IR Laser Spectroscopy
Available from United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), William
Jefferson Clinton Bldg., 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20460,
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or http://www.epa.gov.
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Available from U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Documents, 732 N. Capitol St., NW, Washington, DC 20401-0001, http://
the ASTM website. www.access.gpo.gov.
3 6
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
www.astm.org. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org.

D8006 − 16
3. Terminology identify changes when they occur. Use of this guide will help
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this guide, the project team to design and execute an effective water
refer to Terminology D653. supply sampling program.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 4.3 It is important to understand the objectives of the
3.2.1 cistern, n—receptacle for the collection or storage of sampling program before designing it. Water supplies may be
groundwater or rainwater. sampled for various reasons including any or all of the
3.2.2 groundwater spring, n—place where groundwater (1) baseline sampling before an operation of concern,
flows naturally from underground onto the land surface or into (2) periodic sampling during such an operation,
a body of surface water. (3) investigative responses to perceived changes in water Discussion—The occurrence of a groundwater quality, or
spring depends on the nature of geologic formations, especially (4) ongoing monitoring related to known or potential
permeable and impermeable strata, on the position of the water groundwater constituents of concern in the area.
table, and on topography. Sampling programs should be based on these objectives and
3.2.3 pitless adaptor, n—device located below the ground be developed in coordination with the prospective laborato-
surface used to connect the submersible pump in a water ry(ies) to ensure its procedures, capabilities, and limitations
supply well to a pressure tank or other form of water storage. meet the needs of the program, protect human health and fulfill Discussion—This device serves to protect the well- regulatory requirements.
head from freezing conditions and may center the submersible
pump in the well. 5. Well Purging and Sampling Requirements
3.2.4 point-of-entry treatment (POET) system, n—or whole 5.1 Sampling Equipment:
house or building treatment systems, treats all water entering 5.1.1 Gas or multiple meters to provide, at a minimum,
the building. information on lower explosive limits for combustible gases Discussion—These systems are typically situated in and oxygen levels to be used for atmospheric screening;
the basement of a home or building or in a vault within 5.1.2 Sample containers, made of compatible materials,
proximity to the home or building. preservatives appropriate for the sampling to be performed,
3.2.5 point-of-use (POU) system, n—treats water at the labels, and chain-of-custody forms (COCs).
point where it is used. 5.1.3 Field notebook, preferably with waterproof, numbered Discussion—These systems are typically situated pages or electronic equivalent such as a tablet.
under kitchen or bathroom sinks or both or in closets/cabinets 5.1.4 Schedule and contact information for the properties
in proximity to kitchens or bathrooms. (locations) to be sampled and contact information for labora-
tory and carrier/shipping company (if used).
3.2.6 pressure tank, n—closed vessel used to store water
5.1.5 Area maps, including GPS coordinates of well(s).
from a supply well or spring under pressure for use within a
5.1.6 Large cooler and bagged ice for storing all samples
home or building.
and a mini cooler that can be brought inside the home/building Discussion—Typically “bladder” pressure tanks are
to put samples directly on ice after collection and gallon and
used in association with supply wells and springs; these tanks
quart size zip-lock bags in which to put sample containers, ice,
contain a rubber bladder filled with air that is used in
and COC, and trash bags for site-derived waste.
association with a pressure switch to regulate the pressure of
5.1.7 Intrinsically safe flashlight or headlamp (sample ports
the water in the tank.
are commonly located in low light areas).
3.2.7 water softener, n—water treatment system that substi- 5.1.8 Pan or other secondary containment system to catch
tutes sodium ions for ions that cause water to be “hard,” in any water that may have dripped during sampling. Make sure
most cases, calcium and magnesium ions and having a cation cleanup is performed after sampling is complete.
resin in the sodium form that removes cations such as calcium 5.1.9 Safety equipment including: gloves (work and latex or
and magnesium from water and releases another ion such as nitrile), safety glasses, shoes with slip resistant soles, clean
sodium. rags or towels, pails and buckets, basic tool kit, first aid kit, and Discussion—Water softeners are also used to re- fire extinguisher.
move iron, manganese, some radiological materials, nitrate, 5.1.10 Specific health and safety plan.
arsenic, chromium, selenium, and sulfate. 5.1.11 Watch or wristwatch with second hand, or a digital
timer, and graduated container to calculate flow rate and
4. Significance and Use volume.
4.1 A supply well provides groundwater for household, 5.1.12 Supplies need to include apparatus used to measure
domestic, commercial, agricultural, or industrial uses. field parameters such as pH, turbidity, specific conductance,
4.2 Using a standardized protocol based on an existing and dissolved oxygen.
industry standard or approved regulatory methods and proce- 5.1.13 Digital Camera.
dures to collect water samples from a supply well is essential 5.2 Field Visit and Sample Collection—After arrangements
to obtain representative water quality data. These data can be with the property owner or responsible party have been made,
critical to efforts to protect water uses, and human health, and the following steps should be taken:

D8006 − 16
5.2.1 Confirm location and note time of arrival, weather itself. If the sample is collected after treatment, it should be
conditions, including barometric pressure, and all onsite per- noted in the field notebook.
sonnel. 5.3.2 Water lines should be traced to determine exactly what
5.2.2 Provide the property owner/occupant an explanation is being sampled (for example, water from pressure tank, water
of the work to be undertaken, how long it is expected to take, treated through a treatment system). The sampling team should
and what the owner/occupant can expect. Provide identification not alter the piping or water delivery system in any way,
(for example, personal identification badge (with photograph) including turning treatment systems off or removing tubing or
and a card or letter that can be provided to the property both; however, if the sampling team needs to take a sample
owner/occupant with the appropriate contact information). through existing tubing, this should be noted.
5.2.3 Document information from property owner including 5.4 Purging and Sampling of Supply Wells—Stagnant, non-
comments on water quality and water usage the day of the representative water should be purged from the water supply
sampling. system before samples are collected to ensure that the sample
5.2.4 Record the well permit number if one has been issued is representative of actual well conditions. The convention of
(check with local authorities), and refer to D5980 for further purging monitoring wells of three well volumes before sam-
information on pulling monitoring well permits that show the pling is not necessarily applicable to nor practical for supply
depth of the well and the location of the screened interval. wells. Supply wells may contain hundreds of gallons of water,
5.2.5 Sketch the area including the location of the supply the purging of which would be time-consuming, potentially
well(s) and photo-document with a digital camera, and sketch detrimental to the well pump, may result in short-term deple-
location in logbook. Be aware that a property may have more tion of the property owner’s water supply, could overfill septic
than one supply well or other water sources. It is important to systems if discharged to a sink, and increase electric utility cost
understand and document the uses of these supply sources (for to the property owner. Additionally, while monitoring wells
example, drinking and agricultural) and understand and docu- tend to remain stagnant for long durations, supply wells are
ment if they are connected to the system being sampled (into commonly pumped more frequently. Thus, it is important to
one pressure tank or separate pressure tanks); this will allow purge the plumbing system but not necessarily the supply well.
the sampling team to choose the correct sample location(s) and An unused or infrequently used supply well may require a
the source of the sample. greater purge volume. The water supply system should be
purged until two times the holding tank volume is removed or
5.2.6 As appropriate, photograph features on the property
field parameter measurements stabilize. This ensures water is
(buildings, septic systems, wells, surface water, chemical
coming from the well and not just residual water in the
storage areas, fuel tanks, vehicle and equipment storage/
plumbing system.
parking areas, visual surface staining, signs of stressed
vegetation, and cracks in foundation) and the water delivery 5.4.1 Holding tank volumes are commonly listed on the side
system (pressure tank, water treatment equipment, wellhead of the pressure tank, or can be determined based on the
and pump, sampling port, and floor drain if present). All dimensions of the tank or both. A good rule of thumb is to
photographs should have a date/time stamp and be annotated to listen for the bladder/pressure tank switch to click, which
where the photograph was taken. indicates that the bladder/pressure tank is filling with water
from the well.
5.2.7 Locate the water shutoff valve. It is critical this step is
undertaken before starting any purging or sampling to reduce 5.4.2 Field parameters, including temperature, pH, specific
any potential damage if a leak or break does occur. conductance, dissolved oxygen, color/appearance, and flow
rate should be recorded at established sample time intervals
5.3 Determining Sample Locations—Samples should be col- (every 3 to 5 min) during purging with instruments calibrated
lected as close to the water well as possible; however, the in accordance with manufacturer specifications. This is most
actual water supply well should only be accessed by a licensed accurately and efficiently accomplished with flow-through cells
plumber or similarly qualified individual as contaminants can equipped with probes for temperature, pH, and specific con-
be introduced if this work is undertaken by untrained person- ductance. When the field parameters vary less than 610 % in
nel. The sampling team should not remove well caps, plugs, or replicate measurements for dissolved oxygen and specific
ports from water supply wells, unless permissible by applicable conductance, 60.2 pH units, and 610 NTUs for turbidity, the
statue or regulations. well is adequately stabilized. Purging may be terminated 30
5.3.1 The sampling team should review the water system minutes following removal of two holding tank volumes
configuration to determine the closest water tap to the water should parameter stabilization not be achieved. In this case at
source; this is commonly, but not always, a drain port on the least one casing volume should be removed. This sample may
front near the base of the bladder/pressure tank. Care should be not reflect groundwater conditions, because it may consist only
taken to ensure the valve is operational. Do not force valves of water from the well casing, which has been in the well
open. Treatment systems and exact sample locations should be casing for an unknown period of time. Barometric pressure and
documented. Samples should be collected before the water field temperature should also be recorded.
reaches any treatment systems. Collecting treated water should 5.4.3 The sampling team should establish whether the well
be avoided since it will not be representative of actual inflow has deliverability problems and if a drawdown would be
conditions. Usually, water treatment systems are designed to objectionable to the well user. In such a case, it may be
allow temporary bypass flow without alteration to the system acceptable to obtain a sample before purging, prior to removal

D8006 − 16
of two holding tank volumes, or prior to parameter stabilization 6. Sampling Team Qualifications
and note the exceptionable circumstances. 6.1 It is strongly recommended that the sampling be per-
5.4.4 In the event a treatment system must be bypassed, the formed by a third-party sampling company or agency indepen-
sampling team should also take into account the presence of dent of the firm requesting the services. The sampling team
unwanted residual treated water that will be present in the line should consist of experienced individuals who have received
that is to be purged. The treatment system shall be returned to training in the areas shown below and work under the
its original working status immediately after the sample is direction/supervision of an appropriately credentialed profes-
collected. Treatment systems designed for bacteriological de- sional (for example, registered or licensed professional) or an
contamination (such as UV lights or chlorinators) should not be independent laboratory approved in the jurisdiction where the
switched off or bypassed. water supply well is located. In addition, a qualified sampling
5.4.5 Typically, purging occurs at a sink connected to the team shall have the following knowledge and experience:
water delivery system and water runs down the drain; however, 6.1.1 Collection, interference mitigation, preservation,
the property owner/occupant should be consulted about this in storage, and handling procedures of representative water
case they would like this water collected for another use. Flow samples for chemical analysis.
rate shall be estimated and recorded during purging. 6.1.2 Appropriate quality control and quality assurance
5.4.6 Once purging is complete, the flow rate should be procedures to meet data quality objectives.
reduced to a steady, non-turbulent stream before collecting the 6.1.3 Practices regarding cross-contamination prevention.
samples (if possible) to minimize suspended solids and the 6.1.4 Use pre-cleaned sampling containers of proper mate-
potential for loss of dissolved gas or other volatile constituents, rial and size, mitigate interferences and use preservatives as
if present. specified by each analytical procedure.
5.4.7 The sample should be collected directly from the 6.1.5 Appropriate sample collection procedures and proto-
water delivery system as close to the well as possible into cols.
laboratory supplied sample containers; intermediate collection 6.1.6 Configuration and operation of residential water sup-
containers should not be used. There may be times when ply systems.
samples will need to be collected from taps located in other 6.1.7 Interface with property owners/occupants.
areas. Taps in residential homes are often equipped with 6.1.8 Proficient with the use and operation of field param-
screens that may aerate samples before collection. In those eter meters including calibration, functioning, and evaluation.
sampling scenarios, and where feasible, screens should be 6.1.9 General knowledge of laboratory methods.
removed before sampling. If samples cannot be collected 6.1.10 Knowledge of gaseous sampling methods and proce-
without removing screens, it should be documented in the field dures.
sampling logbook and included in the notes for the analytical 6.1.11 In addition, the sampling team should be familiar
laboratory. The sampling team should include sampling with sampling containers and labeling, chain of custody,
location, collection date and time, and method and purge sample preservation and shipping procedures, equipment
details (for example, field parameters) in the field notebook. decontamination, insertion of blind field standards, sample
Sampling methodology should be documented in such detail splits, duplicates, blanks and documentation, sample prepara-
that a third party could duplicate it in the future. Preservatives tion and handling, holding times, storage, and transport.
and mitigation of interferences may be necessary depending on
the laboratory analysis to be performed. 7. Evaluation of Well Condition/Construction
5.4.8 The sampling team should also record a physical 7.1 Conduct an owner/occupant interview to get informa-
description of the water including color, odor, and sediment. tion on the well and water system operation history, boring logs
Note that samples that require analysis for dissolved and construction details, service experience and concerns and
constituents, or that are excessively turbid, may need to be field any previous analyses. If possible, obtain copies of prior testing
filtered to obtain representative analytical results for dissolved reports. Before the collection of supply well samples, the
constituents. Resulting solids should be retained for separate condition and construction of the supply well should be
analyses. If analysis for total and dissolved constituents is evaluated and documented in accordance with this section, and
desired, a filtered sample for dissolved analysis and a separate the total depth of the well and depth to water determined where
unfiltered sample for total analysis may be needed for possible from existing documentation. This evaluation will
digestion, prior to analysis. help with the interpretation of analytical data and should
5.4.9 Following sampling, the sampling team must ensure include the following considerations:
the sample point is completely closed and not leaking and the 7.1.1 Condition of sanitary cap/seal of well head.
area is clean. If the leak cannot be stopped, the sampling team 7.1.2 Evidence of the presence of biota, refuse, compost,
must notify the owner or the property who should call a chemicals, animal husbandry, septic systems, and/or waste that
plumber to fix the leak at the expense of the responsible party. may represent a potential contaminant source in immediate
The sampling team must document the time of completion and surrounding areas.
inform the owner/occupant of task completion. It is recom- 7.1.3 Topography and proximity to potential contaminant
mended that the sampling team complete a pre- and post- sources/utilities (for example, septic system, treatment system
sampling checklist to document the condition for the water discharge streams, sewage lines, natural gas lines, heating and
delivery system before and after sampling. fuel oil tanks, vehicles, equipment, or chemical storage).

D8006 − 16
7.1.4 Construction information including whether the well rusted, brittle, or corroded. The condition of taps and valves
head is aboveground or underground (stickup or vault); well should be assessed before use and only used if deemed in
construction details based on landowner records or anecdotal operable condition. Taps or valves in questionable condition
data or both if available; well design and depth; casing should be replaced before sampling upon receipt of written
materials (if cased); and submersible pump type, age, and consent from the occupant, property, or well owner. Note that,
depth. Research local, county, or state well permit records, if in some areas, this work may be required to be done by a
necessary. licensed plumber.
7.1.5 Evaluation of treatment system maintenance records, 9.2 Water systems should not be altered in any way by the
system operation history, and pump/well servicing records. sampling team unless the owner provides written approval and
7.2 Information gathered during this evaluation should be the sampling team secures the services of a licensed plumber,
thoroughly documented in field logbooks or tablets and pho- well driller, or pump contractor, as necessary.
tographs with date and time stamp should be taken. 9.3 Purge water discharge options should be fully evaluated
7.3 A map indicating the location of the water well, or before purging. If discharging to the ground, the location of the
source and other pertinent features (for example, oil and gas discharge should be at a location so as to not impact the well.
wells, pipelines, tanks, pits, and so forth) in the vicinity of the 9.3.1 If discharging down a drain, ensure the floor or sinks
well should be documented. In addition, global positioning drain properly before using it as a purging outlet.
system (GPS) coordinates and elevations of the well and other 9.3.2 If using an outdoor spigot, ensure purge water will be
pertinent features should also be collected. directed away from the building and any other nearby features.
7.4 There is the potential for other water supply sources to 9.4 Before starting work, it is critical that the sampling team
exist on a property. These sources should be documented and, locates the water shutoff valve. This step is undertaken before
depending on the sampling program or regulatory starting any purging or sampling or both to reduce any
requirements, in some cases, sampled. The sampling team potential damage if a leak or break does occur.
should determine if these water supply sources are from 9.5 Secondary containment (for example, a pan) should be
groundwater, surface water, municipal sources, or rainwater. used to catch any dripping. If not possible, use absorbent
Samples should not be collected from rainwater or municipal materials (towels).
water sources unless specifically required by the program or
the applicable regulatory authority. 9.6 Sampling methodology should be documented in such
detail that a third party would be able to duplicate it in the
8. Assessment of Water Supply System future.
8.1 Water supply systems may also include water treatment 9.6.1 Water samples collected from a cistern or other water
systems. It is important to be aware of the various types of collection system should be sampled with a new, clean,
treatment systems as they can be indicative of preexisting disposable bailer and monofilament line lowered to mid depth
groundwater quality issues and concerns. to minimize stagnant water issues; where possible, samples
should be collected from the center of the water collection
8.2 Treatment systems can generally be separated into two system.
8.2.1 Point-of-entry treatment, or whole house or building 10. Personal Safety
treatment system, which treats all water entering the building. 10.1 In the initial phases of planning, personal safety should
These systems are typically situated in the basement of a home be evaluated since it may influence the field plan, including the
or building, or in a vault within proximity to the home or number of personnel needed, the work hours, and/or contact
building. methods. The sampling team will be coming into direct contact
8.2.2 Point-of-use systems treat water at the point where it with the public and likely entering the houses of unknown
is used. These systems are typically situated under kitchen or persons. Before sampling, the owner/occupant should be con-
bathroom sinks or both or in closets/cabinets in proximity to tacted to set up an appointment for the work and obtain an
the end use. access agreement. The access agreement should contain the
8.3 Where possible, photographs should be taken of the property’s legal address, owner of record, reason for sampling,
water delivery and treatment systems. When collecting a jurisdiction requiring the sampling (if any), names of the
sample, the sampling team should attempt to collect a sample individual’s doing the sampling, who will be responsible for
upstream to the treatment system; however, the treatment mitigation of damage resulting from the sampling (if any), and
system should not be altered. The sampling location should be their company’s contact information. A copy of the signed
noted in the field book and photographed. access agreement should be carried by the sampling team.
While the vast majority of homeowners or owners of commer-
9. Supply Well and System Damage Prevention cial buildings are friendly and cooperative with people per-
9.1 This section addresses considerations for typical water forming sampling, the following safety considerations should
supply wells but it should be adapted as appropriate to prevent be considered:
damage to the site-specific water supply well and delivery 10.1.1 All sampling should be performed by teams of at
systems. Note that taps or valves associated with supply well least two people when feasible and permitted by the property
delivery systems are typically not used and may become owners. This substantially reduces the risk of one individual

D8006 − 16
sustaining a debilitating injury under conditions in which there 10.4 A site-specific health and safety plan (HASP) shall be
is no timely help available. The sampling team members need developed by the sampling company, reviewed and signed by
to be able to be in contact with each other at all times the sampling team, and be in their possession during sampling
electronically (cell phone, walkie talkie) or remain in voice or activities.
visual contact with each other.
10.1.2 Determine if it is safe for a sampling team to be 11. Parameters/Analytical Categories
working after dark in an emergency situation. Work should 11.1 The analytical suite selected will depend on the objec-
only be performed during daylight hours whenever possible. tives of the sampling program, protection of human health and
10.1.3 The sampling team should consider whether cell applicable federal, state, and local government regulations and
phones may work in basements or remote areas. If remote site-specific monitoring agreements. The recommended mini-
communications are not possible then alternate means should mum sampling and analyses program for wells potentially
be considered. The sampling team should be equipped with affected by oil and gas operations is shown in Table 1.
portable lighting to assure a visually safe work environment. Site-specific parameters (for example, potential contaminants
The portable lighting should be intrinsically safe. known to be associated with the geological formation, key
10.1.4 Have a communication plan for the site (such as chemicals used in drilling muds and large volume or mobile
frequency of check-ins). Have a plan of action to be taken if a chemicals or both found in the planned fracturing fluid system)
check-in is missed. may also be required based on knowledge of potential con-
10.1.5 In addition to the potential for produced gases (such taminants not listed in Table 1. If it is well documented that
as methane and hydrogen sulfide), confined spaces such as analyses of a specific parameter is not necessary, it can be
underground vaults can develop low oxygen content. Confined deleted after demonstration that it is not applicable. The
spaces should only be accessed by qualified personnel who accompanying notes to Table 1 are an essential component of
follow applicable safety and work permitting procedures (that the program. Recommended analytical methods are provided
is, OSHA Confined Space Training. Oxygen sensors should be in Table 2. Select the methods that provide the sensitivity that
used to warn against this risk. meets the data quality objectives of the sampling program.
10.2 The sampling team should continue to evaluate their Additional acceptable methods can be found in 40 CFR Part
personal safety and make changes to the plan as needed. Any 136 and State and local regulations.
changes to the plan should be communicated immediately to 11.2 The laboratory should be contacted before preparing
other team members on location. the sampling and analysis plan to ensure that the sampling plan
10.3 The sampling team shall use proper personal protective is prepared in accordance with the laboratory approved sample
equipment when handling any chemical reagents such as collection, mitigation of interferences preservation, quality
sample preservatives. control and assurance, handling procedure, chain of custody,

TABLE 1 Potential Analysis for Residential and Commercial Water Supply Well Sampling and Analysis Program Related to E&P
NOTE 1—All analyses shall be conducted using methods approved by the local regulations authority that has certified the laboratory. Table 2 lists ASTM
and US EPA published methods that may be used. The user of this guide is strongly encouraged to search and obtain the latest edition of the standards
and guidance’s that are used for this work.
NOTE 2—It is recognized that there will be naturally occurring variability in constituent concentrations between the baseline analyses and subsequent
analyses. Extreme caution shall be exercised in drawing conclusions on the significance of the results. The same (or equivalent) analytical methods used
in the baseline analyses shall be used in all subsequent analyses.
NOTE 3—Reporting limits for post baseline sampling shall be the same as baseline reporting limits, which shall meet the data quality objectives of the
sampling analysis program. The reporting limits for the baseline samples shall be the standard reporting limit for the certified laboratory performing the
analyses. The laboratory shall be certified for the analyses they are reporting. For instance, a laboratory with certification for metals cannot perform
organic analyses unless they also have certification for organics. Results less than the reporting limit shall be reported with a “J” flag to show the result
is an estimated value. If a regulatory authority allows another form of certification than NELAP, this laboratory may be used, but the other requirements
still apply.
NOTE 4—Sample preservatives, containers, mitigation of interferences and holding times shall meet requirements of the referenced standard analytical
methods used in the standard operating procedures (SOP).
Classification Notes
Organics (for example, VOCs, PAHs) Minimum analyses include benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes (BETX),
Dissolved Gases Minimum analyses include methane and ethane.
Water Quality Minimum analyses include pH, specific conductance, total alkalinity, total dis-
solved solids, chloride, sulfate, temperature, and turbidity. Acidity, bromide and
sulfide (and others) may be required on a site-specific basis.
Metals Minimum analyses include arsenic, barium, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium,
manganese, and lead. Boron, potassium, chromium, selenium, cadmium,
mercury, and strontium may be required on a sitespecific basis.
Radioactivity Optional analyses based on professional judgment and regulatory requirements.
MBAS/Surfactants Optional analyses based on professional judgment and regulatory requirements.

D8006 − 16
TABLE 2 Recommended Analytical Methods
ASTM Methods EPA Methods
Benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes (BTEX) D2908 SW846 8260C or 8021CA
TPH D7678 SW846 8015DB

Dissolved Gases
Methane SeeC SeeC
Ethane SeeC SeeC

Water Quality
Specific conductance FIELD D1125 FIELD
Temperature FIELD FIELD
Turbidity FIELD D7315 FIELD
Dissolved oxygen FIELD D888 FIELD
Total alkalinity D1067 EPA 310.1 and 310.2
Total dissolved solids D5907 EPA 160.1
Chloride D512; D4327 EPA 300.0, 300.1, 325.1; 9056A
Sulfate D516; D4327 EPA 300.0; 300.1; 9056A
Bromide D1246; D4327 EPA 300.0; 300.1; 9056A
Sulfide D4658 EPA 9030 and 9034

Metals and Trace Elements

Arsenic D5673; D1976; D2972 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Barium D5673; D4382 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Iron D1976; D1068 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Magnesium D1976; D511 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Sodium D4191 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Calcium D511 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Manganese D5673; D1976; D858 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Lead D5673; D1976; D3559 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Boron D1976; D3082 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Potassium D4192 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Chromium D1976; D1687; D5673 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Selenium D1976; D3859; D5673 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Cadmium D1976; D3557; D5673 SW846 6020B or 6010D
Mercury D3223 SW846 7470A
Strontium D3920 SW846 6020B or 6010D

Radioactivity D3648 Gross Alpha/Beta EPA 900.0

Tritium EPA 906.0
Uranium EPA 908.0
Radium EPA 903.1

MBAS/Surfactants D2330 EPA 425.1

ASTM—ASTM International
EPA—U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
SM—Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater
PA-DEP—Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Method 8260C is performed using GC/MS that has greater specificity for compounds such as chlorinated solvents.
DRO and GRO measured separately.
RSK 175 is not an official method, but is currently recommended. ASTM is developing a revised procedure (WK43267). WK43267 is based largely on PA-DEP 3686 Rev

and applicable data quality objectives so that the data quality Cooperation, International Standardization Organization/
objectives can be met. International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) 17025
accrediting body, or another similar body such as a state-
12. Laboratory Certifications certified laboratory.
12.1 The selected laboratory shall be accredited by the
National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program 13. Sample Shipment/Chain of Custody Documentation
(NELAP), 7 the International Laboratory Accreditation 13.1 Each sample collected should be assigned a unique
sample tracking number and labeled with the street address of
National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP), http:// the building (if a building exists), sample location, sample date,
www.nelac-institute.org/newnelap.php. collection time, and parameter/test name. Samples should be

D8006 − 16
contained, interferences mitigated if necessary, preserved, and 14. Report
stored as required by the specific analytical procedure imme- 14.1 A report providing the results of the sampling should
diately following sampling, and procedures used and docu- be provided to the customer and the property owner. Reporting
mented in the field. Where possible, the sample location should should include the following:
be photographed and GPS coordinates of the well documented. 14.1.1 Methodology for sample collection and analysis, in
13.2 The number of each of the quality assurance and sufficient detail to permit replication by a third party.
quality control (QA/QC) samples including duplicates, trip 14.1.2 Sample results and relevant federal, state, and local
blanks, temperature blanks, field blanks and blind field stan- standards/criteria.
dards inserted, should be prepared as part of the sampling 14.1.3 Map, street address, and GPS coordinates (if avail-
program and collected and identified as appropriate. able) for supply well locations.
13.3 Before the laboratory begins analyzing the samples, 14.1.4 Photographs of supply well location and associated
the project manager or designated person responsible for this water delivery equipment (if available), clearly annotated to
task should check the COCs against the sampling plan. indicate where the photograph was taken.
Following receipt of analytical results, the project manager or 14.1.5 QA/QC results.
designated person responsible for this task should review the 14.1.6 Individuals involved in the work.
results compared to the field notes, past results, and regulatory 14.2 All correspondence relating to the sampling program
criteria. should also be tracked.
13.4 Anomalous results should be evaluated based on field
notes, historical data, and data from the surrounding area. 15. Keywords
13.5 The entire data collection process from sample collec- 15.1 baseline sampling; hydraulic fracturing; natural gas
tion through to delivery of the results to the regulatory agency, wells; oil and gas operations; production; water quality
owner/occupant, and/or additional party as appropriate should
be documented and tracked.


(1) United States Environmental Protection Agency Groundwater and (3) USGS National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality
Drinking Water webpage: http://water.epa.gov/drink/ Data (TWRI Book 9), Chap. A4, Collection of Water Samples,
(2) United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 Potable Version 2.0, 9/2006.
Water Supply Sampling, May 30, 2013.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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