ANSWER Chapter 7 BIO F4
ANSWER Chapter 7 BIO F4
ANSWER Chapter 7 BIO F4
2 Organism: Saccharomyces
CHAPTER 7 CELLULAR RESPIRATION Product of fermentation: CO2, ethanol
Example: wine, beer
Formative Practice 7.1
Organism: Aspergillus
1 • M
aintaining body temperature at the optimal Product of fermentation: lactic acid
temperature of 37 °C. Example: soy sauce
• Muscle contractions to enable movement. Organism: Acetobacter
• Cell division whereby new cells are produced for Product of fermentation: Acetic acid
growth and development. Example: vinegar
• Absorption of digested food through active 3 When you sprint, the lungs and blood supply are
transport. unable to supply oxygen quickly enough to meet
• Synthesis of lipids, hormones, proteins and the demands of the muscles to produce ATP. In this
enzymes. condition, the muscle cells undergo fermentation,
whereby ATP is produced without oxygen.
2 Carbohydrate (glucose). Fermentation in muscle cells produces lactic acid.
3 Cellular respiration is the oxidation process of 4 • A
erobic respiration involves the complete
organic molecules through a few stages to release breakdown of organic substances in the
energy. The main substrate for cellular respiration is presence of oxygen whereas fermentation
glucose. There are two types of cellular respiration: involves incomplete breakdown of organic
aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. substances in the presence of limited oxygen or
4 In humans and animals, glucose is obtained absence of oxygen.
through the breakdown of carbohydrates whereas in • Aerobic respiration takes place in cytoplasm and
plants, glucose is produced through photosynthesis. mitochondria but fermentation only takes place in
the cytoplasm.
Formative Practice 7.2 • Aerobic respiration produces water whereas
1 Aerobic respiration is the breakdown of glucose fermentation does not.
in the presence of oxygen to produce chemical • In aerobic respiration, glucose is oxidised
energy. completely into carbon dioxide and water
whereas in fermentation, glucose is oxidised to
2 Fructose, galactose.
ethanol or lactic acid.
3 Glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + energy
4 Sugar breakdown (glycolysis) takes place in the Summative Practice 7
cytoplasm. Glucose (6-carbon) is broken down 1 Ethanol is used in the production of beer and wine.
to two pyruvate molecules (3-carbon). In the next Carbon dioxide is used in breadmaking to help the
stage, pyruvate is oxidised through a series of dough rise.
reactions to produce carbon dioxide, water and
energy. This stage takes place in the mitochondrion. 2 To provide the energy needed as well as enabling
an individual to carry out activities.
Formative Practice 7.3 3 This is because glucose oxidation is incomplete and
1 Human muscle cells, some bacteria, yeasts and a part of the chemical energy is still tied in the lactic
plants. acid molecule.
1 Biology Form 4
Biology Form 4 2
Biology Form 4 3