environment and social plan report
environment and social plan report
environment and social plan report
Construction of 24M Span Intermediate Lane Motor Bridge & its approach in
Km-2 of Ujjawalpur to Gwad Dungri Jaspur Motor Road in District Chamoli.
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) consists of a set of mitigation, monitoring, and
institutional measures to be taken during the different stages of the project to eliminate adverse
environmental and social impacts, to offset them, or to reduce them to acceptable levels. The
plan also includes the actions needed for the implementation of these measures.
The broad objective of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is to ensure that
Environmental and Social risks and impacts identified during the Environmental screening and
ESIA process, are effectively addressed for the pre-construction, construction, and operation
phases of the sub-project. The EMP specifies the mitigation and management measures to be
implemented in the project along with institutional arrangements for the implementation,
monitoring, and reporting, including the budget.
Figure2: Key Map of Bridge Proposed on Ujjwalpur to Gwad Dungri Motor Road
1.3 Key Statutory Clearances/ Permits and Licences Requirements
Based on the proposed activities of the project, the contractor has to comply with all the
relevant regulations on Environmental and Social Safeguards. The project requires several
licenses/permits under different acts and rules. The type of permits and licenses required for
the sub-project is listed under Table 1.
Table Error! No text of specified style in document.: Applicability of National and State
Statutes and Regulations
Uttarakhand Building
and Other Construction
Workers (Regulation of
Employment &
Conditions of Service)
Rules, 2005
Labour License Inter-State Migrant Labour Contractor 1-2
4. (In Case Workmen (Regulation Commissioner month
Engagement of of Employment and
Interstate Migrant Conditions of Service)
Labour) Act, 1979
Non-Forest Tree Uttar Pradesh Tree Forest Contractor 1-2
Cutting (Protection), Act 1976 Department month
(as adopted in
1.4 Proposed Site-specific Environmental Management Plan
This chapter describes the Environmental and Social Management Plan for the proposed
project during different stages of the project. An Environment and Social Management Plan
has been developed following the delineation of impacts and mitigation measures. These
measures will be adopted by the project proponent and imposed as conditions of the contract.
The Management Plan has been formulated for the implementation of environmental and
social mitigation measures to be carried out by the Contractor and to ensure that the provisions
of the EMP are strictly followed and implemented by strengthening implementation
arrangements to prevent and minimize the adverse impacts during the Construction phase of
the project. EMP has also addressed certain measures to be taken to prevent further
deterioration of the environment and social components for various stages of the project.
Table:2 The table describes the nature of the potential environmental, impacts, the mitigation
measures required to be implemented, and the implementing agency and responsible
Tables 2: Environment Management Mitigation Plan
Sr. Responsible for
Anticipated Impact Mitigation Measures of
(Design Stage)
(i) The hydrological study should be carried out for designing of the proposed bridge with flood
safeguard (ii) Both Abutment wall be provided with proper slopes and may use a combination of
Hydrological Study,
gabion baskets and/or mattresses for slope protection. (iii) Approach slab as per IRC guidelines
Erosion control & Design Engineer
1. and well-designed approaches to connect bridge with the existing road or foot track both FPIU/PIU
approach connectivity for /Contractor
sidesshouldbeensuredduringthedesignoftheproposed bridge. (iv) In both abutments of the
designing of Bridge
proposed bridge weep holes will be provided with minimum require standard filter Media for
draining of water to prevent sliding of backfilling and to avoid any uplift pressure.
The proposed bridge is located in Seismic zone V and prone to high intensity earthquake.
Impact of earth quake Design Engineer
2. Therefore, it is imperative that seismic load factor must be taken into considerationwhile FPIU/PIU
on bridge /Contractor
designing of bridge components.
Debris Accumulation on The project is located in land slide prone area. Accumulation of Debris on or around the bridge
Design Engineer
3 or around the proposed may affect integrity of the proposed bridge. This factor should be considered while designing of FPIU/PIU
bridge the proposed bridge.
For safety of road users and bridge, necessary road safety signage, hazard signage and warning
Safety of proposed Safety/OHS Expert/
4 signage with reflective tapes need to be provided before and at the proposed bridge as per IRC FPIU/PIU
Bridge and its users Contractor
(Pre – Construction Stage)
Provision of Early Training Contractor team has not adequate training or knowledge on EHS safeguards when working in and
of construction contractor over flowing waters, leading to construction period impacts affecting river hydrology and water PIU / FPIU FPIU/PIU
regarding EHS Safeguards quality, PIU will provide a training as part of the overall 1.5-day training workshop to be delivered Environment Expert
of World Bank before construction begins, period to the contractor mobilizing to the field
(i) Contractor shall submit a plan including a method statement and timeline about specific actions Environment
Work Programme/ that will be taken to implement the provisions mentioned in the EMP. (ii) Project Information
Expert PIU/
3 Planning/ Information Board showing the name of work, project cost, duration, date of commencement, date of Contractor
Dissemination completion, executing agency and contact details (including telephone number/s) for providing Field PIU
suggestions/filing grievances shall be displayed prominently in both English and in vernacular.
The Contractor shall obtain Labour License and all required insurance as specified in the contract
Regulatory/ statutory conditions from the concerned authorities. Originals will be checked/verified by the Engineer and
4 Contractor Expert PIU/
clearances/ approvals a copy shall be available at the site office at all times. The Contractor is required to abide by all
Field PIU
conditions laid out in the said clearances/consents given by the regulatory authorities. The
monthly progress report shall include the status and action taken for each of the conditions
mentioned in such permits/ consent letters/ clearances.
Arrangements for The contractor as per prevalent rules will carry out negotiations with the landowner for obtaining
temporary land their consent for temporary use of land for construction camp etc. Environment
6 Contractor Expert PIU/
requirements for camp
Field PIU
and construction plant
(i)The contractor desired to use unskilled/semiskilled labour from local area to give the maximum
Labour Requirement & Environment
benefit to the local community. (ii)The contractor will finalize the approved quarry/crusher for
7 Procurement of Contractor Expert PIU/
procurement of aggregate / sand for the proposed bridge construction after assessment of the
construction material Field PIU
availability of sufficient materials, quality and other logisticarrangements.
(i) Temporary barricades shall be provided to delineate construction zone, including material
stacking areas from the remaining area The construction area along with its labour facility,
Warning signage shall beinstalled. All operational areas shall be access controlled with fixed entry Environment
Worksite Safety
8 and exit points. Watch and ward facilities at all times will be provided by theContractor. (ii) Contractor Expert PIU/
Construction materials shall be stacked in a suitable place/ manner without obstructing the access. Field PIU
Necessary measures shall be taken for smooth and safe movement of men and material. (iii)
Safety signage and posters for generating awareness will be provided at the work site.
(i) All precautionary measures for prevention of pollution on account of the construction work
(including both on-site and off areas) shall be implemented as per the requirements/standards of
CPCB, SPCB and in line with measures listed in this EMP. Contractor will chose/select a material
Measures for prevention source after assessment of the availability of sufficient materials, quality and compliance to
9 Contractor Expert PIU/
of pollution Environment regulatoryrequirements.(ii) During the construction phase, the Contractor will carry
Field PIU
out Environment monitoring for ambient air quality and noise levels by engaging reputed /
approved laboratory. (iii) The Contractor will be required to submit Monthly Status Reports on
EMP compliance covering parameters and points mentioned in the section above.
(Construction Stage)
The following mitigation measures are suggested during construction of the proposed bridge
abutments: (i) Construction of bridge should be done during least flow or no flowarea. (ii) Curtain
Impact on Water Resource should be provided over the flowing water to avoid the falling of construction material inwater. Environment
1 during construction of (iii) Construction wastes should be collected and disposed in Environmentally sound manner as Contractor Expert PIU/
bridge soon as construction is over. (iv) The construction of bridge should not affect existing flow pattern Field PIU
and drainage system around the proposed bridge. (v) Flowing water will be diverted with guide
(i) The contractor will take all precautionary measures to collect and dispose construction wastes
Water Pollution from Environment
2. generated from the proposed bridge construction site (if any). (ii) No solid or hazardous wastes Contractor
Wastes Expert PIU/
(oil contaminated waste) from camp site will be dumped on water course bank area or in open
areas. Such wastes will be collected and disposed in Field PIU
EnvironmentallysoundmannerasperEnvironment regulations/ local regulations
The contractor will take every precaution to reduce the level of dust and gaseous pollution from
batching plant and bridge construction site. (i) The contractor will procure the batching plant and
construction machinery, which will conform to the pollution control norms specified by the
MoEF&CC/CPCB/UEPCB. (ii) The excavated materials at the bridge construction site will be
Dust and Gaseous collected and disposed properly so that it does not generate fugitive dustemissions. (iii) Regular Expert PIU/
3. Contractor
Pollution maintenance of machinery and equipment will be carried and vehicular pollution check will be Field PIU
made mandatory. (iv) LPG shall be used as fuel for cooking of food at construction labour camp
instead of fuelwood. (v) Water sprinkling is mandatory around construction site & in construction
camp area. (vi) Personal Protective equipment (PPE) should be provided as a mandatory effort to
the construction workers at the batchingplant.
The contractor will ensure (i) that all vehicles, equipment and machinery used for construction
Emissions from works are regularly maintained and confirm that pollution emission levels comply with the Environment
Construction Vehicles, relevant requirements of CPCB and/Motor Vehicles Rules. The contractor will submit PUC Expert PIU/
4 Contractor
Equipment & Machineries certificates for all vehicles/ equipment/machinery used for the construction ofbridge. (ii) DG set Field PIU
(like DG set) will be provided with chimney of appropriate height as per CPCB guidelines (Height of stack in
meter = Height of the building + 0.2√KVA).
The contractor will confirm the following: (i) All construction plant and equipment used for
construction will strictly confirm to the MoEF&CC/CPCB noise standards. (ii) All vehicles and Environment
Noise Pollution: Noise
equipment used in construction works will be fitted with exhaust silencers/mufflers. (iii) Expert PIU/
5 Levels from Vehicles, Plant Contractor
and Equipment’s Maintenance and servicing of all construction vehicles and machineries will be done regularly. (iv) Field PIU
Only acoustic enclosures fitted DG set will be allowed at the bridge construction site and batching
plant/camp site.
The contractor will take necessary measures for personal safety during the bridge construction: (i)
Protective footwear, protective goggles, Ladders Safety hooks and rope (if workers is working
above 3m height) and nose masks (as required) will be provided to the workers employed in
batching plant and concrete works at bridge construction site, painting etc. (ii) Welder’s protective
eye-shields will be provided to workers who are engaged in welding works (as required). (iii)
Personal Safety Measures Expert PIU/
6 Earplugs will be provided to the workers exposed to high noise levels. (iv) Safety vests will be used Contractor
for Labours and Staff by workers when on bridge site. The contractor will comply with all the precautions as required for Field PIU
ensuring the safety of the workmen. (v)The Contractor will make sure that during the construction
work all relevant provisions of the Building and other Construction Workers (regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1996 are adhered to. (vi) The Contractor will not
employ any person below the age of 14 years for any work.
Adequate fire safety precautions shall be taken and the required fire safety equipment (such as Expert PIU/
7 Fire Safety Contractor
fire extinguishers) shall be provided by theContractor in the construction camp & plant area. Field PIU
(i) Emergency n u m b e r s (Fire, police & nearest health center) will be displayed at the camp
construction plant and bridge constructionsite, (ii) The contractor will arrange for A readily
available first aid unit including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing materials and appliances Environment
Emergency Management,
8 Risk Force Measure and as per the Factories Rules in construction workzone. First boxes will be made available at the Contractor Expert PIU/
First Aid camp, construction plant and construction site, (iii) The contractor will make required Field PIU
arrangements so that in case of any mishap on the bridge construction site, all necessary steps
can be taken for prompt first aid treatment.
9. Labour Camp Management
(i) Contractor will follow all relevant provisions of the Building and the other Construction
Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 for construction and
maintenance of labour camp. (ii) The location, layout and basic facility provision of labour camp
will be submitted to PIU prior to theirconstruction. (iii) The Contractor will maintain necessary Environment
Accommodation for living accommodation and ancillary facilities functionally and hygienically. (iv) Proper ventilation Expert PIU/
9.1 Contractor
workers will be provided in labor accommodation rooms. (v) Regular cleaning and sweeping will be Field PIU
ensured at the labour campsite. (vi) Fuel wood will not be allowed for cooking at labour camps.
LPG cylinders will be provided at labour camp by the contractor (vii) Fire Safety: Adequate fire
safety precautions shall be taken and the required fire safety equipment (such as fire
extinguishers) shall be provided by theContractor.
(i) Necessary HIV/AIDS prevention measures will be taken at construction &labour camp (ii) Environment
9.2 HIV/AIDS & Occupational Health awareness programme will be organized by the contractor’s Contractor
PreventionMeasures Field PIU
Environment & Safetyofficer.
(i) The contractor will construct and maintain labour accommodation in such a fashion that
uncontaminated clean water is available for drinking, cooking, bathing and washing. (ii) The Environment
Contractor will also provide potable water facilities at bridge construction site in an accessible Expert PIU/
9.3 Potable Water forWorkers Contractor
place, as per the Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Field PIU
Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 (iii) site personals of DSC will be required to inspect the labour
camp twice in a week to ensure the compliance of the EMP.
Sanitation and Sewage The contractor will ensure that: (i) The sewage disposal system for the camp will be designed, built Environment
9.4 Contractor
System at Labour Camp and operated in such a fashion that no health hazard occurs and no pollution to the air, surface & Expert PIU/
ground water or adjacent water courses take place, (ii) Separate toilets / bathrooms required will Field PIU
be provided for men and women (if deployed), marked in vernacular language, (iii) Toilets will be
provided with septic tank followed by soak pit. Adequate water supply is to be provided in all
toilets and urinals,
(i) The contractor will provide garbage bins in the camp; construction plant and bridge
construction site and it will be ensured that these are regularly emptied and disposed of
hygienically as per Solid Waste Rule2016. Burning of wastes will not beallowed. (ii) Solid waste Environment
generated at the bridge construction site, batching plant & camp site, will be collected in covered Expert PIU/
9.5 Wastes Disposal Contractor
waste bins and segregated as biodegradable (food waste, paper, etc) and non-biodegradable Field PIU
(plastic, polyethylene bag, etc) wastes. Polyethylene/plastic wastes will be stored in empty
cement bags and to be sent for recycling through scrap dealer. Biodegradable (food waste, paper,
etc) solid waste will be disposed in compostpit.
(i) On completion of construction of bridge, the contractorwill prepare site restoration and
demobilization plan, which will be approved by the Environment Expert of PIU. The clean-up and
restoration operation are to beimplemented by the contractor prior to demobilization. (ii) The Environment
Clean-up, Restoration and Contractor will clear all temporary structures; dispose all garbage, night soils and POL (Petroleum, Expert PIU/
10 Contractor
Rehabilitation Oil and Lubricants) wastes in Environment soundmanner. (iii) Disposal pits or trenches will be filled Field PIU
in and effectively sealedoff. (iv) Construction area including camp, and any other area
used/affected due to the bridge construction work will be left clean and tidy at the contractor’s
expense to the entire satisfaction to the land owner/Environment Expertof PIU.
Note: - The Contractor has to ensure procurement and placement of labour camp and temporary housing for labours, safety measures, first aid
and grievance redress mechanism as mentioned above before starting the project work.
Environment Monitoring
The objectives of environmental monitoring are: to ensure effective implementation of EMP;
comply with all applicable Environmental, safety, labour and local legislation; ensure that
public opinions and obligations are taken into account and respected to the required
satisfaction level; and modify the mitigation measures or implementing additional measures
The environmental monitoring plancontains:
All performance indicators
Environment monitoring programme
Necessary budgetary provisions
Performance Indicators
The physical, biological, and social components identified to be particularly significant in
affecting the environment at critical locations have been suggested as Performance Indicators
(Pls). The Performance Indicators shall be evaluated under three heads:
a) Environment condition indicators to determine the efficiency of environmental
management measures in control of air, noise, and waterpollution.
b) Environment management indicators to determine compliance with the suggested
environmental managementmeasures.
c) Performance indicators that have been devised to determine the efficiency and utility of
the proposed mitigationmeasures.The Performance Indicators and monitoring plans
prepared are presented in the Table below:
Improved West and
Annual 80µg/ m3 60µg/ m3 15µg/ m3 Gaekemethod
Dioxide (SO2) 24 hour 120µg/ m3 80µg/ m3 30µg/ m3 Ultraviolet fluoresce
3 3 3
Oxides of Annual 80µg/ m 60µg/ m 15µg/ m Jacobe and Hochheiser
Nitrogen 24 hours Gas phase
120µg/ m3 80µg/ m3 30µg/ m3 Chemiluminescence
Carbon 8 hours 5000µg/ m3 2000µg/ m3 1000µg/ m3
Monoxide Non dispersive infrared
(CO) 1 hour 1000µg/ m3 4000µg/ m3 2000µg/ m3 spectroscopy
Hydrocarbon Not
(HC) Not Establish Established NotEstablis
Lead (Pb) Annual 1.0µg/ m3 0.75µg/ m3 0.50µg/ m3 AAS Method 24 hours
24 hours after sampling using EPM
1.5µg/ m3 1.00µg/ m3 0.75µg/ m3 20000 or equivalent filter
Respirable Annual 120µg/ m3 60µg/ m3 50µg/ m3
(RPM)- size 24 hours 150µg/ m3 100µg/ m3 75µg/ m3
less than10
Suspended Annual 360µg/ m3 140µg/ m3 70µg/ m3 Average flow rate not less
Particulate 24 hours
500µg/ m3 200µg/ m3 100µg/ m3 than 1.1cu.m/minute
Matter (SPM)
Average Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year taken for a week 24 hourly at
uniforminterval. 24 hourly/8 hourly values should meet 98 percent of the time in a year.
S. No. Substanceor Requirement Undesirable Effect outside the Permissible Limit Methods of Remarks
Characteristic (Desirable Limit) DesirableLimit in the Absence of Test (Ref.To
Alternate Source IS)
Essential Characteristics
1. Colour, Hazen units, 5 Above 5, consumer acceptance 25 3025(Part 4) Extended to 25 only if toxic
Max. decreases 1983 substances, in absence of
alternate sources
2. Odour Unobjectionable - - 3025 (Parts 5) a) Test cold and whenheated
1984 b) Tests at severaldilutions
3. Taste Agreeable - - 3025(Part 7 and Test to be conducted only
8) 1984 after safety has been
4. Turbidity NTU, Max. 5 Above 5, consumer acceptance 10 3025 (Part 10) -
decreases 1984
5. pH Value 6.5 to 8.5 Beyond this range, the water will No Relaxation 3025 (Part 11) -
affect the mucous membrane and /or 1984
water supply system
6. Total hardness (as 300 Encrustation in water supply 600 3025 (Part 21) -
CaCO3)mg/L. Max. structure and adverse effects on 1983
domestic use
7. Iron (as Fe) mg/L. 0.3 Beyond this limit taste/appearance 1 32 of 3025:1964 -
Max. are affected, has adverse effects on
domestic uses and water supply
structures, and promotes iron
8. Chlorides (asCl) 250 Beyond this limit, taste, corrosion 1000 3025 (Part 32) -
mg/L and palatability are affected 1988
9. Residual,freechlorine - - - 3025 (Part 26) To be applicable only when
,mg/L, 1986 water is chlorinated. Tested
Min at consumer end. When
protection against viral
infection is required,
be Min 0.5 mg/l.
Desirable Characteristics
1. Dissolved solids 500 Beyond this palatability decreases and 2000 3025 (Part 16) -
mg/L, Max may cause gastrointestinal irritation 1984
2. Calcium (as Ca) 75 Encrustation in water supply structure 200 3025 (Part 40) -
mg/L, max and adverse effects on domestic use 1991
3. Magnesium (as Mg) 30 Encrustation to water supply structure 100 16,33,34 of IS -
mg/L, Max and adverse effects on domestic use 3025: 1964
4. Copper (as Cu) mg/L, 0.05 Astringent taste, discoloration and 1.5 36 of 3025: -
Max corrosion of pipes, fitting andutensils 1964
will be caused beyond this
5. Manganese (as Mn) 0.1 Beyond this limit taste / appearance 0.3 35 of 3025:1964 -
mg/L,Max are affected, has adverse effectson
domestic uses and water supply
6. Sulphate 200 Beyond this causes gastrointestinal 400 3025 (Part 24) May be extended up to 400
(asSO4) irritation when magnesium or 1986 provided (as Mg) does not
sodium are present exceed 30
7. Nitrate (as NO2), 45 Beyond this methemoglobinemia 100 3025 (Part 34) -
mg/L,Max takesplace 1988
8. Fluoride (as F) mg/L, 1 Fluoride may be kept as low as 1.5 23 of 3025: -
Max possible, high fluoride may cause 1964
9. Phenolic compounds 0.001 Beyond this, it may cause 0.002 54 of 3025: -
(As C5H5OH) mg/L, objectionable taste andodor 1964
10. Mercury (as Hg) 0.001 Beyond this, the water becomes toxic No relaxation Mercury To be tested when pollution
mg/L, io issuspected
Max n analyzer
11. Cadmium (as Cd), 0.01 Beyond this, the water becomes toxic No relaxation - To be tested when pollution
mg/L, issuspected
12. Selenium (as Se), 0.01 Beyond this, the water becomes toxic No relaxation 28 0f 3025: To be tested when pollution
mg/L, 1964 issuspected
13. Arsenic (as As) mg/L, 0.05 Beyond this, the water becomes toxic No relaxation 3025 (Part 37) To be tested when pollution
Max 1988 issuspected
14. Cyanide (as CN) 0.05 Beyond this, the water becomes toxic No relaxation 3025 (Part 27) To be tested when pollution
mg/L, 1986 issuspected
15. Lead (as Pb) mg/L, 0.05 Beyond this, the water becomes toxic No relaxation - To be tested when pollution
Max is suspected
16. Zinc (as Zn) mg/L, 5 Beyond this limit it can cause 15 39 0f 3025: To be tested when pollution
Max astringent taste and an opalescence in 1964 is suspected
17. Amonic detergent (as 0.2 Beyond this limit it can cause a light 1 Methylene-blue To be tested when pollution
MBAS) mg/L, Max froth in water extraction issuspected
18. Chromium (as Cr+) 0.05 May be carcinogenic above this limit - 38 of 3025: To be tested when pollution
mg/L, max 1964 issuspected
19. Polynuclear aromatic - May be carcinogenic above this limit - - -
hydrocarbon (as
PAH) g/L, Max
20. Mineral oil mg/L, 0.01 Beyond this limit undesirable taste 0.03 Gas -
Max and odor after chlorination takeplace Chromatograph
21. Pesticides mg/L, Max Absent Toxic 0.001 - -
22. RadioactiveAlpha - - 0.1 58 of 3025: -
emitters Bq/L,Max 01964
23. Radioactive - - 1 58 of 3025: -
Bet 01964
a emitters pci/L,Max
24. Aluminium (as Al), 200 Beyond limit taste becomes 600 13 of 3025: -
mg/L Max thi 1964
s unpleasant
25. Aluminium (as Al), 0.03 Cumulative effect is reported to cause 0.2 31 of 3025: -
mg/L Max dementia 1964
26. Boron, mg/L, Max 1 - 5 29 of 3025: -
Source: Indian Standard Drinking water Specification- IS 10500: 2012 ®
Noise Level Standards
Category Noise level for Day Time Leq dB Noise level for Night Time dB
(A) (A)
Industrial area 75 70
Commercial area 65 55
Residential area 55 45
Silence Zone 50 40
Day Time- 6.00 am –10.00 pm (16hours)
Night Time- 10.00 pm –6.00 am (8hours)
Silence Zone: The silence zone includes a radius of 100 m around premises where loud noise is prohibited (including hospitals and
educational institutions)
Source: CPCB, 1989, GOI.
Standards for Suspended Particulate Matter for Stone CrushingUnit
The suspended particulate matter measured between 3 to 10 meters from any process equipment of a stone crushing unit shall
not exceed 600µg/m3
(Source: EPA Notification [G.S.R. 742(E) dt. 30th Aug; 1990] & [S.O. 8(E) dt. Dec. 31, 1990)
B. Social Management Plan (SMP)
Sl.No Social Issue Mitigation Measures Supervision Remarks
Planning Execution
P.1 Assessment The PMU SCDGS and DSC Social Contractor Social Specialist As per site condition
of Impacts specialist shall assess impacts and
revise /modify the SMP and other
required sections of the project
C.1 Labour Camp The construction contractors set up Contractor Social Specialist and
their construction camps in identified Field PIU
locations where labour force required
for the construction activities will be
provided with temporary residential
accommodation and other necessary
Infrastructure facilities.
Provide all the Infrastructure facilities, Contractor Social Specialist and
such as acceptable accommodation, Field PIU
potable water, sanitation, etc. to labor
In Labor camps along with Insurance
lo the laborers. Foreseeing the
Involvement of women, both direct and
Indirect In the construction activities,
IA shall ensure certain measures that
are required to be taken by the
construction extractor towards welfare
and wellbeing of women and children
during the construction haze.
During the construction, the families of Contractor Social Specialist and
Temporary laborers/workers should be provided Field PIU
Housing with residential accommodation
suitable to nuclear families
Every Sub Project should have First According to site execution the
Aid Box to provide minimum medical contractor provided the First Aid
Health PIU Social Specialist
C.4 attention to tackle first-aid Box to provide minimum medical
Problems and Field PIU
requirements attention to tackle first-aid
Sl.No Social Issue Mitigation Measures Supervision Remarks
Planning Execution
Linkage with nearest higher order Contractor.
hospital (Primary Health Centers - It
covers population of 20,000 and is
present In rural areas) to refer patients
of major illnesses or critical cases and
to handle health problems of the
workers by providing basic health care
facilities throe h these centres.
Also Linkage with other health centre Contractor
which has MCW (Mother and Child
Welfare) units for treating mothers and
children In the camp. Apart from this,
the health centre should provide with
for regular vaccinations required - for
Display Emergency number (Police fire Contractor
and Hospitals at all subprojects.
Minors, i.e. persons below the age of The contractor has due care to
14 years, should be restricted from not engage Child Labour in PIU Social Specialist
C.11 Child Labour
getting involved in the construction construction activities and is and Field PIU
activities strictly adhered to.
Sl.No Social Issue Mitigation Measures Supervision Remarks
Planning Execution
Ensure key legal provisions related to
women at all project viz:
a. Protection of woman from domestic
Key Legal The contractor abides by key
violence Act, 2005
Provision legal provisions related to PIU Social Specialist
C.12 b. The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act,
Related to women at all the project sites and Field PIU
woman and strictly adheres to comply.
c. The Immoral Traffic (Prevention)
Act, 1956
d. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
A grievance Redress System will be
formed. The grievances resolving
period is from one week to one month
at various levels depending on the
Grievance The contractor will provide the
grievance. PIU Social Specialist/
C.12 Redress Grievance Redress System and
Mechanism prepare a GRC.