1. Implementation of Revised guidelines and rules - The revised guidelines and rules
shall be implemented gradually as mentioned below -
B.Com. Sem I & II from Academic year 2018- 19
B.Com. Sem III & IV from Academic year 2019- 20
B.Com. Sem V & VI from Academic year 2020- 21
2. Eligibility Criteria: As per Ordinance – O. B. Com. 1
3. Pattern of CBCS - The pattern for the purpose of Semester end examinations shall be
as mentioned below:
i. B. Com. Sem I & II :- 50 marks University Semester end examination for each
theory paper in each Semester.
ii. B. Com. Sem III & IV:- 50 marks University Semester end examination for each
theory paper in each Semester except Environmental Studies. Only for
Environmental Studies in Semester IV, 70 marks shall be for University examination
for theory paper and 30 marks for project work.
iii. B. Com. Sem V & VI :- 40:10 pattern shall be applicable for each theory paper in
each semester wherein 40 marks shall be for University Semester end examination
and 10 marks for internal assessment.
4. Weightage: There shall be 1900 marks for 3 years B. Com. CBCS Program with 148
Credits. 4 Credits for each course with 24 credits for each Semester except for Sem IV
28 Credits.
CGPA=Total credits of a semester × SGPA of respective semester of all semesters Total course
credits of all semesters
12. Result - The result of each semester shall be declared as Pass or Fail with grade/ grade
13. Revised Rules - These revised rules shall be gradually implemented with effect from
the academic year 2018 -19 for B.Com. Degree program. However the existing (i.e.
pre-revised) rules shall remain in force for the students of old semester pattern during
the transition period.
List of courses:
These courses are of Self Study mode. The study material of all above
courses will be made available on University website.
The Examination of each of the course will be of 50 marks having 25
MCQ questions. Minimum 20 marks (40%) out of 50 are required for
The duration of examination shall be 60 minutes.
The examination shall be conducted at the college level.
The list of all candidates along with marks is to be submitted by the
Principle to the University.
The degree will be awarded only after successful completion of these
The performance of students regarding Non-Credit courses (CCC & SDC)
shall be separately mentioned in Result-sheet as Pass or fail.
Equivalence of papers and chances for the students in previous-
Semester pattern –
The detailed syllabi for the various courses under CBCS pattern shall be as
shown in the appendix and shall be subject to such revision, modification etc. as
may be made by the Academic Council from time to time on the
CBCS R. B. Com. 6 recommendation of the Boards of Studies in different courses. The Text-Books
and Reference Books for the various courses shall be those as prescribed by the
Academic Council from time to time on the recommendations of the respective
Boards of Studies.
The medium of instruction for the Three Year (Six Semester) B.Com. Degree
CBCS R. B. Com. 7 Program may be either Marathi or English. A candidate shall have an option of
answering question papers at B.Com. Examination, either in English or in
Marathi in all courses except English, Accountancy and Business Statistics.
i. The Principal of the college may permit a student to change his optional
subject/ subjects in the first term only before submission of dully filled
University Examination form.
CBCS R. B. Com. 8 ii. If a candidate wishes to change the elective (DSE) course (subject) at the
B.Com. Sem V examination, student will have to keep two additional
terms for the changed course (subject).
iii. If a candidate fails in the elective (DSE) course (subject) at the B.Com.
e:\cbcs 2018-19\cbcs programme 2018-19 final 2.6\b. com. programme.docx
Sem V & VI examination and wish to change elective (DSE) course
(subject), student will have to keep two additional terms for the changed
course (subject).
The Principal of the college has to certify the attendance and the examination
CBCS R. B. Com. 9 form of the candidate as per the Ordinance O. 31 and O. 37. A candidate has to
submit University examination form as per the schedule and dates prescribed by
the University for every Examination.
The Scheme of the Physical Education has been made operative for B. Com.
The benefit of marks, obtained by the students in Physical Education Tests (of
10 marks) conducted by the University authorities shall be as under :
1. If a student fails in up to four heads of passing of University examination
(Theory / Practical) and having passed in all the remaining heads of passing,
the marks obtained by him in the Physical Education Test shall be added to
maximum up to four heads of passing in which he has failed as the case may
be. A student getting the benefit of Physical Education marks should not be
given advantage of any other Ordinance. The Physical Education Marks shall
not be considered for the award of Class and for deciding merit.
2. If as a result of addition of Physical Education marks a student does not pass
CBCS R. B. Com. 10 the examination the marks obtained by him in Physical Education shall not be
3. The marks of Physical Education obtained by the unsuccessful students at
the B. Com. Part-I semester Examination shall be carried forward for their
subsequent attempt/s.
4. The marks obtained in Physical Education shall not be considered for
earning exemption in a subject of head of passing, but the marks will be
carried forward for availing the benefit at the subsequent attempts.
5. The marks secured by the students under the Physical Education scheme shall
be added to the total of his marks in the Examination irrespective of the fact of
his passing or failure in the examination. The Physical Education marks shall be
shown as “Total +P. E. Marks”.
(iii) If a candidate fails in all the courses (subject heads) of passing of Sem
V shall be allowed to proceed to Sem VI.
(v) ATKT rules are applicable for 2nd and 4th Sem.
(A) The Results of the Examination will be declared on the basis of marks
obtained, Grade points obtained, Credit points, Status, Percentage of marks,
Result, SGPA & CGPA with numerical grade point and letter grade. The list
of Courses, course code, Paper number of programme, numerical grade &
letter grade table and calculation of SGPA and CGPA table shall be
CBCS R. B. Com. 14 mentioned on the backside of mark-sheet.
(B) The result of B.Com. Program (Sem I to VI) shall be declared in Grades by
considering SGPA & CGPA (with percentage) based on the performances of
all the courses at respective semesters. The award of scholarships and prizes
for the B.Com. Program shall be determined on the basis of the aggregate
performance of the candidate at Sem I to VI examination.
Standard of Passing:
(B) Those of the successful candidates who obtain 45% or more of the
aggregate marks in Parts-I, II& III semester Examinations, (i.e. sem.I to VI)
shall be declared to have passed the B.Com. Degree Examinations in Second
Class and those obtaining 60% or more of the aggregate marks in Parts-I, II
& III Examinations (i.e.sem. I to VI) shall be declared to have passed the
B.Com. Degree Examinations in First Class and those obtaining 70% or
more of the aggregate marks in Parts-I, II & III (i.e.sem. I to VI) shall be
declared to have passed the B.Com. Degree Examination in First Class with
A candidate fail in maximum four heads of passing in Sem III & IV shall be
allowed to admit in Sem V.
A candidate who has satisfactorily kept one term in any of the Universities in the
State of Maharashtra for B.Com. Sem I examination shall be allowed to join for
the Sem II of the B.Com. Program, provided candidate has to clear for the all
CBCS R. B. Com. 17
courses (papers) of Sem I.
However, if the candidate‟s previous programme is not under CBCS, the
above provision will not be applicable.
A candidate passing Part – I or II Semester Examinations of the B.Com. Degree
programme under CBCS of the other Statutory Universities in State of
Maharashtra can take admission to next semester of Shivaji University and the
marks of earlier semesters of previous Statutory University be converted in
proportion to Shivaji University, Marks structure and grades be awarded
However, if the candidate‟s previous programme is not under CBCS, the
CBCS R. B. Com. 18 above provision will not be applicable.
Those students who have obtained A.T.K.T., at any examinations of other
Statutory Universities and desire to migrate to Shivaji University for pursuing
their further studies will have to clear the failed subjects of A.T.K.T. from the
previous University.
In case of such students the previous University should issue the migration
Certificate and also allow them to appear for the Examination in the failed
subject of A.T.K.T. while they pursue their studies in Shivaji University.
Exemption of courses (subjects)
a) A candidate who wish to admit for B.Com. and already passed Bachelor of
Arts and Bachelor of Science of this University with English, Marathi OR
Kannada OR Urdu OR Hindi course (subject) are not necessary to appear
B.Com. Examination again for same subject.
b) A Bachelor of Law (L.L.B.) of any other statutory University in the State of
CBCS R. B. Com. 19 Maharashtra passing candidate be exempted for the course Business
Regulatory Framework at B.Com. Sem V & VI.
A candidate claiming exemptions as stated above shall not be eligible for a
Class, however a candidate appearing for all the courses (papers) of B.Com.
Sem I to VI shall be eligible for a class.
However, the above mentioned rule shall not be applicable for other
University student.
Exemption of courses (subjects)
CBCS R. B. Com. 20
a) A candidate who wish to admit for B.Com. and already passed Bachelor
of Arts of this University with Economics course (subject) are not
However, the above mentioned rule shall not be applicable for other
University student.
(Note: The concessions given above are on reciprocal basis).
a) A candidate who has appeared for the B.Com. Sem I & II or Sem III & IV
Examination of this or any other University as an external/distance mode will
not be allowed for B. Com. Sem III & IV or Sem V & VI respectively to join
the college as a regular candidate.
b) A candidate who has appeared for the B.Com. Sem I & II or Sem III & IV
Examination of this or any other University as a regular candidate will be
allowed for B. Com. Sem III & IV or Sem V & VI respectively to join
distance mode. Such candidate shall be treated as an external/distance mode
c) Deleted and already taken in R. B. Com. 15 : Standard of Passing.
CBCS R. B. Com. 21 d) A Candidate who has passed in any of the heads of passing shall not be
allowed to appear again in that head only for Sem I to IV and compulsory
courses of Sem V & VI.
e) „Practical‟ will be a separate head of passing.
f) For the students from distance mode, the same syllabi, examination system
(such as semester system, scheme of marking, schedule of examination and
Question Paper) shall be made applicable as per regular B.Com. CBCS
Program. Those students registered as external / distance mode candidate
shall have to submit one home assignment for each course (paper) (in each
semester) carrying 10 marks as a part of internal evaluation system, to the
respective Study Centre notified and approved by the university.
a) The course of studies and syllabi and books prescribed / recommended under
it and the standard for passing at the examination for the Degree of
Commerce for candidates appearing for the same as external /distance mode
CBCS R. B. Com. 22 candidates shall be identical with those for the regular students of the
University appearing for the examination.
b) An external/distance mode student shall not offer at an examination any of the
courses (subjects) for which there is no teaching provision in any of the
affiliated colleges of the University.
Total 24 19.2 24 - 240 ----- Theory + Internal
240 + 60 = 300
THEORY (TH) THEORY Internal Exam
Sr. No.
No. Course of Credit
Type lectu s
1 CC-C2 4 3.2 4 2 40 14 10 04
2 CC-C4 4 3.2 4 2 40 14 10 04
3 CC-C6 4 3.2 4 2 40 14 Internal 10 04
4 CC-C8 4 3.2 4
2 40 14 Exam 10 04
5 DSE - III 4 3.2 4 PRACTICAL 2 40 14 10 04
6 DSE - IV 4 3.2 4 2 40 14 10 04
Total 24 19.2 24 - 240 ----- Theory + Internal
240 + 60 = 300
Theory + Internal
Grand Total 48 38.4 48 - - 480 ----
480 + 120 = 600
Note :
Note :
Note :
i) No candidate shall be allowed to enter upon the course for the B.Com. -III (Sem-V &
VI) examination unless he has passed the B.Com. –II (Sem.-III & IV) examination of
this University or an examination of any other Statutory University recognised as
equivalent thereto. However a candidate passing in all heads of passing or a candidate
passing in all heads of passing except four heads of University (Theory/ Practical )
Examination of B.Com.-II (Sem-III & IV) taken together) of this University shall be
permitted to enter upon the course of B.Com. Part-III.
O. B. Com.3
For admission to B.Com. Part-III examination or for keeping term for B.Com.
Part-III examination, a candidate shall have to pass in all heads of passing of
B.Com. Part-I (Sem. I & II) examination.
ii) No candidate shall be admitted to the B.Com. Part-III examination unless he has
satisfactorily kept two terms for the same at a college affiliated to this University. This
provision shall not be made applicable to those students who have registered for B.Com.
degree course under distance mode.
O. B. Com. 4 The fee for admission to the B.Com. Part-I, Part-II and Part-III shall be as prescribed by
the university from time to time.
Sr. Level Class Activity Week & Month
1 UG B. A. Test – I 2nd Week of August
Test – II 1st Week of September
B. Com Term End Examination 2nd Week of October
University Theory Examination 1st Week of October
B.C.A. University Practical 1st Week of October
B. Sc. Tutorial – I 1st Week of August
Tutorial – II 3rd Week of September
B. Sc. Term End Examination 4th Week of September
Comp. University Practical 3rd Week of September
Science Examination
B.Voc University Theory Examination 1st Week of October
2 PG M. A. Test – I 3rd Week of August
Assignment 1st Week of September
Marathi Group Discussion/Seminar 2nd Week of September
Hindhi Project Work 2nd Week of October
Economics Test – II 4th Week of October
Elective course examination 2nd Week of November
M. Com University Examination 1st Week of December
M. Sc. Test – I 3rd Week of August
Assignment 1st Week of September
Organic Group Discussion/Seminar 2nd Week of September
& Project Work 2nd Week of October
Analytical Test – II 4th Week of October
Chemistry Elective course examination 4th Week of November
University Examination 1st Week of December
Sr. Level Class Activity Week & Month
1 UG B. A. Test – I 2nd Week of August
Test – II 1st Week of September
B. Com Term End Examination 2nd Week of October
University Theory Examination 1st Week of October
B.C.A. University Practical 1st Week of October
B. Sc. Test – I 1st Week of August
Test – II 3rd Week of September
B. Sc. Term End Examination 4th Week of
Comp. September
Science University Practical 3rd Week of September
B. Voc Examination
University Theory Examination 1st Week of October
2 PG M. A. Written test – I 3rd Week of August
Assignment 1st Week of September
Marathi Group Discussion/Seminar 2nd Week of September
Hindi Project Work 2nd Week of October
Economics Written test – II 4th Week of October
Elective course examination 2nd Week of
M. Com November
University Examination 1st Week of December
M. Sc. Written test – I 3rd Week of August
Assignment 1st Week of September
Organic Group Discussion/Seminar 2nd Week of September
& Project Work 2nd Week of October
Analytical Written test – II 4th Week of October
Chemistry Elective course examination 4th Week of November
University Examination 1st Week of December