sieve analysis mahmoud alsuht 140330 (3+4)

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Geotechnical engineering lab CE463.

EXP #2 Sieve Analysis.

Student name:Mahmoud Yousef Alsuht

Student number:140330
Section number (2) date:10/11/2021

In civil engineering before we build or create a road etc..we have to
know the land properties that make us able to comblete our mission
So we make some experiments the most important is the sieve
analysis which give us a grain size distribution of the soil that give us
the the green light or not.
Sieves are made of woven wires with square openings. Note that. as
the sieve number increases the size of the openings
showm in the figure below.
the No. 200 sieve is the sieve with the smallest opening that should
be used for the test
The sieve analysis determines the gradation (the distribution of
aggregate particles, by size, within a given sample) in order to
determine compliance with design, production control requirements,
and verification specifications.

In the beginning we weight a 500g of soil sample
Then we weight each empty sieve alone and record
data accurately
Sort sieves form large to smallest opens (sieve 4-10-20-
40-80-140-200) end with pan
Put the soil in graded sieves and close the top cover
Put the sieves in shaker to 10 min
Weight each sieve with soil that retain on it and record
compute the retaining soil on each sieve also find percent
result and calculation
Wt of soil retained on sieve =(wt of sieve with soil)-(wt of
empty sieve)
#4 :487.41-4445=42.91……..pan
𝑤𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
%retained = *100%
𝑡𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
Retained on #4= 500 ∗ 100% =8.58%

Comulative %= %retained on sieve +previous retained

Comulative % on #10=(8.58)+(49.45)=58.03%
Percent passing%=100-cum.ret
Percent passing #20=100-88.33=11.67
𝑤𝑡−𝑤 500−493.145
Mass loss%= = =1.37%
𝑤 500

Seive no Wt of Wt of Wt of %retained %cumulative %Passing Sieve

sieve (g) sieve and soil size
soil (g) retained (mm)
on sieve
4 444.5 487.41 42.91 8.58 8.58 91.42 4.75
10 337.95 585.21 247.26 49.45 58.03 41.97 2.00
20 332.40 483.92 151.52 30.3 88.33 11.67 0.85
40 276.01 317.76 41.75 8.35 96.68 3.32 0.60
60 322.56 329.16 6.6 1.32 98 2 0.425
140 299.80 302.93 3.13 0.626 98.626 1.374 0.25
200 300.20 300.45 0.25 .0005 98.627 1.373 0.106
pan 342.40 343.76 1.36 0.0027 98.629 1.371 ---------

Grain size distribution

percent passing %

0.1 1 10
particle size (mm)
𝐷30∗𝐷30 2.7∗2.71 𝑑10 3.5
Cc= 𝐷60𝐷10 = 3.2
=2.1 Cu=𝑑60 = 0.9 = 3.8

From this experiment we can see the grain size distribution
(above) so our sample have two sizes represent the high
percent of soil and this is not a good soil because lacking of
other sizes that make soil unstable
The curve -is nearly vertical. This indicates that the soil is
From calculating uniformity coefficient and the coefficient of
gradation we find that Cu less than 6 and Cc nearly 1 so our
soil is not will greaded or gap graded
Our soil is poorly graded because of the high percent of
retained soil on sieve 10+20 comparing with the others
In other words all soil retained in sieve #40
For well graded The particle sizes are distributed over a wide
range, Uniformity coefficient (Cu) is greater than about 4 for
gravels and 6 for sands. Coefficient of gradation between 1
and 3 (for gravels and sands)
The loss in soil is 1.37% and it isn’t exceed the standered

our soil is poor graded due to the uniform line as well as uniformally
cofficent less than 6 for sand and it contains non equal proportion of
all particle size
for gravel well graded should be more than 4
in many cases representative sampling cannot be achieved by single
time of shaking is a very important to optain a true pictures of the
properities of stockpile or source of material
if the soil sample does not maching the astm limits the sample
grading can be changed by adding specific sizes so that the limit can
be achived
the loss of soil is due to the shaker and volatility of dust
we must be carfull and accurate when we weight

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