Equation Sheet Exam 2
Equation Sheet Exam 2
Equation Sheet Exam 2
Chapter 4: Forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion Chapter 6: Circular Motion, Orbits and Gravity
Important Concepts
Centripetal acceleration: 𝑎 =
Newton’s First Law Frequency and Period: 𝑓 =
Newton’s Second Law: Σ𝐹⃗ = 𝑚𝑎⃗
Centripetal Force: Σ𝐹 =
Newton’s Third Law
Short Catalogue of forces: Apparent forces in circular motion
o Weight: 𝑤⃗ = 𝑚𝑔⃗ Orbital motion: 𝑣 = 𝑔𝑟, 𝑇 =
o Spring Force 𝐹⃗ Newton’s Law of Gravity: 𝐹⃗ =
o Tension: 𝑇⃗
o Finding 𝑔 on other worlds: 𝑔 =
o Normal force: 𝑛⃗
o Friction: 𝑓⃗, 𝑓⃗ o Gravity and Orbits: 𝑣 =
o Drag: 𝐷⃗
o Orbital Period and radius: 𝑇 = 𝑟
o Thrust: 𝐹⃗
Free-body diagrams