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Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Physics 2

Lecture 3
Electric Potential

Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS 1

Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Processes occurring during thunderstorms

cause large differences in electric potential
between a thundercloud and the ground.
The result of this potential difference is an
electrical discharge that we call lightning,
such as this display over Tucson, Arizona.
(© Keith Kent/ Photo Researchers, Inc.)

Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential Energy

Conservative Field
Remember the gravitational force and field? They are said to be conservative.
• The work done by gravity in moving an object of mass m from A to B is
independent of the path taken; it depends only on the endpoints A and B.
• More generally, a force F is said to be conservative if its line integral around a
 
 Fds  0
closed loop vanishes:

Let’s consider an isolated positive point charge q. For an

infinitesimal displacement ds, the work done by the electric field
 
on the charge is dW  Fds  q0 Eds
• The work done by the electric field of q in moving q0 from
A to B is B
  qq0 rB dr qq0  1 1 

WA B  Fds 
4 
0 r r

  
0  rA rB 

• The electrostatic field of a point charge q is a conservative

• The electrostatic field of any system of point charges is a 3
conservative field (Principle of superposition ).
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential Energy

Electric Potential Energy Ui
• For an infinitesimal displacement ds,
the work done by the electric field on the
charge is    
dW  Fds  q0 Eds
• The potential energy of the charge–
field system is decreased by an amount Uf
   
- dU  dW  Fds  q0 Eds
• For a finite displacement of the charge
from a point i to a point f, the change in
potential energy of the system is
f f
 

 - dU   dW  q0  Eds
i i i

  f
  f
U  U f  U i  Wif  q0  Eds U f  W  q0  Eds
i  4

Reference potential energy Ui = 0 at infinity (i → ∞)

Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential
Electric Potential
• The potential energy per unit charge U/q0 is independent of the value of q0 and
has a unique value at every point in an electric field. This quantity U/q0 is called
the electric potential (or simply the potential)V.
• The electric potential at arbitrary point P in an electric field equals the work
required per unit charge to bring a positive test charge from infinity to that point.
P 
U W 
VP      Eds
q0 q0 

• The electric potential V is a scalar, not a vector.

• Unit : Volt (V), 1V=1J/1C
• The potential difference between any two points A and B is the work required per
unit charge to bring a positive test charge from one point to the other
B  A 
U WBA  
V  VB  VA      Eds   Eds
q0 q0 A B
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential
Electric Potential
B  A 
U WBA  
V  VB  VA      Eds   Eds
q0 q0 A B

Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential
Electric potential of a point charge

• By definition, the electric potential at point P a distance r

away from a point charge q is given by
P  P r
U W 
VP      Eds    Eds cos     Edr
q0 q0   
• The electric field E due to the point charge q at point P is
of the form
1 q
E (r ) 
4 0 r 2
• The electric potential V due to a point charge q at point P
is of the form
r r
1q 1 q
VP    Edr    dr 
 
4 0 r 2
4 0 r
• The potential difference between two points A and B is
given by
q 1 1
V  VB  VA    

4 0  rB rA 
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential
Electric potential of a point charge
In 1911 Ernest Rutherford and his assistants Geiger and Marsden conducted an experiment
in which they scattered alpha particles from thin sheets of gold. An alpha particle, having
charge +2e and mass 6.64×10-27 kg, is a product of certain radioactive decays. The results
of the experiment led Rutherford to the idea that most of the mass of an atom is in a very
small nucleus, with electrons in orbit around it—his planetary model of the atom. Assume
an alpha particle, initially very far from a gold nucleus, is fired with a velocity of 2.00×107
m/s directly toward the nucleus (charge +79e). How close does the alpha particle get to the
nucleus before turning around? Assume the gold nucleus remains stationary.
• Using conservation of energy, we have Kf +Uf = Ki +Ui
• Very far from a gold nucleus
m v2i
Ui  qVnucleus  0 K i 
• At the turning point, a distance rmin away from the nucleus
1 q qnucleus m v2f
Uf  qVnucleus(rmin )  K f  0
4 0 rmin 2
• Thus m v2i 1 q qnucleus
K i  Uf  rmin  2.74 10-14 m  27.4 fm 8

2 4 0 rmin
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Potential Due to a Group of Point Charges

Superposition principle
The total electric potential at some point P due to several point charges is the
algebraic sum of the potentials due to the individual charges.

 For a group of point charges, we can write the total electric potential at P in
the form n n
1 qi
V  Vi  
i 1 i 1 4 0 ri

where ri is the distance from the point P to the charge qi.

 Note that the sum in the equation above is an algebraic sum of scalars rather
than a vector sum (which we use to calculate the electric field of a group of
charges). Thus, it is often much easier to evaluate V than to evaluate E.

Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Potential Due to a Group of Point Charges

Potential due to an electric dipole
Consider an Electric dipole shown in figure below. Find the electric potential at an
arbitrary point P on the x axis and make a plot.
• An electric dipole is a system of two opposite point charges
Thus one can apply directly the superposition principle
2 2
1 qi
V  Vi  
i 1 i 1 4 0 ri
• The electric potential at an arbitrary point P on the x axis is
1 q 1 q q  1 1 
V ( x)  V q  Vq      
4 0 x  a 4 0 x  a 4 0  x  a x  a 
• Make a plot?
• One can rewrite the electric potential as
q  1 1  q  1 1 
V ( x)       
4 0  x  a x  a  4 0 a  x / a  1 x / a  1 
• Then plot the dimensionless electric potential V(x)/V0 ,
with V0 = q/(4πε0a) as a function of x/a. 10
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Potential Due to a Group of Point Charges

Potential due to an electric dipole
q  1 1 
V ( x)    
4 0 a  x / a  1 x / a  1 
V ( x) V ( x)  1 1 
     F ( x / a)
V0  q   x / a  1 x / a  1 
 
 4 0 

Question: As can be seen from the graph, V (x)

diverges at x/a =±1 , where the charges are
located. Any thought?

Find the electric potential at an arbitrary point Q 11

on the y axis.
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Potential Due to a Continuous Charge Distribution

Superposition principle
If the charge distribution is continuous, the potential at a point P can be found by
summing over the contributions from individual differential elements of charge dq.

• Consider the charge distribution shown in figure on

the right. Taking infinity as our reference point with
zero potential, the electric potential at P due to dq is
1 dq
dV 
4 0 r
• Summing over contributions from all differential
elements, we have

1 dq
V   dV  
4 0 r
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Potential Due to a Continuous Charge Distribution

Uniform charge ring
Consider a uniformly charged ring of radius R and charge density λ shown in figure below.
What is the electric potential at a point P located at a distance z from the center of the ring
along its axis of symmetry?
• Consider a small differential element dl on
the ring. That element carries a charge
dq  dl
• Taking infinity as our reference point with
zero potential, the electric potential at P due to
dq is
1 dq 1 dl
dV  
4 0 ( R 2  z 2 )1/ 2 4 0 ( R 2  z 2 )1/ 2
• Summing over contributions from all
differential elements on the ring, we have
1 dl 1 
V   dV     dl
4 0 ( R 2  z 2 )1/ 2 4 0 ( R 2  z 2 )1/ 2 ring

1  2R 1 Q
V 

4 0 ( R 2  z 2 )1/ 2 4 0 ( R 2  z 2 )1/ 2

Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential and Field

Calculating the Potential from the Field
P 
The electric potential at arbitrary point P in an U W 
electric field equals the negative of the work VP      Eds
q0 q0 
required per unit charge to bring a positive test
charge from infinity to that point.
Example: Uniform charge ring
 1 Qz 
E n
4 0 ( R  z )
2 2 3/ 2

  z
 1 Qz  

V ( z )   Eds   
 
 0 ( R 2
 z 2 3/ 2
n dzn

Q zdz 1 Q

V ( z)    1 Q
V ( z) 
4 0  ( R  z )
2 2 3/ 2
4 0 ( R 2  z 2 )1/ 2 4 0 ( R 2  z142 )1/ 2
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential and Field

Calculating the Field from the Potential
• The potential difference between any two points A and B is the work required per unit
charge to bring a positive test charge from one point to the other
B 
U WBA 
V  VB  VA      Eds
q0 q0 A
• If we consider two points which are separated by a small distance ds, the following
differential form is obtained  
dV   Eds
       
• In Cartesian coordinates, E  E i  E j  E k ds  dxi  dyj  dzk
x y z

• So we have
 
dV 
dx 
dy 

  
dz   Ex i  E y j  Ez k dxi  dyj  dzk 
• Which implies
V V V
Ex   ; Ey   ; Ez  
x y z 15
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential and Field

Calculating the Field from the Potential
V V V
Ex   ; Ey   ; Ez  
x y z

• By introducing a differential quantity called the ―del (gradient) operator‖

     
 i  j k
x y z
the electric field can be written as
  V  V  V  
E  V   i j k 
 x y z 

Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Electric Potential and Field

Calculating the Field from the Potential
  V  V  V  
E  V   i j k 
 x y z 

Example1: Point charge

1 q    
VP   V r  1 q r
4 0 r E  Er  V   
 r r  4 0 r r

Example 2: Uniform charge ring

1 Q
V ( z) 
4 0 ( R 2  z 2 )1/ 2
  1 Q  1 Qz 
E    k 
2 1/ 2 
z  4 0 ( R  z ) 
4 0 ( R  z )
2 2 3/ 2
Electric Potential Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Equipotential Surfaces
1. An equipotential surface is one where the potential is the same at every point.
2. No point can be at two potentials, so equipotentials never cross or touch each
3. The potential energy of a test charge is the same at all points on an equipotential.
4. E points from higher to lower potentials, along the direction in which the
potential decreases most rapidly. (Prove it)
5. The electric field lines are perpendicular to the equipotentials. (Prove it)
6. No work is required to move a particle along an equipotential surface. (Prove it)

Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Physics 2

Lecture 4
Capacitance and Dielectrics

 Capacitance
 Calculating capacitance
 Combinations of capacitors
 Electrical Energy stored in a charged capacitor
 Dielectrics

Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS 19

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

All of these devices are capacitors, which store electric charge and energy. A capacitor is
one type of circuit element that we can combine with others to make electric circuits. 20

(Paul Silverman/Fundamental Photographs)

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

 The electric potential V of the sphere is of the
4 0 a
 We may rewrite Q = C V
• C is a positive proportionality constant called
capacitance of the conductor.
• Physically, capacitance is a measure of the
capacity of storing electric charge for a given
electric potential.
• The SI unit of capacitance is the farad (F): 1
farad = 1 F =1 C/V
 From the definition of capacitance, we have
C   4 0 a
 Capacitance of the Earth
Q a 2 1 Q
C   4 0 a  7 104 F  0.7 mF E  21

V  0 r 2 4 0 r 2
Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

• A capacitor is a device which stores electric charge.
• Capacitors vary in shape and size, but the basic
configuration is two conductors carrying equal but
opposite charges.
• The simplest example of a capacitor consists of two
conducting plates of area A, which are parallel to each
other, and separated by a distance d, as shown in figure
Experiments show that the amount of charge Q stored
in a capacitor is linearly proportional to ΔV, the electric
potential difference between the plates. Thus, we may
write Q = C ΔV.
• C is a positive proportionality constant called
• Physically, capacitance is a measure of the
capacity of storing electric charge for a given
potential difference . The SI unit of capacitance is
the farad (F): 1 farad = 1 F =1 C/V
Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Charging a capacitor

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Calculating the Capacitance

General way to calculate the capacitance

1. Assume a charge Q on the plates.

2. Using Gauss’s law, calculate the electric field E between the plates.
3. Knowing E, calculate the potential difference ΔV between the plates from
B 

V  VB  VA    Eds

4. Calculate the capacitance C from Q = C ΔV.

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Calculating the Capacitance

Parallel-plate Capacitor
Consider two metallic plates of equal area A separated by a distance d, as shown in figure
below. The top plate carries a charge +Q while the bottom plate carries a charge –Q.

The electric field lines at the edge of the plates are not straight lines, and the field is
not contained entirely between the plates. This is known as edge effects, and the non-
uniform fields near the edge are called the fringing fields.

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Calculating the Capacitance

Parallel-plate Capacitor
In what follows, we shall ignore the edge effects and assume an idealized situation,
where field lines between the plates are straight lines .

 By choosing a Gaussian ―pillbox‖ with cap area

A′ to enclose the charge on the positive plate, the
electric field in the region between the plates is
  Qenclosed  '

  A
E dA
EA ' 
 The potential difference between the plates is
 

V  V  V   Eds  Ed

 From the definition of capacitance, we have

Q 0 A
C 
V d 26
Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Calculating the Capacitance

Cylindrical Capacitor
Consider a solid cylindrical conductor of radius a surrounded by a coaxial cylindrical shell
of inner radius b, as shown in figure below. The length of both cylinders is L and we take
this length to be much larger than (b− a), the separation of the cylinders, so that edge
effects can be neglected. The capacitor is charged so that the inner cylinder has charge +Q
while the outer shell has a charge –Q. What is the capacitance?

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Calculating the Capacitance

Cylindrical Capacitor
 Due to the cylindrical symmetry of the system, we
choose our Gaussian surface to be a coaxial cylinder
with length L and radius r where a<r<b. Using
Gauss’s law, the electric field in the region between the
plates can be determined
  Qenclosed  Q
 EdA  E rˆ
0 2 0 Lr
 The potential difference between the plates is then
  Q b
V  V  V   
Eds 
2 0 L

 From the definition of capacitance, we have

2 0 L
C 28

ln(b / a)
Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Calculating the Capacitance

Spherical Capacitor
Let’s consider a spherical capacitor which consists of two concentric spherical shells of
radii a and b, as shown in figure below. The inner shell has a charge +Q uniformly
distributed over its surface, and the outer shell an equal but opposite charge –Q. What is the
capacitance of this configuration?

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Calculating the Capacitance

Spherical Capacitor

 1 Q
E rˆ
4 0 r 2

  Q 1 1
V  V  V    Eds    
4 0  a b 

4 0 ab
(b  a)

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Capacitors in Electric Circuits

Parallel Combination

Q1 Q
C1  and C2  2
V V

Q  Q1  Q2

Q Q1  Q2
Ceq    C1  C2
V V

Capacitors that are connected in parallel add. The generalization

to any number of capacitors is
Ceq  C1  C2  ...  Cn   Ci 31
i 1
Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Capacitors in Electric Circuits

Series Combination

Q  Q1  Q2
V  V1  V2   
C1 C2 Ceq

1 1 1
 
Ceq C1 C2

The generalization to any number of capacitors connected in series is

1 1 1 1 1
   ...  
Ceq C1 C2 Cn i 1 Ci

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Energy Stored in an Electric Field

Storing Energy in a Capacitor

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Energy Stored in an Electric Field

Storing Energy in a Capacitor
The work done in charging the capacitor
appears as electric potential energy U
stored in the capacitor.

 Suppose the amount of charge on the top plate at some instant is +q, and the
potential difference between the two plates is ΔV=q/C.
 The work necessary to transfer an increment of charge dq from the plate
carrying charge -q to the plate carrying charge +q is
dW  dqV  dq
 The total work required to charge the capacitor from q = 0 to some final
charge q = Q is W Q 2
q 1Q
W   dW   dq 
0 0
C 2 C
 This work is stored as potential energy U in the capacitor

1 Q2 1 1
U  CV 2  QV 34
2 C 2 2
Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Energy Stored in an Electric Field

Energy density
 In the case of a parallel-plate capacitor, with C=ε0A/d and ΔV=Ed, we have
1 0 A 1  V 
U  CV 2  V 2   0   Ad
2 2 d 2  d 
 Since the quantity Ad represents the volume between the plates, we can
define the electric energy density as
u  0E2
Although this result was derived for a parallel-plate capacitor, the expression
is generally valid. That is, the energy density in any electric field is
proportional to the square of the magnitude of the electric field at a given

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Energy Stored in an Electric Field

 Find the energy stored in a metallic sphere of radius a and charge Q.

 Find the energy stored in a spherical capacitor of radii a and b and of charge Q.

Find the energy stored in a cylindrical capacitor of radii a and b and of charge Q.

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Calculating the Capacitance

Parallel-plate Capacitor
In what follows, we shall ignore the edge effects and assume an idealized situation,
where field lines between the plates are straight lines .

 By choosing a Gaussian ―pillbox‖ with cap area

A′ to enclose the charge on the positive plate, the
electric field in the region between the plates is
  Qenclosed  '

  A
E dA
EA ' 
 The potential difference between the plates is
 

V  V  V   Eds  Ed

 From the definition of capacitance, we have

Q 0 A
C 
V d 37
Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Capacitors with dielectrics

Dielectrics without Battery

 If we insert a dielectric between the plates, while keeping the charge constant,
experimentally it is found that the potential difference decreases by a factor of κ.
V 

 This implies that the capacitance is changed to C  C0

Thus, we see that the capacitance has increased by a factor of κ. The electric
field within the dielectric is now weaken.
 V  1  V0  E0
E    
 d   d  
Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Capacitors with dielectrics

Dielectrics with Battery

 Consider a second case where a battery supplying a potential difference remains

connected as the dielectric is inserted. Experimentally, it is found (first by
Faraday) that the charge on the plates is increased by a factor of κ.
Q  Q0
 This implies that the capacitance is changed to C   0  C0
V0 V0
Thus, we see that the capacitance has again increased by a factor of κ.
 The dimensionless factor κ is called the dielectric constant of the material.

Capacitance Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

Capacitors with dielectrics

Types of Capacitors

Electric Charge and Field Ngac An Bang, Faculty of Physics, HUS

That’s enough for today

 Please try all the example problems given in your textbook. More problems
will be given to you.
 Feel free to contact me via email.

See you all next week!


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