Research data is any information that has been collected, observed or generated to
validate research findings. Data can be sourced from primary and secondary
Primary data sources are gotten from the field (e.g. questionnaire), while secondary
is gotten from an already documented source/ already existing.
There are three data collection methods namely
1. Survey; This includes the use of questionnaire or observation schedule.
2. Document In View.
3. Interview.
1. Qualitative Data; These are data representing concepts, ideas or
information that aren’t represented in numbers. This offers indebt insight and
allows one to explore phenomena’s based on context.
2. Quantitative Data; This refers to any information that can be quantified.
Once it can be counted or measured and given numerical value it is
quantitative in nature. Quantitative data is analyzed using statistical analysis
tools. E.g. Five people were making noise in the class, Levi is 1.7m tall.
The advantages of quantitative data over qualitative data are;
1. It is relatively quick and easy to collect
2. The data collected will tell you the type of statistical test to use.
3. Interpreting the data and presenting it is straight forward and less open to
The disadvantages of quantitative data over qualitative data are;
1. Sometimes it doesn’t tell the full story of the analysis.
2. By focusing mainly on numbers, there is a risk of missing larger information
that is beneficial.
In scientific research, scales of measurement are;
1. Nnary ominal scale. (Can be categorized or grouped e.g. Male or Female,
Pass or Fail)
2. Ordinal Scale. (They are ranked e.g. 100 lvl, 200 lvl, 300 lvl)
3. Interval Scale. (They are categorized, Ranked and Evenly spaced e.g.
Quantitative research can be reported in three levels;
1. Univariate Analysis; This looks at the behavior and characteristics of research
finding, variable by variable . This means that a variable is described by its
behavior through frequency distribution and descriptive summary measures .
Measures of central tendency
Measures of dispersion
Measures of asymmetry
2. Bivariate Analysis; This takes into consideration the interaction between any
two variables. It describes the significant relationship or differences between
any two variables;
Chi-square test
Spearman R’ho correlation
Pearson product moment correlation
Point Bi-serial correlation
3. Multivariate Analysis; This describes the relationship between a number of
independent variables and a single variable e.g.
OLS(Ordinary Least Square).
Multinomial progression.
Measures Of Central Tendency.
The central tendency is stated as a statistical measure that represents the
single value of a data set, it aims to provide an accurate description of the
entire data in the distribution. There are three in number namel. There are
three in number namely;
Mean. (Average of a set)