Submitted: September 2022, Revised: September 2023, Accepted: September 2023, Published: September 2023
Background: The theme of friendship in anime is often why an anime fan makes
an anime title his/ her favorite. One Piece by Eiichiro Oda is an anime themed on
the friendship of pirate crews. It aired on Indonesia’s private television station in the
2000s. In One Piece, the word “nakama” is assumed to represent the sincere bonds
of friendship offered by the character Luffy. But there’s also an assumption about
the hidden meaning of making someone into their Nakama. Not the one celebrated
by the fans, but a reciprocal deed of a human being who needs another person’s
help to reach their ambition. The assumption is up because One Piece fan who was
touched by this character’s charisma also called themselves “nakama.” Purpose:
Find out the dominant, negotiation, and opposition regarding the scene of “nakama”
explanation by the character Nami in anime episode 102. Methods: This research
used a qualitative method with a reception analysis approach by Stuart Hall. An in-
depth interview was conducted with four informants who had been fans of One Piece
since childhood and studied Japanese language and culture. Results: This research
revealed that “nakama” has a biased meaning and does not only refer to “sincere
friendship .”The informant’s answers were also influenced by their knowledge of
Japanese culture learned in college and their everyday socializing experiences. Two
informants are in the dominant hegemony position, and the rest are in a negotiation
position because they have not found someone like “nakama” in the One Piece
anime. Implications: Provide information about how the audience learning the
Japanese language and culture view the meaning of “nakama” in their favorite
anime and their view about friendship in real life.
Correspondence: Mery Kharismawati, S.S., M.Si. Vocational School. Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl.
Persatuan, Blimbing Sari, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281 Email:
[email protected]
ISSN: 2548-687X (Printed), ISSN: 2549-0087 (Online). Website:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
( Copyright © 2023 The Author(s).
219 ProTVF, Volume 7, No. 2, 2023, pp. 218-233
as my ‘Nakama’?” In another example, Luffy various factors, including the subjectivity of the
said, “Koukaishi toshite Nakama ni naranai?” message’s recipient, so sometimes it produces
(“Be my Nakama as navigator for my ship”) on various meanings (Hall, 2006). The message
the character of Nami (Oda, 2002). of friendship is received by “One Piece” fans
One of the most touching scenes about this and manifested in how they call their fellow
‘Nakama’ meaning was footage from episode fans the term “Nakama (Avriarno et al., 2022)
102. This episode reveals the definition of (Ramadhan, 2013). Avriarno et al. (2022)
“Nakama,” said Nami, the navigator(during the wrote that Luffy, as the main character in One
Alabasta arc). Nami thought humans could not Piece, encourages members (his Nakamas)
do all things alone with their abilities; humans to join or rejoin the crew. The theme of OP is
needed help from other people (Nakama). the pirate’s attempt to make his dream come
Someone must be able to help or do something true. The message of this manga is about the
useful for his Nakama because their relationship importance of never giving up when you have
is meaningless if not. Nami said this because a goal you want to achieve. This statement also
she remembered Luffy’s words, who believed implies that friendship has important value in
he could not live without his crew. Luffy can not the story. Manga and comics are tools, and they
navigate the ship like Nami, sword fighting like have the function of conveying a message. As
Zoro, a healer like Chopper, cook like Sanji, or a medium, comic messages are generally clear
shoot and tell lies like Usopp. and pleasant.
However, if necessary, Luffy can fight with For that, manga, media, or books can be a
all his might and sacrifice himself to save people source of learning. In line with Avriarno, Kopper
who experience injustice. Luffy comes to his (2020)in his article also states that anime as a
prospective crew, who are facing problems, and popular culture is a medium or tool to influence
makes significant changes to their life so that audiences on how to behave and act in the real
in the end, they are willing to be recruited or world. Kopper (2020) and Abdenour (2021)
voluntarily offer themselves to become Luffy’s depicted One Piece as a pirate story. It ties into
ship crew members. Luffy’s sincerity in helping the intertextual milieu of what pirates stand for
others (especially his crew) is a characteristic of in popular culture-symbolizing a challenge to an
the substantial value of friendship in the anime/ established order of states, thereby encouraging
manga of “One Piece.” readers to reflect on problems of global order
Anime as a medium contains a message to critically.
be conveyed to the audience. In Stuart Hall’s In older research, Yasuda (2011) describes
communication model, a message is received how Luffy’s unique ability caused many people
in a non-linear process but is influenced by to want to support him. Yasuda’s thoughts
receive media texts and interpret them based on disapproval. Audiences also explain their lives,
their culture and background knowledge. The personal experiences, behavior, and social
media can encode whatever meaning they wish experiences in this ideology. Audiences are
to convey or influence through encoding and categorized as “operating within a dominant
decoding. However, it is up to the audience how code.”
they decode or interpret the media text, in which The second position is negotiation. Here, the
case the result may not be mutually beneficial. audience mixes their interpretation with certain
Qualitative research is the best paradigm to social experiences they have experienced. The
follow to find audience reception on something. audience acts between adapting and opposing
Qualitative research is often called flexible the messages conveyed by the media. The third
because it respects every possibility when position is the opposition, which is the opposite
data collection is carried out. It is because this of the representation the media message offers
research is cultural research that appreciates (Hall, 2006, p.70). This type has characteristics
and interprets the subjectivity of those being that are defined as frustrated audiences
studied. The material object of this qualitative compared to audiences who are comfortable
research is excerpts from the anime “One with the message given.
Piece” episode 102, which shows the meaning As one of the audiences of One Piece, we
of “nakama” from the perspective of the assume that (1) friendship in “One Piece” is
character Nami. This scene is considered a very based on the desire to fulfill a need that must
touching moment because of the strong bonds be fulfilled by presenting other people to fill
of friendship depicted. one’s needs/ deficiencies. (2) “One Piece” fans
This idea is further developed by popular consider the friendship that appears in “One
culture fan researchers who state that media Piece” as an ideal form of friendship. Based
audiences, especially fans, not only have the on those assumptions, this study aims to reveal
power to negotiate the meaning of media texts, the audience’s understanding of the concept of
but they also have the power to reproduce “Nakama,” which is often brought up in the
or redefine it. There are three categories of anime of “One Piece” and by fans in real life.
audiences when decoding: dominant hegemony,
negotiation, and opposition (Hall, 2006, pp. 69- RESEARCH METHOD
70). The dominant-hegemonic position arises This qualitative research uses an in-depth
from the results of audience reception analysis interview method with four “One Piece” fans.
when they receive messages from the media. The informants were selected based on their
The audience takes the dominant ideology of experience following the anime “One Piece”
the program for granted without resistance or since it aired in Indonesia in 2000-2006. They
often acts carelessly, causing the other crew to The kabuNakama set the rules and officials,
get annoyed. However, Luffy always protects had collusion, and were granted business
his crew and does anything to help and protect protections and monopoly rights in return for
them. Luffy has a very stubborn nature and can payment of money for public ceremonies and
not be matched by anyone. He will do anything human services. Apart from mutually managing
to get what he wants, including acquiring his production and prices, the kabuNakamas carry
crew. With his belief that only with his crew out activities together, such as relaxing and
can he achieve his dream of becoming a Pirate worship (Heibonsha, 2019).
King, Luffy keeps trying to become stronger to According to Kojien, Daijirin, and digital
protect his friends. dictionaries, the definition of ‘Nakama’
The development of Luffy’s character indicates an ordinary relationship. On the
is based on Oda’s interest in samurai films other hand, ‘Nakama’ in One Peace refers to
that uphold the value of true heroism. Luffy’s the definition in the dictionary published by
character is described as having all the goodness Iwanami (Iwanami, 2019).
of a hero who fights for the people he wants to
protect. Luffy likes to help people and is willing
to help the oppressed. Luffy is like a samurai
(a person who shares the same feelings,
who always pays his debts to anyone. As a
whose hearts are united (literally), who
pirate, Luffy and his crew did not act as common do something together, and who maintains
friendly relations in a relatively long
pirate does; they tended to be good ones who
sought justice and fought the injustice led by
Several studies on Nakama in Japanese
the government (Kopper, 2020). According to
society conducted by(Cargile, 1998; Mc Hugh
Oda, Luffy is also described as a model of an
et al., 2010; and Nanba, 2005) show that
ideal child. Children who are always curious
referring to someone as a ‘Nakama’ implies
about new things are not afraid to try and never
that the person has affiliation and a common
give up on getting what they want (Toka, 2021)
goal. ‘Nakama’ is not more intimate than a
Historically, the term ‘Nakama’ referred
close friend (shinyuu) but more familiar than
to unions formed by commerce and industry
a common friend (tomodachi). Nakama can be
in the Edo period to protect common interests.
formed when individuals interact in a relatively
Among them, those who had obtained the
long period (not instantaneously formed in a
official permission of the shogunate and clan
short time). Research on Nakama also shows
were called “KabuNakama .”Since the number
the importance of reciprocal relationships,
of members of this group is limited, the right
manifested by tsukiai or activities carried out
to join it is transferred and sold as shares.
together and the pleasure experienced with
broadcast stopped because it was considered to unique because the crew/ Nakama come from
show scenes of violence and pornography. different families but can form strong emotional
The love of the four research subjects for bonds. It is like what he saw in the lives of the
One Piece is shown by their desire to find ways Japanese students he knew. According to him,
to enjoy the storyline of One Piece again after no Japanese students get more affection from
longer being broadcast on TV. When IZ was in friendship than family. Furthermore, ME said
junior high school, he lived outside Yogyakarta. that parents in Japan are already busy with
He admitted that he bought One Piece comics/ themselves, so their children are looking for
manga at Gramedia Yogyakarta, but in the end, affection outside of family ties.
after getting to know the Internet, she switched In addition to liking One Piece’s adventure
to online manga. IZ also knows the development stories, which are about traveling from island
of the One Piece story from his brother, who is to island with not monotonous stories, IZ also
already in college and has more access to the likes Oda’s imagination of monsters and the
Internet than him. RZ recalled watching anime uniqueness of the fictional world in One Piece.
on private TV when he was little (elementary IZ also revealed that the story of friendship
school) and then felt he had to catch up when attracted him to One Piece. He says a ‘Nakama’
he entered middle school. At that time, RZ, a is a ship’s crew with quotes (‘ship’s crew’).
Santri who lives in a boarding house, took turns According to Law No. 17/2008, a crew is a
buying One Piece comics. After high school, person who works or is employed on a ship by
RZ accessed the One Piece manga online and the owner or operator of the ship to perform
re-watched the anime from the first episode. duties on the ship by their position listed in the
Likewise, TI and ME are trying to follow the certificate book (Paralegal. id, 2008). IZ put
storyline of One Piece through other media, quotation marks here because the ‘Nakama’
such as the Internet and games. formed by Luffy does not fit the definition of an
IZ, RZ, and TI are interested in One Piece ordinary crew. After all, the relationship between
because of the story that smells of adventure ‘Nakama’ goes beyond just the captain and his
into the wide world and holds surprises; men. For IZ, ‘Nakama’ is a friendship that goes
meanwhile, ME likes One Piece because of the beyond ordinary friendship. According to him,
storyline and stories of friendship and because there is a strong bond in the ‘Nakama’ of the
One Piece depicts new relationships in Japanese Straw Hat pirates, which is without a hierarchy
society. According to ME, who had interacted of superiors and subordinates. IZ mentioned an
with Japanese people living in Japan, the new example that the crew could scold the captain,
relationship was a non-biological bond that such as when Nami, Sanji, Zoro, and others
bound the Straw Hat pirate crew. This bond is were angry at Luffy for his carelessness. The
following is a transcription of the interview All considered each other’s dreams equally
with IZ: important and fought together.
I first saw this series when I was a kid. TI, who is also impressed by the unique
If I am not mistaken, it was dubbed in
Indonesian because I watched it with my story of friendship in One Piece because of
brother. On TV, following my brother, I the fictional spice (character power from devil
saw it. However, I do not know, the show is
always about fighting, how come there are fruit), thinks that ‘Nakama’ are friends, but not
people with long hands, biting words, what ordinary friends. According to TI, who also
kind of anime is this?
In junior high school, I just looked for it plays One Piece games, ‘Nakama’ is closer
again—recaling memory. I used to look to the term ‘friend in arms .’He feels that
for the comics when I went to Jogja at
Gramedia bookstore. the use of ‘Nakama’ is only due to Japanese
Since I knew there was an Internet cafe terminology. For TI, ‘Nakama’ is similar to
near my house, I have been looking on the
Internet. the term ‘colleague’ in Indonesian, rather than
More to the manga, sensei. I used to be into friend (tomodachi) and close friend (yuujin) in
the manga.
I got my interest in One Piece manga in Japanese. The term ‘Nakama’ is used in certain
1999. groups only, such as the yakuza (organized
(IZ, personal interview, 2021)
syndicates, usually operating outside the law).
IZ argues that the bond that exists in this
‘Nakama’ can be applied to friendships between
‘Nakama’ is no longer an ordinary friendship.
more than two people, as a few would be called
Because even though they have not sailed
yuujin. Nakama is characterized by trust in each
together for long, the characters show strong
other’s roles on the Straw Hat ship called Going
attachment and loyalty when separated on the
island of Sabaody (Sabaody arc). On the island
What is the meaning of Nakama? As far
of Sabaody, Bartholomew Kuma from the navy as I understand, Nakama is a friend but
not a friend, more like a comrade; maybe
arrives and separates the ‘Nakama’ for two years
those with the same vision and mission,
(called time skip). In the time skip, each character so they fight together. In the OP, Nakama
is a friend, yes, a partner; in Japanese, if a
experiences development in both psychology
friend is Tomodachi, if a friend is yuujin,
and strength). IZ felt that the ‘Nakamas’ could just a matter of language.
When viewed from the OP, there is
have continued their lives in their new places if
something more about knowing each
they were just friends. However, the ‘Nakama’ other’s goals;
they trust each other, Like when Zoro said
became stronger in their bonds when separated.
that Luffy would become the pirate king. is
Everyone practiced to be stronger and reunite there, trusting each other’s abilities,
Nakama - closer than family, but if I see it
to realize Luffy’s dream while still holding on
from other dramas/animes, In other
to their dreams. IZ emphasized that in Luffy’s dramas/animes, usually, Nakama is only
used in a group, like a yakuza gang,
‘Nakama,’ no one mocked his partner’s dream.
For example, if it is only the two of them,
we can call it Yuujin. their dreams while fighting together on the ship
(TI, personal interview, 2021)
to find One Piece. The ‘Nakama’ must respect
On the other hand, RZ said that ‘Nakama’
the dreams of the other ‘Nakama’ and keep their
was just a term that Luffy chose to represent
‘Nakama’ together. ME argues that ordinary
friends. RZ admitted that one of the reasons
‘friends’ may leave each other, but ‘Nakama’
he was interested in One Piece was the unique
does not. The departure of the ‘Nakama’ must
friendship between the ‘Nakama.’ According to
be accompanied by a strong reason that it no
him, the character Luffy does not just choose
longer has the same dream as when it joined
a friend; when he decides to be a Nakama, he
Luffy. According to ME, the ‘Nakama’ seems to
takes good care of the chosen one. In the Straw
be bound by a ‘contract’ in the form of a dream
Hat ‘Nakama,’ RZ mentioned the captain and
expressed to the other ‘Nakama.’
crew hierarchy. It is shown by the example
Thinking is the second factor that influences
of the scene when Usopp runs away from the
decoding. Thinking is an individual’s action in
ship, and Luffy, as the captain, wants to chase
weighing up to make a decision. Each research
him; Luffy’s action is prevented by Zoro, who
subject was asked to watch a video from episode
says that a captain should not lower his pride
102, which tells the scene when the Straw
by chasing after disloyal subordinates (Oda,
Hat pirates are in the country of Arabasta to
2002). In ‘Nakama’ according to RZ, there are
help Vivi’s daughter fight the Baroque Works.
things that must be maintained, namely respect
At that time, Vivi, who had recently been
and mutual responsibility for their respective
rescued by Luffy and had sailed on the Going
duties. RZ was interested in how Luffy gathered
Merry ship, asked why Nami could trust her
‘Nakama’ with their respective abilities, and
‘Nakama’ so much. Nami said humans could
all of them filled the vacancies/positions on
not do everything alone; humans need ‘Nakama
the ship (navigator, chef, doctor, swordsman,
.’According to her, the ‘Nakama’ must do
sniper, repairman, etc.). According to RZ, not
something for the ‘Nakama’; if it does not do
everyone can become a ‘Nakama’ because
anything for the ‘Nakama,’ then the friendship
Luffy only wants to fill the vacant positions on
is meaningless. All research subjects agree that
his ship; it is like how a company works.
humans are social creatures who cannot live
The only female informant, ME, said
alone. Humans need cooperation with others
that ‘Nakama’ is the person Luffy chose to
to survive. However, specifically, some things
accompany him on his journey to finding One
differ from the responses of these informants.
Piece. Luffy chose people who were ready to
IZ argues that the video explains that humans
fight for their dreams together. Each member
are social creatures who need other people to
has their dreams and helps each other to realize
survive. According to IZ, Luffy continues to
look for the right position filler for the work change after seeing the video; he still feels it
on his ship; for example, Usopp is in charge is appropriate for someone to benefit from a
of repairing the ship, but he has no expertise friendly relationship. It is necessary to cultivate
there, making Luffy decide to recruit Franky as a sense of trust to eliminate negative thoughts/
a ship repair expert (funa daiku). According to suspicion of ‘Nakama.’ RZ feels that everyone
IZ, ‘Nakama’ cannot simply do the principle of should have benefits for others, just like human
reciprocity or require each crew to contribute. limbs that have their functions. He sees that
In the Straw Hat crew, the ‘Nakama’ work Luffy’s friendship contains a relationship of
according to their respective skills based on the equal reciprocity, so there is a balance, filling
trust given by Luffy when they are recruited. each other’s vacant positions on the ship and
IZ’s answer, compared to IZ’s thoughts in the making this group solid in its friendship.
previous question, shows that ‘Nakama’ is still According to ME, the video shows humans
a special relationship based on trust and respect cannot live alone and must have at least one
for each member’s dreams. ‘Nakama’ to accommodate their complaints.
After watching the video, TI thought that When one has a friend, one must understand that
‘Nakama’s trust in Luffy was gained because friend’s abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
Luffy always did everything earnestly. For ME gave the example of accepting Luffy’s
example, when going to help his friend, he choice of ‘Nakama,’ who likes to lie. Usopp
would fight without thinking about his safety. was not asked to stop lying by the rest of the
Likewise with other ‘Nakama’, they will crew because, according to ME, that was the
not hesitate to sacrifice themselves to save value of Luffy and the other’s friendship. This
their ‘Nakama .’TI went from referring to act is important so that Usopp does not lose his
‘Nakama’ as ‘partners’ in a certain affiliation identity. ME considers Luffy’s way of surviving
to a relationship based on trust and sacrifice to by helping people who want to be helped. Luffy
help other ‘Nakama .’TI gave an example of always finds out whether someone wants to be
Sanji in the Whole Cake Island arc, who was helped or does not like to be helped. Cooperation
willing to cancel a marriage plan because he is also important in the term ‘Nakama’; it is like
had to return to the Straw Hats pirates. TI was a company because each ‘Nakama’ fills their
also touched by the story of Robin, who cried respective positions.
out his desire to live to Luffy and made Luffy Interpretation is related to the experience
and the other ‘Nakama’ immediately move to and value system in the informant’s environment.
save Robin without fearing that it would have This study shows that the concept of ‘Nakama’
consequences against the world government. in One Piece affects their mindset towards the
RZ’s opinion about ‘Nakama’ did not value of the subject’s friendship in his daily life.
IZ, who considers ‘Nakama’ a romantic 2020; Abdurakhman, 2016). This concept
bond, feels she cannot call her current friendship has clear boundaries in Japanese culture but
‘Nakama .’She feels that to become a ‘Nakama,’ not in Indonesia. According to IZ, the blurred
each individual, including herself, opens a wall boundaries of the soto-uchi concept in Indonesia
of separation, which often appears to avoid make it challenging to understand whether a
excessive interaction. IZ feels that those who friend wants to be a close friend.
can become ‘Nakama’ have been friends since Similarly, TI feels that he has yet to find
childhood, so they already know the ins and outs a figure who sincerely sacrifices his interests
of that person. IZ feels that ‘Nakama’ is difficult for the sake of others. For TI, ‘Nakama’ in
to establish in her generation (generation Z, One Piece is characterized by prioritizing the
born in the 1990s-2000s). IZ considers people safety of others without caring about his safety.
from the same generation as him dishonest, and TI feels that ‘Nakama’ is bound by a bond of
finding a true friend in this very life is not easy. love that is different from the love in a family.
Millennials/Generation Z (born in the 90s According to him, affection in the family already
and 2000s) are often called the overengineering exists, but in ‘Nakama,’ it needs to be nurtured
generation. They are used to gadgets, which and maintained. Like IZ, TI sees ‘Nakama’ as
affects the meaning of ‘friendship .’This a relationship based on a specific closeness/
generation is often considered too rational. affiliation. In his daily life, TI belongs to an
They are considered to be less sensitive and organization. Members in this organization are
less emotional. They often assume that there is what he calls ‘Nakama’ because these members
a cause and logic behind everything. They are join because they agree with the vision and
influenced by forms of parenting that prioritize mission of the organization, just like Luffy’s
technology over feelings (Kertamuda, 2018). ‘Nakama’ who agrees to hang each member’s
IZ feels that her friendships with friends of dream onto Luffy’s dream.
the same age are not able to form a closeness ME and RZ are two informants who feel
like Luffy’s ‘Nakama .’IZ, who studied they have found ‘Nakama’ in their lives. RZ,
Japanese culture, thinks that the friendships who works part-time in a start-up company,
around her apply the Japanese concept of uchi- feels that he found her ‘Nakama’ in her team
soto in a half-hearted way (the in-out group members. For RZ, the team members who hold
concept). This Japanese concept places oneself their respective roles and together realize the
in an environment with certain boundaries project already feel like ‘Nakama’ in One Piece.
(uchi) and outside of it (soto). People in the uchi RZ added that she does not merely consider her
will be more open and approachable than those teammates as ‘Nakama,’ but she dares to say so
from the soto group(Yuniarsih & Krisanjaya, because her team provides a sense of comfort
As a result, the Straw Hats are a tightly knit audiences mix their interpretations with certain
bunch, but they are also more potent because social experiences that they have experienced.
of it. Audiences act between adapting and opposing
Based on the author’s assumptions, the the messages conveyed by the media. IZ and
friendship promoted in One Piece is a friendship TI agree with the meaning of ‘Nakama’ in One
that prioritizes reciprocal relationships between Piece as a romantic and sincere friendship, but
ship crew members. Meanwhile, what is both of them have not found ‘Nakama’ because
celebrated in the One Piece story by Eiichiro they think it is difficult to find friends with
Oda is strong and sincere friendship. It became characteristics like ‘Nakama.’
a topic that was raised with informants to find
out their perspective on the perceived value of Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.K.;
methodology, M.K.; software, M.K.; validation, M.K.,
friendship based on the One Piece anime show.
L.W; formal analysis, M.K.; investigation, M.K.;
The category of dominant-hegemonic resources, M.K, L.W.; data curation, M.K.; writing—
original draft preparation, M.K.; writing—review and
position in the meaning of ‘Nakama’ is shown
editing, M.K., L.W.; visualization, M.K.; supervision,
by the exposure of all informants regarding L.W.; project administration, M.K.; funding acquisition,
M.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published
‘Nakama’ as a friendly relationship based on
version of the manuscript.
fulfilling needs, so they must contribute to other
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank all the
‘Nakama .’The formation of ‘Nakama’ must
Nakama for always being Nakama, whatever the meaning
also be based on trust and a sense of comfort of the word itself.
interpreting ‘Nakama’ in real life. Here, AFP-JIJI. (2021, November 20). Smash hit “One
Piece” anime marks 1,000th episode | The