I. INTRODUCTION q = p′ − p, ν q = p′ − p, ν
µ = −g S, (1) FIG. 1. The HVP (left) and HLbL (right) contribution to
2m muon g − 2. The shaded circles represent hadronic interac-
where S is the particle’s spin, e and m are the elec- tions.
tric charge and mass, respectively, and g is the Landé
g-factor. The Dirac equation predicts that g = 2, ex-
actly, so any difference from 2 must arise from interac- The muon anomalous magnetic moment is one of the
tions. The magnetic moment of a fermion can be defined most precisely determined quantities in particle physics.
in terms of its electromagnetic form factors in the zero Compared with the electron anomalous magnetic mo-
momentum transfer limit. Lorentz and gauge symme- ment, which is determined with higher accuracy, the
tries tightly constrain the form of the interactions. In muon is expected to be much more sensitive to new
Euclidean space-time: physics at very large energy scales due to its heavier
mass. Two experiments Fermilab (E989) [1] and J-PARC
hµ(p′ , s′ )|Jν (0)|µ(p, s)i (2) (E34) [2, 3] are aiming at even higher precision in mea-
suring the muon g − 2. The initial result released by
F2 (q )
= −eūs′ (p′ ) F1 (q 2 )γν + i [γν , γρ ]qρ us (p), Fermilab (E989) [1] confirmed the previously best result
obtained by the BNL E821 experiment [4] and reduced
where Jν is the electromagnetic current, and F1 and F2 the experimental uncertainty from 0.54 ppm to 0.46 ppm.
are form factors, giving the charge and magnetic moment The final goal of the Fermilab experiment is to reduce the
at zero momentum transfer (q 2 = (p′ − p)2 = 0), or uncertainty further to approximately 0.14 ppm. The J-
static limit. The us (p) and ūs (p) are Dirac spinors. The PARC experiment adopts a very different measurement
anomalous part of the magnetic moment is given by F2 (0) strategy and will serve as an important cross-check. Its
alone, and is known as the anomaly, final accuracy goal is 0.45 ppm for statistical uncertainty
and 0.07 ppm for systematic uncertainty.
g−2 The Standard Model result provided by the Muon g −2
aµ ≡ F2 (q 2 = 0) = . (3)
2 Theory Initiative [5–25] currently has an uncertainty of
0.37 ppm and is in 4.2σ tension with the experimental
value. The two leading sources of uncertainty come from
the leading QCD contributions, hadronic vacuum polar-
∗ [email protected] ization (HVP) and hadronic light-by-light (HLbL) scat-
† [email protected] tering, both illustrated in Fig. 1.
For a long time, the HLbL contribution has been esti- carefully calculated and were found to be consistent with
mated by hadronic models [26–29]. In Ref. [30, 31], the zero. The charm quark contribution from the connected
hadronic light-by-light scattering amplitudes estimated and disconnected diagrams were calculated as well. Fi-
by hadronic models are compared with lattice QCD cal- nally, a statistically more precise result was obtained:
culations. The result from hadronic models is difficult
to improve further. More recently, the HLbL contribu- aHLbL,Mainz2021
µ × 1010 = 10.96(1.59). (6)
tion has been calculated with the dispersion relation ap-
In this work, we present our latest lattice calculation of
proach [17–25, 32–37]. These results are summarized in
the HLbL contribution to muon g−2 with subtracted infi-
the 2020 white paper [5],
nite volume QED weighting function as developed in our
aHLbL,WP2020,pheno × 1010 = 9.2(1.9) (4) previous work [46]. The calculation is directly performed
at physical pion mass and therefore eliminates the sys-
Within the dispersion relation framework, the pseudo- tematic uncertainty from chiral extrapolations. We find
scalar pole is the leading contribution to HLbL. This that calculating the HLbL contribution directly at the
contribution is defined in terms of the pseudo-scalar tran- physical pion mass is considerably more difficult than a
sition form factors to two (possibly off-shell) photons, calculation at a heavier pion mass due the larger contri-
π 0 , η, η ′ → γ ∗ γ ∗ . These form factors can also be calcu- bution and statistical fluctuations from the long distance
lated with lattice QCD. [21, 38–40] region. Following the suggestion of Ref. [48], we focus
The first direct lattice QCD calculation of the HLbL on the calculation of the connected and leading discon-
contribution was performed by the RBC-UKQCD col- nected diagrams. The main calculation is performed with
laborations. [41] Then, we made many improvements to a single lattice spacing where a−1 = 1.73 GeV. While we
the calculation method and also included the contribu- use Möbius domain wall fermions (MDWF) to eliminate
tion from the leading disconnected diagrams. [42, 43] In O(a) discretization errors, the remaining O(a2 ) effects
our previous work [24], we applied the method developed are estimated to be the largest source of systematic un-
to lattice gauge ensembles with different lattice spacings certainty of this calculation.
and spatial volumes, all at physical pion mass. The cal- The paper is organized as follows: in section II and
culations incorporate both QCD and QED in the same III, we review the calculation method developed in our
finite volume lattice using the QEDL scheme [44]. We previous works and describe new techniques used in this
extrapolated the results to infinite volume and the con- calculation. We then show our numerical results in sec-
tinuum limit. The final result was tion IV and conclude in section V.
µ × 1010 = 7.87(3.06)stat(1.77)syst .
This was the first lattice QCD result for HLbL with all
systematic effects controlled. The statistical error was We base our current calculation on the framework al-
still larger than the phenomenological results obtained ready set up in our previous works [42, 43, 46]. In this
with dispersion relations or the previous hadronic model work, we combine the method used in Ref. [42, 43] to
estimation. calculate the hadronic four point function with lattice
The Mainz group pioneered the QED∞ approach and QCD with the subtracted infinite volume QED weight-
pre-calculated the QED kernel semi-analytically in in- ing function developed in Ref. [46]. We have tested the
finite volume [30, 45]. We also explored this strategy QED weighting function by calculating the leptonic light-
and independently calculated the infinite volume QED by-light contribution to muon g − 2 and have reproduced
weighting function [46]. In that work, we found that the results obtained by analytical calculation [50, 51]. We
while the QED∞ approach ensures an exponentially sup- outline the method below and focus on the improvements
pressed finite volume error, the size of the finite volume we made in this work.
error can still be significant. However, making use of the All of the diagrams contributing at O(α3 ) to HLbL
current conservation property of the hadronic four point scattering are shown in Fig. 2. We use the term (quark-)
function, we designed subtractions to the infinite volume “connected diagram” to refer to the one on the left on
QED weighting functions to reduce the finite volume er- the top row and “disconnected diagram” to refer to the
rors and also the discretization errors. The subtracted one on the right. The remaining diagrams, which are all
infinite volume QED weighting function is used in the suppressed in the flavor SU(3) limit, are referred to as the
current work. “sub-leading disconnected diagrams”. We only explicitly
The effectiveness of the subtraction is confirmed by draw quark loops that are connected to photons. Gluons
the Mainz group and a different subtraction scheme was and sea quark loops that are not connected to photons are
adopted in their calculation. [45, 47–49]. Their calcu- not shown in the figure but are included automatically in
lation was performed with pion masses ranging from dynamical lattice QCD calculations. To make non-zero
200 MeV to 420 MeV and extrapolated to the physi- contributions to the muon g − 2, the quark loops in the
cal point. All sub-leading disconnected diagrams were disconnected diagrams must be connected by gluons.
x y
tsrc α, ρ η, κ β, σ tsnk
X z, κ
Jν (x) = eq ZV ψ̄q (x)γν ψq (x) (16) y, σ x, ρ
loop is large before subtracting the vacuum expectation speed up the sloppy propagator calculation, we use the
value. Also, we note that the new choice xref-discon is zMöbius domain wall fermion formulation [54] with re-
the same as the initial choice in the long distance region duced fifth dimension size Ls = 14 to approximate the
where the contribution is dominated by π 0 -exchange and unitary MDWF action used in the gauge ensemble gen-
|y − z| ≪ min(|x − y|, |x − z|). This property guaran- eration (Ls = 24). For deflation of the Dirac operator
tees that the connected and disconnected diagrams have we reuse the eigenvectors generated for the calculation
exactly the same QED weighting function in the long of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the
distance region, which leads to Eq. 28 before taking the muon g −2 [55, 56] using the locally-coherent Lanczos ap-
continuum limit. This is the main reason for the choice proach [57]. Then, we use a two-level all-mode-averaging
of xref for the connected diagrams. (AMA) method [58] to correct the bias caused by the
inexact propagators. The AMA method requires a por-
tion of the sloppy propagators be computed again with
III. LATTICE DETAILS higher precision. In the first step a more precise version
of the light and strange quark propagators are calculated
The calculation presented here is performed on ensem- on a randomly selected set of 64 points among the 1024
bles of gauge fields generated by the RBC and UKQCD points. In the second step among the 64 points, we ran-
collaborations [52]. The main calculation is carried out domly select 16 points and calculate these propagators
using the 48I ensemble, a physical-mass ensemble gen- to full precision. These propagators are used to calculate
erated with 2+1 flavors of Möbius domain wall fermions both the connected and the disconnected diagrams in the
(MDWF). We also use a few other ensembles to calculate bias correction. By using two steps, we are able to reduce
various corrections and estimate systematic effects. The the statistical error coming from the bias correction to a
relevant information about the 48I ensemble and other level well below the statistical error for the sloppy part.
ensembles is listed in Table I. We always use the MDWF For the connected diagrams, we sample two-point pairs
action. For most of the ensembles, the quarks have their among all the possible 2048 × (2048 − 1)/2 + 2048 =
physical masses. 2098176 combinations (including the case where x = y).
For each of the two-point pairs, we can perform the con-
48I 64I 24D 32D 24DH traction as described in Eq. (18) in the previous section.
mπ (MeV) 139 135 142 142 341 As the number of all possible pairs is enormous, the cost
a−1 (GeV) 1.730 2.359 1.015 1.015 1.015 to perform all the contractions is not affordable. There-
a (fm) 0.114 0.084 0.194 0.194 0.194 fore, we only calculate the contraction for a subset of
L (fm) 5.47 5.38 4.67 6.22 4.67 the available two-point pairs. We sample the subset with
Ls 24 12 24 24 24 the empirical probability p(r), which is a function of the
# meas 113 64 31 70 37 distance between the two points, r = |x − y|,
TABLE I. 2+1 flavors of MDWF gauge field ensembles gen- Npsrc −1
3 if r = 0
erated by the RBC-UKQCD collaborations [52]. The labels 2(L T −1)
indicate the lattice size in lattice units and the QCD gauge 1 if 8 ≥ r > 0
p(r) = 1 , (22)
action, where “I” stands for Iwasaki, and “D” stands for
if L ≥ r > 8
Iwasaki+DSDR. DSDR stands for dislocation-suppressing- 0 if r > L
determinant-ratio, which is an additional term in the action
to soften explicit chiral symmetry breaking effects, needed in where L = 48, T = 96, and the numbers are in lattice
particular for very coarse lattices [53]. The pion mass mπ , units. On average, about 57, 000 light quark point-source
lattice spacing aa , spatial extent L, extra fifth dimension size propagator pairs per configuration are sampled to calcu-
Ls , and the number of QCD configurations used are listed. late the connected diagrams. The reason we sample long-
distance point-pairs less often is because the connected
a After the analysis for this work was completed, we updated the hadronic four point function and its statistical fluctua-
lattice spacing for the 24D and 32D ensembles. The new lattice tion decrease with distance for long distances. For each
spacing is a−1 = 1.023 GeV and makes no material difference to
pair, due to the sampling procedure, the probability of
the results presented here.
that pair taking a particular relative coordinate is a func-
tion of r. The total connected diagram contribution is
For our main calculation on the 48I ensemble, we use equal to the expectation value of the contraction for the
113 configurations. On each configuration, we randomly point pairs multiplied by the inverse probabilities. We
sample 2048 uniformly distributed distinct points and refer to the inverse probability as the weight w(r):
calculate light quark point-source propagators for each
of the selected points. w0 if r = 0
Among the above 2048 points we randomly select w(r) = , (23)
w0 /p(r) if r > 0
1024 points and also calculate strange quark propaga-
tors. These 2048 + 1024 point-source propagators are X
computed using the (deflated-) conjugate gradient al- w0 = p(|x|). (24)
gorithm with a sloppy stopping condition. To further x
To further reduce the contraction cost and the storage For the light quark loop, there are 9, 156, 431 points
cost of saving these propagators, we use field sparsening within the |z − y| ≤ L range. Among these, we sam-
techniques [59, 60]. We randomly sample 1/16 points ple about 17, 000 points for z on average. For each of the
among all the points of the lattice and only perform con- sampled z, we then loop over all possible x locations with
tractions on these randomly selected points. Since we |x − y| ≤ L and perform the full contraction. Due to the
only need propagator values on these points, we only save sampling procedure, we multiply the result of the con-
these values to disk. To accommodate the sparsening, we traction by the inverse of the sample probability 1/py (z)
multiply a factor of 162 for the summation over z and xop to obtain an unbiased final result. While the sampled z
in Eq. (8), except when z = xop , where we multiply by 16. points amount to less than 0.2% of the possible z points
In this way the sampling procedure does not introduce in the allowed range, we expect the final statistical pre-
any systematic effects on our central value. cision to be almost unaffected by the adaptive sampling
For the disconnected diagrams, the two point-source procedure. That is, we expect the final statistical error
locations are also indicated in Fig. 4. Different from would be almost the same even if we had calculated the
the connected diagrams, the statistical fluctuations of the contraction using all the z locations. This expectation
disconnected hadronic functions are not suppressed when is based on a quick test run with much lower threshold
r = |x − y| increases. Therefore, we use all possible com- t0 = 10−3 , which corresponds to about a factor of 20
binations of point pairs of x and y as long as |x−y| ≤ L to smaller number of sampled points; we find the final sta-
estimate the summation over x and y in Eq. (8). Thanks tistical error is roughly the same.
to the choice of xref = xref-discon = x in Eq. (21), the sum- In contrast to the connected diagram, we do not
mation over xop can be performed for each point-source sparsen the propagators. To save disk space, we tem-
propagator with source location at x, the result can be porarily save the following intermediate contraction for
used for all possible values of y locations. However, the each point-source propagator:
summation of z depends on the location of x and y due
to the QED weighting function. Therefore, we need to Tr γκ Sq (z, y)γσ Sq (y, z) . (26)
perform the summation over z for each pair of points.
To make the contractions of all point pairs affordable, For each propagator on each lattice site, the above con-
we aggressively sparsen when summing over z. Fortu- traction corresponds to 4 × 4 complex numbers while the
nately, the vertex z and vertex y are connected by two full propagator takes 12 × 12 complex numbers.
quark propagators, and the four point function is expo-
nentially suppressed when the distance between z and y
increases. IV. RESULTS
Naturally, we can sample the z locations based on the
distance between z and y, similar to the sampling of x In this section we display several figures of the sum-
and y combinations in the calculation of the connected di- mand (integrand) or its partial-sum as a function of
agrams. However, for this disconnected diagram, we dis- Rmax :
covered a much more efficient adaptive sampling scheme
as follows. For each point-source location y, we calculate Rmax = max(|x − y|, |y − z|, |x − z|), (27)
the following square norm n(z, y) of the quark loop for
all z: where x, y, and z represent the positions of the three in-
X ternal quark-photon vertices. Partial-sums are obtained
n(z, y) = Tr γκ Sq (z, y)γσ Sq (y, z) by summing the corresponding summand from 0 up to
κ,σ the specified value of Rmax (inclusive). The rightmost
2 value in a partial-sum plot corresponds to the total con-
− γκ Sq (z, y)γσ Sq (y, z) QCD tribution.
Since the summand decreases exponentially at large
Unlike the full contraction, the above norm is indepen- Rmax , we expect the partial-sum to approach a plateau
dent of the location of x, and the location of z is sampled for large enough Rmax . We usually use the result of the
with the following (empirical) probability partial-sum at 4 fm, which includes all contributions from
1p if n(z, y) ≥ t20 and |z − y| ≤ L the region Rmax < 4 fm. In the lattice calculation, we
py (z) = n(z, y)/t0 if n(z, y) < t20 and |z − y| ≤ L , calculate the partial sum with respect to Rmax and save
the partial sum for all integer values (in lattice units)
0 if |z − y| > L
of the upper limit of Rmax . To compare with results
calculated using ensembles with different lattice spacings,
where t0 is the threshold parameter to control the overall we can linearly interpolate the partial sum for any upper
sample frequency. With this probability distribution, we limit of Rmax . In this work, we choose to interpolate at
sample more often points where the (norm of) the quark integer multiples × 0.1 fm. The summand is obtained at
loop is large which is much more efficient than basing half-integer multiples × 0.1 fm by taking the difference of
the probability on the distance |z − y|. We choose t0 = the linearly interpolated partial sum. Therefore, the data
5 × 10−5 in this work for the 48I ensemble. points of the plots shown in this work always have spacing
0.1 fm, and the data points of the integrand plots always 48I light no-pion summand
have its x-axis value equal to half-integer times 0.1 fm. 15
In this work, we present our results for the anomalous
magnetic moment in the unit of 10−10 .
aµ × 1010 summand
aµ × 1010 summand
5 −10
0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm)
48I light no-pion
−15 aµ × 1010 partial-sum
0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm)
48I light con
48I light discon 4
48I light
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
0 1 2 3 4 5
10 Rmax (fm)
FIG. 6. Light quark contributions from a special combina-
tion of the connected and disconnected diagrams to cancel
0 the long-distance π 0 exchange contribution (see Eq. 29). The
upper plot shows the summand and the lower plot shows the
−5 partial sum. The combined summand vanishes much faster
than the light quark diagrams by themselves. Solid curves
−10 represent a fit of the data to Eq. (30). The fit starts at 0.5 fm.
0 1 2 3 4 5 The dashed lines denote the statistical uncertainty of the fit.
Rmax (fm)
To improve the situation, note that the large contri- The advantage comes in using the early plateau value
bution and the cancellation between the connected and of ano-pion
µ and combining it with acon µ , which plateaus
disconnected diagrams at long distance are due to π 0 ex- at much larger Rmax . This is a “hybrid” approach to
change and are well-understood theoretically [48, 61, 62]. calculate adiscon
µ and atotal
µ , which has a much smaller
It has been shown that, at large Rmax , the ratio of the statistical error than the direct combination. For acon µ ,
disconnected and the connected hadronic four-point func- we will use 4 fm as the upper limit of Rmax . The results
tion is −25/34. In our present computational setup, we are shown in Tab. II as entries that start with “48I light
use the same infinite volume QCD weighting function for discon Rmax < 4fm hybrid-” and “48I light Rmax < 4fm
both the connected and disconnected diagrams, and use hybrid-”.
the same variable Rmax to study the partial-sum of the The fitting function form in Eq. (30) is inspired by the
connected and disconnected diagrams.[63] Therefore the function in Eq. (20) of Ref. [48]. The functional form
same ratio applies to the contribution to aµ . Formally, used here differs due to the meanings of Rmax and the
we have: variable “|y|” in Ref. [48]. Also, note that the subtrac-
adiscon (Rmax > R) 1 (e2 + e2d )2 25 tion scheme of the QED weighting function is also differ-
lim = − · u4 =− . ent [46–48, 65]. We tried using this fit function to fit other
R→∞ aµ (Rmax > R) 2 eu + e4d 34 contributions. The results are shown in Appendix C.
(28) The statistical errors are estimated by assuming the
Here, Rmax is defined in Eq. (27), being a function of results from each 48I configuration that we performed
the three vertex locations x, y, z as shown in Fig. 4. the measurements are statistically independent. We also
The long-distance contributions for the connected and tried to bin the data with different lengths in MD time
disconnected diagrams are denoted as acon units. The results are shown in Table. III. We can see
µ (Rmax > R)
and aµdiscon
(Rmax > R). They can be calculated with the that the statistical error does not significantly depend on
same summation as in Eq. (8) but with the additional the binning sizes. More interestingly, the statistical error
constraint that Rmax > R, where R is the long-distance calculated by assuming all the individual samples in each
configuration are independent is only a little bit smaller
cutoff. Note we take the R → ∞ limit in the above equa-
tion. This ratio is exact in this limit and is not affected than the statistical error calculated from the fluctuation
of different configurations. This implies that the current
by lattice artifacts or finite volume effects. Therefore, we
can construct the following combination: statistical errors still mainly come from the sampling of
the points from each configuration, instead of from the
25 con gauge field fluctuations sampled by different gauge con-
µ = adiscon
µ + a , (29)
34 µ figurations. Also, this shows that the strategy using dif-
where the π 0 exchange contribution to ano-pion vanishes ferent combinations of the point source propagators as
in the long distance. We plot the summand and partial- point pairs to calculate the connected diagrams is very
sum of ano-pion in Fig. 6. Indeed, the partial sum of effective.
ano-pion reaches the plateau much earlier than the con- The remaining finite volume, pion mass, and non-
nected or disconnected diagrams. This trick of combining zero lattice spacing corrections will be studied in Sec-
the connected and disconnected with appropriate factors tions IV D, IV E, and IV F.
to obtain a faster plateau was employed in Ref. [64]. For
µ , we will use 2.0 fm and 2.5 fm as the upper limit
of Rmax . The results are shown in Tab. II as “48I light no- B. Strange quark contribution
pion Rmax < 2.5fm” or “48I light no-pion Rmax < 2fm”.
In the upper panel of Fig. 6, we fit the summand to The contributions from the strange quark connected
the following empirical form: diagrams, the disconnected diagrams, and the sum of the
6 two contributions are plotted in Fig. 7. Note the strange
f (Rmax ) = A/fm4 3
e−BRmax /(fm·GeV) quark disconnected diagrams include diagrams where one
Rmax + (C fm)3 or both loops are strange quark loops, while the light
(30) quark disconnected diagrams discussed in the previous
The fit range is from 0.5 fm to 4 fm. We use the result section contain only light quarks. As seen in the fig-
of the fit to estimate the long-distance contribution to ure, the contribution from the strange quark-connected
ano-pion . Since this is a completely empirical fit, we will diagrams is very precise and very small. It can also be
assign a 100% systematic uncertainty to it. The “no- clearly seen that the strange quark contribution vanishes
pion" results are also collected in Tab. II. much faster at long-distance compared to the light quark
With the definition of ano-pion , we obtain: contribution.
The disconnected diagrams, on the other hand, are
25 con much noisier. However, we still expect the signal to van-
µ = ano-pion
µ − a , (31)
34 µ ish faster than the light quark contribution due to the ab-
9 sence of the π 0 exchange contribution. Therefore, we can
µ = ano-pion
µ + acon . (32)
34 µ treat the strange quark disconnected diagrams as similar
TABLE II. Light quark contributions computed on the 48I ensemble. Values are different contributions to aµ × 1010 where
aµ = (gµ − 2)/2. The numbers in the square bracket are the statistical and systematic uncertainty combined in quadrature.
The tag “hybrid-” indicates the same quantity obtained using the hybrid approach.
TABLE III. Two light quark contributions computed on the 48I ensemble. The table lists the statistical errors calculated with
different binning sizes in MD time units in the HMC evolutions. The separation between the configurations we performed the
measurements is 10 MD time units. The last column named “Bin(sample)” list the statistical error calculated by assuming
all the individual samples in each configuration are independent. The samples for the connected diagrams are the point pairs,
where we have about 57,000 pairs for each configuration. The samples for the disconnected diagrams are the points for y in
Fig. 4 (summation over x is already performed), where we have about 2048 points for each configuration.
to ano-pion
µ . We listed the results with 4.0 fm, 2.5 fm, and con Rmax >”. The size of the long-distance connected
2 fm as the upper limit of Rmax . These results are shown contribution is used as the estimation for the systematic
in Tab. IV as entries that start with “48I strange discon uncertainty for the corresponding disconnected contribu-
Rmax <”. We estimate the systematic error caused by tions.
truncating the strange quark disconnected diagram in-
tegration using the size of the long-distance contribution
from the strange quark connected diagrams, which is also The remaining finite volume, pion mass, and non-
shown in Tab. IV as entries that start with “48I strange zero lattice spacing corrections will be studied in Sec-
tion. IV D, IV E, and IV F.
TABLE IV. Strange quark contributions computed on the 48I ensemble. Values are different contributions to aµ × 1010 where
aµ = (gµ − 2)/2. The numbers in the square bracket are the statistical and systematic uncertainty combined in quadrature.
The “strange discon” contribution includes disconnected diagrams where one or two loops are strange quark loops. The tag
“hybrid-” indicates the same quantity obtained using the hybrid approach.
1 y′
aµ × 1010 summand
the charged loop contribution as: since the on-shell condition p2 = −m2π for the physical
π 0 state cannot be satisfied always in the inverse Fourier
e−2mπ (4 fm) transformation. With the form factor defined above, we
≈ 6% (48)
e−mπ (4 fm) can construct the π 0 -pole contribution to the hadronic
four-point function:
and the error from approximating the π 0 propagation
direction to be along x − y to be: hT Jµ (x)Jµ′ (x′ )Jν (y)Jν ′ (y ′ )i (53)
0.5 fm ≈ d u d4 v Dπ0 (u − v)
≈ 13% (49)
4 fm
× Feµ,µ′ (u, x, x′ )Feν,ν ′ (v, y, y ′ )
where we assume the typical separation for |x − x′ | and
|y − y ′ | to be 0.5 fm and |x − y| to be 4 fm. Combin- + Feµ,ν (u, x, y)Feµ′ ,ν ′ (v, x′ , y ′ )
ing these two estimates in quadrature, we assigned 14%
total systematic uncertainty for the long distance part + Feµ,ν ′ (u, x, y ′ )Feµ′ ,ν (v, x′ , y)
(Rmax > 4 fm) contribution. Using the ratio between the
connected and disconnected contributions as described in where Dπ0 (x − y) is the infinite volume free scalar propa-
Eq. 28, we can also properly assign this contribution to gator with physical pion mass. In this calculation, we use
the connected and disconnected diagrams. The results the Lowest Meson Dominance (LMD) model [38, 67, 68]
are shown in Tab. II with the labels “. . . Rmax > 4fm”. for the π 0 transition form factors.
Fπ0 γγ (q12 , q22 ) ≈ FπLMD 2 2
0 γγ (q1 , q2 )
contributions as described in Eq. 28 to assign this contri- correction with this form instead, the size of the correc-
bution to the connected and disconnected diagrams. The tion is 0.20(4) × 10−10 . In Ref. [69], the HLbL is calcu-
results are shown in Tab. II as “48I light con FV-corr”, lated with Chiral effective theory, we have calculated the
“48I light discon FV-corr”, and “48I light FV-corr”. pion mass dependence with Eq. (13) of this reference.
Also, note that we can calculate the long-distance π 0 - The shift of aµ due to the pion mass change from the
pole contribution using this LMD model. In Tab. V, 139 MeV used in the lattice calculation to the physical
we also list the contribution to the region Rmax > 4 fm. point 135 MeV is 0.25 × 10−10 . Here, we do not include
Using the LMD model results calculated with the “Large” the correction to the charged pion loop contribution of
lattice, we obtain aµ due to the pion mass shift, as the charged pion loop
contribution are significantly reduced compared with the
aµπ -pole;LMD
(Rmax > 4 fm) × 1010 = 2.34. (58) scalar QED estimate due to the pion dressing [70–72].
We, therefore, estimate a 50% systematic uncertainty to
This result agrees with the long-distance π 0 -exchange these corrections to account for possible inaccuracies of
contribution calculated with π 0 transition form factors the empirical chiral extrapolations, plus any systematic
from the previously described lattice QCD calculation effects in obtaining the 32D and 24DH results, including
and long-distance approximation. the effects caused by the hybrid method used to calcu-
late the long-distance part of the disconnected diagrams,
the discretization effects, the finite volume effects, and so
E. Pion mass extrapolation on. The final results for the correction due to the slight
mismatch of the pion mass is:
While the calculation is performed very near the phys-
ical pion mass, there is a slight mis-tuning of the lat- aµmπ -corr × 1010 (61)
tice parameters which leads to a slightly heavier mπ =
= (aµ (mπ = 135 MeV) − aµ (mπ = 139 MeV)) × 1010
139 MeV compared to the physical pion mass mπ =
134.9766 MeV. We correct this small difference using the = 0.35(0.07)stat(0.17)syst .
32D and 24DH ensembles. These two ensembles have the
same lattice spacing but different pion masses. The re- We also show the results in Tab. II as “48I light con
sults of these two ensembles are listed in Tab. VI. Note mπ -corr”, “48I light discon mπ -corr”, and “48I light mπ -
that for the long-distance contribution (Rmax > 4 fm) for corr”.
the 32D physical pion mass ensemble, we use the same
long-distance π 0 -exchange contribution calculated with
F. Continuum limit extrapolation
ensemble 48I as described in Section IV C. Similar to the
48I calculation, we calculate the “no-pion” contribution
and obtain the “hybrid-2fm” results for the “discon” and In our previous work [24], we used finite-volume lat-
“total” results. To reduce the statistical error, we use tices for the entire calculation, including QED. The
the “hybrid-2fm” results to calculate the pion mass cor- QEDL scheme was used for the photon propagators, and
rection. To obtain the pion mass correction to our main sizable discretization effects were observed. We took the
48I results, we assume the following pion mass depen- continuum limit with the 48I and 64I ensembles. These
dence for the “no-pion” contribution: two ensembles have different lattice spacings but all other
properties are almost identical. They have the same
µ (mπ ) = C1 + C2 m2π . (59) gauge and fermion actions, and almost the same pion
mass and volume in physical units. We used the results
Due to the pion pole piece in the quark-connected dia- from these two ensembles to perform the continuum ex-
gram, we assume a more singular pion mass dependence trapolation. The continuum limit value is 30(12)% higher
for the “con” contribution: compared to the value on the 48I ensemble for the con-
C2 nected piece and 58(27)% higher for the disconnected
µ (mπ ) = C1 + . (60) piece. The numbers in parentheses are statistical un-
The disconnected diagram contribution can be obtained In this work, we have mainly used the 48I ensemble
as a combination of the “con” and “no-pion” contribution to perform the calculation with the infinite volume, con-
as given in Eq. (31)((32)). tinuum QED weighting function described in Ref. [46].
The fitting form in Eq. (60)(plus an additional m2π Compared with QEDL , the infinite volume QED weight-
term) was used for the chiral extrapolation of the con- ing function reduces the finite volume effects from power-
nected diagram in Ref. [48] and seems to provide the most law to exponential.
accurate description of the connected diagram’s mass One may expect similar discretization effects for these
dependence. The correction from the chiral extrapola- two calculations since they should be the same in the
tion is 0.35(7) × 10−10 with the above fitting form. In large volume limit and only differ by finite volume ef-
Ref. [26], the π 0 -pole contribution is calculated to be- fects. However, there are two reasons that the discretiza-
have as C1 + C2 log2 (m2π ), If we estimate the pion mass tion errors in the current work should be much smaller.
Label Size a−1 /GeV aµ (Rmax < 4 fm) × 1010 aµ (Rmax > 4 fm) × 1010
Match 483 × 96 1.73 5.19 0.22
Coarse 243 × 48 0.865 4.65 0.20
Large 643 × 128 0.865 4.18 2.34
TABLE V. Lattice calculation of the π 0 -pole contribution using the LMD model. Note that this is not a lattice QCD calculation.
TABLE VI. Study of the pion mass dependence using the 32D and 24DH ensembles. For the 32D (physical pion mass
ensemble) results, we apply the 48I long-distance π 0 -exchange contribution in the Rmax > 4 fm region. For the 24DH ensemble
(mπ = 341 MeV), we assume the contribution is negligible in the Rmax > 4 fm region.
First, the infinite volume QED weighting function is cal- The study of the continuum limit of the strange quark
culated in the continuum with a semi-analytic method, connected diagrams strongly suggests the light quark
which eliminates the discretization errors in the QEDL connected diagrams, in particular in the relatively short
weighting function which is calculated on a discrete lat- distance region where we performed a reliable continuum
tice. Second, and more importantly, we apply the sub- extrapolation for the strange quark connected diagrams,
traction scheme as described in Ref. [46] and repeated is under 8%. We also have the same 64I dataset for the
in Eq. 12. In a test calculation of the leptonic light-by- light quark connected diagram. We have listed the com-
light contribution to the muon g − 2, we found about a parison in Tab. VII. The results from the 64I ensemble
factor of 5 reduction in the discretization error after this are statistically consistent with the 48I ensemble. Un-
subtraction is applied. We expect a similar reduction forunately, the statistical error for 64I is relatively larger
in discretization error in the hadronic case, and this is due to the absence of the improvement we made for the
indeed the case in our calculation of the strange quark new 48I calculation. We cannot constrain the continuum
connected diagrams. extrapolation for the light quark connected diagram bet-
The strange quark connected contribution is shown in ter than the 8% estimate above based on the strange
Fig. 9. Compared with the light quark, due to the heav- quark connected results.
ier strange quark mass, the statistical noise in the long-
In the long distance (large Rmax ) region, the contribu-
distance region is very small. The overall signal-to-noise
tions are mostly coming from the π 0 -exchange contribu-
ratio is much better than the light quark case which al-
tion. As can be seen from Eq. (42), the hadronic four-
lows a precise continuum limit extrapolation. As is shown
point function in the HLbL diagrams in the long-distance
in the figure, the limit is 7.9(2.6)% higher than the 48I
part can be approximated by the product of two such
results. The continuum limit is obtained by performing
transition form factors. Therefore, the discretization ef-
an O(a2 ) extrapolation to a → 0,
fects of the direct calculation of the four-point function
aµ (a2 ) = C1 + C2 a2 . (62) in the long distance region will be similar to the dis-
cretization effects of the calculation of the square of the
Compared with the observed ∼ 30% discretization error transition form factor. In the π 0 → e+ e− calculation of
in the QEDL calculation of the light quark connected Ref. [73], this relevant π 0 → γγ transition form factor is
diagrams, there is indeed a significant reduction in the studied with the same 48I ensemble as this calculation.
relative discretization error with the subtracted infinite In addition, the continuum limit is calculated with a par-
volume weighting function, despite the heavier strange allel 64I ensemble calculation. We quote the corrections
quark mass, which usually leads to larger discretization obtained in the calculation in Tab. VIII. Note that the
errors. correction is zero consistent given the statistical uncer-
TABLE VII. The last column is the percent correction to obtain the continuum limit relative to the value of the 48I ensemble.
The values in parentheses are the statistical uncertainty of the corresponding quantity.
For the light quark disconnected diagrams, we again
0.05 separately discuss the short and long distance regions.
In Fig. 5, we observe that in the short distance region
0 (Rmax . 2 fm), the disconnected diagram contribution is
much smaller than the connected contribution. This is
0 1 2 3 4 5 expected as the disconnected diagrams involve two quark
Rmax (fm) loops and the exchange of at least two gluons. Therefore,
48I strange con the disconnected diagrams are suppressed by O(α2s ) and
64I strange con 1/Nc relative to the connected diagrams. Due to the
strange con smallness of the contributions from the short-distance
disconnected diagrams, we expect that the same reason-
0.35 ing applies to the discretization effects.
For the long distance region, we again have Eq. (28),
which mandates the relationship with the connected dia-
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
0.25 grams, even for non-zero lattice spacing and finite volume
(so long that the lattice is large enough to contain the
correlation function). Therefore, we expect the long dis-
0.15 tance part of the disconnected diagrams to have the same
relative discretization effects as the connected diagrams
and also the combined total. Note that the situation is
0.05 different from the Mainz group’s work in Ref. [47, 48].
While the argument presented here should also apply
0 to the hadronic function in their calculation, the differ-
−0.05 ent QED kernels (due to the subtraction scheme of the
0 1 2 3 4 5 QED kernel and the choice of xref ) used for the connected
Rmax (fm) and disconnected diagrams lead to different shapes of the
summands and also different discretization errors.
FIG. 9. Strange quark connected part of aHLbL
µ (lower panel). Without a 64I ensemble calculation of similar preci-
Continuum limit (upper curve) and finite lattice spacing re- sion, the continuum limit cannot be reliably taken. How-
sults on 48I and 64I ensembles. Corresponding summands ever, based on the evidence presented above, in particular
(upper panel). the size of the correction in the strange quark connected
diagrams, we estimate an 8% uncertainty from non-zero
lattice spacing for the contributions from the light quark
connected, disconnected, and total contributions, and the
tainty. In Fig. 4 of Ref. [73], the partial sum of these strange quark disconnected diagrams. The corrections
quantities for both 48I and 64I are plotted. More sta- for light quark are shown in Tab. II as “48I light con
tistically precise agreement is observed at smaller time a2 -corr”, “48I light discon a2 -corr”, and “48I light a2 -
separation of the two electromagnetic vector currents. corr”. The corrections for the strange quark are shown in
Tab. IV as “48I strange con a2 -corr”, “48I strange discon contribution is included as 0.3(0.1) × 10−10 , calculated
a2 -corr”, and “48I strange a2 -corr”. based on perturbation theory and consideration of charm
meson resonances [23]. The value is similar to the strange
quark connected diagram contribution due to the heavier
G. Sub-leading disconnected diagrams mass of the charm quark and larger electric charge. In
a recent work by the Mainz group [49], the charm quark
So far, our discussions have centered on the first two contribution is calculated with lattice QCD, including
diagrams in Fig. 2. The remaining diagrams, which are both the charm quark connected and disconnected dia-
expected to be small due to the suppression by flavor grams. The result for the total charm quark contribution
SU(3) and quark electric charge factors, are not yet in- is 0.28(0.05)×10−10, where the uncertainty is mostly due
cluded. In our earlier work [24], we have already calcu- to the systematic effects from modeling the lattice spac-
lated the third diagram in Fig. 2, which is expected to ing and Mηc dependence. In this work, we use this more
be the largest within the remaining the sub-leading dis- recent lattice calculated result to account for the contri-
connected diagrams based on the flavor SU(3) and quark bution from the charm quark. The values are shown in
electric charge factor counting. To estimate the contribu- Tab. IX as “charm con”, “charm discon” “charm”.
tion from this diagram, we employ the same subtracted
infinite volume QED weighting function and the 24D en-
semble for the quark loops. The result, shown in Fig. 10, V. CONCLUSION
is zero consistent, and we estimate this contribution to
be 0.0(0.5) × 10−10 . We summarized all the results discussed above in
Tabs. II, IV, and IX. Adding all the individual contri-
24D sub-leading-discon butions and corrections, we obtain our final result for
0.4 the HLbL contribution to the muon g − 2:
0.2 aHLbL
µ × 1010 = 12.47(1.15)stat(0.95)syst [1.49], (63)
µ × 1010 = 26.36(1.33)stat(1.99)syst [2.39],
−0.6 aHLbL,discon
µ × 1010 = −13.89(1.47)stat(1.22)syst [1.91].
Numbers in square square brackets denote total erorrs,
−1 combining the statistical uncertainty (“stat”) and sys-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 tematic ones (“sys”) in quadrature.
Rmax (fm) Here, we summarize techniques used in this calculation
that we believe are important to obtain the precision for
FIG. 10. Sub-leading disconnected diagrams computed on the HLbL scattering at the physical pion mass:
24D ensemble. [24]
• The subtracted infinite volume QED weighting
In the more recent work by the Mainz group [48], all function developed in our previous work [46].
the sub-leading diagrams have been calculated. The re-
sult is still zero consistent but a more stringent bound • Use all combinations of the point source propaga-
is obtained. Therefore, in this work, we use their result tors to calculate the HLbL diagrams as described
to account for the contribution from all the sub-leading in section III.
disconnected diagrams. The value is shown in Tab. IX
• The adaptive sampling scheme used for the dis-
as “sub-leading discon”.
connected diagram calculation as described in sec-
tion III.
H. Charm quark contributions • The rearrangement of the connected and discon-
nected diagrams in Eq. (29,32) based on Eq. (28).
The charm quark contribution is also expected to be
very small due its heavy mass relative to the light quark • The AMA method [58] and efficient GPU solver for
and the strange quark. In the 2020 white paper [5], its MDWF propagators from Grid and GPT.
Contribution aµ ×1010
light con 25.70 (1.33)stat (1.99)syst [2.39]
light discon −12.71 (1.87)stat (1.17)syst [2.20]
light discon hybrid-2.5fm −13.50 (1.36)stat (1.21)syst [1.82]
light discon hybrid-2fm −13.37 (1.29)stat (1.46)syst [1.95]
light total 12.99 (2.11)stat (0.90)syst [2.29]
light total hybrid-2.5fm 12.20 (1.01)stat (0.95)syst [1.38]
light total hybrid-2fm 12.33 (0.90)stat (1.25)syst [1.55]
strange con 0.35 (0.01)stat
strange discon −0.38 (0.61)stat (0.03)syst [0.61]
strange discon hybrid-2.5fm −0.36 (0.22)stat (0.03)syst [0.22]
strange discon hybrid-2fm −0.28 (0.12)stat (0.04)syst [0.13]
strange total −0.03 (0.61)stat (0.03)syst [0.61]
strange total hybrid-2.5fm −0.00 (0.22)stat (0.03)syst [0.23]
strange total hybrid-2fm 0.07 (0.12)stat (0.04)syst [0.13]
sub-leading discon 0.00 (0.07)syst [48]
charm con 0.31 (0.04)syst [49]
charm discon −0.03 (0.02)syst [49]
charm total 0.28 (0.05)syst [49]
con 26.36 (1.33)stat (1.99)syst [2.39]
discon −13.12 (2.30)stat (1.18)syst [2.59]
discon hybrid-2.5fm −13.89 (1.47)stat (1.22)syst [1.91]
discon hybrid-2fm −13.68 (1.35)stat (1.47)syst [1.99]
total 13.24 (2.53)stat (0.90)syst [2.68]
total hybrid-2.5fm 12.47 (1.15)stat (0.95)syst [1.49]
total hybrid-2fm 12.68 (0.98)stat (1.26)syst [1.59]
TABLE IX. Summary of final results. Values are different contributions to aµ ×1010 where aµ = (gµ −2)/2. The numbers in the
square bracket (except references) are the statistical and systematic uncertainty combined in quadrature. The “strange discon”
contribution includes disconnected diagrams where one or two loops are strange quark loops. The tag “hybrid-” indicates the
same quantity obtained using the hybrid approach as described in Section IV A and IV B. The result for “total hybrid-2.5fm”
is used as our final result.
result is consistent with previous determinations. The γµ matrices satisfy the Euclidean space-time metric
γµ γν + γν γµ = 2δµ,ν , (A5)
γ5 = γx γy γz γt . (A6)
We thank our RBC and UKQCD collaborators for
helpful discussions and critical software and hardware
support. T.B. and L.J. have been supported under
Appendix B: π 0 long-distance contribution
US DOE grant DE-SC0010339. L.J. is also supported
by US DOE Office of Science Early Career Award DE-
SC0021147. N.C. is supported by US DOE grant DE- In Eq. (42), we replaced the QCD, Euclidean space-
SC0011941. M.H. is supported by Japan Grants-in- time, four-current connected Green’s function with the
Aid for Scientific Research, No20K03926. T.I., C.J., product of two amplitudes, each coupling a pair of cur-
and C.L. were supported in part by US DOE Contract rents to an on-shell π 0 . These two amplitudes are joined
DESC0012704(BNL). T.I. and C.J. were supported in by a pion propagator and all amplitudes are expressed
part by the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Com- in position space, so they can be directly inserted in our
puting (SciDAC) program LAB 22-2580. T.I. is also standard position-space evaluation of the HLbL ampli-
supported by the Department of Energy, Laboratory tude. Since the final expression involves two indepen-
Directed Research and Development (LDRD No. 23- dent factors evaluating the πγγ coupling which are con-
051) of BNL and RIKEN BNL Research Center, and nected by an analytic, position-space pion propagator,
by JSPS KAKENHI under grant numbers JP26400261, this QCD part of the HLbL amplitude can be evaluated
JP17H02906. C.L. has been supported by a DOE Of- in a “QCD volume” of arbitrary size. In particular, this
fice of Science Early Career Award. We developed volume could be much larger than that of the gauge con-
the computational code used for this work based on figurations used to compute each πγγ vertex function.
the Columbia Physics System (CPS), Grid, GPT, and Here we work out a concrete derivation of this formula
Qlattice. Computations were performed mainly under that can be used to evaluate the long-distance part of
the ALCC Program of the US DOE on the SUMMIT the π 0 exchange contribution to the leading order in 1/L.
computer at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Fa- We leave open the possibility that this approach could be
cility, a DOE Office of Science Facility supported under developed further to systematically capture terms falling
Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. These calculations with higher powers of 1/L if the large volume π 0 con-
used gauge configurations and propagators created using tribution is expressed as a power series in 1/Ln where
resources of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, L is the size of the QCD volume. We assume the QED
which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported volume to be infinite.
under Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. We also acknowl- We begin with the Euclidean-space Green’s function
edge computer resources at the Oakforest-PACS super- defined in Eq. (15):
computer system at Tokyo University, partly through the 6e4 Hµ′ ,µ,ν ′ ,ν (x′ , x, y ′ , y) (B1)
HPCI System Research Project (hp180151, hp190137), ′ ′
the BNL SDCC computer clusters at Brookhaven Na- = T Jµ′ (x )Jµ (x)Jν ′ (y )Jν (y) .
tional Lab as well as computing resources provided We will choose x′ and x close to each other as are y ′ and
through USQCD at Brookhaven and Jefferson National y. However, we will assume that the (x′ , x) pair is far
Labs. from the (y ′ , y) pair. Define:
e = x′ − x,
x (B2)
Appendix A: Notation ye = y ′ − y. (B3)
Since Euclidean space-time is rotational invariant, with-
We use Sµ and G to denote free muon and photon
out loss of generality, we can choose x − y to be along the
Euclidean time direction, with x − y = (t, ~0) and t > 0.
Z We now follow the usual steps to obtain a variant of
d4 p 1
Sµ (x, y) = eip·(x−y) (A1) the Källen-Lehman representation of the amplitude but
(2π)4 i 6 p + m
Z keep only the single π 0 intermediate state since, as the
d4 p 1 lightest particle, its exchange will dominate this Green’s
= (− 6 ∂ x + m) eip·(x−y) , (A2)
(2π)4 p2 + m2 function when x and y are far separated:
Z 6e4 Hµπ′ ,µ,ν ′ ,ν (x′ , x, y ′ , y) (B4)
d4 p 1 ip·(x−y) Z
G(x, y) = e (A3) 3
d p 1
(2π)4 p2 = 0 T Jµ′ (x′ )Jµ (x) π 0 (~ p)
1 1 (2π)3 2Eπ,~p
= . (A4)
4π 2 (x − y)2 × π 0 (~ p) T Jν ′ (y ′ )Jν (y) 0 ,
where the superscript π 0 indicates that only the π 0 con- order in 1/|x − y|:
tribution to H is represented.
Next we use four-dimensional translational invariance ∂
Dπ0 (x − y)
to remove the variables x and y from the two current- i=1
current-π 0 amplitudes. We will also replace these two N −mπ |x−y|
O(4)-covariant current-current-π 0 amplitudes by func- Y ∂ ce
= (B10)
tions of the four momentum p = (iEπ,~p , ~ p). Given the
∂x ρi |x − y|3/2
factors of exp (ip · x) and exp (−ip · y) which appear, we N
can then replace the four vector pµ by −i∂/∂xµ or i∂/∂yµ Y (x − y)ρi c e−mπ |x−y|
≈ −mπ , (B11)
as needed. For example, |x − y| |x − y|3/2
where the definition of the π 0 transition form factors fol- Introducing this approximation into Eqs. (B9), we obtain
lows Eq. (33). 0
6e4 Hµπ′ ,µ,ν ′ ,ν (x′ , x, y ′ , y) (B13)
Using this approach to remove the explicit dependence
of the two amplitudes on pµ , we can then perform the ≈ Fµ′ ,µ (e
x, imπ n̂) Fν ′ ,ν (e
y , −imπ n̂) Dπ0 (x − y).
final step of the usual Källen-Lehman derivation and in-
where n̂µ is the Euclidean unit vector (x − y)µ /|x − y|.
troduce the free pion propagator:
This is finally the equation of interest, Eq. (42), which
Z appeared earlier. Since the two quantities expressed in
d3 p 1 terms of the form factor F can be evaluated from inde-
eip·(x−y) pendent lattice QCD ensemble averages, the expression
(2π) 2Eπ,~p
Z on the right hand side of Eq. (B13) can be evaluated from
d3 p 1
= ei~p·(~x−~y) e−Eπ,~p(xt −yt ) (B6) a standard lattice QCD ensemble average followed by an
(2π)3 2Eπ,~p O(4) rotation as defined in Eq. (43), which we repeat
d4 p eip·(x−y) here:
= (B7)
(2π)4 p2 + m2π
Fµ′ ,µ xe, imπ n̂ = Λµ′ ,ρ′ Λµ,ρ Fρ′ ,ρ xe′ , imπ t̂ , (B14)
= Dπ0 (x − y) (B8)
The O(4) rotation matrix Λ = Λ(n̂) and Euclidean space-
where Dπ0 (x − y) is the free Euclidean-space propagator time coordinate x̃′ satisfy:
for a scalar particle of mass mπ .
δµ,ν = Λµ,µ′ Λν,ν ′ δµ′ ,ν ′ , (B15)
We can then rewrite Eq. (B4) in terms of F and Dπ0
to obtain the result: n̂µ = Λµ,µ′ t̂µ′ , (B16)
eµ = Λµ,µ′ x
x eµ′ . (B17)
6e4 Hµπ′ ,µ,ν ′ ,ν (x′ , x, y ′ , y) (B9)
The rotated form factor Fρ′ ,ρ x e′ , imπ t̂ follows the def-
∂ ∂
= Fµ′ ,µ x e, −i Fν ′ ,ν ye, −i Dπ0 (x − y). inition Eq. (B5) or Eq. (33) with zero momentum π 0
∂xµ ∂yµ
At this step, we have made explicit the O(4)-covariance Fρ′ ,ρ xe′ , imπ t̂
of the right-hand side of the equation. So this equation
should hold for an arbitrary orientation of x − y. = h0|T Jρ′ (e p = ~0)i
x′ )Jρ (0)|π 0 (~
So far all of the steps taken have been exact. We expect p x′ )Jρ (0)π 0 (−tsep )i
hT Jρ′ (e
= 2mπ L3 lim p , (B18)
the quantity computed, the contribution of a single pion ttsep →+∞ hT π 0 (tsep )π 0 (−tsep )i
exchange, to dominate the long distance limit in which
|x − y| is large, i.e. |x − y| & L. Now we will evaluate where π 0 (t) is a zero momentum π 0 interpolating op-
the derivatives with respect to x and y which appear erator. We use Coulomb fixed gauge wall source pion
in these equations but keep only the leading term in an operator in our numerical lattice calculation. The other
expansion in powers of 1/L. For example, to leading factor Fν ′ ,ν (e
y , −imπ n̂) can be calculated similarly.
Contribution name Form Rmax > 4fm Rmax > 2.5fm Rmax > 2.0fm
48I light no-pion fit1 0.01(0.02) 0.32(0.24) 0.89(0.48)
48I light no-pion fit2 0.01(0.02) 0.32(0.21) 0.85(0.40)
48I light no-pion fit3 0.15(0.27) 0.92(0.76) 1.67(1.02)
48I light no-pion fit4 0.03(0.00) 0.63(0.04) 1.46(0.09)
48I light no-pion fit5 0.03(0.00) 0.58(0.04) 1.34(0.08)
48I light no-pion fit6 0.00(0.00) 0.09(0.01) 0.32(0.05)
48I light no-pion fit7 0.08(0.01) 0.66(0.06) 1.31(0.12)
48I strange con ×1000 fit1 0.06(0.00) 5.90(0.06) 22.72(0.15)
48I strange con ×1000 fit2 0.08(0.00) 6.13(0.05) 22.64(0.14)
48I strange con ×1000 fit3 0.10(0.00) 5.79(0.05) 21.40(0.14)
48I light con fit1 4.96(2.11) 13.14(3.04) 16.69(3.08)
48I light con fit2 4.43(1.06) 12.40(1.86) 15.96(2.00)
48I light con fit3 4.14(0.48) 11.01(1.00) 14.54(1.17)
48I light con fit8 4.14(0.39) 11.01(0.93) 14.54(1.12)
48I light discon fit1 −3.13(4.06) −9.21(5.04) −11.20(5.07)
48I light discon fit2 −13.23(6.56) −19.61(7.61) −21.27(7.70)
48I light discon fit3 −2.76(2.33) −8.73(3.50) −10.78(3.57)
48I light discon fit8 −5.22(1.84) −11.46(3.08) −13.46(3.24)
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand 5
−10 −2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 12. Same as Fig. 6, reproduced for easy comparison with the other figures in this appendix. The fit function is Eq. (C1).
The fit starts at 0.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
−10 −2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 13. Similar to Fig. 6 but with the fit function in Eq. (C2). The fit starts at 1.0 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
−10 −2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 14. Similar to Fig. 6 but with the fit function in Eq. (C3). The fit starts at 0.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand 5
−10 −2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 15. Similar to Fig. 6 but with the fit function in Eq. (C4). The fit starts at 0.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
−10 −2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 16. Similar to Fig. 6 but with the fit function in Eq. (C5). The fit starts at 1.0 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
−10 −2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 17. Similar to Fig. 6 but with the fit function in Eq. (C6). The fit starts at 0.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
−10 −2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 18. Similar to Fig. 6 but with the fit function in Eq. (C7). The fit starts at 0.5 fm.
0.25 0.3
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
0 0
−0.05 −0.05
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 19. Similar to Fig. 6 but for the strange quark connected contriubtion with the fit function in Eq. (C1). The fit starts at
0.5 fm.
48I strange con summand 48I strange con
fit2 fit2
0.35 0.35
0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
−0.05 −0.05
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 20. Similar to Fig. 6 but for the strange quark connected contribution with the fit function in Eq. (C2). The fit starts at
1.0 fm.
0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
−0.05 −0.05
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 21. Similar to Fig. 6 but for the strange quark connected contribution with the fit function in Eq. (C3). The fit starts at
0.5 fm.
48I light con summand 48I light con
fit1 fit1
12 25
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
6 15
0 5
−6 −5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 22. Similar to Fig. 6 but for light quark connected contribution with the fit function in Eq. (C1). The fit starts at 1.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
6 15
0 5
−6 −5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 23. Similar to Fig. 6 but for light quark connected contribution with a the fit function in Eq. (C2). The fit starts at
1.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
6 15
0 5
−6 −5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 24. Similar to Fig. 6 but for the light quark connected contribution with the fit function in Eq. (C3). The fit starts at
1.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
6 15
0 5
−6 −5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 25. Similar to Fig. 6 but for the light quark connected contribution with the fit function in Eq. (C8). The fit starts at
1.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
0 −6
−15 −14
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 26. Similar to Fig. 6 but for the light quark disconnected contribution with the fit function in Eq. (C1). The fit starts at
1.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
5 −4
−5 −10
−15 −16
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 27. Similar to Fig. 6 but for the light quark disconnected conrtibution with the fit function in Eq. (C2). The fit starts at
1.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
0 −6
−15 −14
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 28. Similar to Fig. 6 but for the light quark disconnected contribution with the fit function in Eq. (C3). The fit starts at
1.5 fm.
aµ × 1010 partial-sum
aµ × 1010 summand
0 −6
−15 −14
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rmax (fm) Rmax (fm)
FIG. 29. Similar to Fig. 6 but for the light quark disconnected contribution with the fit function in Eq. (C8). The fit starts at
1.5 fm.
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