PhysRevLett 128 134101
PhysRevLett 128 134101
PhysRevLett 128 134101
We investigate the properties of the blackbody spectrum by direct numerical solution of the classical
equations of motion of a one-dimensional model that contains the essential general features of the field-
matter interaction. Our results, which do not rely on any statistical assumption, show that the classical
blackbody spectrum exhibits remarkable properties: (i) a quasistationary state characterized by scaling
properties, (ii) consistency with the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and (iii) a high-frequency cutoff. Our Letter is a
preliminary step in the understanding of statistical properties of infinite-dimensional systems.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.134101
Introduction.—The inability of classical physics to formally in contradiction with the Rayleigh-Jeans law,
account for the experimentally observed frequency spec- according to which E ∝ T.
trum of blackbody radiation is at the origin of quantum What about the solution of the nonlinear classical
theory. In spite of desperate attempts, the falloff of the Newton-Maxwell equations of motion that govern the
blackbody curve at high frequencies could not be explained field-matter interaction? Will dynamics agree, and to what
by classical mechanics. To be more precise, however, this is extent, with the above classical statistical and thermo-
not a failure of classical theory per se. Indeed, it is the dynamics predictions? After 150 years, this question
classical theory with the additional assumption of energy concerning a fundamental problem in the development
equipartition which leads to the Rayleigh-Jeans radiation of modern physics remains unsolved.
law, implying the unphysical ultraviolet catastrophe [1]. Here, we numerically integrate the exact classical equa-
On the other hand, classical ergodic theory, from which tions of motion of a blackbody model, without any
equipartition theorem follows, is valid only for systems statistical assumption, and we show that classical dynamics
with a finite number of degrees of freedom. Ergodicity, that leads to a quasistationary state that is consistent with the
is, independence of time averages on initial conditions, Stefan-Boltzmann law and where the energy distribution
does not imply equipartition of energy for a system with over the field normal modes exhibits an exponentially
infinite degrees of freedom, since there is no invariant decreasing tail. Therefore, the solution of the classical
measure at hand to define a microcanonical ensemble. A equations of motion naturally leads to a high-frequency
main difficulty here stems from the fact that the radiation cutoff of the blackbody spectrum.
field has N m ¼ ∞ degrees of freedom (modes) and that the Model.—To investigate the dynamics of charged par-
two limits N m → ∞ and time t → ∞ do not commute. ticles interacting with the electromagnetic field in a cavity
Therefore, the question of what classical mechanics pre- is a formidable task. Here we consider a variant of a model
dicts on the properties of the radiation field in equilibrium introduced long ago [3] and afterward studied in several
with matter is still open. papers [4–10]. In spite of its simplicity, our model retains
Even more interesting is the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the general essential features of field-matter interaction:
which states that at temperature T the total radiation energy (i) the field modes can only exchange energy via interaction
E ∝ T 4 . It is remarkable that this formula, which is well in with matter and (ii) the free electromagnetic field in the
agreement with experimental data, was derived by cavity is by itself a linear system and nonlinearity is
Boltzmann in 1884 on a purely classical thermodynamics provided by matter.
basis [2]. As such, it should be a consequence of the A sketch of our model is drawn in Fig. 1. It consists of an
classical equations of motion. Notice that this result is electromagnetic field confined in between two parallel,
1 1
Ṽðzj Þ ¼ γz4j ; Vðzj−1 ; zj Þ ¼ κðzj − zj−1 Þ2 : ð2Þ
4 2
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 128, 134101 (2022)
FIG. 3. (a) The average energy of the plates (full symbols) and
of the field modes (half filled symbols), for total energy Etot ¼ 24 (a) (b)
at different times. (b) hEm;k i scaled by the temperature of plates
and the mode frequencies being shifted by αln(t). (c) hEm;k i
versus the scaled and shifted frequencies at a given time. The
results for different total energies collapse on the same curve. The FIG. 4. Power spectrum of the time series P1 ðtÞ for the
energy of the system is initially randomly assigned to the plates as momentum of the charged plate, in a system of N p plates with
kinetic energy. total energy Etot, for (a) Etot =N p ¼ 8 and (b) N p ¼ 16.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 128, 134101 (2022)
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