n the past decade, the field of immunology has been subsets also have different signaling pathways, such as dif-
characterized by a marked increase in our understanding ferential mTOR complex I or II requirements for Th1/Th17
of genetic and signaling programs that define immune or Th2 cells (10, 11), or increased AMP kinase (AMPK)
cells. More recently, it has become clear that a key component activation in Tregs (8), further expanding the potential for
of immune cell regulation and function is the concomitant selective manipulation of cellular processes based upon their
reprogramming of metabolic pathways (1). The metabolism of differential metabolic demands.
a naive lymphocyte is different from that of a memory cell The transition from effector cell to memory cell involves
and is different from that of an effector (and indeed, even further metabolic changes. Memory cells are more reliant on
effector subsets have great differences in their metabolic fatty acid oxidation and have increased mitochondrial mass
profiles) (2). These differences offer promising opportunities (12, 13). This increase in mitochondria is coupled with the
for selective regulation of immune subsets. Furthermore, re- increase in spare respiratory capacity (13). From a metabolic
cent studies suggest that even metabolic inhibitors that lack perspective, memory cells are fueled to last. Furthermore,
intrinsic specificity can be made to affect only a select subset these metabolic changes allow the memory T cell to rapidly
of cells based on the metabolic demands of those cells. This expand and to take on an effector function upon restim-
principle of cellular selectivity based upon cellular demand ulation (14). From this overview of naive, effector, and
underlies a great deal of metabolic therapy and is broadly memory T cell metabolism, a picture emerges whereby selec-
applicable to a number of different cells and disease types. tively regulating metabolic pathways can lead to the fine-tuned
Department of Oncology, Bloomberg-Kimmel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, Abbreviations used in this article: AMPK, AMP kinase; BMT, bone marrow transplan-
The Sidney-Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Research Center, Johns Hopkins University tation; DC, dendritic cell; DCA, dichloroacetate; 2DG, 2-deoxy-glucose; DON, 6-diazo-5-
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21231 oxo-L-norleucine; GVHD, graft-versus-host disease; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; PDHK,
PDH kinase; PKM2, pyruvate kinase M2; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SLE, systemic lupus
Received for publication August 2, 2016. Accepted for publication September 20, 2016.
erythematosus; Treg, regulatory T cell.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AI072677, AI77610,
and AI09148. Copyright Ó 2017 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. 0022-1767/17/$30.00
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Jonathan D. Powell, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, CRB1 Room 443, 1650 Orleans Street, Baltimore, MD
21231. E-mail address: [email protected]
regulation of immune function. In this brief review, we will Another metabolite that increases upon stimulation is
highlight several instructive examples of how the differential succinate. The increase in glutamine metabolism that ac-
metabolism of innate and adaptive immune cells is beginning companies aerobic glycolysis paradoxically increases the suc-
to be exploited therapeutically. cinate present in macrophages after stimulation, even though
flux through the TCA cycle is decreased (18). Succinate sta-
Targeting signaling by targeting metabolites in innate and adaptive bilizes HIF-1a, which leads to increased production of IL-1b.
immune cells Inhibition of glycolysis with 2DG prevents this increase in
The shift in the metabolism of innate immune cells upon succinate upon stimulation and leads to a decrease in IL-1b
activation is similar yet distinct from that which occurs in the production, as detailed later (19). Recently, an important role
adaptive immune system (2, 15). This is advantageous, be- for itaconate in regulating macrophage inflammation has been
cause it provides opportunities for both concurrent and dif- demonstrated (34). Itaconate has a regulatory role in macro-
ferential regulation of the two arms of the immune response. phage metabolism and acts by competitive inhibition of
Upon activation of macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) in succinate dehydrogenase (35). In this model, itaconate en-
an inflammatory context, there is a shift from the quiescent dogenously produced by Irg1 has been shown to inhibit
state to a Warburg phenotype that is similar to that of succinate dehydrogenase, which leads to a block in the TCA
activated lymphocytes (16, 17). This is accompanied by a cycle and a subsequent increase in succinate accumulation in
decrease in the flux through the TCA cycle (18, 19). How- LPS-stimulated macrophages. Alternatively, in IRG12/2 cells
ever, the goal of this shift in metabolism is not to support there is an increase in HIF-1a concurrent with a relative
proliferation. Rather, such metabolic changes support full decrease in succinate (34). Such findings demonstrate an ad-
signaling phenotype is in contrast with the metabolic changes possibility exists that these small molecules that prevent the
that occur in more proinflammatory innate immune cells, and activity of PKM2 could be beneficial in treating autoimmune
provides potential differences with which the balance between inflammatory diseases. Although there has been less focus on
macrophage subtypes can be manipulated. the intervention of innate immune metabolism in treating
Parallel analysis of transcriptional and metabolomics data has autoimmunity and destructive inflammation, this is a field
provided further insight into the metabolic circuitry of acti- ripe for further exploration.
vated macrophages. Using a combined metabolic and tran-
scriptional analysis, termed CoMBI-T, Jha and colleagues (40) Targeting metabolism in bone marrow transplantation
were able to simultaneously examine the interplay between In addition to their role in protective immunity, T lymphocytes
metabolites and the enzymes involved in pathways that use or make an important contribution to disease pathogenesis in
generate them. This approach revealed strikingly different a variety of autoimmune conditions. Normally, T cell meta-
metabolic profiles in M1 and M2 macrophages. In the M1 bolism, upon activation, involves a rapid increase in aerobic
macrophages, the conversion of isocitrate to a-ketoglutarate glycolysis (along with a concurrent transcriptional/translational
was specifically found to be deficient, because of decreased increase in the machinery involved in these processes) and an
transcription of the enzyme responsible for that reaction, increase in the uptake of glutamine to replenish the TCA cycle to
isocitrate dehydrogenase (Idh1). Decreased a-ketoglutarate derive anaplerotic substrates from that pathway (2). Also, ac-
production in M1 macrophages requires that citric acid serve tivated T cells display increased shunting of carbons into al-
as a precursor for itaconate and fatty acid synthesis (40). Irg1, ternative metabolic circuits, such as the pentose phosphate
as discussed earlier, is one of the most strongly upregulated pathway (46). However, in a number of autoimmune diseases,
specific inhibitory effect on the differentiation and function
of Th17 cells, while promoting the generation of T regula-
tory cells (63). This is likely due to differences in Pdhk1
expression in the different cell types, because Th17 have
higher Pdhk1 expression levels than Tregs. Therefore, when
DCA was used to treat the Th17-driven model of autoim-
mune inflammation, experimental autoimmune encephalitis,
it was found that the inhibition of PDHK significantly de-
creased disease scores and progression. Disease alleviation
graft reconstitution
percentage recovered (63). PDHK1 also plays a crucial role
in macrophage polarization because it is required for M1
macrophage generation and activation in response to the
For each drug, its target, the autoimmune inflammation on which the drug was tested, its effect, and the literature reference are listed.
after activation (64).
Experimental autoimmune
Solid organ transplant
Disease Model
Another condition of pathogenic T cell activation that has
been targeted with metabolic therapy is systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE). Similar to GVHD after BMT, in the
case of SLE there is a constant, persistent encounter between
the pathogenic lymphocyte (the pathogenesis of SLE is
chiefly reliant on CD4 T cells) and its target tissue (65). As a
result, pathogenic T cells take on a chronically activated
phenotype, and thus have dramatically different metabolic
needs than healthy tissue (66). Similar to pathogenic T cells
in GVHD, and in contrast with the lymphocytes activated
Electron transport chain (complex I)
Pathway Targeted
of lupus (68).
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