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Okhale et al., IJP, 2016; Vol. 3(5): 201-211.

E- ISSN: 2348-3962, P-ISSN: 2394-5583

IJP (2016), Vol. 3, Issue 5 (Review Article)

Received on 05 April 2016; received in revised form, 19 May 2016; accepted, 26 May 2016; published 31 May 2016


Samuel Ehiabhi Okhale *, Ezekwesiri Michael Nwanosike, Omolola Temitope Fatokun and Oluyemisi
Folashade Kunle
Department of Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine, National Institute for Pharmaceutical
Research and Development, Idu Industrial Area, P. M. B. 21, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
Keywords: ABSTRACT: Lippia is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the
Lippia, Phytochemistry, Verbenaceae family. It contains about 220 species with diverse
Essential oils, Classification, ethnopharmacological applications. Myriad of biologically active
Chemotypes, Chemotaxonomy phytoconstituents abound in Lippia. The essential oil chemotypes
Correspondence to Author: found in Lippia species included myrcenone rich-type, carvone rich-
Dr. Samuel Ehiabhi Okhale
type, piperitenone rich-type, ipsenone rich-type, linalool rich-type,
Department of Medicinal Plant citral rich-type, carvacrol rich-type, thymol rich-type and lippiol rich-
Research and Traditional Medicine,
type. Other constituents apart from essential oils isolated and
National Institute for Pharmaceutical
Research and Development, Idu chemically characterized were highlighted. β-caryophyllene and
Industrial Area, P. M. B. 21, Garki, iridoid glycosides were notable as chemotaxonomic marker
Abuja, Nigeria. compounds which were common to many of Lippia species.
E-mail: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION: Chemotaxonomy refers to the Lippia is one of 41 genera of flowering plants

investigation of the distribution of groups of belonging to the family Verbenaceae 3. It contains
biosynthetically related chemical compounds in a roughly 220 species of tropical shrubs, herbs, and
series of related or supposedly related plants 1. It trees that are widely distributed around the world 4.
can also be loosely defined as the identification and Some of these species include adonensis (kere),
classification of organisms by comparative analysis multiflora (bush tea), lugosa, organoides,
of their biochemical composition. A wealth of graveolens, chevelieri, alba, javanica 5, sidiodes,
information can be sorted out by placing plant gracilis, citriodora 6, among others. Below are
genera in the chemotaxonomic context. Chemotype herbarium samples of Lippia chevalieri Fig. 1 and
is generally defined as a distinct population within Lippia multiflora Fig. 2.
the same species (plant or microorganism) that
produces different chemical profiles for a particular In this review, essential oils and non-essential oil
class of secondary metabolites 2. constituents were investigated toward identification
of essential oil chemotypes and chemotaxonomic
QUICK RESPONSE CODE markers in the Lippia genus. Essential oils showed
10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.IJP.3(5).201-11 great abundance and overwhelming chemical
diversity in Lippia.
Article can be accessed online on:
www.ijpjournal.com Chemotypes from other classes of secondary
metabolites have not been extensively isolated,
DOI link: http://dx.doi.org/10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.IJP.3(5).201-11 studied and documented when compared to the

International Journal of Pharmacognosy 201

Okhale et al., IJP, 2016; Vol. 3(5): 201-211. E- ISSN: 2348-3962, P-ISSN: 2394-5583

essential oils. By and large, this review seeks to groups, using essential oils to show chemotypic
classify various species of Lippia into chemical variation.


Ethnopharmacology: Plants belonging to the The leaf is used as a vegetable, and the flower with
Lippia genus have been widely used in ethnobotany seed are used for soup. It has been used in many
throughout South and Central America and in ethnopharmacological applications to ameliorate
tropical Africa as foods, medicines, sweeteners and bronchial inflammation, malaria fever,
in beverage flavoring 7. The Lippia species have a conjunctivitis, gastrointestinal disturbance,
long history of use in traditional medicinal enteritis, coughs and colds 21. L. multiflora
applications some of which have been scientifically possesses hypotensive, fatigue relieving, and
validated. They are mostly used in the treatment of diuretic properties 22.
respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders.
Additionally, they exhibit anti-malarial, It has also been used as a substitute for tea and as a
spasmolytic, sedative, hypotensive and anti- mouth disinfectant 23. Analgesic and antipyretic
inflammatory activities 8, 9, 10. The essential oils of activities have also been documented for L.
L. alba had been reported to possess anti- multiflora. Lippia adoensis extracts were used
spasmodic, digestive, anti-hemorrhoidal and anti- medicinally by a variety of indigenous people for
asthmatic activities 11. Also, atifungal, antibacterial, treatment of skin infection 24. Lippia species are
antiviral, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities also useful in culinary seasoning and as insect
have been reported for L. alba 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. repellants; L. dulcis has demonstrated anti-
proliferative activity in vitro in different cancer
The cytotoxic and antitumor effects of L. alba cells 25. Virucidal activity has also been
extracts and some significant components of its demonstrated L. dulcis 26. It was recently reported
essential oils, such as limonene and citral, have that three compounds from L. javanica were able to
been demonstrated in HL-60 human promyelocytic inhibit the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase enzyme 27.
leukemia cells, K562 human erythroleukemic cells, The table below comprehensively captures the
HepG2 human hepatocellular liver carcinoma cells ethnopharmacological applications of Lippia
and HeLa human cervix epithelioid carcinoma cells species Table 1. Meanwhile, the medicinal effects
17, 18, 19
. L. gracilis also exhibits antitumor activity of L. multiflora have been attributed to essential
. L. multiflora leaves and inflorescence are widely oils, glycosides and other phytochemical
used as spices in cooking and traditional medicine. components 28.
Species Traditional uses Pharmacology References
L. affinis sidoides Cham. ; O 29
L. alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown A, B, C, D, E, G, H, K, Q, R, S A, B, D, M, N, T, V 30, 31, 32, 33
34, 35, 36, 38
L. geminata H. B. K A, B, D, G, K, Q, S A 33, 37, 38

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Okhale et al., IJP, 2016; Vol. 3(5): 201-211. E- ISSN: 2348-3962, P-ISSN: 2394-5583

L. aristata Schau. O 29
L. chevalieri Moldenke B,P, R, S P 38
L. citrodora (Ort) HBK A, B, C, G, I, Q A, B, Y 39, 40, 41, 42
L. dulcis Trevir A, C, D, G, I, K, R, W C, M 30, 43,44,45, 46
L. formosa T. S Brandgee M 47
L. gracilis HBK E M 48
L. grandifolia Hochst. L,M 59
L. grata Shau Q 50
L. graveolens HBK A, C,D, K, Q, R, U, W 30, 47, 51
L. javanica (N.L Burm) Spreng. A, Q, R L, M 52, 43
L. micromera Shau C, G, I, R 30
L. multiflrora Moldenke H, J, P, R F, J, N, P 53, 39, 28, 54, 9
L. nodiflora (L.) Michx A, I, K, M, P, R, Q, M, S M 55, 38
L. organoides H.B.K C, G, R 30
L. palmeri S. Wats F, M 49
L. reptans H.B.K D, G 56
L. sidoides Cham B, F, J, M, Q, Z 57, 52, 50
L. somalensis Vatke L 51
L. turbinata Griseb G 58
L. ukambensis Vatke L, M 51
A: Analgesic/anti-inflammatory/antipyretic; B: Sedative; C: Culinary seasoning; D: Remedy for diarrhea and dysentery; E: Cutaneous diseases
treatment; F: Antifungal; G: Remedy for gastrointestinal disorders; H: Remedy for hepatic/cholerectic/vesicle disorders; I: Diuretic; J:
Antihypertensive; K: Menstrual disorders remedy; L: Larvicidal/repellant; M: Antimicrobial; N: Antiviral; O: Molluscicidal; P: Antimalarial;
Q: Antispasmodic; R: Respiratory diseases treatment; S: Treatment of syphilis and gonorrhea; T: Cytostatic; U: Antidiabetic; V:
Anticonvulsant; W: Abortifacient; X: Stimulant; Y: Pro-convulsant; Z: Local anesthetic.

Phytochemistry: The genus Lippia consists of perfumery industries. As the use of aromatic
nearly 220 species of herbs, shrubs and small trees compounds requires detailed chemical
which are often aromatic. Of these, thirty-nine characterization and evaluation of possible
species have had some previous work done on their modifications within their compositions, which are
essential oil compositions. Some species of Lippia due to the different geographical origins and
are composed of a wide variety of chemically climatic conditions and different population
variable, volatile compounds that present biological genetics that can lead to the formation of different
properties 21, 59, 60. The phytoconstituent which was chemotypes 62, 63, 64.
found to occur in the highest frequency in Lippia
essential oils was limonene. Other components Phytochemical studies by several researchers have
found in these oils, in order of decreasing shown the presence of essential or volatile oil in the
frequency, were: p-cymene, α-pinene, camphor, β- aerial part of L. Multiflora, which has been
caryophyllene, linalool, thymol and carvacrol 61. extracted and characterized by some workers using
Essential oils are aromatic, or odoriferous, oily instrumental methods like hydro-distillation and
liquids, sometimes semi-liquid or solid, obtained Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-
from plant material, for example, flowers, buds, MS). Analysis of the oil by GC-MS revealed,
seeds, leaves, twigs, bark, herbs, woods, fruits, and among others, the presence of terpineol, α- and β-
roots. Depending on the kind of oils and the pinene which are known to be lethal to lice 65.
quality, essential oils can be used in different Others have also used traditional classical methods
industries. of maceration in organic solvents to isolate the oil
or components of the oil and then characterize by
Essential oils are applied in the food industry as a using GC-MS and other spectrometric methods like
flavoring, the perfume industry for fragrances, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Infra-
the pharmaceutical industry for adding taste or Red spectrometry 66, 10.
smell or suppressing the less desirable medicated
flavor. The use of essential oils in health care are Investigators have widely studied the oil which is
called ‘aromatherapy.’ The knowledge of chemical believed traditionally to possess some
constituents of essential oils is of fundamental pharmacotherapeutic activities in the field. The
importance to the pharmaceutical, food, and chemical composition has necessitated the

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Okhale et al., IJP, 2016; Vol. 3(5): 201-211. E- ISSN: 2348-3962, P-ISSN: 2394-5583

classification of the oil into different chemotypes to sesquiterpene hydrocarbon was (E)-caryophyllene
guide its identification and application 67. Some (5.9%).
chemotypes could be seen along the monoterpenoid
(rich in thymol and its derivatives, ρ-cymene, and The major constituents of L. sidoides are thymol
carvacrol) and sesquiterpenoid (rich in ipsdienone and carvacrol. Other important ones include the
and ocimenone isomers) 68. Another classification oxygenated monoterpene 1,8-cineole, isoborneol
placed the analyzed samples into five chemotypes and bornyl acetate 63. On a another note, the main
namely, linalool (29%) and germacrene D (28%) constituents of L. citriodora include geranial, neral,
rich oil, 1,8-cineole (43-47%) and sabinene (12- and limonene constituting 66.3% of the total
15%) rich oil, high farnesol (camphoraceous) rich essential oil yield in May and increasing to 69% in
oil, high sesquiterpenes (45-70%) rich oil and high September 73, 74, 75, 76. In the separate study, the
monoterpenes rich oil (ρ-cymene 14-19%, thymol essential oil of Lippia citriodora revealed cis-
30-40%, thymol acetate 14-17%) 69. It as clear that sabinene hydrate (38.99%), spathulenol (10.4),
the variation in chemical composition could be due cuparene (6.81%), α-terpineol (5.05%), geranyl
to factors bordering on environmental stress and acetate (3.91%), β-pinene (3.46%) and E citral
genetics. (3.4%) as the major Compounds identified.
Oxygenated monoterpene group was predominant
Additionally, GC analysis of extracts L. alba in the essential oil of Lippia citriodora 6. Citral, a
revealed most constituents belonging to the terpene mixture of the E- and Z-isomers, was found to be
class of hydrocarbons: Chemotype 1 (citral, β- the main constituent of the L. rehmannii essential
myrcene, limonene), Chemotype 2 (citral, oils, while borneol, camphor, neryl acetate,
limonene), Chemotype 3 (carvone, limonene) 70. isocaryophyllene, p-cymene, β-caryophyllene, and
Non-essential oil constituents found in L. alba β-caryophyllene oxide were other major
include iridoids and phenylpropanoids in the roots compounds identified 77. L. gracilis essential oils
(theveridoside, muscaveroside). Essential oils of L. had thymol is a major bioactive component 20.
javanica are classified into 5 chemotypes based on
the mono and sesquiterpene contents 71. Some L. graveolens essential oil contained 45 chemical
iridoid glycosides including theveridoside were compounds, and the main components were
isolated from L. javanica and were considered as carvacrol, thymol, eugenol, ocimene, pinene, and
chemotaxonomic markers for the genus Lippia 72. linalool, among others 78. On the other hand,
essential oil of the leaves of L. chevalieri is
According to Oliviera and co-workers 83, Essential composed mainly of thymol (27.4%), p-cymene
oils from L. organoides show a high content of (21.1%), and 2-phenyl-ethyl-propionate (12.6%),
oxygenated monoterpenes (66.0%), monoterpene while the oil from the flower is composed of β-
hydrocarbons (20.7%), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons elemene (33%), ethyl cinnamate (30.3%) and α-
(9.0%) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (1.1%). The amorphene (12.4%) 79. Aromatic volatile oil of L.
two major compounds among monoterpenes were microphylla was rich in monoterpenes, especially
carvacrol (38.6%) and thymol (18.5%); among cineole, terpineol and thymol 80.
Species flavonoids Other compounds References
L. alba (Mill.) N.E Brown Flavonoid 4-sulphates Tannins (low), geniposide 31, 32, 37, 38
(iridoid), triterpenic
saponins, resin, mucilage,
alkaloids, saponins, sterols
L. canescens Kunth Flavone aglycones, 81
flavones mono- and di-
L. citroidora (Ort.) H.B.K Salvigenin, eupatorin, Verbacosides 82, 83
eupafolin, hispidulin, 6-
hydroxyluteolin, 7- O- β -
glucoside, luteolin,

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Okhale et al., IJP, 2016; Vol. 3(5): 201-211. E- ISSN: 2348-3962, P-ISSN: 2394-5583

L. dulcis Trevir. Verbacosides, alkaloids 48
L. graveolens H.B.K Naringenin and lapachenol 53
L. javanica (N.L Burm.) Spreng. icterogenin 43
L. multiflora Moldenke Flavonoids Verbacoside, 54, 55
isoverbacoside, sterols,
L. nodiflora (L.) Michx Nepetin, jaceocidin and Alkaloids, resin, sugars, 83, 38
hispidulin aglycones, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol
lippiflorin A and B
glycosides, nodiflorin A
and B,
L. rehmanii H.H.W. Pearson Tritrerpenic compounds, 41
icterogenin, rehmannic
L. sidoides Cham 6,7- dimethoxy-5,4I- Naphthoquinoids, 58
dihydroxyflavone lapachenol, isocatalponol
L. turbinata Griseb Leucoanthocyanidins, 59
steroidic and triterpenic
compounds, alkaloids and
cardenolides (traces)

Oliviera and co-workers 83 described the Chemically, essential oil constituents belong to the
preliminary stage for chemotyping of Lippia following classification namely hydrocarbons,
species to involve collection and drying of monoterpenes, oxygenated monoterpenes, sesqui-
identified aerial parts of plant specimens. This was terpenes, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, diterpenes,
followed by extraction of essential oil from the oxygenated diterpenes, triterpenes, oxygenated
leaves by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type triterpene, aromatic compounds, alcohols, fatty
apparatus for 4 hours with 1.5 L of water; with a acids, ketones and heterocyclic compounds 85, 86, 87,
88, 89, 90
good yield of about 1.0% v/w. The essential oil was . Common chemotypes for Lippia essential
dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate and stored at 4 oil are compiled in Table 3.
ºC. Analysis of extract was also carried out using
the GC-MS technique 67.
Plants Monoterpenes Sesquiterpenes References
L. affinis aristata Schau Sabinene, limonene, p-cymene, β-caryophyllene, 29
α-pinene, γ-terpinene α-cadinene, γ-elemene 62
L. adonensis Hochst α-terpineol, β-pinene, γ-terpinene, δ-cadinene, 62
carvone, 1,8-cineole, p-cymene, β-caryophyllene, nerolidol,
limonene, linalool, thymol germacrene-D
L. alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown Borneol, camphor, 1,8-cineole, geranial, β-caryophyllene, 29
myrcene, linalool, neral, sabinene β-elemene, γ-cadinene, α- 30
muurolene 62

L. citroidora Kunth. Citral- A, citral-B, geraniol, Caryophyllene oxide 62

1,8-cineole, linalool, limonene 85
L. dulcis Trevir. Camphor, camphene, limonene, α-copaene, 48
terpinolene, α-pinene, lippiol β-caryophyllene, 45,48
δ-cadinene, 62 91
L. gracilis HBK Thymol, cavacrol, p-cymene, α-copaene, 50
4-terpenil-acetate β-cubebene
L. graveolens H.B.K β-phellandrene, cavacrol, α-humulene, 49
p-cymene, methylthymol, thymol β-caryophyllene,
β-bisabolene, aromadendrene

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Okhale et al., IJP, 2016; Vol. 3(5): 201-211. E- ISSN: 2348-3962, P-ISSN: 2394-5583

L. javanica (N.L Burm.) Myrcene, myrcenone, ocimene, (E)- β-caryophyllene 62

Spreng. tagetenone, cis-tagetone
L. multiflora Moldenke 1,8-cineole, linalool Nerolidol 28
L. nodiflora (L.) Greene 2-phenethyl alcohol, 1-octen-3-ol, Calamenene, 62
linalool, 2,6-dimethyloctane, β- caryophyllene,
methylsalicylate, p-cymen-8-ol α-copaene,
β-caryophyllene, umbellulone
L. organoides H.B.K 1,8-cineole, α-terpinene, β-caryophyllene, umbellulone 62
γ-terpinene, p-cymene
L. sidoides Cham p-cymene, α-copaene 50
cavacrol, α-terpinene, thymol β-caryophyllene, 62
L. turbinata Griseb α-thujone, carvone, limonene, bornyl β-caryophyllene oxide, 62
acetate, camphor β-cubebene, spanthulenol,
L. ukambensis Vatke Terpineol, δ-3-carene, camphene, β-cubebene 62
camphor, 1,8-cineole, p-cymene, trans- 51
sabinene hydrate,

The range of major volatile constituents reported in estragole are frequently found in the essential oils
Lippia were hydrocarbons (pinene, limonene, of L. alba 95. Similarly, the essential oils of Lippia
isabolene), alcohols (linalol, santalol), acids multiflora were characterized by richness in 1,8-
(benzoic acid, geranic acid), aldehydes (citral), cineole, sabinene, α-terpineol and α-pinene (out of
cyclic aldehydes (cuminal), ketones (camphor), at least 13 distinct chemotypes), most of which are
lactones (bergaptene), phenols (eugenol), phenolic distributed across Nigeria, Ghana and Togo 67.
ethers (anethole), oxides (1,8 cineole) and esters Kunle and Egharevba 66 gave a comprehensive
(geranyl acetate) 92. Most phytochemical studies of review of the essential oil chemotypes found in
Lippia have concentrated on the chemistry of the Lippia multiflora. L. organoides was characterized
volatile constituents, resulting in limited by different chemical types: p-cymene, α- and β-
information being available on the non-volatile phellandrene and limonene (chemotype A) 96,
secondary metabolites 93. carvacrol (chemotype B) 97, 87, thymol chemotype
C) 98, 100, 1,8-cineole (chemotype D) 99. Lately (E)-
The species of Lippia contain a varying number of methyl cinnamate and (E)-nerolidol (chemotype E)
chemotypes (depending on the geographical 100
were identified by GC-MS analysis of Lippia
source), some of which contain more of particular ukambensis Vatke essential oil. Two chemotypes
chemotypes than the other. For example, Lippia were identified by the camphor and 1,8-cineole in
alba has about 12 chemotypes, and GC analysis of Lippia ukambensis Vatke on examination by
essential oils from this specie reveals the GC/MS. On a separate note, the major compound
predominance of monoterpene compounds such as in the oil of L. somalensis was 1, 8-cineole (31.9%)
citral, β-myrcene, limonene, and carvone. Three of 51
. Structure of some compounds found in Lippia
the 12 chemotypes are iridoides; others include species is shown in Fig. 3.
flavonoid glycosides and phenylethanoid
glycosides 94. It is noteworthy that some iridoid glycosides
including theveridoside were isolated from L.
Meanwhile, Monoterpenes such as limonene, javanica and were considered as chemotaxonomic
carvone, citral, β-caryophyllene, tagetenone, markers for the genus Lippia. However, the reasons
myrcene, γ-terpinene, camphor, 1,8-cineole, and for chemotaxonomy included the following:

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Okhale et al., IJP, 2016; Vol. 3(5): 201-211. E- ISSN: 2348-3962, P-ISSN: 2394-5583

variable composition and structure of given genius; variation in chemical constituents can be
determined chemical constituents; the percentage/ exactly described in terms of definite structural
composition of any given compound in a plant configuration, and provides a way to understand
would give the progression of a plant, species or their biosynthesis 101.

Alpha-pinene Myrcene Limonene Alpha-terpinene Beta-terpinene p-cymene cis-ocimene Germacrene- D


Alpha-pinene Borneol Camphor Carvacrol

Alpha-terpineol Sabinene Alpha-phellandrene


Beta-terpineol Nerol Linalool Caryophyllene Geraniol Farnesol


Thymol Carvone Piperitenone Citral 1,8- cineole Theviridoside


Neral Geraniol Spathulenol Ocimenone Myrcenone Ipsenone


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How to cite this article:

Okhale SE, Nwanosike EM, Fatokun OT and Kunle OF: Phytochemistry and Ethnopharmacology of Lippia Genus with a Statement on
Chemotaxonomy and Essential Oil Chemotypes. Int J Pharmacognosy 2016; 3(5): 201-11. doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.3(5).201-11.

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