Gynae Past Paper Scenarios
Gynae Past Paper Scenarios
Gynae Past Paper Scenarios
1a) 8 Causes of vaginal discharge
-Vulvovaginal candidiasis
-Bacterial vaginosis
-Genitourinary chlamydia
1b) The picture shows clue cells which is suggestive the pt has Bacterial Vaginosis.
1d). You tell her that BV is not sexually transmitted. She did not get it from her husband, rather
it is due to marked decrease in lactobacilli (normal vaginal flora)/vaginal douching.
1e). Possible causes at this time are: -Vulvovaginal candidiasis & Trichomoniasis
1f) Other investigations to Order: FBC/DC, HIV Test and Pelvic Ultrasound
1g) Description of picture: The picture shows Candida albicans branching pseudo hyphae and
budding yeast cells on a wet mount Potassium Hydroxide (KOH).
1h) Treatment: Clotrimazole cream or vaginal pessary 100mg nocte for 6 days or Fluconazole
150mg PO stat.
2a) Causes of AUB in this girl: Coagulopathy, Ovulatory Dysfunction & Iatrogenic
-Clotting time
-Clotting factors
2e). Three haemostatic mechanisms:
1.Vasoconstriction via PGF2 alpha, Endothelin-1, PAF( all this is due to Progesterone
2. The cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 enzyme and chemokines are involved in prostaglandin synthesis
that inhibit platelets
1. Drug targeting hormone: Medroxyprogesterone acetate 5 -10mg on day 16-28 of the cycle.
2. Drug targeting Prostaglandin Synthesis: -Mefenamic Acid 500mg TDS PO 5/7.
3. Anti-Fibrinolytic: -Tranexamic Acid 500mg to 1000mg TDS on day 3 to day 5 of the period.
-Uterine Tamponade: Insert a Foley Catheter in the uterus and inflate the balloon with 10-20 mls of
NS. If that fails, perform emergency MVA or D &C (send tissue for histopathology). Last resort is
3 E). Clomiphene Citrate MOA: acts as an anti-oestrogen at the oestrogen receptors of the
hypothalamus & pituitary.
3F). Microgynon
3G). Gestational age =12mm+28/7 = 5 wks 5 days
-2. Medical Management: - GA<14 Weeks; Misoprostol 800mcg PO/PV or 600 mcg SL; repeat after
3 hours
-3Surgical Management: Evacuation: - MVA if GA < 14 weeks. Give Misoprostol 400mcg 3 hours
before MVA. Cervical Block and Analgesia
4B). Complications of condition in (a): Infertility, Contact Bleeding, Preterm Labour, Stress
incontinence, Genital Ulcers & Tumours/swellings
2.Histological Type