Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy: Letter To Editor
Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy: Letter To Editor
Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy: Letter To Editor
Letter to Editor
Acute Fatty Liver of hours and oozing was still present. Repacking was done.
Liver enzymes kept on increasing (maximum serum
Pregnancy bilirubin 15.5 mg%, SGOT 3450 IU/L, SGPT 2600 IU/L
on postpartum day 3) and clinically she was in grade 1
to grade 2 encephalopathy. Viral markers for hepatitis
A, B, C and E were negative. Following hemodialysis for
Dear Editor, the fourth continuous day, her vitals were found to be
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) is a rare, stabilized. Vaginal pack was removed after 48 hours of
potentially life‑threatening, pregnancy‑related disease repacking and she was extubated on fourth postpartum
that affects 1 in 7000 to 16,000 pregnancies. [1]. The day. LFT though decreasing continued to be deranged.
condition occurs more commonly in primigravidas, Urine output was 450 ‑ 500ml/24 h. Hemodialysis was
multiple pregnancy, and pregnancies carrying a male done every alternate day till 16th postpartum day. During
fetus.[2] At presentation, one should keep in mind other this period she developed ascites and bilateral pleural
pregnancy‑related liver disease that mimic AFLP such effusion owing to hypoproteinemia for which she was
as HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, treated with albumin. Alternate day USG carried out and
and low platelet count). Bleeding and disseminated showed improvement in fatty changes, disappearance of
intravascular coagulation (DIC) are one of most common ascites and pleural effusion. Liver enzymes normalized
complications. on 19th postpartum day. Urine output started increasing
and 25th postpartum day she was discharged.
We report that a 21‑year‑old primigravida
( B M I – 2 0 . 4 k g / m 2 ) w i t h t w i n p r e g n a n c y Acute fatty liver almost always manifests late in pregnancy
(diamniotic‑dichorionic), admitted with labor pains at with a mean gestational age of 37.5 weeks;[3] some do not
35 weeks and 3 days period of gestation with blood become clinically evident until delivery.[4] Persistent
pressure of 150/96 mm Hg and urine albumin of 1+. nausea and vomiting are major symptoms with half of
Her biochemical and hematological parameters were affected women might have hypertension, proteinuria
within normal limits. She delivered 2 live female babies and edema, alone or in combination. According to
by vaginal delivery with episiotomy weighing 2.25 kg the Swansea criteria,[5] six or more of the following
and 1.9 kg at 20:25 hrs and 20:28 hrs, respectively. features are used to diagnose AFLP in the absence
Post‑delivery at 02:00 hrs, vulval hematoma was drained of other explanations: vomiting; abdominal pain;
in OT. Postoperatively, she was found to have pallor polydipsia/polyuria; encephalopathy; elevated bilirubin
and minimal vaginal oozing. She was given 2 PRBC >14 μmol/L (0.8 mg%); hypoglycemia <4 mmol/L
and 10 mg vitamin K. Four hours later, blood clots were (72 mg%); elevated urate >340 μmol/L (5.7 mg%);
found in vagina (approx 800 ml). Exploration under GA leukocytosis >11 × 10 9 /L; ascites or bright liver
was done. Tear was excluded. There was active bleeding on ultrasound; elevated transaminases; elevated
from the uterus, oozing from the episiotomy site. Vaginal ammonia >47 μmol/L (27.5 mg%); renal impairment
packing, inj. PGF2 alpha 02 doses at 20 min apart, 4 creatinine >150 μmol/L (1.7mg%); coagulopathy
units of PRBC and 8 FFP were given in the OT, and she (PT >14 sec or APTT >34 sec), or microvesicular steatosis
was shifted to ICU. Hematological investigations were on liver biopsy. Using these criteria, we anticipated
suggestive of consumptive coagulopathy with deranged the diagnosis of AFLP. The patient had elevated
liver enzymes and coagulation parameters [SGOT: 756 bilirubin, elevated transaminases, elevated creatinine,
IU/L, SGPT: 356 IU/L, LDH: 2754 IU/L, INR: 3.19, encephalopathy, leukocytosis, fatty liver grade 2‑3 and
platelets 130,000/mm3, PT: 32 sec (13), PTTK: 39 sec (27), coagulopathy. A patient with severe preeclampsia/
TLC 19,000/mm3]. She was given injectable antibiotics, HELLP will usually present with proteinuria.
FFP 2 units 6 hourly and cryoprecipitates 8 units. She was
put on ventilator at 15:00 hrs in P‑SIMV mode, PEEP 5, Systemic complications of AFLP are due to fulminant
and respiratory rate 15/min. Investigations 6 hours later hepatic failure and include encephalopathy, acute renal
showed increasing liver enzymes, INR 2.94, platelets failure, infection, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage,
48,000/mm3, Hb 6.5 gm% with low urine output. In coagulopathy, and at least mild hypoglycemia. Symptoms
view of ARF and risk of fluid overload, dialysis was may rapidly progress from restlessness, confusion,
started along with frusemide infusion. She continued on and disorientation to asterixis, seizures, psychosis,
blood products. USG abdomen revealed hepatomegaly and ultimately coma.[6] Other systemic effects include
with fatty changes grade 2‑3, medical renal disease, respiratory failure, sometimes requiring assisted
and minimal ascites. Vaginal packing removed after 24 ventilation, ascites,[4] and gastrointestinal bleeding
North American Journal of Medical Sciences | November 2012 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | 611
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Letter to Editor
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