(c) Draw the cam profile for roller follower of 30 mm diameter having lift of 07
follower ( ascend) 50 mm during 90° of cam rotation with SHM, follower
having 30° of dwell period, the follower with decent to its original
position during 90° of cam rotation with uniform acceleration and
deacceleration it remains rest for rest of the cam operation. Least radius
of cam 50 mm, if it rotates 300 rpm find maximum velocity and
acceleration during ascent and decent.
Q.4 (a) Write a short note on internal expanding shoe brake. 03
(b) State the type of motion for follower. Explain any one type of motion 04
with neat sketch.
(c) A conical pivot supports a load of 25 KN. The intensity of pressure is 0.5 07
MN/mm2. Find the diameter of bearing surface and its cone angle if the
face width is 0.75 times its diameter. If friction coefficient is 0.06 and
shaft runs at 120 rpm find the power lost in friction.